Talgo Automatic Gauge Change System For Freight Wagons: J L Lopez Gomez Õ Sa

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Talgo automatic gauge change system for freight


J L Lopez Gomez¤ and J Lacasta Aṍsa

Patentes Talgo SA, Madrid, Spain

Abstract: Between 1970 and 1995, road freight transport in Europe increased by 150 per cent. Existing
road infrastructures are saturated, and the environmental impact is enormous. The best solution is to
promote international rail freight transport, but the efforts of the European Union to solve the bureaucratic
problems at borders are not sufficient. The efficiency of the railways has to be increased, and therefore
interoperability problems between the different networks have to be solved. Talgo has designed an
automatic gauge change system that allows the transit of freight wagons on networks with different gauges
without interruption of the journey or transfer of the freight. The first advance, demonstrating the
importance of railways as an efficient means of transportation for freight, is already available. This article
includes a technical description of the automatic gauge change system as well as the test carried out for its
approval process.

Keywords: automatic gauge change, freight transport, dynamic test

1 INTRODUCTION ecological cost of European transport is £172 billion: 60.3

per cent of this is due to cars, 20.7 per cent to lorries, 6.0
One of the challenges railways have to face is the improve- per cent to planes, 1.7 per cent to railways and 0.2 per cent
ment of service in the freight sector. Between 1970 and to shipping. It therefore seems that, among the mass means
1995, rail freight transport in Europe fell by almost a of transport, the railway is the one with the smallest
quarter, from 283 000 to 220 000 million t=km, at a time environmental impact.
when the freight transport market grew by 70 per cent. The first steps to solve the problems created by transport
During that time, the market share of railways halved, from have already been taken [2]; Switzerland, for example, has
32 to 15 per cent [1]. limited the load capacity of four-axled lorries to 34 t and
The main beneficiary of this loss of market share was prohibited their transit on public holidays and between
road transport which, in the same period, increased by 150 10 p.m. and 5 a.m. In addition, it has established taxes for
per cent. This has led to saturation of existing road air and noise pollution and has reached an agreement with
infrastructures, the expansion of which, far from resolving the European Union to develop its railway infrastructures
the problem of increasing growing traffic, has acted like a in order to transfer the freight transported by lorries to the
suction pump, leading the new infrastructure to saturation railway. Austria has undertaken to reduce emissions of
while other means of transport have been neglected. nitrogen oxide due to traffic by 60 per cent; to this effect,
This uncontrollable expansion of freight transport has lorries travelling through the country are penalized.
caused problems that raise an alarm in environmental, The European Union is also attempting to reduce both
social and political terms [2–4]. Enormous damage to land road saturation and ecological damage caused by cars and
and the environment is caused by both the direct impact of lorries by encouraging the use of the railway for freight and
transport infrastructures and exhaust fumes as well as the passenger transport. For this purpose, it has established
noise from vehicles. According to the German study several directives trying to achieve more efficient, compe-
‘Externe Folgen des Transports’, carried out by the titive use of the railway infrastructure and develop an
company INFRAS and the Institute IWW of the University effective system of prices that are based on real costs. This
of Karlsruhe in 1991, which includes data on accidents, will make it possible to obtain conditions for rail transport
noise, air pollution and the effect on climate change, the operation closer to its main competitor: roads.
As a result of these directives, several international
freightways have already appeared, facilitating access to
The MS was received on 13 July 1999 and was accepted after revision for the infrastructure by providing a ‘one-stop shop’ for each
publication on 28 October 1999.
¤ Corresponding author: Patentes Talgo SA, Technology Area, Montalban one of the freightways [6]. These one-stop shops behave as
14, E-28014 Madrid, Spain. infrastructure administrators, allocating its capacity and
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time bands and providing a single price for an entire route travel through networks with different gauges (see Fig. 1).
without the need for agreement from the countries through So far, this has been dealt with either by directly
which the route passes. The intention is to improve the transferring the freight to different wagons with the
quality of rail service by eliminating the technical and network gauge or by changing the axles on the wagons.
organizational problems, which at present hamper interna- These operations increase the total length of time of
tional freight traffic. The Union Internationale des Sociétés journeys, making rail transport less attractive.
de Transport Combiné Rail Route (UIRR) has estimated In 1969, Patentes Talgo solved this problem for passen-
the time reduction that could be achieved by getting rid of ger trains. Running gear equipped with an automatic gauge
bureaucratic barriers at borders as 15–80 per cent, which changing system was implemented in the trainset travelling
would mean an increase of up to 20 per cent in the average between Barcelona and Zurich. At the border, in Portbou, a
speed. gauge-changing track facility was installed. The gauge was
Apart from bureaucratic problems at borders, there are changed automatically as the train passed through this
also technical problems that hamper the growth of interna- facility at a speed of up to 15 km=h, enabling the train to
tional rail freight transport. At present, in Europe, different run on the new network. After 30 years in service, the
gauges, various catenary voltages and different signalling reliability of this system has been more than fully proved,
systems have to coexist, operating together on international with more than 1.5 million wheelset gauge changes.
journeys. Because of these problems of interoperability, it Currently, more than 400 wheelset gauge changes are
is necessary to change locomotives and, in some cases, the performed daily by trainsets in service between Madrid–
bogies of wagons at borders which prolongs the journey Paris, Barcelona–Paris, Barcelona–Milan and Barcelona–
time. Zurich, as well as other trains running within the Iberian
To solve these problems, specific rolling stock adaptable Peninsula.
to the standards of different national railway networks In an attempt to solve the problem of freight wagon
needs to be developed. For example, to resolve the problem traffic between countries with different gauges and thus to
of the various catenary voltages and the different signalling contribute to improving the sector, Talgo is developing
systems, SNCF has financed for the construction of electric wagons with a variable gauge. The system used for
locomotives capable of travelling on the French, German changing the gauge is based on the same principles as the
and Italian railway networks. ones used in Talgo passenger coaches, which have been in
Another problem for international freight transport is to service since 1969. The great advantage of this system is

Fig. 1 Map of Europe, showing the different track gauges

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that the gauge change is performed automatically by means of the wheel conicity as with a conventional
passing through a fixed facility at a speed of 5–15 km=h, wheelset.
thus achieving a reduction in the time necessary for a An extendible axle is mounted between the cardan joints,
trainset to be able to travel on another network with a the bracket-shaped ends of which are joined to the
different gauge. crossbars. This axle is designed in such a way that no
A car-carrier wagon with automatically guided indepen- vertical or longitudinal load is transmitted between the
dent wheels is also being developed, equipped with the wheels.
conventional Talgo system for changing gauge. This Each wheelset has two locking mechanisms mounted on
vehicle transporter has been designed for a speed of up to the two internal bearing beds. Every internal bearing has
200 km=h. two stop guides for interlocking between the wheel and the
wheelset frame, each one located in a different transversal
position to lock the wheels in the two different gauges (see
Figs 5 to 7). The locking bars of the locking mechanisms
2 AUTOMATIC GAUGE CHANGE SYSTEM remain compressed against the bearing stop guides with a
force much higher than the dynamic actions that tend to
The Talgo automatic gauge change system for freight has unlock it (6000 daN).
been designed in order to be applied to both two-axle
wagons and wagons with bogies, e.g. Y-21 bogies. The only
differences from a conventional wagon will be in the
wheelset arrangement, which is the same for both two-
axled wagons and wagons with bogies, and in the axle
The gauge change process is completely automatic and
frame, which gives rigidity to the wheelset on which the
takes place when the wagons pass through an approxi-
suspension is supported (see Fig. 2).
mately 12 m long track facility, located at the gauge
The axle arrangement of these new Y-21 bogies consists
transition station, at a speed of not more than 15 km=h.
of two axle frames in which a wheelset with its locking
During the gauge change, once the wheels have been
mechanisms and two sets of brakeshoe holder adjustment
unlocked, they move transversely with respect to each other
systems are mounted. None of these elements requires
because of the pressure exerted by the displacement guides
while the axle boxes rest on the sliding rails.
The frame is a structure made of welded steel plates
The basic elements that make up the facility are as
rigidly joining together the four bearing housing cradles,
and supporting the suspension springs of the bogie that rest
on it (see Fig. 3). Using this assembly, it has been possible (a) at one end, rails of the larger gauge track,
to keep the same longitudinal and transverse relative (b) at the other, rails of the narrow gauge track,
positions between the wheelset and the bogie frame. The (c) sliding and centring guide rails,
slide skids and centring guide plates, the elements on which (d) guides for locking and unlocking the locking mechan-
the bogie rests and slides and which guide it in the gauge ism,
change process, are mounted on the outer faces of this (e) guides for displacing the wheelsets and elastic and
frame. rigid parts.
Each wheelset consists of two monoblock-type wheels
clamped to a semi-axle with its ends having an exterior and The gauge change facility is bidirectional, producing the
an interior bearing (see Fig. 4). A plastic laminate is changeover from broad to standard gauge track in one
inserted between the surfaces of the bearings and the direction and the reverse changeover in the opposite
cradles to distribute the load uniformly on the supports. direction. The process on a wagon arriving at the facility on
The outer cover of the interior bearing is joined to the the broad gauge line is carried out in the following way
brakeshoe holder movement set, consisting of two arms, (see Fig. 8).
where one of the joints of the connecting rod is mounted. When the wheels reach the descending area (A) at the
The other joint is inserted in the bolt from which the broad gauge end, the bogies are gradually lowered until the
brakeshoe holder hangs. During the automatic gauge sliding skids of the frame make contact with the sliding and
change process, this set is moved with the wheelset, forcing centring guide rails (B). From this moment, the wheelsets
the brakeshoe to move to a position corresponding to the have the load taken off them, remaining like this until
new gauge. contact is made with the standard gauge rails at the other
Two cardan joints are fastened to the inner end of the end.
semi-axles of the wheel. These joints give the wheelset When the wheelset is free from load, its weight causes it
rigidity with regard to the wheels turning, but, once the to drop slightly until the surfaces of the outer and inner
locking mechanisms have been released, they allow the bearings rest on the lower stop parts of their cradles. In this
lateral movement necessary to change the gauge. Thus, it is position, the elastic wedges of the internal bearing stop
possible for the wheelsets to be steered exclusively by pressing against the lifting lugs and these no longer press
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Y-21 bogie with the Talgo automatic gauge change system

Fig. 2

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Fig. 3 Frame for an individual axle on a Y-21 bogie

Fig. 4 Wheelset

against the point locking bar, leaving this released for its until the lifting lugs of the inner bearings are released (see
unlocking. Figs 5 to 7). From this point onwards, the profile of the
The unlocking and centring guides have a water-based unlocking guide remains horizontal. At its other end, once
lubrication system ensuring a low friction coefficient when the wheelsets have passed to the standard gauge line
the skids and guide plates slide on them. When the position, the profile of this guide re-ascends, making the
wheelset is resting and centred on the guides, the end head point locking bar lock the wheelsets already located in the
of the unlocking guides is introduced into the locking new track gauge (phase C).
mechanism housing. The first section of this guide has a When initiating the unlocking process, the elastic part of
descending profile which forces the point locking bars the point locking bar of the wheelset translation guides
down, overcoming the force of the springs and retainers, comes into contact with the inner face of the wheels,
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Fig. 5 Locking mechanism (locked)

Fig. 6 Locking mechanism (unlocked)

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Fig. 7 Locking mechanism (locked)

applying pressure on them outwards in order to aid the completely identical, except for phase D where the wheels
locking bar descending operation. In the event of a change are moved apart by applying pressure on the inside face.
from standard gauge track to broad gauge, the contact with The five facilities at present existing in Spain (two located
the wheels would be made by the external part and would at border crossings to France and three for communication
press these towards the inside. with the AVE high-speed train line) are fully capable of
Then, when the locking bars are fully disengaged, the changing the gauge of wagons fitted with the TALGO
wheels make contact with the rigid area of the wheelset gauge change system (see Fig. 9).
translating guides, pushing the wheelsets to the narrow
gauge line position. The wheels then make contact with the
elastic zone at the opposite end of these guides, keeping
them in their transverse inwards stop position (when 4 APPROVAL PROCESS
passing from standard gauge to broad gauge, they would
remain in contact with the external stops), which makes To obtain approval of the gauge change system for freight
locking of the point locking bars easier (phase D). When train axles, the UIC pre-standard ‘Circulation entre des
the wheels are in this position, the guides force the locking réseaux à écartement de 1435 mm et des résaux à
mechanisms to rise, locking them in their top position écartement de 1668 mm. Prescriptions techniques et condi-
(phase E). tions d’homologation’developed by the RENFE/SNCF/DB
When the inner bearings are locked, the point locking AG work group ‘Freight wagons with automatic variable
bars leave the locking guides and the wheels come into gauge technique’ is being followed. The results obtained
contact with the rising part of the narrow gauge rails, from the most important tests are summarized below.
pushing the wheels up slightly until the top surface of the
bearings comes into contact with the cradles, the lifting
lugs of the inner bearings being compressed between the
4.1 Bench tests
wedge and the point locking bar, ending the wheelsets’
interlocking process. The first step necessary to carry out extended track testing
Upon the wheel ascending at the end of the tracks, the (100 000 km) was the performance of a bend test at a
skids stop resting on their sliding guides; this concludes the rotational speed of V > 50 km=h on a test bench to
broad gauge line change (phase F). The changing process determine the fatigue resistance of the variable gauge axle.
from the standard gauge track to the broad one is This was carried out following the pre-standard test
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Fig. 8 Gauge change facility

programme with the wheels in the 1435 mm gauge position The positions of the measuring points where the strain
(Table 1). gauges were to be located were determined in a preliminary
Phases I and II are compulsory. When phase II finite element method (FEM) study of the structure in
concludes, there should be no cracks in the elements. With which the critical points of the frame were determined. The
respect to non-rotating elements, only small cracks, which results obtained for the most unfavourable critical points in
in service would not require immediate repair, are tension and compression at the end of the first and second
permitted. phases are given in Table 2.
The purpose of phase III is to obtain a better evaluation When the first phase of the fatigue test had been
of the construction with regard to any critical points. At the finished, an inspection of the state of the frame with
end of phase III, cracks are also accepted in rotating parts, penetrating dyes was made to detect any possible cracks.
although it is not compulsory to perform this phase. To do this, it was necessary to remove the rosettes stuck
This test was carried out on a bench designed and on the framework. After this examination, in which it
constructed by the company Patentes Talgo S.A. at its was discovered that there were no cracks, the rosettes
workshop in Aravaca, Madrid (see Fig. 10). The general were replaced on the frame in order to proceed to phase
characteristics of the frame are as follows: II. For this phase, only four of the most critical rosettes,
according to the figures obtained in phase I, were
Plate material S355 J2G3: placed.
elastic limit 34.5 kg=mm2 The stress figures obtained at the end of phase II were
ultimate tensile stress 49.0–63.0 kg=mm2 still lower than the elastic limits of the materials, so the
Pipe material S355 J2H: same test to detect cracks was repeated. No cracks were
elastic limit 34.5 kg=mm2 found. Since it is not mandatory to obtain the approval of
ultimate tensile stress 49.0–63.0 kg=mm2 the system, and as the test bench was needed to perform
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Fig. 9 Existing rail gauge change facilities

Table 1 Load states for the fatigue test

Vertical force¤ (kN) Transverse force (kN)
Number of
Phase load cycles Static Dynamic Static Dynamic
I 6 3 106 P § 0.3P for 4 Hz 0 §0.27P for 2 Hz
II 2 3 106 P § 0.36P for 4 Hz 0 §0.32P for 2 Hz
III 2 3 106 P § 0.42P for 4 Hz 0 §0.38P for 2 Hz
¤ P corresponds to the static load per axle (20 t).

Table 2 Stress (kg=mm2 ) at the rosettes after phase I and II

Average main Alternate main Average main Alternate main Average von Alternate von Total
Cycles stress 1 stress 1 stress 2 stress 2 Mises stress Mises stress stress
6 000 000 ¡1.2 0.6 ¡4.7 2.4 4.2 2.2 6.4
2.7 0.8 ¡0.4 0.9 3 1.2 4.2
8 000 000 ¡1.3 0.9 ¡5.3 4.2 4.8 3.9 8.7
3.6 2.9 0.7 0.6 3.4 3 6.4

other experiments, it was decided not to carry out phase III is the performance of at least 500 gauge changes, under full
of the fatigue test. load conditions, without any maintenance or inspection, in
order to check that the locking system behaves well. The
test was carried out in the gauge change facility at Talgo’s
4.2 Performance of 500 successive gauge changes
workshop in Aravaca on 28 March 1996, with a fully
Another fatigue test included in the regulations on approval loaded JJ2 wagon. A total of 507 successive gauge changes
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were made, with no irregularity being detected in the bogie with gauge change with new profiles satisfies the
unlocking system. ride quality and stability standards.

4.3 Dynamic behaviour study 4.4 Long-term testing

To study the dynamic behaviour of a freight wagon with From summer 1998, following the successful conclusion of
bogies provided with the Talgo automatic gauge change the fatigue tests and the preliminary track tests required to
system on Renfe gauge track, a wagon with Y21 bogies obtain permission to travel on the line, a test trainset
with Renfe-UIC gauge change axles was used. Wheelsets consisting of two JJ4 wagons and one MMC2 wagon with
with new S1002 profile wheels were employed. The bogies and two two-axle MC3 wagons equipped with Talgo
trainset used for the study consisted of an S/269 locomo- variable gauge axles for freight wagons covered the
tive, a Renfe S-304 laboratory car and the wagon under 100 000 km required for approval of the system. The tests
study, type JJ2 (see Fig. 11). The study was carried out were carried out on the old Madrid–Seville line, the test
following the simplified method according to the UIC 518 trainset being made to go through the gauge change facility
standard. The tests were performed on 6 February 1996 at Majarabique, Seville, once a week. The rated speed of
with an unloaded wagon and on 8 February with an axle this trainset is 120 km=h with an axle load of up to 20 t.
load of 20 t on the Madrid–Zaragoza line in the Torrejón– A monitoring plan has been established to supervise both
Arcos de Jalón section. the dynamic behaviour of the vehicles and the reliability of
Since it is intended to obtain approval for the wagons to the automatic gauge change system during this testing.
run at a speed of 120 km=h, the test was carried out at a Talgo staff carries out visual inspection of the wagons and
speed of 132 km=h (120 ‡ 10 per cent) on straight sections replaces the brakeshoes where necessary at Villaverde Bajo
and at different speeds in curves in order to achieve an station, Madrid, before the test trainset leaves for Seville,
uncompensated acceleration between 0.6 and 1 m=s2 . The coupled to a regular service TEM trainset. This journey is
variables measured during the tests were: made twice a week, passing once a week through the gauge
change facility at Majarabique, where the condition of the
(a) lateral acceleration on the bogie frame on the outside
gauge change system is checked.
of the axle,
Every 10 000 or 15 000 km, the wagons travel to Talgo’s
(b) lateral and vertical acceleration on both pivot points of
workshop in Las Matas, Madrid, where the wheel para-
the frame,
meters, the distance between the wheels, the clearance of
(c) speed,
the extendible axle and the shunting between the wheels
(d) kilometre point.
are checked with automatic measuring equipment devel-
The values obtained during the tests are given in Table 3. oped by Talgo itself. The appearance of cracks or any
As can be seen, the figures for the acceleration measured loosening of connecting screws between the homokinetic
do not exceed the limit values established by UIC 518. The joints and the extendible axle and flanges are also checked
dynamic behaviour of the freight wagon with the Y-21 during these inspections.

Table 3 Results of the dynamic behaviour study

section Lateral acceleration Lateral acceleration Vertical acceleration
Torrejon of bogie of carbody of carbody
– Speed or
Load Arcos uncompensated Bogie 1 Bogie 2 Bogie 1 Bogie 1 Bogie 2 Bogie 2 Bogie 1 Bogie 2
condition de Jalón Track shape acceleration ·
y ‡ ‡ 3S ·y ‡ ‡ 3S ·y¤ ‡ 3S Sy ‡ 3S ·y¤ ‡ 3S Sy ‡ 3S Sz ‡ 2.2S Sz ‡ 2.2S
Unloaded Outward Straight 130 2.64 1.97 1.68 0.3 1.86 0.34 0.6 0.64
Large-radius curves 0.6–0.9 4.09 3.34 2.65 0.36 2.93 0.41 0.55 0.57
Small-radius curves 0.6–0.9 4.07 3.1 2.59 0.32 2.8 0.32 0.37 0.34
Return Straight 130 1.73 2.76 1.86 0.26 1.9 0.32 0.78 0.74
Large-radius curves 0.6–0.9 3.36 3.76 3.61 0.42 2.88 0.36 0.58 0.58
Small-radius curves 0.6–0.9 2.74 3.56 2.52 0.26 2.29 0.25 0.33 0.33
Loaded Outward Straight 130 1.78 2.29 1.26 0.26 1.23 0.23 0.71 0.61
Large-radius curves 0.6–0.9 3.13 3.4 2.75 0.34 2.85 0.34 0.62 0.57
Small-radius curves 0.6–0.9 2.54 3.17 2.27 0.24 2.71 0.27 0.34 0.34
Return Straight 130 1.6 2.48 1.17 0.19 1.17 0.24 0.73 0.71
Large-radius curves 0.6–0.9 3.35 3.35 2.88 0.33 2.72 0.31 0.52 0.55
Small-radius curves 0.6–0.9 2.48 3.17 2.47 0.25 2.43 0.24 0.35 0.38
Limit values (UIC 518) 6 6 4 1.3 4 1.3 1.3 1.3

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Fig. 10 Test bench

Fig. 11 JJ2 wagon with the gauge change system

At regular intervals, both the frame and the bogie of the 50 000 km, the results obtained from these inspections are
trainset are instrumented with accelerometers in order to as follows:
study the evolution of the dynamic behaviour of the
vehicles as the wear of the wheelsets increases. After 1. The distance between wheels remains within acceptable
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limits (1590–1596 mm). of developing the pre-standard. This automatic gauge

2. The extendible axle has suffered no noticeable wear. change system for freight wagons will increase rail freight
3. All the figures obtained in the shunting check are transport by facilitating the transit across the borders
notably below UIC limits. between countries with railway networks of different
At the same time, long-term testing is being carried out on
this system under conditions of extremely low tempera-
tures, between Sweden (1435 mm gauge) and Finland
(1520 mm gauge). These tests have been carried out in REFERENCES
winter for the last three years, at temperatures as low as
¡40 8C. Under these conditions, it is necessary to remove 1 Suárez, A. El tráfico de mercancṍas en Europa necesita un
the ice accumulated in the axles before changing the gauge. marco más homogéneo. Lṍneas, 16 July 1998, (179), 4–10.
For this purpose, a hot pressure water injection system has 2 Costa Morata, P. El inmenso beneficio medioambiental del
been implemented in the gauge change facility. As the hot ferrocarril. Lṍneas, 1 July 1997, (132), 132–134.
water hits the ice plates, they fall down. 3 del Val, Y. Kioto: El ferrocarril se impone como el modo
menos contaminante. Vṍa Libre, February 1998, 9–10.
According to the pre-standard, 20 per cent of the long-
4 Garcṍa-Romeu, J. E. Los ahorros inducidos por el uso del
term testing journey has to be covered on the network of a
ferrocarril. Lṍneas, 28 October 1998, (185), 90–91.
different railway administration. This phase was carried out 5 Making rail the prime choice: An action plan for the railways
at the end of summer 1999, in France, on a UIC gauge in the 21st century. Eur. Railway Rev., November 1997, 71–73
track. After having run 20 000 km on 1435 mm gauge (International Union of Railways).
track, the automatic gauge change system will be ready to 6 Suárez, A. Freeway o freightway? Un dilema que abre el
obtain the approval of the railway administrations in charge camino al futuro. Lṍneas, 16 April 1998, (173), 4–7.

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