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Submitted as a Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements

for Getting Bachelor Degree of Education
in English Department

Proposed by:


A 320080041



Narko (Student)
Aryati Prasetyarini (Consultant I)
Dwi Haryanti (Consultant II)
(School of Teacher Training and Education, Muhammadiyah University of

[email protected]


This study is aimed at describing: 1) techniques used by the teacher, and 2)

the problems faced by the teacher in teaching reading.
In achieving the objectives, the researcher used descriptive qualitative
approach to collect and analyze the data. The research was held in SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. The researcher took three classess of the second year
teacher as the subject of the study. The writer got the data of the research from event,
informant, and document. The techniques of collecting data were the observation and
interview about the reading teaching- learning process.
The result of the analysis shows that teacher’s techniques in teaching reading
were appropriate and effective for the second year student of SMA Muhammadiyah 1
Surakarta in teaching reading. By using this technique, the students were capable to
know their errors, the reason and correct it. The teacher had several problems in
teaching namely in managing the students in the class; motivating the students;
understanding vocabulary; and handling all of the class in the second year. The
teacher’s ways to overcome the problems, that are: the teacher pointed the students
who do not pay attention to the teacher’s explanation and the teacher gives question
about the material; The teacher makes some jokes when the students start to bored;
The teacher makes games and asks the students to listen English song; and the teacher
prepares the materials on power point and gives the copies of the question about the
materials to the students.
Keyword: Techniques In Teaching Reading, teaching-learning reading

1. Introduction

Reading is a process of an understanding a message which consists of

visual and non-visual information by the reader. This skill is very essential to be
mastered by students because it can help the students learn to think the language,
build better vocabulary, make the students more comfortable with written
English, and plan to study in English speaking countries. Reading activity is a
complex process which combines recognition of words that represent language
and to respond intellectually and emotionally when being asked about the text. In
increasing reading ability, the students have to adapt their reading strategies with
the purpose of reading and the restricted reading materials.
Some strategies that can help students in reading include; previewing,
predicting, skimming and scanning, guessing from context, and paraphrasing. In
previewing, the teacher tells what they are going to read before the students read
the text. This activity will familiarize the students with the materials. Predicting
is useful for the students to make prediction based on the title, subtitles, and the
non-linguistic context, such as; diagrams, tables, pictures, and map. Skimming
and scanning activity can help the students to get a quick survey of the text to get
the main idea. It very fundamental process when the students do the tasks.
Guessing from context is useful to test prediction for the reader, which is a useful
important in reading skill. And the last is paraphrasing; it gives the students a
chance to store what they have learned from readings in long- term memory.
Although there are reading strategies to help students, it still found some
problems which exist in the classroom.
There are many problems faced by the students and the teacher of SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in teaching reading. Firstly, the students find
difficulties to get the main idea. Secondly, the students get difficulties in
vocabulary. Thirdly, it is not easy to find suitable method in teaching reading by
the teacher. Fourthly, the teacher cannot understand the characteristic of all the


students in the classroom. And the last, the interaction between the teacher and
the students in the classroom is not active.
In SMA Muhammadiyah, the teacher has some techniques to make her
students more active in the class. The techniques used by the teacher included
exploring students’ background to prepare the students before starting the lesson,
asking the students to read silently to exercise their thinking skill, and giving a
chance to the students to discuss the assignment which given in the end of the
lesson. The teacher also gives some questions orally to the class to improve their
ability to answer orally. If the students cannot answer the teacher’s question, the
teacher will know the students’ difficulties and help them to solve it.
The writer is interested in having a study on the method of teaching
reading to the second year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta. In
addition, realizing that most of the students usually get difficulties in
understanding the text, the writer wants to know the method used in teaching
reading. In short, a descriptive research is very important to help the writer
understand the view of those problems and find route through it.
Based on the writer’s previous study on 23 February 2012 the English
teacher in SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta has problem in teaching reading.
The problems included managing the students in the class, motivation the
students, limited vocabulary, and handling all of the class in the second year.

2. Research Method
This research used the qualitative research. A qualitative research is a type
of research which does not include any calculation or enumeration. Therefore,
the data concerned appear in words rather than in numbers. The data of this
research are all information related teaching learning process, difficulties faced
by the teacher and students, the way to overcome the problem, lesson plan,
syllabus, teaching material, the students’ work and those are collected from
classroom activities teaching learning process and interview with the teacher,

observation, and document. The sources of the data are event, informant, and
document. The methods used to collect the data are observation, interview and
document. The subject of this study is the teacher and the second year student of
SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2011/2012. The object of this study is the
process of teaching reading and the problem faced by the teacher and the second
year students of SMA Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta in 2011/2012. According to
Sutopo (1996:88), there are three steps used in this model, namely data reduction,
data discussion, conclusion and verification.

3. Theoretical Review
a. Notion of Reading
“Reading is a complex of skill that the individual uses to derive meaning
from the printed page, and the ability to sound out printed words ordinarily is
not the best “reading” that a student is capable of doing” (Karlin, 1972:1).
Reading activity is a complex process which combines recognition of words
then that represent language and to respond intellectually and emotionally
when being asked about the text. In reading increasing, the learners have to
adapt their reading strategies with the purpose of reading and the restricted
reading materials.
The writer conclude that reading is complex of skill combines recognition
of words that individual uses to derive meaning from the printed page or the

b. Notion of Teaching Reading

It is written in Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary that teaching
means giving the instruction to (a person): give person (knowledge skill etc).
Reading means to make comprehend the message of a text. According to
Durkin (1974:1), “teaching reading requires some very specific understanding
and abilities”. So, teaching reading is giving instruction to a person in order to

make comprehend the message of a text where the teachers must have some
very specific understanding and abilities.
The common classroom practices of teaching reading are like testing
reading. Teachers usually provide the students with a reading selection and a
number of questions dealing with the text to answer. Such a procedure in a
reading class won’t help the students develop their reading skills. To improve
their ability to comprehend the text, therefore, teachers have to help students
change their reading habits (reading word by word, focusing too much
attention on form, relying heavily on dictionary etc) by teaching those
efficient reading skills.

c. Principles of Teaching Reading

The teacher needs principles to teach in the classroom to get the goals.
Different teaching skills of English, the teacher also has different principles in
every skill. According to Heilman (1972:4):
Principles of teaching reading are those basic rules which
constitute the theoretical framework out of which all practices
are evolved. The principle of teaching reading evolve from the
best knowledge available in the field of psychology,
educational, and curriculum planning, from studies in child
growth and development, and from child-guidance and
psychological clinic.
According to Heilman (1972:4-14) there are sixteen principles in
teaching reading:
1. Learning to read is a complicated process, one sensitive to a
variety of pressures.
2. Reading is a language process. The child being taught to
read must understand the relationship between reading and
his language.

3. Instruction should lead children to understand that reading

must result in meaning.
4. Early in the learning process the child must acquire ways of
gaining independence in identifying words whose meaning
are known to him but which are unknown to him as sight
5. Learning to read is an individual process.
6. Pupil differences must be a primary consideration in reading
7. Reading instruction should be taught of as an organized,
systematic, growth-producing activity.
8. Proper reading instruction depends on the diagnosis of each
child’s weaknesses and need.
9. The best diagnosis is useless unless it is used as a blueprint
for instruction.
10. No child should be expected or forced to attempt to read
material which at the moment he is incapable of reading.
11. A child capable of advancing to a higher level of reading
should not be prevented from doing so.
12. Any given technique, practice, or procedure is likely to
work better with some children than with others.
13. Learning to read is a long term developmental process
extending over a period of years.
14. The concept of readiness should be extended upward to all
15. Children should not be in the classroom if they have
emotional problems sufficiently serious to make them
uneducable at the moment or if they interfere with or disrupt
the learning process.

16. Emphasis should be on prevention rather than cure.

In principles for teaching reading, the teacher must remember that

reading is language process which complicated and individual process. The
teacher’s instruction should make the children understand in meaning because
reading is a long term developmental process extending over a period a years.
The instructions which given to students have to organized, systematic,
growth producing activity.

d. Reading Strategies
The students can adjust their reading behavior to deal with a variety of
situations, types of input, and reading purposes by effective language
instructors. They help students develop a set of reading strategies and match
appropriate strategies to each reading situation. Strategies that can help
students read more quickly and effectively include:

1) Previewing

The steps of previewing are reviewing titles, section headings, and

photo captions to get a sense of the structure and content of a reading
selection. Before the students read the text, the teacher tells what they are
going to read.

2) Predicting

Every step in predicting has functions. the first, using knowledge of

the subject matter to make predictions about content and vocabulary and
check comprehension; second, using knowledge of the text type and
purpose to make predictions about discourse structure; third, using

knowledge about the author to make predictions about writing style,

vocabulary, and content.

3) Skimming and Scanning

This activity can help the readers to get a quick survey of the text to
get the main idea, identify text structure, confirm or question predictions.
Going over the text quickly while trying to pick out ideas will also provide
background knowledge. Such a preview of the content of the reading text
will provide the students with knowledge background necessary for

4) Guessing from Context

Guessing is process of using background knowledge of the students

and the ideas of the text as clues to get the meanings of unfamiliar words.
Guessing is useful to test predictions for the reader, which is a useful
important in reading skill. But the evidence discussed above dictates a
selective approach, by the reader and the teacher.

5) Paraphrasing

Paraphrasing while reading is not just essential to concrete tasks like

putting book shelves together. It is critical for every kind of reading you do.
Paraphrasing acts as a comprehension check. If you can paraphrase what you
have read, you have understood the material. Paraphrasing gives your brain a
chance to store what you have learned from your reading in long-term

By using these steps, teachers promote understanding of content as

well as they give students the opportunity to exhibit their comprehension,
vocabulary, and study skills.

e. Teaching Reading Technique

The students need a suitable technique is needed in order the goal of
teaching learning process in teaching reading to understand reading a text.
Reading technique is important for the students as reader to facilitate and to
comprehend the text.
Nunan (1991:79-81) suggests six techniques in teaching reading
technique as follow:
a. Activate prior knowledge.
b. Cultivate vocabulary.
c. Teach for comprehension.
d. Increase reading rate.
e. Verify reading strategies.
f. Evaluate progress.

Prior to each reading passage, it is beneficial to engage the reader in an

activity that gets them thinking about what they already know about the topic.
The students relate the assignment to their previous learning. The purpose of
the teacher’s questions as anticipation guide is to learn what the readers
already know about the topic of the reading.
The second technique is to cultivate vocabulary in which the teacher
improves the vocabulary skill by activities. One of the techniques is writing
on the whiteboard. The next technique is Teaching for Comprehension in
which the teacher models the inferences that can be made while reading.
Teaching for Comprehension technique as the goal of teaching reading can be
reached. The purpose of this step is to give definite guidance to learning.

In Increasing Reading Rate the students read a short passage over and
over again until they achieve criterion levels of reading rate. This activity
helps empower second language readers and strengthens their metacognitive
awareness of the value of reading rate.
In the next technique is Verifying Reading Strategies. In this technique
the teacher asks to the students about the strategies that suitable they used in
while reading. The last technique is Evaluating Progress. In this step, the
students do related reading or other activities. This technique is the activities
are an effective way to evaluate reading progress and helps the students see
the progress they are making in class. It might lead to the setting up of an
experiment and performing from the students related with another type of text
such as in journal, newspaper, magazine, articles, pamphlets, biography,
poetry, fiction, and many more. It might also lead the students in writing as an
original communication or work which might be performed for the class.
4. Research Finding
a. The Technique Used by the Teacher in Teaching Reading
In this research, the writer found that the English teacher in SMA
Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta applied four teaching reading techniques, namely
Prior Knowledge Background, Teach for Comprehension, Cultivate
Vocabulary, and Evaluate Progress. Actually there are six techniques in
teaching reading, namely; Active Prior Knowledge, Cultivate Vocabulary,
Teach for Comprehension, Increasing Reading Rate, Verify Reading
Strategies and Evaluate Progress.
b. The Problem Faced by the Teacher in Teaching Reading
The writer also found some problems faced by the teacher and the ways to
overcome the problems. The problems included managing the students in the
class, motivation the students, limited vocabulary, and handling all of the
class in the second year. The ways to overcome the problems are; the
teacher’s strategies in managing the class, the teacher makes some jokes when

the student start to bored, the teacher makes game and asks the students to
listen English song, and the teacher prepares the materials on power point and
gives the copies of the question about the materials to the students.
5. Conclusion
In three times observations, the writer found that the teacher applied four
teaching reading techniques, namely Prior Knowledge Background, Teach for
Comprehension, Cultivate Vocabulary, and Evaluate Progress. Actually there are
six techniques in teaching reading, namely; Active Prior Knowledge, Cultivate
Vocabulary, Teach for Comprehension, Increasing Reading Rate, Verify Reading
Strategies and Evaluate Progress.
Based on interview and observation done on February 23th 2012, the writer
also found some problems faced by the teacher and the ways to overcome the
problems. The problems included managing the students in the class, motivation
the students, limited vocabulary, and handling all of the class in the second year.
The ways to overcome the problems are; the teacher’s strategies in managing the
class, the teacher makes some jokes when the student start to bored, the teacher
makes game and asks the students to listen English song, and the teacher prepares
the materials on power point and gives the copies of the question about the
materials to the students.

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Direct Method
Accessed on Saturday, 31 December 2011 at 17.35 pm.

Audio-Lingual Method
( Accessed on Saturday, 31
December 2011 at 17.40 pm.

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