Lab 3 - PKI

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UFCFVN-30-M Computer & Network Security Lab

Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)

Parts Copyright © 2020 Wenliang Du (Syracuse University), All rights reserved.

Free to use for non-commercial educational purposes. Commercial uses of the materials
are prohibited. The SEED project was funded by multiple grants from the US National

Science Foundation.
Parts Copyright 2021 Essam Ghadafi (UWE Bristol), All rights reserved.

1 Aims & Objectives 2
1.1 Optional Additional Reading Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

2 Lab Tasks 2
2.1 Task 1: RSA Key Cryptanalysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.1.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.1.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2 Task 2: Creating a Certificate Authority (CA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.2.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Task 3: Using your CA to Issue Certificates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2.3.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.4 Task 4: Deploying Certificates in OpenSSL HTTPS Server . . . . . . . . 6
2.4.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.4.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
2.5 Task 5: Deploying Certificates in Apache HTTPS Server . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.5.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.6 Task 6: Impersonating a Website (Man-in-the-Middle) . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.6.2 Guidelines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.7 Task 7: Alternative Approaches to (Certificate-Based) PKI (Research
Task) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.7.1 Task Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

3 What to Submit 11
3.1 Plagiarism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

4 Marking Criteria 13

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5 Document Revision History 14

1 Aims & Objectives

The aim of this lab is to give students a hands-on experience of Public-Key Infrastruc-
ture (PKI) and help them understand its benefits, some of its inherent shortcomings,
and the possible alternatives. This lab is assessed and consists of 7 tasks. All tasks
must be answered. By finishing the lab, students will learn how to issue and deploy
digital certificates and how PKI can protect against some attacks. Additionally, the
students will learn the shortcomings of (certificate-based) PKI and be able to discuss
possible alternatives. Special attention should be paid to Section 3 and the What to
Submit subsections of each task which list what exactly needs to be submitted for this

1.1 Optional Additional Reading Resources

ˆ Chapters 23 & 24 of the SEED Book, Computer & Internet Security: A Hands-
on Approach, 2nd Edition, by Wenliang Du. See details at https://www.

ˆ Chapters 8 & 13 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, 5th Edition, by

Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot and Scott A. Vanstone. See details at
ˆ Apache HTTP Server

2 Lab Tasks
This section contains the specification of the required tasks.

Important Note: In some of the tasks you will be required to create a domain
of the form You need to replace FirstName and
LastName with your own first and last names, respectively. For instance, my domain
would be No marks will be given for the tasks in question
if your domain does not correspond to your own name.

2.1 Task 1: RSA Key Cryptanalysis

This task requires you to recover the private signing key belonging to a server from
partially leaked information and the public key.

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2.1.1 Task Requirements

In the file Task1.txt in Blackboard you will find an RSA public key (e, N ) (all in
hexadecimal). Also, one of the two prime factors (p) of the modulus N is in the same
file. Your task is to recover the private exponent d which would allow anyone to sign
on behalf of (and hence masquerade as) the server to whom this key belongs.

What to Submit: You need to submit the value of the private exponent d (in
hexadecimal), the code snippet you used, and a screenshot of the steps you used to
complete the task. Also, you are free to include any interesting observations you have
made/learnt from doing the task.

2.1.2 Guidelines
The lecture slides and lab sheet concerned with Public-Key and Digital Signatures
might come in handy when answering this task.

2.2 Task 2: Creating a Certificate Authority (CA)

In this task you will learn how to use OpenSSL to create a self-signed certificate for a
certificate authority (CA).

2.2.1 Task Requirements

You need to create a key and self-signed certificate for a certificate authority. Some
related guidelines can be found in Section 2.2.2.

Important Note: The CA key you generate must be 4096-bit RSA key and the
used hash function to self-sign the CA certificate need to be SHA 512.

What to Submit: You need to include a screenshot of the steps and commands
you used to complete the task. Also, you are free to include any interesting observa-
tions you have made/learnt from doing the task.

2.2.2 Guidelines
To create a self-signed certificate for a CA, we can use the OpenSSL req -x509 to
generate a key and self-signed certificate for the CA. The syntax of the command is
as follows:
o p e n s s l r e q −new −newkey r s a : K e y S i z e −x509 −k e y o u t K e y F i l e −o u t C e r t F i l e \
−c o n f i g C o n f i g F i l e

KeySize: is the desired size in bits of the key.

KeyFile: is the name of the file to which the key will be stored.

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CertFile: is the name of the file to which the certificate will be stored.
ConfigFile: is the name of the file containing the configuration. In Blackboard
you can find an example configuration file openssl.cnf.
Note that there are other options of the command than the above. For instance, one
can choose the hashing algorithm to be used in the signing by adding, e.g.-sha256,
-sha512, -md5, etc.
Using the configuration file (openssl.cnf) requires creating some directories and
files. After copying the configuration file into your current directory, you need to create
several sub-directories as specified in the configuration file (which can be found under
the [CA default] section in the file):
dir = ./demodir # Where e v e r y t h i n g i s k e p t
certs = $dir / cert # Where t h e i s s u e d c e r t s a r e k e p t
crl dir = $dir / crl # Where t h e i s s u e d c r l a r e k e p t
database = $ d i r / index . txt # database index f i l e
new certs dir = $dir / newcerts # d e f a u l t p l a c e f o r new c e r t s
serial = $dir / s e r i a l # The c u r r e n t s e r i a l number

Towards that end, under your current directory create a directory with the name
specified in dir. Then under the newly created directory create the above 3 directories
(i.e. cert, crl and newcerts). Also, along with those 3 subdirectories, you need
to create 2 files: index.txt and serial. The file index.txt can be left empty,
whereas in the file serial put a single number in string format (e.g. 1000).
You can also specify the default hash function to be used by modifying the following
line in the openssl.cnf file:
default md = md5 # which md t o u s e

Where you can replace md5 with any other supported hash function, e.g. sha256.
When you run the above command, you will be prompted for some information
(e.g. Country, Organisation Name, etc.) and a password. You need to remember
the chosen password as this will be needed every time you need this CA to issue a
certificate. For the other requested details, you can fill them however you want.
To view the content of a certificate, you can use the following command:
o p e n s s l x509 −i n C e r t F i l e −noout −t e x t

CertFile: is the name of the file containing the certificate.

2.3 Task 3: Using your CA to Issue Certificates

In this task you will learn how to use a CA to issue certificates to servers.

2.3.1 Task Requirements

Using the CA you created in the previous task, issue a certificate to a sever. Some
related guidelines can be found in Section 2.3.2.

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Important Note: The server’s key you generate here must be 2048-bit RSA key and
the used hash function to sign the server’s certificate need to be SHA 256. Also, when
generating your CSR, you must use the Common Name
where you replace FirstName and LastName with your own first and last names,

What to Submit: You need to include screenshots of the commands/steps you

used. Also, you are free to include any interesting observations you have made/learnt
from doing the task.

2.3.2 Guidelines
The steps one needs to follow when a server would like to obtain a certificate from a
CA are as follows:
1. The server generates its key pair.
2. The server submits a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) to the CA to request
the certificate.
3. The CA issues the certificate which binds the server’s public-key to its identity.
Step 1 was covered in the Public-Key and Digital Signature lab sheet.
To obtain a CSR, the server uses the following command:
o p e n s s l r e q −new −key K e y F i l e −o u t CSRFile −c o n f i g C o n f i g F i l e

KeyFile: is the name of the file containing the (private) server’s key.
CSRFile: is the name of the file to which the CSR will be stored.
ConfigFile: is the name of the file containing the configuration. You can use the
file openssl.cnf used earlier.
When you run the above command, you will be prompted for some information
(e.g. Country, Organisation Name, etc.) and the password associated with your server’s
key file. Please remember that for this task the Common Name in the CSR must be in
the form as detailed above. The rest of the requested
information in the CSR can be filled however you want.
When the CA receives the server’s certificate request (CSR), after verifying its
identity, the CA will generate the certificate for the server. This can be achieved by
the following command:

o p e n s s l ca −i n CSRFile −o u t C e r t F i l e −c e r t CACertFile − k e y f i l e CAKeyFile \

−c o n f i g C o n f i g F i l e


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CSRFile: is the name of the file containing the server’s CSR.

CertFile: is the name of the file where the server’s certificate will be stored.

CACertFile: is the name of the file containing the CA’s own certificate.
CAKeyFile: is the name of the file containing the CA’s key which will be used to
sign the server’s certificate.
ConfigFile: is the name of the file containing the configuration. You can use the
openssl.cnf file for this.
To avoid OpenSSL rejecting to sign the server’s certificate if the CA details do not align
with those of the server, e.g. they belong to different countries, change the following
line in the configuration file:
policy = policy match

policy = policy anything

2.4 Task 4: Deploying Certificates in OpenSSL HTTPS Server

In this task you will explore how PKI and digital certificates can be used to secure
the web. In particular, you will learn how to deploy digital certificates in OpenSSL
web server (

2.4.1 Task Requirements

You are required to link the server’s certificate you created in the previous task to the
server’s domain and report the behaviour of the web browser before and after trusting
the issuing CA. Follow the guidance in Section 2.4.2 and report your findings.

Important Note: As stated in Section 2.4.2, you must update the file index.html
to replace FirstName and LastName with your own first and last names, respec-
tively. No marks will be given for this task if you do not do that.

What to Submit: You need to submit a screenshot of the commands/steps you

used, and your observations and findings.

2.4.2 Guidelines
To resolve the IP address of the server (i.e. for which
you have issued your server’s certificate, you need to add the following line to the file
(/etc/hosts): UWEFirstNameLastName . com

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Note that to edit /etc/hosts, you need to be a super user, e.g. to edit the file, you
can use the following command from a terminal :
sudo g e d i t / e t c / h o s t s

Of course, you can use any other preferred editor than gedit, e.g. nano, to edit the
file if you wish.
The next step is to launch the OpenSSL web server using your server’s certificate.
This can be achieved by performing the following steps:
1. Combining your Server’s Key & Certificate:
The aim here is to combine the server’s certificate (you created in the previous
task) and the corresponding server’s key into one file. This can be achieved by
the following command:
c a t S e r v e r K e y F i l e S e r v e r C e r t F i l e > NewFileName

ServerKeyFile: is the name of the file containing your server’s key.
ServerCertFile: is the name of the file containing your server’s certificate.
NewFileName: is the name of the file where the combination of key and cer-
tificate of the server will be stored. You can choose whatever name you
wish but it is a good idea to make the extension of the file .pem.
Note that if you are running the above command from a directory different from
that where the first two files are stored, you need to provide the full path to
those two files.

2. Launching the OpenSSL Web Server:

The aim here is to launch the OpenSSL web server using the combined key and
certificate file from the previous step. This can be achieved by the following
openssl s s e r v e r −c e r t NewFileName −WWW

Where NewFileName is the same file name as that you used in the previous
step. Note that the default port on which the server will listen is 4433. This can
be overridden by adding the option -accept PortNo to the above command,
where PortNo is the port number you wish the server to listen on instead of
port 4433. Also, note that you need to the leave the window from which you ran
this command open so that the server is still running.
3. Accessing the Server’s Web Page:
Assuming you have finished the first 2 steps, download the the simple web page
index.html from Blackboard and save it to the same directory from within
which you have executed the command in the previous step. Then using an
editor of your choice, e.g. nano, gedit, etc., edit index.html and replace

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FirstName and LastName with your own first and last names, respectively, and
save the file.
Now using a web browser of your choice, e.g. Firefox, browse the url:
h t t p s : / / UWEFirstNameLastName . com : PortNo / i n d e x . html

where you replace PortNo with the actual port NO you used to launch the web
server in the previous step. Also, FirstName and LastName are your first and
last names, respectively.
If you followed the above steps correctly, the browser should display an error mes-
sage along the lines Potential Security Risk Ahead or The certificate
is not trusted because the issuer certificate is unknown. This is
due to the fact that the CA your created is not among the authorities your browser
The next step is for you to add your CA to the list of the trusted authori-
ties by the browser. For instance, in FireFox, you can add your CA as a trusted
certification authority by choosing Preferences → Privacy & Security →
View Certificates → Authorities → Import from the FireFox menu and
then navigating to your CA’s certificate file that you have created in Task 2. Note
that unless your CA certificate file has the extension .pem, you need to select All
Files rather than Certificate Files when navigating to the file. Tick This
certificate can identify web sites when adding the authority as a trusted
one. Note that these steps assume you are using the version of FireFox on the UWE
VM. The latter step might differ if you are using another browser or a different version
of FireFox.
Now if you navigate to the same url, you should not see the error message any
more and instead you should see the simple web page which contains your name.

2.5 Task 5: Deploying Certificates in Apache HTTPS Server

In this task you will explore how PKI and digital certificates can be used to secure the
web. In particular, you will learn how to deploy digital certificates in the Apache web

2.5.1 Task Requirements

Similarly to the previous task, you are required to deploy your server’s certificate you
created in Task 3 in the Apache web server (installed on the UWE VM) and report
the behaviour of the web browser. Follow the guidance in Section 2.5.2 and report
your findings.

What to Submit: You need to submit a screenshot of the commands/steps you

used, and your observations.

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2.5.2 Guidelines
Rather than using the simple OpenSSL HTTPS server, here we will use the Apache
web server which is already installed on the UWE VM. We need to configure the
Apache server so that it can link the server’s private key and certificate to its domain.
Also, we need to inform the Apache server where the associated HTML files are stored.
In the folder /etc/apache2/sites-available, you will find the 2 files:
000-default.conf and default-ssl.conf
Carefully edit the file default-ssl.conf (using an editor of your choice) to add
the following entries for your server’s website:
<V i r t u a l H o s t * :443 >
ServerName UWEFirstNameLastName . com
DocumentRoot F o l d e r
D i r e c t o r y I n d e x i n d e x . html

SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile ServerCertFile
SSLCertificateKeyFile ServerKeyFile
</ V i r t u a l H o s t >

<V i r t u a l H o s t * :80 >

ServerName UWEFirstNameLastName . com
DocumentRoot F o l d e r
D i r e c t o r y I n d e x i n d e x . html
</ V i r t u a l H o s t >

Where Folder is the path of the folder which contains the HTML files for the server’s
website. Usually such folders are under /var/www/, so create a folder there and copy
the index.html you used in the previous task to the new folder. ServerCertFile
and ServerKeyFile are the files (including the full path) containing the server’s
certificate and key files, respectively. Note that to edit the above file your need to be
a super user. Also, it might be a good idea to backup the file before you edit it just
in case things go wrong and you need to revert to the original version.
In order for these entries to be recognised by the Apache server, you need to execute
the following steps from the command-line:
1. Testing the Apache configuration file:
This can be done by executing the following command:
sudo a p a c h e c t l configtest

2. Enabling the SSL module:

This can be done by executing the following command:
sudo a2enmod s s l

3. Configuring Apache for HTTPS:

This can be done by executing the following command:

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sudo a 2 e n s i t e d e f a u l t − s s l

4. Restarting the Apache Server:

This can be done by executing the following command:
sudo s e r v i c e ap a ch e 2 r e s t a r t

If you followed all the above steps correctly, now launch the web browser of your
choice and browse the following 2 urls and report your findings:

Again, FirstName and LastName are replaced with those of your own.

2.6 Task 6: Impersonating a Website (Man-in-the-Middle)

In this task you will explore how PKI could help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.

2.6.1 Task Requirements

Follow the steps in the guidelines in Section 2.6.2 and report your findings.

What to Submit: You need to submit a screenshot of the commands/steps you

used and your observations/findings.

2.6.2 Guidelines
Here you will attempt to impersonate the UWE website so that
instead of the visitor being redirected to the genuine IP address, they will be redirected
to our fake server. In particular, we will redirect the visitor to the server’s web page
you used in the previous task. Please follow the below steps and report your findings:
1. Add the following line to the file (/etc/hosts): www. uwe . ac . uk

Remember that to edit the above file you need to be a super user.
2. As in the previous task, add the 2 entries for to default-ssl.conf.
The entries you need to add are identical to those you added for your server in
the previous task. The only difference is that instead of the server name being as it was for your sever, it will be
The rest of the details will remain the same as they were for your server in the
previous task. More precisely, add the following entries to the file:
<V i r t u a l H o s t * :443 >
ServerName www. uwe . ac . uk
DocumentRoot F o l d e r
D i r e c t o r y I n d e x i n d e x . html

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SSLEngine On
SSLCertificateFile ServerCertFile
SSLCertificateKeyFile ServerKeyFile
</ V i r t u a l H o s t >

<V i r t u a l H o s t * :80 >

ServerName www. uwe . ac . uk
DocumentRoot F o l d e r
D i r e c t o r y I n d e x i n d e x . html
</ V i r t u a l H o s t >

Remember that to edit the file you need to be a super user.

In order for these entries to be recognised by the Apache server, you need to run
the four required commands as we did in the previous task.

3. If you finished the above steps, visit and https:

// (from your VM web browser) and report your findings.
If you have followed the steps correctly, the browser should complain that for the
HTTPS version the url does not match the domain for which the certificate was issued
and hence will foil the impersonation attempt.

2.7 Task 7: Alternative Approaches to (Certificate-Based) PKI

(Research Task)
It is well-known that (certificate-based) public-key infrastructure, which relies on using
certificates form trusted authorities to ensure authenticity of entities’ public keys, has
some inherent limitations, such as the high trust placed in the certificate authorities
and the overhead associated with revoking certificates. This task requires you to
undertake some research regarding alternative approaches to (certificate-based) PKI
for managing and distributing public keys.

2.7.1 Task Requirements

Write a short report (1000 words max) discussing alternative approaches to (certificate-
based) PKI and how they might overcome some of the inherent PKI limitations. Your
report should include relevant references from the literature and your discussion should
cover advantages and disadvantages of the alternative approaches.

3 What to Submit
You need to submit a detailed report, with screenshots, to describe what you have
done, what you have observed, and how you reached your conclusion/answer for each
task. The format of the report is up to you but you must adhere to the requirements
mentioned in What to Submit at the end of the tasks. The report should be of a

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professional standard. You need to provide explanation to the observations that are
interesting or surprising. Please also list any important code snippets you have written
followed by explanation. Simply attaching code or screenshots without any explanation
will not receive credits. The report must demonstrate your understanding of the
subject and material and not just be a log of your actions. All screenshots in the
report must have your student number and date stamp in the user prompt. Failure to
include these details in the screenshots will invalidate the report and receive a mark of

3.1 Plagiarism
This is an assessed lab sheet and while it is acceptable to discuss your assignment with
your peers as per the university rules, this assignment is intended as an individual
assignment. Submissions that are substantially similar will be subject to investigation
according to university regulations and any proven cases will be dealt with according
to the regulations. More details can be found here

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4 Marking Criteria

UFCFVN-30-M Computer & Network Security Lab

0-29% 30-39% 40-49% 50-59% 60-69% 70-84% 85-100%
Tasks 1-6 Little to no Some tasks com- Most tasks com- All tasks com- All tasks com- All tasks com- All tasks com-
(65%) attempt/Se- pleted with major pleted but with pleted in full. pleted in full. pleted in full. pleted in full.
rious gaps or omission/Some minor omission- Evidence incom- Evidence of Excellent use of Highly reflective
errors in un- evidence of un- s/Evidence of plete or unclear in a good stan- evidence to detail use of evidence to
derstanding derstanding the understanding places/Adequate dard to detail tasks/Thorough develop argument
the topic topic with major the topic but understanding of tasks/Clear un- and comprehen- /Impressive and
errors or gaps with minor errors the topic derstanding of sive understand- original depth of
or gaps topic ing of topic understanding of
Task 7 Little to no Poor analysis. Below-average Adequate anal- Good analysis of Very good anal- Outstanding
(25%) discussion Demonstrates lit- analysis. Analy- ysis of relevant relevant works ysis of relevant analysis of rel-
Page 13 of 14

tle or no insight sis is lacking in works but lacks but could be works; demon- evant works;
into the problem most aspects depth; demon- more critical; strates excellent demonstrates
strates some demonstrates insight into the outstanding in-
insight into the good insight into problem. Good sight into the
problem the problem. use of sources problem and fully
Good use of and all sources covers all aspects.
sources are appropriately Excellent use
referenced of sources and
all sources are
Report Very poor Weak presenta- Has not followed Partially follows Follows required Excellent presen- Excellent presen-
Presen- presentation tion required conven- required prac- presentational tation: typos/er- tation
tation tions; poor proof- tices; some issues practices; a few rors in punctua-
(10%) reading to be addressed typos/errors in tion etc. are rare
e.g., typos, punctuation or
punctuation grammar
UFCFVN-30-M Computer & Network Security Lab

5 Document Revision History

Version Date Changes
1.0 03rd April 2021 Initial Release

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