Simple Present Exercise

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Guru : Agung Saputra, S.


Name : ……………………………….


A. Choose the best answer.

1. My mother ________ eggs for breakfast every morning.

A. fry
B. frys
C. fries
2. I ________ in a bank.
A.  work
B.  works
C.  workes
3. John ________ very hard in class, but I don't think he'll pass the course.
A.   try
B.   trys
C.   tries
4. It ________ almost every day in Manchester.
A.   rain
B.   rains
C.   raines
5. My life is so boring -- I just ________ TV every night.
A.   watch
B.   watchies
C.   watches
6. My best friend ________ to me every week.
A.   write
B.   writies
C.   writes
7. She ________ in Florida.
A.   live
B.   lives
C.   livees
8. We ________ to Spain every summer.
A.   fly
B.   flys
C.   flies
9. The bank ________ at four o'clock.
A.   close
B.   closies
C.   closes

10. Jo is so smart that she ________ every exam without even trying.
A.   pass
B.   passies
C.   passes

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of words given.

1. I  ____________ (read) a very interesting book now.

2. Joanne  ____________  (work) eight hours a day.

3. Tonight we ____________  (see) a play at the thereatre.

4. Who ____________  you ____________ (speak) to just now?

5. I  ____________  (not know) him very well.

6. What will you do if she ____________  (come) late?

7. My wife ____________  (like) coffee for breakfast.

8. What ____________  Tom usually ____________(have) for breakfast?

9. Your train ____________  (leave) at 17.25 from platform 3.

10. What ____________  Mary ____________ (do) ? She's a student.

11. My whole family _______________(go) to church once a week.

12. My wife and I _________________(go) to the beach in the summer.

13. Listen! The phone ________________(ring) in the other room.

14. Rain seldom ________________(fall) in the Sahara.

15. He is thirteen years old now, and his voice _____________________(change).

16. Let's change the conversation. It _________________(get) too serious.

17. Leap year __________________(come) every four years.

18. My grandfather ________________(grow) tomatoes in his garden this summer.

19. He ________________(grow) them every summer .

20.The children ______________________(leave) for school right now.

21. The children __________________(leave) at 8:30 every morning of the week.

22. Shu! The baby ______________________(take) her nap.

23. In the north the season ____________________(change) four times a year .

24. Unfortunately, the patient ______________________ (die).

25.The monsoon _____________________(come) once or twice a year.

26. It's spring and the days _____________________(get) longer.

27. The weather _____________(get) very cold in Moscow in the winter.

28. It _________________(rain) hard, and I don't have an umbrella.

29. It's November and the birds ___________________(fly) south.

30. Many birds of Europe _____________(fly) south to Africa every winter.

31. He ………….(change) his uniform every day.

32. I ………….(take) part in the fire-walking ceremony every year.
33. She ……..….(clean) her room once a month. She ……….…..(not clean) it every week.
34. Joni and Ali………….(sit) in the last row every day.
35. Every morning, the sun…….… (shine) in my bedroom window and (wake) ………… up

36. The children……….….(play) in the park every evening.

37. He always…………..(prepare) his homework carefully.
38. They ………….…..(carry) the books in a briefcase.
39. George always ……..…(try) to arrive everywhere on time.
40. Mrs. Smith………….(work) in the Eastern airlines.

C. Complete the sentences like in the example. Use the long form of the auxiliary.

Example: Jane ___________ a book. (not/to read)

Answer: Jane (does not read) a book.

1) Tom stamps. (not/to collect)
2) You songs in the bathroom. (not/to sing)
3) Julie in the garden. (not/to work)
4) I at home. (not/to sit)
5) Tina and Kate the windows. (not/to open)
6) Adam French. (not/to speak)
7) His sister lemonade. (not/to like)
8) We to music. (not/to listen)
9) My father the car every Saturday. (not/to clean)
10) Johnny and Danny in the lake. (not/to swim)

D. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present. Watch the
punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: ____ she ____ books? (to read)

Answer: Does she read books?

1) They hockey at school. (to play)

2) She e-mails. (not/to write)
3) you English? (to speak)
4) My parents fish. (not/to like)
5) Anne any hobbies? (to have)
6) Andy's brother in an office. (to work)
7) Leroy very fast. (can/not/to read)
8) Jim and Joe the flowers every week? (to water)
9) Yvonne's mother a motorbike. (not/to ride)
10) Elisabeth cola? (to drink)

E. Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. Use the Simple Present. Watch the
punctuation and form sentences or questions.

Example: He ___________ books (not/to read)

Answer: He does not read books. or He doesn't read books.

1) Anne my questions. (not/to answer)

2) they tomatoes in this shop? (to sell)
3) This girl trousers at school. (not/to wear)
4) Mr Barker Physics? (to teach)
5) The guinea pigs under the desk. (not/to hide)
6) Ken often the school bus? (to miss)
7) The poster on the wall anymore. (not/to hang)
8) for the tickets? (you/to pay)
9) The boys stones. (not/to throw)
10) the bells of your church still ? (to ring)
F. Negate the first sentence in each task. Write the negation of the verbs in bold into the
correct gaps. You can use long or short/contracted forms of the auxiliary.

Example: Tom writes a letter. - Tom ______________ a letter.

Answer: Tom writes a letter. - Tom does not write a letter. or Tom doesn't write a letter.

1) They play volleyball every week. - They volleyball every week.

2) John is nice. - John nice.
3) This car makes a lot of noise. - This car a lot of noise.
4) I like computer games. - I computer games.
5) We are from Greece. - We from Greece.
6) You wear pullovers. - You pullovers.
7) They speak English. - They English.
8) He watches TV. - He TV.
9) I am from Spain. - I from Spain.
10) Steve draws nice pictures. - Steve nice pictures.

G. Choose the correct phrases and form negative sentences.

1) I at home.
2) We the family car.
3) Doris her homework.
4) They to bed at 8.30 pm.
5) Kevin his workbook.
6) Our hamster apples.
7) You with your friends.
8) She a ruler.
9) Max, Frank and Steve in the yard.
10) The boy stones.

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