Experiment Vii To Prepare A Temporary Mount of Onion Root Tip To Study Mitosis

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XII BIOLOGY (2021-22)



Aim – To prepare a temporary mount of onion root tip to study mitosis .

Material Required – Onion plant with root , acetocarmine stain , 1 N HCl , methyl alcohol and
acetic acid , conical flask , petridishes , scissors , forceps , needle , distilled water , spirit lamp ,
microscope , slides , cover slip , blotting paper .

Theory : The genetic information of all organisms resides in the individual DNA molecules or
chromosomes . An onion cell possess 8 chromosomes .

An onion root tip is a rapidly growing part of the onion and thus many cells will be in different
stages of mitosis . The onion root tips can be prepared and squashed in a way that allows them
to be flattened on a microscopic slide , so that the chromosomes of individual cells can be
observed easily . The super coiled chromosomes during different stages of mitosis present in
the onion root tip cells can be visualized by treating with DNA specific stains like Acetocarmine .


1. Take a medium sized bulb of onion and trim off the old roots from the base by means of
a sharp blade .
2. Place the onion on a conical flask/glass full of water , with it’s base touching the water .
Keep it for a 3-4 days to grow the roots .
3. Cut 5 mm off the tips of roots and put them into a vial containing the mixture of 1:3
acetic acid and methanol . Keep for one hour . This process is called fixation .
4. Remove 2 or 3 root tips and hydrolyse them by warming to 60 degree celcius in 1 N HCl
for 15 minutes .
5. Remove the root tips and wash them thoroughly in water .
6. Place a drop of acetocarmine on a slide . Put one hydrolysed root tip in a dropand place
a coverslip on the root .
7. Gently squash the root by tapping the coverslips with the blunt end of a pencil until the
cells separate and spreads out into a very thin layer .
8. Make sure that there are no air bubbles .
9. Observe first under low power of the microscope to locate the dividing cells . Examine
the different stages of mitosis under the high power of the microscope .
Observation :

Under the low power of the microscope rectangular cells with the pink nucleus are seen and
under the high power of the microscope following stages become distinct :

1. Interphase :
a. Interphase is also called the resting phase . It’s the longest phase .
b. Replication of the DNA takes place during this phase .
c. The chromosomes are thinly coiled .
d. Presence of nucleolus and nuclear membrane .
2. Prophase :
a. The chromatin appears as a network of fine threads , if cell is in the early stage of
prophase then the chromatin fibres are very thin , while the cells at late prophase
shows thick chromatin fibres .
b. Spindle formation is initiated .
c. The nuclear membrane and nucleolus start disappearing at the later stage .
3. Metaphase :
a. Disappearance of nucleolus and nuclear membrane .
b. Chromosomes are their at maximum condensed state with 2 chromatids joined at
their centromere .
c. Spindle formation is complete .
d. The chromosomes align in the equatorial position of the spindle and form the
equatorial plate that is at the right angle to spindle axis .
e. The centromeres are arranged exactly at the equatorial plate .
4. Anaphase :
a. The centromere of the chromosome divides and two chromatids of each pair
separate .
b. Each chromatid now represents a separate chromosomes and it start moving
towards the opposite poles .
5. telophase :
a. chromosomes reach the opposite poles and look like a mass of chromatin .
b. the new nuclear membrane starts to reappear around each set of chromosomes .
c. the nucleolus is reorganized .
6. cytokinesis :
a. in plants a cell plate is formed in the middle after th telophase , finally dividing the
cells into two .
Precaution :

1. The base of the onion bulb should be in contact of water while growing the roots .
2. The slides should be warmed gently much above the flame of the spirit lamp .

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