HETP Evaluation of Structured Packing Distillation

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HETP evaluation of structured packing distillation column

Article  in  Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering · July 2009

DOI: 10.1590/S0104-66322009000300017

13 3,299

4 authors, including:

Lilian-Carmen Medina Marisa Mendes

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro


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Brazilian Journal
of Chemical ISSN 0104-6632
Printed in Brazil
Engineering www.abeq.org.br/bjche

Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009


A. E. Orlando Jr.1, L. C. Medina2, M. F. Mendes3* and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky4
PETROBRAS TRANSPORTE S.A., Gerência de Estudos e Acompanhamentos de Gás Natural,
Phone: + (55) (22) 2761-1971, Av. Presidente Vargas 328, 6º andar, CEP 20091-060, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected],
CENPES/PETROBRAS, Laboratório de Avaliação de Petróleos, Cidade Universitária, Ilha do Fundão,
Phone: + (55) (21) 3865-6913, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Instituto de Tecnologia, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro,
Phone: + (55) (21) 3787-3742, Br 465, km 7, CEP 23890-000, Seropédica - RJ, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]
Departamento de Engenharia Química, Escola de Química, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Centro de Tecnologia, Bloco E, Sala 211, Phone: + (55) (21) 2562-7634, Cidade Universitária,
Ilha do Fundão, CEP 23890-000, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, Brasil.
E-mail: [email protected]

(Submitted: July 29, 2008 ; Revised: December 8, 2008 ; Accepted: January 5, 2009)

Abstract - Several tests with a hydrocarbon mixture of known composition (C8-C14), obtained from DETEN
Chemistry S.A., have been performed in a laboratory distillation column, having 40mm of nominal diameter and 2.2m
high, with internals of Sulzer DX gauze stainless steel structured packing. The main purpose of this work was to
evaluate HETP of a structured packing laboratory scale distillation column, operating continuously. Six HETP
correlations available in the literature were compared in order to find out which is the most appropriate for structured
packing columns working with medium distillates. Prior to the experimental tests, simulation studies using commercial
software PRO/II® were performed in order to establish the optimum operational conditions for the distillation,
especially concerning operating pressure, top and bottom temperatures, feed location and reflux ratio. The results of
PRO/II® were very similar to the analysis of the products obtained during continuous operation, therefore permitting
the use of the properties calculated by that software on the theoretical models investigated. The theoretical models
chosen for HETP evaluation were: Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985); Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993, 1996); Brunazzi and
Pagliant (1997); Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006); Olujić et al., (2004). Modifications concerning calculation of
specific areas were performed on the correlations in order to fit them for gauze packing HETP evaluation. As the
laboratory distillation column was operated continuously, different HETP values were found by the models
investigated for each section of the column. The low liquid flow rates in the top section of the column are a source of
error for HETP evaluation by the models; therefore, more reliable HETP values were found in the bottom section, in
which liquid flow rates were much greater. Among the theoretical models, Olujić et al. (2004) has shown good results
relative to the experimental tests. In addition, the former model by Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) underestimates HETP
values; however, with the modifications proposed in this work, it has achieved more realistic performance prediction,
remaining a good choice for gauze packing HETP evaluation. Having the advantage of avoiding the calculation of
effective area and mass transfer coefficients, an empirical model proposed by Carrillo and coworkers (2000) was also
investigated, showing low deviations compared to the theoretical models tested.
Keywords: Structured packing; Distillation; HEPT.

INTRODUCTION mass transfer efficiency at relatively low pressure

drop, which makes it particularly amenable to
Great advances have been made during the last vacuum fractionation applications.
two decades in distillation technology, especially The most commonly used structured packings are
attained by the introduction of high efficiency those formed by sheets of crimped or corrugated
corrugated sheet structured packing (CSSP). Thanks sheet metal, joined together to form triangular-
to its extremely large void fraction and low liquid shaped flow channels. One of the advantages of
holdup, CSSP has the potential for achieving high CSSP geometry is that the flow paths can be

*To whom correspondence should be addressed

620 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

described precisely, turning it more suitable for Theoretical Plate). According to the double Film
mechanistic modeling. However, the greater Theory, HETP can be calculated by the following
efficiency of CSSP is due not only to its expression [Wang et al. (2005)]
macrostructure, that is, its corrugation geometry, and
how it enables a better contact between liquid and ln λ ⎛ u Gs u ⎞
vapor phases, but also to its microstructure, related to HETP = ⎜ + λ Ls ⎟ (1)
the way the packing surface is treated, which will λ − 1⎝ k G a e kL ae ⎠
greatly help producing liquid film stability.
The extensive use of CSSP packing calls for Therefore, the precision of HETP evaluation by
reliable and accurate models for the prediction of the equation (1) depends on the accuracy of correlations
hydrodynamic and mass-transfer behavior of packed used to predict the effective interfacial area and the
columns for both design and analysis purposes. A vapor and liquid mass transfer coefficients. All the
number of mass-transfer models, empirical or semi- theoretical models chosen in this work, to evaluate
theoretical for packed columns, have been published HETP, [Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1985); Bravo, Rocha
in the literature [Bolles and Fair (1982), Billet and and Fair (1993, 1996); Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997);
Mackowiak (1988), Billet and Schultes (1993), Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006); Olujić et al.
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985)]. (2004)] have proposed correlations to calculate those
Several mechanistically-based models have also parameters.
been developed to help the design and optimization Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) first developed a
of CSSP distillation columns [Linek et al. (1984); mass transfer efficiency model for gauze structured
Bravo et al. (1992); Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993, packings in distillation conditions. They suggested that
1996); Brunazzi et al. (1995); Olujić (1997); the packing surface was totally wetted so the superficial
Nicolaiewsky et al. (1999); Olujić, Seibert and Fair effective area should be considered equal to the
(2000)], not only in terms of HETP evaluation, but nominal packing area. The pressure effect was not
also on the development of effective interfacial area included in that model, due to the vacuum conditions
correlations. on the tests, involving low liquid flow rates and films
More recent studies have dealt with aspects of with lower resistance to mass transfer.
corrugation geometry on the performance of Later on, Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993, 1996)
structured packing, as the article published in 2000 developed a mechanistic model aimed design or
by Olujić, Seibert and Fair. That work intended to optimization of CSSP distillation columns of the
reveal effects of packing geometry and corrugation metallic corrugated type, also applied to separations
angle of B1 and BSH Montz packing on mass processes, like absorption and stripping. Liquid
transfer and hydraulic performance. The tests were holdup prediction was the key to the development of
performed in a pilot scale distillation column (0.43m correlations to measure pressure drop, capacity and
ID), operating at total reflux, available at SRP mass transfer efficiency in the packing. In their
(Separations Research Program) of the University of model, Rocha and coworkers used Shi and
Texas at Austin. The effective interfacial areas of the Mersmann´s (1985) correlation in order to evaluate
packing elements tested varied from 244 to the interfacial area available for mass transfer and
394m2/m3 and the corrugation angles investigated the liquid holdup present in the packing. Those
were 45 and 60o. One of the results has shown that correlations involved parameters related to surface
mass transfer performance of a low specific surface treatment, as contact angle on the packing surface, as
packing deteriorates with increasing F-factors until well as packing geometry, liquid and vapor flow
the loading point is reached and that behavior is rates and physical properties of the system.
more pronounced with the 45o corrugation angle than In their work, aiming to estimate the liquid side
with the 60o. mass transfer coefficient in absorption packed
Nowadays, large facilities are being installed, like columns, Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997) suggested the
the largest methanol unit in Iran (Mega Methanol use of a correlation previously developed by
Unit). Moreover, revamping of existing plants is Brunazzi and coworkers (1995) for the evaluation of
widespread, aiming for lower production cost, often effective areas in absorption columns containing
involving distillation equipment. In many cases, Mellapak 250Y and Sulzer BX.
removing the existing internals and replacing them Later, Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006) used the
with modern high efficiency packings can achieve absorption column studies developed by Brunazzi and
improved performance of such equipment. Pagliant (1997), and made some modifications on the
liquid side mass transfer coefficient, to adapt those
correlations for HETP evaluation of distillation
Olujić’s model (1997) was developed to predict
The performance of packed columns, for hydraulic and separation performance of corrugated
distillation or absorption services, is frequently sheet structured packing in distillation systems.
expressed in terms of HETP (Height Equivalent to a Since 1997 until its last version [Olujić et al. (2004)],

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HETP Evaluation of Structured Packing Distillation Column 621

the model, named the Delft model, has been performance evaluation of CSSP columns. Prior to
enhanced through tests using Montz B1 and BSH the experimental tests, simulation studies using the
packings. A complete evaluation of Delft’s model commercial software PRO/II® were performed in
has been accomplished by Fair and coworkers order to establish the optimum operational conditions
(2000), showing that it overestimates the effective for the distillation, especially concerning operating
superficial area for structured packing column pressure, top and bottom temperatures, feed location
design. In order to compensate for that deviation, and reflux ratio.
Olujić et al. (2004) have adapted Onda’s correlation
(1968) [apud Olujić et al. (2004)] to be used with
structured packing columns. MATERIALS AND METHODS
Among the short-cut methods for the estimation
of column efficiency, Carrillo and coworkers (2000) The experimental tests have been performed in a
have proposed a modification of the Lockett laboratory distillation column, with a 40mm nominal
equation (1998) to be used for HETP estimation of diameter, having 4 sections of 550mm each,
Sulzer BX packing. The correlation was proposed to containing Sulzer DX (gauze) structured packings, as
be a function of the gas flow factor, densities of the the contacting device. Figure 1 shows Sulzer DX
liquid and vapor phases and the system pressure. The
packing and its geometric characteristics are
HETP values calculated by the modified equation
have shown a good fit, compared to the published presented in Table 1.
experimental data available. The distillation unit has been designed and
The aim of the present article is to evaluate HETP constructed by QVF, a German company, subsidiary
of a laboratory scale distillation column (40mm ID), of De Dietrich. The design and optimization of the
operating continuously and containing a gauze distillation unit were part of a large project with
stainless steel structured packing (Sulzer DX), with PETROBRAS (Petróleo Brasileiro S. A.),
60o corrugation angle and a specific surface area of concerning high quality lube oil production (Project
900m2/m3, claimed by the vendor, when separating LUBDEST CT-PETRO/FINEP 10209-1). The
C8-C10 from a hydrocarbon mixture containing C8- column and the reboiler were built in stainless steel,
C14. It is our purpose in this work to make a but the containers for feed and products and the
comparison between the SRP model [Bravo, Rocha condenser were made of borosilicate glass. The
and Fair (1985) and Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993,
1996)], the Delft model [Olujić et al. (2004)], technical specifications of the distillation column are
Brunazzi’s [Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997)], Carlo’s described in Table 2 and the unit flowsheet is shown
[Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006)] and Carrillo´s in Figure 2. Figure 3 shows a picture of the QVF
models [Carrillo et al. (2000)] in terms of Distillation Unit.

Figure 1: Sulzer DX gauze structured packing

Table 1: Geometric characteristics of Sulzer DX structured packing

Corrugation height (h) 2.9mm

Corrugation base (B) 6.4mm
Corrugation angle 60º
Specific surface area (ap) 900m2/m3
Porosity 93.7%
Height of packing element 0.055m
Recommended diameter range 30-125mm

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622 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

Table 2: Technical Specifications of QVF Distillation Unit

Device/Function Description TAG Specifications

V1, V3, V4, V5 6 liters
Capacity Containers
V2 0.25 liter
Feed pre-heater H1 500W
Heating Power Reboiler H2 2400W
Column heating jackets H7 – H16 2260W
Condenser H3 0.3m2
Heat Exchangers Top product’s cooler H4 0.3m2
Bottom product’s cooler H5 0.2m2
Nominal Diameter Column C1, C2 40mm, 50mm
Feed (Gear) P1 1-82ml/min
Vacuum (Diaphragm) P2 2.5m3/h

Figure 2: Flowsheet of the QVF Distillation Unit

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Figure 3: Picture of the QVF Distillation Unit

The feed is introduced into the column by a gear feed mixture was completed with density, viscosity
pump and the feed flowrate is set up through WinErs measurements and ASTM D-86 curve (Table 3).
software. Before entering the column at the chosen In the first set of experiments, the aim was to
section, the feed can be preheated up to 300oC, produce a top product mixture containing C8-C11
although the mixture tested entered the column at with 98% weight. Unfortunately, due to the high
ambient temperature (around 25oC). liquid and vapor flow rates required for that
The kettle reboiler can work either by setting the experiment, at total reflux conditions, the column
percentage of the heating power (maximum of showed flooding and could not operate satisfactorily.
2.4kW) added to the column or by setting the Therefore, another set of experiments was
pressure difference along the column, which is set up established with the objective of producing a top
by two digital pressure sensors: one at the column product consisting mainly of C8-C10 (C10-), with 98 %
top and another at the reboiler. Besides the partial weight in the distillate.
reboiler, the unit was equipped with heating jackets
along the distillation column, in order to avoid heat
losses to the environment. There are thermocouples SIMULATION RESULTS
in each section of the column, as well as in the top
and in the reboiler. The condenser is made of In the simulation studies with PRO/II® software,
borosilicate glass and works with thermal oil, cooled the rigorous distillation column module was used, in
by tap water, which is recycled to be used again. which distillate quality and purity can be evaluated.
Before starting the experimental tests, gas When simulating the feedstock C8-C14, the distillate
chromatographic analyses of the C8-C14 mixture purity was specified and our intention was to
were obtained from the Petroleum Evaluation determine the operational conditions to achieve such
Laboratory, at CENPES (PETROBRAS Research purity.
Center). With those results, simulation has been For the calculations using PRO/II® software, the
performed using the software PRO/II®. The mixture composition of the mixture C8-C14 was used as
chosen was kindly sent to our laboratory by DETEN described in Table 3. The calculated number for the
Chemistry S. A. (Bahia, Brazil). The C8-C14 mixture, theoretical stages was twenty from simulations.
which is a blend of linear paraffin from kerosene cut,
is an important raw material for biodegradable The distillation column simulated had the
detergent production. The characterization of the following input variables:

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009
624 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

a. Feedstock composition (C8-C14) as in Table 3; of a top product containing 98% weight of C10-.
b. SRK equation of state, which predicts well the According to the results shown in Table 4, only at
physical properties and the thermodynamic 800mbar of operating pressure and a feed entering
parameters, as well as the liquid and vapor the column at 25oC was it possible to condense
equilibrium for hydrocarbons; totally the vapor arising in the enriching section.
c. Number of theoretical stages (20), a partial kettle The simulations were performed varying the feed
reboiler and a total condenser; temperature (25oC, 100oC and 200oC), the operating
d. Feed flow rate of 3kg/h; pressure (800 and 1000 mbar) and the feed location
e. Top column pressure ranging from 350mbar to (top, middle and bottom sections), in order to find
1bar; the smallest reflux ratio that could satisfy the
f. Product specifications: weight fraction of 0.02 for composition requirements for the top and bottom
C11+ in the distillate and weight fraction of 0.02 products.
for C10- in the bottom product; It is shown in Table 5 that an overcooled feed
g. Variables: reboiler and condenser duties; (25oC), entering in the middle position in the
h. Feed location: top, middle and bottom. column, requires a smaller reflux ratio for the given
The operating pressure was chosen in accordance separation, independently of the two operating
with the top product’s dew temperature. From the pressures investigated.
experiments performed previously, the entire vapor The choice on the feed location fell on the middle
arising to the column top could condense when the position, which also demanded a smaller reflux ratio
temperature difference between the thermal oil in the (5.0), while the feed entering the top and bottom
condenser and the top column vapor was 140oC. Table sections would need reflux ratios of 23.6 and 7.2,
4 shows the simulation results for the dew temperature respectively.

Table 3: Composition of the mixture C8-C14

Gas chromatography ASTM D-86

Components % Weight % volume (ºC)
n-C8 0.01 IBP 191.0
n-C9 0.36 10 196.4
n-C10 (LK) 15.33 20 198.3
n-C11 (HK) 29.17 30 200.3
n-C12 28.87 40 202.5
n-C13 25.88 50 204.7
n-C14 0.38 60 207.9
Specific gravity 0.7471 70 211.3
ºAPI 56.8 80 215.4
2 1.2830 (40ºC) 90 221.1
Kinematic Viscosity (mm /s)
0.6883 (100ºC) 100 238.5

Table 4: Operating pressure versus dew temperature of top product

Pressure (mbar) Dew Temperature (ºC)

350 135.9
500 147.7
800 164.9
1000 173.1

Table 5: Influence of operating pressure on reflux ratio

Pressure (mbar) Feed temperature (ºC) Reflux ratio

25 5.0
100 6.4
200 13.8
25 5.5
100 7.2
200 14.8

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HETP Evaluation of Structured Packing Distillation Column 625

Thus, the experimental conditions, obtained from Table 6: Total Mass Balance
the simulation studies using the software PRO/II®, to
Mass flow rate (kg/h) Simulation Experimental
separate C10- with a purity of 98% weight in the
Feed 3.0 3.0
distillate, were as follows: Top product 0.3 0.4
Bottom product 2.7 2.6
a. 20 theoretical stages, 10 in the enriching section
and 10 in the stripping section; As mentioned before, the column contains two
b. Feed location – middle entrance; digital pressure sensors: the top one, which controls
c. Pressure – 800mbar; the column operating pressure and a bottom one,
which helps control the pressure difference
d. Reboiler temperature – 202oC; throughout the column, with the reboiler duty as the
e. Top product temperature – 165oC; manipulated parameter. The operating pressure
f. Reflux ratio – 5; conditions are presented on Table 7.
g. Feed temperature – 25oC;
h. Feed mass flow rate – 3kg/h. Table 7: Operating pressure conditions
Top operating pressure 800 mbar
Pressure difference in
flooding conditions
Column pressure difference 5 mbar
For start-up conditions, approximately 12 liters of
the mixture are rapidly introduced into the reboiler, by Several tests have been performed at different
conditions. Some of the tests have been repeated, to
turning on the vacuum pump and setting the inner ascertain the reproducibility of the results. Most of
pressure to 400mbar. After that, the pressure was set to them have shown good agreement between simulation
800mbar and the column was adjusted for total reflux and experimental results. However, in order to evaluate
conditions, using WinErs software. The reboiler was and compare HETP values from the different models, it
initially set for a heating power of 40% of the was chosen the test with the smallest deviation (only
maximum (2.4kW), so that flooding would not occur. 3.2% maximum deviation in the temperature profile)
Normally, for the mixture C8-C14, a total reflux time of between the PRO/II® simulation and the experimental
30 minutes was enough to establish the temperature results, shown in Tables 8 and 9. Since both profiles
profile throughout the column. Another 30 minutes of matched, the theoretical stages chosen for each section
total reflux is used to ascertain the best operating have been corroborated.
conditions, in terms of top product’s temperature Table 9 presents the gas chromatographic analysis
of the top and bottom products from the column, as
control. Before starting continuous operation, the
well as the simulation results of the products using
parameters obtained from the simulation studies were PRO/II® software. The top product contains 97.14%
set up on WinErs software. weight of C10- (if added n-C8, n-C9 and n-C10 amounts),
Sampling was performed with the products (top while the bottom product reached 2.42% weight of C10-,
and bottom) after continuous operation. The samples, demonstrating that the column could successfully
usually 1 liter each, were sent to CENPES for perform the required separation.
analysis (ASTM D-86 curves, density, viscosity and Since an excellent agreement between the
gas chromatography). The feed flow was measured simulation results and the experimental data has been
using a flowmeter and it was set at 3kg/h. The top achieved, in terms of product composition, certain
product rate was measured using a stopwatch and the physical properties calculated by the software
bottom product rate was evaluated by mass balance, PRO/II® were used in the theoretical models for
as shown in Table 6. HETP evaluation.

Table 8: Temperature profile throughout the column

Continuous operation Simulation
(ºC) (ºC)
Top ascending vapor 164.8 164.8
Liquid leaving section 1*1 169.1 167.5
Liquid leaving section 2*1 179.6 180.5
Liquid leaving section 3*2 192.1 186.0
Liquid leaving section 4*2 198.8 196.8
Reboiler 202.4 201.3
enriching section (above feed location)
stripping section (below feed location)

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009
626 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

Table 9: Top and bottom products composition

Experimental Simulation
N-paraffin (%weight)
Top Bottom Top Bottom
n-C8 0.26 0.00 0.02 6.40e-09
n-C9 3.29 0.01 3.54 1.11e-04
n-C10 93.59 2.41 94.25 2.00
n-C11 2.83 25.19 2.20 32.86
n-C12 0.03 35.56 5.24e-3 34.26
n-C13 0.00 36.30 1.65e-5 30.54
n-C14 0.00 0.53 7.01e-10 0.34

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Using the data presented in Tables 10 and 11, the
gas and liquid mass transfer coefficients (kg and kl)
With the objective of separating the mixture C8- and the effective surface mass transfer areas (ae)
C14, with 98%weight C10-, as the top product of the were calculated using the different models described
column, packing performance was evaluated by above. The results can be seen in Tables 12, 13 and
comparing the experimental results with the 14.
calculated ones, by using PRO/II® software Table 14 shows the results of HETP calculations,
simulator. in which the experimental HETP value (0.11m for
In the simulation studies, a distillation column each section) was compared to the values obtained
with 20 stages was used. As the column height is from the models tested in each section of the column.
2.2m, the experimental HETP is 0.11m for each The great difference between the HETP values
section, with the feed being introduced in the middle calculated at the top and bottom sections may be due
of the column. Thus, the physical properties of the to the fact that the experimental tests were performed
liquid and vapor phases, to be used in the theoretical in a distillation column operating continuously, in
models for HETP evaluation, were calculated using which the vapor and liquid flow rates are totally
results obtained from PRO/II® simulations. different from total reflux conditions.
Experimental HETP using Sulzer DX packing was The HETP at the bottom section of the column is
evaluated and compared to the values obtained using practically twice the value of the HETP evaluated in
the models described above. the top section. This could be explained by the great
The experimental conditions, compositions and differences between the flow rates inside the column:
flow rates in the top and bottom sections of the the liquid flow rate in the bottom section is six times
packed column, calculated using PRO/II®, are shown higher than in the top section (overcooled feed) and
in Table 10. the vapor flow rate is four times higher in the bottom
Table 11 shows the physical properties of the than in the top section of the column. This is because
liquid and vapor phases in the packing sections the vapor flow rate in the top section is rich in the
calculated by PRO/II® software and used in the C10- fraction, having a low concentration in the feed
theoretical models investigated. mixture.

Table 10: Operational conditions on the distillation column, calculated using PRO/II®

Operational conditions Top section Bottom section

Vapor flow rate (kmol/s)* 3.25e-6 1.06e-5
Liquid flow rate (kmol/s)* 2.69e-6 1.50e-5
Vapor flow rate (kg/s)* 4.61e-4 1.67e-3
Liquid flow rate (kg/s)* 3.83e-4 2.44e-3
Relative volatility (α)* 1.48 1.78
Slope of Equilibrium Curve (m)* 0.70 1.68
Molar fraction of C10 in the vapor** 0.94 0.09
Molar fraction of C11 in the vapor** 0.02 0.58
Molar fraction of C10 in the liquid** 0.95 0.04
Molar fraction of C11 in the liquid** 0.03 0.46
*Average value in the section
**Column first stage (N=1) for top section or column last stage (N=20) for bottom section

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Table 11: Physical properties of the liquid and vapor phases in the packing sections

Physical properties Top section Bottom section

Vapor density (kg/m3) 3.27 3.35
Liquid density (kg/m3) 619 620
Vapor viscosity (kg/m.s) 7.6e-6 7.7e-6
Liquid viscosity (kg/m.s) 2.24e-4 2.29e-4
Surface tension (N/m) 1.15e-2 1.12e-2

Table 12: Superficial velocities, stripping and gas flow factors used in the models

FV uGs uLs x 104

Models (Pa0,5) (m/s) (m/s)
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
Olujić et al.(2004)
Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997)
Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006)
0.84 1.19 0.20 0.73 0.11 0.4 4.92 31.0
Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1996)
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985)
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985)*
Carrillo et al. (2000) - - - - - -
* New approach proposed in this work.

Table 13: Results for the mass transfer models and effective areas for the top and bottom sections
kL x 104 kG x 103 ae
Models (m/s) (m/s) (m2/m3)
Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom
Olujić et al. (2004) 2.40 4.67 3.51 7.92 598 443
Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997) 0.14 0.38 4.06 11.7 615 471
Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006) 1.09 2.84 4.09 12.0 615 471
Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1996) 1.44 2.19 4.08 11.2 616 472
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) 1.97 3.85 2.61 7.54 900 900
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985)* 1.65 3.22 2.61 7.54 609 462
Carrillo et al. (2000) - - - - - -
* New approach proposed in this work.

Table 14: HETP results for the top and bottom sections and the deviation compared to the experimental
result (0.11m for each section)
Top Bottom Average
Models Deviation Deviation Deviation
(m) (m)
(%) (%) (%)
Olujić et al. (2004) 0.06 0.12 -45 10 -22
Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997) 0.10 0.25 -9 130 45
Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006) 0.05 0.09 -51 -18 -36
Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993, 1996) 0.05 0.10 -52 -7 -33
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) 0.05 0.06 -51 -42 -47
Bravo, Rocha and Fair* (1985) 0.08 0.13 -27 16 -8
Carrillo et al. (2000) 0.07 0.13 -33 16 -12
* New approach proposed in this work.

Although variations in the physical properties of bottom sections could only be due to the difference
the contacting phases can have a strong effect on the in the liquid and vapor flow rates.
liquid and gas mass transfer coefficients, this was not Now, regarding the difference in HETP values
the case here. In fact, the temperature difference obtained from the different models, one may
throughout the column (30ºC) is not sufficient to conclude that those values are highly influenced by
produce great changes in the physical properties of the way the effective surface area and the mass
the liquid and vapor phases. Therefore, the transfer coefficients had been calculated.
discrepancy between HETP values from the top and Using the equations for effective area evaluation

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009
628 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

proposed originally by Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997), hydrodynamic modeling inside the packing, which is
Carlo et al. (2006) and Olujić et al. (2004), the represented, respectively, by Sherwood and
results turned out to be very conservative (high Reynolds numbers. As explained in Appendix A, the
HETP values). This may be due to the low flow rate characteristic length of the packing used was that
values used in this work, compared to the columns in originally proposed in each model, as shown in
which those models had been developed Table 15.
(SRP/University of Texas, for example). The other In the evaluation of mass transfer coefficients, some
aggravating factor is that those models were factors such as gas and liquid effective velocities and
proposed for metallic corrugated structured packing liquid holdup must be inferred. For liquid holdup
(B1 and BSH from Montz and Mellapak from calculations using Rocha, Bravo and Fair’s model
Sulzer), which present different behavior from gauze (1993), packing pressure drop must be estimated, both
packing. The latter works well even at low flow rates for operating and for flooding conditions.
due to capillarity effects, while the corrugated According to Kister (1992), pressure drop varies
packing shows worse wettability and higher HETPs inversely with column diameter, for packed columns
in those conditions. smaller than 1m. In our case, using the correlations
When conceiving their model, Bravo, Rocha and to estimate pressure drop in QVF column, the result
Fair (1985) assumed that the effective superficial is underestimated, which can be a source of error in
area was the same as the nominal area, that is, the the liquid holdup evaluation of Rocha, Bravo and
liquid totally wets the packing surface. Thus, for Fair’s model (1993). Also, Fair et al. (2000) suggest
gauze packing with high surface areas, like Sulzer a pressure drop of 10.25mbar/m of packing, in
DX (900 m2/m3), HETP was underestimated, flooding conditions, but QVF column is already
resulting in unrealistic column efficiencies. flooding at 6mbar/m of pressure. Therefore, instead
Therefore, in order to mitigate those effects in the of using the values obtained from the models, the
models of Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997), Carlo et al. experimental conditions shown in Table 7 were used
(2006), Olujić et al. (2004) and Bravo, Rocha and in Rocha, Bravo and Fair’s model (1993) for liquid
Fair (1985), the effective areas have been calculated holdup calculation.
using a correlation for gauze structured packing Tables 16 and 17 present the effective velocities
proposed by Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1996), as shown for the liquid (uLe) and vapor (uGe) phases in both
in Appendix A (equation A8). The only factor that sections, calculated by each model. They also show
changes, according to the model, in the effective area other relevant parameters for the determination of kL
calculation, is the characteristic length of the packing and kG, which are liquid holdup, gas (DG) and liquid
– parameter used for mass transfer and (DL) diffusivities.

Table 15: Characteristic length

Characteristic length
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) – deq 3.39e-3
Bravo, Rocha and Fair (1985) – deq* 3.39e-3
Rocha, Bravo and Fair (1993, 1996) – S 4.31e-3
Brunazzi and Pagliant – de 4.16e-3
Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant (2006) – de 4.16e-3
Olujić et al. (2004) – dhg 2.42e-3
* New approach proposed in this work.

Table 16: Parameters for mass transfer coefficient evaluation for top section

Bravo, Rocha and Rocha, Bravo and Brunazzi and Carlo, Olujić and
Top Section Olujić et al. (2004)
Fair (1985) Fair (1993, 1996) Pagliant (1997) Pagliant (2006)
uLe (m/s) 1.64e-02 1.60e-02 1.30e-02 1.48e-02 1.56e-02
uGe (m/s) 0.13 0.14
DL (m2/s) 6.30E-09
DG (m2/s) 4.20E-06
hL - 0.04

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

HETP Evaluation of Structured Packing Distillation Column 629

Table 17: Parameters for mass transfer coefficient evaluation for bottom section

Bravo, Rocha and Rocha, Bravo and Brunazzi and Carlo, Olujić and
Bottom Section Olujić et al. (2004)
Fair (1985) Fair (1993, 1996) Pagliant (1997) Pagliant (2006)
uLe (m/s) 5.59e-02 3.30e-02 4.00e-02 4.73e-02 5.30e-02
uGe (m/s) 0.49 0.55 0.53 0.53 0.52
DL (m2/s) 7.04e-09
DG (m2/s) 4.28e-06
hL - 0.11 0.08 0.08 0.07

It is important to point out that the effective CONCLUSIONS

velocities show the same magnitude despite the
model by which they were calculated, although in The performance of a laboratory scale packing
the bottom section they were greater than in the distillation column was evaluated using a
top section, for the reasons explained earlier. hydrocarbon mixture of known composition (C8-
Holdup is quite different though, having C14), which is a blend of linear paraffin from
converged to a unique low value in the top section kerosene cut, with the objective of separating 98%
(very low liquid flow rates) and showing different weight C10- as top product of the column. The
values for each model tested and greater PRO/II® software simulator was used to compare the
magnitude (higher liquid flow rates) for the experimental results with the calculated ones.
bottom section. Results from the simulation studies fit very well to
As mentioned before, in this work the tests were ASTM D-86 curves of the products obtained from
performed in continuous operation instead of total the experimental tests, with a 3.2% maximum
reflux conditions; therefore, the difference in the deviation in the temperature profile. Those results
liquid and vapor flow rates from each section of the have corroborated the number of theoretical stages
column is also reflected in the mass transfer from the simulations in each section (10 stages),
coefficients calculations, as observed in Table 13. giving an experimental HETP of 0.11m, which was
Concerning the liquid phase mass transfer compared to the performance results evaluated with
coefficients, all models investigated used Higbie’s the six different models investigated.
penetration theory, with the exception of Brunazzi The difference between the HETP values
and Pagliant (1997) and Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant obtained for each of the theoretical models resides in
(2006), differing only in the surface renewal factor the way the mass transfer coefficients and the
CE, in the packing characteristic length and, finally, effective surface area for the contacting phases were
in the liquid effective velocity, as shown in Tables calculated. For example, in relation to the liquid
16 and 17. The modifications proposed in this work phase mass transfer coefficient, all the models
are better described in Appendix A. presented kL values of the same magnitude, with the
The correlation for kL proposed by Carlo, Olujić exception of Brunazzi and Pagliant’s model (1997),
and Pagliant (2006), formerly developed by which was designed for absorption studies.
Brunazzi and Pagliant (1997) for absorption Additionally, most of the models presented have
processes using Mellapak 250 Y, was adapted to be been proposed from tests using corrugated sheet
used in distillation. In this work, comparison structured packing elements, which performs
between the outcomes from those models when differently from gauze type packing. In order to be
used with gauze type packing seemed to be a good used for gauze type packing, the models have been
idea to see which parameters would differ more modified with respect to effective area evaluation.
widely, since it had never been tried before. One of Another aspect concerning the laboratory column
the differences that caught our attention was the performance evaluation deals with the great
low kL values obtained by using Brunazzi and difference between the HETP values calculated at
Pagliant’s model (1997) (Table 13). However, with the top and bottom sections, which may be due to the
the adaptation proposed by Carlo, Olujić and fact that the experimental tests had been performed
Pagliant (2006), kL calculated by the same model is in a distillation column operating continuously, in
of the same magnitude of the others found in the which the vapor and liquid flow rates are completely
literature for distillation systems. different from total reflux conditions. Also, the

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009
630 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky

extremely low liquid flow rates in the top section of P system pressure mmHg
the QVF column underestimates HETP evaluation by S corrugation side length m
the models investigated, as more reliable HETP uG,ef gas phase effective velocity m/s
values were found in the bottom section, in which uL,ef liquid phase effective m/s
liquid flow rates were much greater. velocity
The HETP values obtained with the only uGs vapor phase superficial m/s
empirical correlation [Carrillo et al. (2000)], from velocity
tests performed with Sulzer BX (500 m2/m3), which uLs liquid phase superficial m/s
is similar to the gauze packing in QVF column, velocity
seemed more reliable than the ones using the V vapor molar flow rate kmol/s
theoretical models. That correlation has the xhk heavy key component mole
advantage that no mass transfer coefficients and fraction in the liquid phase
effective areas are needed. xlk light key component mole
In addition, the original model of Bravo, Rocha fraction in the liquid phase
and Fair (1985), with inclusion of the modifications yhk heavy key component mole
proposed in this work, has achieved relevant fraction in the vapor phase
performance results, making it a good choice for ylk light key component mole
gauze packing HETP evaluation. fraction in the vapor phase

Greek Letters
α corrugation angle deg
ae effective interfacial area m2/m3 αlk light key component relative
ap nominal packing superficial m2/m3 volatility
area β fraction of surface used for
B corrugation base m mass transfer
CE correction factor for surface δ liquid film thickness m
renewal ε packing porosity
dc column diameter m λ stripping factor
de equivalent diameter of the m ρL liquid phase specific mass kg/m3
packing channel ρG vapor phase specific mass kg/m3
deq equivalent diameter of the m
packing channel
DG vapor phase diffusivity m2/s REFERENCES
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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009
632 A. E. Orlando Jr., L. C. Medina, M. F. Mendes and E. M. A. Nicolaiewsky


A1. Parameters for HETP Evaluation 12

⎛D C u ⎞
k L = 2 ⎜ L E L,ef ⎟ (A7)
In HETP evaluation using equation (1), the ⎝ πS ⎠
stripping factor, relative volatility of the key
components, the gas and liquid superficial velocities Previously, for gauze packings, the authors
were calculated, respectively, by the following considered total wettability, that is, ae = ap (Bravo,
expressions: Rocha and Fair, 1985). In their new model, the
authors have corrected the wetted area calculated for
m αlk ⎛V⎞ gauze packing:
λ= =
( ) ⎡⎣1 + ( αlk − 1) x lk ⎤⎦ ⎝ L ⎟⎠
a ⎛ u2 ⎞
β = e = 1 − 1,203 ⎜ Ls ⎟ (A8)
αlk =
ylk x lk ap ⎜ Sg ⎟
(A2) ⎝ ⎠
y hk x hk
A5. Adaptation of the Bravo, Rocha and Fair
4M G
u Gs = (A3) Model (1985)
ρG π d c2
In our modifications, the assumption of total
4M L wettability is disregarded and the wetted area is
u Ls = (A4) calculated by Rocha, Bravo and Fair´s correlation
ρ L π d c2 (1996), changing S for deq in equation A8.
A2. Diffusivities ⎡ 1 1⎤
d eq = Bh ⎢ + ⎥ (A9)
The diffusivity of the vapor phase in the top section ⎣ B + 2S 2S ⎦
was calculated by Fuller et al. (1996), considering n-C11
(HK) as the solute and n-C10 as the solvent. The Another modification is related to the liquid side
diffusivity of the liquid was evaluated by Wilke and mass transfer coefficient, in which CE is the factor of
Chang´s correlation (1955). In the bottom section, n- surface renewal (CE = 0.7) proposed by Murrieta et
C10 was considered to be the solute, with C11+ as the al. (2004):
solvent [apud Orlando Jr. (2007)].
D L u L,ef C E
A3. Carrillo, Martin and Rosello´s Correlation kL = 2 (A10)
The correlation proposed by Carrillo and The other parameters such as ,the vapor phase
coworkers is presented in equation A5: mass transfer coefficient, effective velocities of
liquid and vapor phases and hydraulic parameters of
P ρL (A5) the Bravo, Rocha and Fair model (1985) remained
HETP = Fv0,42 the same.
⎡ 0,25 ⎤ 2
⎛ ρG ⎞
( 2712 + 82,0P ) ⎢1 + 1,505⎜ ⎟ ⎥
A6. Adaptation of the Brunazzi and Pagliant
⎢⎣ ⎝ ρL ⎠ ⎥⎦
Model (1997)
where Fv is defined by the following expression Since the equation proposed by the authors would
generate areas greater than the packing nominal area,
Fv = u Gs ρ v (A6) equation A8 was used for the effective area
evaluation, changing S for de of equation A11.
A4. Rocha, Bravo and Fair´s Model (1993, 1996)

The liquid side mass transfer coefficient can be de = (A11)
evaluated for gauze packing by the following ap
expression, in which CE is equal to 0.7, proposed by
Murrietta et al. (2004): The other parameters such as vapor and liquid phases

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering

HETP Evaluation of Structured Packing Distillation Column 633

mass transfer coefficients, effective velocities of the Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant model (2006)
liquid and vapor phases and hydraulic parameters of remained the same.
the Brunazzi and Pagliant model (1997) remained
the same. A8. Adaptation of the Olujić et al. Model (2004)

A7. Adaptation of the Carlo, Olujić and Pagliant As in the previous model, instead of using Olujić
Model (2006) and coworkers’ correlation (2004) for effective area,
equation A8 was used with the hydraulic diameter
For the evaluation of kL, the constants used were for the gas phase employed in substitution to the
for Sulzer BX packing, made of plastic gauze corrugation base S of the packing and CE = 1.1.
[Brunazzi and Paglianti (1997)], since the constants
from the previous model were proposed for
Mellapak 250Y. ( Bh − 2δS )2
Again, since the equation proposed by the authors d hG = Bh (A13)
would generate areas greater than the nominal ⎡⎛ Bh − 2δS ⎞2 ⎛ Bh − 2δS ⎞ 2 ⎤
packing area, equation A8 was used for the effective ⎢⎜ +
⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎥
area evaluation, changing S for de of equation A12. ⎢⎣⎝ 2h ⎠ ⎝ B ⎠ ⎥⎦

Bh − 2δS
4ε +
de = (A12) 2h
The other parameters such as the vapor and liquid
The other parameters such as the vapor phase phases mass transfer coefficients, effective velocities
mass transfer coefficient, effective velocities of of liquid and vapor phases and hydraulic parameters
liquid and vapor phases and hydraulic parameters of of the Olujić et al. model (2004) remained the same.

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 26, No. 03, pp. 619 - 633, July - September, 2009

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