Roselle Alyssa Tolentino CASE STUDY 880105 1357746267

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Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.

BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality



College of International Tourism Hospitality Management Major in

Cruiseline operation in Culinary Arts


Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality

Ms. Lorilla, Christian

Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.
BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality

I. Introduction

Hospitality industry is hugely important in our economy and also

important for business. It also fulfills the needs and wants of every guest, and
also provides a comfortable and enjoyable vacation experience. And lastly it
also provides a biggest contribution in our economy by providing new
opportunities and jobs. By providing a quality service in this industry, every
hotel must undergo training for every employee so that they can provide a
good service that also reflects being a professional in this industry.

Monique Kaxer is a hardworking salesperson for a company that specialize on

audiovisual equipments, in such most of his work revolved more on
conventions so she often books hotel or motel for long hours of his work but
monique has a condition that is asthma so she often neglect smoke or the
smell of cigarette, she make sure that his bookings are non smoking rooms
prior to his condition due to his health problems.

Monique already has a reservation at the Hospitality inn where she made
sure that she booked for a non-smoking room. But as soon as she arrived on
Room 315 she encountered the smell of cigarettes mixed with air freshener
spray it also made here sick, so she began to encounter coughs and her
tightness of his throat, she quickly rush to the front desk to complain regards
on his room reservation Present on the desk is Hyun Cho talking someone on
the phone as Monique arrives at the front desk, Hyun Cho failed to
accommodate Monique at the moment.

While waiting for Hyun Cho's call Monique tends to get angry due to the
inconvenience and rudeness of the desk officer to accommodate her at the
time Monique reach on the front desk then tend to hang up the call Hyun
Cho's in, Both of them got the attention they needed Monique starts to
address his demands and inconvenience to the desk officer regards on his
room that is not a non smoking room that the service she encountered is very
inconvenient and starts to channel that frustration to Hyun Cho, Cho checked
the records regards on his room reservation as per upon Cho's checking the
records of the reservation for room 315 it is indeed a non smoking room, Cho
also specified that they already changed the room to a non smoking room a
few weeks ago, but Monique insisted that his room smells like smoking fumes
both of them started to argue regards on the status and situation of his room
and policies.

Monique then requested to change rooms for a non smoking room since the
day the Hotel Opened, but due to high demands of non smoking rooms that
day Cho explain that she cannot transfer Monique to a more decent and non
Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.
BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality
smoking room then Monique requested for a refund on his reservation but
Cho stated the policies of the hotel. Monique left the hotel tired and coughing
and went to find another suited place to cater his demands.

II. Problems

1. Cleanliness, orderliness and fragrance of the room.

As per the provided scenario, the possible problems are the cleanliness,
orderliness and the fragrance of the room after other guests used it. Having a
clean room in every hotel is the most common gain factor to get the attention
and the loyalty of the guest. If the room is neat and clean, the odor or the
fragrance of the room must align with how clean the room is. Every
housekeeper must be sensitive also, especially to the odor of every room to
avoid a complaint from the guest since it will also affect the image and
performance of the hotel.

2. Behavior and Professionalism of the employee.

Another problem that is observed in the scenario is also the behavior or the
professionalism of the employee in Hospitality Inn. As a part of the Hospitality
industry, the attitude that must be possessed of every employee should be
approachable anytime. Even though you're doing something, the employee
should know that the guest is the most priority at all times. The receptionist in
the scenario did not approach the guest right away or the receptionist did not
give attention to the guest. In that scenario, Monique will feel how insignificant
her concern is, since the receptionist did not accommodate Monique right
away. Even though they really want to accommodate the guest, in some point
the employee should provide some empathy to the guest so that even they
did not provide the request of the guest, still the guest will feel how they’re
care and how they really want to assist the guest since there is no available
room for non-smoking room.

3. Policy of the Hotel

The last problem that is observed in this scenario is the policy of the Hotel.
Every hotel has a terms and condition that needs to be followed, but at some
point some of the hotels should provide a consideration especially if the guest
has a serious condition in their health. If the hotel has a policy for no refund
and cancellation, it should have an exception especially if it depends on the
situation or the condition of the guest.
Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.
BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality

III. Alternative course of Action

The first problem regarding the cleanliness and the fragrance of the
room, the receptionist must inform the guest first that the available room is
converted as non-smoking. And if the room is converted or changed into a
non-smoking room, it should be sanitized well because the odor of the smoke
has already came from a 3rd smoker so that the smell of the smoke will be
stuck to the surroundings in the specific room.

The second problem regarding the behavior of the receptionist or the desk
officer, the correctional action must be that the employee should be more
understanding and attentive to the concern of the guest instead of being
focused on other things. If the employee is really busy, the employee should
tap some of the other colleagues that will accommodate the guest right away.

The third problem regarding the policy due to no refund of the Hotel. The hotel
must offer the guest in other premium rooms or they also try to suggest that
the hotel can refer the guest to other hotels that will not hassle the guest.
Lastly, the hotel may also offer the guest to sanitize or to clean the room again
on the spot.

IV. Recommended solutions

● For the Head Housekeeper of the Hotel

The head of the Housekeeper must be strict when it comes to the cleanliness
and the fragrance of the room. Provide a proper process on how to clean
neatly the room especially if the room is converted as a non-smoking room.
Every housekeeper must strictly undergo proper training and have an actual
assessment for them. The head of the Housekeeper must understand that the
health of every guest is very important so that they really need to monitor
every housekeeper if they are really doing their job and also every
housekeeper must possess their Integrity by doing their job well.

● For the Front desk manager

Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.
BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality
The head of the front desk must be strict if every receptionist is doing their job
well. They need to monitor as well if every receptionist is accommodating the
guest properly. Front desk manager should also motivate every receptionist

because they need more extra understanding and effort since they are the
one who will receive a lot of inquiries and complaints from every guest.

● For the entire management and employees

➔ The terms and conditions or the policy of the hotel must have
consideration especially if the guest has serious health conditions.
➔ Employees should practice to provide a natural service for every guest.
➔ The behavior and the attitude of the employee must be observed all the
➔ Provide an extra recognition for those employees who are doing their
job well, or provide an extra appreciation of their doing their best to
satisfy the guest well.
➔ Every employee makes sure that guests leave the hotel that they are
really satisfied and have a great experience so that it will provide good
feedback that will reflect the image of the Hotel.
Tolentino, Roselle Alyssa P.
BS International Hospitality Management Major in Cruiseline Operation in
Culinary Arts
Quality Service Management in Tourism and Hospitality

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