Three-Phase Overvoltage and Undervoltage Relay: 1MRS 750359-MBG Spau 130 C

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Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C

undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG

Issued: April 1999
Status: Updated
VErsion: B/08.11.2001
Data subject to change without notice

Features • Combined overvoltage and undervoltage • Flexible matching of the relay to the
protection relay intended protection application
• Three-phase definite time or inverse time • Numerical display of setting values, mea-
overvoltage stage sured values, recorded fault values, indica-
tions, etc.
• Three-phase definite time undervoltage
stage • Serial interface for bus connection module
and fibre-optic substation bus
• Control input for blocking the function of
the undervoltage stage by means of an • Continuous self-supervision of relay hard-
external control signal ware and software for enhanced system
reliability and availability
• Automatic blocking of the undervoltage
stage on loss of energizing voltage • Auto-diagnostic fault indication to facilitate
repair of an internal relay fault
• Fully field-configurable output relay func-
tions • Powerful software support for parameter-
ization and supervision of the relay

Application The three-phase voltage relay SPAU 130 C is The overvoltage stage can be given definite
intended to be used for overvoltage and time characteristic or inverse time character-
undervoltage protection and supervision in istic. The undervoltage stage features definite
distribution substations. The relay can also be time characteristic alone.
used for overvoltage and undervoltage pro-
tection of generators, motors and transform- An external control signal can be used to
ers. Generally, the relay measures the three block the operation of the undervoltage stage.
phase-to-phase voltages of the system, but it
can also be programmed for single-phase The relay forms a whole including overvolt-
measurement. age stage, undervoltage stage as well as flexi-
ble trip and alarm functions.

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG

Design The combined overvoltage and undervoltage Data communication

relay SPAU 130 C is a secondary relay that is The relay is provided with a serial interface
connected to the voltage transformers of the on the rear panel. By means of a bus connec-
object to be protected. The relay generally tion module type SPA-ZC 17 or SPA-ZC 21
measures the three phase-to-phase voltages of the relay can be connected to the fibre-optic
the system. On operating the relay trips the SPA bus. The bus connection module type
circuit breaker and/or provides an alarm sig- SPA-ZC 21 is powered from the host relay,
nal, in accordance with the configuration of whereas the bus connection module SPA-
the relay. ZC 17 is provided with a built-in power unit,
which can be fed from an external secured
When one or several of the phase-to-phase power source. The relay communicates with
voltages exceed the set start value U> of the higher-level data acquisition and control sys-
overvoltage stage, the overvoltage stage starts tems over the SPA bus.
and generates a start signal SS1. When, at
definite time mode of operation, the set oper-
ate time t> or, at inverse time mode of opera- Self-supervision
tion, the calculated operate time t>, has The relay incorporates a sophisticated self-
expired, the overvoltage stage deliveres a trip supervision system with auto-diagnosis,
signal TS1. In the same way the undervoltage which increases the availability of the relay
stage starts and generates a start signal SS2, and the reliability of the system. The self-
when the value measured goes below the start supervision system continuously monitors the
value U<, and when the set operate time t< hardware and the software of the relay. The
has expired, the undervoltage stage operates system also supervises the operation of the
by generating a trip signal TS2. auxiliary supply module and the voltages
generated by the module.
The overvoltage and undervoltage relay is
generally used as a three-phase relay. But by When the self-supervision system detects a
means of a selector switch the relay can be permanent internal relay fault, the IRF indica-
configured as a single phase relay. tor on the relay front panel is lit. At the same
time the output relay of the self-supervision
The overvoltage stage can be given definite system operates and a fault message is trans-
time characteristic or inverse time character- mitted to the higher-level system over the
istic. The inverse time characteristic includes serial bus. Further, in most fault situations, a
two sets of curves, named A and B. fault code is shown in the display of the pro-
tection relay module. The fault code indicates
The undervoltage stage has definite time the type of the fault that has been detected.
characteristic. Tripping of the undervoltage
stage can be blocked by applying a control Auxiliary supply voltage
signal BS to the external opto-isolated control The auxiliary supply of the relay is obtained
input of the relay. from an internal plug-in type power supply
module. Two auxiliary power module ver-
The overvoltage and undervoltage relay is sions are available: type SPTU 240S1 for the
provided with two output relays for tripping supply voltage range 80…265 V ac/dc and
and three output relays for signalling. One of type SPTU 48S1 for the supply voltage range
the signalling relays is dedicated for the self- 18…80 V dc. The power supply module
supervision system of the relay. forms the internal voltages required by the
protection relay and the I/O module.

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG


Terminals 13-14, 16-17, 13-15, 16-18,
19-20 19-21
Rated voltage Un 100 V 110 V
Continuous withstand 2 × Un 2 × Un
Power consumption at rated voltage Un <0.5 VA
Rated frequency fn, according to order 50 Hz or 60 Hz

Type of contact Tripping Signalling
Terminals 65-66, 68-69 70-71-72, 77-78, 80-81
Rated voltage 250 V ac/dc
Thermal withstand Carry continuously 5A 5A
capability Make and carry for 0.5 s 30 A 10 A
Make and carry for 3 s 15 A 8A
Breaking capacity for dc, 220 V dc 1A 0.15 A
when the control/ 110 V dc 3A 0.25 A
signalling circuit time
48 V dc 5A 1A
constant L/R ≤ 40 ms, at
the control voltages
Contact material AgCdO2

External control input Terminals 10-11
Control voltage level 18…265 V dc or
80…265 V ac
Power consumption when input activated 2…20 mA
Data communication Transmission mode Fibre-optic serial bus
Data code ASCII
Selectable data transfer rates 300, 1200, 2400, 4800 or
9600 Bd
Fibre-optic bus for plastic fibre cables SPA-ZC 21BB
connection module, for glass fibre cables SPA-ZC 21MM
powered from the host
Fibre-optic bus for plastic fibre cables SPA-ZC 17BB
connection module with for glass fibre cables SPA-ZC 17MM
a built-in power supply
Auxiliary supply modules Power supply and I/O SPTU 240S1 80…265 V ac/dc
modules and voltage SPTU 48S1 18…80 V dc
Power consumption under quiescent ~4 W
under operating ~6 W

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG


Overvoltage stage Start voltage U> 0.8…1.6 × Un
U> Start time, preset values 0.1 s or 30 s
Operate time at definite time operation characteristic 0.05…100 s
Time multiplier k> at inverse time operation characteristic 0.05…1.00
Reset time, typically 60 ms
Drop-off/pick-up ratio, typically 0.97
Operate time accuracy at definite time ±2% of set value
characteristic and or ±25 ms
start time accuracy
at inverse time ±25 ms or accuracy
mode of operation obtained at a ±3%
variation of the
input voltage
Operation accuracy ±3% of set value
Undervoltage stage Start voltage U< 0.4…1.2 × Un
U< Start time, preset values 0.1 s or 30 s
Operate time at definite time operation characteristic 1…120 s
Reset time, typically 60 ms
Reset ratio, typically 1.03
Operation time accuracy and start time accuracy ±2% of set value
or ±25 ms
Operation accuracy ±3% of set value

Test voltages Dielectric test voltage (IEC 255-5) 2.0 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min
Impulse test voltage (IEC 255-5) 5 kV, 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J
Insulation resistance (IEC 255-5) >100 MΩ, 500 V dc
Interference tests High-frequency (1 MHz) 2.5 kV
disturbance test (IEC 255-22-1),
common mode
High-frequency (1 MHz) 1.0 kV
disturbance test (IEC 255-22-1),
differential mode
Fast transients (IEC 255-22-4, 4 kV, 5/50 ns
class III and IEC 801-4, level 4),
power supply inputs
Fast transients (IEC 255-22-4, 2 kV, 5/50 ns
class III and IEC 801-4, level 4),
other inputs
Electrostatic discharge 8 kV
(IEC 255-22-2 and IEC 801-2,
class III), air discharge
Electrostatic discharge 6 kV
(IEC 255-22-2 and IEC 801-2,
class III), contact discharge
Environmental conditions Service temperature range -10…+55°C
Transport and storage -40…+70°C
temperature range (IEC 68-2-8)
Damp heat test (IEC 68-2-3) <95%, +40°C, 96 h
Relative humidity (IEC 68-2-30) 93…95%, +55°C, 6 cycles
Degree of protection by enclosure IP 54
when panel mounted
Weight 3 kg

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG

Block diagram L1

A Rx Tx


+ (~)
- (~)


13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21
110V 10 11 61 62 70 71 72 77 78 80 81 68 69 65 66




+ - U3 1 1 1 1
U3 SGR 3 2 4 7 5 8 6


t>,k> TS1


t< TS2

U1 I/O
SPAU 130 C U2

Fig. 1 Block diagram and sample connection diagram

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG

Mounting and Flush mounting

dimensions 142
216 34 129 ±1
30 186

139 ±1
Panel cut-




Fig. 2 Flush-mounting relay case (dimensions in mm)

Semi-flush mounting
a b

Raising frame a b

SPA-ZX 111 176 74

SPA-ZX 112 136 114
SPA-ZX 113 96 154


Fig. 3 Semi-flush mounting relay case (dimensions in mm)

Mounting in 19 inch cabinets Projecting mounting

and frames When projecting mounting is preferred, a
An ancillary mounting plate, height 4U relay case type SPA-ZX 110 is used. The
(~177 mm), is recommended to be used when relay case for projecting mounting is pro-
the protection relays are to be mounted in 19 vided with front connectors.
inch frames or cabinets. The ancillary mount-
ing plate type SPA-ZX 104 accommodates
three relays, type SPA-ZX 105 two relays and
type SPA-ZX 106 one relay.

+0,4 158 263
482,6 –0 (19")
177 –0 (4U)



115 98


Fig. 4 Mounting cabinets and frames as well as projecting mounting (dimensions in mm)

Three-phase overvoltage and SPAU 130 C
undervoltage relay 1MRS 750359-MBG

Ordering information Ordering example
1. Type designation and quantity SPAU 130 C, 5 pieces
2. Order number RS 422 020-AA
3. Rated values Un = 110 V, fn = 50 Hz
4. Auxiliary voltage Uaux = 110 V dc
5. Accessories -
6. Special requirements -

Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage relay RS 422 020-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAU 130 C without test adapter
Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage relay RS 422 220-AA, CA, DA, FA
SPAU 130 C including test adapter RTXP 18
The last two letters of the order number indicate the AA equals fn = 50 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
rated frequency fn and the auxiliary voltage Uaux of CA equals f = 50 Hz and U
n aux = 18…80 V dc
the relay as follows:
DA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 80…265 V ac/dc
FA equals fn = 60 Hz and Uaux = 18…80 V dc

Brochure “Voltage and current measuring relays” 1MRS 750270-MDS EN
Manual “Three-phase overvoltage and undervoltage 1MRS 750638-MUM EN
relay SPAU 130 C”

P.O. Box 699
FIN-65101 Vaasa, Finland
Tel +358 10 224 000
Fax +358 10 224 1094

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