Developing The IT Audit Plan

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IPPF – Practice Guide

Developing the
IT Audit Plan
Global Technology Audit Guide (GTAG)
Written in straightforward business language to address a timely issue related to IT management, control, and security, the
GTAG series serves as a ready resource for chief audit executives on different technology-associated risks and recommended

Information Technology Controls: Managing and Auditing IT

Topics discussed include IT control Vulnerabilities: Among other topics,
concepts, the importance of IT controls,
Managing and Auditing
IT Vulnerabilities discusses the vulnerability management
the organizational roles and life cycle, the scope of a vulnerability
responsibilities for ensuring effective IT management audit, and metrics to
controls, and risk analysis and measure vulnerability management
monitoring techniques. practices.

Change and Patch Management Information Technology Outsourcing:

Controls: Describes sources of change )NFORMATION
Discusses how to choose the right IT
outsourcing vendor and key outsourcing
Change and Patch 4ECHNOLOGY
Management Controls:
Critical for
and their likely impact on business /UTSOURCING

objectives, as well as how change and control considerations from the client’s

patch management controls help and service provider’s operation.

manage IT risks and costs and what
works and doesn’t work in practice.

Continuous Auditing: Addresses the Auditing Application Controls:

role of continuous auditing in today’s Addresses the concept of application
Continuous Auditing:
Implications for Assurance,
Monitoring, and
internal audit environment; the
Controls control and its relationship with general
controls, as well as how to scope a risk-
Risk Assessment

relationship of continuous auditing,

continuous monitoring, and continuous based application control review.
assurance; and the application and
implementation of continuous auditing.

Management of IT Auditing: Discusses Identity and Access Management:

IT-related risks and defines the IT audit Identity and Access
Covers key concepts surrounding identity
Management of IT Auditing
universe, as well as how to execute and
and access management (IAM), risks
manage the IT audit process. associated with IAM process, detailed
guidance on how to audit IAM processes,
and a sample checklist for auditors.

Managing and Auditing Privacy Risks: Business Continuity Management:

Discusses global privacy principles and Business Continuity
Defines business continuity management
and Auditing
frameworks, privacy risk models and
(BCM), discusses business risk, and
includes a detailed discussion of BCM
Privacy Risks

controls, the role of internal auditors, top

10 privacy questions to ask during the program requirements.
course of the audit, and more.

For more information and resources regarding technology-related audit guidance, visit
Developing the IT Audit Plan


Kirk Rehage, Chevron Corporation

Steve Hunt, Crowe Horwath LLP

Fernando Nikitin, Inter-American Development Bank

July 2008

Copyright © 2008 by The Institute of Internal Auditors, 247 Maitland Avenue, Altamonte Springs, Fla.,
32701-4201. All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be
reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means — electronic, mechanical,
photocopying, recording, or otherwise — without prior written permission from the publisher.

The IIA publishes this document for informational and educational purposes. This document is intended
to provide information, but is not a substitute for legal or accounting advice. The IIA does not provide such
advice and makes no warranty as to any legal or accounting results through its publication of this docu-
ment. When legal or accounting issues arise, professional assistance should be sought and retained.
 able of Contents

Table of Contents
1. Executive Summary............................................................................................................................................. 1

2. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 IT Audit Plan Development Process..................................................................................................................... 3

3. Understanding the Business....................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 Organizational Uniqueness .................................................................................................................................. 4
3.2 Operating Environment......................................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 IT Environment Factors........................................................................................................................................ 4

4. Defining the IT Audit Universe.................................................................................................................. 9

4.1 Examining the Business Model.............................................................................................................................. 9
4.2 Role of Supporting Technologies.......................................................................................................................... 9
4.3 Annual Business Plans........................................................................................................................................... 9
4.4 Centralized and Decentralized IT Functions......................................................................................................... 9
4.5 IT Support Processes............................................................................................................................................ 10
4.6 Regulatory Compliance....................................................................................................................................... 10
4.7 Define Audit Subject Areas................................................................................................................................. 10
4.8 Business Applications.......................................................................................................................................... 11
4.9 Assessing Risk...................................................................................................................................................... 11

5. Performing a Risk Assessment................................................................................................................... 12

5.1 Risk Assessment Process...................................................................................................................................... 12
5.1.1 Identify and Understand Business Objectives......................................................................................... 12
5.1.2 Identify and Understand IT Strategy...................................................................................................... 12
5.1.3 IT Universe.............................................................................................................................................. 12
5.2 Ranking Risk........................................................................................................................................................ 13
5.3 Leading IT Governance Frameworks.................................................................................................................. 14

6. Formalizing the IT Audit Plan................................................................................................................. 16

6.1 Audit Plan Context............................................................................................................................................. 16
6.2 Stakeholder Requests........................................................................................................................................... 17
6.3 Audit Frequency.................................................................................................................................................. 17
6.4 Audit Plan Principles........................................................................................................................................... 18
6.5 The IT Audit Plan Content................................................................................................................................ 18
6.6 Integration of the IT Audit Plan......................................................................................................................... 19
6.7 Validating the Audit Plan................................................................................................................................... 19
6.8 The Dynamic Nature of the IT Audit Plan......................................................................................................... 20
6.9 Communicating, Gaining Executive Support, and Obtaining Plan Approval................................................... 21

7. Appendix: Hypothetical Company Example...................................................................................... 22

7.1 The Company...................................................................................................................................................... 22
7.2 The IT Audit Plan............................................................................................................................................... 22

8. Glossary of Terms.............................................................................................................................................. 27

9. Glossary of Acronyms.................................................................................................................................... 28

10. About the Authors........................................................................................................................................... 29

GTAG — Executive Summary

1. Executive Summary and low-risk areas through quantitative and qualitative

As technology becomes more integral to the organization’s IT is in a perpetual state of innovation and change.
operations and activities, a major challenge for internal audi- Unfortunately, IT changes may hinder the IT auditor’s efforts
tors is how to best approach a companywide assessment of IT to identify and understand the impact of risks. To help IT
risks and controls within the scope of their overall assurance auditors, CAEs can:
and consulting services. Therefore, auditors need to under- • Perform independent IT risk assessments every year
stand the organization’s IT environment; the applications to identify the new technologies that are impacting
and computer operations that are part of the IT infrastructure; the organization.
how IT applications and operations are managed; and how IT • Become familiar with the IT department’s yearly
applications and operations link back to the organization. short-term plans and analyze how plan initiatives
Completing an inventory of IT infrastructure compo- impact the IT risk assessment.
nents will provide auditors with information regarding the • Begin each IT audit by reviewing its risk assessment
infrastructure’s vulnerabilities. “The complete inventory of component.
the organization’s IT hardware, software, network, and data • Be flexible with the IT audit universe — monitor the
components forms the foundation for assessing the vulnera- organization’s IT-related risk profile and adopt audit
bilities within the IT infrastructures that may impact internal procedures as it evolves.3
controls.”1 For example, business systems and networks
connected to the Internet are exposed to threats that do Several IT governance frameworks exist that can help
not exist for self-contained systems and networks.2 Once CAEs and internal audit teams develop the most appro-
an adequate understanding of the IT environment has been priate risk assessment approach for their organization. These
achieved, the chief audit executive (CAE) and the internal frameworks can help auditors identify where risks reside in
audit team can perform the risk assessment and develop the the environment and provide guidance on how to manage
audit plan. risks. Some of the most common IT governance frameworks
Many organizational factors are considered when devel- include COBIT, the UK’s Office of Government Commerce
oping the audit plan, such as the organization’s industry IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL), and the International
sector, revenue size, type, complexity of business processes, Organization for Standardization’s (ISO’s) 27000 Standard
and geographic locations of operations. Two factors having series.
a direct impact on the risk assessment and in determining Mapping business processes, inventorying and under-
what is audited within the IT environment are its compo- standing the IT environment, and performing a companywide
nents and role. For example: risk assessment will enable CAEs and internal auditors to
• What technologies are used to perform daily busi- determine what needs to be audited and how often. This
ness functions? GTAG provides information that can help CAEs and
• Is the IT environment relatively simple or complex? internal audit teams identify audit areas in the IT environ-
• Is the IT environment centralized or decentralized? ment that are part of the IT audit universe.
• To what degree are business applications Due to the high degree of organizational reliance on IT, it
customized? is crucial that CAEs and internal auditors understand how
• Are some or all IT maintenance activities to create the IT audit plan, the frequency of audits, and the
outsourced? breadth and depth of each audit. To this end, this GTAG
• To what degree does the IT environment change can help CAEs and internal auditors:
every year?
1. Understand the organization and the level of IT support
These IT factors are some of the components CAEs and received.
internal auditors need to understand to adequately assess 2. Define and understand the IT environment.
risks relative to the organization and the creation of the 3. Identify the role of risk assessment in determining the IT
annual audit plan. audit universe.
In addition to factors impacting the risk assessment, it is 4. Formalize the annual IT audit plan.
important for CAEs and internal auditors to use an approach
that ascertains the impact and likelihood of risk occurrence; Finally, this GTAG provides an example of a hypothetical
links back to the business; and defines the high-, medium-, organization to show CAEs and internal auditors how to
execute the steps necessary to define the IT audit universe.

GTAG: Information Technology Controls, p. 15.
GTAG: Information Technology Controls, p. 15. 3  
GTAG: Management of IT Auditing, pp. 6 and 7.

GTAG — I ntroduction

2. Introduction management has heightened expectations regarding IT

delivery functions: Management requires increased quality,
One of the main responsibilities and more difficult tasks functionality and ease of use; decreased delivery time; and
of CAEs is to create the organization’s audit plan. As The continuously improving service levels while demanding that
Institute of Internal Auditors’ (IIA’s) Standard 2010: this be accomplished at lower costs.”4
Planning explains, CAEs should establish risk-based plans Regardless of the methodology or frequency of audit
on at least an annual basis to determine the priorities of the planning activities, the CAE and the internal audit team
internal audit activity, which, in turn, should be consistent should first gain an understanding of the organization’s IT
with the organization’s goals and strategies. Furthermore, environment before performing the audit. The use of tech-
CAEs should consider consulting engagements based on nology is an essential part of an organization’s activities.
their potential to add value and improve the organization’s From the collection, processing, and reporting of accounting
operations and risk management activities. These activities information to the manufacturing, sales, and distribution
have been documented by The IIA Research Foundation’s of products, virtually every business activity relies on the
Common Body of Knowledge 2006 study, which found that use of technology to some extent. The use of technology
nearly all CAEs interviewed plan their audit activities at also has evolved to where it is not only supporting a busi-
least annually, including 36.4 percent who update their audit ness process but, in many cases, it is integral to controlling
plan multiple times per year. (Figure 1) the process. As a result, internal controls in processes and
To develop a risk-based audit plan, CAEs should first activities are becoming more technology-based, while defi-
perform a companywide risk assessment. The proper execu- ciencies and lack of integrity in supporting technologies are
tion of an appropriate IT risk assessment — that is part of impacting the organization’s operations and business objec-
the overall risk assessment — is a vital component of compa- tives significantly.
nywide risk management practices and a critical element for However, the development of an effective, risk-based IT
developing an effective audit plan. “For many organizations, audit plan has been a difficult task for internal auditors, espe-
information and the technology that supports it represent cially when auditors do not have sufficient background in IT.
the organization’s most valuable assets. Moreover, in today’s
competitive and rapidly changing business environment, 4  
IT Governance Institute’s Control Objectives for Information
and Related Technology (COBIT), Third Edition, p. 5.

CQ25a(Q30): How frequently do you update the audit plan?

3% Multiple times per year
No audit plan

More than every
two years  Multiple times per year
1%  Every year
Every two years
 Every two years
 More than every two years
 No audit plan

60% (Source: A Global Summary of the Common Body

Every year
of Knowledge 2006, The IIA Research Foundation.
Reprinted with permission.)

Figure 1. Frequency of audit plan updates

GTAG — Introduction

Results from several IIA external quality assessment reviews Next, auditors need to define the IT universe. This can be
(QARs) reveal that developing an appropriate IT audit plan done through a top-down approach that identifies key busi-
is one of the weakest links in internal audit activities. Many ness objectives and processes, significant applications that
times, instead of doing risk-based auditing, internal auditors support the business processes, the infrastructure needed for
review what they know or outsource to other companies, the business applications, the organization’s service support
letting them decide what to audit. model for IT, and the role of common supporting tech-
This guide offers techniques in how to address this chal- nologies such as network devices. By using these technical
lenge — how to determine what should be included in the components, along with an understanding of service support
IT audit scope and how these audit areas could be organized processes and system implementation projects, auditors
into manageable audit units — to create an effective IT audit will be able to create a comprehensive inventory of the IT
plan for the organization. environment. This inventory, in turn, forms the foundation
for assessing the vulnerabilities that may impact internal
2.1 IT Audit Plan Development Process After auditors have a clear picture of the organization’s
Defining the annual audit plan should follow a system- IT environment, the third step is to perform the risk assess-
atic process to ensure all fundamental business aspects and ment — a methodology for determining the likelihood of an
IT-service support activities are understood and considered. event that could hinder the organization from attaining its
Therefore, it is essential that the foundation for the plan be business goals and objectives in an effective, efficient, and
rooted in the organization’s objectives, strategies, and busi- controlled manner.
ness model. Figure 2 depicts a logical work-flow progression The information and analysis gained by understanding
using a top-down approach to define the IT audit plan that the organization, inventorying the IT environment, and
will be used in this guide. assessing risks feeds into the final step, formalizing the audit
The first step in defining the annual IT audit plan is to plan. The objective of the audit plan is to determine where
understand the business. As part of this step, auditors need to focus the auditor’s assurance and consulting work to
to identify the strategies, company objectives, and business provide management with objective information to manage
models that will enable them to understand the organization’s the organization’s risks and control environment.
unique business risks. The audit team also must understand The remainder of this guide follows these four steps and
how existing business operations and IT service functions discusses how to define an effective IT audit plan.
support the organization.

Understand Define IT Perform Formalize

the Business Universe Risk Assessment Audit Plan

•• Identify the •• Dissect the business •• Develop processes •• Select audit subjects
organization’s strategies fundamentals to identify risks and bundle into distinct
& business objectives •• Identify significant •• Assess risk and rank audit engagements
•• Understand the applications that support audit subjects using •• Determine audit cycle
high risk profile for the business operations IT risk factors and frequency
the organization •• Identify critical •• Assess risk and •• Add appropriate
•• Identify how the infrastructure for the rank subjects using engagements based on
organization structures significant applications business risk factors management requests
their business operations •• Understand the role of or opportunities
•• Understand the IT supporting technologies for consulting
service support model •• Identify major projects •• Validate the plan with
and initiatives business management
•• Determine realistic
audit subjects

Figure 2. The IT audit plan process

GTAG — Understanding the Business

3. Understanding the Business Auditors can use different internal resources to identify
and understand the organization’s goals and objectives,
Getting started with the right perspective is paramount to including:
defining an effective IT audit plan. An appropriate perspec- • Mission, vision, and value statements.
tive to keep in mind is that technology only exists to support • Strategic plans.
and further the organization’s objectives and is a risk to the • Annual business plans.
organization if its failure results in the inability to achieve a • Management performance scorecards.
business objective. Hence, it is important to first understand • Stockholder annual reports and supplements.
the organization’s objectives, strategies, business model, and • Regulatory filings, such as those submitted to the
the role that technology has in supporting the business. This U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
can be done by identifying the risks found in the technolo-
gies used and how each risk might prevent the organization After becoming familiar with the organization’s entity-
from achieving a business objective. Doing so will result in level strategic objectives, the next step is to identify the key
more meaningful and useful assessments for management. processes that are critical to the objectives’ success. When
Furthermore, auditors need to become familiar with the doing so, auditors need to understand how each business
organization’s business model. Because each organization has process differs within operating units, support functions, and
a distinct mission and set of business goals and objectives, major organizationwide projects, as well as how the process
business models help auditors to identify the products or relates and links to entity objectives.
services the organization provides, as well as its market base, Project processes are unique, but equally important, in
supply channels, manufacturing and product generation ensuring initiatives that add value to the organization are
processes, and delivery mechanisms. Having a fundamental managed and commercialized appropriately. A process is
knowledge of this information will help auditors understand considered key if its failure prevents the organization from
unique business risks and how technology supports existing fully achieving the strategic objective to which it is tied.
business models and mitigates the organization’s overall risk Operating units include core processes through which the
profile. organization achieves primary objectives, such as manufac-
turing, sales, and distribution activities. Support functions
include management processes that oversee and support core
3.1 Organizational Uniqueness operational functions, such as governance and compliance
Every organization is different. Even companies operating activities, finance, human resources, treasury, cash manage-
in the same industry will have different business models, ment, and procurement activities.
objectives, organizational structures, IT environments, and Once processes are identified, auditors need to outline
delivery models. Therefore, audit plans should be defined the significant applications and critical IT infrastructure
uniquely for each organization. In addition, the impor- (e.g., databases, operating systems, networks, and physical
tance of technology might differ within industry segments. environments) supporting these applications. Underlying
Consider the companies that assemble and sell personal these applications and IT infrastructure are supporting IT
computers. Besides using a variety of business models, these processes, such as systems development life cycles, change
companies rely on technology differently to meet business management, operations, and security activities. Auditors
objectives. For instance, the traditional sale distribution should note that applications require periodic assessments
model of channeling products through physical stores and based on their significance to financial reporting activities,
resellers require the use of technology to manage operation regulatory compliance, or operational requirements.
and accounting activities, while technology reliance is much Examining the operating environment this way (i.e.,
greater for companies that sell products over the Internet. As starting from the top of the organization) will help audi-
a result, the online marketer’s revenue stream depends more tors understand and inventory each critical component. To
on the availability of critical IT functionality, which also fully understand the operating environment and its risks
increases the level of IT risks. As this example illustrates, also requires a comprehensive understanding of different
the way an organization deploys its technology resources and technology factors that influence and help categorize orga-
systems creates a unique set of business risks. nizational risks.

3.2 Operating Environment 3.3 IT Environment Factors

To become familiar with the organization, auditors first need Different factors and analysis techniques should be consid-
to understand its objectives and how business processes are ered to understand the operational environment and its
structured to achieve objectives (refer to figure 3). unique risks. This is because an organization’s control envi-
ronment complexity will have a direct effect on its overall

GTAG — Understanding the Business

The Value Chain of the Business Activities




Manufac- Distribu- Payroll Cash

Sales Financial IT Design Economics
turing tion Reporting Mgmt
... ...

IT GENERAL Applications application

•• Authorization
•• Integrity
•• Change
Management •• Availability

•• Logical Access IT INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES •• Confidentiality

•• Physical DATABASE •• Segregation

controls of duties


•• Backup &
•• Security

Figure 3. Understanding the IT environment in a business context

Figure adapted and revised from: IT Control Objectives for Sarbanes-

Oxley, 2nd Ed., used by permission of the IT Governance Institute
(ITGI). ©2006 ITGI. All rights reserved.

 nderstanding the Business

risk profile and system of internal control. Important factors Finally, networks link computers and enable them to
to consider include: communicate with each other. They consist of physical
components, such as switches, routers, firewalls, wiring,
1. The degree of system and geographic centralization and programs that control the routing of data packets.
(i.e., distribution of IT resources). The organiza- Networks also can be deployed using radio frequency
tion’s business model may determine the IT function’s technology, commonly called wireless networks.
structure and delivery model. For instance, companies All four layers of the stack are essential to enabling
operating with decentralized business units that have the automated business functionality and introduce avail-
autonomy to make operating decisions may have decen- ability, integrity, and confidentiality risks. The degree
tralized IT operations, more diversity of applications, and of risk is based on the criticality of the business activity
a larger variety of deployed products. On the other hand, the technology supports and enables, and on the tech-
in more centralized companies auditors might find enter- nology’s configuration and deployment. Therefore, the
prise-based applications and centralized IT infrastructure more variety in each of these layers, the higher the
support. Because risks vary as companies approach either organization’s risk profile. For instance, it is simpler for
end of the centralization continuum, audit responses IT departments to manage a homogeneous environ-
should vary accordingly. ment of Windows 2003 servers running a SQL Server
When establishing the IT audit universe, consider- database for a single enterprise resource planning (ERP)
ation should be given to aligning individual audits with application than a variety of operating systems and data-
the management function that has accountability for base platforms underlying different applications. While
that area. A centralized IT delivery model may allow ideal, the first scenario might not be practical for a large
for fewer, but possibly larger, individual audits that are organization with diverse operations or a decentralized
concentrated on core technologies and enterprise appli- business model. In creating the audit universe, critical IT
cations. Conversely, a decentralized delivery model could elements should be identified and assessed as part of the
require more audit engagements to achieve a proper top-down analysis techniques described in this guide.
alignment with management accountability.
3. The degree of customization. Generally, customized
2. The technologies deployed. The organization’s system implementations add complexity to the management of
architecture diversity will determine the breadth of IT assets. Off-the-shelf software relies primarily on the
technical knowledge required within the internal support of vendors who have a high degree of knowledge
audit function and the number of areas that need to be and expertise on their products. When vendor software
reviewed. Diversity could be in any and all levels of the ­— whether applications, operating systems, or other
IT stack — the key components of an application’s tech- supporting software — is modified to fit an organization’s
nical infrastructure, including its program code, database, business need or process, a large amount of ownership is
operating system, and network infrastructure. assumed and more risk is introduced into the equation.
For instance, application program code includes the Generally, organizations should perform a cost-benefit
sets of computer programs, control files, tables, and user analysis when making the decision to customize third-
interfaces that provide functionality for specific business party software. However, control aspects might not be
operations such as accounting, payroll, and procurement. considered fully in this analysis. In addition, audits of
Other applications could manage critical business infor- customized implementations also require greater tech-
mation, such as engineering and design project data, legal, nical knowledge on the part of the auditors.
and personal medical information. The organization
also may have applications that control manufacturing 4. The degree of formalized company policies and standards
processes commonly called process control systems. (i.e., IT governance). The purpose of an IT governance
On the other hand, database systems enable the storage, program is to enable the organization to better manage
modification, and extraction of data (e.g., Oracle, its day-to-day IT activities and risks through the use of
Microsoft SQL Server, and DB2), while operating systems policies and standards. For example, organizations with
perform a computer’s basic tasks, such as handling oper- formalized policies and standards that guide management
ator input; managing internal computer memory; and oversight and help to establish the IT control environ-
providing disk drive, display, and peripheral device func- ment have a better chance of implementing an effective
tions. Examples of operating systems include variations of IT governance program. These programs, in turn, are
Windows and UNIX installed in computers and servers. effective when policies and standards are communi-
Handheld devices such as personal digital assistants and cated, understood, monitored, enforced, and updated by
cell phones also require operating systems. management.

GTAG — Understanding the Business

Policies are general, long-term statements of prin- management oversight to ensure ongoing compliance,
ciple that address management’s operational goals; are which results in a lower residual risk profile. The orga-
intended to have a long-term effect in guiding the devel- nization’s regulatory requirements, therefore, should be
opment of business rules for specific situations; and can appropriately considered in the risk profile and IT audit
be interpreted and supported by standards, controls, and universe. For example, all organizations registered with
guidelines. In terms of IT, policies can provide high- the SEC are required by the U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
level management directives in areas such as intellectual of 2002 to report on the effectiveness of their internal
property rights, data protection, retention, and privacy controls over financial reporting. The legislation also
to ensure compliance with laws and regulations and the created the U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight
effective safeguard of data assets. Board (PCAOB) to guide public accounting firms on
On the other hand, standards describe a mandatory how to conduct an audit of internal controls over finan-
business process or procedure and provide further direc- cial reporting. Other regulations include the Basel II
tion on how to comply with the policy statement to which Accord in the finance sector and a growing number of
they are linked. IT standards are generally technology- privacy and data protection laws and regulations, such
neutral and can be further defined by technology-specific as the European Union’s Directive on Data Protection,
controls and guidelines (i.e., configuration settings or U.S. Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLBA) Act, the U.S. Health
procedures) that define how the standard should be Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA),
implemented. and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
As a general rule, organizations should establish an (PCI DSS).
ongoing maintenance process for all policies and stan-
dards that addresses the latest regulatory mandates. For 6. The degree and method of outsourcing. IT outsourcing
example, recent changes to the U.S. Federal Rules of is becoming more prevalent in many organizations due to
Civil Procedure governing the production of evidence in the high cost and expertise required to deliver noncore
court cases address the discovery and production of elec- services. (The IIA’s Information Technology Outsourcing
tronically stored information. Because of these changes, GTAG provides a detailed discussion on the types of
an organization’s level of risk partly depends on its adher- IT outsourcing arrangements and their degree of risk.6)
ence to updated record retention policies and standards In terms of outsourcing, it is important for auditors to
that consider the management of electronically stored consider the different risks stemming from the outsourcing
information. arrangement when drafting the IT audit plan. Key
Different IT governance frameworks and method- factors include how management views its oversight and
ologies are available, including COBIT, ISO’s 27002 monitoring role, the maturity of the arrangement (e.g.,
Standard on information security management, the transitioning versus an established working process),
Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants’ IT country-specific risks, and the completeness of the
Control Guidelines, and the Information Security vendor’s and organization’s business continuity plans.
Forum’s Standard of Good Practice for Information
Security. These frameworks provide a structured way of 7. The degree of operational standardization. Operational
categorizing control objectives and control areas across processes and procedures include the entire system
the entire control environment. (For additional informa- development life cycle as well as configuration, change,
tion on these and other compliance frameworks, auditors incident, operations, and security management activities.
can refer to The IIA’s Information Technology Controls Similar to the degree of centralization and the diversity
GTAG.5) Organizations can adopt one of these frame- of deployed technologies, the level of operational stan-
works or use them as a reference when developing their dardization can impact the reliability and integrity of the
own. Section 5.3 provides information on leading IT IT infrastructure and its assets. Consequently, organiza-
governance best practices to help organizations assess the tions that adopt standardized processes throughout their
content and effectiveness of these frameworks. service delivery functions increase their ability to operate
as a high-performing organization.
5. The degree of regulation and compliance. Organizations An example of a standardized practice is ITIL, a set
in highly regulated industries generally will have a of concepts and techniques for managing IT infrastruc-
high-risk profile due to the potential consequences of tures, as well as the development and installation of new
noncompliance with regulatory mandates. However, computer systems and IT operations. Its books on service
successful organizations in highly regulated industries support and service delivery are the most widely used
also have disciplined control environments and effective and understood ITIL publications. One of the primary

GTAG: Information Technology Controls, p. 18. 6  
GTAG: Information Technology Outsourcing.

 nderstanding the Business

benefits of ITIL is that it establishes a common vocabu-

lary of defined and widely used terms. Organizations that
implement ITIL concepts have claimed a higher degree
of reliability and lower delivery costs.

8. The level of reliance on technology. Some organiza-

tions are intensive technology users or use technology to
differentiate themselves from their peers and competitors.
While technology can improve overall internal controls
with the use of automated application controls, strong
governance and internal operational processes become
more important as reliance on IT increases. In addition,
as organizations depend more on the availability and
integrity of IT functionality to enable business opera-
tions and meet their objectives, the significance of IT
risks in the organization’s overall risk profile increases.
Hence, the nature and extent to which the organization
relies on technology should be evident in the risk assess-
ment used to develop the IT audit plan.

These eight IT environment factors, along with the

top-down approach used to understand the organization’s
operations and IT infrastructure, provide auditors with the
information needed to move to the next step of the audit
planning process — defining the IT audit universe and
performing a risk assessment.

GTAG — Defining the IT Audit Universe

4. Defining the IT Audit Universe the IT support structure for these business processes is different
and may require separate assurance reviews.
Determining what to audit is one of the most important
internal audit activities, as performing the annual IT audit
plan will have a profound impact on the overall success of 4.2 Role of Supporting Technologies
the internal audit department. Consequently, the ultimate Identifying supporting IT infrastructure technologies can be
goal of the IT audit plan is to provide adequate coverage on a simple process when detecting business activities that rely
the areas that have the greatest risk and where internal audi- on key applications. However, it is much harder to associate
tors can add the most value to the organization. the use of supporting technologies, such as the company’s
One of the first steps to an effective IT audit plan is to define network, e-mail application, and encryption software, to
the IT universe, a finite and all-encompassing collection of business objectives and risk. Yet, these supporting technolo-
audit areas, organizational entities, and locations identifying gies exist because the business requires them, and a failure
business functions that could be audited to provide adequate in these services and products can hinder the organization’s
assurance on the organization’s risk management level. At ability to accomplish its mission. Therefore, key supporting
this initial phase, identifying potential audit areas within the technologies, while not directly associated with an applica-
IT universe is done independently from the risk assessment tion or business process, must be identified and represented
process. Auditors need to be aware of what audits could be in the universe of auditable areas.
performed before they can assess and rank risks to create the
annual audit plan. Defining the IT audit universe requires
in-depth knowledge of the organization’s objectives, business 4.3 Annual Business Plans
model, and the IT service support model. Another important element is to take into consideration the
organization’s annual business plans and strategies. Operating
plans can provide auditors with information on important
4.1 Examining the Business Model changes and projects that may be pursued in the upcoming
Organizations can have different operational units and support year, which might require audit involvement and become
functions to accomplish its objectives, which, in turn, have subjects in the IT audit universe. Projects might be directly
business processes that link activities to achieve their goals. IT-related, such as the implementation of a new ERP system, or
Referring back to the example of companies that assemble business projects that manage major engineering or construc-
and sell personal computers, a traditional company in this tion initiatives. For example, energy companies form major
industry sector consists of several assembly plants located capital projects when developing new facilities to bring oil
in different countries, sales, and marketing units, as well as and gas discoveries into production. These business projects
different corporate management and support functions. The can benefit from the use of critical IT components that merit
sales and marketing units, for instance, have established IT audit attention, such as access controls over document
processes for accepting, fulfilling, and invoicing customer management systems and external network connections for
orders, while other operating units and support functions have partners and contractors. Because companies can be partners
their own processes. Underlying these processes will be crit- on one project and competitors on another, it is important to
ical IT applications and supporting infrastructure. Therefore, limit their access to required IT resources only.
it is important for auditors to understand the company’s IT
environment when defining the IT universe and identifying
the processes critical to the success of each unit. 4.4 Centralized and Decentralized IT Functions
Using a top-down approach to understand the organiza- Auditors need to identify centrally managed IT functions
tion’s structure and activities can help auditors identify critical that support the entire or a large portion of the organiza-
IT functionality processes that sustain the organization’s tion. Centralized functions are good candidates for individual
operating units and support functions. However, variation audits in the IT audit universe and include network design
in how similar business units perform their processes can and security administration, server administration, database
add complexity to this analysis. For instance, manufacturing management, service or help desk activities, and mainframe
plants in different locations might use different procurement operations. For example, the organization may have a server
processes. In decentralized organizations, business units might administration group that is responsible for all Windows
use different applications for similar business processes, or a servers. Because this group might use common configurations
common application might be configured differently to the and administrative processes across the entire server popu-
extent it functions like an entirely different application. For lation, it represents an ideal candidate for an individual IT
example, one business unit uses SAP R/3 on a UNIX and audit that is part of the IT audit universe. The homogeneous
Oracle platform, while another business unit uses SAP R/3 nature of the environment also lends itself to sampling for the
on a Windows and SQL Server platform. Although similar, audit’s execution.

 efining the IT Audit Universe

There are several benefits to identifying centralized audit chain of events including incident, problem, change, and
subjects. The main benefit is the effective use of limited IT release management activities.
audit resources, which can enable the audit team to focus on Again, one of the leading sources for IT service best prac-
one area, use sampling techniques, and gain a large amount of tices is ITIL. Many organizations are implementing ITIL
coverage in a single audit. Another benefit is the transfer of practices or other standardized processes to attain better
internal audit efficiencies to other audits because centralized efficiency and higher performance in managing their IT
areas have already been covered and may be excluded from functions. Internal audit groups should become involved in
the scope of other audits. The benefit of referencing central- efforts to implement standardized support processes where
ized audit coverage is particularly applicable to application appropriate and consider new ways to provide assurance
auditing. For example, there could be hundreds of applica- on their effectiveness. One approach could be to review
tions residing within a Windows server administration group the deployment and governance of standardized processes
environment. Since the general controls for the infrastructure at the enterprise level within the audit plan. These top-
are reviewed in a more centralized audit, the IT audit should level reviews could assess the effectiveness of the processes
be limited to application-specific technical areas rather than themselves, the effectiveness of deployed processes, and the
the entire infrastructure platform hosting the application. effectiveness of the governance model to ensure standardized
The organization also benefits as it is audited thoroughly only support processes are used as intended. Once standardized
once and is not impacted when applications are reviewed processes are audited, site audits should concentrate on how
individually during each business process audit. they are followed rather than on their effectiveness.
Furthermore, organizations may centralize their IT func-
tions differently. A common practice of many organizations
is to create a single network support function that manages 4.6 Regulatory Compliance
its network design and security administration. This network Different laws and regulations around the world are
support function could be divided into firewall, router, mandating the use of internal controls and risk management
and switch configuration activities, as well as Internet practices and the privacy of personally identifiable informa-
connectivity, wireless, digital voice, and external network tion, including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and Basel II Accord.
connection management. As a result, each of these areas As discussed earlier, some of these regulations mandate the
may be an independent audit subject in the IT universe. protection of customer information in the credit card industry
Furthermore, because centralized IT functions can change (e.g., GLBA and the PCI DSS) and the safeguarding of
over time, they should be reviewed and refreshed in the audit personal medical information (e.g., HIPAA). Although most
universe at least annually. of these regulations do not address IT controls directly, they
A similar approach can be taken for decentralized IT imply the need for an adequately controlled IT environment.
functions, where each physical location might represent Therefore, these regulatory areas are potential subjects in the
a separate audit subject. Depending on the location’s size, IT audit universe, as auditors need to determine whether the
the site’s audit may review general and technical controls organization has rigorous processes in place and whether
for each infrastructure stack layer. The review should only they are operating effectively to ensure compliance.
include the IT controls for which the local site is responsible,
while controls handled by centralized IT functions should
be excluded. If the site is large and supports a wide number 4.7 Define Audit Subject Areas
of technologies, auditors might need to perform multiple The way the IT environment is divided into individual audit
reviews for that location as part of the IT audit universe. subjects could be somewhat influenced by personal prefer-
ence or staffing considerations. However, the ultimate goal
is to figure out how to divide the environment in a manner
4.5 IT Support Processes that provides the most efficient and effective audits. The
Even if the organization has a decentralized IT function, it preceding discussions on centralized IT functions and stan-
may have standardized support processes. Organizations that dardized support processes stated how audit subjects can be
are striving to be high-performing organizations understand grouped in the audit universe to define an audit approach that
the importance of having standardized support processes is more efficient. Although auditors should not be assessing
across their operating units regardless of the business model. business risks at this phase of the audit planning process, the
Examples of standardized support processes include service goal is to have an audit plan that focuses on the highest-risk
desk activities as well as change, configuration, release, inci- areas where auditors can add the most value.
dent, and problem management procedures. The service desk Although there is no single right way to define IT audit
is generally the first point of contact for customers to register subjects, there are incorrect or inappropriate ways to do this.7
an IT service or issue resolution request, thus initiating the
request’s life cycle management process and triggering a 7  
GTAG: Management of IT Auditing, p. 10.

GTAG — Defining the IT Audit Universe

Pitfalls include improper sizing of subjects, basing a plan solely For this reason, many organizations review security based on
on staffing capabilities, and creating a focus imbalance. their platform type, thus enabling a more detailed review.
In addition, audit subjects should be divided into appro- Unfortunately, this activity could result in redundancy as
priately sized areas to define a reasonable allocation of audit audit steps are duplicated. Hence, auditors could establish
resources. When doing so, auditors should keep in mind separate audit areas for each platform type and a general
that defining small or large audit subject areas might hinder controls subject audit that is performed across all platforms.
audit efforts. This is because a certain amount of overhead is A key consideration in identifying IT environment compo-
required for each audit engagement, including administrative nents and in grouping distinct audit subjects is management
efforts for audit planning, management reviews, sign-offs of accountability. A worst-case scenario would be to define
completed work, and reporting and communicating results. If audit subjects crossing reporting lines and involving manage-
the audit universe and plan contains numerous small audits, ment from different reporting units, as this might create a
for example, internal auditors could spend as much time conflict over who eventually owns the resolution of issues
administrating the audits as performing them. Conversely, presented in the audit. As a result, it should be clear who will
if the audit subject area is defined broadly, audits could run receive the audit report and who is responsible for the reme-
for an extended period of time, be disruptive to the client, diation of identified control deficiencies. Finally, the scope
or be reviewed insufficiently. Depending on the organiza- of each audit subject should be described clearly so that orga-
tion’s culture, overly broad definitions might even result in nizational accountability is determined properly.
an unplanned increase in scope (i.e., scope creep).8
Finding the right audit size depends on the organization’s
audit practices and culture. As a general rule for most orga- 4.8 Business Applications
nizations, defining audit subjects that require two to three CAEs need to determine which audit group will be respon-
technical auditors for a three- to four-week duration is a sible for the planning and oversight of business application
reasonable target, as this provides different auditor perspec- audits. Depending on how the audit function operates, busi-
tives and experiences. In addition, the three- to four-week ness applications can be included as part of the IT audit
duration is a reasonable request for most organizations. universe, business audit universe, or both. There is a growing
The audit size also should be consistent with company- consensus among internal audit functions that business
accepted historical audit practices. However, the IT audit applications should be audited with the business processes
universe should not be defined solely on audit staffing capa- they support. This provides assurance over the entire suite
bility, as this might result in a focus imbalance. For instance, of controls — automated and manual — for the processes
some IT audit functions do not have any technicians or under review, helps to minimize gaps and overlaps of audit
IT professionals, but consist of business auditors who have efforts, and minimizes confusion over what was included in
knowledge of currently used business applications. Because the scope of the engagement.
these auditors tend to focus on the application layer and Because of their expertise, the business audit function is
might ignore the underpinning infrastructure layers, it’s probably best suited to determine when applications should
important to have a well-balanced coverage of all layers as be reviewed. If business applications are maintained as part
part of the audit. of the IT audit universe, the business audit universe should
Ideally, the internal audit function should consist of highly be linked to the IT audit universe to work together during
technical personnel and general auditors who have a good the audit. Even if business applications are maintained sepa-
understanding of application controls. The technical audi- rately from the IT audit universe, individual audit subjects
tors, for example, would help ensure the IT infrastructure has can be created within the IT audit universe for large-scale
proper security controls in place and review general applica- applications that are used by multiple functions for multiple
tion controls. The proper balance of audit subjects covering processes, such as ERP systems. This is because it might make
all environment layers should be the cornerstone of the IT sense to review the application’s general controls in a stand-
audit plan even if the IT audit constraint is an issue. If that is alone audit rather than arbitrarily including this area in one
the case, alternative resource staffing for these audits would of the many business audits.
be required to supplement the expertise of the internal audit
Auditors should consider that the audit technique used 4.9 Assessing Risk
during the security review could be ineffective when used in a After the IT universe is defined, a systematic and uniform
nonhomogeneous server environment consisting of multiple assessment of risk across all subjects should be the next step in
server platforms. This is because the general server admin- determining the annual audit plan. The next section presents
istration subject area might be too large or unmanageable. risk and risk assessment fundamentals that can help CAEs
and internal auditors create an effective IT audit plan.
GTAG: Management of IT Auditing, p. 10.

 erforming a Risk Assessment

5. Performing a Risk Assessment in nature (e.g., replace legacy IT applications with an ERP
The IIA defines risk as the possibility that an event will occur Furthermore, according to IIA Practice Advisory 2110-1:
that could affect the achievement of objectives, which is Assessing the Adequacy of Risk Management Processes, risk
measured in terms of impact and likelihood.9 Therefore, it is management processes should have five key objectives:
vitally important for organizations to determine the contents • Risks arising from business strategies and activities
of their risk portfolio periodically and perform activities to need to be identified and prioritized.
manage risks to an acceptable level. As discussed earlier, the • Management and the board need to determine the
risk assessment process should not be conducted until the level of risk acceptable to the organization, including
CAE and internal audit team understand the contents of the the acceptance of risks designed to accomplish the
IT universe and how they link back to or support the organi- organization’s strategic plans.
zation. It is paramount — no matter the risk assessment model • Risk mitigation activities need to be designed and
or approach used — for the risk assessment to determine IT implemented to reduce or otherwise manage risk at
environment areas that can significantly hinder the organi- levels that are acceptable to management and the
zation’s achievement of objectives. In other words, the risk board.
assessment needs to examine the infrastructure, applications, • Ongoing monitoring activities need to be conducted
and computer operations or components that pose the greatest to reassess risk periodically and the effectiveness of
threat to the organization’s ability to ensure system and data controls to manage risk.
availability, reliability, integrity, and confidentiality. • The board and management need to receive periodic
In addition, auditors need to identify the effectiveness and risk management process reports. The organization’s
usefulness of risk assessment results, which should be directly corporate governance processes also should provide
predicated on the methodology employed and its proper periodic communication of risks, risk strategies, and
execution. That is, if the risk assessment’s methodology controls to stakeholders.
input (i.e., the IT universe and its link to the business audit
universe) is deficient or is applied incorrectly, it is likely that Additional guidance from IIA Practice Advisory 2010-2,
the output (i.e., risk assessment results) will be incomplete Linking the Audit Plan to Risk and Exposures, defines
in some capacity. how organizational risk, strategic planning, and changes in
management direction should be reflected in the audit plan.

5.1 Risk Assessment Process

After the CAE and internal audit team understand the orga- 5.1.2 Identify and Understand IT Strategy
nization and its use of technology, they can conduct the risk Once CAEs and internal auditors become familiar with the
assessment. Performing this task correctly is paramount to organization’s objectives, they need to identify the compa-
ensuring relevant IT risks (i.e., those with the greatest like- ny’s overall IT strategy to understand how it aligns with the
lihood of occurrence and impact to the organization) are objectives identified in the prior step. Because the organiza-
identified and evaluated effectively and adequate mitigation tion could have different forms of documentation showing
measures take place. The culmination of the risk assessment the relationship between its business objectives and the IT
process is then used by the CAE and audit team to develop strategic plan, CAEs and internal auditors need to obtain,
the IT audit plan. read, and understand these documents. Generally speaking,
the IT strategic plan should link back to organizational objec-
tives and provide clear direction as to how it links back to
5.1.1 Identify and Understand these objectives. In other words, the IT plan should identify
Business Objectives tactical actions to be performed by the IT department within
One of the foundational elements of any risk assessment a defined period of time, which are designed to support the
methodology is gaining an understanding of the organiza- achievement of the organization’s objectives.
tion’s business objectives and determining how IT is used to
assist or support the achievement of these objectives. If busi-
ness objectives are not identified, auditors need to perform 5.1.3 IT Universe
this activity before performing the IT risk assessment. As discussed earlier, auditors first need to inventory the key
Business objectives may be broad and strategic in nature computing environment components to determine which IT
(e.g., become the industry leader) or more linear and tactical areas need to be reviewed from a risk and controls perspec-
tive. While there isn’t a single-best approach to perform
the inventory, many organizations divide their IT universe
International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal

Auditing, p. 17.

GTAG — Performing a Risk Assessment

into three major sub-categories: infrastructure, computer 3. Weighted or sorted matrices or the use of threats
operations, and applications. versus component matrices to evaluate consequences
The infrastructure area consists of all computing compo- and controls. This method is superior for most micro-risk
nents that support the flow and processing of information, assessments.
such as servers, routers, bridges, mainframes, communication
lines, printers, datacenters, networking equipment, antivirus This GTAG will focus exclusively on the weighted or
software, and desktops. Computer operations, on the other sorted matrices approach to measure risk and impact. As
hand, consist of the processes and controls that manage the shown in table 1, this approach uses a simplistic method to
computing environment. Examples include physical and rate risk that is based on the risk’s high (i.e., three), medium
logical security administration, backup and recovery, busi- (i.e., two), or low (i.e., one) likelihood of occurrence.
ness continuity and disaster recovery planning, service-level
agreements (SLAs), program change controls, and compli-
ance with laws and regulations. Finally, applications consist Likelihood Scale
of the software used by the organization to process, store, and
report business transactions. Examples include ERP systems H 3 High probability that the risk will occur.
and stand-alone applications, such as Microsoft Excel or
Access. M 2 Medium probability that the risk will occur.

L 1 Low probability that the risk will occur.

5.2 Ranking Risk
Once an inventory of the IT universe is completed, the next Table 1. Risk likelihood scale
step is to assign a risk rating to all sub-categories — infra-
structure, computer operations, and applications. These While the likelihood of risk occurrence is relatively simple
sub-categories need to be ranked based on the impact their to determine, determining the impact of risk occurrence is
risks will have on the organization and their likelihood of another matter entirely. This is because there can be several
occurrence. In other words, auditors need to determine what different qualitative and quantitative aspects of risk impact.
could go wrong in each area and how the organization will Furthermore, not every qualitative and quantitative aspect
be affected if controls to manage or mitigate risk are not is treated equally (i.e., some risks are more important than
designed and operating effectively. others). According to Assessing Risk, three types of risk
In addition, auditors need to keep in mind that each risk factors are commonly in use — subjective risk factors, objec-
might not be equally significant or weighed the same way tive or historical risk factors, and calculated risk factors.
across the IT audit universe. (Weight differentiates the rela-
tive importance of a risk over the others). For example, if an 1. Subjective risk factors. Measuring risk and its impact
area has a direct tie to the accuracy of financial reporting, it requires a combination of expertise, skills, imagination,
would carry a higher weight relative to an area that does not and creativity. This emphasis on subjective measurements
directly affect the accuracy of financial reporting. According is borne out in practice — many auditable units change so
to The Research Foundation’s Assessing Risk, there are three much between audits that prior audit history is of little use.
approaches to measuring risk and impact:10 Therefore, an experienced practitioner’s sound subjective
judgment is just as valid as any other method.
1. Direct probability estimates and expected loss func-
tions or the application of probabilities to asset values 2. Objective or historical risk factors. Measuring risk
to determine exposure for loss. This process is the oldest factor trends can be useful in organizations with stable
and not considered a best practice. The insurance industry operations. In all cases, current objective information is
still uses this method, but internal auditing does not. helpful in measuring risk.

2. Risk factors or the use of observable or measurable 3. Calculated risk factors. A subset of objective risk factor
factors to measure a specific risk or class of risks. This data is the class of factors calculated from historical or
process is favored for macro-risk assessments, but is not objective information. These are often the weakest of all
efficient or particularly effective for micro-risk assess- factors to use because they are derivative factors of risk
ments, except when auditable units are homogeneous that is further upstream.10
throughout the audit universe as in branch, location, or
plant audits.

The IIA Research Foundation’s Assessing Risk, 2nd Edition, 2004.

 erforming a Risk Assessment

Due to these risk factors, CAEs and internal auditors must 5.3 Leading IT Governance Frameworks
design and use a risk impact model that fits their organiza- Up to this point, the guide has focused on the steps necessary
tion. The model should be similar to the one used for the to define the IT audit universe and to perform a risk assess-
enterprisewide risk assessment. However, the model’s scale ment that determines what should be audited and how often.
and rank methodology needs to be changed for each IT risk. This discussion is not based on any particular IT governance
As shown in table 2, and for the purposes of this GTAG, a framework, such as COBIT, the ISO 27002 Standard, or
simplistic ranking method that uses high, medium, and low ITIL. As a result, it is the CAE’s responsibility to determine
categories is used for the impact of each component that is the components of these and other frameworks that best
based on the same likelihood concepts presented in table 1. serve the organization.
It is important to keep in mind that none of these frame-
works is a “one-size-fits-all.” Rather, they are frameworks
Impact Scale (Financial) organizations can use to manage and improve their IT func-
tions. While it is not within the scope of this GTAG to
H 3 The potential for material impact on the provide guidance on the pros and cons of these and other
organization’s earnings, assets, reputation, IT governance models, an overview of COBIT will be
or stakeholders is high. provided.
Since its release in 1996, COBIT has been a leading IT
M 2 The potential for material impact on the governance framework. Its mission is “to research, develop,
organization’s earnings, assets, reputation, publicize, and promote an authoritative, up-to-date, inter-
or stakeholders may be significant to the national set of generally accepted information technology
audit unit, but moderate in terms of the control objectives for day-to-day use by business managers
total organization. and auditors.”11 As a framework and supporting tool set,
COBIT allows organizations to bridge the gap with respect to
L 1 The potential impact on the organization is
control requirements, technical issues, and business risks, and
minor in size or limited in scope.
communicate that level of control to stakeholders. COBIT
also enables the development of clear IT control policies and
Table 2. Risk impact model scale
In addition, COBIT provides a set of tools CAEs and
Table 3 on page 15 shows an example of a completed risk internal auditors can use to help guide the IT risk assessment
assessment that is based on the scales used for likelihood and process. Some of its tools are a set of clearly stated control
impact across the risk categories of financial impact, quality objectives, ideas on how to test controls, and a scale for
of internal controls, changes in the audit unit, availability, ranking the maturity of the IT control environment. The
integrity, and confidentiality. The score for each area is COBIT framework consists of four domains with a total of 34
calculated by multiplying risk’s likelihood and impact values IT processes: plan and organize (PO), acquire and implement
across each category. For example, on the risk category for (AI), deliver and support (DS), and monitor and evaluate
ERP application and general controls, the sum of the likeli- (ME).
hood and impact values is 42. The same logic is used across As with any best practice control framework, auditors
the other risk categories for each possible audit area. should proceed with caution when using this framework.
Based on this scoring approach, the lowest possible score CAEs and internal auditors must understand and apply the
is six and the highest possible score is 54. Table 4 shows framework’s concepts and guidance in their proper context.
the scoring ranges and their corresponding audit or review In other words, COBIT has been developed and refined over
frequencies based on the organization’s resource availability. the last decade with the assistance of practitioners, academia,
and different industries from around the globe. As a result,
COBIT tends to have the look and feel of a framework that
Composite Risk Recommended might work beautifully in a large organization with a sizable
Score Range Annual Cycle IT function, but may be equally challenging to work with in
mid-size and small organizations.
H 35–54 Every 1 to 2 years
Furthermore, the CAE and internal audit team must
M 20–34 Every 2 to 3 years realize that simply because the IT function does not follow or
adhere to the COBIT framework, this does not mean the IT
L 6–19 Every 3 to 5 years function, its processes, or data is not controlled or managed
Table 4. Scoring ranges and corresponding
audit or review frequencies
COBIT 3rd Edition, p. 1.
COBIT 4.1, p. 8.

GTAG — Performing a Risk Assessment

properly. At a minimum, CAEs and internal auditors can use

COBIT as a helpful guide during the IT risk assessment and
audit process. In a best case scenario, the CAE and internal
audit team should integrate the use of COBIT under the
umbrella of risk and control-related frameworks and guid-
ance, as well as to help the IT function with implementing
part or all of the framework.

IT Risks
Quality of
Impact Internal
Changes in
Availability Integrity
Confiden- Score
Audit Unit tiality
Area Controls and

ERP Application & General Controls 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 42 H

Treasury EFT Systems 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 2 41 H

HR/Payroll Application 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 40 H

Employee Benefits Apps (Outsourced) 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 40 H

IT Infrastructure 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 38 H

Process Control Systems 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 L

Database Administration and Security 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 27 M

UNIX Administration and Security 2 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 2 24 M

Corp. Privacy Compliance 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 1 2 2 3 3 34 M

Windows Server Admin and Security 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 26 M

Environment Reporting Systems 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 24 M

SOX Sustainability Review 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 19 L

Network Administration and Security 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 17 L

ITIL Deployment Practices 1 1 1 3 2 1 3 1 1 3 3 3 21 M

IT Governance Practices 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 12 L

Remote Connectivity 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 L

Application Program Change Control 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 16 L

Lowest possible score 6

Highest possible score 54

Mid point 30

L = Likelihood
I = Impact

Table 3. Example of an IT risk-ranking score model

 ormalizing the IT Audit Plan

6. Formalizing the IT Audit Plan For most companies, these two steps are merged to some
extent, as depicted in the overlap area of the two spheres
Defining the IT audit universe and performing a risk assess- representing each process in figure 4. For example, certain
ment are precursor steps to selecting what to include in the risks or auditable areas may be excluded from the risk assess-
IT audit plan. While everything in the IT audit universe ment based on the level of resources that may be required to
could be reviewed on a recurring basis if the availability of execute the audit. However, it is important to perform these
resources is unlimited, this is not the reality for most internal steps in an objective manner considering each step’s stated
audit functions. Consequently, CAEs must create an IT audit objective and driver forces.
plan within the constraints of the audit function’s operating In addition, the IT audit plan should be created as part of
budget and available resources. the internal audit function’s strategic planning process. This
planning process should be cyclical and can be understood
under the classical management cycle of “plan, do, check,
6.1 Audit Plan Context and act.” Thus, while the plan is the key enabler to imple-
Figure 4 depicts the differences and challenges of moving ment the process, it delineates how to reach audit objectives
from the risk assessment step to identifying the audits that and goals. As a result, it should include a list of audit activities
will be included as part of the audit plan. In theory, each of as well as the timing, dependencies, and resource allocation
these steps should be a separate and distinct effort because needed to reach audit goals.
the objectives and focus are different. In the risk assessment, Certain IIA standards describe the nature of internal
the objective is to understand risks in a relative context. audit services and provide quality criteria against which the
Therefore, the major focus or driver of this effort is risk, performance of these services can be measured. More specifi-
while a major influencer may be resources. In defining the cally, the 2000 series, Performance Standards for Managing
audit plan, the objective is to review high-risk areas through the Internal Audit Activity, are relevant to the audit plan-
the allocation of available resources. As such, the driver is ning process:
the resources and the influencer is the risks.


Understand Risks Allocate Resources

Risk Assessment Audit Plan

Driver = Risks Driver = Resources
Influencer = Resources Influencer = Risks

Key Activities Key Activities

•• Obtain explicit input from stakeholders. •• Understand universe of potential
•• Identify relevant risks. audits subjects.
•• Assess risks. •• Allocate and rationalize resources.
•• Prioritize risks. •• Reconcile and finalize the audit plan.

Figure 4. Objectives for risk assessment and audit plan (Source: Ernst & Young 2007)

GTAG — Formalizing the IT Audit Plan

• IIA Standard 2010: Planning. The CAE should what audits will be performed and when, ensure adequate
establish risk-based plans to determine the priorities audit coverage is provided over this period of time, and iden-
of internal audit activities consistent with the orga- tify audits that may require specialized external resources or
nization’s goals. additional internal resources. In addition, most organizations
• IIA Standard 2020: Communication and Approval. create a one-year plan, as a derivative of the multiyear plan
The CAE should communicate the internal audit that outlines planned audit activities for the upcoming year.
activity’s plans and resource requirements, including Auditors can use one of two strategies to arrive at the ideal
significant interim changes, to senior manage- frequency of planned audit activities:13
ment and board for review and approval. The CAE • The audit frequency is established in an initial risk
also should communicate the impact of resource assessment to take place every three to five years and
limitations. is proportional to the risk level.
• IIA Standard 2030: Resource Management. The • The audit plan is based on a continuous risk assess-
CAE should ensure that internal audit resources are ment without a predefined audit frequency. Some
appropriate, sufficient, and deployed effectively to organizations use this approach, which is especially
achieve the approved plan. appropriate within the context of the IT audit plan,
given the higher rate of IT change as compared to
changes in non-IT activities.
6.2 Stakeholder Requests
Internal auditors should have ongoing discussions throughout Table 5 shows criteria that can be used to determine
the IT audit plan’s development with key stakeholders to frequency and resource allocation based on the results of
better understand the business and risks the organization the risk assessment. This process should be understood as a
faces. Through these discussions, insights on the business cyclical, repetitive, and iterative sequence of activities, inte-
will be gathered along with concerns key stakeholders might grating a top-down approach through at least three layers:
have. This is also an opportunity to learn about special audit • Layer 1: The audit universe where all the inputs are
assurance and consulting services requests, referred to in this integrated.
document as stakeholder requests. • Layer 2: The individual business processes where
Stakeholder requests may come from the board of directors, engagements should be identified and preliminarily
audit committee, senior managers, and operating managers. planned.
They should be considered during the audit planning phase • Layer 3: The audit engagements where fine-tuning
based on the engagement’s potential to improve the overall and plan optimization can be conducted.
management of risks and the organization’s control environ-
ment. These requests may be specific enough to determine
the required resource allocation, or the allocation may be Resource
Priority Frequency
based on previous audit work. These engagements also can Allocation
include fraud investigations that come up throughout the
H Immediate Annual reviews or High
year and requests to review service providers. (The IIA
action, multiple actions allocation
Standard 2010.C1 provides information on consulting
usually within within the cycle
engagements.) CAEs, therefore, should consider accepting
the first year
proposed consulting engagements based on their potential
to improve risk management activities and add value to and M Mid-term One or several Base
improve the organization’s operations. Accepted engage- action within audit engagements allocation
ments should be included in the IT audit plan. the audit within the cycle;
cycle could be postponed

6.3 Audit Frequency L Audit engage- At most one Limited

Depending on the risk assessment’s results, not all audit ments usually audit engagement allocation
areas can nor should be reviewed in every audit cycle. As not planned planned within the
presented in section 5, audit frequency is based on an evalu- within the cycle
ation of the likelihood and impact of risk occurrence in cycle
relationship to the organization’s objectives. Since audits
Table 5. Frequency and resource
occur on a cyclical basis, multiyear audit plans are developed
allocation of audit activities
and presented to management and the audit committee for
review and approval. The multiyear plan, usually three to
five years in terms of its timeframe, is created to document 13  
Brink’s Modern Internal Auditing, 6th Ed, 2005, p. 292.

 ormalizing the IT Audit Plan

In addition to frequency, other factors should be consid- well as estimated efforts in terms of their timeframe for
ered when defining the audit plan: completion and resources.
4. The plan should be prioritized based on:
• Internal audit sourcing strategies. Different a. Dates and results of the last audit engagement.
sourcing or staff augmentation strategies are common b. Updated assessments of risks and effectiveness of risk
practices in the industry, including hiring internal management and control processes.
staff, outsourcing, and co-sourcing, which should be c. Requests by the board and senior management.
considered during the annual planning process. d. Current issues relating to organizational governance.
• Estimated available IT audit resources. This consists e. Major changes in the business, operations, programs,
of a technical skills inventory of current staff that is systems, and controls.
mapped to IT audit plan needs. The availability of f. Opportunities to achieve operating benefits.
resources usually is established on an annual basis g. Changes to and capabilities of the audit staff. (Work
and is based on the number of full-time equivalent schedules should be sufficiently flexible to cover unan-
auditors and skills required. Available audit days are ticipated demands on the internal audit activity.)
the net of possible audit days minus nonaudit activi-
ties and exception time, such as training, vacation,
and holidays. 6.5 The IT Audit Plan Content
• Board and management requests included in the The content of the IT audit plan should be a direct reflec-
plan and related to control assurance or consulting tion of the risk assessment described in previous sections.
services. The plan also should have different types of IT audits, for
• The organization’s regulatory and compliance example:
requirements. These should be included in the audit • Integrated business process audits.
universe and risk assessment. • Audits of IT processes (e.g., IT governance and
• External audits that should be synchronized with strategy audits, as well as audits of the organization’s
the audit plan. The IIA Performance Standard 2050 project management efforts, software development
establishes that the CAE should share informa- activities, policies and procedures, COBIT/ISO/ITIL
tion and coordinate activities with other internal processes, and information security, incident manage-
and external providers of relevant assurance and ment, change management, patch management, and
consulting services to ensure proper coverage and help desk activities).
minimize duplication of efforts. • Business projects and IT initiative audits, including
• Internal initiatives and efforts to improve the audit software development life cycle (SDLC) reviews.
function. Any effort beyond audit engagements that • Application control reviews.
represents an investment of effort should be planned, • Technical infrastructure audits (e.g., demand
budgeted, and reflected in the audit plan. Examples management reviews, performance reviews, database
include quality assurance reviews, integrated risk assessments, operating systems audits, and operation
assessments, audit committee reporting tasks, and analyses).
audit recommendation follow-ups. • Network reviews (e.g., network architecture reviews,
• A contingency IT audit budget and plan for reason- penetration testing, vulnerabilities assessments, and
able coverage of unplanned situations. performance reviews).

To verify each audit provides appropriate coverage, audi-

6.4 Audit Plan Principles tors can incorporate the following elements as part of the
Internal auditors should consider The IIA’s Practice Advisory audit:
2010-1: Planning for the IT Audit Plan when identifying • IT general controls, application controls, and infra-
audit plan principles: structure controls.
1. Planning should be consistent with the charter of the • Contributions to operational reviews, financial
internal audit function and involve establishing goals, reviews, and compliance reviews.
schedules, staffing, budgeting, and reporting. • Main control objectives (i.e., segregation of duties,
2. Internal audit activities should be capable of accom- concentration of duties, and security, among
plishing the goals within a specific time and budget and others).
be measured in terms of, at least, targeted dates and levels • New IT trends and their threats, innovations, and
of accomplishment. impact.
3. The plan should include the work schedule with activi- • All IT layers of the stack.
ties to be performed and their key planned dates, as

GTAG — Formalizing the IT Audit Plan

6.6 Integration of the IT Audit Plan • A highly integrated audit plan, where IT audit
One key aspect of the planning process is to determine the activities are incorporated as part of business
integration level of the IT audit plan with non-IT audit activ- process engagements. Often, IT audit activities are
ities in the audit department. As explained in section 4.7, planned under the responsibility of a multidisci-
auditors need to determine which audit group will be respon- plinary team that has a balanced skill set, including
sible for the planning and oversight of business application IT audit expertise.
audits. This discussion could be extended to include all IT
components. For instance, will the IT audit plan be presented Given that a system of internal control typically includes
and executed on a stand-alone basis or will IT audit subjects manual and automated controls, with more reliance on appli-
be integrated with business areas? Answers to these questions cation controls, the ability to scope an audit that covers all
should be based on the internal audit department’s function controls is essential in providing a holistic assessment of the
as well as its staff, size, geographical distribution, and manage- control environment. A complete business audit, including
ment approach. A range of integration scenarios could be a review of all IT components, provides the opportunity to
considered from a low integration scenario where the IT audit evaluate whether there is an appropriate combination of
function is well-defined and established within the internal controls to mitigate business risks.
audit department (i.e., with their own IT audit universe
and scope) to a fully integrated audit approach where all IT
components are understood under each business segment. 6.7 Validating the Audit Plan
Table 6 illustrates scenarios based on different options to Unfortunately, there is no direct test that can be performed
integrate the IT audit plan. These scenarios are: to validate whether the right and most effective audit plan
• A low-integrated plan. This is a stand-alone IT audit exists. Therefore, auditors need to establish criteria to eval-
plan under the responsibility of the IT audit team. uate the plan’s effectiveness in meeting its objectives. As
A low-integrated plan is organized by IT subject discussed earlier, the plan should consist of risk-based audits,
areas, is generally isolated from non-IT audit activi- mandated audit areas, and management requests for assur-
ties, and includes the review of applications. Non-IT ance and consulting services. Because one of the objectives
audit activities generally do not include any of the IT of the planning phase is to allocate resources to areas where
components within their scope. the department can add the most value to the organization
• A partially integrated audit plan, which outlines IT and highest risk IT areas, auditors should determine how the
audit engagements that are established by a core IT plan reflects this objective.
audit team. These plans provide an additional set of The chart in figure 5 depicts the plan’s target. According
planned engagements, generally referred to as appli- to this chart, if all audit subjects and engagements are
cation reviews, which are distributed across other plotted based on their risk likelihood and impact, audits
non-IT audit teams and coordinated with other busi- should be reflected in all chart quadrants. The bolded box
ness process reviews. represents the ideal selection of audits and engagements, so

Low-integrated Partially Integrated Highly Integrated

Audit Universe
Audit Plan Audit Plan Audit Plan
Business Processes Non-IT audit Non-IT audit Integrated approach
• Operational
• Financial
• Compliance
Applications Systems IT audit Integrated approach Integrated approach
• Application controls
• IT general controls
IT Infrastructure Controls IT audit IT audit Integrated approach
• Databases
• Operating systems
• Network

Table 6. IT auditing and integrated auditing

GTAG — Formalizing the IT Audit Plan

that the largest majority of the plan consists of audits from In addition, auditors need to consider the specific source
the highest-risk quadrant with the balance proportionally of the change. For instance, frequent changes in the IT audit
selected from medium- and low-risk quadrants. Furthermore, plan could be the result of:
some of the audits in the plan should deal with compliance • Changes in strategic, organizational, or human
and mandated areas. Consequently, auditors should note that resources.
while there are valid reasons for including low-risk audits • New business process initiatives involving the use of
in the plan, alternative audit approaches such as control high-risk technology, such as e-commerce.
self-assessments should be considered to limit the resources • Major changes in applications, such as the use of a
required to complete the review. new Web application version.
• Critical administration and support software
6.8 The Dynamic Nature of the IT Audit Plan • Network and infrastructure threats and vulnerabili-
As technology continues to change, so does the arrival of ties that lead to a reassessment of information security
new and potential risks, vulnerabilities, and threats to the management activities.
company. In addition, technological changes may prompt a
new set of IT goals and objectives, which in turn leads to As a consequence, periodic reassessments of IT audit plan
the creation of new IT initiatives, acquisitions, or changes priorities should be conducted and, if needed, reported to the
to meet the organization’s needs. An important point to board and senior management on a more frequent basis as
consider when drafting the audit plan, therefore, is the orga- compared with other more traditional and static audit topics.
nization’s dynamic nature and its ongoing changes. More The IT audit function also must analyze changes in the IT
specifically, auditors need to consider the higher rate of IT audit universe and have the flexibility to adjust the plan to
change compared to changes in non-IT activities, the appro- the new conditions. Furthermore, the plan should be reas-
priate timing of a system’s SDLC phases, and the results of sessed periodically, and greater flexibility is needed to react
SDLC audits. to changes in the business and IT environments by adjusting
the ranking and prioritization of planned audits. Finally, it is

Targeted Result
Mandated Risk Assessed

Audit Resources
Risk Impact


Consider alternative
audit approach

L Likelihood H

Figure 5. Chart of targeted audit results

GTAG — Formalizing the IT Audit Plan

important for the plan to link each element of the IT audit It is also important for the IT component of the internal
universe to one of the following SDLC phases: feasibility audit plan or the IT audit plan to be discussed with senior
study, analysis, design, implementation, testing, evaluation, management and the board as well as key IT stakeholders,
and maintenance and production. such as the chief information officer, the chief technology
The value added provided by an internal audit function officer, IT managers, business applications owners, and other
depends highly on the quality of its recommendations and employees with similar roles. The input received from these
the benefit that the company obtains from their imple- stakeholders is paramount to the success of the audit plan-
mentation. Often there are direct benefits from addressing ning exercise and will enable CAEs and internal auditors to
monetary compliance issues. However, there may be an indi- better understand the business environment, identify risks
rect benefit to help enhance the organization’s reputation, and concerns, and select audit areas. Furthermore, dialogue
competitive advantage, maturity of business processes, and on the final plan will help to validate the stakeholders’ input
innovation. throughout the process and provide a preview of upcoming
One of the main attributes of audit recommendations that activities.
affect their value added is timing. This attribute is especially When discussing the IT audit plan, internal auditors should
relevant during the entire life cycle of IT applications. In do so in a manner that is supported by key IT executives,
general, the earlier in the software’s life cycle a weakness managers, and staff. Gaining the IT team’s understanding,
or risk is identified, the higher the added value of audit coordination, and support will make the audit process more
recommendations. For example, the cost of implementing effective and efficient. In addition, understanding the plan
a structural change to address a critical application weak- facilitates an open and continuing dialogue where evolving
ness is substantially greater once the system is in production risks and changes to the operating environment can be
compared to addressing the same weakness at the design discussed throughout the plan’s life cycle and adjustments are
phase. made on an ongoing basis. Interaction with the clients when
Besides the added value stemming from audit recommen- conducting the risk assessment and prior to the final plan’s
dations, the internal auditor’s reputation is improved in approval is critical to ensure the plan’s overall quality.
terms of his or her professionalism. The challenge for the IT
audit function then becomes how to plan activities to deliver
the appropriate type of audit recommendations within the
optimal life cycle timeframe. As a rule, the planning strategy
must be performed prior to the beginning of the entire cycle,
so that appropriate activities are planned in terms of time
and resources.
It is critical for the IT audit plan to balance audit activities
throughout the entire life cycle, such as avoiding a concen-
tration of audit efforts on the maintenance and production
phase and having adequate coverage during the early stages.
By following these recommendations, organizations will be
able to move from a traditional and post-mortem planning
strategy (i.e., one that is based mostly from an operational,
compliance, and financial approach) to one that is more
innovative, adds value, and is more consultative in nature.

6.9 Communicating, Gaining Executive

Support, and Obtaining Plan Approval
As part of their goals, the internal audit department should
present the audit plan to senior management and audit com-
mittee board members. In particular, resource requirements,
significant interim changes, and the potential implications
of resource limitations should be communicated to senior
management and the board, according to IIA Standard

Internal Auditing: Assurance & Consulting Services (2007) by
Kurt F. Reding, et al, ISBN 978-0-89413-610-8, pp. 8–11.

 ppendix: Hypothetical Company Example

7. Appendix: Hypothetical • Manufacturing Systems:

Company Example oo Responsible for systems operating at manufac-
turing facilities.
oo Local applications include payroll for non-U.S.
The example in this chapter illustrates how to incorporate
the IT audit planning elements discussed in earlier sections. sites, research and quality control databases, envi-
Although the steps can be universally followed, the exam- ronmental reporting, and manufacturing process
ple’s audit subjects and risk assessment results are generic in control systems.
oo Financial analysis and controls.

• Strategy and risk management:

oo Contracts, purchasing, and licensing.
7.1 The Company oo Strategy, architecture, and standards.
The hypothetical company is a publicly traded manufacturer oo Security services.
and supplier of commodity products used as feeder stock by oo IT change and governance.
consumer product manufacturers in different markets around oo Project management office.
the world. The company’s profile is as follow:
• US $7 billion in total assets. The manufacturing facilities are the organization’s life-
• Based in the United States. blood. Because they are located throughout the world and
• Thirty production facilities in seven countries, have different capacity sizes, they introduce risks that may
including Belgium, China, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, impact business fundamentals and financials. Furthermore,
Singapore, South Korea, and the United States. although the manufacturing facilities create a somewhat
• Six research, technology, and quality control centers decentralized business model, the organization’s centralized
located in each production facility. corporate and service elements offer the opportunity for
• Five thousand employees worldwide. process-based audits that cross business functions.
• Five major competitors. In the area of compliance, the organization is subject to U.S.
• Holds nearly 3,000 domestic and international and European requirements, including Sarbanes-Oxley, the
patents and patent applications. European Union’s Directive on Data Protection (Privacy),
• Three major business units for manufacturing opera- the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, and other similar
tions along product lines, centralized headquarters, regulations in the locations in which it operates. According
and support-service organizations. to the annual business plan, several major capital investment
• Three major capital projects to build and expand projects are under way that will have a great impact on the
manufacturing capacity. organization’s future competitiveness.
Finally, the company’s IT function aligns closely with its
In addition, the company’s centralized IT organization business model. The company uses a fairly homogeneous
consists of four basic divisions: group of applications, including a standard ERP application,
a global network and server infrastructure, and standard
• Global infrastructure: support processes for IT service delivery functions, gover-
oo Telecommunications. nance, and security.
oo Voice communications.
oo Networks.
oo Remote connectivity. 7.2 The IT Audit Plan
oo Desktop and Internet. Based on this description, an IT audit universe can be
oo Information life cycle management. identified that defines a holistic inventory of conceivable
oo Servers. audit subject areas and provides management with informa-
tion on the effectiveness of their control environment and
• Enterprise applications: operations.
oo One major ERP application used throughout the As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, the centralized
company for supply chain management, finan- corporate and services elements offer the opportunity for
cial accounting, human resources (based in the global, process-type audit subjects. The company’s central-
United States), sales, and distribution. ized ERP application, global infrastructure support areas, and
oo Also supplies SAP technical support and Advanced standard IT service delivery processes are good candidates for
Business Application Programming (ABAP). independent audit subjects covering large areas of IT risk.
Manufacturing facilities also are represented in the IT audit
universe with subjects from locally supported applications

GTAG — Appendix: Hypothetical Company Example

and an underlying infrastructure (shown as facility 1–30 for Likelihood Scale

simplicity in table 7). These audit subjects are likely to be
H 3 High probability that the risk will occur.
aligned with business process audits in each facility.
Table 7 shows what a sample universe of potential IT audit M 2 Medium probability that the risk will occur.
subjects might look like for the company. Each of the 30
manufacturing facilities has these and other audit subject L 1 Low probability that the risk will occur.
Impact Scale (Financial)
Business Unit Audit Subject H 3 There is a potential for material impact on
the organization’s earnings, assets, reputation,
Corporate Network administration and security or stakeholders.
Corporate Remote connectivity M 2 The potential impact may be significant to
the audit unit, but moderate in terms of the
Corporate Windows Server administration and
total organization.
L 1 The potential impact on the organization is
Corporate UNIX administration and security minor in size or limited in scope.
Corporate ERP application and general controls Table 8. Three-point likelihood and impact scale
Corporate Sarbanes-Oxley sustainability review

Corporate Corporate privacy compliance To aid in the analysis, a range is selected that indicates a
relative risk ranking of high, medium, and low, as follows:
Corporate Database administration and security

Corporate IT governance practices Composite Risk Recommended

Score Range Annual Cycle
Corporate ITIL deployment practices H 35–54 Every 1 to 2 years
Corporate Application program change control M 20–34 Every 2 to 3 years
Business Major capital investment projects L 6–19 Every 3 to 5 years
Segment 1–3 (e.g., information protection and
corporate compliance) Table 9. Range of relative risk ranking

Facility 1–30 IT infrastructure

As part of the risk assessment step, auditors need to define a
Facility 1–30 Human resources and payroll
recommended annual cycle for audit subjects in the universe
based on composite risk score ranges, where high-risk audit
subjects are reviewed every one to two years, medium-risk
Facility 1–30 Process control systems
subjects every two to three years, and low-risk subjects every
Table 7. IT audit universe three to five years. This will ensure that high-risk areas are
reviewed frequently and low-risk areas are covered adequately
over a five-year span. Table 10 on page 24 shows an example
After the IT audit universe is defined at a high level, the of a completed risk assessment.
next step is to assess the business and IT risks on each area.
Risk categories are assessed based on their likelihood of occur-
rence and the impact they would have on the organization if
the risk was not adequately managed. This risk approach uses
relative ranking as shown in table 8. For example, a three-
point scale to assess likelihood and impact is used as outlined
in the following description:

 ppendix: Hypothetical Company Example

IT Risks
Quality of
Impact Internal
Changes in
Availability Integrity
Score and
Audit Unit tiality
Area Controls

ERP Application & General Controls 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 2 3 42 H

Treasury EFT Systems 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 2 2 1 41 H
Facility 3 – HR/Payroll Application 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 40 H
Employee Benefits Apps (Outsourced) 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 40 H
Facility 3 – IT Infrastructure 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 38 H
Facility 3 – Process Control Systems 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 39 H
UNIX Administration and Security 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 2 2 35 M/H
Corp. Privacy Compliance 3 1 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 3 3 34 M/H
Database Administration and Security 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 1 27 M
Windows Server Admin and Security 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 2 2 26 M
Facility 1 – IT Infrastructure 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 23 M
Facility 1 – Process Control Systems 2 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 27 M
Environment Reporting Systems 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 3 1 24 M
Facility 2 – IT Infrastructure 2 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 1 1 1 23 M
Major Capital Investment Projects 2 2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 25 M
Application Program Change Control 2 3 2 3 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 23 M
SOX Sustainability Review 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 22 M
Network Administration and Security 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 22 M
Facility 2 – Process Control Systems 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 19 M/L
ITIL Deployment Practices 1 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 19 M/L
Facility 2 – HR/Payroll Application 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 1 1 2 19 M/L
Facility 30 – HR/Payroll Application 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 17 L
Facility 1 – HR/Payroll Application 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 17 L
Facility 30 – IT Infrastructure 1 1 3 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 12 L
Facility 30 – Process Control Systems 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 15 L
IT Governance Practices 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 12 L
Remote Connectivity 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 12 L

L = Likelihood
I = Impact

Table 10. Risk assessment

GTAG — Appendix: Hypothetical Company Example

Once risk assessment results are available, the next step be added automatically to the audit plan. Furthermore, there
is to formalize the audit plan. As discussed in section 6, the was a significant segregation of duties issue identified in the
audit plan consists of risk-driven audit projects, mandatory previous year’s procurement process audit, so a follow-up
compliance reviews, stakeholder requests, and follow-up review will be added to the plan to ensure agreed upon reme-
audits of previously identified significant issues. Because diation efforts are progressing as planned. In the compliance
these tasks need to be completed using available internal area, compliance with the new corporate policy on protecting
audit resources, some risk-driven audit projects might not be personal data for privacy will be included because there are
incorporated in the plan. plans to transmit personal data between non-U.S. facilities
Continuing with the hypothetical company example, the and the U.S. corporate headquarters.
board has asked the IT department to be involved in the The company has an IT audit staff of five auditors or
coordination of an external infrastructure penetration test, approximately 1,000 available days for engagements after
and operating management has requested assurance that considering exception time and training. Based on the risk
Sarbanes-Oxley management testing is sustained throughout assessment of available audit subjects, mandatory activi-
the organization. In addition, the IT function asked the ties, and stakeholder requests, the most effective audit plan
internal audit department to be involved with an ITIL is shown in table 11. Several high-risk subjects were not
deployment project to identify whether service delivery included in the plan (e.g., treasury electronic funds transfer
processes are effective and cover all risks. (EFT) systems, process control systems, and database admin-
These stakeholder requests are accepted because they fit istration and security) because they were reviewed in the last
with the mission of the internal audit department and will 12 months.

Engagement Risk Level Cycle Audit Days Allocated

Penetration Test Coordination * 0 40

Procurement Application Follow-up * 0 20
ERP Application & General Controls H 1 100
Facility 3: HR/Payroll Application H 2 30
Employee Benefits Apps (Outsource) H 3 100
Facility 3: IT Infrastructure H 2 90
UNIX Administration and Security M/H 1 90
Corp. Privacy Compliance M/H 3 40
Windows Server Administration and Security M 3 90
Facility 1: IT Infrastructure M 3 90
Facility 1: Process Control Systems M 3 90
Environment Reporting Systems M 3 30
Major Capital Investment Projects M 3 30
Sarbanes-Oxley Sustainability M/* 3 120
ITIL Deployment Practices L/* 4 40
Total 1000
* Management Request

Table 11. The audit plan

 ppendix: Hypothetical Company Example

The audit plan in table 11 represents the ideal audit plan

based on the company’s internal audit department and its
understanding of the company’s strategies and objectives,
historical knowledge of the control environment, and antici-
pated changes in operations during the next audit period.
The plan should be reviewed with senior and operations
management as a follow-up discussion to the risk assessment
and audit planning phases. Doing so will validate manage-
ment input was considered accurately in the process and give
managers a preview of the upcoming year’s IT audit plan.
The review also is an appropriate time to discuss potential
audit engagement dates as the company might experience
blackout periods due to the audit’s possible disruption of
company operations. For example, planned dates for applica-
tion or infrastructure upgrades should be discussed, as well
as schedules of significant operational activities, such as
plant shutdowns and turnarounds, that could affect the audit
Following the plan’s completion is the scheduling of audits
and audit resources. In general, audits have to be staffed with
appropriately skilled auditors to ensure the engagement’s
success. However, the audit schedule is also a good opportu-
nity to address staff development needs through the exposure
of audits that will expand and develop specific skill areas.
Finally, there will be changes that might impact the audit
plan and schedule due to the organization’s dynamic nature.
As a result, it is important to have an effective plan in place,
manage the plan throughout its life cycle, and be flexible to
company changes so that resources stay focused on evolving
risk areas and the organization’s concerns.

GTAG — Glossary of Terms

8. Glossary of Terms Operating systems: Software that performs a computer’s

basic tasks, such as handling operator input, managing
Application program code: Sets of computer programs, internal computer memory, and providing disk drive, display
control files, tables, and user interfaces that provide func- and peripheral device functions.
tionality for specific business operations, such as accounting,
payroll, and procurement. Outsourcing: The use of a third-party to perform noncore
company services. Outsourcing is becoming more preva-
Business process: A set of connected business activities that lent due to the high cost and expertise required to deliver
are linked with each other for the purpose of achieving a noncore services.
business objective.
Policy: A written statement that communicates manage-
Chief audit executive (CAE): The top position within the ment’s intent, objectives, requirements, and responsibilities.
organization responsible for internal audit activities.
Risk: The possibility of an event occurring that will have an
Compliance: Conformity and adherence to applicable impact on the achievement of objectives. Risk is measured in
laws and regulations, which also includes conformity and terms of impact and likelihood.
adherence to policies, plans, procedures, contracts, or other
requirements. Risk assessment: A methodology for determining the likeli-
hood of an event that could hinder the organization from
Consulting services: Advisory and related services that are attaining its business goals and objectives in an effective,
agreed to with the client to improve an organization’s gover- efficient, and controlled manner.
nance, risk management, and control environment.
Risk management: The management process used to
Control environment: Board and management attitudes and understand and deal with uncertainties that could affect the
actions regarding the significance of organizationwide controls. organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
The control environment provides the structure for the achieve-
ment of the internal control system’s primary objectives. Service support processes: Within an IT context, the
processes used to manage an organization’s IT infrastruc-
Database systems: A system of programs that enable data ture and the development and installation of new computer
storage, modification, and extraction. systems and IT operations. Service support processes include
service desk activities and configuration, change, release,
Enterprise resource planning (ERP): ERP systems are major incident, and problem management procedures.
software applications that manage whole business processes.
They also integrate procurement, inventories, sales, distribu- Standards: A mandatory business process or procedure
tion, human resources, and customer service activities, as well that provides direction on how to comply with the policy
as financial management and other organizational aspects. to which it is linked. IT standards are generally technology
neutral and can be further divided into IT-specific controls
Framework: Guiding principles that form a template organi- and guidelines.
zations can use to evaluate business practices.
System of internal controls: A system comprising the five
IT infrastructure: Key components of an application’s components of internal control — the control environment,
technical infrastructure, including its program logic code, risk assessment, control activities, information and commu-
database, operating system, network, and physical environ- nication, and monitoring — to ensure risk is managed.
ments housing each component.
System implementation projects: Larger scale efforts in the
Internal audit function: A department, division, team of IT delivery function to deploy new systems of applications
consultants, or other practitioners that provide independent, or infrastructure components. These efforts involve project
objective assurance and consulting services designed to add management activities, business processing reengineering,
value and improve an organization’s operations. and behavioral change management techniques.

Networks: Physical devices, such as switches, routers, fire- Third party: An entity that is not affiliated with the
walls, wiring, and programs, which control the routing of organization.
data packets to link computers and enable them to commu-
nicate with each other.

 lossary of Acronyms

9. Glossary of Acronyms
CAE: Chief audit executive

CBOK: The IIA Research Foundation’s Common Body of


COBIT: Control Objectives for Information and Related


COSO: The Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the

Treadway Commission

EFT: Electronic funds transfer

ERM: Enterprise risk management

ERP: Enterprise resource planning

EU: European Union

GLBA: U.S. Gramm-Leach Bliley Act

GTAG: Global Technology Audit Guide

HIPAA: U.S. Health Insurance Portability and

Accountability Act

IIA: The Institute of Internal Auditors

ISO: International Organization for Standardization

IT: Information technology

ITGI: IT Governance Institute

ITIL: The UK Office of Government Commerce’s IT

Infrastructure Library

PCAOB: U.S. Public Company Accounting Oversight


PCI DSS: Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard

QAR: The IIA’s external quality assurance review

SDLC: System development life cycle

SOX: U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002

GTAG — About the Authors

10. About the Authors Nikitin is a member of The IIA’s Advanced Technology
Committee, a board member of ISACA’s Government and
Kirk Rehage Regulatory Agencies Board, and a contributor of the National
Kirk Rehage is the group manager of Institute of Technology of India. He is also a former presi-
IT auditing for Chevron Corp., a member dent of ISACA Montevideo’s Uruguay Chapter, co-founder
of The IIA’s Advanced Technology of the Project Management Institute’s Uruguay Chapter, and
Committee and ISACA, and term a member of the International Information Systems Security
governor for the North California East Certification Consortium. Nikitin earned his MBA degree
Bay IIA Chapter. As IT audit group from EOI Business School in Madrid, Spain.
manager, Rehage is responsible for the
Internal Audit Department’s IT assur-
ance and controls consulting activities in more than 180 Reviewers
Rehage has more than 30 years of energy industry experi- The IIA thanks the following individuals and organizations
ence and has held a variety of roles delivering IT services, that provided valuable comments and added great value to
such as building computing infrastructure and network envi- this guide:
ronments, managing application delivery organizations, and • Professional Practices Committee:
technical programming of engineering and earth science oo Advanced Technology Committee
analytical software and database solutions. oo Board of Regents
oo Committee on Quality
Steve Hunt, CIA, CISA, CBM oo Internal Auditing Standards Board
Steve Hunt is a senior manager in the oo Professional Issues Committee
risk consulting group of Crowe Horwath oo Ethics Committee
LLP , vice chair of The IIA’s Advanced • Urton Anderson, McCombs School of Business,
Technology Committee, and a member The University of Texas at Austin, USA
of ISACA and the Association of • Lily Bi, The IIA, USA
Professionals in Business Management. • Larry Brown, The Options Clearing Corp., USA
At Crowe Horwath, Hunt works with • Faisal R. Danka, London, UK
Fortune 1000 mid-sized, and small- • Christopher Fox, ASA, eDelta, New York, USA
market companies in different industries, directing the • Nelson Gibbs, Deloitte & Touche LLP, USA
delivery of financial, operational, and IT risk management • Frank Hallinan, Chevron Phillips Chemical Co. LP,
engagements. USA
Hunt has more than 20 years of experience working in • Greg Kent, SecureIT, USA
different industries, including accounting, internal auditing, • Lemuel Longwe, Ernst & Young Chartered
and management consulting. More specifically, he has Accountants, Zimbabwe
performed in-depth Sarbanes-Oxley compliance audits and • Steve Mar, Resources Global, USA
other internal and external audits, and participated in busi- • Tom Margosian, Ford Motor Company, USA
ness process reengineering projects and business development • James Reinhard, Simon Property Group Inc., USA
initiatives. He also has several years of experience configuring
SAP R/3 applications and application security and business
process controls and has been a featured speaker at several
universities and organizations in the United States.

Fernando D. Nikitin, CIA, CISA,

Fernando Nikitin has more than 16
years of experience in internal auditing,
IT governance, and information security
and has worked for banking, govern-
ment, and multilateral organizations. He
is an internal auditor at the Office of the
Auditor General of the Inter-American
Development Bank. Previously, Nikitin was the IT audit
manager at Banco de la Republica Oriental del Uruguay.

The Unique Alternative
to the Big Four

Crowe is a top 10 public accounting and consulting firm. We provide innovative solutions in the areas of
assurance, financial advisory, performance, risk consulting, and tax. Differentiating ourself from many others,
Crowe has a specific focus on serving a broad array of organizations’ risk consulting needs. Service areas include:

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O Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 consulting; O Identity and access management;
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O Technology risk assessment; O Payment card industry reviews.
O Business continuity and disaster recovery.

With clients throughout the United States and internationally, Crowe’s practice brings together independent,
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and Company LLC as The Unique Alternative to the Big Four.
For more information, contact Vicky Ludema at 800.599.2304 or [email protected].

Crowe Chizek and Company LLC is a member of Horwath International Association, a Swiss association (Horwath). Each member firm of Horwath is a separate and independent legal
entity. Accountancy services in the state of California are rendered by Crowe Chizek and Company LLP, which is not a member of Horwath. © 2008 Crowe Chizek and Company LLC RISK8068
Crowe provides a consultative
and practical approach to IT audit.

Do you need an IT audit department or are you looking Crowe’s services are delivered by highly trained
to augment your existing IT audit department with some specialists with practical technology solutions and
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Chizek and Company LLC can tailor a solution for you. Our risk assessment and audit methodologies and
tools provide a structured and optimized approach
Crowe’s IT audit outsourcing/cosourcing comes with a
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comprehensive portfolio of IT audit services to help you:
Our audit professionals have a strong mix of industry
O Assess the technology components that are
and internal audit experience in various technologies
critical to your business processes;
such as SAP, PeopleSoft®, Oracle®, JD Edwards,
O Determine technology risks that your VMWare, UNIX®, Microsoft® Windows, mainframe,
organization may be exposed to; and AS/400. Our professional certifications include
O Develop custom IT audit plans based on the results of CISA, CCP, CIA, CISSP, MCSE, and CCSE.
our technology risk analysis; Crowe has served more than 100 clients in the
O Evaluate the adequacy of existing controls internal audit outsourcing or cosourcing capacity
to manage your specific risks; across the United States. Whether you need full-time
or on-demand IT audit experts, count on Crowe.
O Design and implement control
solutions and improvements;
O Comply with regulatory requirements
such as SOX 404, GLBA, and HIPAA.

The Unique Alternative to the Big Four®

Oracle and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks of Oracle Corp.

Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.
UNIX is a registered trademark of the The SCO Group.

Crowe Chizek and Company LLC is a member of Horwath International Association, a Swiss association (Horwath). Each member firm of Horwath is a separate and independent legal
entity. Accountancy services in the state of California are rendered by Crowe Chizek and Company LLP, which is not a member of Horwath. © 2008 Crowe Chizek and Company LLC RISK8068
GTAG 11: Developing the IT Audit Plan
Due to the high degree of organizational reliance on IT, it is crucial that chief audit executives (CAEs)
understand how to create an IT audit plan as well as determine the frequency of audits and the breadth
and depth of each audit. However, results from several Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) external quality
assessment reviews reveal that developing an appropriate IT audit plan is one of the weakest links in internal
audit activities. Many times, internal auditors simply review what they know or outsource to other companies,
letting them decide what to audit.
To this end, Developing the IT Audit Plan can help CAEs and internal auditors:
• Understand the organization and how IT supports it.
• Define and understand the IT environment.
• Identify the role of risk assessments in determining the IT audit universe.
• Formalize the annual IT audit plan.

This GTAG also provides an example of a hypothetical organization to show CAEs and internal auditors how
to execute the steps necessary to define the IT audit universe.
We’d like your feedback! Visit the GTAG 11 page under to rate this Practice Guide and
submit your comments.

Order Number: 1046

IIA Member US $25 GTAGs are Practice Guides
Nonmember US $30 aligned under the International
IIA Event US $22.50
Professional Practices Framework.


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