Scloud Aws Design Guide

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The document discusses Cisco's secure architecture for deploying workloads in AWS including networking, security integrations and deployment steps.

The security approach focuses on zero trust and least privilege with microsegmentation using Cisco Tetration and monitoring with Stealthwatch Cloud.

Security products integrated include Cisco Tetration, Stealthwatch Cloud, AMP for Endpoints, Umbrella, Defense Orchestrator and Radware for WAF/DDoS.

Design Guide

Cisco Public

Secure Cloud for AWS (IaaS)

Design Guide

June 2021

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Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Scope .............................................................................................................................................. 4
SAFE Architecture - Introduction ...................................................................................................... 5
Cloud Business Flows ....................................................................................................................... 6
Public Cloud Attack Surface.............................................................................................................. 8
Solution Overview............................................................................................................................. 9
What is our security approach? ......................................................................................................................... 9
Secure Cloud Business Flows ......................................................................................................... 10
Cisco’s Secure Architecture for AWS .............................................................................................. 10
Secure Cloud Architecture ............................................................................................................................... 11
Business flows in Cisco’s Reference Architecture ........................................................................... 11
Security Integrations ....................................................................................................................... 15
Cisco Tetration .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints ....................................................................................... 18
Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud ................................................................................................................................ 19
Cisco Umbrella .................................................................................................................................................. 21
Next-Generation Firewall Virtual ..................................................................................................................... 22
Web Application Firewall and DDoS Prevention ............................................................................................. 24
Cisco Duo .......................................................................................................................................................... 25
Cisco SecureX ................................................................................................................................................... 26
Design Implementation ................................................................................................................... 28
Deployment Overview: ..................................................................................................................................... 29
Set up the AWS VPC components ........................................................................................................................29
Integrating Stealthwatch Cloud............................................................................................................................34
Onboard AWS VPC to Cisco Defense Orchestrator ............................................................................................34
Set up Umbrella DNS Security ..............................................................................................................................35
Setting up the RDS database ................................................................................................................................37
Setting up the App and Web Load Balancers ......................................................................................................38
Setting up Web and App Auto Scaling groups ....................................................................................................40
Setting up the Firepower Next-Generation Firewalls .........................................................................................45
Enabling WAF and DDoS protection .....................................................................................................................56
Integration with Cisco SecureX ............................................................................................................................59

Validation Testing ........................................................................................................................... 60

Tetration ............................................................................................................................................................ 60
Test Case 1: Creating an application workspace for AWS cloud application ...................................................61

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Test Case 2: Using ADM to discover the policies for AWS workloads and setting up an app view .................64
Test Case 3: Enforcing the policies on workloads. .............................................................................................66
Test Case 4: Discovering the vulnerable packages on the AWS workloads. ....................................................67
Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints ................................................................................................. 69
Test Case: Quarantine a suspicious file ...............................................................................................................69
Stealthwatch Cloud .......................................................................................................................................... 72
Test Case: Monitor suspicious activity ................................................................................................................72
Cisco Umbrella .................................................................................................................................................. 73
Test Case: DNS security .......................................................................................................................................73
Cisco Defense Orchestrator ............................................................................................................................ 75
Test Case: Enforce Security Group policy using CDO ........................................................................................75
Radware Cloud WAF and DDoS Protection ..................................................................................................... 76
Test Case: Monitor Web and DDoS activity on Radware Cloud. ........................................................................77
Duo Beyond ....................................................................................................................................................... 79
Test Case 1: Set up the cloud application for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) ..............................................79
Test Case 2: Monitor 2FA activity from Duo admin portal ..................................................................................80
Cisco SecureX Threat Response ..................................................................................................................... 81
Test Case: Track Malicious Activity on threat response.....................................................................................81

Appendix........................................................................................................................................ 83
Appendix A- AWS Security Groups with CDO ................................................................................................ 83
Appendix B- Acronyms Defined ...................................................................................................................... 84
Appendix C- AWS CloudFormation Template ................................................................................................ 84
Appendix D- Software Versions ...................................................................................................................... 85
Appendix E- References .................................................................................................................................. 85

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This design guide aligns with the Cisco® Secure Cloud Architecture guide. The Secure Cloud Architecture guide
explains the secure architecture for cloud applications, critical business flows; attack surfaces and
corresponding security controls required for the cloud environment. This guide proposes a Cisco Validated
Design (CVD) for security in a tiered application architecture. The solution proposed in this guide leverages
Cisco security controls along with Cloud-Native security controls to achieve the desired security posture for
applications in AWS.

This document illustrates the design and security aspects of an application hosted in AWS. Along with the
design and security specifications, this document also delves into the details of implementation and validation
steps for the proposed architecture.

This guide covers the following security controls.

● Cisco Tetration
● Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints (AMP4E)
● Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud (SWC)
● Cisco Umbrella
● Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewalls Virtual (NGFWv)
● Cisco Adaptive Virtual Security Appliance (ASAv)
● Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO)
● AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Shield service
● Radware Cloud Web Application Firewall (WAF) and DDOS prevention
● Cisco Duo Beyond
● Cisco SecureX threat response

For setting up the web application, we used the following AWS cloud components and services.

● AWS Virtual Private Networks (VPC)

● AWS Route Tables
● AWS Internet Gateway
● AWS Relational Database Service (RDS) Service
● AWS Auto Scale
● AWS Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) Service
● Network Load Balancer
● Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
● Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
● AWS Route53

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● AWS API Gateway
● AWS Lambda Service
● AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

SAFE Architecture - Introduction

As your data flows from an increasing number of devices to your data center or private/public cloud, you must
understand your data flow, to be able to protect it. Cisco SAFE is an architectural approach that helps you
visualize this transit of the data in terms of business flows, understand the attack surface associated with these
flows and hence, devise appropriate capabilities to secure them. This framework provides complete guidance
from the initial identification of business flows in a given architecture to securing it and then deploying and
validating the solution.

These validated designs provide guidance that is complete with configuration steps that ensure secure
deployments for your organization. Cisco Validated Designs (CVDs) for various SAFE PINs can be found at SAFE
home page.

Cisco SAFE simplifies network security by providing solution guidance using the concept of ‘Places in the
Network’ (PINs). This design guide is a recommended threat defense architecture for the Cloud PIN (see figure
1). Within the Cloud PIN, this design guide specifically covers the AWS cloud.

Key to SAFE framework

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SAFE Guidance Hierarchy

For more information on SAFE framework and architecture/design guides, check out the SAFE documentation
(select architecture/design tab).

Cloud Business Flows

SAFE uses the concept of business flows to simplify the identification of threats. This enables the selection of
very specific capabilities necessary to secure them.

This solution addresses the following business flows for a typical tiered web application hosted in AWS:

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Cloud business flows

● Customer browsing an e-commerce web application. The customer, sitting somewhere out on the
Internet, browses the e-commerce web application hosted in the AWS cloud
● Application workloads downloading updates/patches from update servers outside the cloud (Internet).
Application workloads sitting in the cloud need to reach out to various update servers to fetch the
updates and patches at regular intervals
● Systems communicating east/west within the AWS cloud. For example- the frontend web servers will
make HTTP requests to backend application engine or the application workloads will make API calls
among themselves
● Application workloads transacting data with the database server within the cloud
● DevOps remotely accessing the management zone for workload management/update/patching purposes

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Public Cloud Attack Surface
The secure cloud design protects systems by applying security controls to the attack surface found in the public
cloud. The attack surface in public cloud spans the business flows used by humans, devices, and the network.

Threats include; rogue identity, DDoS, web vulnerabilities, infections, and advanced persistent threats allowing
hackers the ability to take control of your devices and networks.

Considering the business flows elaborated in the last section (Figure 3), a deep dive into the attack surface for
each of those business flows is shown below.

Public cloud attack surface

● An untrusted/compromised user, out on the Internet, may try to exploit the cloud application or flood it
with fake traffic to render it incapable of serving the genuine users

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● The workloads need to communicate with update servers out on the untrusted public network. An
attacker might compromise workloads to download malware to the application environment or upload
crucial data to malicious servers
● Systems communicating east/west within the AWS cloud may spread the infection from one workload to
another within the cloud, eventually compromising the whole application
● An attacker may compromise the application workloads to steal or corrupt data stored on the database
● A malicious user may try to gain the same privileged access as DevOps to compromise the complete
application environment in AWS

Solution Overview
Cisco’s security approach for the modern cloud applications allows companies to achieve:

● Improved resiliency to enable cloud availability and secure services

● Operational efficiency from automated provisioning and flexible, integrated security
● Advanced threat protection from Cisco TALOS – industry-leading threat intelligence to stay up to date,
informed, and secure
What is our security approach?
Specific capabilities are necessary to protect the public cloud and build the appropriate layers of defense.
These capabilities work together to create several layers of defense protecting the cloud applications. The top
priorities or the three pillars that we keep in mind while designing the secure public cloud solutions are:

● Visibility - Complete visibility of users, devices, networks, applications, workloads, and processes
● Segmentation - Reduce the attack surface by preventing attackers from moving laterally, with
consistent security policy enforcement, application access control and micro-segmentation
● Threat Protection - Stop the breach by deploying multi-layered threat sensors strategically in the public
cloud to quickly detect, block, and dynamically respond to threats

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Secure Cloud Business Flows
Developing a defense-in-depth architecture requires identifying existing threats and applying appropriate
security capabilities to thwart them. Business flows and the corresponding attack surface and threat patterns
that we defined earlier (Figures 3 and 4) are mapped to their corresponding security controls as below.

Secure business flows

Cisco’s Secure Architecture for AWS

The tiered application architecture has been a popular underlying principle for web application deployment for
over a decade now and it remains equally relevant to date.

The multi-tier architecture provides a general framework to ensure decoupled and independently scalable
application components. Each tier is separately developed, scaled, maintained and secured.

In the simplest tiered architecture form, the web applications would have the following layers:

Web tier: The end-user directly interacts with this layer. This tier has all the static web content.

Application tier: This tier is responsible for translating the user actions to application functionality. This tier
carries the core application code components. For example, application code performing the read/write
database operations.

Database tier: Storage tier or the database tier holds the data relevant to the application.

In this design, we are securing a tiered web application in the AWS cloud. We add various security capabilities
and controls, that we established in the previous sections, to a tiered web application model to make it much
more robust, secure and transparent in its security posture.

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Secure Cloud Architecture
The Cisco Secure Cloud reference architecture solution includes all the security capabilities that we illustrated
in previous sections.

Cisco Secure Cloud Reference Architecture

Business flows in Cisco’s Reference Architecture

Considering the design above, all the threats, corresponding security capabilities and solutions required to
attain those capabilities can be mapped as below.

Threat Security Capability Security Solutions

Attackers or malicious users Identity based Cisco Duo – 2FA

accessing restricted resources access
and information.

Massively scaled attacks that DDoS Radware DDoS prevention

overwhelm services. prevention

Attacks against poorly Web Application Radware Web Application Firewall

developed applications and web Firewalls

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Threat Security Capability Security Solutions

Network breach causing Segmentation Cisco Firepower NGFWv

unauthorized access and
malformed packets between and Cisco Tetration
within application in the cloud.

Zero-day malware attacks and Threat visibility Cisco Stealthwatch

other forms of covert threats.
Cisco Tetration
Cisco AMP4E
Cisco Firepower NGFWv

Attacks using worms, viruses, or Intrusion Cisco Firepower NGFWv

other techniques. Prevention
Cisco AMP4E

Infections, attackers using a Micro- Cisco Tetration

compromised workload to segmentation
spread the damage.

Malware distribution among Anti-malware Cisco Firepower NGFWv

workloads or between servers.
Cisco AMP4E

Traffic, telemetry, and data Flow Analytics Cisco Stealthwatch

exfiltration from successful
attacks. Covert threats. Cisco Tetration
Cisco Umbrella

Exploiting privileged access to Process Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud

run shell code Anomaly
Detection & Cisco Tetration
Forensics Cisco AMP4E

Malware distribution across Network Anti- Cisco Firepower NGFWv

networks. Malware

Exploiting unpatched or Vulnerability Cisco Tetration

outdated applications. Assessment
and Workload

Redirection of session to DNS Layer Cisco Umbrella – DNS Layer Security

malicious domains. Security

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Threat Security Capability Security Solutions

Exposed services and data theft. VPN Gateway or Cisco ASAv

Cisco Firepower NGFWv

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At this point, we have established the attack surface and, the capabilities and security solutions that we needed
to secure the business flows mentioned previously.

● Customer browsing an e-commerce web application

◦ Access to the web application is secured using Duo – Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

◦ WAF and DDoS Services protect against web vulnerabilities and denial of service attacks. In this
document, we will demonstrate Radware cloud WAF and DDoS service

◦ Perimeter segmentation is done using next-generation firewalls (NGFW) to protect against any
network level breaches. NGFWs also provide next-generation IPS and AMP capabilities along with
stateful firewall, AVC (Application Visibility and Control) and URL filtering

◦ Micro-segmentation of workloads is done using the Tetration policy enforcement agents. This would
prevent any malware or malicious movement within the pool of workloads in a specific tier

◦ Stealthwatch Cloud provides enhanced threat visibility into workload activity and the AWS cloud. It
looks for any anomalous activity within the application environment. It also facilitates the flow analytics

◦ Tetration agents allow us to gain a deep visibility into vulnerable packages and processes on the
workloads that an attacker may leverage. It also provides a very robust network flow analytics for
workload communications

◦ AMP4E detects and quarantines any malware that may infect the workloads
● Workloads downloading updates/patches from update servers

◦ Workloads are segmented into App and Web tier using Tetration Enforcement agents. No direct
inbound public access is allowed to the App and Web servers, management access is allowed only
from the management tier (also controlled via Tetration)

◦ DNS layer security is achieved using Cisco Umbrella. This prevents any accidental or deliberate
exposure to a malicious domain

◦ Stealthwatch Cloud and Tetration provide enhanced threat visibility and flow analytics

◦ AMP4E detects and quarantines any malware that may get downloaded to application workloads
● Systems communicating east/west within the AWS cloud

◦ Workloads are micro-segmented using Tetration Enforcement agents. Web, App, Database and
Inside tier has no direct inbound public access/addresses. Only Management and the Outside tier is
allowed Public IP addressing, hence exposing them to untrusted public network/internet

◦ Micro-segmentation within Web and App tier is done using the Tetration enforcement agents. This
restricts any internal movement among the workloads

◦ DNS layer security using Umbrella provides visibility into workload activity

◦ Stealthwatch Cloud and Tetration provide enhanced threat visibility and flow analytics for this flow.
They also look for any anomalous movement within the application environment or among the
workloads within a tier. Tetration agents provide deep visibility into the workloads

◦ AMP4E protects against malware spread

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● Application engine transacting data with database server within the cloud

◦ AWS Security Groups restrict access to the database. Only App tier is allowed to communicate with
database tier

◦ DNS layer security using Umbrella

◦ Stealthwatch Cloud and Tetration provide enhanced threat visibility and flow analytics. They also look
for any anomalous movement within the application environment or among the workloads within a tier.
Tetration agents provide deep visibility into the workloads

◦ AMP4E protects the application workloads against any malware infection

● DevOps remotely accessing the management zone for workload management/update/patching purposes

◦ Anyconnect VPN mobility client is used to provide Secure Remote Access to the management tier. An
ASA or NGFWv can be used for VPN termination. We tested a standalone ASAv for this design. Refer
to the Secure Remote Worker design guide for detailed information on secure remote access designs
and deployments

◦ Management zone is segmented using Tetration enforcement agents. This provides the control knob
for restricting access to workloads or the various other tiers

◦ Stealthwatch Cloud and Tetration provide enhanced threat visibility and flow analytics. They also look
for any anomalous movement or activity within the application environment or from the management
tier. Tetration agents provide deep visibility into the workloads

◦ AMP4E protects the jump servers and workloads against any malware infection

Security Integrations
Let’s look at each of the security integrations in this secure design in more depth, we will start from the security
controls on the workload itself and go all the way to the edge of our public cloud web application.

We start by looking at workload security using Tetration and Advanced Malware Protection, followed by an
agentless deployment of Stealthwatch cloud for greater visibility into the AWS environment and workload
activity. Then, we will look into Umbrella DNS layer security at the AWS VPC level.

Afterwards, we move to perimeter protection using Cisco Firepower NGFWv (policy orchestrated by Cisco
Defense Orchestrator). We will also explore WAF and DDoS protection using Radware Cloud service.

Lastly, we will secure the access to our cloud application using Duo Multi-Factor Authentication.

To connect all these security controls to a single pane of glass, we will look at Cisco SecureX integrations.

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Cisco Tetration
Tetration has a SaaS offering that provides the capability to do micro-segmentation in a highly flexible manner
along with an in-depth visibility into the workloads.

Tetration offers visibility and enforcement agents that are installed on the workloads. The enforcement agents
provide an additional capability to enforce policies.

Tetration can dynamically learn various ongoing changes in the cloud workload environment and enforce an
adaptive micro-segmentation. The Tetration portal allows us to create workspaces and graphical views for
applications and enforce security from the web application point of view unlike the traditional network

The Tetration platform supports multi-cloud and hybrid environments and hence, make the whole process of
security operations seamless across the board.

Cisco Tetration

In this specific architecture, Web and Application tier has workloads in Auto Scaling Groups. To enable the
auto-provisioning of Tetration agents, we used the User Data option provided for EC2 Instances. When the Auto
Scaling Group deploys a new workload, the shell script will install the Tetration agent on it as part of the
initialization process. Refer to the implementation section of this guide for more details.

Once the Tetration agent on the new workload is registered with the Tetration cloud (SaaS), it starts exporting
the network flow and process information to the Tetration cloud engine for analysis. Tetration ensures Cisco's
Zero Trust model by offering key features like:

● Policy enforcement (Micro-segmentation)

● Visibility into workload process activity
● Network flow visibility
● Software vulnerability reports

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● Forensic analysis
● Behavior deviations

Based on all these features and more, the Tetration dashboard provides us with a very convenient and flexible
scoring mechanism to monitor the security compliance of cloud applications. Tetration considers six parameters
to calculate this score (Figure 8), and these parameters can be adjusted based on one’s preference or

Tetration Dashboard - Weighted Score

Tetration Dashboard - Compliance Score Board

Refer to the Tetration documentation for more detailed information on cloud workload protection.

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Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints
The AMP4E agents installed on the cloud workloads provide us protection against zero-day attacks. Powered
by Cisco TALOS, AMP4E not only relies on antivirus, but also uses machine learning and file reputation to block
both file-based and file-less attacks. It also enables you to isolate the infected host before the malware is
spread onto the others in the network. Advanced Malware Protection also supports taking forensic snapshots
that help immensely with the security investigations.

Cisco Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints

In this specific architecture, just like the Tetration agent, the web and application workloads in Auto Scaling
Group are auto-provisioned with AMP4E agents using User Data option available under Auto Scaling Group
configuration. When the Auto Scaling Group deploys a new workload, a shell script will install the AMP4E agent
on the workload as part of the initialization process.

As soon as AMP4E agent on the new workload registers with the AMP cloud, the workload is continuously
monitored and reported for any malicious activity. AMP’s host isolation feature comes in very handy to contain
any spread of malware in the cloud workloads.

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AMP Dashboard - Threat monitoring

Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud

Stealthwatch Cloud (SWC) helps overcome the visibility challenge, especially in public cloud environments. It
provides an agentless deployment in the AWS cloud.

Stealthwatch Cloud pulls the VPC flow logs from the designated S3 bucket. It learns the AWS environment and
baselines the resources. VPC flow logs have the flow information associated with various AWS resources, even
for those that are not strictly tied to a static IP address. SWC is capable of correlating the IPs and then tying
them back to their origin AWS service. In other words, SWC performs dynamic entity modeling and organizes all
the AWS resources based on the functions that they’re performing. For example, the entity could be
categorized as a firewall, an application server or a load balancer and so on. This type of resource profiling and
modeling is extremely important to look for any suspicious activity within the cloud application environments.

In addition to VPC flow logs, Stealthwatch Cloud also consumes other telemetry sources like AWS IAM,
CloudTrail, EC2, ElasticCache, Inspector, GuardDuty, RDS, S3, Auto Scale, Elastic Load Balancing service for
additional context and alerting.

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Cisco Stealthwatch cloud

Once the Stealthwatch Cloud finishes identifying the entities, it baselines their behavior over a fixed period of
time. As soon as the baselining is completed, any unexpected behavioral change of the entities and the way
different cloud services communicate with each other is alerted on. This helps to maintain deep visibility into the
cloud environment and hence, track and prevent any unauthorized transfer of data or resource access.

Some of the common Stealthwatch alerts related to the AWS services include:

● AWS API Watchlist IP Hit - This alert is triggered when an AWS API is accessed by an IP on a user-
supplied watchlist.
● AWS Config Rule Violation – This alert uses the AWS Config Compliance observation and indicates that
the resource is not compliant with configured AWS Config rules
● AWS Login Failures – This alert is triggered when a user tries and fails to log in to the AWS Console
several times
● AWS Inspector Findings - Triggers when AWS Inspector reports a high severity event. This alert
indicates that the resource is not complying with AWS best practices
● AWS Lambda Invocation Spike- Triggers when AWS Lambda function is invoked a record number of
times. This alert may indicate a DoS attack.

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Stealthwatch Cloud - Alerts

Cisco Umbrella
Cisco Umbrella offers flexible cloud-delivered security. It combines multiple security functions into one solution.
Cisco Umbrella solutions provide DNS-layer security, secure web gateway, cloud-delivered firewall, cloud
access security broker (CASB), and interactive threat intel. This document covers Umbrella DNS-layer
protection for the workloads in the AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

The Umbrella DNS policies allow you to dictate block policy for a variety of pre-defined web categories. More
details on web categories can be found in Umbrella documentation. It also gives you the flexibility to apply the
policies to specific identities. For example, you could have one set of rules for your AWS cloud application and
another set for a different site.

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Cisco Umbrella - DNS layer Security

We deploy Umbrella Virtual Appliances (VA) in the Management tier of the AWS VPC. These VAs act as DNS
forwarders to Umbrella. The AWS VPC offers the option to configure custom DNS settings (DHCP Options Set),
allowing us to point the cloud resources in a given VPC to Umbrella VAs instead of AWS local DNS. Every
resource, that is launched into the VPC, will use these Umbrella DNS forwarders, to provide a control knob for
the DNS layer security.

Umbrella - DNS Traffic Monitoring

Next-Generation Firewall Virtual

Cisco® Firepower Next-Generation Firewall Virtual (NGFWv) appliance combines Cisco’s network firewall with
advanced next-gen IPS, URL filtering, AVC and malware detection (AMP) capabilities. In this design, we use
NGFWv to secure the network perimeter from all sorts of threats from public Internet. This ensures that we have

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security controls like filtering, intrusion prevention and malware detection right at the gateway to the cloud

To provide secure remote access to the workloads and database instance, we use Cisco ASAv as a VPN
headend. Cisco ASAv offers secure remote access capabilities using Anyconnect VPN mobility client. You could
also use NGFWv for this purpose. For detailed information on secure remote access deployments, refer to the
Secure Remote Worker SAFE design guide.

Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) is used for management and policy orchestration. CDO provides one
security policy, faster deployment, and smart configuration management. It eliminates the time-consuming
complexity of managing policies across multiple FTDs and ASAs.

If you choose to use AWS Security Groups alone for segmentation (without any next-generation firewalls), the
reference design is shared in Appendix A of this document. Cisco also provides CloudFormation templates and
scripts for deploying an auto-scaling group of FTDv appliances. This guide does not cover the auto scaling
solution, please refer to the Cisco documentation for more details.

Note: The terms Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) and Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) are used
interchangeably throughout this guide. Both these terms refer to Cisco Firepower Next-Generation
Firewalls in the context of this document. AWS marketplace offering is available under the name ‘Cisco
Firepower NGFW Virtual (NGFWv)’.

NGFWv - Traffic flow from Internet User to application

User to application traffic flow

When the user out on the Internet tries to browse the cloud-hosted web application, it lands on Outside
Network Load Balancer after being scanned by WAF and DDoS protection system for any malicious activity. The
destination IP at this point is the public IP of the Outside load balancer. Outside load balancer sits in the Outside
tier (segmented using AWS Security Group) and load balances traffic onto the pool of outside interfaces of

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Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) appliances. The FTD appliance receives the request and then forwards the
traffic to ‘Web’ Network Load Balancer, to be load-balanced on to the Auto-Scaled group of web servers.

Before the traffic leaves the inside interface of the FTDv (in the Inside tier), the source of the web request is
translated (Network Address Translation) to FTD’s inside interface IP and the destination is changed to ‘Web’
load balancer IP. The source IP is translated here to ensure traffic symmetry.

Web server receiving this incoming request, after being load-balanced by the Web load balancer, fetches the
content from app workloads and returns the final response directly to the firewall which forwarded the initial
request. At this point, firewall routes this response back to the end-user via the outside interface.
Web Application Firewall and DDoS Prevention
Public cloud has become a common place to host critical applications and make these applications available to
end-users (internal or external). As a result, it is essential to ensure these applications receive the same level of
protection from distributed denial of service (DDoS) and advanced web attacks that on-premises applications

Radware Cloud WAF service protects web applications from common web exploits. Radware’s Cloud Security
Services offer easy-to-deploy cloud-based security that can be integrated with any cloud environments to
provide proactive, automated protection from advanced threats. The Cloud WAF service provides full coverage
against OWASP top 10 attacks along with protection against 0-day web attacks. In addition to web traffic
protection, DDoS component provide network flow monitoring to protect against the full breadth of DDoS
attacks with real-time mitigation and no added latency in peacetime.

Radware Cloud - WAF and DDoS Prevention

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Deployment is hassle free, application’s domain name points to the Radware Cloud service. Traffic is first
routed to the Radware Cloud and scanned for any malicious activity. Post-inspection, the traffic is forwarded to
the origin servers in the AWS cloud. Refer to the implementation section of this guide for more deployment level
Cisco Duo
Cisco Duo provides secure access to applications and data, no matter where the users are, on any device, and
from anywhere. Cisco Duo’s secure access solution creates trust in users, devices, and the applications they
access. Cisco Duo provides the following functions:

● Multi-Factor Authentication: Verify the identity of all users with Duo's strong multi-factor authentication
● Single Sign-on: Seamless, single dashboard access to all applications
● Remote Access: Secure access to cloud and on-premises applications and servers, with or without VPN
● Device Trust: Check that user devices meet security standards before granting them access
● Adaptive Access Policies: Set policies to allow or block access attempts by a user or a device, based on
contextual factors

Duo MFA Push

In this design, we used Duo’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for our AWS cloud application. Multi-factor
authentication from Duo protects the cloud applications by using a second source of validation, like a phone or
token, to verify user identity before granting access. MFA not just allows you to build a zero-trust framework
but is also essential for compliance purposes. Duo provides native integration for any application. Refer to the
implementation section of this guide for more details.

Admins have several options when it comes to enrolling new users in Duo, such as self-enrollment, Active
Directory sync, and OpenLDAP sync. Duo admin portal allows a highly convenient way to track any user activity.

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Duo - User Activity
Cisco SecureX
Cisco SecureX leverages the integrated security architecture to accelerate investigations by automating and
aggregating threat intelligence and data across your security infrastructure in one unified view. Some of the key
features are:

● Aggregated threat intelligence: Integrates threat intelligence from Cisco TALOS and third-party sources
to automatically research indicators of compromise (IOCs) and confirms threats quickly
● Automated enrichment: Automatically adds context from integrated Cisco Security products, so that you
instantly know which of your systems was targeted and how
● Incident tracking: Provides the capability you need to collect and store key investigation information, and
to manage and document your progress and findings
● Interactive visualizations - Shows your results on intuitive, configurable graphs for better situational
awareness and quick conclusions
● Seamless drill down - Makes deeper investigations easy using integrated Cisco Security products. A
single click takes you inside Cisco AMP for Endpoints
● Direct remediation - Lets you take corrective action directly from its interface. Block suspicious files,
domains, and more without having to log in to another product

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Cisco SecureX threat response

In this architecture, we are receiving information from Stealthwatch Cloud, Umbrella, AMP and Tetration to
provide threat intelligence, contextual approach, and threat hunting capabilities. Integrations for and Radware
Cloud WAF and DDoS service are also available. Refer to the Cisco SecureX documentation for more details on
available Cisco and third-party integrations.

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 27 of 86

Cisco SecureX Dashboard

Cisco SecureX threat response - Threat Hunting

Design Implementation
Now that we have established the design specifics of our tiered application in the AWS cloud, we will begin
implementing and setting up the secure AWS application.

We will start by setting up the AWS VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) as per the tiered architecture specifications. We
will then integrate the Stealthwatch Cloud and onboard the VPC to CDO for Security Group management. After
that we will set up the Umbrella VAs in the management tier and update the DNS server settings for the VPC.

Once the AWS VPC and related integrations are finished, we will configure an RDS database instance and bring
up the Auto Scaling Groups for the Application and Web workloads (with Tetration, AMP4E agents and Duo
MFA plugin). We will then set up the Network Load Balancers for Web and Application Auto Scaling Groups. At
this point we will have a fully functional application running in the AWS cloud.

In the last step, we will configure the firewalls, enable WAF and DDoS protection and then conclude our set up
with Cisco SecureX integration.

Note: Cisco Tetration, AMP, Cisco SecureX threat response, Stealthwatch Cloud, Umbrella, Duo and CDO
offer EU based locations for customers having to follow EU rules.

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 28 of 86

Deployment Overview:
● Set up the AWS VPC components
● Integrate Stealthwatch Cloud for VPC monitoring
● Onboard the AWS VPC to CDO for AWS Security Group management
● Set up Umbrella DNS Security
● Set up the AWS RDS database instance
● Set up the Auto Scaled Application and Web Workloads (Tetration, AMP4E agent and Duo MFA plugin
installation) with App and Web NLBs
● Set up Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewalls with CDO onboarding
● Enable Radware cloud web application firewall and DDoS prevention service
● Set up Cisco SecureX

Note: Before you begin, make sure you have the appropriate privileges to create all the VPC components.
Follow the AWS Documentation for more information on IAM service.

Set up the AWS VPC components

We will create a new AWS VPC and configure all the associated components that we need for our deployment
in this section.

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Create the VPC
Step 2. Set up the Subnets
Step 3. Set up the Internet gateway
Step 4. Set up the NAT gateways
Step 5. Set up the Routing Tables
Step 6. Create the Security Groups
Step 1. Create the VPC - Log on to the AWS console and select the VPC service, click on Create VPC
and fill in the required details. We chose the IPV4 CIDR block as

Follow the AWS documentation for more details on AWS VPCs.

Step 2. Set up the Subnets – Based on the tiered architecture, we defined two subnets for each tier
- one for each AWS Availability Zone.

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IPV4 CIDR Block AWS Region Tier US-East-1a OutSubnet1a US-East-1b OutSubnet1b US-East-1a InSubnet1a US-East-1b InSubnet1b US-East-1a WebSubnet1a US-East-1b WebSubnet1b US-East-1a AppSubnet1a US-East-1b AppSubnet1b US-East-1a DbSubnet1a US-East-1b DbSubnet1b US-East-1a MgmtSubnet1a US-East-1b MgmtSubnet1b

Go to VPC Dashboard > Subnets and create all these subnets and name them appropriately.

Step 3. Set up the Internet gateway– Navigate to VPC Dashboard > Internet Gateways to create an
Internet Gateway for providing Internet access to Public resources in the VPC.

Note: We will use this Internet Gateway as the next hop for default routes in Firewall Route table (For
Inside and Outside subnets) and the Management Route Table (For Management Subnets) respectively.

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Follow the AWS documentation for more details on AWS Internet Gateway components.

Step 4. Set up the NAT gateways - Navigate to VPC Dashboard > NAT Gateway to create NAT
Gateways for providing Internet access to all resources in private subnets.

Note: We will use these NAT Gateways as the next hop for default routes in Web, App and Db Route

Step 5. Set up the Routing Tables - Go to VPC Dashboard > Route Tables and create the routing
tables with subnet associations as per the table below.

Route Table Name Subnets Default Route

FirewallRT OutSubnet1a, OutSubnet1b InSubnet1a, InSubnet1b Internet Gateway

WebRT1a WebSubnet1a NAT Gateway1a

WebRT1b WebSubnet1b NAT Gateway1b

AppRT1a AppSubnet1a NAT Gateway1a

AppRT1b AppSubnet1b NAT Gateway1b

DbRT1a DbSubnet1a NAT Gateway1a

DbRT1a DbSubnet1b NAT Gateway1b

MgmtRT MgmtSubnet1a, MgmtSubnt1b Internet Gateway

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For the Firewall and Management Route Tables, create the default route pointing to the Internet
Gateway created previously. For the Web, App and Db Route Tables, create the default route pointing
to the NAT Gateways created for each Availability Zone.
As per the AWS network design, we cannot load balance the outbound flows. If you decide to deploy
a single firewall per availability zone then you can always use firewall inside interface ENI as next hop
for default routes, to send outbound flows to firewalls. However, we recommend adding multiple
firewalls in each availability zone to avoid any single point of failure.

Step 6. Create the Security Groups - Go to ‘VPC Dashboard > Security Groups’, set up a Security
Group corresponding to each tier in the design. Set up the inbound access rules as per the
application requirements. We used the following inbound rules.

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Port Reason

TCP port Allow HTTP access from the inside subnets to web servers

TCP port Allow SSH access from mgmtSG



Port Reason

TCP port Allow HTTP access from workloads within application tier subnets (allows load balancer health
80 checks).
Allow HTTP access from web tier subnets.

TCP port Allow SSH access from mgmtSG



Port Reason

TCP port Allow MYSQL/Aurora traffic from appSG



Port Reason

TCP port Allow SSH access from internet


UDP 53 Allow DNS traffic from appSG, webSG, dbSG and mgmtSG


Port Reason

All traffic Allow all access from internet, we will control the traffic using firewall access lists.

Note: AWS Elastic Network Load Balancer (NLB) preserves the source IP of incoming connections from
web tier workloads, hence we need to allow the source subnets specifically. We cannot use Security
Groups to allow traffic from NLB, we must use subnets. Follow the AWS Documentation for more
information on Security Group requirements for NLB.

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Follow the AWS documentation for more details on AWS Security Groups.

Integrating Stealthwatch Cloud

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Set up the VPC flow logs and integrate Stealthwatch Cloud.
Step 1. Set up the VPC flow logs and integrate Stealthwatch Cloud - Follow the steps illustrated in
Cisco Stealthwatch AWS Quick Start Guide to create the VPC flow logs and other required
AWS resources for Stealthwatch cloud monitoring.
After the Stealthwatch cloud integration is done, click on the cloud icon on the top right hand
side of the SWC portal and you should see an AWS sensor with a green check mark against it,
indicating a successful integration.

Onboard AWS VPC to Cisco Defense Orchestrator

Implementation procedure:

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Step 1. Onboard the AWS VPC to Cisco Defense Orchestrator
Step 1. Onboard the AWS VPC to Cisco Defense Orchestrator - Follow the steps illustrated in CDO
Documentation to onboard the AWS VPC. Once the onboarding is complete, CDO can be used
to manage the AWS Security Groups.

Set up Umbrella DNS Security

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Set up the Umbrella Virtual Appliance (VA) image
Step 2. Create the Umbrella VA instances
Step 3. Configure the local DNS on Umbrella VA instances
Step 4. Set up the policies to exempt internal domains
Step 5. Update the DHCP Options Set for VPC
Step 1. Set up the Umbrella Virtual Appliance image - Follow the Umbrella documentation to deploy
Virtual appliances (VA) in the AWS cloud. As per the documentation, create an AWS AMI and
then use it to launch VA instances.

Step 2. Create the Umbrella VA instances - Create two VA instances using the AMI set up in Step1
and place these appliances in the management tier. We assign the static IP addresses and to these Umbrella Virtual Appliances. These VAs will act as DNS
forwarders for the resources in our AWS application environment.

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Once the appliances are fully up in AWS, login to the Umbrella portal and verify the green status
under Deployments > Configuration > Sites and Active Directory.

Optionally, you can create and assign a site name for your AWS VAs. This site name can be used as
an identity to configure specific policies for AWS Cloud. Click on Settings on the same page to add
site name and then update the VA entries above.

Step 3. Configure the local DNS on Umbrella Virtual Appliances - Follow the Umbrella documentation
to configure local DNS on each VA. Based on the CIDR block chosen for lab VPC, the second IP
address i.e. is the local DNS. Set this IP as local DNS on both Umbrella VAs.

Note: We had set up Secure Remote Access to management tier using ASAv, we use the secure VPN
connection to SSH into the VAs via a jump server hosted in the management tier. For more information on
Secure Remote Access, refer to the Secure Remote Worker SAFE Design guide.

Step 4. Set up policies to exempt internal domains - Log on to the Umbrella portal, go to
Deployments > Configuration > Domain Management and add the internal domains that

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should be routed to the local AWS resolver. Based on your set up, the list of internal domains
will vary.

Step 5. Update the DHCP Options Set for the VPC - Go to VPC Dashboard > DHCP Options Sets and
create a new DHCP options set. Set the domain name servers to two IPs that we assigned to
Umbrella VAs – and

Go to VPC Dashboard > Your VPCs, select the newly created VPC above and update the DHCP
options set from the drop-down list. This will ensure that any instance deployed in this VPC is
assigned the Umbrella VAs as DNS forwarders.

Follow the AWS documentation for more details on DHCP Options Sets.

Setting up the RDS database

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Define the database Subnet Groups
Step 2. Set up the RDS database instance

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Step 1. Define the database Subnet Groups - Go to RDS > Subnet Groups on the AWS console,
create a DB Subnet Group and add to it the Database tier subnets defined in previous steps
(‘dbSubnet1a’ and ‘dbSubnet1b’).

Step 2. Set up the RDS database instance – Set up the database instance as per your application
requirements, follow the AWS documentation for further help. Use the Subnet Group defined in
Step 1 above. The database instance is placed in Security Group ‘dbSG’.

Make sure you note the username, password, endpoint hostname and port, we need these details to
set up our cloud application later in this section.

Setting up the App and Web Load Balancers

Before we begin our implementation, please ensure you’re familiar with these components. For information on
AWS Elastic Load Balancing and health checks, check out the AWS documentation here. Follow the AWS
documentation for detailed configuration steps for Network Load Balancer (NLB).

Per our tiered design, we will set up a ‘Web’ Network Load Balancer (NLB) for the Web Server workloads and
an ‘App’ Network Load Balancer (NLB) for the Application workloads. We will create Target Groups for each
NLB; the workloads register themselves with these Target Groups.

We will not register any instances to the Target Groups at this point but in the next section when we create the
Auto Scaling Groups, we will integrate the Auto Scaling Groups with each of these blank Target Groups that we

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create in this section. When the Auto Scaling process spins new instances, they will automatically register with
these Target Groups.

The Load Balancers will be configured to run health checks for each instance that is launched into the Target
Groups. As soon as an instance is marked healthy, the Load Balancer starts load balancing traffic to it. When
the instance becomes unhealthy, it is removed from the pool.

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Set up the Web Network Load Balancer
Step 2. Set up the App Network Load Balancer
Step 1. Set up the Web Network Load Balancer - The Web NLB is used to load balance web traffic
coming from the Internet to the Auto Scaled pool of Web workloads. This load balancer is
placed in the ‘webSG’ Security Group in the subnets – ‘WebSubnet1a’ and ‘WebSubnet1b’. A
new Target Group ‘WebServerPool’ is also created as part of load balancer configuration, this
will be used later while setting up Auto Scaling Group for Web Servers.

Assign static IP addresses in each availability zone. Make a note of these IP addresses, we will
require these IPs while setting up the static NAT translations on FTD appliances in later section of this

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Step 2. Set up the App Network Load Balancer - This Load Balancer is placed in the ‘appSG’ Security
Group in the subnets – ‘appSubnet1a’ and ‘appSubnet1b’. A new Target Group
‘AppServerPool’ was also created as part of Load Balancer configuration, this will be used later
while setting up the Auto Scaling Group for Application workloads.

Setting up Web and App Auto Scaling groups

In this section, we will set up a pool of workloads for the web and application tier. We will use the AWS Auto
Scaling Groups to achieve this. As part of workload initialization, we install Tetration and AMP4E agents on the
web and app workloads along with other application-specific packages, including the Duo plugin.

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Host the configuration files in an S3 bucket
Step 2. Set up Launch Configurations
Step 3. Set up the Auto Scaling Groups
Step 4. Configure the Auto Scaling policies

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Step 1. Host the configuration files in an S3 bucket - We set up an AWS S3 bucket in US East region.
We upload all the files and application code that we need for our application and web
workloads into this bucket. The other option is to use golden images with all the required
applications and packages pre-installed for app and web workloads. If you choose to host
config files in an S3 bucket, ensure that you set appropriate access privileges for these files.
The S3 files include:
● Config/Code files for our App and Web workloads

◦ App workloads – Modified Publicly available ‘WordPress’ blog code with database connection
information (we recorded the database credentials while setting up RDS previously). Duo Plugin was
also hosted in this S3 bucket.

◦ Web workloads – The Web Server config file. This file has the FQDN address of App Network Load
Balancer that we created in previous steps.
● AMP4E agent installer (AMP rpm and GPG). These were obtained from AMP cloud portal
● Tetration agent installer (Enforcement agent). These are downloaded from Tetration SaaS portal

Note: For Duo MFA for the cloud application, we used Duo WordPress plugin. However, if you choose to
include the Duo integration in your native application, follow the DUO Web SDK documentation.

Step 2. Set up the Launch Configurations - Go to EC2 Dashboard> Auto Scaling > Launch
Configuration and create launch configurations for web and application servers. For more
information on creating Launch Configurations follow the AWS documentation.
● For the base image/operating system, we chose CentOS
● Under the Advanced details options, make sure not to assign any public IPs to the instances in the
launch configuration
● Under the same Advanced details options, we use the User Data option to initialize the EC2 instances
when they are launched into the auto scaling pool. For more details on User Data option, check out the
AWS documentation. As part of this initialization process, we perform the following tasks:

◦ Install packages (php, wget, unzip, lsof, httpd, ipset, nginx) on the workloads. Some of these are
prerequisites for AMP4E and Tetration agents. Refer to the corresponding product documentation to
understand these requirements

◦ Download Code/Configuration files to the respective workloads from S3 bucket

◦ Download the WordPress Duo plugin from S3 bucket to the application workloads

◦ Download and install the Tetration enforcement agent to all the workloads

◦ Download and install the AMP4E agent to all the workloads

● Use the Security Groups ‘webSG’ and ‘appSG’ for Web and Application Launch Configurations

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Below are sample User Data scripts that we used.

Web server initialization script:

sudo yum install -y wget
sudo yum install -y unzip
sudo yum install -y lsof// lsof utility is required for enforcing tetration policies
sudo yum install -y ipset// ipset utility is required for enforcing tetration policies
sudo yum install -y nginx// Installing nginx

#Setting up the web server and updating it with hosted configuration file.
sudo mv nginx.conf nginx.conf.backup
sudo wget
sudo systemctl restart nginx
sudo systemctl enable nginx

#Downloading the Tetration enforcement agent from AWS S3 bucket and installing it.
sudo wget https://
sudo chmod 755
sudo ./ --skip-pre-check

#Downloading the AMP4E agent hosted in an AWS S3 bucket and installing it.
sudo wget https://
sudo rpm --import ./cisco.gpg
sudo wget https://
sudo yum install -y AWS_rhel-centos-7fireamplinux_connector.rpm

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Application server initialization script:
sudo yum install -y wget
sudo yum install -y unzip
sudo yum install -y lsof// lsof utility is required for enforcing tetration policies
sudo yum install -y ipset// ipset utility is required for enforcing tetration policies
sudo yum install -y httpd// Installing httpd
#Setting up the HTTPD server and downloading the application code and Duo plugin hosted in
AWS S3 bucket.
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1//Allow outbound connections from HTTPD daemon
sudo wget -P
sudo unzip /var/www/html/
sudo wget -P
sudo unzip /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/
sudo systemctl restart httpd

#Downloading the Tetration enforcement agent from AWS S3 bucket and installing it.
sudo wget
sudo chmod 755
sudo ./ --skip-pre-check

#Downloading the AMP4E agent hosted in an AWS S3 bucket and installing it.
sudo wget
sudo rpm --import ./cisco.gpg
sudo wget
sudo yum install -y AWS_rhel-centos-7fireamplinux_connector.rpm

Step 3. Set up the Auto Scaling Groups - Create two Auto Scaling Groups using the Launch
Configurations created in the previous step, one for the Web servers and another one for the
Application servers. For more information on creation of Auto Scaling groups, follow the AWS
Once the Auto Scaling Groups are created, select each group and click on edit. In the edit
menu, update the target groups and health check types. For Web Server Auto Scaling group,
set the target group to ‘WebServerPool’ as created during the Web NLB set up. Also, update
the health check type to ELB to integrate the Auto Scaling Group with Load Balancer. Repeat
the same steps for the App Server Auto Scaling Group, use the target group ‘AppServerPool’
created during App NLB set up.

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Step 4. Configure the scaling policies - On the Auto Scaling Groups page, select each group and click
on Scaling policies tab to add the scaling policies. For testing purpose, we used Simple Scaling
of adding or removing one instance when average CPU Utilization exceeds 90% or remains

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below a minimum value of 10%. The desired state was set to two instances at a given point of
Click on Add policy and select Create a simple scaling policy. Fill in the policy name, alarm
(you will need to create a new alarm) and action as per the requirement.

Follow the AWS documentation for more further details on scaling policies.

Setting up the Firepower Next-Generation Firewalls

In this section, we will set up a pair of Cisco Firepower Next-Generation Firewalls at the network perimeter and
onboard them to Cisco Defense Orchestrator for management. As an alternate option, you could also use Cisco
FMC (Firepower Management Center) available via the AWS marketplace (or an on-premise FMC) for
management purposes.

Once the firewalls are set up, we will enable public access to the application via an ‘Outside’ Network Load

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Set up the AWS Environment for NGFWv
Step 2. Deploy NGFWv EC2 instances
Step 3. Onboard the NGFWv to CDO
Step 4. Configure interfaces, routes, NAT and access control on NGFWv
Step 5. Set up the Outside Network Load Balancer
Step 1. Set up the AWS Environment for NGFW- To deploy Firepower Threat Defense Virtual we need
to set up the Network Interfaces for the appliance and allocate Elastic IPs to be assigned to the
Management and Outside Interfaces. We use the IP addressing as defined in table below.

NGFWv Interface Name IPV4 Address AWS NIC Firepower


Safengfw1 Management NIC0 Management

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 45 of 86

NGFWv Interface Name IPV4 Address AWS NIC Firepower

Safengfw1 Diagnostic (DHCP) NIC1 Diagnostic

Safengfw1 Outside NIC2 Gig0/0

Safengfw1 Inside NIC3 Gig0/1

Safengfw2 Management NIC0 Management

Safengfw2 Diagnostic (DHCP) NIC1 Diagnostic

Safengfw2 Outside NIC2 Gig0/0

Safengfw2 Inside NIC3 Gig0/1

Navigate to EC2 Dashboard > Network Interfaces and Create Network Interfaces for inside and
outside interfaces of each FTDv appliance.

Select the network interfaces that were created and right click on Change Source/Dest. Check to
disable it.

Navigate to EC2 Dashboard > Elastic IPs and click on Allocate New Address to allocate two elastic

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Step 2. Select each of the newly assigned Elastic IP addresses and associate them with Outside Network
interfaces created in previous step.

Step 2. Deploy NGFWv EC2 instances– Navigate to EC2 AWS console and click on launch and choose
an AMI for Cisco Firepower NGFW virtual appliance. Choose the Instance Type.

Click Next to configure the Instance:

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Change the Network to match your previously created VPC.
Change the Subnet to match your previously created management subnet. You can specify an IP
address or use auto-generate.

Click the Add Device button under Network interfaces to add the eth1 network interface.
Change the Subnet to match your previously created management subnet that is used for eth0.

Under Advanced Details, add the default login information as User data.

Click Next to Add Storage. You can accept the default or change the volume. Click Next again to add
a Tag, this step is optional as well.
Lastly, Select Next again to Configure Security Group. Click Select an existing Security Group and
choose the previously configured Firewall Security Group.

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Click Review and Launch. Repeat the same steps to launch the second FTDv appliance, make sure
you select management subnets corresponding to second Availability Zone.

Select the newly configured FTDv appliance and click Actions, select Networking > Attach Network
Interface to attach the outside and inside Network Interfaces created in Step 1.

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Step 3. Onboard the NGFWv to CDO - Access the Firepower Device Manager (FDM) using the
management IP address. Click on skip device set up and acknowledge the 90-day trial license
warning (we will configure smart licensing in subsequent steps). You will land at the FDM home

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Log on to the CDO web portal and go to Devices and Services and click on plus button on the top
right-hand side to onboard a Firepower Threat Defense (FTD) device. We use Registration Key
option to onboard the FTD. Fill in the name of the FTD device and follow the wizard to copy the
registration key.

Go back to FDM portal and go to Cloud Services option under System Settings. Paste the
Registration Key, specify the Region and click on Register.

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Come back to the CDO portal, click on Next and log into your Cisco smart licensing manager and
generate the token. Paste the token and click on Next to finish the onboarding process.

Repeat the same steps for the other firepower device, CDO will sync the configuration for both the
devices. At this point we have successfully finished onboarding both the FTDs to CDO.

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Step 4. Configure interfaces, routes, HTTPS health probes, NAT and access control on NGFWv - We
need to configure the following four components:
● Network interfaces
● Static routes
● NAT rules
● Access rules
Click on the onboarded NGFWv appliance on CDO dashboard and then go to Interfaces option from
the menu that appears on the right-hand side of the dashboard. Make sure Gig0/0 and Gig0/1 are
assigned static IP addresses and names as defined in the table in Step 1.

Go back to the same menu and go to Routing option now, set the default route pointing to the
gateway on outside the subnet- Also, add the route for internal subnets (web, app and
database subnet) pointing to the gateway on the inside subnet- Lastly, add a route for AWS
Metadata Server IP address for health probes, set the next hop as the inside subnet gateway.

Next, we set up three NAT rules. First is an optional dynamic PAT rule to allow outbound traffic to the
Internet from the application workloads. You would need this rule if you decide to forward any
outbound flows to the internet via NGFWv appliance. The translation would be as below.
Source: WorkloadIP:Port => OutsideFWInterfaceIP:Port

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Second, a static NAT rule to expose the AWS application to the users on the internet accessing the
application. We need the source translation to ensure that reply traffic is returned back to the same
firewall’s inside interface i.e. maintain the traffic symmetry. The destination is translated from outside
interface IP of the FTD appliance in the specific availability zone to the static IP address of the Web
NLB in same zone.
Source translation: InternetUserIP:Port => InsideFWInterfaceIP:Port
Destination translation: OutsideFTDIP:HTTP => WebLBIP:HTTP

In a similar manner, we pick a random health check port for FTD (example – TCP port 6612) and set
up third NAT translation rule to forward the health check traffic to AWS metadata server. When
Outside NLB sends TCP health probes on port 6612 to outside interface of FTD, the FTD would
translate the source to Inside interface IP and destination to AWS metadata server on port 80 and
forward the traffic.
Source translation: InternetUserIP:Port => InsideFWInterfaceIP:Port
Destination translation: OutsideFTDIP:HealthCheckPort => AWSMetaDataServer:HTTP

Lastly, we configure access control policies to allow traffic from inside zone to outside zone. We also
allow HTTP traffic incoming from the Internet users and health probes from outside NLB.
Go to Policies > FTD Rulesets on CDO portal and click on plus button to add a an FTD ruleset. Within
this newly created ruleset, add the access rules and attach it to the newly onboarded FTD appliances.

Repeat the same set up for the second FTD device and then deploy all the changes.
Step 5. Set up the outside NLB - In this step, we will set up the outside NLB with the Target Group for
outside interfaces of the two FTDv appliances.

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Select the two availability zones and corresponding Outside Subnets that we set up previously.

At Step 3, specify a Name for the Target group for FTD appliances. Select the Target type as IP and
Protocol as TCP on Port 80. For Health checks, override the Port to 6612 (we had previously set up
the FTD to redirect health probes on port 6612 to AWS metadata server). Click Next after making all
the changes.

For target registration, add the Outside interface IP addresses.

Click Next and Review and submit the changes to finish Outside NLB creation.

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After few mins, both the FTDs should register as targets and health status should move to healthy.

Enabling WAF and DDoS protection

At this point we have finished setting up a fully functional cloud application. We will now add the WAF and
DDOS protection capabilities in our design.

Radware Cloud WAF and DDoS services are integrated by using CNAME DNS records. Deployment is
independent of any specific Cloud service providers.

Implementation procedure:

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Step 1. Onboard the application to Radware Cloud
Step 2. Register a domain using AWS Route 53 service
Step 3. Update the DNS setting to point traffic to Radware Cloud
Step 4. Access the application
Step 1. Onboard the application to Radware Cloud - The first step to integrating Radware cloud
service is to onboard the application onto the Radware cloud. On the Radware cloud portal, go
to Assets > Application and click on the plus button on the upper right-hand side of the
screen. Add the prompted details i.e. the Application Domain Name (,
the Origin Server (in this case it would be the Outside network load balancer’s FQDN) and the
Protocol (HTTP). If your application is based on HTTPS protocol, you would need to add the
certificate information as well.

Note: As part of the onboarding process, each customer can choose between immediate and learning
based protection. Immediate protection will enforce a predefined security policy, preventing known
attacks. In order to cover both known and unknown attacks, Radware recommends using the learning-
based protection method. During the first 2 weeks (duration can vary depending on traffic), Radware
evaluates traffic patterns and can automatically update both negative and positive security models by
refining signatures, creating exceptions and building the allowed file extension list per application, greatly
reducing false positives.

Once the details are saved, the application can be seen as below.

Click on the application and copy the allocated CNAME. We need to create a DNS record for our
application with this Radware CNAME.

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Step 2. Register a domain using AWS Route 53 service - On the Route 53 dashboard on AWS
console, click on Create Hosted Zone to register a domain for the application. The registration
process might take anywhere from few minutes to few hours to complete.

Step 3. Update the DNS setting to point traffic to Radware Cloud – Once the domain registration is
completed, go back to Route 53 hosted domain and update the DNS record sets with Radware
CNAME. After this change, it might take a few minutes for the DNS update to propagate. Once
the DNS records are fully updated, the traffic will start getting redirected to Radware Cloud
servers before it hits the ‘origin server’ in the AWS cloud.

Note: To eliminate direct origin attacks, Radware recommends configuring the perimeter firewall to only
allow the Cloud WAF to access the application origin server directly. The service IP addresses can be
requested from Radware Support Team. For more information, check out the Radware Cloud WAF Quick
Start guide (login required).

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Step 4. Access the web application – Go to this newly registered domain URL in the browser, you will
be prompted to do the initial application setup, after the initial set up the application home page
should load as below.

Integration with Cisco SecureX

In this last deployment step, we will enable the Umbrella, Stealthwatch Cloud and Tetration and AMP4E
modules in the SecureX portal to get a unified view into the AWS environment. We create API keys in the
product portals and then configure those keys in the threat response dashboard.

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Add Integration modules
Step 2. Save the module
Step 1. Add Integration modules - Log on to the SecureX dashboard and go to Integration modules
tab, click on Add a New Module and select from the available modules. SecureX dashboard
displays all the steps on API key generation and integration for each available module.

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Step 2. Save the module – Click on Save to complete the integration. In a similar manner add all the
remaining modules. After we have saved the module configurations, the modules will be listed
under Integration Modules tab as below.

Validation Testing
Validation procedure overview:

● Test Case 1 - Creating the workspace for AWS cloud application

● Test Case 2 - Using ADM to discover the policies for AWS workloads and setting up an app view

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● Test Case 3 - Enforcing the policies on workloads
● Test Case 4 - Discovering the vulnerable packages on the AWS workloads

Test Case 1: Creating an application workspace for AWS cloud application

This test case involves defining annotations for the AWS environment. These annotated attributes are used later
to segregate the tiers and segments within the AWS VPC and hence define a workspace for our tiered cloud

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Build an inventory
Step 2. Define scopes
Step 3. Create a workspace
Step 1. Build an inventory – Define the attributes that would help you segregate your tiered application
workloads in the cloud and hence construct policies for them. We will use a combination of two
different methods to add user annotations - 1) Upload a CSV file 2) Auto generate annotations
using external AWS orchestration.

1.1: Based on the architecture of our tiered application (elaborated in the previous sections of this document),
the following annotations were used (Table: AWS Cloud Inventory). Save this in a CSV file format.

Table 1. AWS Cloud Inventory

IP Application Region Tier Type Safe3tierApp US-East-2 WebServer AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 WebServer AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 AppServer AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 AppServer AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 Database AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 Database AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 Management AWS-Cloud Safe3tierApp US-East-2 Management AWS-Cloud

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1.2: Now, log into the Tetration cloud portal and go to ‘Visibility > Inventory Upload’. Click on ‘Select File’ and
‘add’ the CSV file.

1.3: Go to ‘Visibility > External Orchestrator’. Click on ‘Create New Configuration’ and fill in the required details
as shown below.

Note: - You will need to create an Access Key in your AWS account to be used in this configuration.
Follow AWS documentation for more details on access key creation.

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1.4: After a few minutes, you can go to ‘Visibility > Inventory Search’ and test the filters generated, based on
annotations from the Step 1.2 and 1.3 above.

Step 2. Define scopes – We will define a scope to group together all the workloads in our tiered
application in the AWS cloud. We will make use of the annotations/filters that we constructed in
Step 1. We created the scope ‘AWS-US-EAST’, which includes all the workloads from our
tiered app in ‘US-East’ region in AWS Cloud.

Click on the settings icon in the top right corner of the portal and then go to ‘Scopes’ option. Click on ‘Create
New Scope’ and fill in the name of the Scope and a query as below.

Step 3. Create a workspace - Application workspaces are the containers for defining, analyzing and
enforcing policies for a particular application. We will create a workspace for our tiered AWS
cloud application in this step.

Click on ‘Segmentation’ and then click on ‘Create New Workspace’. Give the workspace a name and select the
Scope that we created in Step 2.

At this point, we have successfully built the inventory, created a scope and defined a workspace for our tiered
cloud application.

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Test Case 2: Using ADM to discover the policies for AWS workloads and setting up an app view
This test case validates the use of ‘ADM’ to automatically discover the policies based on flow and other data
received from workloads. We will refine the discovered workload clusters and update the inventory filters to
eventually come up with a set of policies that can be enforced on our cloud workloads.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Discover policies using ADM
Step 2. Refine inventory filters, clusters and policies
Step 3. Create the App View
Step 1. Discover policies using ADM - Before running the ADM, ensure that all types of traffic flows
are generated in the application environment. This would provide ADM the required data to
generate an accurate policy set and hence ensure that we don’t miss any critical but less
common traffic flows.

Go to the newly created workspace and click on ‘Start ADM Run’ on the top right corner, select a suitable time
range to ensure that you cover all the traffic flows.

Step 2. Refine inventory filters, clusters and policies - Post the ADM run, policies and clusters would
be generated. At this point, we manually update and customize all the cluster queries and
approve them.

2.1: Go to ‘Clusters’ tab, click on any of the clusters, the panel on the right-hand side will show the cluster
details like name, description, cluster query, workloads, neighbors. Update name and description to make it
more intuitive, update the cluster query if need be. For example, we updated the cluster query for auto scaled
workloads. We used previously defined annotation to dynamically identify the workloads in Auto Scaling groups
for the web and application servers.

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2.2: Click on ‘Policies’ tab, review the policies keeping the workload flows in mind. We considered the following
flows for policies:

● User requests incoming to Web Servers via Application Load Balancer

● Traffic between the workloads

◦ Web Servers to Network Load Balancer

◦ Network Load Balancer to App Servers

◦ App Servers to RDS Database instance

● Management tier to all the workloads
● Outbound internet access from all the workloads for updates/patches, DNS, DHCP, NTP

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Step 3. Create the App View – Go to ‘App view’ tab and click on ‘Create New App View’. Pin the
workloads on the right-hand side panel to include them in your diagram. Double click on each
pinned cluster on the view to automatically draw the traffic flows.

Test Case 3: Enforcing the policies on workloads.

This test case focuses on enforcing the policy set that we formulated in Test Case 2. We will publish the
policies and verify if those are enforced as expected.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Publish the policies
Step 2. Verify policy enforcement on workloads
Step 1. Publish the policies – Select the ‘Enforcement’ tab on the Tetration portal within the application
workspace and click on ‘Enforce Policies’.

Step 2. Verify policy enforcement on workloads - Since we had CentOS based workloads, we
monitored the ‘/usr/local/tet/log/tet-enforcer.log’ to see if policies are successfully enforced. A
simple ping or telnet test can also be used to verify the lockdown of ports and protocols.

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Use the CLI command ‘ipset list’ to view the ipset firewall settings enforced by Tetration agent on the CentOS

Test Case 4: Discovering the vulnerable packages on the AWS workloads.

This test case looks for vulnerable packages/software installed on various workloads in the AWS. We identify a
vulnerable package/software on our workloads, patch those and then rerun the report.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Check the vulnerability report
Step 2. Fix a vulnerability and rerun the report
Step 1. Check the vulnerability report – Go to ‘Security > Vulnerabilities’, click on ‘Packages’ tab to
see all the vulnerable packages installed on various workloads in our three-tier application. For
the sake of this test, let’s consider ‘libcurl-7.29.0-51.e17’ as shown below.

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We see that the workload ‘ip-10-0-2-4’ is affected by this CVE. Logon to this workload and verify the libcurl

Step 2. Fix the vulnerability and rerun the report – We update the libcurl package from this workload
to the latest version which has the fix to the CVEs listed in step.

Wait for a few minutes after the uninstall, go back to Tetration portal and check the vulnerability report again.
We can see that none of the CVEs related to libcurl show up anymore.

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Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints

Test Case: Quarantine a suspicious file

This test case involves the detection of using AMP for endpoint ‘simple custom detections’ to quarantine a
suspicious PDF file.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Setting up AMP4E policy to quarantine a suspicious file
Step 2. Verifying the deletion of a suspicious file
Step 3. Setting up AMP4E policy to quarantine a suspicious file – For the validation purpose, we
consider a 1 MB PDF file that we will block list using AMP ‘Simple Custom Detections’. We will
then try to download the same PDF file on a cloud workload and assert that our policy works as

As per our initial AMP4E set up, we had configured the group ‘Secure Cloud’ (Management > Groups) for our
workloads in the AWS cloud.

Note: During our implementation phase we had used the AMP4E agent tied to this specific group ‘Secure
Cloud’, which we had created as part of the initial AMP4E set up (not elaborated in this guide, follow

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 69 of 86

AMP4E documentation for detailed steps on setting up AMP4E policies). All the workloads in AWS VPC
register with AMP Cloud under this specific group.

It can be seen in the snapshot above that we tied the specific group to Linux policy ‘CloudApp-LinuxPolicy’. Go
to ‘Management > Policies’ and select the specific Linux policy.

Note: We had preconfigured the Linux policy associated with AMP4E group ‘Secure Cloud’. We also tied
a new Simple Custom Detection ‘CloudApp-CSD’ to the Linux policy. If there was no initial config on AMP
console, then you would see default policies here.

As we see in the snapshot, the Linux policy above is tied to Simple Custom Detections ‘CloudApp-CSD’
(Outbreak Control > Simple).

Go to ‘Outbreak Control > Simple Custom Detections’ and click on edit ‘CloudApp-CSD’ to upload the PDF file
that we want to block list in the AWS cloud environment. Uploading the PDF file will add the SHA value to the
SCD policy and quarantines the file associated with it from all the cloud workloads registered under the specific

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Step 4. Verify the deletion of the suspicious program – Log on to a cloud workload, we picked one of
the web servers in Web Auto Scaling Group. We downloaded the PDF file that we block listed
above. We can see that the file is immediately quarantined by the AMP agent on the workload.

We also confirm the quarantine event from the event logs on the AMP Cloud portal. Log on to the AMP Cloud
portal and go to ‘Analysis > Event’, we see a ‘Quarantine successful’ event post our steps above.

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Stealthwatch Cloud

Test Case: Monitor suspicious activity

This test case involves using the Stealthwatch cloud to monitor the activity within the AWS cloud environment.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Monitor suspicious activity in Stealthwatch Cloud
Step 1. Monitor suspicious activity in Stealthwatch Cloud - Login to the Stealthwatch cloud portal.
Go to ‘alerts’, we see the alert ‘Excessive Access Attempts’ as shown below. This alert
indicated that there were numerous attempts to get SSH access from an unexpected geo
location, which is a suspicious behavior.

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Cisco Umbrella

Test Case: DNS security

This test case involves adding DNS layer security to the AWS workloads. We created a DNS policy for our tiered
application workloads to block malicious domains. To verify the blocks, we accessed a test domain
‘’ and then confirmed the same from Umbrella reporting.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Set up DNS policy for AWS workloads
Step 2. Confirm if malware domain is blocked
Step 1. Set up DNS policy for AWS workloads – Go to ‘Policies > Management > DNS Policies’, add a
new policy and make sure ‘Malware’ is set to block under security settings. Save the change.

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Step 2. Confirm if malware domain is blocked – Run ‘nslookup’ on a test malware domain as shown in
snapshot below. Utility returns Umbrella block page IP address as below.

To further confirm the block action, select ‘Reporting > Activity Search’ and filter the accessed malware
domain. Events show the action as ‘Blocked’.

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Cisco Defense Orchestrator

Test Case: Enforce Security Group policy using CDO

In this test case, we will try to lock down the outbound access for our cloud workloads for specific TCP ports.
We will use CDO to manage the AWS Security Groups. We already onboarded the AWS VPC to the CDO in the
implementation section of this document.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Configure and enforce the access policy
Step 2. Verify the access block
Step 1. Configure and enforce the access policy - We log on to a Web Server workload and try to
access a non-standard TCP port on a server on the Internet. We can see in the snapshot below
that the Web Server workload is able to connect at this point.

We want to block outbound access to such random TCP ports from our Web workloads. Log on to the CDO
portal and go to ‘Policies > AWS VPC policies’, we can see that the ‘WebSG’ policy allows the Web workloads
to access any destination on any port on the Internet.

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We update the policy to lock it down to just the HTTP and HTTPS ports going out to the internet. After making
the policy change, click on the notification on the top right-hand side of the portal to push the changes to the
specific FTD devices.

Step 2. Verify the access block - Now that we have updated the policy, we will try and attempt to
verify the access. We SSH to a web server again and try to access websites on a random TCP
port 666. We can see the connection timing out or getting blocked now. We can also see that
an outbound access to a server on the internet on standard HTTP and HTTPS is still allowed.

Radware Cloud WAF and DDoS Protection

Radware Cloud portal displays all the traffic statistics related to various onboarded applications. The
dashboards are fully customizable based on the requirements.

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Test Case: Monitor Web and DDoS activity on Radware Cloud.
This test case involves monitoring the security events generated in the Radware Cloud portal.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Monitor Web and DDoS activity on Radware Cloud WAF and DDoS Portal.
Step 1. Monitor Web activity and DDoS activity on Radware Cloud - On the Radware Cloud portal, go
to Monitor > Security Events to see all the WAF and DDOS events generated from any
malicious activity targeting your application.

Radware’s Application Analytics combines a large number of similar events and consolidating them into small,
manageable sets of recurring activities. This helps to streamline response by providing additional context to
security events needing attention.

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In addition, the integrated ERT Active Attacker Feed will help you identify if listed requests are legitimate or not
by identifying known attackers. As Illustrated below, we are able to gain intelligence if the IP’s attempting to
access the phpMyAdmin pages are from known malicious IPs (with risk level assessments).

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Duo Beyond
Validation procedure overview:

● Test Case 1 - Set up the cloud application for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
● Test Case 2 - Monitor 2FA activity from Duo admin portal

Test Case 1: Set up the cloud application for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)
This test case involves logging into the application for the first time and activating the duo plugin. Previously,
during the implementation phase, we had already downloaded the plugin to application workloads using AWS
User Data option. Follow the Duo documentation (skip step 2 under ‘Install and Configure the Plugin’) to activate
WordPress Duo plugin. After activating the plugin, log out and log in again. This time Duo will prompt the user
to enroll their phone for 2FA. After successful enrollment, user gets the ability to approve subsequent login

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Set up Duo 2FA for a new user
Step 2. Log onto the cloud application
Step 1. Set up Duo 2FA for a new user - After the initial plugin activation, the Duo MFA kicks in and
since this is the first authentication attempt, the user is prompted to enroll for MFA.

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Step 2. Log onto the cloud application - After the enrollment, we continue to log onto the application,
this time the user is presented with Duo authentication methods instead of ‘setup’. Once the
user approves the authentication request, they are allowed to login.

Test Case 2: Monitor 2FA activity from Duo admin portal

This test case involves monitoring the 2FA enrollment and login activity in the Duo admin portal.

Validation procedure:
Step 1. Verify the 2FA enrolled devices
Step 2. Track the user logins in authentication logs
Step 3. Verify the 2FA enrolled devices - Logon to the Duo admin portal and select ‘2FA Devices’, the
portal shows the list of enrolled devices along with other details like platform, hardware model
and usernames.

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Step 2. Track the user logins in authentication logs – Go to ’Dashboard > Authentication log’, to track
user 2FA login activity as shown in the snapshot below.

Cisco SecureX Threat Response

Test Case: Track Malicious Activity on threat response

In this test case, we track the life cycle of the malicious PDF that we quarantined using AMP4E in previous
steps. We will use the same SHA value and see what threat response offers in terms of visibility in our

Implementation procedure:
Step 1. Investigate a malicious SHA value
Step 2. Track the file trajectory
Step 1. Investigate a malicious SHA value - Log on to the threat response portal and select
‘Investigate’. Add the SHA value in provided space and click on ‘Investigate’. Threat response
pulls all the information about the associated file and what workloads the specific file had
interacted with. Under the ‘Observables’ section, we can see that AMP4E detected this SHA

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 81 of 86

value as malicious based on our custom AMP policy, threat response displays the specific
AMP4E policy name as well.

Step 2. Track the file trajectory - Click on the ‘SHA-256 Hash’ shown in the Relations Graph. Expand
the drop-down menu and click on ‘File trajectory’.

Clicking on ‘File trajectory’ should redirect you to AMP4E portal page which displays the trajectory of the
malicious file on the specific workload. Clicking on a particular timestamp displays the related events. The event
history shows all the events associated with the specific file.

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Appendix A- AWS Security Groups with CDO
Cisco Defense Orchestrator (CDO) is used for management and policy orchestration. CDO provides one
security policy, faster deployment, and smart configuration management. It eliminates the time-consuming
complexity of managing policies not just across multiple FTDs and ASAs but also the AWS Security Groups.
Cisco Defense Orchestrator helps to correct issues such as unused, duplicate, and inconsistent objects hence
ensuring consistent policies for firewalls.

We can use CDO as a single pane to manage the AWS Security Groups, providing a centralized management
solution across multiple AWS VPCs.

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Appendix B- Acronyms Defined
ALB – Application Load Balancer

AMP4E - Advanced Malware Protection for Endpoints

AVC - Application Visibility and Control

CDO - Cisco Defense Orchestrator

CSD - Custom Simple Detection

CVD - Cisco Validated Design

ERT - Emergency Response Team

FQDN - Fully Qualified Domain Name

IOC – Indicators of Compromise

MFA – Multi-Factor Authentication

PaaS - Platform as a Service

PIN - Places in Network

SaaS - Software as a Service

SWC - Stealthwatch Cloud

VA - Virtual Appliance

VPC - Virtual Private Cloud

2FA - Two Factor Authentication

Appendix C- AWS CloudFormation Template
The AWS CloudFormation template used for the validation testing is located on the Cisco Security Validated
Design GitHub. This template can be used to automate the deployment of the networking components,

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 84 of 86

database, application, and web servers. For more information on the full deployment using AWS
CloudFormation, the readme in the GitHub repository goes over all the steps and how it works.
Appendix D- Software Versions
Product Platform Version

Tetration Software agent

AMP4E Software agent

Stealthwatch Cloud Cloud Offering SaaS

Umbrella VAs Appliance (EC2 Instance) 2.6.2

CDO Cloud Offering SaaS

Duo WordPress Plugin Software Plugin Version 2.5.5

Radware Cloud Cloud Offering SaaS

SecureX Threat Response Cloud Offering SaaS

Workloads Linux CentOS 7.7

RDS Database MySQL database mysql-5-7

Cisco NGFWv OS

Appendix E- References
This section lists all the references.

● Cisco SAFE:
● AWS Three Tier Architecture:
● Cisco Tetration:
● Cisco Stealthwatch Cloud:
● Cisco AMP for Endpoint:
● Cisco Duo Beyond:
● Cisco Umbrella:
● Cisco Defense Orchestrator:

© 2021 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Page 85 of 86

● Radware for AWS (WAF and DDoS):
● WordPress:
● AWS Route Tables:
● AWS Security Groups:
● AWS RDS Database for MySQL:
● AWS Auto Scale:
● AWS EC2 Instances:
● AWS Elastic Load Balancing (Application and Network):
● AWS S3:
● Amazon Machine Image:
● AWS Route 53:

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