Ucsp q1 Mod 3 Culturalrelativismandethnocentrism v2

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What I Know

General Direction: Read the following items carefully. Write the letter that
corresponds to your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following phrases describe cultural relativism?

a. having no concept of right or wrong
b. comparing how other cultures are related to others
c. believing that western culture is superior from Asian culture.
d. measuring behavior as it is regarded in the person’s own

2. Why does ethnocentrism lead to dehumanizing others?

a. there is no way to determine right or wrong
b. other people may be treated as savage and morally
c. native people usually want to be colonized by superior
d. believing that their own race is superior over the others
makes one morally corrupt.

3. Genital mutilation or female circumcision is a practice of many

tribes in Africa as a significant rite of passage for women. A lot of
progressive countries think that it is unhygienic and wrong. This
kind of thinking is an example of
a. cultural relativism b. ethnocentrism c. xenocentrism

For numbers 4-8, identify whether the given statement is an example of

ethnocentrism or cultural relativism. Write letter A if it is a sample of
ethnocentrism and letter B if it is a case of cultural relativism.

4. Cannibalism is morally wrong because it defies God’s

commandment of thou shall not kill. A
5. Korean culture is better than our culture because a lot of Filipinos
try to imitate and adopt this culture. A
6. Apo Wang-od tattoo arts should be honored because of its deep
meaning and historical connections on their past culture. B
7. It is just right to call the corona virus as Chinese virus because it
started on their country. A
8. Nothing is wrong with the religious belief of others like worshipping
things related to nature like forest, rivers, moon, stars and others.
For numbers 9-10, classify the following practices as right or wrong from
the point of view of a relativist. Write letter A if it is right, and letter B if it
is wrong.

9. Going to albularyo (quack doctors) to seek medical help. A

10. Same sex marriages A

For numbers 11-15, classify the following statement as true or false. Write
letter A if it is TRUE, and letter B if it is FALSE.

11. At some point of our lives, we tend to become an ethnocentric in a

given situation. A
12. Cultural relativism promotes greater appreciation of cultures that
an individual might encounter along the way. A
13. Ethnocentrism refers to the evaluation of other people’s culture
from one’s own point of view and describing them in one’s own
terms. B
14. Hate crimes and terrorism can usually traced back to religious
conflict and misunderstanding. A
15. When we laugh at someone because of his wrong
dictions of the dialect we speak. This is an example
of cultural relativism. B

What’s In

Before we proceed, let us go back with some of the important concepts

about culture, which is the focus of our discussion.
According to E.B. Taylor; culture is a “complex whole,” which encompasses
beliefs, practices, values, attitudes, laws, norms, artefacts’, symbols,
knowledge, and everything that a person learns and shares as a member of
a society.
Likewise, a society is understood or sometimes judged based on their
culture. What comprises a culture? Let us refresh our mind by answering
the matching type test below.
Source: Wikimedia Commons. From Popular Science Monthly
26 (1884): 145. Public Domain.

Match the correct description in Column A to the aspect of culture in

Column B.

Description Aspect of Culture

1. Family is the most important unit of a. Arts and literature

this aspect of culture. Through b. Customs and traditions
family, children learn how they are
expected to act and what to believe c. Economic systems
in. G d. Forms of government
2. It usually answers basic questions e. Language
about the meaning of life. F f. Religion
3. This is considered the cornerstone of g. Social organizations
culture. It is the way of
communicating and understanding
each other. E
4. These products of human
imagination usually help people to
pass on their culture’s basic beliefs.
5. It maintains order within a society
and protects it from outside threats.
6. This refers to how people use their
limited resources to satisfy their
wants and needs. C
7. It is the rules of behavior that
enforce ideas as right or wrong. B
Check your answers and make sure you are very familiar
with the key terms listed before we start another lesson.
What’s New

Am I Different?
Fill in “‘Me’ and My Culture” table by describing how you behave and
practice your own culture under similar circumstances.

“Them” and their culture “Me” and my Culture

Marriage Marriage
A man can have multiple wives. He can It is illegal to have multiple wives at
share his wife to his brothers and the same time, but you can be
visitors as a sign of hospitality. remarried if you got divorced. But
(Eskimos) unfortunately, Divorce is not legal in
my culture.
Behavior Behavior
When entering a nearly empty movie Being too talkative and loud inside a
theater or public vehicle, you are rude public transport, restaurant, and
when you do not sit beside the only even inside your house while eating
person in the theater or public vehicle. is considered disrespectful and rude.
(South Africa)
Hand Gestures Hand Gestures
The V- hand gesture is an offensive Middle finger gesture is one the most
sign in United Kingdom, Australia, and common offensive hand sign not only
South Africa. In Japan, China, and in our culture but generally. Also not
South Korea, using this symbol with doing “mano” (a gesture of respect by
the palm facing the person means putting your forehead into the palm
he/she is looking cute in picture. of the elder) to elders are considered
rude and disrespectful.
Child-rearing Child-rearing
In order to control their population in It is illegal to kill any child, born or
difficult environments, Eskimos unborn. Our culture is very
sometimes kill their children if they conservative, doing abortion is very
could not take care of them. They also illegal and considered as a crime and
kill females more than males. sin.
Religion Religion
Individuals practicing Hinduism believe
In my religion, we strongly believe in
in millions of gods and goddesses. Allone god as our savior. But, Religion
are responsible for governing their doesn’t involve in governing because
lives, destiny, and fate. Politics and Religion are completely
Reading text Reading Text
Hebrew and Arabic books are read from Our Books and Texts are normally
right to left. read in usual or common way.
Starting from left to right.
Table Manners Table Manners
Europeans and Americans use spoon Some filipinos usually use their
and fork in eating, while Chinese and hands as a tool to eat. It is a very
Koreans use chopsticks. common and usual way to eat for
some people especially in the rural

What’s More
Activity 1

People tend to be more tolerant of another culture’s customs when

they understand and learn the meaning behind them. In order to
understand an unfamiliar culture, social scientists conduct researches.
The best way to do this study is to experience that culture by living with
people practicing it. Additionally, this experience should be done for a long

In this activity, you will be asked to conduct a simple case study

examining the culture of other people that is somehow different from yours.
If you are an Ilocano, the subject of your study could be people who
identify themselves as Tagalog, Bisaya, Bicolano, or another ethnicity. If
you know someone who belongs to an indigenous group of people, it is
much better to have them as subjects. Since you are not allowed to go out
at present because of the threat of COVID-19 pandemic, look for someone
who is near to your place or whom you have contact with through social
Be guided with the following questions as you write your case study:
1. Describe the group of people that you chose. Who are
they? What do they do? Where did they come from?
What do you know about them? In everything I do, I
always choose my family first. My family is the group
of people who are the closest to my heart. Families are
our guide and support group. Unlike other group of
people in our lives, they are the ones who will never
leave us and will stay beside us no matter what.
That's why in everything I do, they will always be the
group of people that I would prefer to choose. Our
family will always be there for us. They are our
mother, father, siblings and other relatives. They are
of the same blood with us.

2. Discuss their way of life in terms of:

a. Social organizations
-My mother is part of the home owners
association of our subdivision, My sister is part
of the Boy scouts of the Philippines, and I am a
member of the Journalism team of LSHS
b. Language
They all speak Tagalog as their primary
language and also English as their secondary
language, but my father also use Arabic
language because he works as an OFW in Saudi
Arabia for more than 15 years.
c. Religion
We are all baptized as Catholics.
d. Arts and literature
Me and My mother are the most prominent one
in Arts, But I’m the most prominent in
e. Economic systems
My mother has her online business by delivering
cooked desserts such as cake, pies, and many
others. My father works as an OFW and I’m
doing commissions through editing videos and
f. Values, beliefs, and traditions
We share the same Values and traditions, but we
differentiate in our values. My Mother and
Father are much more conservative while me
and my sister is much more open to anything.
For an example is our belief in Same Sex
Marriage or LGBTQ rights, I and my sister are
much acceptable and open in it but both of my
mother and father are both against it.

3. Summarize what you have learned using the 3-2-1 chart

3 Things I learned from them
- Our Similarities and differences are much wider
than what I expected, I also learned more about
them even though we are family members.
2 Things I found interesting
- I found interesting that even though we are all
very similar to each other, we still differentiate
within our Values and Beliefs.
1 Thing I realize
- I Realized that not only our similarities that make
us stick together, Similarities might make us much
more stronger but differences makes us more close
to each other. Any Group of people such as mine
has their differences and similarities and that what
makes them as a group.

Activity 2
Give 5 situations on how cultural relativism mitigates
ethnocentrism. Below is an example to give you an idea.
1. I don’t have the right to judge my classmates who don’t say po or
opo disrespectful. There are places in our country where they
don’t really use these words as a sign of respect like the
2. Muslims are generally peace-loving people based on their
religious belief that is why it is not right to brand them as
terrorist. I have personal friends where I learn that most of them
do not want war. Like us they also want lasting peace among all
the regions in the Philippines.

Activity 3

Create a slogan that promotes respect and tolerance towards other cultures
all over the world. A slogan that will make people aware of the ill effects of
ethnocentrism such as cultural misrepresentation, perception bias,
bullying, discrimination, intolerance, war, genocide, and others
What I Have Learned
“T-M-L Phrase”

Complete the following phrases.

The Topic was about

Cultural Relativism and Ethnocentrism and their in depth meanings
and its effect to our society.
It Matters because
It is a topic that need more attention for everyone, it is a existing
present problem that is so relevant into our community and society.

I’ve Learned today that

We need to learn more about other’s culture especially if we don’t
have any knowledge about it. In this way we can prevent
Misinterpretation, mis-presentation, racism, discrimination and
hatred to a certain culture that is not actually ours.


What I Can Do
#i-beg to Disagree because

State your reason why you beg to disagree to the given statements below.
You have to remember that you are a CULTURAL RELATIVIST; you have
to place yourself in the shoes of these people in order to understand them
better. Culture is not good or bad, neither it is right or wrong, but instead
it is relative.

1. One society can call another society as evil such as those nations where
terrorist live. These places are also called an “axis of evil”.
I beg to disagree; we have no rights to discriminate a whole nation
because of the fault of one group or organization living in their
land. Every nation and country have its own terrorists groups or
organization, we are all axis of evil in the same perspective if we
open our eyes much wider.

2. Western culture is superior and opposite of non-Western culture.

I beg to disagree; There is no such superior and inferior in human
races, Human species are all the same in its characteristics and
figures. We might be different in many aspects such as cultures
and traditions, but we are all still the same in the face of the
earth. We are all still going to pass as bones and ashes rotting in
the soil of the earth.
3. When you don’t say “po” at “opo,” you are impolite.
I beg to disagree; respect is not measured in such old traditioned
words. It may be our culture but we should never judge
somebody’s character just by not saying “po” at “opo” to someone
older or superior to them.

4. The Mangyan tribe of Mindoro are backwards people because they are
I beg to disagree; We should not categorize tribe people as
uneducated. We must know the differences of being born as an
Urban person and a Rural/ Tribe person. Education is non sense
for some of the Mangyan tribe as they focus more on their culture
and traditions. Meanwhile many uneducated people actually came
from urban areas rather than in Rural Areas. Education is not only
found in books and websites, it can be found in our culture,
traditions and nature

5. We have to avoid going to places like Siquijor and Capiz because

monsters called Aswang infest these places.
I beg to disagree; Superstitions and Myths are completely common
and usual anywhere, but we must know how to limit what to
believe or not. We must not discriminate a certain region because
of its old myths and fantasies. We must learn and discover it

6. Eating Dalagang Bukid, Salagubang, Palakang Bukid and other

organisms are not healthy.
I beg to disagree; we have the right to eat anything what we
wanted especially the given examples, but we can’t be really
disrespectful to a certain traditional food, some of them
represents their history and identity. We should respect it even
though we don’t like it. It is completely okay If you believe that it
is not healthy to eat, but don’t push your belief to other people to
stop eating those kind of things.

7. Ilocanos are thrifty because they are poor.

I beg to disagree; Ilocanos are commonly known as thrifty
but we must not generalize and stereotype thrifty people as
Poor. Many people just love saving money, they have
different perception or views on using money. Some people
might be thrifty because they are poor but we should not
generalize a whole race/Ethnicity because of your own
knowledge and belief.

Read the following items carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

For numbers 1-5, identify whether the given statement is an example of

ethnocentrism or cultural relativism. Write letter A if it is a sample of
ethnocentrism and letter B if it is a case of cultural relativism.

1. People in my own culture could learn a lot from people in other

cultures. B
2. Korean culture is better than our culture because a lot of Filipinos try
to imitate and adopt this culture. A
3. Indigenous people should learn to change their old and traditional
ways of life in order to be happy and successful. A
4. Filipinos’ religious traditions like celebration of fiestas should be
banned because it is just a waste of time, energy, and resources. A
5. The Aetas of Zambales, the Mangyans of Mindoro and other Filipino
tribes have different religious beliefs. Their Gods are manifested on
the different forms of nature like trees, mountains, rivers, volcano,
their dead ancestors, and many more. These beliefs do not make
them a lesser group of people, and we must see that there is nothing
wrong with them. B

For numbers 6-7, classify the following practices as right or wrong. Write
letter A if it is right, and letter B if it is wrong.
6. Arranged marriage A
7. Polygamy or the practice of having multiple wives B

For numbers 8-15, choose the best answer for each item. Write down the
letter of your choice.

8. The attitude that other societies’ customs and traditions and ideas
should be judged in the context of one’s own culture is known as
a. Colonialism b. Cultural Relativism c. Imperialism d.
9. People around the world should learn from the ill effects of the belief
that one’s culture is better than others. Which of the following is NOT
an example of it?
a. Hate crimes happen when people are killed because of their
religious beliefs and practices.
b. The Holocaust happened when Adolf Hitler ordered the mass
murdering of the Jews.
c. Slave trade happened when black African people were sold in
Europe and the Americas to serve as slaves.
d. Global warming is now happening and people from more
developed and industrialized countries are more liable than
people from underdeveloped countries.
10. What is the most important lesson we could get from studying
cultural relativism?
a. It is difficult or impossible to force your own religious beliefs
onto another group.
b. When studying another culture, you must first convert to its
religious beliefs for better understanding.
c. Something that is not good or prohibited in your own society
might be good and perfectly acceptable in another society.
d. People tend to be more tolerant of another culture’s
customs when they understand and learn the meaning
behind them.
11. Which of these is an example of ethnocentrism?
a. A girl bullies her classmate for being clumsy.
b. A mother refuses to pay her daughter’s prom gown.
c. A father is angry with his son for not doing his homework.
d. A westernized woman is looking down on a tribal woman
for not wearing any clothes.
12. Having more than one wife is not bad from a Muslim point of view. In
relation, people must see this custom within the context of Muslims’
problems and opportunities. What kind of view is illustrated here?
a. Barbarism
b. Cultural relativism
c. Egocentrism
d. Ethnocentrism
13. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about cultural
a. It requires us to abandon the values of our own culture.
b. It unites us as one and make us even more proud of our own
c. It makes it possible for us to explain how culture makes its
people behave.
d. It requires people to consider many factors before they draw
conclusions on other people’s cultural practices.

14. You are an overseas Filipino worker who went to Japan for the first
time. During the first few days of your stay, you are disoriented and
frustrated due to your exposure to a very strange culture. What does
this situation signify?
a. Culture shock
b. Cultural diversity
c. Cultural relativism
d. Fear of culture
15. The Kwakintl Indians of North America lack electricity supply, and
they seem to have a less fulfilling life. The Bushmen of the Kalchari
are non-literate and they appear less intelligent. Relatively, you view
your own culture as superior to them.
What do the statements above explain?
a. Cultural relativism
b. Ethnocentrism
c. Structuralism
d. Structural formalism

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