Chia Ming Zhe-Assesment 2 (English)

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Part 1
Questions 1 to 8
Read the text carefully in each question. Choose the best answer A, B or C.
For each question, blacken the correct answer A, B or C on your answer sheet.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Thank you!

Dear Uncle Matt,

Thank you very much for the novels you bought me. They were
really interesting to read. How did you know reading is my
favourite hobby? Mother’s taking me to the book shop tomorrow
to get more.


1 Sarah wants her uncle to know

A that she has a new hobby now.
B that his present was suitable for her.
C that she’s looking forward to reading his books.

Looking for a fun sport?

Join our badminton club!
Every Wednesday
4.00 p.m. till 6.00 p.m.

Join our club and train to be a champion

for the National Badminton Tournament
this coming December!

2 The badminton club members will

A meet twice a week.
B have their practice all day.
C get a chance to take part in a big competition.
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Green Hill Forest Park

This amazing forest park is popular among hikers as it has
several paths, from easy to difficult. Children and adults can hike up
the hill and enjoy the beautiful views of the landscape
around the city.

3 Green Hill Forest Park is

A suitable for all ages.
B located in the countryside.
C very challenging for hikers.


This book tells a story of Adam and Dibby The Dragon. They travel
to find Dibby’s family and along the way, they meet a few new
friends and enemies. Will Dibby see his family? Can they defeat
Captain Horrible?

Get this book at the bookshop near you!

4 The story is about

A travelling to meet new friends.
B searching for a lost family.
C fighting dragons.

Year End Sale

Spend over RM50 on selected items in our gift and toy

departments and you’ll get a 10% discount!

5 Shoppers will get

A a 10% discount on all products they buy.
B a free gift or toy if they spend over RM50.
C a discount when spending above a certain amount.

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To [email protected]
Subject Ice skating classes

Dear Tommy,

I’m interested in attending the new ice skating classes. But, my parents will
only agree if you do it too. What do you think? It will be fun! Remember
the good times we had during the swimming lessons? Write soon!


6 Kelvin is asking Tommy

A to go to ice skating classes with him.
B for advice about ice skating classes.
C about his swimming lessons.


I have an urgent meeting and will be back late today

so you’d better get the bus home. Lunch is ready but
remind your father to prepare the dinner. I need you to
give your little brother a quick shower and don’t forget
to feed him.

7 Hassan has to
A cook dinner for his father.
B take care of his brother.
C take the bus to school.

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An adventure camp by the river with lots of
fun and challenging outdoor activities.

Sign up now! Limited places available!

For teenagers aged from

17 to 19 years old.

22 – 28 September

For reservation, go to

8 The advertisement says that

A activities at the camp are limited.
B teens can book a place online.
C the camp is open to all.

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Part 2
Questions 9 to 16
Read the text below and correct the underlined errors.
For each question, write the correct word in the space provided on your answer sheet.


Yesterday (0) is my first day at my new school. I could not sleep the night

before because I was so nervous. However, I still managed to (9) waking up early.

I ate my breakfast and walked to school. While I was (10) walk, my neighbour,

Maria and her mum drove past. (11) Them stopped and offered me a ride. Since

I was not that familiar with the road, I (12) quick said yes. When we reached
school, I went to (13) a office and met Mr Kumar, my principal. He was really nice.

Later, I entered my classroom and met my (14) classmate. They were all very

friendly. We had fun playing games during (15) my English lesson. After the break,

I went to the library and was greeted by a librarian, Jason, (16) which was also my

class monitor. It was a wonderful day and I no longer feel nervous about going to

the school anymore!

[8 marks]


0 was

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Part 3
Read the text below and answer questions 17 to 24.

Rising Stars: The Sugar Girls

Lisa, Nina, Julie and Tasha first met when they were classmates
in 2012. Their interest in singing and dancing gave them the idea
to form a girl group called The Sugar Girls in 2014. In 2015, they won
Teenage Voice, a local singing contest and were offered a recording
contract with RTV Entertainment. However, the girls decided to choose
Sunshine Recording.
They quickly hit it big after releasing their first album, ‘Love Diary’.
A well-known producer, Michael Raj, wrote and produced the girls’
second album called ‘Promise’. This album was reported to have
sold 250 000 units worldwide, which was 150 000 more than their
previous album.
Their success is the result of a lot of hard work and it has presented
challenges for the girls. As Tasha says, “a lot of singers find it difficult
to deal with being a celebrity and I think the hardest thing for us is the
interviews – it’s something we have to do more often as we become
famous but I don’t think any of us enjoy it!”
The girls have a routine which they go through before their
performances. “We try not to get nervous before a show so we always
hug – because this works best,” says Nina. They do not believe in doing
strange things like ringing bells before a show or wearing a lucky necklace.
The girls have just finished doing a concert in Indonesia with a
famous singer from Jakarta and are now preparing for their next show
in Korea. This year, they are also going to appear as guest stars in the
movie, ‘Pink Rain’. This is likely to be an even bigger hit than ‘Before You’,
which was their last acting project.

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Questions 17 to 24
Complete the following table.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each
question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

The Sugar Girls

Year formed 17 ____________________________________

Music company they work for 18 ____________________________________

Name of the most successful

19 ____________________________________

Copies of second album sold 20 ____________________________________

The biggest challenge 21 the _________________________________

The thing they do before a show 22 ____________________________________

23 perform in ___________________________
Future projects
24 act in the movie called __________________

[8 marks]

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Part 4
Read the text below and answer questions 25 to 34.

A Lesson Learnt

“Are you listening, Ethan?” asked Miss Gina.

“Sorry, Miss Gina. I’m discussing something with Alice,” replied Ethan.
“It’s always Alice or Libby. Please pay attention when I’m teaching,” said Miss Gina.
After that Geography lesson, Miss Gina advised Ethan to avoid unnecessary
talking so that he could learn better. Last year, when she taught him English, she tried
hard to get his attention too but failed. He also rarely finished his work.
That evening, when Ethan got home after school, he was coughing badly.
Immediately, he remembered the time when he had a high fever last year. It hadn’t been
a good experience for him and he didn’t want it to happen again. His mother decided to
prepare chicken soup because he couldn’t eat the fried rice that she had cooked earlier.
He finished it, even though he wasn’t hungry.
The next morning, as always, Miss Gina welcomed her students, including Ethan,
into her class but he just smiled. When his friends spoke to him, he just kept quiet. Miss
Gina asked him why he was not talking. In a slow voice, he answered that his throat was
hurting so he could not talk much.
In class, he only talked with his classmates when he needed to. He also managed
to finish his work, all because he spent less time talking now. That night, he watched
television and he could even play video games if he wanted to. However, he decided to
go to bed early.
A few days later, his voice got better. He could talk but he didn’t interrupt the
teacher at all. He listened and raised his hand before speaking.
Miss Gina was proud of Ethan for paying attention in class.

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Questions 25 to 32
Answer the questions below.
Choose no more than three words and/or a number from the text for each answer. For each
question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

25 Ethan was told off for talking to _______________________________________ during

Miss Gina’s class. [1 mark]

26 Miss Gina was teaching Ethan ________________________________________ this year.

[1 mark]

27 Ethan was ____________________________________ when he got home that evening.

[1 mark]

28 Ethan ate ____________________________________ for dinner that night. [1 mark]

29 When Miss Gina greeted him that morning, he __________________________________

at her. [1 mark]

30 The pain in Ethan’s __________________________________ was the reason why he was

not speaking as usual. [1 mark]

31 Ethan was able to __________________________________ when he talked less in class.

[1 mark]

32 Ethan ______________________________________ before going to bed. [1 mark]

Questions 33 and 34
Complete the table below with a word from the text.
For each question, write your answer in the space provided on your answer sheet.

Meaning Word

33 not often [1 mark]

34 to stop someone from doing something [1 mark]

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Part 5
Questions 35 to 40
You are going to read a story about Sarah. Six sentences have been removed from the story.
Choose from the sentences (A - H) to fit each gap (35 - 40). There are two extra sentences
which you do not need to use.
For each question, blacken the correct answer (A - H) on your answer sheet.

Sarah’s Lucky Day

Sarah loved to draw and paint. She would paint for hours and already had a
collection of her paintings.
However, there was one problem. The paints that she used were expensive and she
didn’t always have the money to buy them. (35) Mum told Sarah that she had to
use her pocket money to get them.
The set of paints that she wanted had many interesting colours like hot pink, lemon
yellow and bright green. It also came with different sizes of brush. (36) She saw
herself becoming a famous artist one day.
Sarah went to her coin box and counted her money. She was RM50 short.
(37) At first, Sarah was not sure what to do, but she got an idea when she
saw her mum doing the dishes. She asked her mum if she could earn some money by
doing housework.
Mum thought for a minute and said, “if you cut the grass, I’ll give you RM20.”
Sarah quickly went to the garden and took the lawnmower out. However, she
was still short by RM30 after her mum had paid her. Suddenly, she noticed that her
neighbour’s car was a little dirty. (38) She could wash it to make the money
she needed.
She went next door and asked her neighbour, Mrs Choo, if she could get some
money by washing her car. (39) When Sarah finished the job, Mrs Choo paid
her RM30. But, as Sarah was leaving, Mrs Choo stopped her. Mrs Choo said that she had
found boxes of paints, mostly still unopened, while she was clearing her drawers. She
told Sarah that she had tried painting a few months ago but stopped when she realised
she had no talent. Since she no longer needed them, Mrs Choo asked Sarah if she would
be interested in them. (40)
Sarah left Mrs Choo’s house with not only RM30, but also with boxes of paints.
Every time Sarah used the paints, she remembered how lucky she had been that day.
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A She was disappointed with herself.

B Mrs Choo agreed and was delighted with the idea.

C Sarah dreamt of painting great pictures with them.

D All her friends had better paints.

E She started thinking of ways to find the extra money.

F Sarah wanted the set of paints she had seen at the store.

G Sarah was surprised but excitedly took them.

H That gave her a new idea.

[6 marks]




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