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IoT Cybersecurity


Cyberattack is the most common term heard everywhere when we talk about

technology. Technology is enhancing every day and is changing the world into a digital

world. Many urban countries have transformed into modernized and digitized nations due to

the acceptance of technology. When we talk about technology and cyber attacks, the most

common term is Distributed Denial of service attack. This is giving a tough time to today's

organizations by interfering or disturbing their daily operations (Vishwakarma & Jain, 2020).

In any DDoS attack, the hackers will target the system and flood it with repetitive

demands or applications from diverse sources. The DDoS attack will attempt to corrupt the

complete system or invade the device or server with excess pointless internet requests. It has

become a significant concern for organizations today as this type of cyber attack is disturbing

the digital infrastructure of the organizations in different sectors like the financial sector,

health sector, security sector, and government sector.

With the increase in the demand for IoT devices in the modernized world, every

individual uses IoT devices to secure sensitive information. This is the reason hackers are

targeting IoT devices for conducting DDoS attacks. The main goal of a DDoS attack is to

interrupt the usual operations of the target device or system.

With the advancements in technology, different computing devices can connect to the

internet with ease and helping users to enjoy various benefits. However, due to the increase in

the technological developments in the devices, the rate of cyber attacks is also increasing.

Hackers use advanced and complicated techniques to gain unauthorized access over the

network and disturb confidential information, thereby disturbing the complete operation and

services. Di Natale et al. (2020) have explained that IoT is the primary example of such

technology in the article. 

The IoT devices are connected to many sensors, systems, and nodes individually

operated without human intervention. IoT devices are used for delivering a diverse set of

services and gather vast volumes of real-time data with the help of actuators and sensors. IoT

is being used in the devices being commonly used by the end-user and the organizations. 

IoT devices are changing the way of life of customers by transforming their everyday lives.

As IoT devices are changing the course of living worldwide, such developments will give rise

to diverse issues due to the vast volumes of data being produced every minute, increase in the

size of the network, network heterogeneity, and security concerns. 

The demand for IoT devices is increasing as these devices are being used in every

corner of the world by almost every individual. The reason behind the increase in demand

and popularity is the universal characteristics and nature of the devices. This is beneficial for

the firms developing IoT devices at the same time it is also increasing threats and

vulnerabilities on the IoT devices. Cyber-attacks have been in existence for a long. Still,

advanced cyber security is required due to the extreme usage of IoT devices and getting

interlinked with individuals' lives and privacy. It is essential to secure IoT devices as attacks

on IoT devices and infrastructure can lead to a considerable loss. Hence these attacks and the

reasons behind these attacks need to be fully addressed. 

This research attempts to analyze and determine intruders and Cyber security attacks

on IoT devices and classify the kinds of threats (Khan, 2019). The world has wholeheartedly

accepted IoT devices, and these devices are present everywhere. And many new devices are

being developed slowly by integrating secure settings that can process sensitive data without

any external connectivity like cellular telephone or a wireless network. Most companies are

willing to use such devices as they will provide high security to the information and will be

omnipresent and undetectable by the hackers.

As there will be multiple nodes connected to the internet, many security personnel

may not know about the equipment present inside their architecture. This may also create a

problem for the security professionals in determining the risk represented by the gear towards

the security of the information and system.

The study aims to create a security measure for and against such devices that would be

justified by the risk of compromising the IoT devices. The study will work on three main

research questions for the conclusion. The three questions that are going to be researched


1. Is there any chance to violate IoT devices, i.e., wearable Bluetooth fitness gadgets,

smart TVs, or smartwatches, so that data is stored in a secure setting (Smith et al.,


2. Does malware occur for IoT devices, and has it been seen in the wild-running network

for data collecting procedures?

3. What are existing security procedures and IoT device checks being carried out to

secure IoT devices, and how effective are those?


Minimal security towards IoT devices is the reason behind the increase in the number

of cyberattacks. Researchers worldwide remark that present security measures are not in line

with the current advancements in technology and its usage. This is the reason behind

unsatisfied demand and an increase in the attacks compromising the data of millions of

private and public corporations. 

This behavior of infringement will impact the economies. The experts need to

determine security challenges and the procedures to overcome those challenges to provide

adequate protection of devices through security frameworks. The lack of unity between the

security measures and technological advancements has given rise to the national

concentration on cyberspace that is no more a secure place to store and transform data in the

past 25 years. The constant lack of security measures is due to the advancements in

technologies. The advances are being applied to the networks that weakness the security

measures giving a chance to the attackers to gain access more easily. 

Security experts are working hard to develop high-level security measures to

minimize the number of attacks. New security measures will aim to address the weakness in

present security measures and help secure the devices with emerging technologies.

The study results will help security experts minimize the illegal access of attackers to remote

operating equipment and sensitive data. These results are used mainly by threatening cyber

intelligence for securing IoT devices.

However, due to recent advancements in the manufacturing of computing devices and

networking, IoT has created a place for managing adequate resources and helping in the

creation of smart cities, intelligent power grids, intelligent spaces, health care, and industrial

automation (Sánchez et al., 2020). It was projected that by the end of 2021, more than a

hundred billion devices would be linked to the internet. This increases the security concerns

due to the massive magnitude of the network and the amount of sensitive data the IoT devices

will be generating. In addition to this, most IoT devices will get limited energy and memory

that could lead to the damage of security architecture. Hence to ensure secure communication

among different IoT devices, new security procedures will be required to handle the

conditions of new IoT applications.

  One of the critical challenges that need immediate addressing is Distributed Denial of

Service attack. Hackers are also using advanced technologies and their computational and

communicational skills to conduct different types of attacks. A botnet is the group of devices

linked on the same network and are affected by malware or an attack and controlled by

hackers. Each device that the hacker controls is referred to as a bot. The hacker that controls

the affected devices or machines is known as Bot-herder or botmaster.

The hackers first perform an attack and create a botnet, and then it is used to perform

different tasks like sending spasms, clicking on fraudulent links, DDoS attacks, and spoofing

attacks. IoT devices are giving rise to security threats compared to other devices connected to

the internet; the reason behind it is the vast number of devices, resources constraint, and

protocol variety.

These things make IoT devices values aim for the hackers to create an IoT botnet

(Sánchez et al., 2020). An attacker will gather sensitive information by interfering with users'

IoT machines used for household purposes and create a Botnet to conduct a DDoS attack

over the interconnected internet-based devices.

Earlier, many researchers have tried to determine the strategies and tools to predict the

attack or identify the attacked device to secure other IoT devices. IoT devices typically share

diverse information and generate vast volumes of data making it difficult to observe and

determine the connected device which has been compromised and creating unauthorized

events.The most critical DDoS attack ever occurred in the world was conducted in 2016. This

attack was a great success for the hackers, and the reason behind it was the errors that

allowed unauthorized remote access to IoT machines. 

The hackers created a Botnet and named it Mirai that compromised several IoT

devices. These devices were interlinked to the network that holds many devices from diverse

geographical locations. After creating a Botnet, at a set time, the attackers created huge

volumes of traffic to the attacked IoT devices on the particular network server and drained

their resources. Due to the massive traffic, the securities offered by these devices could not

work and were absent for few hours, and it became difficult to neutralize every origin of the

attack (Nast, 2021). Still, there is a fear of such attacks, and it's a challenge to determine and

detect such attacks. Hence many network security professionals are working on developing

tools to detect and delete DDoS attacks.

IoT devices have created a name in Industry 4.0. This is the present trend of

automation and data exchange while developing technologies. Industry 4.0 will include

internet-based physical devices, IoT devices, cloud computing devices for forming a smart

factory. In addition, intelligent manufacturing in industry 4.0 makes IoT one of the virtual

devices and hasten the advancements of conventional industrial manufacturing processes

(Ferrari et al., 2018).

However, using Iota devices in the field of manufacturing can lead to an increase in

cyber attacks that may also include Denial of distributed service attacks (DDoS). There are

many types of strategies or defense tools suggested by the security analysis to get rid of

DDoS attacks in IoT devices. These strategies or defense tools can be characterized into two

primary groups.

1. IoT-specific DDoS defences

2. Old-style DDoS defences


YOU should take care while writing chapter # 2 and follow strictly the instructions

Introduction (2 paragraphs)

Your introduction is too lengthy; more than 2 paragraph, and need to

define concisely
 The topic and its back ground,
 The identified problem,
 The purpose of t dissertation
 How Chapter 2 will be structured.

Search Strategy (2 paragraph)

Theory/Model/Variables (10 to 15 Pages)

Literature review (20 to 30 Pages)

Testing (5 to 10 pages)

Student’s Contribution (5 pages)

Conclusion (1 to 2 pages)

Both tools are different in terms of complexity. Old-style Dodos defense is installed to

secure servers, and IoT species DDoS protection is installed on IoT devices. There are several

imitating threats to IoT devices. Several detection techniques are being used for isolating

abnormal events after the determination of threats in the network.

One of the popular methods used for securing IoT devices from DDoS attacks is

machine learning (Regazzoni et al., 2020). For many years, machine learning has been used

to detect unusual and unauthorized events and attacks (Regazzoni et al., 2020). It has always

been a challenge for security experts to find stability between DDoS attacks. Though every

security expert is busy finding ways to avoid DDoS attacks, these attacks are increasing every

day. Due to innovations in technology and advancements in IoT, IoT devices are being more

vulnerable to different types of attacks. Hackers also use these advancements to perform an

attack on IoT devices.


Cited problem

Target Population & Methodology

Theoretical Framework

Organization of Literature Review

Justification of the Problem

Significance of the study

Literature Review

IoT Security

DDOS Attacks on IoT

The Need for Cyber Security

DDoS Attack Framework

Challenges Encountered through IoT in Cyber Security

Mitigating DDoS Attacks

Current IoT Cyber security frameworks

Measures for IoT Cyber Security Frameworks


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