Applying Systems Thinking and Active Learning Strategies To A Lean Manufacturing Program

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Leonardo Rivera. Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia.

[email protected]. Phone: ++57+2 555 2334 Ext. 8384.
Diego F. Manotas. Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia.
[email protected]. Phone: ++57+2 321 2167 Ext. 131
Johan A. Dinas. Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia.
[email protected]. Phone: ++57+2 555 2334, Ext. 8388.
Paula Franco. Universidad Icesi, Cali, Colombia.
[email protected]. Phone: ++57+2 555 2334, Ext. 8388.

POMS 21st Annual Conference

Vancouver, Canada

May 7 to May 10, 2010

Abstract: Lean Manufacturing seeks to eradicate waste. This pursuit is conducted

changing many pre-conceptions inherited from the mass production traditions. It is

necessary to understand immediate and delayed impacts of the changes, as well as direct

and indirect results of these changes. This systemic approach should enhance the

learner’s understanding of the system (the manufacturing company), its variables, its

outcomes, and the relationships among the system’s components. This paper presents

the process of designing a course to teach Lean Manufacturing to working professionals

using systems thinking. This design process is conducted for the development of job

competencies and using Active Learning Strategies.

Keywords: Lean Manufacturing, Systems Thinking, Curricular Design.


Lean Manufacturing is an already well known operations philosophy that focuses in

reducing waste in operational and administrative processes to make them more efficient.

It has evolved during 50 years in Toyota. In spite of Toyota’s recent woes, Lean

Manufacturing’s principles and tools have been successfully applied in different

companies around the world.

To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to keep a general look to find the real causes

of waste, not only the symptoms but the root causes. Only an integral understanding of

Lean Manufacturing as a system will achieve real productivity breakthroughs. Every

lean tool and technique generates an impact on the company’s performance and these

relationships must be uncovered and understood.

The diffusion of Lean Manufacturing as an operations philosophy is still in its infancy

in Colombian universities. Lean has only been a part of Industrial Engineering curricula

since some five years ago. It is also taught in graduate programs related to Industrial

Engineering and Management. Systems Thinking has been more widely taught in

different universities and it is a mandatory class for many Industrial Engineering

curricula. Also, Lean Manufacturing emphasizes on-the-job training, quick application

of concepts learned. This makes it interesting to offer learning opportunities in these

subjects to professionals currently working in operative areas. This paper presents the

design of a lean manufacturing continued education program to present active learning

opportunities to professionals working in operations.

The structure of the paper is as follows: In section two we briefly present main concepts

related to lean manufacturing, systems thinking and the methodology that was chosen
for curricular design. Section three presents the curriculum development process for the

program, and section four presents the contents and learning activities for the course.

Finally, in section five the main learning achievements that students should attain are

presented, and some questions for future research are outlined.


2.1. Lean Manufacturing

Lean Manufacturing needs no introduction in the operations community.It is an

operations philosophy developed by Toyota. This philosophy and its associated

techniques came to be due to the constraints and requirements brought upon Toyota due

to its market, the resources available and demands from the banks and the government

of Japan.

A lean manufacturing implementation model (Rivera, 2008) is presented in Figure 1.

Kaizen – Continuous  Improvement

Work  JIT
Value  Productive 
Stream  SMED Maintenance

5 S Heijunka


See the  Organize the  Design and implement improved  Connect with 

process house internal processes supply and demand

Figure 1: Lean Manufacturing implementation model (Rivera, 2008, adapted from

Groesbeck, 2006).
The names in the boxes are the techniques associated with lean manufacturing. The

learning program would present the philosophical framework, the characteristics of the

techniques and enable students to discover and identify the relationships between

techniques, critical company variables and functional areas. A quick reference to the

key terms follows:

• Kaizen: It is the discipline of continuous improvement. It is the continuous

accumulation of small improvements made and sustained by all employees.

• Value Stream Maps: These are high level visual representations that show the

flow of materials and information through the manufacturing process.

• 5S: These are five key concepts to implement cleanliness, order and discipline in

any company. They are so called because the five Japanese words that designate

the techniques all begin with the “S” sound.

• Flexible Work Systems: It refers to the grouping of resources, people and

product families in workcells. This grouping leads to multi-skilled workers that,

with the right management style, develop responsibility and autonomy in their


• Standard Work: To make continuous improvement practical, it is necessary to

implement a system where best practices are documented and standardized. This

enables maintaining improvements, training and learning.

• SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Die): This is a set of principles and tools

applied to reduce the time required for setups when there is a change in the

product being manufactured.

• JIDOKA: This is the error-proofing of the methods, equipment, tools and

products to ensure quality in the manufacturing or services processes.

• TPM (Total Productive Maintenance): TPM aims to transform the time

“wasted” in maintenance into “productive” time. Its main goal is improving

process reliability and availability through autonomous maintenance and 5S


• JIT (Just in Time): As its name implies, it means making and moving the precise

amounts of materials at just the right moment. It seeks to avoid accumulation of

WIP (Work In Process) and to smooth out the flow of materials through the


• HEIJUNKA: It is the search for smoother production flow through the

scheduling of production lots that reflect the real proportions of demand in the

smallest increments that are possible.

These different techniques are well documented; for further information the reader is

referred to Ohno (1998), Womack et. al. (1990, 1996), Shingo (1985, 1986), Monden

(1998), Villaseñor and Galindo (2007a, 2007b) and many other useful Lean

Manufacturing materials.

2.2. Systems Thinking

Many of the entities found in daily life are systems. In a certain situation there are input

variables, components interacting under certain rules, desired and undesired outcomes,

and great efforts and resources are invested in knowing, understanding and predicting

the behavior of these systems to achieve the desired results. Systems Thinking is a

System Dynamics tool that allows the understanding of a system’s behavior through the

identification of rules, patterns and events. Thanks to the knowledge of these elements it
is possible to assert more control over the system, plan for its future evolution and

influence and modify the elements of the system and their interactions.

Systems Thinking must break with traditional approaches that follow a “logical”

behavior characterized by three main deeply held beliefs:

• Cause and effect are separated and the effect happens after the cause.

• The effect follows the cause both in space and time.

• The effect is proportional to the cause.

For Systems Thinking, these relationships are not necessarily true. An effect can be the

future cause of further effects in a cyclical pattern. This is why a systemic outlook must

analyze the secondary effects of a change in an element of the system, because it can

have an impact that is not expected under a traditional approach.

2.2.1. System Complexity: Every system rests in the interactions between the parts that

make it up, therefore, the relationships between the system’s elements and their

influence on each other are more important than the number of parts in the system or the

dimension of these elements (O’Connor and McDermott, 1997). Detail complexity is the

amount of parts that comprise a system, pieces on a puzzle. Dynamic Complexity refers

to the manner in which system elements relate to each other. A system is considered a

complex one when both kinds of complexity are high, because it contains many

different parts, theit interactions are rich and any action can have diverse impacts and


2.2.2. Feedback loops: Sometimes an action can have an impact that later will reflect

over itself. The behavior of subsystems can be presented in feedback loops that are the
“system’s reaction that regenerates in the form of a stimulus or return information that

influences a subsequent step” (Op. Cit., p 51). These feedback loops can be

• Positive reinforcement loops, where a change spreads throughout the system

creating more changes in the same direction, amplifying the cause from which

everything started. This behavior can lead to virtuous or vicious cycles.

• Negative reinforcement or balancing loops are those in which changes in the

system oppose the original change and therefore dampen its effects.

2.2.3. Causal Diagrams: One of the most useful (and therefore preferred) tools to

present and understand systemic behavior is the Causal Diagram. These diagrams are

useful to show internal system variables, outside forces, delays in behavior and other

system components in such a way that it is possible to observe the effect they have on

each other. Emergent behaviors and reinforcement loops become visible in this way

(Figure 2).

Growth limiting

+ +
Effort Crec Results Decreasing action
+ nto -

Figure 2: Causal Diagram

There are many other aspects in Systems Thinking. However, the main tool used as an

educational resource was the causal diagram. For further Systems Thinking and

Systems Dynamics reference the reader is directed to Sterman (2000).

2.3. Curricular Design Paradigm

The third distinctive element of the learning experience presented in this paper is the

paradigm of curricular design under which the course was developed. Its two main

points are Active Learning and the Constructive Alignment Model.

2.3.1. Active Learning: The Active Learning paradigm was chosen with the conviction

that “no one can really impart knowledge into someone else. Each individual will build

his/her own knowledge; educators and institutions can do little more than designing and

administering the contents and learning experiences through which the students will

make knowledge their own” (González, 2003). In a traditional, lecture-based learning

model, students are passive subjects that come to the class to witness a “show”, a

presentation of some sort that will (hopefully) help them to store key concepts and

material into their memory. Application and connections are left for homework, projects

and the student’s own ability to make connections and generalizations. In Active

Learning, the instructor designs and delivers learning experiences that give the student

her autonomy back. Each student will then construct their own knowledge through

study, reflection and experience.

To achieve these ends, it is important to present students with a combination of

activities and experiences that stimulate them to go beyond content memorization.

González (2003) suggests some specific points:

• Relate material to the what was previously discussed and to the material yet to


• Balance concrete information (facts and data) with abstract concepts (principles

and theories).
• Present material that emphasizes practical problem-solving methods and

material that stresses fundamental principles.

• Use drawings, schemes, conceptual maps in all phases of material presentation.

Have students develop their own graphs and maps to explain learned material.

• Use activities such as paired and group work, practical discussions, problem

solving, computer simulations, dynamic and experiential exercises, in-class and

out-of-class projects, oral presentations and written documents to support

learning and experimentation of the skills that are in play in each class.

• Traditional lectures should not be the main class resource. They should be used

to introduce new concepts, solve doubts and integrate issues and conclusions of

the exercises that have been conducted.

2.3.2. Constructive Alignment: This model is used to build a curriculum at any level of

detail, be it the individual class or a whole program of studies. It is based on a

constructivist view (active learning is a constructivist philosophy) used for outcomes-

based education (Figure 3).

of tlearning

Course Learning
contents strategies
and  and 
resource didactics
selection selection

Figure 3: Constructive Alignment Model (Biggs, cited in Bahamón, 2007)

The curriculum design steps are as follows:

• Definition of objectives: Learning objectives tell the student what he is expected

to achieve in terms of content and abilities (terminal objectives) and what steps

must be taken to accomplish them (specific objectives). “Learning objectives

define the behaviors or actions that students will be able to perform at the end of

a course” (Bahamón, 2007).

• Definition of learning elements: Each learning objective must be defined in

terms of three main knowledge categories: to know the material (grasp

concepts), to know what to do with it (acquire abilities) and to know how to

“be” (change in attitudes and personal behaviors).

• Selection of contents and resources: After the definition of the learning elements

and their sequence, contents and resources required to achieve each element are

chosen and designed.

• Definition of learning strategies: The “how” of learning experiences is defined

here. It is necessary to define course activities that support the learning elements

and their contents and resources in such a way that active learning principles are

upheld. The instructor must choose at this point readings, class discussions,

practical projects, field visits, presentations and other activities.

• Design of evaluation strategies: A moment of evaluation must also be a moment

of learning. Evaluation strategies must be coherent with the objectives, elements,

materials and learning strategies that have been previously defined. “The

fundamental purpose of evaluation is to obtain information to guide the student

in such a way that he/she can achieve the learning objectives for the course”

(Bahamón, 2007).


3.1. Definition of the students’ profile

Learning objectives must be defined according to the needs of the student towards

whom the program is directed. In this case, since it is a Continued Education class, the

student profile was defined as Professionals in Logistics and Manufacturing areas,

between 22 and 40 years of age. This program could be offered open to people from

different companies, or a as a closed, in-house program for a specific company.

3.2. Definition of the learning objectives of the course

The main categories of objectives (course, terminal and specific) were defined for the

subject and student profile for this case:

3.2.1. Course Objective: At the end of the course, the students will be able to configure

lean manufacturing-based improvement projects that are systemically desirable for their


3.2.2. Terminal and Specific Objectives: Terminal (T) objectives present the main

abilities the student will acquire during the course, and Specific (S) objectives detail

how terminal objectives will be achieved.

A. (T) At the end of the course, given a real or hypothetical situation, the

student will be able to find the main problem issues based on lean

manufacturing principles.

1. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain

the philosophy of lean manufacturing, identifying the causes of

waste, and the concepts of production flexibility and pull

2. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to interpret

and apply the philosophy of lean manufacturing in different


B. (T) At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain lean

manufacturing techniques and explain their applicability in hypothetical

or real situations.

1. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe

the fundamentals and elements of lean manufacturing techniques.

2. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to predict

and analyze the results of the implementation in an operations


C. (T) Given a real or hypothetical scenario, the student will be able to

describe and analyze the behavior of the operations system with the

interactions between lean manufacturing techniques and managerial

decisions, and the results of the internal and external system variables


1. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe

relationships between lean manufacturing techniques.

2. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to design a

causal diagram relating the main lean manufacturing techniques

and performance variables of the operations system.

D. (T) At the end of the course, the student will be able to design a systemic,

lean manufacturing-based plan of improvement from his work position.

1. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze

her current work position, identifying opportunities for

improvement to reduce waste and enhance value creation.

2. (S) At the end of the course, the student will be able to create a

Lean Manufacturing implementation plan, considering the

organization’s systemic behavior to direct efforts in the most

productive way.

3.3. Selection of course contents

Contents were chosen taking into account that they should cover all the concepts

necessary to achieve the learning objectives. An extensive literature review was

conducted, taking advantage of material used in previous lean manufacturing classes.

For the systems thinking subjects, the instructor who teaches the graduate courses

offered his insight and materials.

Contents and materials are shown on several tables following next. Knowing the

concepts and knowing what to do with them are presented in the tables; knowing what

"to be" is still under development for this subject.

Table 1: Deployment of subject units for the course

Learning objective A1: At the end of the course, the student will be able to explain the philosophy of
lean manufacturing, identifying the causes of waste, and the concepts of production flexibility and pull
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Lean Manufacturing philosophy: History,
context and objectives.
Analyze a case study and identify the main causes of
Understanding the concept of waste
Production flexibility and pull system. Illustrate variability, dependency and Pull connection.
Learning objective A2: At the end of the course, the student will be able to interpret and apply the
philosophy of lean manufacturing in different scenarios.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Analyze and compare lean manufacturing applicability un
Success stories in other companies:
service industries.
• Countries
• Waste, Flexibility
• Industries
• Inventory level
• Companies
• Pull system
Learning objective B1: At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe the fundamentals
and elements of lean manufacturing techniques.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Value Stream Mapping:
• Basic concept
Build a VSM in an actual process in their company.
• Simbology
• Elements of analysis
5S: Analyze one's working space following 5S steps:
• Concepts • Sort
• Tools • Straighten
• Application • Sweep
• Examples • Standardize
• Visual management • Sustain
• Continuous improvement
Propose participation and recognition systems that
• Suggestion systems
promote idea generation and teamwork.
• Recognition
• Training
Flexible work systems (cells):
• Multi-skilled workers Cell design following algorithmic procedures
• Line balancing Cycle time calculations, number of workers, cell capacity.
• Takt-time- Pitch Takt time and pitch calculations.
• Product families
Standard Work:
Explain the importance of standard work for process
• Times
quality and efficiency.
• Specifications
Use the Standard Work combination worksheet.
• Processes
• Concept
• Poka Yoke Detect opportunities for error prevention and correction in
• Andon work processes and product use.
• Autonomation
• Source inspection
Design improvement differentiating internal and external
• Concept
setup activities. Identify technical alternatives to reduce
• Internal/external activities
internal setup.
• Implementation
Explain the importance of autonomous maintenance and
• Concept
its importance in the production process.
• Types of losses
Describe different types of losses associated to the state
• Preventive engineering
of machines and possible solutions.
• Maintenance types
Just in Time:
• Continuous flow Design a manufacturing system that includes visual
• Inventory levels controls and use of kanbans.
• Kanbans
Use a Heijunka box to level production based on demand.
Heijunka: Evaluate costs and benefits of scheduling production
• Concept with this tool.
Analyze the conditions under which this technique is
Learning objective B2: At the end of the course, the student will be able to predict and analyze the
results of the implementation in an operations system.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Describe the advantages and limitations of the Lean
Manufacturing techniques.
Analyze the company’s conditions and design the
implementation plan for these techniques.
Learning objective C1: At the end of the course, the student will be able to describe relationships
between lean manufacturing techniques.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Prerequisites of the techniques
Advantages of the implementation of a
technique for the implementation of other
Learning objective C2: At the end of the course, the student will be able to design a causal diagram
relating the main lean manufacturing techniques and performance variables of the operations system.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Design a causal diagram where the main lean
manufacturing techniques and the internal and external
variables of an organization are related.
Basic systems thinking concepts: Analyze:
• Causal diagrams
• Relationships
• Feedback and reinforcement
• Feedback loops
• Direct and inverse relationships
• Balancing loops
• System behavior
• Outcome prediction
Learning objective D1: At the end of the course, the student will be able to analyze her current work
position, identifying opportunities for improvement to reduce waste and enhance value creation.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Starting from the Value Stream Map, analyze the process
of value addition, considering:
• Flow of information
• Material flow
• Production planning and control
• Inventory
• Times
• Transportation
Evaluate current conditions of one’s work position to
detect opportunities for improvement.

Learning objective D2: At the end of the course, the student will be able to create a Lean
Manufacturing implementation plan, considering the organization’s systemic behavior to direct efforts
in the most productive way.
Knowing the concepts Knowing what to do
Design a Lean Manufacturing implementation plan taking
advantage of the systemic comprehension of its tools.
3.4. Selection of learning strategies

Learning strategies were selected under the constructive alignment methodology. These

strategies will enable the student to achieve the categories of knowledge presented in

the previous tables.

For knowing the concept, the main strategy will be the directed individual study of

bibliographical material that is relevant for each subject. The material will be discussed

in class through questions and examples. For knowing what to do, different strategies

were defined, such as games, debates, case studies, supervised practices and design of

causal diagrams. As an example, Table 2 presents the learning strategies for each

learning element in Learning Objective A1, along with the assigned readings for the

Table 2: Learning Strategies for Objective A1
Learning Element Material Learning Strategy
Knowing the concept
Pensar al revés
Chapter 1: El espíritu Toyota
(Spirit of Toyota)
Chapter 4: Subcontratismo y
rentas relacionales
Lean Manufacturing philosophy: History, context (Subcontractors and relational
and objectives. revenues)
Individual directed study: Students must perform analytical reading
Manual de Lean Manufacturing,
over assigned materials to comprehend main concepts.
Guía Básica.
Class discussions: Debate about questions and viewpoints from the
Chapter 1: La historia de la
Manufactura esbelta (History of
Use real examples where the application of the proposed subject is
Lean Manufacturing).
Manual de Lean Manufacturing,
Understanding the concept of waste Guía básica
Section 2.3: Desperdicios (Waste)
Competitive Manufacturing
Production flexibility and pull system.
Chapter 8: Pull production

Learning Element Material Learning Strategy

Knowing the concept
Competitive Manufacturing
Management Case studies: Based on an instructor-assigned case the students apply
Case in point: agility at prince their knowledge on different kinds of waste to identify problems and
Analyze a case study and identify the main causes
castle p. 96 possible solutions.
of waste.
Case in point: Toyota production
system – Lean Production and JIT The game of the matches.
prototype p. 13
Illustrate variability, dependency and Pull
In the following paragraphs some examples of learning strategies will be presented to

illustrate the activities that will take place during the class and after it.

3.4.1. Directed individual study: This relates to the reading of the class materials

following a study guide assigned by the instructor. The guide is designed to stress

important issues and highlight the takeaways the student should acquire on a certain


Reading Guide 1: “Pensar al revés” from Benjamín Coriat

Faculty of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department

Chapter 1 “El Espíritu Toyota” (The Spirit of Toyota) pages 19-38
Chapter 4: “Subcontratismo y Rentas Relacionales” (Subcontractors and relational revenues) pages 98-

Rules of the assignment

This assignment has a maximum length of three pages.
Please be very observant of the document’s length. Also, be rigorous with the source. It will not be
acceptable to present a verbatim copy of the material if it is not duly cited. The instructors are interested
in you making a good reading of the material and being able to understand correctly the author’s ideas.

1. What is the “Spirit of Toyota”?
2. In your own words, describe the fundamental differences between what the author calls
“Fordism” and “Ohnism”.
3. Why is it important to know the history of the spirit of Toyota?
4. In 100 words, present the main ideas of the author on the subject of subcontractor relationships.
5. In 100 words, present the main ideas of the author on the subject of inter-company relationships
in Japan.
6. Discuss advantages and disadvantages of these subcontractor relationships. Would they be
viable in Colombia?

Figure 4: Example of a Reading Guide for the course

3.4.2. Supervised Practices: These are a controlled, scaled-down representation of

possible situations where theoretical concepts would be applicable. This strategy is

applied to lean manufacturing techniques, because it allows the student to transform

knowledge of concepts into a practical ability, into knowledge of what to do with the
theory. Eight different practical experiences were designed for this course; Figure 5

presents just an example, The Game of Matches (adapted from The Goal, Goldratt

Supervised Practice: “THE GAME OF MATCHES”

Faculty of Engineering
Industrial Engineering Department

Subject: Waste

Objective: To show the effects that variability and dependency can have on a system.

• 2 dice
• 4 boxes of matches
1. Two groups of 10 people are formed.
2. A member of the group rolls a die 100 times and records the average points. This should
(theoretically) be 3.5 for a fair die.
3. The instructor tells the groups that the die represents their average production capacity.
4. Each teams then makes up a production line with 10 stations. The first person will take as many
matches from a box as the points obtained in a roll of the die. The second person will then be
able to process as many matches as the points obtained in their roll of the die. If he gets more
points than the available WIP, he will only process whatever units are available. If he gets less
points than the available amount of material, he will only process whatever he obtained in the
5. The instructor then proposes a wager to the group: If they can produce 36 or more matches in
10 rounds of the whole line, he will buy them a case of wine (or pay for dinner). If they can at
least get 35, the instructor offers a solid A as a grade for the whole group.
6. At the end of the 10 rounds, each team will document how many units could they get through
the whole process and how much WIP was left.
7. Each team must generate the conclusions of the activity and share them with their classmates.

Figure 5: Example of supervised practice.

3.4.3. In-class Exercises: In class exercises are conducted with combinations of

individual and group work. Their objective is to have the student apply concepts and

techniques that have been discussed (or some others that have not been discussed yet) to

develop a concrete skill.

Some skills that students should acquire in this course are the calculation of production

capacity of a work cell, takt-time and pitch, number of machines required on a cell and

some others. Figure 6 presents an example of an in-class exercise.

In-Class Exercise. Subject: Cells

SuperLean Ltd. manufactures its main product, SuperBroche, in a six-workstation cell. The image of
their cell is shown in image one.

4 3

5 2

6 1

Image one: Production cell in SuperLean Limited.

SuperLean Works daily from 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Employees have a break from 9:00 to 9:15, have
lunch from 11:30 to 12:00 and have a coffee break from 1:45 to 2:00 p.m. Machine and activity times are
presented in Table A.

Table A: Machine and operator times in SuperLean Limited

(times in
seconds) Setup and
Unloading Loading fixtures Processing
1 10 7 10 37
2 10 9 7 27
3 12 4 10 20
4 8 5 6 22
5 15 8 8 28
6 6 10 9 32

Work is performed in the following fashion: The operator arrives to the machine (that has already
stopped), unloads the unit that was processed in that machine and sends it to the next destination, loads
the next product unit, sets the unit up in the machine, and when processing starts he walks to the next
workstation and leaves the machine running with the unit he just loaded (he does not stay in a
workstation while it processes the unit of product). When he gets to the next workstation he repeats the
same cycle.

Walking times from one station to another are shown in Table B.

Table B: Walking times between workstations

Walk between
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 -
2 6 -
3 11 5 -
4 13 8 4 -
5 9 5 8 5 -
6 5 9 13 11 6 -
1. ¿How many units could this cell process per day if it is run by just one
operator? 4 3

5 2

6 1

2. ¿How many units could this cell process per day if it is run by two
operators? 4 3

5 2

6 1

3. ¿How many units could this cell process per day if it is run by three
operators? 4 3

5 2

6 1

Figure 6: Example of an in-class exercise

3.4.4. Design of causal diagrams: This learning strategy is probably the most important

and distinctive one from this course. One of the first skills that are developed during the

course is the construction of these diagrams to help students uncover relationships

between techniques and company variables. They are built towards the end of each of

the subjects as a way to solidify learning of the concepts and improve complexity

management on the students. An example of a student-designed causal diagram

(presented with permission from the author) can be seen in Figure 7.


of 5 S
Time wasted Environment for new
looking for tools improvements

Investment in
workplace Worker
improvement satisfaction

Figure 7: Student-designed causal diagram for 5S

3.5. Evaluation strategies

Moments of evaluation should also be moments of learning. Therefore, evaluations

were designed for each subject unit in such a way that they measure the achievement of

objectives as they were expressed in this curricular design. This also makes the whole

process of the course to be consistent, coherent and fair. An example of an evaluation

strategy for Objective A1 is presented in Table 3.

Table 3: Evaluation strategies for learning objective A1

Elements Performance criteria Application
The student faces problematic situations that go
against lean manufacturing philosophy. The
solutions proposed by the students are
Case study solution consistent with lean manufacturing principles, Class time
what to do
including relevant issues about waste,
production planning and control and other
subjects that are presented in the case..

4.1. Systemic relationships between lean manufacturing techniques and system


Towards the end of the course, we devote one and a half sessions and also some out-of-

class work time to the development of a causal diagram that includes the major lean

manufacturing techniques and some of the high-level system variables. It has been

observed that never two diagrams from different groups look complete alike; however,

the heart of the relationships and connections is always present. Then an additional task

is assigned; it consists of the explanation of the main relationships in the causal diagram

through some paragraphs of text. During this assignment students realize how hard it is

to put in (linear) text what has been understood systemically; yet, they realize that the

ability to convey systemic meaning to others must be developed. It is not a given that

other people will automatically understand their systemic diagrams in the same way

they do. At the same time, students realize that trying to understand and explain these

relationships without having done the diagram first would be close to impossible in the

first try. The universal comment that students make is that systemic diagrams and

systems thinking have given them tools to better handle complexity and to make them

more apt to communicate their intentions to implement lean manufacturing in their

companies. Many times they are in charge of these types of improvement projects and

have felt under-prepared because they had the intuition related to the complexities of the

problems they would face, but were incapable of explaining them.

A typical causal diagram that was designed during a class and then improved upon by

the instructors is shown in Figure 8. Note that main Lean Manufacturing techniques are

presented in upper caps letters.

revenues -
- profit + +
inventory + lost sales
product cost costs -
+ + storage space late orders
+ +

waste of Service level

rework materials -
+ + Wip
+ + cycle time
flow - + -
- + + delivery time
Lot size
-- -

-- + FWS
training +
- +
+ 5'S WORK
+ + + + SMED + -
+ + + +Flexible Inventory
+ + +
source +

reliability -

+ +

Figure 8: Typical Causal Diagram for Lean Manufacturing techniques

4.2. Instructor’s guide for this course

Due to the engineering-friendly paradigm of curricular design that was employed, once

the whole design of the course is completed, it is easy to configure an instructor’s guide

to replicate and improve upon this course. It is the intention of our faculty to develop

specific versions of this course for target industries in our region (sugar cane,

pharmaceuticals, paper and printing), and to have a group of faculty members that are

trained to conduct this course and improve upon it.

4.3. Future Research

Based on the learning gained with the design and teaching of this course, it seems

promising to develop an intervention methodology to consult for companies. Lean

manufacturing implementations in Colombia are still few and far between, so a tool

such as this one could increase the understanding of the people of the company, their

ability to manage their own transformations, and thus become a more successful and

repeatable consulting offering.

Also, more in-depth courses will be designed. The next target might be a research-

oriented course for the Master’s Program in Industrial Engineering, and maybe a joint

offering for the Ph.D. program in the leading public university of our region. A more in-

depth immersion in the techniques and quantification of variables and their behavior

would be next. Maybe even the development of system dynamics models with

simulation of a system’s evolution could be the focus of a research-oriented course.

The authors believe that systems thinking, along with the paradigm for curricular design

that was used would be a great pair of tools to teach any subject in engineering that
transforms systems such as companies or operative areas. Probably subjects such as the

design of distribution networks starting with logistics strategies could be another type of

subject suitable for this design approach for learning courses.


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