Land Mines Army Ammunition Data Sheets TM 43000136

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TM 43-0001-36





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TM 43-0001-36

NO. 3 Washington, DC, 14 April 2000



DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is limited.

TM 43-0001-36, dated 01 September 1994, is changed as follows:

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2. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page.
3. Added or revised illustrations are indicated by a vertical bar adjacent to the illustration identification number.

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To be distributed in accordance with initial distribution number (IDN) 340853, with requirements for TM 43-0001-36.
TM 43-0001-36

NO. 2 Washington, DC., 15 September 1997



DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.

TM 43-0001-36, dated 01 September 1994, is changed as follows:

1. Cross out information on inside cover. The information is changed and placed on page a.

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TM 43-0001-36
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B 0
i 2
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9 -1 thru 9-6 0

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TM 43-0001-36


*TM 43-0001-36

Technical Manual ) HEADQUARTERS

) Washington, DC, 1 September 1994
No. 43-0001-36 )




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CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1-1

Purpose ............................................................................................................... 1-1
Scope .................................................................................................................. 1-1
Metric Conversion Chart....................................................................................... 1-1
Key to Abbreviations and Symbols ....................................................................... 1-1
Quantity-Distance Classes and Storage Compatibility Group................................ 1-1
Section I. Mines, Antitank
Mine, Antitank: HE, Heavy, M15 .......................................................................... 2-3
Mine, Antitank: HE, Nonmetallic, M19 .................................................................. 2-5
Mine, Antitank: HE, Heavy, M21 .......................................................................... 2-7
Mine, Antitank: HE, M24 ...................................................................................... 2-9
Mine, Antitank: HE, M66 ...................................................................................... 2-11
Mine, Antitank: HE, M75 ...................................................................................... 2-13
Section II. Mines, Aerially Dispersed, Antitank/Antivehicle Mines
Mine Dispersing Subsystem, Aircraft: M56 .......................................................... 2-17
Mine, Antipersonnel: M2A4 (M2A4B2).................................................................. 3-3
Mine, Antipersonnel: M3....................................................................................... 3-5
Mine, Antipersonnel: M14..................................................................................... 3-7
Mine, Antipersonnel: M16 (M16A1, M16A2) ......................................................... 3-9

*This manual supersedes TM 43-0001-36, 14 February 1977, including all changes.

Change 2 i
TM 43-0001-36


Mine, Antipersonnel: M18A1 ................................................................................ 3-13
Mine, Antipersonnel: M26..................................................................................... 3-15
Mine, Antipersonnel: HE, M74.............................................................................. 3-17
Mine, Antipersonnel: M86, Pursuit Deterrent Munition (PDM) ............................... 3-21
Mine, Chemical Agent, VX: M23........................................................................... 4-3
Mine, Antipersonnel, Practice: M8 (M8A1)............................................................ 5-3
Mine, Antitank, Practice, Light: M10 ..................................................................... 5-5
Mine, Antitank, Practice: M12 Series.................................................................... 5-7
Mine, Antipersonnel: M16A1, Inert ....................................................................... 5-9
Mine, Antipersonnel, Training: M81 ...................................................................... 5-11
Mine, Antitank, Training: M80............................................................................... 5-13
Mine, Antitank, Practice, Heavy: M20................................................................... 5-15
Mine, Antipersonnel, Practice: M35 ...................................................................... 5-17
Mine, Antipersonnel, Practice: M68 ...................................................................... 5-19
Mini, Antitank, Practice: M69................................................................................ 5-21
Activator, Antitank Mine, Practice: M1.................................................................. 5-23
Mine, Antitank, Practice: M79............................................................................... 5-25
Fuze, Mine, Antitank: M603, Inert......................................................................... 5-27
Fuze, Mine, Antitank, Practice: M604 ................................................................... 5-29
Fuze: M606, Inert................................................................................................. 5-31
Activator, Antitank: M1 (M2)................................................................................. 6-3
Burster, Field, Incendiary: M4............................................................................... 6-5
Fuze, Mine, Combination: M6A1 .......................................................................... 6-7
Fuze, Mine, Combination: M7A1 .......................................................................... 6-9
Fuze, Mine, Combination: M10 (M10A1, M10A2) ................................................. 6-11
Fuze, Mine, AT: M603.......................................................................................... 6-13
Fuze, Mine, Combination: M605........................................................................... 6-15
Fuze, Mine, Antitank, Nonmetallic: M606 ............................................................. 6-17
Fuze, Mine, Antitank: M607.................................................................................. 6-19
Fuze, Mine, Antitank: M608.................................................................................. 6-21
Fuze, Mine: M624 ................................................................................................ 6-23
Projectile, 155 Millimeter: AT, M718 and M718A1 with
Antitank Mines .................................................................................................. 7-3
Projectile, 155 Millimeter: AT, M741 and M741A1 with
Antitank Mines .................................................................................................. 7-5
Canister, Mine: M87 ............................................................................................. 8-3
Canister, Mine: M87A1......................................................................................... 8-5
Canister, Mine, Practice: M88 .............................................................................. 8-7
Dispenser and Mines, Ground: M131.................................................................... 9-3

TM 43-0001-36


1-1. Purpose d. Numerical values, such as weights, dimensions,

This manual is a reference handbook published as an candlepower, etc., are nominal values, except when
aid in training, familiarization, and identification of land specified as maximum or minimum. Actual items may
mines and mine fuzes. This manual is not authorization vary slightly from these values. Allowable limits can be
for requisition, stockage, maintenance, or issue of the obtained form the drawings indicated in the data sheets.
materiel described herein.
1-3. Metric Conversion Chart
1-2. Scope
For approximate conversions to/from metric measures
a. For each item of materiel, there are illustrations see Table 1-1.
and descriptions together with characteristics and
related data. Included in the related data are weights, 1-4. Key to Abbreviations and Symbols
dimensions, performance data, packing, shipping and AD ............................... Anti-disturbance
storage data, type classification, and logistics control AP................................ Armor piercing
codes (LCC). APERS ........................ Antipersonnel
b. Information concerning supply, operation, and AT/AV .......................... Antitank/antivehicle
maintenance of the items will be found in the CON............................. Contingency
publications referenced for those items. A complete DCP ............................. Dispenser control panel
listing of these publications is maintained in DA Pam E-CELL ........................ Electrochemical cell
310 series indexes. Frag ............................. Fragmentation
c. Within this manual, items with the following HE ............................... High-explosive
type-classifications are included: LCC ............................. Logistics control codes
LP ................................ Limited procurement
(1) Standard (LCC-A, LCC-B). LVD.............................. Low voltage detector
(2) Contingency (CON). NM............................... Nonmetallic
(3) Limited procurement (LP). OBS............................. Obsolete
(4) Reclassified obsolete (OBS) for regular SD ............................... Self-destruct
Army use, but used by National Guard or Reserve units. VX................................ Persistent toxic (casualty) nerve
(5) Reclassified OBS for all Army use, but gas
used by Marine Corps, Air Force or Navy.
(6) Reclassified OBS, no users, but US 1-5. Quantity-Distance Classes and Storage
stocks remain. Items with the following type- Compatibility Groups
classification are not included: Reclassified OBS for all
U.S. use. No U.S. stocks remain. (Foreign use or Quantity-Distance Classes and Storage Compatibility
stock may remain). Groups. Quantity-Distance (QD) classes and Storage
Compatibility groups (SCC) listed in this manual are
changed. For conversion to new system see Table 1-2.

TM 43-0001-36

Table 1-1. Metric Conversion Chart

Approximate Conversions to Metric Measures
When You Multiply g grams 0.035 ounces
Symbol Know By To Find Symbol oz
LENGTH kg kilograms 2.2 pounds
in. inches 2.5 centimeters cm lb
ft feet 30 centimeters cm t tonnes 1.1 short tons
yd yards 0.9 meters in. VOLUME
mi miles 1.6 kilometers km
AREA ml milliliters 0.03 fluid ounces fL oz
in.2 square inches 6.5 sq centimeters cm2 1 liters 2.1 pints
ft square feet 0.009 sq meters m2 pt
yd square yards 0.8 sq meters m2 1 liters 1.06 quarts
mi sq miles 2.6 sq kilometers km2 qt
acres 0.4 hectares ha 1 liters 0.26 gallons
oz ounces 28 grams g ms cubic meters 35 cubic feet ft
lb pounds 0.45 kilograms kg ma cubic meters 1.3 cubic yards yd3
short tons 0.9 tonnes t TEMPERATURE
(2000 lb) Symbol When You Know Multiply Add To Find Symbol
VOLUME °C Celcius by 1.8 32 Fahrenheit F
tap teaspoons 5 milliliters ml
Tbsp tablespoon 15 milliliters ml Table 1-2. Quantity-Distance Classes and Storage
fl oz fluid ounces 30 milliliters ml Compatibility Groups
c cups 0.24 liters 1
pt pints 0.47 liters 1 Quantity-distance Storage compatibility
qt quarts 0.95 liters 1 hazard class 1/ group 1/3/
gal gallons 3.8 liters 1 Old New v Typical - New
ft3 cubic feet 0.03 cubic meters m3 8 6.1
yd3 cubic yards 0.76 cubic meters m3 7 1.1 D
TEMPERATURE 6 1.2 (18) E
Symbol When You Know Subtract Multiply To Find Symbol 5 1.2 (12)
°F Fahrenheit 32 by 0.55 Celcius °C 4 1.2 (08) F
3 1.2 (04) G
Approximate Conversions from Metric Measures 2 1.3 C
LENGTH 1 1.4 S
mm millimeter 0.04 inches in. 1/
New QD and SCG's are compatible with classes
cm centimeters 0.4 inches in.
used by NATO nations.
m meters 3.3 feet ft 2/
Numbers in parenthesis are minimum distance x 100
m meters 1.1 yards yd
feet to protect against specific fragment hazards and
km kilometers 0.6 miles mi
vary with items and types of ammunition. (Refer to TM
AREA 9-1300-206.)
cm2 square centi- 0.16 square inches in2 3/
There is no simple conversion from old SCG's to new
meters system. The SCG groups listed in this column are
m2 square meters 1.2 square yards yd2 typical for the majority of items in the corresponding
2 2
km square kilo- 0.4 square miles mi listed QD class but do not apply to every individual item
meters in the class. For SCG of individual items refer to TM 9-
ha hectares 2.5 acres 1300-206.

TM 43-0001-36




TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

AR 102194

Type Classification: spring primary fuze, M120 booster, and main explosive
S 37119 (LCC-A) charge. The mine is shipped with fuze not assembled,
Use: with the fuze packed separately in a metal can in the
Antitank mine M15 is intended for use against heavy packing box. Arming of the mine requires the use of the
tanks and other types of heavy tracked and wheeled M20 wrench, with which the arming plug is
vehicles. unscrewed, permitting insertion of the fuze. Following
removal of the safety for the fuze is inserted in the well.
Description: After verifying that the setting knob and shutter are in
The mine is a flat, steel cylinder with the fuze and the Safe position, the arming plug is screwed into place
most of the other components located concentrically and wrenched tight. The mine is armed by rotating the
with the vertical axis. Two secondary fuzing wells, setting knob to the Armed position with the M20 wrench.
threaded to accept M1 activators, are located, one in the
side and one in the bottom, to provide for alternate Functioning:
fuzing and booby trapping arrangements. The mine, as When the shutter of the arming plug is in the Armed
shipped, has these wells covered with tape. The position, a force of 350 to 750 pounds on the pressure
recessed knob in the M4 arming plug, located top, plate of the mine will allow the load to be transferred to
center, carries an arrow, and may be set to indicate the fuze. This force activates the fuze mechanism,
Safe, Danger, or Armed, as indicated on the rim of the driving the firing pin into the detonator. This initiates the
plug. A carrying handle, attached to the underside of M120 booster in the bottom of the fuze well, which, in
the mine, is provided. The mine body houses the turn, detonates the main charge.
arming plug, pressure plate, multiple element belleville

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: group ............................1.1D

UNO serial number- 0137
Model number ........................M15 UNO proper shipping
Type ................................AT-Heavy name ............................Mines
Drawings: DOT shipping class - Class A Explosive
Assembly...........................82-0-189 IDOT marking....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
Weight - fuzed .......................31.46 lb DODAC ................................1345-K180
Dimensions: Painting ................................Olive Drab
Height................................4.91 in. Marking ................................Yellow
Max diameter ....................13.25 in.
Material Steel Explosive Data:

Threads: Weight
Arming plug well................2.313-14NS-1A Item Type AV Metric
Secondary fuze well ..........0.75-12NS M603 Fuze -
Fuze (see separate M45 Det PA #100 1.85 gr 120 mg
write-up) ............................M603 Lead Az 4.24 gr 272 mg
Temperature Limits: RDX 1.85 gr 120 mg
Firing - lower .................-40°F M120 Boost RDX 172.5 gr 11.18 gm
- upper.................+125°F M15 Mine -
Storage lower ...................-60°F Main chg Comp B 22.75 lb 10.33 kg
- upper.................+ 160°F M1 Activator (if used)
Shipping and Storage Data: M31 Det Ar Ign Mx 2.3 gr 150 mg
Packing arrangement ........1 mine w/fuze, 1 activ in Lead Az 3.9 gr 250 mg
can, & 1 wrench, all in Tetryl 4.2 gr 270 mg
wooden box Booster Tetryl 36 gr 2.3 gm
Weight...............................49 lb
Dimensions .......................18 x 15-1/8 x 7-1/2 in. Reference:
Cube ................................1.17 cu ft TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: trapping in the side of the mine and another one in the
S 37119 (LCC-A) bottom. In mines of early manufacture these wells are
Use: closed with plugs and gaskets, while in those of later
Antitank mine M19 is used against heavy tanks and manufacture the wells are closed with strips of adhesive
heavy tracked and wheeled vehicles. The M19 mine is tape. The fuze body contains the pressure plate, two
of nearly all-plastic construction and is nondetectable by belleville springs, setting knob, step plate firing pin
magnetic mine detectors. The mine uses the assembly, and detonator. The upper belleville spring
mechanical pressure type fuze M606, also constructed allows the fuze to function with application of
of plastic material. predetermined force. The lower belleville spring drives
the firing pin into the detonator when the pressure plate
Description: is forced downward. The setting knob turns the step
The mine has a square case of olive drab plastic plate from the Safe to Armed position and the safety clip
material with both embossed and yellow markings. It locks the setting knob in the Safe position.
can be easily identified in the dark by its box shape.
The mine is packed assembled with the M606 fuze, less Functioning:
the detonator holder, loading assembly, which is packed With safety clip removed and setting knob set on A, a
separately in the same box. Two letters, A and S, on force of 300 to 500 pounds applied to the pressure plate
the pressure plate signify Armed and Safe, respectively. causes the lower belleville spring to drive the firing pin
The mine body holds the high-explosive charge, the into the detonator, thus initiating the booster pellet and
tetryl or RDX booster pellet, and the M606 fuze. There setting off the main charge.
is a well, threaded to accept an M2 activator for booby

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: group ............................ 1.1D

UNO serial number............0137
Model number ........................M19 UNO proper shipping
Type ................................AT, Non-Metallic name Mines
Drawings: DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
Assembly...........................9209328 DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
Weight 27.68 lb DODAC ................................1345-K250
Dimensions: Painting ................................Olive Drab
Height s/M606 fuze............3.7 in. Marking ................................Yellow
Max width (square) ............13.09 in.
Material ................................Plastic Explosive Data:

Threads: Weight
Fuze detonator holder Item Type AV Metric
well...............................0.563-12UNC-1A M606 Fuze -
Secondary fuze well ..........0.75-UNS-18 M50 Det PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Fuze (see separate Lead Az 3.85 gr 250 mg
write-up) .......................M606 RDX 7.85 gr 510 mg
Temperature Limits: M19 Mine -
Firing - lower .................-40°F Booster RDX 805 gr 52.1 gm
- upper.................+ 125°F Main chg Comp B 21 lb 9.53 kg
Storage - lower ..................-60°F M2 Activator - (when used)
- upper.................+160°F M31A1 Det Ar Ign Mx 1.62 gr 105 mg
Shipping and Storage Data: Lead Az 3.86 gr 250 mg
Packing arrangement ........2 mines, 2 fuzes, 1 Tetryl 4.17 gr 270 mg
wrench, & 2 activators in Pellet RDX 40 gr 2.58 gm
bag. 2 bags (4 mines) in
wire-bound box Reference:
Weight...............................124.5 lb TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Cube ................................3.9 cu ft
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: and extension rod adapter, if provided, are assembled to

S 37246 (LCC-A) the fuze. The extension rod adapter was eliminated
Use: after 1963.
Mine M21 is used primarily for destroying tanks and
tracked and wheeled vehicles. It is a standoff type that Functioning:
can penetrate 3-inch armor plate at a distance of 21 The fuze M607 for the mine is actuated by applying a
inches. It also functions as a blast-type mine. horizontal force greater than 3.75 pounds at the end of
the extension rod. The fuze is also actuated by a
Description: directly applied downward force of 290 pounds. The
Mine M21 is composed of a cover assembly and a fuze ignites the black powder expelling charge in the
cylindrical steel body. The cover assembly includes the mine and the resulting detonation opens up the mine
charge cap assembly with a threaded fuze hole closed cover and removes the earth covering the mine. Back
by a shipping plug, a black powder charge, and the pressure from the burning propellant drives the firing pin
cover. The mine body contains a concave steel dish, into the M42 primer which, in turn, ignites the delay
and HE charge, firing pin, and delay assembly. The assembly. After 0.15 second, the relay assembly is
delay assembly consists of the M42 primer, a delay detonated, firing the M120 booster, which, in turn, fires
element, and a relay charge. A booster is placed the main charge. The steel dish is then driven at high
separately in the mine and it is assembled with the mine velocity against the target. The arming wrench M26 is
packing box when the mine is fuzed. The M607 fuze is provided for use with this mine and fuze.
screwed into the mine charge cap and the extension rod

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: Hazard class/division and

Model number ........................M21 storage compatibility
Type ................................Antitank group ............................1.1D
Drawings: UNO serial number............- 0137
Assembly...........................8831341 UNO proper shipping
Weight ................................17.5 lb name - ..........................Mines
Dimensions: DOT shipping class - Class A Explosive
Height - fuzed....................8.125 in. DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
Height w/ext rod ................32 in. DODAC ................................1345-K181
Max diam ..........................9 in. Painting ................................Olive Drab
Material Steel Marking ................................Yellow
Fuze well...........................0.75-UNS-2B Explosive Data:
Booster Cavity...................1.375-18NEF-2A
Fuze (see separate Weight
write-up) ............................M607 Item Type AV Metric
Temperature limits: M607 Fuze-
Firing - lower................-40°F M101 Primer 0.35 gr 22.7 mg
- upper ...............+125°F M46 Det NOL #130 1.62 gr 105 mg
Storage lower..................-60°F Lead Az 4.31 gr 280 mg
- upper ...............+ 160°F RDX 2.24 gr 1456 mg
Shipping and Storage Data: M21 Mine-
Packing arrangement ........2 mines w/2 fuzes w/2 M120 Boost RDX 172.48 gr 11.18 gm
boosters in barrier bag. 2 Lead Az 4.62 gr 300 mg
bags (4 mines) w/2 Relay Assy RDX Type 4.23 gr 275 mg
wrenches in wire-bound Main chg Comp H-6 10.8 lb 4.9 kg
Weight...............................90 lb Reference:
Dimensions .......................29-1/4 x 12-1/2 x13-1/2
in. TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Cube ................................2.85 cu ft

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Elevation and Azimuth Sighting Assembly. The

S 8899 (LCC-B) sighting and aiming equipment consists of a tube
Use: containing a peepsight and crosshairs, and a pair of self
The antitank mine M24 is a remotely operated centering legs for positioning of the launcher tube.
horizontal effects device, used to defend against tracked
and wheeled vehicles. It supplements standard, vertical Firing Device, Demolition, M61. This assembly
effects mines, in that off-route emplacement of the consists of an arm/safe toggle switch together with an
rocket permits mine of locations that could not otherwise indicator light mounted in a box which has provision for
be effectively mined. batteries. The box is equipped with a safety cover,
connectors for the discriminator assembly, and the
Description: rocket cable assembly and a transistorized firing circuit.
The M24 mine has six basic components, plus Batteries are issued separately and are not installed
auxiliary equipment, as follows: until mine is being employed.

Discriminator Assembly, Antitank Mine M2. This Bipod Assembly. This accessory provides an
assembly consists of a 22 meter length of wire adjustable base for the launcher. It consists of a two-
connected to an 11 meter plastic-covered pressure pronged base, a short vertical rod with a knurled nut
actuated switch. The switch is composed of four 2.6 which provides adjustment in elevation, and a yoke
meter segments with spacing between them. To which grips the launcher tube near one end. Either
assure operation with tracked or wheeled vehicles, forward or aft end may be chosen, depending on type of
pressure is required on two of the adjacent segments to aiming correction desired. The auxiliary equipment
close the electrical circuit. consists of a discriminator spool and accessory
pouches. The discriminator assembly is wound on the
Rocket, HE, 3.5-inch Antitank, M28A2. This rocket outside of the spool and the core of the spool forms an
has been modified by the addition of the folding fin accessory compartment in which the bipod assembly,
assembly and by splicing the leads of the rocket the sighting assembly, and the firing device are carried.
connecting cable to the rocket motor. The 15 meter The entire M24 mine is carried in two green nylon
rocket connecting cable terminates in a connector for pouches and when strapped together they form the
attachment to the M61 firing device. M190 antitank mines case. One pouch contains the
rocket launcher and the other contains the discriminator
Launcher, Rocket, M143. The launcher is a 24 inch spool.
long plastic tube housing the rocket.

TM 43-0001-36

Functioning: Weight...............................55 lb
A vehicle crossing the pressure switch at two adjacent Dimensions .......................28-1/8 x 13-7/8 x 10-3/4
segments completes the circuitry to the firing device in.
which electrically fires the igniter in the rocket motor. Cube ................................2.7 cu ft
The igniter initiates the propellant and launches the Hazard class/division and
rocket. The fuze is initiated upon impact and storage compatibility
penetration of the target vehicle is effected by the shape group ............................1.1E
charge warhead. Although the rocket has a maximum UNO serial number............0181
range of 825 meters it is used in the M24 mine to cover UNO Proper shipping
a range up to 30 meters. name ............................Rockets
DOT shipping class - Class A Explosive
Tabulated Data: DOT marking- ROCKET AMMUNITION
Model number ........................M24 W/EXPLOSIVE
Type ................................Off-route, AT PROJECTILES
Drawings: DODAC ................................1345-K182
Assembly...........................9207411 Painting ................................Olive Drab
Weight: Marking ................................Yellow
Total ................................18 lb
Rockets only......................9 lb Explosive Data:
Rocket: Weight
Length ..........................23.55 in. Item Type AV Metric
Max diam......................9 in. M28A2 Rocket Motor -
Material: M2 Elec Sq flsh pdr 1 gr 65 mg
Rocket: Igniter blk pdr 54 gr 3.5 gm
Motor ............................Steel Propellant M7 0.35 lb 159 gm
Warhead.......................Copper/Steel M404A2 Rocket Fuze -
Fuze: PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Rocket...............................M404A2 M41 Det Lead Az 3.86 gr 250 mg
Type ................................Mech-BD Tetryl 1.67 gr 108 mg
Battery Type (not included): Booster Tetryl 75 gr 4.86 gm
2 required for Firing M28A2 Rocket Warhead -
Device ..........................BA-3202/U Shaped Chg Comp B 1.88 lb 853 gm
Temperature Limits:
Firing - lower................-40°F Reference:
- upper ...............+125°F
Storage - upper ...............+120°F TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing .............................2 mines, incl fuzed
rockets in wire-bound box

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Fuze, Mine, Igniting Type, M619. This fuze is

OBS 03866008 an electronic detector/discriminator consisting of five
Use: components. The Source Assembly is a tripod mounted
The antitank mine M66 is a remotely actuated, infra red beam generator. The Receiver Assembly is a
horizontal effects device, used to defend against tracked tripod mounted infrared beam receiver. Stabilizing
and wheeled vehicles. It supplements standard, vertical stakes are provided for both the Source and Receiver
effects mines, in that off-route emplacement permits Assemblies. The geophone is a seismic device
mining of locations that could not otherwise be emplaced in the ground to sense the approach of tanks.
effectively mined. Although, basically similar to the M24 The Data Processor, which receives inputs from the
mine, it differs in that no initiating device need be Receiver and the geophone, can analyze these and
contacted by the target to function the mine. discriminates between tanks and personnel and/or
animals. If the proper signal is received, the Data
Description: Processor will fire the rocket at the target. The Output
The mine M66 is a system capable of delivery by Cable Assembly transmits the firing command to the
parachute. It can be carried as a backpack and rocket.
emplaced by one man. The mine has six basic
component assemblies as follows: Rocket, HE, 3.5-inch Antitank, M28A2. This
rocket has been modified by the addition of the folding
fin assembly and by splicing the two leads in the firing
cable and spool assembly to leads connected to the
rocket motor squib.

TM 43-0001-36

Launcher, Rocket, M143. The launcher is a 24- Fuze:

inch-long plastic tube housing the rocket. System ..............................M619
Type ................................Electronic
Elevation and Azimuth Sighting Assembly. The Rocket...............................M404A2
sighting and aiming equipment consists of a tube Type Mech-BD
containing a peepsight and crosshairs, and a pair of self Battery Types (not included):
centering legs for positioning of the launcher tube. 2 required for Data
Bipod Assembly. This accessory provides an 1 required for Data
adjustable base for the launcher. It consists of a two- Processing....................BA-1114/U
pronged base, a short vertical rod with a knurled nut 1 required for IR Source ....BA-1114/U
which provides adjustment in elevation, and a yoke Temperature Limits:
which grips the launcher tube near one end. Either Firing -lower.......................-40°F
forward or aft end may be chosen, depending on type of -upper - ....................+125°F
aiming correction desired. The auxiliary equipment Shipping and Storage Data:
consists of two elongated sand bags, a protective end Packing .............................1 mine M66 w/fuze
cover for the launcher, and a thumb screw wrench. The M619/barrier
required batteries are issued separately. bag/wirebound box
Weight...............................70 lb
Functioning: Dimensions .......................32-3/4 x 22-7/8 x12-5/8
Mine system M66 operates on the principle of in.
remote detection and automatic functioning. The Cube ................................5.4 cu ft
geophone detects an approaching vehicle through Hazard class/division and
ground vibration and signals the data processor that a storage compatibility
target is enroute. When the target vehicle breaks the group ............................1.1E
infared (IR) beam generated by the source assembly, UNO serial number............0181
the receiver signals the data processor. The processor UNO Proper shipping
releases electrical energy to fire the rocket only under name ............................Rockets
the conditions of a broken IR beam and a proper DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
seismic signal. This system is inhibited against DOT marking.....................ROCKET AMMUNITION
personnel and animals by a filter in the data processor. W/EXPLOSIVE
Small vehicles do not normally function the system. PROJECTILES
However, the influence of small vehicles on system DODAC ................................1345-K183
functioning increases in some areas depending upon Painting ................................Olive Drab
closeness to geophone, speed of vehicle and terrain at Marking ................................Yellow
the emplacement site.
Explosive Data:
Tabulated Data:
Model number ........................M66 Weight
Type ................................Off-route, AT Item Type AV Metric
Drawings: M28A2 Rocket Motor -
Assembly...........................9245817 M2 Elec Sq fish pdr 1 gr 65 mg
Weight: Igniter blk pdr 54 gr 3.5 gm
Total ................................40 lb Propellant M7 0.35 lb 159 gm
Rocket only .......................9 lb M404A2 Rocket Fuze-
Dimensions: PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Rocket: M41 Det Lead Az 3.86 gr 250 mg
Length ..........................23.55 in. Tetryl 1.67 gr 108 mg
Max diam......................3.5 in. Booster Tetryl 75 gr 4.86 gm
Material: M28A2 Rocket Warhead -
Rocket: Shaped Chg Comp B 1.88 lb 853 gm
Body Steel
Warhead.......................Copper/Steel Reference:
Rocket launcher ................Plastic
IR Source ..........................Aluminum TM 9-1345-203-12&P
IR Receiver .......................Aluminum
Data Processor..................Aluminum
Geophone .........................Plastic/Steel

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Operational Temperature Limits:

Minimum----------------------- -40°F (-40°C)
STD-LCC-A (LET 4-11-80, ARDC). Maximum ---------------------- +150°F (+66°C)

Explosive Weight per Mine:

Use: RDX and Estane (95/5)------- 1.26 lb (0.57 kg)
PBXN-5 ------------------------ 0.05 oz (14.27 g)
The ground burst antitank mine M75 can be
emplaced only by the ground vehicle mine dispenser Self-Destruct Times After Launch:
M128. The mine may be used in mixed minefields or Normal-------------------------- 5 days
by itself against heavy tanks and other types of heavy Long ---------------------------- 15 days
tracked and wheeled vehicles.
Safety Distances:
Description: Vertical ------------------------- 1,300 ft (396 m)
Horizontal ---------------------- 2,086 ft (636 m)
The mine is green, cylindrical in shape, and fabri- DODAC -------------------------- 1345-K184
cated of thick-wall steel tubing. It has an internal Saf- UNO serial number ------------- 0137
ing and Arming (S&A) device, an electronic assembly, UNO proper shipping
and a power supply. Some of the M75 mines have an name ---------------------------- Mines
antidisturbance switch within the mine, as indicated by Packing arrangement------------ 5 mines per sleeve
the last digit in the lot number. A lot number ending (1 with an anti-
with a "-2" indicates that the mine has an antidistur- disturbance and 4
bance switch; a lot number ending with a "-1" indicates with no anti-
no switch. The mine is set for a specific (normal) self- disturbance switch),
destruct time by the manufacturer; however, during 8 sleeves per
operations it can be set for a long self-destruct time, container,
depending on the mission requirement. The mines are 6 containers per
shipped and stored in a sealed, desiccated container. pallet
The container holds eight sleeves, each containing five NSN ------------------------------- 1345-01-078-4104
mines (one mine with an antidisturbance switch and
four mines with no antidisturbance switch), for a total Shipping and Storage Container - EMPTY:
of 40 mines per container. The containers are pallet- Length -------------------------- 27.30 in. (69.30 cm)
ized, with six containers per pallet. Width --------------------------- 14.10 in. (35.81 cm)
Height--------------------------- 15.20 in. (38.61 cm)
Functioning: Weight -------------------------- 55.0 lb (25.0 kg)
Cube ---------------------------- 3.40 cu ft (0.10 cu m)
NSN----------------------------- 8140-01-089-2763
Partial arming results from the angular velocity Part number -------------------- 9313655
obtained as the mine travels through the launcher of
the dispenser. A magnetic impulse provided by two Shipping and Storage Container - LOADED:
transmitter coils located in the launcher muzzle ini- Weight -------------------------- 232.0 lb (105.2 kg)
tiates a low-order detonating primer, which activates Storage compatibility
two reserve batteries. The batteries provide the elec- group ------------------------- D
trical power to complete the arming cycle after the Quantity-distance class
mine comes to rest on the ground. The mine is com- for depot storage------------ 1.1
pletely armed in 40 to 60 seconds after launch and is Quantity-distance class
then ready to detect a target. for field storage ------------- E
DOT shipping class ----------- A
The mine will function in response to any of the DOT markings----------------- EXPLOSIVE MINE
following conditions: (1) vehicle passing over the U.S. Coast Guard
mine, (2) physical disturbance of the mine, (3) expira- classification ---------------- VII
tion of self-destruct time, or (4) power rundown. Shelf life------------------------ 20 yr
Tabulated Data: Storage Temperature Limits:
Minimum----------------------- -60°F (-51°C)
Mine, Antitank: HE, M75: Maximum ---------------------- +155°F (+63°C)
Painting ------------------------ Green
Marking ------------------------ Black
Height (max) ------------------ 2.60 in. (6.60 cm)
Diameter (max) --------------- 4.75 in. (12.07 cm)
Weight-------------------------- 4.00 lb (1.81 kg)
Material ------------------------ Steel tubing

2-14 Change 3
TM 43-0001-36

Sleeve (empty): Weight (approximate,

Color ................................Green including dunnage) .......1573 lb (714 kg)
Length ...............................24.48 in. (62.18 cm) Cube ................................31.93 cu ft (0.09 cu m)
Width ................................5.63 in. (14.30 cm)
Height................................3.50 in. (8.89 cm) References:
Weight...............................2.12 lb (0.96 kg)
SC 1340/98-IL
Pallet (loaded with full containers): TM 9-1095-205-10
Length ...............................55.50 in. (140.97 cm) TM 9-1345-210-23&P
Width ................................43.00 in. (109.22 cm)
Height................................23.13 (58.75 cm)

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Functioning:

STD A MSR 09746012, dated 20 Nov. 73 Two subsystems are mounted per helicopter. A
Use: Dispenser Control Panel (DCP) is installed in the
The M56 subsystem provides the means for aerially helicopter console which enables the pilot, or other crew
dispensing antitank/antivehicle (AT/ AV) mines from member, to control the quantity and time-interval of
UH-1H helicopters. mines fired. An electrical signal from the DCP through
the dispenser intervalometer initiates an M198 ejection
Description: charge which ejects both mines from the canister. As
One complete subsystem consists of a SUU13D/A the mines leave the canister, a bore rider pin in each
dispenser loaded with 40 canisters, each canister mine is released which unlocks the fuze mechanical
containing two AT/AV mines and one M198 ejection safety device. When the mines are free of the canister,
charge. The mines are in the shape of half of a 4-5/8- spring loaded fins open which cause the mines to orient
inch diameter cylinder and are 10-3/8 inches long. Each so they will land round side down. Upon impact, the
AT/AV mine fuze contains an electronic timing module, mechanical safety device releases, which allows the
an electric timing module, an electric detonator, and is fuze slider to move into the position which alines the
powered by a 7.0 volt battery. The firing train following firing train. It also closes a microswitch in the fuze
the detonator is comprised of an RDX lead and an RDX electrical circuit which initiates electrical arming. After
booster pellet. Three pounds of Composition H6 ground impact, the mine may tumble and come to rest
constitutes the main charge of each mine. in any orientation. One to two minutes after impact, the
mine is fully armed and ready to be encountered by a
target. The fuze in the basic mines will initiate
electrically. When a mine contains the antidisturbance
(AD) feature

TM 43-0001-36

any overrun or agitation of a mine will cause functioning.

All versions of the mine contain a self-destruct (SD) Mine Ejection Charge M198:
feature which has an electrochemical (E-cell) timing unit Weight (loaded).................34 gm
and a low voltage detector (LVD). When armed mine Explosive weight (M5
has not been functioned by over-run or AD, it will SD in propellant) ....................0.32 gm
38 to 48 hours. Prior to SD, all mines will function if any
attempt is made to remove the battery or to disrupt the Antitank Mine:
battery circuit. Length ...............................10.38 in.
Tabulated Data: (half-cylindrical) ............4.63 in.
Weight...............................5.6 lb
NOTE Explosive weight
Dimensions and weights are (Comp H6)....................3.0 lb
Shelf Life:
Mine Dispersing Subsystem ...M56: Shelf life............................5 yrs
Length ...............................90.38 in.
Width ................................14.75 in. Temperature Limitations (battery):
Height................................14.44 in. Minimum ...........................-25°F (-32°C)
Weight, empty, without ......117.01b Maximum ..........................+145°F (+62°C)
Weight (loaded as flown) ...640 lb Shipping and Storage Container
Weight of pallet .................40 lb CNU-79/E (late model):
Number of canisters ..........40 Length ...............................104 in.
Distance between Length (early model)..........115.6 in.
suspension lugs ............14 in. Width ................................31.5 in.
Center of gravity (from Height................................31.5 in.
front end (loaded)) ........51.6 in. Weight:
Weight of explosive contents Without dispenser.........681 lb
(per dispenser): With dispenser..............1,368 lb
Weight (H6 explosive) ..240 lb Cube ................................59.7 cu ft
Weight (RDX Hazard class/division and
explosive) ................969 gm storage compatibility
Weight (M5 group ............................1.1D
propellant)................12.8 gm DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE BOMBS
Mine Canister: Quantity distance for
Height................................11.9 in. field storage..................E
Diameter ...........................4.80 in. U.S. Coast Guard
Weight: classification .................X-A
Empty...........................1.8 lb DODAC .............................1345-K020
Loaded .........................13.0 lb Drawing number ................9287573
Number of mines per
canister .............................2 References:
Number of mine ejection
charges per canister ..........1 SB 700-200
Explosive Weight per Canister: TM 9-1300-200
Comp H6...........................6.0 lb TM 9-1345-201-12
RDX ................................17.4 gm TM 9-1345-201-30&P
M5 propellant ....................0.32 gm

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification:
OBS 11756003 Difference between models. M2A4 has a stamped
steel base. M2A4B2 has a cast iron base which is
Use: sealed to the projector tube and to the fuze well pipe
Antipersonnel mines M2A4 and M2A4B2 are of the with solder, to provide a better moisture-proof seal.
bounding, fragmenting-type and are used when an
effective above-ground fragmentation pattern is Functioning:
required. The firing mechanism is functioned either by a 3 to 10
pound pull on a trip wire or by a force of 8 to 10 pounds
Description: on one or more of the prongs protruding from the top of
General. The mine consists of a steel case, with a the fuze. This pull or push releases the firing pin which
propelling charge in the base. The combination mine strikes the primer and initiates the firing train which
fuze M6A1 is screwed into the tube attached to the ignites the propelling charge. This propelling charge
base. The projectile, a modified 60mm mortar shell, is ignites the delay charge and propels the projectile into
contained in the projector tube attached to the base. the air where its delay train detonates the projectile at
The propelling charge is ignited by the firing pin-primer- approximately 2 to 3 meters.
igniter train of the fuze. The mine is shipped with primer
and igniter in place. Firing mechanism is shipped
separately in fuze box and is screwed into igniter tube.

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: UNO serial number............0138

UNO Proper shipping
Model number ........................M2A4, M2A4B2 name ............................Mines
Type ................................AP, bounding DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
Drawings: DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
Assembly: DODAC ................................1345-K090
M2A4............................82-0-99 Painting:
M2A4B2........................82-0-116 Body ................................Olive Drab
Weight - loaded and fuzed .....6.5 lb Base ................................Yellow
Dimensions: Marking ................................Black
Height, fuzed .....................9.625 in.
Max diameter ....................4.10 in. Explosive Data:
Material Steel
Thread - fuze well ..................0.563-12UNC-1A Weight
Fuze number (see separate Item Type AV Metric
write-up) ............................M6A1 M6A1 Fuze:
Temperature Limits: Perc primer #3 Western
Firing: Igniter blk pdr 10 gr 648 mg
Lower............................-40°F Mine base:
Upper ...........................+125°F Propellant blk pdr 40 gr 259 gm
Storage: Projectile:
Lower............................-60°F Rel-Delay blk pdr 2.7 gr 175 mg
Upper ...........................+160°F Igniter blk pdr 1.16 gr 75 mg
Shipping and Storage Data: Lead Az 4.08 gr 265 mg
Packing arrangement ........1 mine w/1 - spool stl wire M17 Det Tetryl 1.24 gr 80 mg
in ctn, 6 ctn (6 mines) Booster Tetryl 248 gr 16.1 gm
w/acc. in wdn box Main Chg TNT 2380 gr 154.2 gm
Weight...............................50 lb
Dimensions .......................15 x 10-1/4 x 9-1/4 in. Reference:
Cube ................................0.82 cu ft TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility
group ............................(08) 1.2E

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: M7A1 fuze will release the firing pin to strike the primer.
OBS-11756003 The primer explodes the nonelectric blasting cap,
Use: crimped to the base of the fuze, initiating the TNT
The M3 mine is used when fragmenting, non- bursting charge in the mine body.
directional, antipersonnel mine is required. The mine is
normally placed at the surface, but the effective radius Tabulated Data:
can be increased if it is raised several feet above the
ground. If buried, the effective radius is considerably Model number ........................M3
reduced. Type AP, frag
Description: Assembly...........................82-0-79
The M3 mine consists of a high explosive charge in a Weight (loaded and fuzed) .....10.3 lb
heavy, cast iron body. The body is filled with flake TNT Dimensions:
and contains three threaded fuze wells to aid in booby Height - fuzes ....................8.68 in.
trapping in a variety of fuzing arrangements. As Max dia .............................3.5 in.
shipped, fuze well holes are closed with slotted plastic Material ................................Cast iron
plugs. Thread:
Fuze wells .........................563-12NC-1
Functioning: Fuze number (see separate
A pressure of 8 to 20 pounds on any of the prongs, or write-up) ............................M7A1
a pull of 3 to 10 pounds on the release pin ring of the

TM 43-0001-36

Temperature Limits: DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive

Firing: DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
Lower............................-40°F DODAC ................................1345-K120
Upper ...........................+125°F Painting ................................Olive Drab
Storage: Marking ................................Black
Upper ...........................+160°F Explosive Data:
Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing arrangement ........6 mines, 6 fuzes, 6 spools Weight
- steel wire in wooden box Item Type AV Metric
Weight...............................73.2 lb M7A1 Fuze:
Dimensions .......................17-7/8 x 8-3/4 x 9-1/2 in. Primer No. 3 Western
Cube 0.86 ft Battery
Hazard class/division and Cap Type 1 Special
storage compatibility Blasting Cap
group ............................1.1D M3 Mine:
UNO serial number- 0137 Main Charge TNT 6300 gr 407.6 gm
UNO Proper shipping
name ............................Mines

TM 43-0001-36



Type Classification: cord is provided for removing the clip when arming the
mine. A carrying cord is also provided. For safety, the
S37904 (LCC-B) plastic detonator holder assembly with detonator is
packaged separately within the same shipping container.
Use: The hole for the detonator holder assembly in the
underside of the mine is closed by a plastic plug during
Antipersonnel mine M14 is a blast-type mine and is shipment. The mine and fuze wrench is also used for
used when small, readily concealed mines are required. removal of the shipping plug and installation of the
detonator holder. A steel washer is attached to the
Description: bottom of the mine to aid in detection.

The M14 mine is cylindrical in shape, with six ribs on Functioning:

the outside of the body to provide strength and serve as
a means of identification in darkness. The mine is of With mine set on A, and safety clip removed, a force
practically all-plastic construction and is detectable by of 20 to 35 pounds applied to the pressure plate will
magnetic mine detectors. M14 mine contains an depress the belleville spring. At some point, the
integral pressure operated fuze. The pressure plate of belleville spring snaps into reverse, driving the firing pin
the mine is designed to transfer the load to a firing pin into the M46 detonator. This sets off the main charge.
mounted on a belleville spring. When the load reaches
a predetermined value, the belleville spring snaps into Tabulated Data:
reverse, driving the steel firing pin into the detonator.
The pressure plate has a yellow indicating arrow and is Model number .................................... M14
indented to accommodate the M22 mine and fuze Type................................................... AP, blast
wrench. Letters A and S on fuze body indicate Armed Drawings:
and Safe, respectively. Slots in the pressure plate are Assembly ........................................ 75-15-55
for insertion of the steel U-shaped, safety clip. A pull

Change 2 3-7
TM 43-0001-36

Weight ................................... 4.5 oz Dimensions ............................ 19-3/4 x17-1/4 x 8-3/4

Dimensions: in.
Height ................................. 1-9/16 in. Cube ................................... 1.73 cu ft
Max dia............................... 2-3/16 in. Hazard class/division and
Material.................................. Plastic storage compatibility
group.............................. 1.1D
Thread: UNO serial number ............. 0137
Detonator holder ................. 438-20UNC-2A UNO Proper shipping
Fuze....................................... Integral name.............................. Mines
DOT shipping class ............. Class A Explosive
Temperature Limits: DOT marking ...................... EXPLOSIVE MINES
Firing: DODAC............................... 1345-K121
Lower............................... -40°F Painting............................... Olive Drab
Upper............................... +125°F Marking............................... Yellow

Storage: Explosive Data:

Lower............................... -60°F
Upper............................... +160°F Weight
Item Type AV Metric
Shipping and Storage Data:Item NOL #130 1.62 gr 105 mg
M46 Detonator Lead Azide 4.31 gr 280 mg
Packing arrangement ............. 90 mines in carton in
set-up box and 9 RDX 2.24 gr 145 mg
wrenches, in wooden Main Charge Tetryl 437.5 gr 28.35 gm
Weight ................................... 50 lb.
TM 9-1345-203-12&P


Change 2 3-8
TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Description:

M16 Conf. 6558 General. This mine consists of a combination
M16A1 S 3686 (LCC-B) mine fuze M605, a propelling charge, and a cast iron,
M16A2 S 3686 (LCC-A) fragmenting projectile all contained in a sheet steel
Use: case. The fuze screws into the fuze well in the top of
The M16 series mines are of the bounding, the case and extends through the projectile to the
fragmenting type, and are employed primarily in mixed bottom of the case where the propelling charge is
mine fields to protect antitank mines against enemy located. No secondary fuze wells are provided and
breeching parties. They can be used by themselves in booby trapping of the M16 series mine will be done only
the preparation of ambushes or in the nuisance mining by specially trained personnel.
of areas likely to be occupied by enemy troops.

TM 43-0001-36

Difference between models. The principal Tabulated Data:

difference between the M16 and M16A1 models is in the
construction of the detonators and the boosters. Mine Model numbers ......................M16, M16A1, M16A2
M16A2 is an advanced version of the series and Type ................................AP, bounding, frag
incorporates only one booster detonator and delay
instead of two each. This allows greater room for Drawings:
explosive charge. Assembly:
M16 ..............................82-0-194
Functioning: M16A1..........................8796365
WARNING M16A2..........................8876013
• WHEN HANDLING THE M605 FUZE, Weight (fuzed):
ALWAYS TAKE CARE TO AVOID M16 ..............................8.25 lb
PUSHING ON THE CIRCULAR M16A1..........................8.25 lb
DEPRESSION IN THE BODY OF M16A2..........................6.25 lb
WIRE PULLING BOSS. THIS IS Height (max) .....................7.82 in.
THE SLIDER HOLDING THE Diameter (max) .................4.05 in.
FIRING PIN AND ANY MOVEMENT Material Steel and cast iron
(EVEN THE SMALL AMOUNT Thread-primary fuze well........0.625-11UNC-1A
Fuze (see separate
write-up) ............................M605
Temperature Limits:
TO THE POINT OF RELEASE. Lower............................-40°F
Upper ...........................+ 125°F
• IN ARMING THE M605 FUZE, Storage:
ALWAYS PULL THE POSITIVE Lower............................-60°F
SAFETY PIN WITH YOUR Upper ...........................+160°F
FINGERS NOT BY PULLING JUST Shipping and Storage Data:
AVOID IMPARTING A SHOCK TO M16 and M16A1 ...........4 mines, 4 fuzes, 4 spools
THE FUZE WHICH COULD wire, 1 wrench, in wooden
M16A2..........................4 mines, 4 fuzes, 2 spools
The M16 series firing mechanism is functioned by either wire, 1 wrench barrier bag
a 3 to 15 pound pull on a trip wire or by a force of 8 to in wooden box
45 pounds on one or more of the prongs protruding from Weight...............................44.8 lb
the top of the fuze. This pull or push releases the firing Dimensions:
pin which strikes the primer which ignites the fuze delay M16 ..............................15-5/8 x 10-1/8 x 8-1/2 in.
charge. The delay allows time for persons stepping on M16A1 and M16A2 .......15-5/8 x 9-3/4 x 8-1/2 in.
the prongs to move from directly above the mine. The Cube:
fuze delay ignites the relay charge which ignites the fuze M16 ..............................0.78 cu ft
igniter charge. The fuze igniter charge ignites the mine M16A1 and M16A2 .......0.75 cu ft
propelling charge which projects the shell body upward Hazard class/division and
and at the same time ignites the detonator delay charge. storage compatibility
The detonator delay charge burns through and group ............................(08) 1.2E
initiates the detonator which explodes boosters which UNO serial number............0138
explodes the bursting charge about one meter above the UNO Proper shipping
ground. The wrench M25 is furnished with this mine. name ............................Mines
The box end fits the shipping plug and the open end fits DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
the fuze. DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
DODAC ................................1345-K092
Painting ................................Olive Drab
Marking ................................Yellow

TM 43-0001-36

Explosive Data:
M16A1 Mine Projectile:
Weight Blk Pdr 4.2 gr 280 mg
Item Type AV Metric Delay Lead Sty 4.6 gr 300 mg
M605 Fuze: Lead Az 10.8 gr 700 mg
M42 Primer #793 Prim 0.34 gr 22 mg Booster 5Tetry 606 gr 32.8 gm
Delay Comp Tp II 7.03 gr 475 mg Main Charge TNT 1.13 b 513 gm
Flsh Ig n C1 Blk Pdr 10 gr 648 mg M16A2 Mine Projectile:
M16, M16A1, Blk Pdr 2.1 gr 140 mg
M16A2 Mines: Delay Lead Sty 2.3 gr 150 mg
Expell Chg Blk pdr 70 gr 4.53 gm Detonator Lead Az 5.4 gr 350 mg
M16 Mine Projectile: Booster Comp A5 172.4 gr 11.18 gm
Blk Pdr 4.2 gr 280 mg Main Charge TNT 1.3 lb 590 gm
Delay Lead Sty 4.6 gr 300 mg
Detonator Lead Az 10.8 gr 700 mg Reference:
Booster Tetryl 76.2 gr 4.92 gm
Booster Tetryl 839.2 gr 54.36 gm TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Main Charge TNT 1.15 lb 521 gm

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Height................................3.25 in.

(M18A1) S 37809 (LCC-A) Width ................................8.5 in.
Use: Thickness ..........................1.375 in.
The M18A1 mine is used when a directional, fixed, Material ................................Plastic
fragmentation mine is required for the defense of Thread-detonator wells...........0.563-12 UNC-1A
bivouac areas, outposts, and against infiltration tactics. Fuze ................................Elec blasting cap assy M4
It is also used against thin-skinned vehicles. Activating force ......................1-squeeze of hand-held
M57 activator handle
General. Mine M18A1 has a curved, Temperature Limits:
rectangular, olive drab, molded case of fiberglass-filled Firing:
plastic. The front face is lined with steel spheres Lower............................-40°F
embedded in a plastic matrix. The back portion of the Upper ...........................+125°F
case, behind the matrix, contains C4 explosive. The Storage:
fragmentation face is convex, horizontally, to direct the Lower............................-60°F
fragments in a 60 degree arc, and concave, vertically, to Upper ...........................+160°F
control the vertical dispersion of the fragments. A built- Shipping and Storage Data:
in sight and two pairs of scissors-type folding legs allow Packing .............................1 mine, 1 cap blasting, 1
aiming of the mine. Two detonator wells located in the firing device in band, 6-
top of the mine enable the mine to be fired from two band, 1 test set elec, 1 ID
locations. The wells are sealed by the plug ends of the tag in wdn box (6 mines)
shipping plug priming adapters. The adapter is reversed Weight...............................53 lb
when the mine is to be armed and the slotted end of the Dimensions .......................15-3/4 x 11-1/8 x 18-1/8
adapter is used to hold the blasting cap. The mine is in.
shipped with several special components. The Cap, Cube ................................1.84 cu ft
Blasting, Electric M4 assembly consists of an M6 Hazard class/division and
electric blasting cap and 30 meters of firing wire, storage compatibility
terminating in an electrical connector and shorting plug. group ................................1.1D
The firing device is an M57 hand-held pulse generator UNO serial number............0137
with an electrical connector and dust cover. The test set UNO Proper shipping
M40 is used to visually test circuit continuity. The name ............................Mines
bandoleer M7 is constructed to carry one complete set DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
of components. DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE MINES
DODAC ................................1345-K143
Functioning: Painting ................................Olive Drab
The M18A1 mine main charge may be initiated Marking ................................Black
by electrical or nonelectrical methods. The electrical
method is by initiation of the electric blasting cap
assembly by use of the M57 pulse generator firing Explosive Data:
device. The nonelectric method makes use of a pull
type firing device operated by an observer, or by trip Weight
wires. The firing device initiates a length of detonating Item Type AV Metric
cord attached to a nonelectric blasting cap. M18A1 Mine:
M4 Cap Assy
Tabulated Data: M6 Elec CapRDX 13.5 gr 875 mg
Model number ........................M18A1 Main Chg Comp 4 1.6 lb 682 gm
Type ................................AP, frag
Drawings: Reference:
Weight-less fuze ....................3.5 lb TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Use:

The M26 mine is of the bounding, fragmenting
OBS 03866012 type and is used when an effective above ground
fragmentation pattern is required.

TM 43-0001-36
Description: Tabulated Data:
The M26 mine is a small, integrally fuzed, Model number ........................M26
bounding type, antipersonnel mine. The body is of die- Type ................................APERS
cast aluminum and is relatively cylindrical in shape, but Drawings:
tapering toward the bottom where there are four external Assembly...........................8840286
vertical ribs. On the rim, at the top of the body, are two Weight ................................2.2 lb
recesses, with a raised S for Safe in one, and a raised A Dimensions:
for Armed in the other. The cover is built with six lugs Height................................ 5.7 in.
and the prongs of the arming latch fit between these to Max diameter ....................3.1 in.
prevent rotation. The middle prong of the arming latch Material ................................Aluminum/steel
fits under the trip lever cam. The arming latch is saftied Fuze ................................(integral)
to the body by an arming latch retaining pin. The cotter Temperature Limits:
pin is locked, after insertion, by spreading the ends Firing:
which project below the rim of the mine body. The Lower............................-40°F
removable trip wire spool assembly consists of four 20 Upper ...........................+125°F
foot trip wires, a trip lever, and an arming handle, all Storage:
assembled on a plastic spool. The fragmenting ball Lower............................-60°F
assembly consists of a steel ball containing an explosive Upper ...........................+160°F
charge, and a delay and booster assembly recessed Shipping and Storage Data:
within the charge. At the base of the ball a steel Packing .............................3 mines per fiber
obturator or piston houses the propelling charge. The container, 6 con-
barrel is used to hold the fragmenting ball assembly in tainers (18 mines)
an upright position. when the mine is set on Safe (S), per wooden box
the flash hole in the barrel is out of alignment with the Weight...............................601b
primer and delay assembly. When set on Armed (A) Dimensions .......................21-1/4 x 12-1/2 x 9-
the flash hole is alined with the primer and delay 3/4 in.
assembly and permits ignition of the propellant. The Cube ................................1.5 cu ft
spring housing assembly includes the firing pin Hazard class/division and
assembly and actuating lever, and a primer and delay storage compatibility
assembly. group ................................ (08) 1.2E
Attached to, but easily removable from the mine are the DOT shipping class ................Class A Explosive
following accessories: Arming Handle, Arming DOT marking .........................EXPLOSIVE
Instruction Tag, Trip Lever, and Spool Assembly. Four MINES
20 foot trip wires, two colored olive drab and two tan, DODAC ................................1345-K146
are stored on the spool. UNO serial number ................0321
UNO Proper shipping
Functioning: name ................................ Cartridges for
Setting the mine to the armed (A) position weapons
rotates the barrel assembly so that the primer and delay Painting ................................Olive Drab
assembly are in direct alinement with the flash hole in Marking ................................Yellow
the barrel assembly and with the expelling charge Explosive Data:
directly above. A force of 14 to 28 pounds on the mine Weight
top, or a pull on the top level will activate the mine. Item Type AV Metric
Upon actuation, the spring loaded firing pin is released Integral Mine Fuze:
and fires the primer and delay assembly which ignites M42 Primer #793 Mix 0.34 gr 22 mg
the expelling charge. This ejects the fragmenting ball Delay chg BA204 2.84 gr 184 mg
assembly to a height of approximately 2 meters. The Se 0.63 gr 41 mg
delay, ignited by the expelling charge, then initiates the Igniter Eimite 0.63 gr 41 mg
booster which detonates the main charge, shattering the Mine:
fragmenting ball. The mine may be rigged for tripwire Propellant M9-TpI 10 gr 648 mg
activation. Remove the trip lever from storage in the Delay Chg Igniter* 2.93 gr 190 mg
spool assembly and insert in the threaded well in the Lead Az 3.47 gr 225 mg
cam, top, center. Attach one or more of the tripwires, as Tetryl 2.3 gr 150 mg
required. Booster Tetryl 23 gr 1.5 gm
Main Chg Comp B 0.375 lb 170 gm
Chromate 2.61 gr 169 mg
Amorphous Pdr 0.29 gr 19 mg
Vinyl Plastic Resin 0.03 gr 2 mg
TM 9-1345-203-12&P
TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Operational Temperature Limits:

Minimum----------------------- -40°F (-40°C)
STD-LCC-A (LET 4-11-80, ARDC). Maximum ---------------------- +150°F (+66°C)
Explosive Weight per Mine:
Composition B4 --------------- 0.90 lb (0.41 kg)
Use: Composition A5 --------------- 0.22 oz (6.35 g)
PBXN-5 ------------------------ 0.17 oz (4.70 g)
The ground burst antipersonnel mine M74 can be Self-Destruct Times After Launch:
emplaced only by the ground vehicle mine dispenser Normal-------------------------- 5 days
M128. This mine may be used in mixed minefields to Long ---------------------------- 15 days
protect antitank mines against enemy breaching par- Tripline length ------------------- 40.0 ft (12.2 m)
ties. Safe horizontal distance -------- 870 ft (265 m)
DODAC -------------------------- 1345-K151
Description: UNO serial number ------------- 0137
UNO proper shipping name---- Mines
The mine is green, cylindrical in shape, and fabri- Packing arrangement------------ 5 mines per sleeve,
cated of thick-wall steel tubing which is internally 8 sleeves per
scored for maintaining uniform fragment size. It has container,
an internal Safing and Arming (S&A) device, an elec- 6 containers per
tronic assembly, a power supply, and four tripline pallet
assemblies at each end (eight total). The mine is set for NSN ------------------------------- 1345-01-076-3497
a specific (normal) self-destruct time by the manufac- Shipping and Storage Container - EMPTY:
turer; however, during operations it can be set for a Length -------------------------- 27.30 in. (69.30 cm)
long self-destruct time, depending on the mission Width --------------------------- 14.10 in. (35.81 cm)
requirement. The mines are shipped and stored in a Height--------------------------- 15.20 in. (38.61 cm)
sealed desiccated container. The container holds eight Weight -------------------------- 55.0 lb (25.0 kg)
sleeves, each containing five mines for a total of 40 Cube ---------------------------- 3.40 cu ft (0.10 cu m)
mines per container. The containers are palletized, NSN----------------------------- 8140-01-089-2763
with six containers per pallet. Part number -------------------- 9313655
Shipping and Storage Container - LOADED:
Functioning: Weight -------------------------- 196.0 lb (88.9 kg)
Storage compatibility
group ------------------------- D
Partial arming results from the angular velocity Quantity-distance class
obtained as the mine travels through the launcher of for depot storage------------ 1.1
the dispenser. A magnetic impulse provided by two Quantity-distance class
transmitter coils located in the launcher muzzle ini- for field storage ------------- E
tiates a low-order detonating primer, which activates DOT shipping class ----------- A
the electrical power for mine functioning. After the DOT markings----------------- EXPLOSIVE MINE
mine comes to rest on the ground, a signal from the U.S. Coast Guard
electronic assembly initiates a pressure cartridge, classification ---------------- VII
which causes ejection of the four tripline assemblies. Shelf life------------------------ 20 yr
The triplines uncoil from their bobbins until the trip- Storage Temperature Limits:
line assemblies impact the ground. The mine is com- Minimum----------------------- -60°F (-51°C)
pletely armed in 40 to 60 seconds after launch and is Maximum ---------------------- +155°F (+63°C)
ready to detect a target. Sleeve (Empty):
Color ---------------------------- Green
The mine will function in response to any of the Length -------------------------- 24.48 in. (62.18 cm)
following conditions: (1) movement of a tripline, (2) Width --------------------------- 5.63 in. (14.30 cm)
physical disturbance of the mine, (3) expiration of the Height--------------------------- 3.50 in. (8.89 cm)
self-destruct time, or (4) power rundown. Weight -------------------------- 2.12 lb (0.96 kg)
Pallet (Loaded with Full Containers):
Tabulated Data: Length -------------------------- 55.50 in. (140.97 cm)
Width --------------------------- 43.00 in. (109.22 cm)
Mine, Antipersonnel: HE, M74: Height--------------------------- 23.13 in. (58.75 cm)
Painting ------------------------ Green Weight (approximate,
Marking ------------------------ Black including dunnage)--------- 1375 lb (616 kg)
Height (max) ------------------ 2.60 in. (6.60 cm) Cube ---------------------------- 31.93 cu ft
Diameter (max) --------------- 4.75 in. (12.07 cm) (0.90 cu m)
Weight-------------------------- 3.10 lb (1.41 kg)
Material ------------------------ Steel tubing

3-18 Change 3 PIN: 014884-003

TM 43-0001-36


SB 1340/98-IL
TM 9-1095-205-10
TM 9-1345-210-23&P

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification:
The M86 Antipersonnel Mine is to be hand MAKES IT EXPENDABLE:
emplaced or deployed as a deterrent munition by THEREFORE, DO NOT RETURN TO
special forces or selected personnel only on operations AREA.
where they may be pursued by an enemy.
The M86 Mine is similar in configuration and 25°F. IF MINE IS DEPLOYED BELOW
possesses functioning characteristics of the ADAM Mine -25°F, MINE MAY SELF-DESTRUCT
presently loaded in the 155mm projectile, M731 (and EITHER IN A 5-MINUTE TIME FRAME,
M692). The mine is wedge shaped, and contains a OR LATER THAN THE
safety clip, arming strap assembly, internal safing and PROGRAMMED SELF-DESTRUCT
arming device, seven tripline sensors, a reserve battery,
electronic circuitry containing an IC chip, and a kill
mechanism surrounded by an overlay containing a liquid
propellant, and encapsulated in molded plastic form.

TM 43-0001-36

The M86 Antipersonnel Mine is manually armed Packing .............................2 mines each in a
by removing the safety clip and then the arming strap lastic bag, per
assembly. A camming action breaks the shorting bar bandoleer; each
and forces the battery ball against the battery breaking bandoleer in an
the glass ampule containing an electrolyte which outer barrier bag, 6
activates the reserve battery and provides power. The bandoleers in a
shorting bar hook, attached to the cam, shears the metal box (PA19),
shorting bar (a safety device across the detonator). two metal boxes in
After a 60-second (nominal) electronic time delay, a wooden wirebound
piston actuator in the Safe and Arm mechanism is box, total mines 24
electrically fired, moving a slider to align the detonator per box
with an explosive lead in the slider. At the same time, Weight...............................56 lb
seven sensor triplines are released. Approximate three Dimensions .......................14-5/8 x 12-13/16 x
or four triplines will deploy up to 20 feet from the mine, 11-15/16 in.
depending upon the at-rest position of the mine. The Cube ................................1.3 cu ft
remaining triplines may be hindered due to their Palletization:
proximity to the resting surface. After an additional 10- Pallet size..........................40 in. x 48 in.
second electronic time delay, allowing the munition to (101.6 cm x
return to equilibrium, the mine is fully armed 121.92 cm)
electronically. Disturbance of a tripline, or the mine Pallet weight......................80 lb (36.29 kg)
itself, now triggers a switch which completes an Dunnage weight.................11 lb (4.95 kg)
electronic firing circuit. The S&A electric detonator Loaded weight ...................2779 lb (w48 wd
initiates the S&A firing train which initiates a detonating boxes) (1260 kg)
cord which then initiates a thin layer of liquid propellant, approx
which by gravity rests under the kill mechanism, Cube ................................. 69.3 cu ft
shattering the plastic mine body and propelling the kill ................................(2.08 cu m)
mechanism upwards from 6 inches to 8 feet above the Hazard class/division .............(08) 1.2
ground where it detonates. The kill mechanism is a Storage compatibility
spheroid internally embossed and loaded with 21 grams group D
of Comp A5 and when detonated, propels fragments in a DOT shipping class ................A
high velocity spherical pattern. DOT designation ....................EXPLOSIVE
If the mine is not activated by tripline or disturbance USCG classification ...............X-A
mode, a factory preset self-destruct feature initiates the UNO serial number ................0138
mine in 4 hours plus 0-20 percent. UNO Proper shipping
name Mines
Tabulated Data: NSN ................................1345-01-243-5089
Model ................................M86 DODAC ................................1345-K152
Type ................................APERS, frag Painting ................................Latex Forest Green
Dwg Assy ...............................9366700 (#609-66, Color
Weight ................................1.2 lb, approx F135, Fuller
Dimensions: O'Brien)
Height................................3.203 in. Markings ................................Black (#37038)
Radius (max).....................2.924 in. Drawing number.....................8865546
Thickness ..........................72°wedge Combination of adopted
Material ................................Plastic and steel items Dwg 9366711
Temperature Limits: Explosive Data:
Operational: Weight
Lower Limit ...................-32C (-250F) Item Type AV Metric
Upper Limit...................+520C (+1250F) M86 Mine:
Main Charge Comp A5 21 gr
Lower Limit ...................-46C (-50°F)
TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Upper Limit...................+710C (+1600F)
TM 9-1345-203-34&P
Shipping and Storage Data:

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: secondary fuze wells. The pressure plate assembly

S 3710 (LCC-A) contains the pressure plate, deflection spring, fuze
Use: retainer spring, and arming plug.
The chemical mine M23 is used to disperse a Functioning:
nerve agent (VX) and may be used as an antitank or an The M603 or M608 fuze is used in the primary
antipersonnel mine. fuze well when used as an antitank mine. When used
Description: as an antipersonnel mine, it is booby trapped by using
The chemical agent mine is prefilled, and an activator and a firing device in the side or bottom
consists of a thin-walled, steel body which houses the secondary fuze wells.
pressure plate assembly, a primary fuze well, and two

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: name ............................Ammunition, toxic

DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
Model number ........................M23 DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE
Type ................................Chemical MINES
Drawings: DODAC ................................1345-K257
Assembly...........................37-1-13 Painting ................................Gray
Weight ................................22.875 lb Marking ................................Green
Height................................5 in. Explosive Data:
Max diam ..........................13 in.
Material ................................Steel Weight
Thread: Item Type AV Metric
Arming plug well................2.313-14 NS-1 M603 Mine Fuze:
Secondary fuze well ..........0.688-12 NC M45 Det PA #100 1.86 gr 120 mg
Fuzes (see separate Lead Az 4.25 gr 275 mg
write-up): RDX 1.85 gr 120 mg
Basic ................................M603 M120 Booster RDX 172.4 gr 11.18
Alternate............................M608 mg
Temperature Limits: Main Charge VX Agent 10.5 lb 4.76 kg
Firing: *M1 Activator:
Lower............................ -25°F M31 Det Army Ign 2.31 gr 150 mg
Upper ........................... + 125°F Lead Az 3.85 gr 250 mg
Storage: Tetryl 4.17 gr 270 mg
Lower............................ -60°F Booster Tetryl 36 gr 2.3 gm
Upper ........................... + 160°F *If M1 activator used, additional explosive components
Shipping and Storage Data: will depend on type of firing device employed.
Packing arrangement ........3 mines w/3 fuzes
& 3 activ in 16 gal Alternate Primary Fuze - if used:
drum M608 Mine Fuze:
Weight ................................1151b M55 Det NOL 130 0,23 gr 15 mg
Dimensions ............................16 in. diam x 18 in. RDX 0.29 gr 19 mg
high Lead Az 0.79 gr 51 mg
Cube ................................3.8 cu ft Lead RDX 3.33 gr 207 mg
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility Reference:
group ............................(12) 1.2K
UNO serial number............0020 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
UNO Proper shipping

TM 43-0001-36




TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: the air. The M8A1 indicates functioning by emitting

S 1747 (LCC-B) yellow smoke from the top of the main body. The
Use: practice mine M8 uses either fuze mine combination
practice M10 or M10A1. The practice mine M8A1 uses
The antipersonnel practice mines M8 and M8A1 the M10A2 fuze.
simulate the M2 series of antipersonnel mines and are
used for training in the proper methods and precautions Functioning:
to be observed in the care, handling, laying, booby
trapping, arming, and disarming of the M2 and M15 Mine M8 with Fuze M10 or M10A. The fuze firing
series mines. mechanism is activated by an applied load of 8 to 20
pounds on any of the prongs or by a pull of 3 to 10
Description: pounds of the trip wire. The fuze firing train ignites the
General. The metal parts of these mines are delay element in the projectile and also propells it about
similar to those of service mine M2A4. The M8 mine 2 meters into the air. The delay initiates the spotting
uses a cardboard projectile containing a spotting charge. charge which explodes with a loud report and emits
The M8A1 uses smoke pellets to indicate activation of smoke.
the mine. These practice mines may be used many
times by replacing the fuzes and separately Mine M8A1 with Fuze M10A2. The fuze firing
requisitionable components. The M8 requires mechanism is activated by an applied load of 8 to 20
replacement of a mine cap (metal) and cardboard pounds on any of the prongs or by a pull of 3 to 10
projectile which contains a spotting charge. The M8A1 pounds of the trip wire. The fuze firing train ignites the
requires replacement of a mine plug (polystyrene) and yellow smoke pellets through a 4 to 5 second delay.
smoke pellets. The plastic plug is propelled in the air allowing the
yellow smoke to be emitted from top of container.
Difference between models. The M8 practice
mine ejects a cardboard projectile containing a delay
and a spotting charge of black powder which bursts in

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: FUZES HANDLE

Model number ........................M8, M8A1 CAREFULLY
Type ................................Practice, APERS DODAC ................................1345-K105
Drawings: Painting ................................Blue
Assembly: Marking ................................White
M8 ................................82-0-112
M8A1............................8862037 Explosive Data:
Weight ................................4.5 lb
Dimensions - fuzed: Weight
Height................................9.75 in. Item Type AV Metric
Max diam ..........................4.03 in. M10 Fuze:
Material ................................Steel Mk V Primer Prim Mix 0.4 gr 26 mg
Thread - fuze well ..................0.563-12UNC-1A 4.5" Delay Safe Fuse
Fuzes (see separate Igniter Bik Pdr 14.98 gr 972 mg
write-up): M10A1 Fuze:
M8 ................................M10, M10A1 M39A1 Prim Prim Mix 0.4 gr 26 mg
M8A1 M10A2 4.5" Delay Safe Fuse
Shipping and Storage Data: Igniter Blk Pdr 14.98 gr 972 mg
Packing arrangement ........2 mines w/2 fuzes M10A2 Fuze:
................................& 20 sets repl parts M39A1 Prim Prim Mix 0.4 gr 26 mg wooden box Delay TpI Comp 1.5 gr 100 mg
Weight...............................371b Delay TpIII Comp 10 gr 650 mg
Dimensions .......................16-1/2 x 11-1/2 x Igniter Smk Comp 11.2 gr 725 mg
................................13-3/4 in. M8 Mine:
Cube ................................ 1.51 cu ft Delay Bik Pdr 0.57 gr 37 mg
Hazard class/division and Relay Blk Pdr 0.77 gr 50 mg
storage compatibility Spot Chg BIk Pdr 170 gr 11.02 gm
group ............................(04) 1.2G M8A1 Mine:
UNO serial number ................0313 Spot Chg Yel Smk 92.7 gr 6 gm
UNO Proper shipping Reference:
name Signals, smoke TM 9-1345-203-12&P
DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
DOT marking.....................PERCUSSION

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: pounds on the striker .plate. This force acts directly on
OBS 11756003 the practice fuze M604. Functioning of the fuze ignites
Use: a smoke charge, which emits a cloud of smoke and
The antitank practice mine M10 simulates the creates a noise. When booby trapped, the mine is
M7 series of light, inert, antitank mines and is used for activated by a pull wire. Functioning of the firing device
training in the proper methods and precautions to be indicates activation of the mine.
observed in the care, handling, laying, booby trapping, Tabulated Data:
arming, and disarming of high explosive service antitank Model number ........................M10
mines. Type ................................AT, Practice
Description: Assembly...........................82-0-156
The antitank practice mine M10 consists of a Weight - fuzed &
rectangular, steel container, shipped empty, and is ballasted............................8.2 lb
loaded with sand in the field. A primary fuze well for the Dimensions:
practice fuze M604 is located in the top center of the Body ................................2-1/2 x 5 x 7 in.
mine. The smoke charge is contained in the fuze. A Material ................................Steel
secondary fuze well is provided in one end of the mine Thread:
for insertion of a secondary fuze for booby trapping Primary fuze well...............None
purposes. It is taped to take any 9/16-inch threaded Secondary fuze well ..........0.563-12 NC
firing device. such as the M1 or M2, and closed with a Fuzes (see separate
plug to which the mine carrying cord is attached. The write-up) ............................M604 Practice
sand loading port is closed with a twist lock cap, Shipping and Storage Data:
supplied separately. The M10 practice mine is inert Packing arrangement ........12 mines w/o fuzes
except for primer and smoke charges in the primary in wooden box
fuze and small charges in secondary fuze firing devices, Weight...............................68 lb
when used. The practice fuze M604 is mounted in the Dimensions .......................21 x 11-3/4 x 9-1/2
top of the mine and covered by the movable striker in.
plate of the mine and is directly activated by an external Cube ................................1.36 cu ft
force of 120 to 240 pounds. The M10 practice mine is DODAC ................................1345-K220
booby trapped with a regular firing device threaded Painting ................................Blue
directly into the secondary fuze well. No igniter charge Marking ................................White
or blasting cap should be used in the firing device. Special Performance Data-- N/A
Practice mine M10 is activated by a force of 120 to 240

TM 43-0001-36
Explosive Data: Reference:
TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Item Type AV Metric
M604 Fuze:
M45 Prim PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Blk Pdr 2.95 gr 192 mg
Smoke Chg Smk Comp 262.3 gr 17 gm

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: and fuzed in the field. The mine is inert, but explosive
C 6558 (LCC-S) components will be found in the primary fuze, and if
Use: used, in the secondary fuze and activator. The arming
plug has a steel shutter which moves from a side
The antitank practice mine M12 (M12A1, position to a center position as the setting knob is
M12B1) is used for training personnel in the precautions moved from SAFE through DANGER to ARMED
and proper methods to be observed in the care, position. The words are appropriately color coded,
handling, laying and arming, booby trapping, and green, green/red, red respectively. A wire carrying
disarming of the high explosive heavy antitank mine handle is provided.
Practice mine M12 is activated by a force of 565 ± 174
The M12 practice mine is a flat, cylindrical, steel pounds on the pressure plate of the mine. This force
casing externally similar to the high explosive mine overcomes both mine and fuze spring systems.
M15. The mine is shipped empty, with arming plug M4 Functioning of the practice fuze M604 ignites a smoke
assembled over the primary fuze well, but without charge which emits
primary or secondary fuzes. It is to be loaded with sand
TM 43-0001-36

a cloud of smoke and creates a noise. When booby Dimensions ............................17-1/2 x 16 x 9-3/4
trapped, the mine may be functioned by a pull or by in.
release of trip wires attached to either of the secondary Cube ................................1.56 cu ft
fuzes. Functioning of the secondary fuzes ignites a M12 or M12B1 .......................1 mine w/o fuze/
small smoke charge in the M1 practice activator. mtl cntr
Tabulated Data: Dimensions .......................14 x 13-3/4 x 4-1/8
Model number ........................M12, M12A1 or in.
M12B1 Cube ................................0.46 cu ft
Type ................................Practice, AT Quantity-distance class ..........N/A
Drawings: DODAC ................................1345-K230
Assembly (M12A1) ............82-0-136 Painting ................................Blue
Weight ................................20 lb Marking ................................White
Height................................3.5 in. Explosive Data:
Max diam ..........................13.25 in.
Material ................................Steel Weight
Thread: Item Type AV Metric
Arming plug well................2.313-14 NS-1 M604 Practice Fuze:
Secondary fuze well ..........0.688-12 NS M45 Primer PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Fuzes (see separate Blk Pdr 2.96 gr 192 mg
write-up) ............................M604 practice Smk Comp 262.3 gr 17 gm
Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing arrangement: Reference:
M12 or M12A1...................2 mines w/o fuzes/ TM 9-1345-203-12&P
wooden box
Weight............................... 38.8 lb

TM 43-0001-36


AR 101909-A

Type Classification: Box, fiber packing..............8863609

12816009 (LCC-B) Box, wirebound..................7548179
This mine is used for training purposes only. It For additional pertinent details (including weight,
uses the M605 Inert Fuze and contains no explosive dimensions, material, thread, fuze, temperature limits,
components. Since the dimensions are the same as the shipping and storage data) see page 3-10.
live M16A1 mine, care must be exercised not to use live
components with it. Painting ................................Blue
Marking ................................White
Tabulated Data: DODAC ................................Not listed - Parts
packed under NSN
Model number ........................M16A1, Inert 1345-00-799-7391
Type ................................Training Reference:
Assembly...........................9324631 TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Box, wirebound..................7548179

12816001 (LCC-A)
Use: For additional pertinent details (including weight,
This mine is used for training purposes only. It dimensions, material, thread, fuze, temperature limits,
uses the M605 Inert Fuze and contains no explosive shipping and storage data) see page 3-10.
components. Since the dimensions are the same as the
live M16A1 mine, care must be exercised not to use live Painting ................................Bronze
components with it. Marking ................................White
DODAC ................................Not listed
Tabulated Data: NSN ................................6920-01-136-3628
Model number ........................M81, Training
Type ................................Training Reference:
Assembly...........................9332440 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Box, fiber packing..............8863609

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: NOTE

S 03788003 (LCC-A) The threading of the secondary fuze
Use: wells will therefore accept the M1 or
Inert mine M80 is used for training personnel in M2 activators, which should never be
the precautions and proper methods to be observed in used. Use only the M1 practice
the care, handling, laying and arming, booby trapping activator, despite the lack of good fit.
(using an activator/firing device without primer), and
disarming of heavy nonmetallic mine, M19. Functioning:
There is not explosive functioning of the mine.
Description: The mine can be set on Safe or Armed by the setting
This mine and fuze are completely inert (contain knob, and the safety clip can be removed and replaced.
no explosive). They are constructed of parts identical to
those used in the M19 service mine and the M606 Tabulated Data:
service fuze. Model number ........................M80
Type ................................AT, Training
Metal parts ........................9321447

TM 43-0001-36

Weight-fuzed .........................Approx 28 lb Packing & marking for

Dimensions: box ...............................9321541
Height 3.7 in. .....................(w/M606 Box, wirebound,
Fuze) packing.........................9321540
Max diam 13.09 in. DODAC ................................1345-K232
Material ................................Plastic Painting ................................All Bronze or OD
Thread: w/Bronze (Copper)
M606 Inert Fuze (deto- Colored Circles
nator holder well) ..........0.563-12UNC-1A Marking ................................White
Secondary fuze well ..........0.75-UNS-1B
Fuze (see separate Reference:
write-up) ............................M606, Inert
Temperature Limits ................N/A TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Shipping and Storage Data:

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification:
S 36841 (LCC-A)
Practice mine M20 is used for training personnel in the
proper methods and precautions to be observed in the
care, handling, laying and

TM 43-0001-36

arming, booby trapping, and disarming of the high Tabulated Data:

explosive, heavy, antitank mine M15. Model number ........................M20
Type ................................Pract, Heavy, AT
Description: Drawings:
The M20 mine has a squat cylindrical steel Weight-fuzed & ballasted .......31.46 lb
casing, externally similar to the high explosive mine Dimensions:
M15, but differs by having three filler holes around its Height................................ 4.91 in.
periphery, and perforations around the arming plug and Max diam ..........................13.16 in.
secondary fuzing wells, indicative of inert status. The Material ................................Steel
mine is issued empty, with arming plug M4 assembled, Thread:
but lacking either primary or secondary fuze. It is to be Arming plug.......................2.313-14 NS-1A
loaded with sand and fuzed in the field. The mine is Second fuze well ...............0.688-12 NC
inert except for the smoke charge and M45 primer in the Fuze (see separate
M604 fuze, the smoke charge primer in the M1 practice write-up) ............................M604
activator, and the primer in the secondary fuzing device. Shipping and Storage Data:
The primary fuze is the fuze M604. The secondary fuze Packing arrangement ........3 mines w/arming
wells will accept practice antitank mine activator M1 and wrench in wooden
any firing device having 9/16 inch threading. A wire box
carrying handle is provided. The mine, with M604 fuze, Weight............................... 50.4 lb
is activated by the weight of an intermediate or heavy Dimensions .......................17-5/8 x 16-1/8 x
tank. Lighter equipment or personnel will not overcome 17-1/2 in.
the spring system of the mine and actuate the fuze. Cube ................................2.5 cu ft
Quantity-distance class......N/A
Functioning: DODAC ................................1345-K231
Painting ................................Blue
Practice mine M20 is activated by a force of 565 Marking ................................White
± 174 pounds, which is sufficient to overcome both Explosive Data:
spring systems, that in the mine, and that in the M604
fuze. Although intended for interdiction of medium or Weight
heavy tanks, the mine can be functioned, when booby Item Type AV Metric
trapped, by pull or release, of either of two trip wires M604 Fuze:
attached to a secondary firing device. The activation of M45 Primer PA #100 1.5 gr 105 mg
the primary fuze or either of the secondary fuzes Blk Pdr 2.96 gr 192 mg
releases a cloud or smoke and creates a noise, Smk Chg Smk Comp 262.3 gr 17 gm
indicative of mine functioning. M1 Practice Activator (when used):
Photo-fish TP III C1A
2.34 gr 151.5 mg
Quickmatch TP II C1A
Smk Chg Smk Comp 20 gr 1.4 gm


TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Functioning:

OBS 11846007
Use: After arming, and removal of the arming latch, a
weight of 14 to 28 pounds on the mine top or a pull on
The M35 practice mine is used to indoctrinate the assembled top lever will function the 32 caliber
trainees in the proper handling, emplacement, arming cartridge case. The hot gases puncture the dye capsule
and disarming techniques required for emplacement of and cause the blue dye powder to be expelled in a
the antipersonnel service mine M26. discernable plume. The mine may be rigged for tripwire
activation. Remove the trip lever from storage in the
Description: spool assembly and insert in the threaded well in the
cam, top, center. Attach one or more of the trip wires,
The M35 practice mine is similar to the M26 as required.
mine with the following exceptions:
External - color and markings, presence of a Tabulated Data:
puff port in the cover and a hexagonal socket setscrew
instead of a cover locking pin. Model number ........................M35
Internal - dye capsule, simulator and panel Type ................................Practice, AP
assembly, cartridge case and sleeve assembly, spring Drawings:
housing retainer and spring housing assembly. Assembly...........................9212294
The M35 practice mine is reusable and is Weight ................................2.2 lb
expected to be reloaded at least 15 times before Dimensions:
requiring repairs. Attached to, but easily removable Height................................5.7 in.
from the mine are the following accessories: Arming Max diam ..........................3.1 in.
Handle, Arming Instruction Tag, Trip Lever, and Spool Material ................................Aluminum/Steel
Assembly. Four 20-foot tripwires, two colored olive drab Fuze ................................integral)
and two tan, are stored on the spool.

TM 43-0001-36

Shipping and Storage Data: FUZES HANDLE

Packing arrangement .............3 mines w/acc 3/fbr CAREFULLY
ctn, 6 ctns (18 DODAC ................................1345-K106
mines) wooden box Painting ................................Blue
Weight ................................60 lb Marking ................................White
Dimensions ............................21-1/4 x 12-1/2 x Explosive Data:
................................9-3/4 in.
Cube ................................1.5 cu ft Weight
Hazard class/division and Item Type AV Metric
storage compatibility 32 Caliber Cartridge
group ................................1.4G Primer 1.5 gr 105 mg
UNO serial number ................0317
UNO Proper shipping Reference:
name ................................Mines
DOT shipping class ................Class C Explosive TM 9-1345-203-12&P
DOT marking .........................PERCUSSION

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: device and the M40 test set, all packed in the M7
S 8880 (LCC-A) bandoleer. The external appearance of the M33
Use: practice mine is identical to the M18A1 except for color
The M68 practice mine simulates the M18 and marking. An inert filler replaces the high explosive.
series mines, and is used for training in the proper The M57 firing device, M7 bandoleer, and the M40 test
methods and precautions to be observed in the care and set are the same as used with M18A1 mine. The M10
handling, booby trapping, arming, and disarming of high blasting cap is inert. The lead wires of the M10 are
explosive service antipersonnel mines. shorted to provide electrical continuity.

Description: Functioning:
The practice mine body M33 is included in a kit The only components of the item that function
designated Mine, APERS, Practice, M68, which also are the M57 firing device and the M40 test set. There is
includes the M10 practice blasting cap, the M57 firing no explosive functioning.

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: Shipping and Storage Data:

Packing arrangement ........1 mine, 1 cap, 1 fir-
Model number ........................M68 ing device, 1 test
Type ................................APERS, Practice, set per bandoleer, 6
Drawings: bandoleers per
Assembly...........................9251501 wooden box (6
Kit ................................9251503 mines)
Weight (approx) .....................3.5 lb Dimensions ............................15-1/4 x 10-1/2 x
Dimensions: 14-3/8 in.
Width ................................8.5 in. Cube ................................1.4 cu ft
Height................................3.25 in. Weight ................................0.53 lb
Thickness ..........................1.375 in. DODAC ................................1345-K139
Material ................................Plastic Painting ................................Blue or Green with
Thread: blue stripes
Detonator wells..................0.563-12UNC-1A Marking ................................White
Fuze ................................M10 practice
(shunted) blasting Reference:
Temperature Limits ................NA None

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: IR Receiver .......................Aluminum

OBS 03866007 Data Processor..................Aluminum
(Has not been produced and is not in field) Geophone .........................Plastic/Steel
Use: System ..............................M619
Type ................................Electronic
The M69 practice antitank mine is used for Rocket...............................M405A2
training personnel in the precautions and proper Type ................................Mech-inert
methods to be observed in the care, handling, laying, Battery types (not included):
and disarming of the M66 off-route antitank mine. 2 - req'd for Data Proc .......BA-3202/U
1 - req'd for Data Proc .......BA-1114/U
Description: 1 - req'd for IR Source .......BA-1114/U
Temperature Limits:
The practice mine M69 differs from the M66 Firing:
mine, which it simulates, in that the lethal mechanism, Lower............................-40°F
the HE rocket, is replaced by a rocket having an inert Upper ...........................+125°F
warhead M29A2. The other components of the mine are Shipping and Storage Data:
identical to the M66 mine. Packing arrangement ........1 mine M69 w/fuze
M619 barrier bag/
Tabulated Data: wirebound box
Weight ................................70 lb
Model number ........................M69 Dimensions ............................33-3/4 x 22-7/8 x
Type ................................Off-route, Practice, 12-5/8 in.
AT Cube ................................5.4 cu ft
Drawings: Hazard class/division and
Assembly...........................9256479 storage compatibility
Weight: group ................................(12) 1.2F
Total ................................40 lb UNO serial number--------
Rocket only .......................9 lb DOT shipping class -------- Class C Explosive
Dimensions: DOT marking ---------------- ROCKET
Length ..........................23.55 in W/INERT
Max diam ..........................3.5 in. LOADED
Rocket: DODAC ................................1345-K233
Motor ............................Steel Painting:
Warhead.......................Cast iron Rocket ................................Blue
Rocket launcher ................Plastic Marking:
IR Source ..........................Aluminum Rocket ................................White

TM 43-0001-36
Explosive Data:

Weight Reference:
Item Type AV Metric
M29A2 Rocket Motor: None
M2 Elec Squib Flash Pdr 1 gr 65 mg
Igniter Blk Pdr 54 r 3.5 gm
Propellant M7 0.35 lb 159 gm

TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Tabulated Data:

S 36841 (LCC-A) Model number ........................M1

Type ................................Practice
Use: Weight ................................17 gm
Length ................................1.99 in.
This activator is used to adapt any inert, Material ................................Plastic
antitank practice mine having 11/16-inch threaded Threading:
secondary fuze wells to the use of a practice booby External.............................0.6875-12NS-SPEC
trapping firing device. Internal ..............................0.5625-12-NC-
Description: Drawings:
The practice activator is made of black plastic Assembly...........................73-9-46
(newer type, blue) and has a threaded closing plug and Parts ................................73-9-47
gasket. The body is internally threaded to receive a Temperature Limits:
firing device. The other end is externally threaded. The Firing:
body contains a igniting charge and the cylindrical Lower............................40°F
unthreaded cup end (color blue) contains the smoke Upper ...........................+125°F
charge. Storage:
Functioning: Upper ...........................+160°F
Shipping and Storage Data:
This activator operates when the action of a Packing arrangement .............180 activators - 1
firing device initiates the igniter charge which, in turn, per metal container
ignites the smoke charge, thus releasing a puff of white 180 containers in
smoke with accompanying noise. wooden box

TM 43-0001-36

Container: Marking ................................N/A

Weight...............................54.5 lb *Newer models, all blue
Dimensions .......................16-3/4 x 14-13/16 x
................................16-3/8 in. Explosive Data:
Cube ................................2.3 cu ft
Hazard class/division and Weight
storage compatibility Item Type AV Metric
group ................................1.4S Igniter:
UNO serial number ................0349 Flash Pdr Tp III C1 A 2.34 gr 151.5 mg
UNO Proper shipping Fuze, quick Tp II C1 A
name ................................Articles, explosive match
DOT shipping class ................Class C Explosive Smk Chg Smk Comp 20 gr 1296 mg
DOT marking .........................PERCUSSION
................................FUZES HANDLE Reference:
DODAC ................................1345-K002 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Painting ................................*Black & Blue

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Container - EMPTY:

Length ...............................27.30 in. (69.30 cm)
STD-LCC-A (LET 4-11-80, ARDC) Width ................................14.10 in. (35.81 cm)
Height................................15.20 in. (38.61 cm)
Use: Weight...............................55.0 lb (25.0 kg)
Cube ................................3.40 cu ft
The practice antitank mine M79 simulates the ................................(0.10 cu m)
HE antipersonnel mine M74 and the HE antitank mine NSN ................................8140-01-089-2763
M75 and is used for training purposes. The mine is Part No..............................9313655
emplaced by the ground vehicle mine dispenser M128. Shipping and Storage
Container - LOADED:
Description: Weight...............................214.0 lb (97.1 kg)
Storage compatibility
The mine is cylindrical in shape, and is similar in group ............................Inert
appearance to the antipersonnel mine M74 and the Quantity-distance class
antitank mine M75. The mine is inert and it is fabricated for depot storage...........Not applicable
of thick-wall steel tubing with a sheet metal closure lid Quantity-distance class
staked in each end. The mines are shipped and stored for field storage.............Not applicable
in a sealed, desiccated container.. The container holds DOT shipping class ...........Not applicable
8 sleeves, each containing 5 mines, for a total of 40 DOT markings ...................AMMUNITION,
mines per container. The containers are palletized, with ................................NON-EXPLOSIVE
six containers per pallet. US Coast Guard classi-
fication ..............................AMMUNITION,
Functioning: ................................NON-EXPLOSIVE
There is no explosive functioning of this mine. Shelf life............................Indefinite
Storage Temperature
Tabulated Data: Limits ................................Not applicable
Mine, Antitank, Practice: M79: Sleeve (empty):
Painting .............................Blue Color ................................Green
Marking .............................White Length ...............................24.48 in. (62.18 cm)
Height (max) .....................2.60 in. (6.60 cm) Width ................................5.63 in. (14.30 cm)
Diameter (max) .................4.77 in. (12.12 cm) Height................................3.50 in. (8.89 cm)
Weight...............................3.55 lb (1.61 kg) Weight...............................2.12 lb (0.96 kg)
Material .............................Steel tubing Pallet (loaded w/full containers):
Operational Tempera- Length ...............................55.50 in.
ture Limits.....................Not applicable ................................(140.97 cm)
Explosive weight per Width ................................43.00 in.
mine ................................None (inert) ................................(109.22 cm)
Physical security Height................................23.13 in. (58.75 cm)
category ............................Nonsensitive Weight (approx incl
DODAC ................................1345-K234 dunnage) ......................1465 lb (665 kg)
Packing arrangement .............5 mines per sleeve Cube ................................31.93 cu ft
................................8 sleeves per con- (0.90 cu m)
................................ tainer References:
................................6 containers per
................................ pallet TM 9-1345-210-23&P
NSN ................................1345-01-074-9370 TM 9-1095-205-10
Shipping and Storage SC 1340/98-IL
TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Drawings:

Metal parts ........................73-9-55C
S 36841 (LCC-A) Weight ................................1.52 oz
Use: Height................................1.17 in.
Max diam ..........................1.14 in.
The M603 inert fuze is an instantaneous, Material ................................Aluminum and
mechanical, pressure-type fuze used with the inert or Steel
empty light antitank M7 series mine. Thread ................................None
Temperature Limits ................N/A
Description: Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing .............................Not packed sepa-
The M603 inert fuze body contains a firing pin rately. Available
assembly, a cover assembly, a safety fork (clip). The with M7A2 empty
firing pin is actuated by a belleville spring. or inert mines. (10
sets in metal box)
Functioning: Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility
A load of 140 to 240 pounds is required to group ............................
depress the belleville spring and cause it to snap into UNO serial number............
reverse, driving the firing pin into the dummy detonator. DOT shipping class ...........
When assembled to the mine M7A2, this activating DOT marking.....................
force is received directly from the movable pressure DODAC ................................1345-K210
plate of the mine. No visible or audible functioning Painting ................................Unpainted
signal is provided. Marking ................................Metal stamped
Special Performance Data .....N/A
Tabulated Data:
Model number ........................M603 inert
Type ................................AT, mech, inert TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Type ................................Practice

S 36841 (LCC-A) Weight:
Loaded ..............................2.835 lb
Use: Dimensions:
Height................................1.723 in.
Fuze M604 is used to activate the M12, M12A1, Max diam ..........................1.05 in.
and the M20 antitank practice mines. Material Aluminum
Thread None
Description: Temperature Limits:
The fuze is an instantaneous, mechanical, Lower............................40°F
pressure-actuated type. It consists of a steel body Upper ...........................+125°F
containing the firing pin assembly, cover assembly, Shipping and Storage Data:
primer and smoke charge and a safety fork (clip). It is Packing arrangement .............1 fuze in metal con-
issued separately and assembled to the mine in the tainers/180 con-
field. After the fuze has been fired it is replaced by a tainers (180 fuzes)
new one. in wooden box
Weight...............................62 lb
Functioning: Dimensions .......................16-1/2 x 14-7/8 x
12-7/8 IN.
A minimum force of 140 to 240 pounds Cube ................................1.90 cu ft
depresses the pressure plate which causes the belleville Hazard class/division and
spring to snap into reverse, driving the firing pin into the storage compatibility
primer. The primer ignites the smoke composition group ............................1.4G
which flashes emitting a cloud of smoke and creating a UNO serial number............0317
noise. UNO Proper shipping
name ............................Fuzes, igniting
Tabulated Data: DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
DOT marking.....................HANDLE
Model number ........................M604 CAREFULLY
Assembly...........................73-9-86 DODAC ................................1345-K051
Painting ................................Blue
Marking ................................White

TM 43-0001-36

Explosive Data: Reference:

Weight TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Item Type AV Metric
M604 Fuze:
M45 Primer PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
Blk Pdr 2.96 gr 192 mg
Smk Chg Smk Comp 262.3 gr 17 gm

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Drawings:

S 11756003 (LCC-A) Metal Parts ........................8796140
Weight ................................Approx 2.4 lb
Use: Dimensions:
Height................................2.7 in.
M606 inert fuze is used with Mine Antitank, Max diam ..........................10 in.
Training, M80. Material Plastic
Description: Fuze body .........................None
Detonator holder
M606 inert fuze is identical to the M606 service assembly ......................0.563-12 UNC-1A
fuze, except that it contains no explosives. The fuze Temperature Limits ................N/A
body contains a pressure plate, a belleville spring, a Shipping and Storage Data:
setting knob, a step plate, a firing pin assembly, and a Packing arrangement ........As required
shipping plug. DODAC ................................Not listed - parts
stocked under NSN
Functioning: 1345-00-077-2143
There is no explosive functioning of this fuze. Painting Olive Drab w/
Bronze Circles on
Tabulated Data: Top
Marking ................................White
Model number ........................M606 Inert
Type ................................AT, Mech, Inert Reference:

TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Precautions. Activator misfires resulting from

failure of the detonator or booster to fire, may be due to
M1 S 36841 (LCC-B) excess cap sealing compound in the flash hole.
M2 S 36841 (LCC-A) Examine the cavity in the body of the activator to be
sure it is free of foreign matter. At the same time, check
Use: tip of firing device, especially the flash hole, to be sure it
Activators M1 and M2 are essentially detonator is free of foreign matter.
boosters and are used as adapters with any one of
several kinds of pull type or pull release type firing Tabulated Data:
devices to supply antitank mines with a secondary fuze
for antilift/booby trapping purposes. Model numbers ......................M1, M2
Type Detonator-booster
Description: Assembly:
M1 ................................73-9-16
The activator bodies are made of plastic and are M2 ................................7548048
threaded externally to fit the 3/4-inch secondary fuze Weight ................................0.04 lb
well of service antitank mines. The activators are Dimensions:
threaded internally to accept service firing devices. The Length:
detonator is cemented within the body and a booster M1 ................................2.14 in.
charge is contained in a cylindrical cup cemented to one M2 ................................2.10 in.
end. Each activator is shipped with a closing plug and Diameter ...........................0.975 in.
gasket. Material ................................Plastic
Difference between models. Activator M1 is External.............................0.75-12UNS-1A
used with antitank mine M15 and activator M2 is used Internal ..............................0.563-12UNC-2B
with nonmetallic antitank mine M19. Earlier M1 Temperature Limits ................N/A
activators were made of black plastic, while newer types Shipping and Storage Data:
are made of olive-drab plastic. The M1 activator uses Packing - M1 & M2 ............1 per metal con-
tetryl for the booster while the M2 model uses RDX. tainer, 180 con-
tainer (180 activa-
Functioning: tors) wooden box
Weight...............................54.5 lb
The activator performs the function of an Dimensions .......................16-3/8 x 16-3/4 x
adapter, to fit the firing device to the mine. As a 14-3/4 in.
detonator booster, it increases the output of the Cube ................................2.34 cu ft
secondary firing devices, assuring detonation of the Hazard class/division and
mine main charge. storage compatibility
group ............................1.1B
UNO serial number............0106
UNO Proper shipping
name ............................Fuzes, detonating

TM 43-0001-36

DOT shipping class ................Class A Explosive Explosive Data:

DOT marking .........................DETONATING
CAREFULLY, DO Item Type AV Metric
NOT STORE OR M1 Activator:
HIGH Detonator Igniter mix 2.32 gr 150 mg
EXPLOSIVE Lead azide 3.86 gr 250 mg
Tetryl 4.12 gr 270 mg
DODAC: Booster Tetryl 36 gr 2.3 mg
M1 ................................1345-K001 M2 Activator:
M2 ................................1345-K003 M31A1
Detonator Igniter mix 2.32 gr 150 mg
Painting: Lead azide 3.86 gr 250 mg
M1: Tetryl 4.12 gr 270 mg
Early.............................Black Booster RDX 40 gr 2.58 mg
Current .........................Olive Drab
M2 ................................Olive Drab Reference:
Marking ................................Yellow/White
TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: in the outer tube bursting the outer case of the M4
S 3520 (LCC-A) Burster.

Use: Tabulated Data:

Model number ........................M4
The Burster, Field, Incendiary, M4 is used primarily to Type ................................Incendiary
ignite field improvised incendiary munitions. Drawings:
Description: Weight ................................1.3 lb
The M4 Burster is a tubular steel container with Length ...............................12 in.
a cap at one end and a plug at the other, both secured Max diameter ....................1.75 in.
by bayonet-type locking lugs. A small threaded hole in Material ................................Steel
the plug is closed with a shipping plug and provides an Thread ................................0.563-12NC-Spec
access port for fuzing. A pyrotechnic ignition mixture, Temperature Limits ................Dependent on fuz-
tetryl pellets and a burster cup are contained in two ing type
concentric plastic tubes preassembled within the steel Shipping and Storage Data:
burster tube. The bayonet-type locking design of the Packing .............................20 per fiber con-
cap and plug permit the joining of two or more of the tainer in wooden
bursters, as required. Both cap and plug are sealed by box
means of a preformed packing. Weight...............................50 lb
Dimensions .......................14-1/2 x 14-7/8 x
Functioning: 10-7/8 in.
Cube ................................1.36 cu ft
The burster can be initiated by a fuze, blasting Packing - Supplemental.....36 wooden boxes
cap, detonating cord or any standard booby trap firing palletized
device. This initiates the explosive material in the Weight...............................2650 lb
burster cup which detonates the tetryl pellets in the inner Dimensions .......................49 x 44-1/2 x 43-1/2
tube. The tetryl charge sets off the pyrotechnic mixture in.
Cube ................................54.4 cu ft

TM 43-0001-36

Hazard class/division and Explosive Data:

storage compatibility
group ........................ 1.1G Weight
UNO serial number ...... 0043 Item Type AV Metric
UNO Proper shipping M4 Burster:
name ........................ Bursters Explosive Tetryl 1227 gr 79.65 gm
DOT shipping class ...... Class A Explosive Incendiary Igniter mix 0. lb 230 gm
DOT marking ............... BURSTERS
CAREFULLY Reference:
DODAC........................ 1345-K010
Painting........................ Olive Drab TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Marking........................ Yellow and Black

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: to the mine as issued and protected by a hexagonal

shipping cap. Firing mechanism is packed separately in
OBS 11756003 the mine packing box. Completely assembled fuzes
may also be requisitioned separately.
Fuze M6A1 is used to activate the M2 series of
antipersonnel mines. The firing mechanism is activated by a force of
8 to 20 pounds on any of the prongs, or a pull of 3 to 10
Description: pounds on the release pin. Either type of action will
cause the firing pin to strike the primer which initiates
Fuze M6A1 is of the combination type, with a the igniter charge.
three-pronged pressure firing device at the top and a
pull wire release-pin ring at the side. The fuze body Tabulated Data:
houses a spring loaded firing pin and a cocking
mechanism. The igniter assembly contains a Model number ........................M6A1
percussion cap primer and a black powder igniter. The Type ................................Mechanical combi-
firing mechanism consists of a cylindrical metal case nation
containing a trigger pin, a release pin and a firing pin, Drawings:
each fitted with a coil spring. Two safety pins render the Assembly...........................73-9-13
fuze safe during shipment and handling. A cotter pin Weight ................................Approx 6 oz
passes through the end of the release pin and bears Dimensions:
against the body of the fuze. A second pin, called the Height (incl prongs) ...........6.62 in.
safety firing pin, passes through the end of the firing pin Max diameter ....................1.103 in.
that protrudes above the top of the fuze. The base Material ................................Zinc alloy
assembly containing the primer and igniter is assembled Thread ................................0.563-12 UNC-1A

TM 43-0001-36

Temperature Limits: UNO Proper shipping

Firing: name ........................ Fuzes, detonating
Lower........................................ -40°F DOT shipping class ...... Class C Explosive
Upper........................................ + 125°F DOT marking ............... PERCUSSION
Lower........................................ -60°F CAREFULLY
Upper........................................ +160°F DODAC........................ 1345-K053
Shipping and Storage Data: Painting........................ Olive Drab
Packing........................................ 3 fuzes/container, 4 Explosive Data:
proof container (48 Weight
fuzes) in wooden Item Type AV Metric
box M6A1 Fuze:
Weight ............................................ 32.8 lb Perc primer #3 Western
Dimensions ..................................... 22-5/8 x 10-3/8 x Igniter Blk Pdr 10 gr 648 mg
9-3/8 in.
Cube ............................................... 1.29 cu ft Reference:
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility TM 9-1345-203-12&P
group ........................................ 1.4D
UNO serial number ......................... 0410

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Tabulated Data:

Model number ........................M7A1
OBS 11756003 Type ................................Mechanical combi-
Use: Drawings:
Fuze M7A1 is used to activate the M3 anti- Weight ................................Approx 6 oz
personnel mine. Dimensions:
Height (incl prongs) ...........6.37 in.
Description: Max diameter ....................1.103 in.
Material ................................Zinc alloy
Fuze M7A1 is of the combination type, with a Thread ................................0.563-12UNC-1A
three-pronged pressure firing device at the top and a Temperature Limits:
pull wire release-pin ring at the side. The fuze body Firing:
houses a spring loaded firing pin and a cocking Lower............................-40°F
mechanism. The fuze base contains a primer and a Upper ...........................+ 125°F
crimped-on non-electric blasting cap. The firing Storage:
mechanism consists of a cylindrical metal case Lower............................-60°F
containing a trigger pin, a release pin, and a firing pin, Upper ...........................+ 160°F
each fitted with a coil spring. Two safety pins render the Shipping and Storage Data:
fuze safe during shipment and handling. A cotter pin Packing .............................3 fuzes/cardboard
passes through the end of the release pin and bears carton, 4 carton/
against the body of the fuze. A second pin, called the w/waterproof pack-
safety firing pin, passes through the end of the firing pin age, 4 package (48
that protrudes above the top of the fuze. The fuze is fuzes) wooden box
shipped as a complete assembly, consisting of a firing Weight...............................33.0 lb
mechanism and a primped base, with a crimped-on Dimensions .......................22-5/8 x 10-3/8 x 9-
blasting cap. When supplied with the M3 mine, the fuze 3/8 in.
is isolated, but packed within the same box. Fuzes are Cube 1.26 cu ft
also packed for separate issue. Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility
Functioning: group ............................(04) 1.2D
UNO serial number............0409
The firing mechanism is activated by a force of UNO Proper shipping
8 to 20 pounds on any of the prongs or a pull of 3 to 10 name ............................Fuzes, detonating
pounds on the release pin. Either type of action will DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
cause the firing pin to strike the primer which initiates DOT marking.....................COMBINATION
the non-electric blasting cap. FUZES, HANDLE
DODAC ................................1345-K054
Painting ................................Olive Drab

TM 43-0001-36

Explosive Data: Reference:

Weight TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Item Type AV Metric
M7A1 Fuze:
Perc Primer #3 Western
Blasting Cap Tp I

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: fuze safe during shipment and handling. A cotter pin
passes through the end of the release pin and bears
C 6558 (LCC-S) against the body of the fuze. A second pin, called the
safety firing pin, passes through the end of the firing pin
Use: that protrudes above the top of the fuze. The fuze
igniter assemblies (primers, safety fuses, delays, black
Fuze, Mine, Combination, M10 and M1OA1 are powder, or smoke charges) are replaceable. The fuzes
used to activate the M8 antipersonnel practice mine. may be used many times by replacing the fired igniter
M10A2 is used to activate the M8A1 antipersonnel assembly and recocking the firing mechanism. All
practice mine. models are packed with the appropriate M8 mine
models. The M10A1 fuze is also packed for separate
Description: issue.

The M10 series fuzes are of the combination Difference between models. Fuzes M10 and
type with a three-pronged pressure firing device at the MlOA1 use a primer to fire a delay safety fuse which
top and a pull wire release pin ring at the side. The fuze ignites 15 grains of black powder. The M10 and M1OA1
body houses a spring-loaded firing pin and a cocking fuzes are interchangeable; their principal difference
mechanism. The base contains a primer and either a being in the primer. The M39A1 primer used with the
length of safety fuze or a delay composition charge. The M10A1 fuze provides more reliable functioning than the
firing mechanism consists of a cylindrical metal case MK5 primer used with the M10 fuze. The M1OA2 fuze
containing a trigger pin, a release pin, and a firing pin, uses the M39A1 primer and two delay composition
each fitted with a coil spring. Two safety pins render the elements to ignite a 725 mg smoke charge.

TM 43-0001-36

Functioning: Shipping and Storage Data:

Packing (M10A1)...............4 fuzes/metal con-
The firing mechanism is activated by a force of tainer, 60 contain-
8 to 20 pounds on any of the prongs or a pull of 3 to 10 ers (240 fuzes) in
pounds on the release pin. Either type of action will wooden box
cause the firing pin to strike the primer which initiates Weight...............................125 lb
the delay elements. After 4 to 5 seconds these set off Dimensions .......................22 x 17-1/8 x 18 in.
the igniter charge which, in turn, initiates the mine Cube 4.23 cu ft
explosive train. Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility
group ............................(04) 1.2D
Tabulated Data: UNO serial number............0409
UNO Proper shipping
Model numbers ......................M10, M10A1, name ............................Fuzes, detonating
M10A2 DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
Type ................................Mechanical combi- DOT marking.....................COMBINATION
Assembly: DODAC ................................1345-K056
M10 ..............................73-9-25 Painting ................................Olive Drab
M10A2..........................8866643 Explosive Data:
Weight ................................Approximately 6 oz
Dimensions: Weight
Height (incl prongs) ...........6.875 in. Item Type AV Metric
Maximum diameter............1.103 in. M10 Fuze:
Material ................................Zinc alloy MK5 primer Primer mix 0.4 gr 26 mg
Thread ................................0.563-12UNC-1A 4.5-inch delaySafe fuse
Temperature Limits: Igniter Black powder 14.98 gr 972 mg
Firing: M1OA1 Fuze:
Lower............................40°F M39A1 primer Primer mix 0.4 gr
Upper ...........................+125°F 26 mg
Storage: 4.5-inch delaySafe fuse
Lower............................-60°F Igniter Black powder 14.98 gr 972 mg
Upper ...........................+160°F M10A2 Fuze:
M39A1 primer Primer mix 0.4 gr
26 mg
Delay Type I comp 1.5 gr 100 mg
Delay Type III comp 10 gr 650 mg
Igniter Smoke comp 11.2 gr 725 mg


TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36

Type Classification: Material ................................Aluminum & Steel

Thread ................................None
S 36841 (LCC-A) Temperature Limits:
Use: Lower............................-40°F
Upper ...........................+ 125°F
The M603 fuze is an instantaneous mechanical Storage:
pressure-type fuze and is used with light antitank mine Lower............................-60°F
M7A2 and heavy antitank mine M15 and chemical agent Upper ...........................+ 160°F
mine M23. Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing .............................1 fuze in metal con-
Description: tainer, 180 contain-
ers (180 fuzes) in
The M603 fuze body contains a firing pin wooden box
assembly, a cover assembly, a safety fork (clip), and a Weight...............................71.6 lb
detonator. The firing pin is actuated by a belleville Hazard class/division and
spring. storage compatibility
group ............................1.4D
Functioning: UNO serial number............0410
UNO Proper shipping
A load of 140 to 240 pounds is required to name ............................Fuzes, detonating
depress the belleville spring and cause it to snap into DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
reverse, driving the firing pin into the detonator. When DOT marking.....................PERCUSSION
assembled to the mine M15, a total force of 350 to 750 FUZES, HANDLE
pounds is needed on the pressure plate to overcome the CAREFULLY
combined resistance of the belleville springs in the mine DODAC ................................1345-K050
and the fuze, and activate the fuze. Painting ................................Unpainted
Marking ................................Metal stamped
Tabulated Data:
Model number ........................M603 Explosive Data:
Type ................................Antitank
Drawings: Weight
Assembly...........................73-9-55 Item Type AV Metric
Weight ................................1.56 oz M45 PA #100 1.85 gr 120 mg
Dimensions: Detonator
Height................................1.17 in. Lead Az 4.24 gr 275 mg
Max diameter ....................1.14 in. RDX 1.85 r 120 mg


TM 9-1345-203-12&P
TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: charge. Two safety pins render the fuze safe during
shipment and handling. A cotter pin passes through the
S 34783 (LCC-A) end of the release pin and bears against the body of the
fuze. A second cotter pin passes through the end of the
Use: firing pin, between the prongs. An interlocking pin
between the safety pins provides additional safety.
The M605 fuze is used with the M16 series Fuzes are shipped with the M16 mines or as separate
antipersonnel mines. issue. A hexagonal shipping plug closes the fuze well of
the mine. A fuzing wrench M25 is issued with the mine.
The M605 fuze is of the combination type, with
a three-pronged pressure firing mechanism at the top The M605 fuze is functioned either by a 3 to 15
and a pull wire release pin ring at the side. The firing pound pull on a trip wire or a force of 8 to 45 pounds on
mechanism is housed in a cylindrical, metal case which one or more of the prongs protruding from the top of the
contains the cocking mechanism and a trigger pin, a fuze. This pull, or push, releases the firing pin which
release pin, and a firing pin, each fitted with a coil strikes the primer, igniting the delay charge. The delay
spring. The base or loading assembly contains a allows
primer, a delay charge, a relay charge, and an igniter

TM 43-0001-36

time for persons stepping on prongs to move from Weight...............................125 lb

directly above the mine, where their presence might Dimensions .......................22 x 17-1/8 x 18 in.
inhibit the proper functioning of the mine. The delay Cube ................................4.09 cu ft
charge ignites the relay charge which, in turn, sets off Hazard class/division and
the flash igniter charge. This charge ignites the storage compatibility
expelling charge, the first element of the mine firing group ............................1.4D
train. UNO serial number............0410
UNO Proper shipping
Tabulated Data: name ............................Fuzes, detonating
DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive
Model number ........................M605 DOT marking.....................COMBINATION
Type ................................Combination FUZES, HANDLE
Assembly...........................7548284 DODAC ................................1345-K058
Weight ................................6 oz Painting ................................Olive Drab
Dimensions: Marking ................................Yellow
Height................................7.125 in.
Max diameter ....................1.75 in.
Material ................................Zinc alloy Explosive Data:
Thread ................................0.625-11UNC-1A
Temperature Limits: Weight
Firing: Item Type AV Metric
Lower............................-40°F M605 Fuze:
Upper ...........................+ 125°F M42 Prim PA-101 0.34 gr 22 mg
Storage: Delay Tp II Comp 7.3 gr 475 mg
Lower............................-60°F Flash Ign A5 Blk Pdr 10 gr 648 mg
Upper ...........................+160°F
Shipping and Storage Data: Reference:
Packing .............................4 fuzes/metal box,
60 boxes (240 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
fuzes) in wooden

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: snap into reverse, driving the firing pin into the
S 37119 (LCC-A)
Tabulated Data:
Model number ........................M606
Fuze M606 is a mechanical pressure-type and is Type ................................AT, NM
used to initiate M19 nonmetallic antitank mine. Drawings:
Description: Weight ................................2.43 lb
Fuze M606 is a flat, round disk, constructed of Height................................2.7 in.
plastic material to avoid discovery by magnetic mine Max diameter ....................10 in.
detectors. The fuze body contains a pressure plate, two Material ................................Plastic
belleville springs, a setting knob, a step plate, a firing Thread:
pin assembly, and a detonator holder assembly. Fuze body .........................None
Detonator holder assy........0.563-12 UNC-1A
Functioning: Temperature Limits:
After the safety clip has been removed and the Lower............................-40°F
setting knob turned to the armed position, a force of 300 Upper ...........................+ 125°F
to 500 pounds on the pressure plate will depress the Storage:
upper belleville spring, and cause the lower spring to Lower............................-60°F
Upper ...........................+160°F

TM 43-0001-36

Shipping and Storage Data: Marking ................................White

Packing .............................Not separate issue-
packed w/M19 Explosive Data:
Hazard class/division and Weight
storage compatibility Item Type AV Metric
group ............................1.1D M606 Fuze:
UNO serial number............0137 M50 Det PA #100 1.62 gr 105 mg
UNO Proper shipping Lead Az 3.85 gr 250 mg
name ............................Mines RDX 7.85 gr 510 mg
DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE Reference:
DODAC ................................1345-K250 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Painting ................................Olive Drab

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: frangible plastic collar. The base is threaded to fit the
mine and is shipped with a closure assembly screwed in
S 37246 (LCC-A) place for protection. Fuze wrench M26 fits the closure
assembly. A safety band and strap prevents movement
Use: of the fuze pressure ring. This is secured with a cotter
Fuze M607 is used with antitank mine M21.
Fuze M607 is a pressure type fuze that can also
The M607 fuze incorporates a belleville spring- be activated by side thrust loads, when so adapted, by
loaded firing pin, a tilt rod, a pressure ring, and a the addition of an extension rod.

TM 43-0001-36

The plastic collar within the fuze is designed to shatter Storage:

under vertical loading of the pressure ring, or from side Lower............................-60°F
load effects on the tilt rod. A 290 pound vertical load Upper ...........................+160°F
with 1/8-inch travel, or a horizontal force on the tilt rod Shipping and Storage Data:
greater than 3.75 pounds acting through approximately Packing .............................Packed with M21
20 degrees, is required to shatter the plastic collar. AT Mine (not
Once the collar is broken, continuing force from either issued as separate
source will be transmitted through the tilt rod to the item)
belleville spring, which will drive the firing pin into the Hazard class/division and
M46 detonator. This, in turn, will function the mine. storage compatibility
group ............................1.1D
Tabulated Data: UNO serial number............0137
UNO Proper shipping
Model number ........................M607 name ............................Mines
Type ................................Mech, AT DOT shipping class ...........Class A Explosive
Drawings: DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE
Assembly...........................8833783 ................................MINES
Weight ................................8 oz DODAC ................................1345-K181
Dimensions: Painting ................................Olive Drab
Height................................4 in. Marking ................................Yellow
Max diameter ....................2.8 in.
Material Aluminum Explosive Data:
Thread size ............................0.75-12NS-2A
Temperature Limits: Weight
Firing: Item Type AV Metric
Lower............................-40°F M46 Det NOL #130 1.62 gr 105 mg
Upper ...........................+ 125°F Lead Az 4.31 gr 280 mg
RDX 2.24 gr 145 mg


TM 9-1345-203-12&P

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: and allows the actuating load to be transferred to the

firing mechanism.
S 5736 (LCC-A)
(Has not been produced and is not fielded) Functioning:

Use: A load of 300-600 pounds applied for 250-450

milliseconds is required to function the M608 fuze, when
Fuze M608 is a direct contact, pressure- assembled to the M15 mine.
actuated fuze, containing a delay feature to provide
resistance to blast-type countermeasures. It is used with Tabulated Data:
antitank mine M6A2 and M15, and with chemical agent Model number ........................M608
mine M23. It is suitable for use on land or in water, in Type ................................Antitank
temperate or tropical environments. Drawings:
Description: Weight ................................1 lb
The fuze is constructed primarily of aluminum Height................................3.5 in.
and stainless steel and consists of a fuze assembly with Max diameter ....................3.25 in.
an integral arming cap. The fuze utilizes an out-of-line Material ................................Aluminum
detonator system for safety and a hydraulic system to Thread ................................2.313-14NS
provide the delay. A spring-loaded firing pin, an M55 Temperature Limits:
detonator, and a lead charge comprise the firing train. Firing:
The fuze is threaded into the mine fuze well and Lower............................-40°F
secured by tightening the locking ring. The fuze is Upper ...........................+ 125°F
armed by removing the pull pin which allows the arming Storage:
knob to be rotated from Safe to Armed position. This Lower............................-60°F
rotation alines the input plunger with the input piston, Upper ...........................+ 160°F

TM 43-0001-36

Shipping and Storage Data: DOT shipping class ...........Class C Explosive

Packing .............................1 fuze/carton in DOT marking.....................PERCUSSION
barrier bag. 45 FUZES, HANDLE
bags (45 fuzes) in CAREFULLY
wooden box DODAC ................................1345-K061
Weight...............................64 lb Painting ................................Olive Drab
Dimensions .......................23-5/8 x 15 x 14 in. Marking ................................White
Cube ................................2.9 cu ft
Hazard class/division and
storage compatibility Reference:
group ............................1.4D
UNO serial number............0410 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
UNO Proper shipping
name ............................Fuzes, detonating

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification:
Not available (LCC-A)
Fuze M624 is a pressure type fuze that can also
Use: be activated by side thrust loads, when so adapted, by
the addition of an extension rod. The plastic collar
Fuze M624 is used with Antitank Mine M15. within the fuze is designed to shatter under vertical
loading of the pressure ring, or from side load effects on
the tilt rod. A 290 pound vertical load with 1/8-inch
Description: travel, or a horizontal force on the tilt rod greater than
3.75 pounds acting through approximately 20 degrees,
The M624 fuze consists of the M607 fuze is required to shatter the plastic collar. Once the collar
connected to an adaptor which is loaded with a delay is broken, continuing force from either source will be
element. The adaptor is designed to screw into the transmitted through the tilt rod to the belleville spring,
mine fuze well. The M624 fuze incorporates a belleville which will drive the firing pin into the PA523 detonator.
spring-loaded firing pin, a tilt rod, a pressure ring, and a This will activate the delay element which in turn will
frangible plastic collar. A safety band and stop prevents initiate the mine.
movement of the fuze pressure ring. This is secured
with a safety pin.

TM 43-0001-36

Tabulated Data: Cube ................................1.0 cu ft

Model number ........................M624 Drawing number ................5581378
Type ................................Mech, AT Hazard class/division.........1.4
Drawings: Storage compatibility
Assembly...........................12546032 group ............................S
Weight ................................1.0 lb DOT shipping class ...........C
Dimensions: DOT designation ...............DETONATING
Height................................4.7 in. FUZES, CLASS C
Max diameter ....................2.83 in. EXPLOSIVE,
Length of extension rod .....24.4 in. HANDLE
Material ................................Aluminum alloy CAREFULLY
Thread Size ...........................2.3125-14 UNS-1A DODAC ................................1345-K068
Temperature Limits: UNO serial number ................0367
Operational: UNO Proper shipping
Lower............................-40°C (-400F) name ................................Fuzes, detonating
Upper ...........................+52°C (+ 1250F) Painting:
Storage: M607 fuze .........................Olive drab
Lower............................-51°C (-600F) Adaptor .............................Anodized black
Upper ...........................+71°C (+1600F) Marking .............................Yellow
Shipping and Storage Data:
Packing .............................One fuze per fiber Explosive Data:
board sleeve, 3
fiber board sleeves Weight
per M19A1 metal Item Type AV Metric
container, four Fuze, Mine: M624
M19A1 containers PA523 Detonator:
per wirebound box. Primer Prim Mix 92 mg
Three extension Intermediate Lead Az 248 to 280 mg
rod pieces (1 rod) Charge
placed in a foil bag, Lower ChargeRDX 145 mg
3 foil bags put on Delay Element:
top of the 3 fuzes in M42 Primer PA-101
each M19A1 metal Primer comp 0.31 to
container. There 0.35 gr
are a total of 12 Delay Comp Barium 630 mg
fuzes and 12 three Chromate
piece extension Boron 70 mg
rods per wirebound Relay Lead Az 300 mg
box. RDX 275 mg
Packing box:
Weight...............................42 lb Reference:
Dimensions (in.) ................17-3/8 x 11-1/2 x
8-1/8 TM 9-1345-203-12&P
TM 9-1345-203-34&P

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: mines that are ejected during projectile flight by an

M718 - Standard, Logistic Control Code A expulsion charge. The rotating bands are protected
M718A1 - Standard, Logistic Control Code A from damage during transportation and handling by
MSR 04866010 plastic grommets.

Use: Functioning:

These projectiles are used to deliver antitank When the projectile is fired, the primer ignites
mines in front of enemy armored forces to deny/delay the propelling charge which propels the round to the
access to a particular area for a specific time period. target area. The MTSQ fuze functions at its pre-set
The "L" means "Long" for the long time until mine self- time setting, initiating the expulsion charge, which ejects
destructs (48 hours, nominal). the mines from the projectile. The mines (having been
subjected to the required set-back, rotational, and set-
Description: forward forces) are armed immediately or soon after
coming to rest on the ground, depending upon projectile
The projectiles are of the separate loading type model. Upon sensing the proximity of tanks, the mines
(the fuzes, propelling charges, and primers are handled initiate. If the mines are not initiated during their
separately). The projectiles are shipped from the intended life span, a circuit is activated causing the
loading plant with fusible lifting plugs to facilitate mines to self-destruct. A percentage of the mines in
handling, and as a safety measure. Before firing, the each projectile has an antidisturbance mechanism to
lifting plugs must be replaced with M577 series, MTSQ discourage -attempts at mine field clearing.
fuzes. The projectiles contain a payload of antitank

TM 43-0001-36

Difference Between Models: Self-destruct time ..............48 hr (nominal)

The arming time of the mines in Projectile Propelling charges.............M3A1, M4A2,
M718A1 is "INSTANTANEOUS" after impact. This ................................M119, M119A1,
achieves the capability of using the mines tactically in ................................M119A2
combat operations. The arming time of the mines in Primers..............................MK2A4, M82
Projectile M718 Carriers is 58 seconds nominal. Fuze MTSQ, M577
Deployment is for the lay- ing of mine fields for denying Temperature Limits:
access to critical areas. These projectiles will not be Firing:
resupplied when current assets are no longer available. Upper limit ....................-25°F (-32C)
Lower limit ....................+145F (+63C)
Tabulated Data: Storage:
Lower limit ....................-60°F (-51C)
Projectile: Upper limit ....................+160°F (+71°C)
Type Antitank (AT) Packing Data..........................This mine is not
Weight...............................103 lb with fuze ................................available as a sup-
Length (with lifting ................................ply item. See sup-
plug) .............................33.9 in. ................................ply catalog, 155mm
Body material ....................Forged steel ................................Projectile, AT:
Color ................................Olive drab with yel- ................................M718 and M718A1.
................................low markings Shipping and Storage Data:
Marking drawing ................9277852 (M718) Hazard class/division and
................................11786215 storage compatibility
................................(M718A1) group ............................1.1D
Filler and Weight: UNO serial number............0168
Number of mines...............9 UNO Proper shipping
Explosive ..........................PBX 0280 (95% name ............................Projectiles
................................RDX, 5% Estane) DODAC .............................1320-D503 (M718)
Explosive weight/mine.......1.26 lb ................................1320-D515
Expulsion charge...............M10 propellant ................................(M718A1)
................................(58.0 ± 1 gr)
Mines: References:
Air drop time......................8 sec (nominal)
Antidisturbance TM 9-1025-200-12
mixture .........................2 mines (randomly TM 9-1025-211-10
................................positioned in each TM 9-1300-251-20
................................projectile) TM 9-1300-251-34
TM 9-2350-311-10
TM 9-2350-314-10

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: separately). The projectiles are shipped from the

M741 - Standard, Logistic Control Code A loading plant with fusible lifting plugs to facilitate
M741A1 - Standard, Logistic Control Code A handling, and as a safety measure. Before firing, the
MSR 04866010 lifting plugs must be replaced with M577 series, MTSQ
fuzes. The projectiles contain a payload of antitank
Use: mines that are ejected during projectile flight by an
expulsion charge. The rotating bands are protected
These projectiles are used to deliver antitank from damage during transportation and handling by
mines in front of enemy armored forces to deny/delay plastic grommets.
access to a particular area for a specific time period.
The "S" means "Short" for the short time until mine self- Functioning:
destructs (4 hours, nominal).
When the projectile is fired, the primer ignites
Description: the propelling charge which propels the round to the
target area. The MTSQ fuze functions at its pre-set
The projectiles are of the separate loading type time setting, initiating the expulsion charge, which ejects
(the fuzes, propelling charges, and primers are handled the mines from the projectile. The mines (having been
subjected to the required set-back, rotational, and

TM 43-0001-36

set-forward forces) are armed immediately or soon after Antidisturbance

coming to rest on the ground, depending upon projectile mixture ..............................2 mines (randomly
model. Upon sensing the proximity of tanks, the mines positioned in each
.initiate. If the mines are not initiated during their projectile)
intended life span, a circuit is activated causing the Self-destruct time ..............4 hr (nominal)
mines to 'self-destruct. A percentage of the mines in ("Short" time - SD
each projectile has an antidisturbance mechanism to mines)
discourage attempts at mine field clearing. Components:
Propelling charges.............M3A1, M4A2,
Difference Between Models: M119, M119A1,
The arming time of the mines in Projectile Primers..............................MK2A4, M82
M741A1 is "INSTANTANEOUS" after impact. This Fuze MTSQ, M577
achieves the capability of using the mines tactically in Temperature Limits:
combat operations. The arming time of the mines in Firing:
Projectile M741 Carriers is 58 seconds nominal. Upper limit ....................-25°F (-32C)
Deployment is for the laying of mine fields for denying Lower limit ....................+ 145°F (+63°C)
access to critical areas. These projectiles will not be Storage:
resupplied when current assets are no longer available. Lower limit ....................-60°F (-51C)
Upper limit ....................+160°F (+71C)
Tabulated Data: Packing Data..........................This mine is not
available as a sup-
Projectile: ply item. See sup-
Type ................................Antitank (AT) ply catalog, 155mm
Weight...............................103 lb with fuze Projectile, AT:
Length (with lifting M741 and M741A1.
plug) .............................33.9 in. Shipping and Storage Data:
Body material ....................Forged steel Hazard class/division and
Color Olive drab with yel- storage compatibility
low markings group ............................1.1D
Marking drawing ................9278014 (M741) UNO serial number............0168
11786240 UNO Proper shipping
(M741A1) name ............................Projectiles
Filler and Weight: DODAC .............................1320-D509 (M741)
Number of mines...............9 1320-D514
Explosive ..........................PBX 0280 (95% (M741A1)
RDX, 5% Estane)
Explosive weight/mine.......1.26 lb References:
Expulsion charge...............M10 propellant
(58.0 + 1 gr) TM 9-1025-200-12
Mines: TM 9-1025-211-10
Air drop time......................8 sec (nominal) TM 9-1300-251-20
TM 9-1300-251-34
TM 9-2350-311-10
TM 9-2350-314-10

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Tabulated Data:

Standard Jan. 89 Canister, Mine: M87:

Length ...............................24.09 in.
Use: Diameter ...........................5.0 in.
Weight (loaded with 5 AT
The M87 mine canister is used with the M139 and 1 AP mines) ...........13.62 kg (30.0 lb)
mine dispenser (VOLCANO) to lay a mine field. Color ................................Forest Green No.
Description: Marking .............................Yellow, Black
The M87 mine canister is an expendable item AT mine........................5
consisting of an aluminum tube and breech assembly AP mine........................1
containing five antitank mines and one antipersonnel Pressure cartridge.........1
mine. Also housed in the canister are six transmitter Electrical primer............1
coils, attached to a dispersion strap, and a propulsion
system. The propulsion system consists of a self- Explosives:
contained electrically initiated primer, and a pressure AT Mine (Each):
cartridge assembly containing the launching propellant. RDX estane .......................0.59 kg (1.3 lb)
The canister is painted in green and has one colored PBXN-5 .............................13.6 g (0.03 lb)
band of yellow triangles near the breech. Lead styphnate ..................9 mg
RD 1333 lead azide ...........28 mg
Functioning: Boron borochromate..........10 mg
HMX ................................32 mg
When an electrical pulse is received, the M5 propellant ....................1.5 g
electric primer initiates the pressure cartridge expelling Barium styphnate and
a mine stack from the canister. The stack consists of KDNBF 50/50
five antitank mines and one anti-personnel mine. An mixture .........................5.2 mg
interfaced web provides dispersion, self-destruct, and AP Mine (Each):
arm signals, set from the dispenser control unit to the Comp B-4..........................400.00g
mines. Comp A-5..........................6.28 g

TM 43-0001-36

PBXN-5 .............................4.60 g Storage:

Lead styphnate ..................0.8 mg Minimum ......................-53°C (-650F)
RD 1333 lead azide ...........14 mg Maximum .....................+71°C (+160F)
HMX ................................16 mg Shipping and Storage Container:
M5 propellant ....................1.5 g (Metal Tube Type):
Barium styphnate and Length ...............................149.86 cm (59.0 in.)
KDNBF 50/50 Diameter ...........................17.27 in. (6.8 in.)
mixture .........................5.2 mg Weight (empty)..................11.34 kg (25.0 lb)
Pressure Cartridge: Weight (packed with 2
Propellant M1 type I ..........4.8 g mine canisters) .............39.95 kg (88.0 lb)
Propellant, black Palletization (Metal Pallet):
powder..........................1.0 g Pallet size..........................71.8 x 149.9 cm
Lead styphnate ..................62 mg (28-1/4 x 59.0 in.)
Electric Primer: Pallet weight (empty).........63.5 kg (140. lb)
Boron potassium Pallet configuration
perchlorate ...................10 mg (tubes) ..........................4 across x 5 high =
Titanium potassium ................................20 tubes
perchlorate ...................25 mg Pallet height ......................99.1 cm (39.0 in.)
Mine Canister (Each): Pallet cube ........................1.07 cu m
RDX estane .......................2.95 kg (6.5 lb) ................................(37.6 cu ft)
PBXN-5 .............................72.60 g (0.16 lb) Pallet weight (loaded) ........852.6 kg
Comp B-4..........................400.00 g (1,900.0 lb)
Comp A-5..........................6.28 g Shipping and Storage Data:
Lead styphnate ..................108 mg DOD hazard class .............1.1
Boron borochromate..........50 mg DOD compatibility
HMX 176 mg group ............................D
M5 propellant ....................9 g DOD hazard class .............Class A Explosive
Barium styphnate and DOT container marking .....EXPLOSIVE
mixture .........................31 mg US Coast Guard
Propellant M1 type I ..........4.8 g Classification ................X-A
Propellant, black Shelf life............................Indefinite
powder..........................1.0 mg DODAC .............................1345-K045
Boron potassium NSN 1345-01-233-2029
perchlorate ...................10 mg UNO serial number............UN0137
Titanium potassium UNO Proper shipping
perchlorate ...................25 mg name ............................Mines
RD 1333 Lead azide ..........154 mg
Temperature Limits: References:
Minimum ......................-37°C (-35°F) TM 9-1095-208-10
Maximum .....................+63°C (+145F) TM 9-1345-203-12&P
TM 9-1345-203-34&P

TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Tabulated Data:

Standard. Canister, Mine: M87A1:

Length.......................................... 24.09 in.
Use: Diameter...................................... 5.0 in.
Weight (loaded with 6
The M87A1 mine canister is used with the M139 AT mines) ................................. 13.62 kg
mine dispenser (VOLCANO) to lay a mine field. (30.0 lb)
Color............................................ Forest Green
Description: No. 34079
Marking........................................ Yellow, Black
The M87A1 mine canister is an expendable item Contents:
consisting of an aluminum tube and breech assembly AT mine.................................... 6
containing six antitank mines. Also, the canister Pressure cartridge..................... 1
contains six transmitter coils, attached to a dispersion Electrical primer........................ 1
strap, and a propulsion system. The propulsion system
consists of a self-contained electrically initiated primer, Explosives:
and a pressure cartridge assembly containing the
launching propellant. The canister is painted in green AT Mine (Each):
and has one colored bank of yellow triangles near the RDX estane.................................. 0.59 kg (1.3 lb)
breech. PBXN-5........................................ 13.6 g (0.03 lb)
Lead styphnate ............................ 9 mg
Functioning: RD 1333 lead azide...................... 28 mg
Boron borochromate .................... 13 mg
When an electrical pulse is received, the electric HMX ............................................ 32 mg
primer initiates the pressure cartridge expelling a mine M5 propellant ............................... 1.5 g
stack from the canister. The stack consists of five Barium styphnate and
antitank mines and one antipersonnel mine. An KDNBF 50/50
interfaced web provides dispersion, self-destruct and mixture ..................................... 5.2 mg
arm signals, set from the dispenser control unit to the

Change 1 8-5
TM 43-0001-36

Diameter...................................... 17.27 in. (6.8 in.)

Weight (empty) ............................ 11.34 kg (25.0 lb)
Weight (packed with 2
Pressure Cartridge: mine containers) ....................... 39.95 kg (88.0 lb)
Propellant M1 type I ..................... 4.8 g
Propellant, black Palletization (Metal Pallet):
powder...................................... 1.0 g Pallet size .................................... 71.8 x 149.9 cm
Lead styphnate ............................ 62 mg (28-1/4 x 59.0 in.)
Pallet weight (empty) ................... 63.5 kg (140. lb)
Electric Primer: Pallet configuration
Boron potassium (tubes) ...................................... 4 across x 5 high
perchlorate................................ 10 mg = 20 tubes
Titanium potassium Pallet height................................. 99.1 cm (39.0 in.)
perchlorate................................ 25 mg Pallet cube................................... 1.07 cu meter (37.6
cu ft)
M87A1 mine canister (Each): Pallet weight (loaded)...................... 852.6 kg (1,900.0
RDX estane.................................. 3.54 kg lb)
PBXN-5........................................ 81.6 g
Lead styphnate ............................ 116.0 mg Shipping and Storage Data:
Boron borochromate .................... 60.0 mg DOD hazard class ........................ 1.1
HMX ............................................ 192.0 mg DOD compatibility
M5 propellant ............................... 9.0 g group ........................................ D
Barium styphnate and DOD hazard class ........................ Class A Explosive
KDNBF 50/50 DOT container marking................ EXPLOSIVE
mixture ..................................... 31.2 mg MINES
Propellant M1, type ...................... 4.8 g US Coast Guard
Propellant, black powder .............. 1.0 mg Classification ............................ X-A
Boron potassium Shelf life ...................................... Indefinite
perchlorate................................ 10.0 mg DODAC........................................ 1345-J003
Titanium potassium NSN............................................. 1345-01-384-3617
perchlorate................................ 25.0 mg
RD 1333 lead azide...................... 168.0 mg References:

Temperature Limits: TM 9-1095-208-10-1

Operational: TM 9-1095-208-23-1&P
Minimum................................... -37oC (-35oF) TM 9-1345-203-12&P
Maximum.................................. +63oC (+145oF) TM 9-1095-208-23-2&P
o o
Minimum................................... -53 C (-65 F)
Maximum.................................. +71 C (+160oF)

Shipping and Storage Container:

(Metal Tube Type):
Length.......................................... 149.86 cm (59.0 in.)


Change 1 8-6
TM 43-0001-36


Type Classification: Tabulated Data:

Standard Jan. 89 Canister, ................................Mine: M88:

Length ................................24.09 in.
Use: Diameter ................................5.0 in.
Weight (loaded with 6
The M88 practice mine canister is used with the dummy mines)...................13.62 kg (30.0 lb)
M139 mine dispenser (VOLCANO) in field training in the Color Blue No. 35109
handling and operation of the M88 mine canister and Marking Blue, Brown, Black
M139 mine dispenser. Dummy mine .........................6
Pressure cartridge ..................1
Description: Electrical primer .....................1

The M88 mine canister is an expendable item Explosives:

consisting of an aluminum tube and breech assembly
containing six dummy mines. Also housed in the Pressure Cartridge:
canister are a dispersion strap, and a propulsion system. Propellant M1 type I ...............4.8 g
The propulsion system consists of a self-contained Propellant, black
electrically initiated primer, and a pressure cartridge powder ..............................1.0 g
assembly containing the launching propellant. The Lead styphnate.......................62 mg
canister is painted in light blue and has one brown and Electric Primer:
one blue color band near the muzzle. The end cap has Boron potassium
a brown ring around a blue center dot. perchlorate ...................10 mg
Titanium potassium
Functioning: perchlorate ...................25 mg
Mine Canister (Each):
When an electrical pulse is received, the Lead styphnate ..................62 mg
electric primer initiates the pressure cartridge expelling Propellant M1 type 1..........4.8 g
a mine stack from the canister. The stack consists of Propellant, black
six dummy mines. powder.......................... 1.0 mg
Boron potassium
perchlorate ...................10 mg
Titanium potassium
perchlorate ...................25 mg
TM 43-0001-36

Pallet weight (loaded).............852.6 kg

Temperature Limits: ................................(1,900.0 lb)
Operational: Shipping and Storage Data:
Minimum ......................-37°C (-35F) DOD hazard class .............1.2
Maximum .....................+63°C (+145°F) DOD compatibility
Storage: group ............................C
Minimum ......................-530C (-650F) DOD hazard class .............Class C Explosive
Maximum .....................+710C (+160°F) DOT container marking .....CARTRIDGE
Shipping and Storage Container: ................................PRACTICE
(Metal Tube Type): ................................AMMUNITION
Length ...............................49.86 cm (59.0 in.) US Coast Guard
Diameter ...........................17.27 in. (6.8 in.) Classification ................X-A
Weight (empty)..................11.34 kg (25.0 lb) Shelf life............................Indefinite
Weight (packed with 2 DODAC ............................. 1345-K042
mine canisters) .............39.95 kg (88.0 lb) UNO serial number............0276
Palletization (Metal Pallet): UNO Proper shipping
Pallet size..........................71.8 x 149.9 cm name ............................Cartridges, power
................................(28-1/4 x 59.0 in.) ................................device
Pallet weight (empty).........63.5 kg (140. lb) NSN ................................ 1345-01-233-2030
Pallet configuration
(tubes) ..........................4 across x 5 high = References:
................................20 tubes
Pallet height ......................99.1 cm (39.0 in.) TM 9-1095-208-10
Pallet cube .............................1.07 cu meter TM 9-1345-203-12&P
................................(37.6 cu ft) TM 9-1345-203-34&P

TM 43-0001-36



TM 43-0001-36


TM 43-0001-36


AR 4515

Type Classification: mines for a total of twenty-one mines per dispenser (17
AT/AV and 4 AP mines). The IC is powered by a lithium
STD-LCC-A (6-20-86) cell battery and contains the electronic package which
receives, interprets, and acts on the signals received.
The dispenser is designed as a self-contained shipping,
Use: storage, and deployment unit that is not reloadable once
the mines have been deployed. The mine dispenser,
The M131 Mine Dispenser is used with the M71 which weighs approximately 160 pounds, is easily
Remote Control Unit (RCU) or Blasting Machine to emplaced by four persons.
deploy small antitank and antipersonnel minefields.
The Indicator Control in the dispenser receives
The M131 Mine Dispenser is a man portable, command and control data from the M71 RCU when the
remotely controlled, antipersonnel (AP) and magnetic coupling devices of the RCU and dispenser
antitank/antivehicle (AT/AV) mine dispensing system. are mated together. If no data is transferred to
The mines may be deployed on command by a blasting dispenser, there will be no command and control
machine hardwired to dispenser or by operating a radio capability once the mines are deployed. After dispenser
frequency (RF) Remote Control Unit (RCU). The is set to arm for 5 minutes, mines can be deployed via
dispenser contains a battery powered Indicator Control the M71 RCU or by a blasting machine hardwire
(IC) and seven launch tubes. Each tube houses three connecting to the Indicator Control.

TM 43-0001-36
When the Indicator Control receives the deploy Power Requirements:
command, it will send signals to the mine Electronic Voltage.............................. 11-15 Vdc
Battery Initiator (EBI) to activate the mine batteries. Current .............................. 7.4 to 8.2 ma
The Indicator Control then sends control data to mines Power source:
and activates actuators in dispenser to detonate Battery, Primary Lithium Organic,
cartridges to launch mines. BA-5598/U: Rating 10 to 15 volts dc,
weight about 1.5 lb
Tabulated Data:
Pallet Configuration:
a. Dispenser and Mines, Ground: M131: Pallet size..........................86.4 cm x 132.1 cm
Color ................................Olive drab ................................(34 in. x 52 in.)
Marking ............................. White Pallet weight (including
Length ............................... 81.8 cm cover and supports) ......63.5 kg
Width ................................57.6 cm Pallet w/6 M131
Height................................ 34.5 cm Dispensers....................472.1 kg
Cube ................................ 0.137 cu m Height - 1 Pallet w/6
Weight (without dispensers (3 high) .......1.22 m (48 in.)
battery) ......................... 68.1 kg (loaded) Cube - 1 Pallet w/6
Number of tube dispensers (3 high) .......1.39 cu m
dispensers ....................7 ................................(49.1 cu ft)
Number of mines per Shipping and Storage Data:
tube .............................. 3 DOD hazard class .............1.1
Total number of mines.......21 (4 AP, 17 AT) Storage compatibility
Ejection charge..................12 gage cartridge group ............................ D
................................(electrically deto- Quantity-distance class......1.1D
................................nated) DOT shipping class ...........A
Total explosive weight .......11.98 kg DOT marking.....................EXPLOSIVE
Explosives: ................................MINES
Comp B-4..........................1.64 kg US Coast Guard Class.......X-A
RDX Estane.......................10.03 kg Air Transport Loading/
PBXN-5 ............................. 258.58 g Storage Group
Comp A-5..........................25.12 g (TM 38-250)..................6
Lead styphnate ..................21.4 mg Shelf life............................20 yr
M5 propellant ....................31.5 g b. Antipersonnel Mine:
RD 1333 lead azide ...........73.0 mg Color ................................Forest green
HMX ................................ 336.0 mg Height................................ 6.60 cm
Boron borochromate..........170.0 mg Diameter ...........................12.07 cm
Barium styphnate and Total weight1.54 kg
KDNBF 50/50 mixture - 109.2 mg Total explosive weight .......0.42 kg
Barium nitrate....................483.0 mg Explosives:
Lead azide.........................378.0 mg Main charge, Comp B-4.....0.41 kg
Center lead........................4.18 mg Booster, Comp A-5
Material: (4 ea)............................ 6.28 g (total)
Outer ................................High density rub- Explosive lead, PBXN-5
................................ ber filled poly- (4 ea) ................................4.0 g (total)
................................ ethylene Main charge leads,
Inner ................................ Rigid structural PBXN-5 (4 ea) ..............360.0 mg (total)
................................ foam plastic liner M100 Detonator:
Tubes ................................ Aluminum Lead styphnate .............0.8 mg
DODAC ............................. 1345-K022 RD 1333 lead azide ......14.0 mg
UNO serial number............0137 HMX ............................. 16.0 mg
UNO Proper shipping Transfer lead, PBXN-5- 73.0 mg
name ............................ Mines MDF assembly, PBXN-5
NSN ................................ 1345-01-160-8909 (2 cords, 4 end caps) ....160.0 mg
Temperature Limits: Cleaning charge M5
Operation: Propellant (2 ea) ...........1.5 g (total)
Minimum ......................-40°C (-40°F) Micro piston actuator-
Maximum .....................+600C (+1400F) barium styphnate and
Storage: KDNBF 50/50
Minimum ......................-570C (-700F) mixture ......................... 5.2 mg
Maximum .....................+710C (+1600F) Battery Primer:
Barium nitrate....................23.0 mg
Lead styphnate ..................0.8 mg
Lead azide.........................18.0 mg
TM 43-0001-36

c. Antitank Mine: Transfer lead, PBXN-5- 86.0 mg

Color ................................Forest green MDF assembly,
Height................................ 6.60 cm PBXN-5 ........................ 84.0 mg
Diameter ...........................12.07 cm Cleaning charge M5
Total weight.......................1.86 kg propellant (2 ea) ...........1.5 g (total)
Total explosive weight .......0.60 kg Micro piston actuator -
Explosives: barium styphnate
Main charge, RDX and KDNBF 50/50
ESTANE.......................0.59 kg mixture ......................... 5.2 mg
Booster ring, PBXN-5 Battery Primer:
(4 ea)............................ 13.6 g Barium nitrate ...............23.0 mg
Main charge leads, Lead styphnate .............0.8 mg
PBXN-5 (4 ea) ..............360.0 mg (total) Lead azide....................18.0 mg
Center lead........................246.0 mg
Delay Detonator: References:
Lead styphnate .............0.08 mg
RD 1333 lead azide ......1.0 mg TM 9-1345-209-10
Boron borochromate .....10.0 mg TM 9-1345-209-23&P
HMX .............................16.0 mg

TM 43-0001-36


The Metric System and Equivalents

Linear Measure Liquid Measure

1 centiliter = 10 milliters = .34 fl. ounce

1 centimeter = 10 millimeters = .39 inch 1 deciliter = 10 centiliters = 3.38 fl. ounces
1 decimeter = 10 centimeters = 3.94 inches 1 liter = 10 deciliters = 33.81 fl. ounces
1 meter = 10 decimeters = 39.37 inches 1 dekaliter = 10 liters = 2.64 gallons
1 dekameter = 10 meters = 32.8 feet 1 hectoliter = 10 dekaliters = 26.42 gallons
1 hectometer = 10 dekameters = 328.08 feet 1 kiloliter = 10 hectoliters = 264.18 gallons
1 kilometer = 10 hectometers = 3,280.8 feet
Square Measure
1 sq. centimeter = 100 sq. millimeters = .155 sq. inch
1 centigram = 10 milligrams = .15 grain 1 sq. decimeter = 100 sq. centimeters = 15.5 sq. inches
1 decigram = 10 centigrams = 1.54 grains 1 sq. meter (centare) = 100 sq. decimeters = 10.76 sq. feet
1 gram = 10 decigram = .035 ounce 1 sq. dekameter (are) = 100 sq. meters = 1,076.4 sq. feet
1 decagram = 10 grams = .35 ounce 1 sq. hectometer (hectare) = 100 sq. dekameters = 2.47 acres
1 hectogram = 10 decagrams = 3.52 ounces 1 sq. kilometer = 100 sq. hectometers = .386 sq. mile
1 kilogram = 10 hectograms = 2.2 pounds
1 quintal = 100 kilograms = 220.46 pounds Cubic Measure
1 metric ton = 10 quintals = 1.1 short tons
1 cu. centimeter = 1000 cu. millimeters = .06 cu. inch
1 cu. decimeter = 1000 cu. centimeters = 61.02 cu. inches
1 cu. meter = 1000 cu. decimeters = 35.31 cu. feet

Approximate Conversion Factors

To change To Multiply by To change To Multiply by

inches centimeters 2.540 ounce-inches Newton-meters .007062

feet meters .305 centimeters inches .394
yards meters .914 meters feet 3.280
miles kilometers 1.609 meters yards 1.094
square inches square centimeters 6.451 kilometers miles .621
square feet square meters .093 square centimeters square inches .155
square yards square meters .836 square meters square feet 10.764
square miles square kilometers 2.590 square meters square yards 1.196
acres square hectometers .405 square kilometers square miles .386
cubic feet cubic meters .028 square hectometers acres 2.471
cubic yards cubic meters .765 cubic meters cubic feet 35.315
fluid ounces milliliters 29,573 cubic meters cubic yards 1.308
pints liters .473 milliliters fluid ounces .034
quarts liters .946 liters pints 2.113
gallons liters 3.785 liters quarts 1.057
ounces grams 28.349 liters gallons .264
pounds kilograms .454 grams ounces .035
short tons metric tons .907 kilograms pounds 2.205
pound-feet Newton-meters 1.356 metric tons short tons 1.102
pound-inches Newton-meters .11296

Temperature (Exact)

°F Fahrenheit 5/9 (after Celsius °C

temperature subtracting 32) temperature
PIN: 014884-003

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