Analysis of Bogie Frame Manufactured With Different Processes

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

Analysis of Bogie Frame Manufactured with

Different Processes
Subhankar Haldar#1 and Ravikant Verma*2
Research Scholar, GD-Rungta College of Engineering & Technology, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, INDIA
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, GD-Rungta College of Engineering &
Technology, Bhilai, Chhattisgarh, INDIA.

This paper presents the analysis of bogie about the dynamic properties of the bogie
frame when manufactured through casting and [4]. WANG Kun-quanv analyzes the existing status
fabrication by finite element method. The objective is and development of heavy haul traffic in various
to analyze effects of manufacturing over strength of countries, and necessity and feasibility of
the bogie frame with all its loading conditions. This is development on heavy load AC locomotive bogie [5].
will provide us the best suited process of
manufacturing for Bogie Frame. Geoffrey Boothroyd says during design is the
initial step and the important decisions are made that
Keywords – Bogie Frame, Casting, Fabrication, affect the final cost of a product in this stage and also
Finite Element Analysis, he focuses on the occurrence manufacturing problems
in the early stages of product design and
I. INTRODUCTION development[6]. Therefore, Bogie frame can be
manufactured either through Casting Process (fig. I)
The HTSC (high traction/speed-three axle) or Fabrication (fig. II). Both the process gives
bogie assembly support the weight of the locomotive different results when carried out.
and provide the means for transmission of power to
the rails. The HTSC series truck is applied to AC
transmission locomotives used in freight service. This
bogie is designed as a powered “bolster-less” unit.
The locomotive carbody weight is transferred directly
to the bogie frame through four rubber “secondary”
spring pad assemblies, which also provide yaw
stiffness for tracking stability. The relatively stiff
“secondary” suspension and uniform traction motor Fig. I Casting Bogie frame
orientation improve weight transfer within the bogie
for optimal adhesion performance. A soft “primary”
suspension is designed to provide good ride quality
and equalization of wheel set loads for operation over
track irregularities.
Traction loads are transmitted from the bogie
to the locomotive under frame through the pivot pin
assembly Although the bogie frame itself is rigid, the Fig. II Fabricated Bogie frame
soft spring design allows the end axles “yaw” freedom
within the frame to position the wheelset axles to the Masahiko Onosato says “Virtual
curves center for reduced wheel and rail wear. A Manufacturing makes it possible to estimate
“traction rod” and collar/bushing attached to the manufacturing processes previously without using
journal bearing adapters and bogie frame helps control real facilities, and therefore, Virtual Manufacturing is
movement of the end axles and transfers driving force expected to be used for many applications in
to the bogie frame [1]. manufacturing” [7]. Hence finite element analysis of
the bogie frame manufactured through the process of
In the development of bogie frame, the casting and fabrication should be done to check the
design improvement of railway vehicle was done results.
continuously to strengthen its strength and make up
for its weakness [2]. In order to save energy and The main objective is to check the results of
material, analysis of bogie is performed for various both the processes and then compare them so that the
loading conditions by B H Park, K Y Lee [3]. Various bogie produced either of the processes with best
studies including the constructional study of results.
locomotive has been carried out to have information

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017



HTSC bogie frame can be manufactured through Chemical Composition

Sand Casting Process. In this process the material Carbon,% 0.20 max
selected for process is Cast Steel. The chemical Manganese, % 1.30 max
composition is stated in Table I. Phosphorus,% 0.04 max
Sulphur,% 0.04 max
Chemical Composition Carbon Equivalent, % 0.45 max
Carbon,% 0.25 max TABLE IV
Manganese, % 0.85 max
Phosphorus,% 0.05 max
Sulphur,% 0.06 max Now, the mechanical properties of the material E 350
Carbon Equivalent, % 0.40 max C and HFW tube required for the analysis are
tabulated in Table V and TableVI.
The mechanical properties of Cast Steel used in the
Casting process are stated in Table II. Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength, MPA, min 490
TABLE II Yield Point, MPA, min 350
MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CAST STEEL Elongation at gauge length 22
5.65 𝑠0 , %, min
Mechanical Properties Internal Bend Diameter 2t
Tensile Strength, MPA, min 435
Yield Point, MPA, min 248 TABLE VI
Elongation at 50mm gauge 24
length, %, min Mechanical Properties
Reduction of Area, %, min 36 Tensile Strength, MPA, min 430
Hardness, Brinell 137 -170 Yield Point, MPA, min 275
Elongation at gauge length 20
Now HTSC bogie when manufactured through 5.65 𝑠0 , %, min
Fabrication Process uses the following types of Internal Bend Diameter 3t
All the above properties are verified during
Plates: E350 C mechanical testing. For mechanical testing of Cast
Tubes: HFW Tube steel, the test bar are to be cast integrally and heat
treated by casting and all its properties should confirm
The Chemical Composition of E 350 C is briefly to Truck Frame and Bolster Cast steel[8]. Similarly
described in Table III and the chemical compositions the properties of material for fabrication process
Chemical Composition confirms to IS: 2062 [9] and IS: 3601[10].
Carbon, % 0.20 max
Manganese, % 1.55 max III. EVALUATION OF STRENGTH OF
Phosphorus, % 0.040 max BOGIE FRAMES
Sulphur, % 0.040 max
Silicon, % 0.45 max A. Structural integrity of Bogie frames
Carbon Equivalent, % 0.45 max
of HFW Tube are shown in Table IV. The evaluation of strength for bogie frame
TABLE III was performed as per the assembly load details of

The static structural analysis of the bogie

frame was done using Ansys v14.0 Workbench, a
finite element analysis program.

Fig. III shows the geometric model used for structural

integrity analysis of bogie frame (casting model).

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

Fig. VI Supports and Load Details of Fabricated Bogie

Fig. III Solid Modelling of Casting Bogie Frame Frame

Fig. IV shows the FE model used for structural B. Strength of Bogie frames
integrity analysis of bogie frame (fabricated model).
In order to evaluate the strength of bogie
frame, stress results of static analysis were used.
Fig VII and Fig VIII show the stress results of Casting
Bogie Frame.

Fig. IV Solid Modelling of Fabricated Bogie frame

For finite element analysis the properties of

Cast Steel for Casting Bogie and E 350 C and HFW
tube for fabricated bogie are fed into Engineering Fig. VII Stress Results of Casting Model
material Section. During pre processing stage i.e.,
before meshing the materials are assigned to their
respective models and parts.

After meshing the nodes and elements in the

Casting model are 186318 and 50203 respectively
whereas the nodes and elements in the fabricated
model are 189356 and 50568 respectively.

Now the equivalent stress and total

deformation is analyzed with load of 125 T equally
distributed over four parts and fixing the parts where
wheel and axle assembly is fixed.

Fig. V and Fig. VI shows the casting and fabricated

bogie frame model with the loads and fixing supports.

Fig. VIII Stress Results of Casting Model

Above results show that the casting model produces

maximum stress results which are not acceptable.

Fig. V Supports and Load Details of Casting Bogie Apart from this Fig. IX and Fig. X shows the
Frame deformation due the maximum stress developed.

In the above figures the red spotted areas are

showing the areas where the load of 125 T is equally
distributed where as the blue spotted areas are
showing the fixed supports.

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

The above results shows that the maximum stresses

developed are below the yield stress of the material
hence the model developed is safe.

Also, the Total Deformation shown in Fig. XIII and

Fig. XIV at maximum stress developed are

Fig. IX Deformation due to Stresses Developed.

Fig. XIII Deformation due to Stresses Developed.

Fig. X Deformation Result due to Stress Developed

This maximum deflection produced is 104 mm which

is not acceptable.

Now, the stress result for the fabricated bogie is

shown in fig. XI and fig. XII.

Fig. XIV Deformation Result due to Stress Developed.


All the above results show that

manufacturing process plays a very important role in
Fig. XI Stress Results of Fabricated Model deciding the strength of the product. Apart from this
there are some differences in both the processes:

 The weight of the casting Bogie is 6.5 T whereas

the weight of fabricated model is 5.5 T which
shows fabrication model is lighter than casting
 The chances of defects in the casting process are
more than fabrication.
 The Defects arises in casting cannot be easily
rectified or sometimes the product gets rejected
due to its defects.
 Preparation of model through casting is a time
taking process whereas the fabrication of the
same product can be completed in multiple steps
and in less time.

Fig. XII Stress Results of Fabricated Model All these factors also make fabrication process more
suitable than the casting process.

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SSRG International Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SSRG-IJME) – Volume 4 Issue 5 – May 2017

V. CONCLUSION [7]. Masahiko Onosato, “Development of a Virtual Manufacturing

System by Integrating Product Models and Factory Models”.
CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology Volume 42, Issue
The structural integrity of a Fabricated 1, 1993, Pages 475-478.
Model of HTSC Bogie frame has produced the better [8]. Truck Frame and Bolster Cast steel Material, Specification by
results than the casting bogie frame under external RDSO, EMS 22.
[9]. Hot Rolled Medium and High Tensile Structural Steel. [MTD
loading conditions. Also the benefits of fabricated 4: Wrought Steel Products], Specification, IS 2062, 2011.
bogie frame are more. Hence fabricated bogie frame [10]. Steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes
should be preferred over casting bogie frame. [MTD 19: Steel Tubes, Pipes and Fittings], Specification, IS
3601, 2006.
[1]. Bogie Designs, Railway Technical Handbook
[2]. K. B. Shin, D. H. Koo, S. H. Han. “A study on material
selection of the car body structure of Korean Tilting Train
express (TTX) through the verification of design
requirements”. Korean society for railway, 2004, Vol.7, No.2,
[3]. B H Park, K Y Lee , “Bogie frame design in consideration of
fatigue strength and weight reduction” Journal of Rail and
Rapid Transit, Published May 1, 2006
[4]. Sergey Myamlin, Mukolaj Luchanin, Larysa Neduzha.
“Construction analysis of mechanical parts of locomotives”
.The Dniepropetrovsk National University of Railway
Transport named after Academician V. Lazaryan, 2, Lazarian
St., Dnepropetrovsk-10, 49700, Ukraine, July 2013.
[5]. WANG Kun-quan, “Discussion of Bogie Scheme for 32t
Axle-load AC Locomotive”. Railway Locomotive & Car,
[6]. Geoffrey Boothroyd, “Product design for manufacture and
assembly”, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881,
USA, 28 February 2003.

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