Finite Element Programming
Finite Element Programming
Finite Element Programming
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Finite Element Programs in Structural
Analysis Engineering and Continuum Mechanics
! Cook, R. D., J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 1974, 1981, 1989, ! Ross, C. T. F., Albion Publishing, Chichester, 1996, ISBN
2001, 537 pp., ISBN 0471-84788-7, 0-471-03050-3, 0-471- 1-898563-28-4
35605-0 ! Bridging the gap between theoretical textbooks and the
! This book discusses the concepts and applications of finite expensive software packages, this handbook covers finite
element analysis with an applied mechanics viewpoint. It is element programming in a wide range of problems in
directed to senior engineering students as well as practicing mechanical, civil, aeronautical and electrical engineering.
engineers. A number of FORTRAN routines, such as Topics included range from the static analysis of 2D and 3D
banded-stiffness matrix formulation, static condensation, etc. structures to stress analysis of thick slabs on elastic
are included. foundation, and from 2D and 3D vibration analysis problems
! Partial contents: background and introductory material; the to 2D field problems including heat transfer and acoustic
stiffness method and the plane truss; potential energy and vibrations. The 24 printouts of FE computer programs,
the Rayleigh-Ritz method; use of assumed displacement written in QUICK BASIC, are introduced by a preliminary
fields; the isoparametric formulation; some modifications of chapter giving useful hints and formulae intended for
elements; structural design.
Engineering Stress Analysis- A Finite Element Object Oriented Methods and Finite Element
Approach With FORTRAN 77 Software Analysis
! Fenner, D. N., J. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1987, 250 ! Mackie, R. I., Saxe-Coburg Publ., Edinburgh, 2000, 250
pp.ISBN 07458-0246-X, 0-470-20895-3 pp., ISBN 1-874-672-08-3
! This book gives an introduction to the finite element method ! This book presents the advantages of object oriented
and its practical implementation with FORTRAN 77 programming for finite element software development. It
language. Two programs are presented: FIESTA1 and explains the overall design philosophy as well as provides
FIESTA2, 1D and 2D stress analysis codes, respectively. the reader with detailed programming information. The OO
The book is directed to students in the field of mechanical, approach to finite element programming requires a radically
civil and aeronautical engineering. different approach to traditional finite element programming.
! Partial contents: analysis of stress and strain; material The differences are highlighted and the advantages of the
behavior; formulation of stress analysis; finite element OO approach are demonstrated. Sufficient detailed
concepts; various topics- the principle of virtual work, programming information is included to help the program
minimum of potential energy, energy bounds in the developer to implement his/her own OO code or adapt the
displacement method; practical aspects of the program ideas presented in the book. The book is intended for
FIESTA2 for 2D stress analysis; analysis of plane frames; researchers and postgraduate students working in the field of
plane elasticity applications; theoretical element formulation finite element technology. It is accompanied by a voucher for
aspects; axisymmetric problems; theory and implementation a complementary software disc containing the source code
of the torsion elastic shafts. described in the book.