Digital Supply Chain Transformation Toward Blockchain Integration

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‫‪ ‬بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

‫‪ ‬جامعة النيلين‬
‫‪ ‬كلية الدراسات العليا‬
‫‪ ‬برنامج الدكتوراة ‪DBA‬‬
‫‪ ‬الدفعة التاسعة‬
‫‪Digital Supply Chain Transformation toward Block chain Integration‬‬
 Digital supply chain integration is becoming
increasingly dynamic. Access to customer demand
needs to be shared effectively, and product and service
deliveries must be tracked to provide visibility in the
supply chain. Business process integration is based on
standards and reference architectures, which should
offer end-to-end integration of product data.
Companies operating in supply chains establish
process and data integration through the specialized
intermediate companies, whose role is to establish
interoperability by mapping and integrating company-
specific data for various organizations and systems.
This has typically caused high integration costs, and
diffusion is slow.
 DSC should offer companies competitive advantage:
intermediates should offer fast integration; logistics
partners should offer visibility of deliveries, using
tracking and tracing features; information and
communication technology (ICT) companies should
develop cost-effective cloud solutions; and finance
providers should offer working capital through the
transaction banking services.
 In DSC transactions, organizations currently execute
process and data integration through the trusted third
parties, most often through the trade finance services of
banks. However, several advocates of block chain
technology (BC) have promised to change this [1] by
minimizing unnecessary use of third party intermediaries.
Advantageous features of BC include a public ledger of
transactions without transaction party identities, the use of
public key infrastructure (PKI) to notify counterparties
about executable transactions and the concept of the smart
contract. The present article investigates how block chain
technology might support digital supply chain integration.
The main research questions are i) how can we accelerate
DSC integration and ii) how will block chain technology
support that integration?
 Blockchain technology is regarded as a potential
means of enhancing the security and cost effectiveness
of DSC transactions. In general, blockchain
technology is used to establish integration over the
internet and can be understood as a many-to-many
integration model, deployed in the public cloud to
conduct secured transactions rapidly and at low cost.
 supply chain can be defined as a set of three or more
entities (i.e., organizations or individuals) directly
involved in the upstream and downstream flows of
products, services, finance, and/or information from a
source to a customer. This definition highlights the
role of information flows between firms, especially at
activity and business process levels. It follows that
effective integration between actors requires the
integration of processes [4] and information [5] in the
supply chain.
 The benefits of Digital supply chain (DSC) include cost-
effectiveness of services and value-creating activities that
are advantageous to many actors in the ecosystem,
including firms and their suppliers, employees and
customers .
 a supply chain can be defined as a set of three or more
entities (i.e., organizations or individuals) directly involved
in the upstream and downstream flows of products,
services, finance, and/or information from a source to a
customer. This definition highlights the role of information
flows between firms, especially at activity and business
process levels. It follows that effective integration between
actors requires the integration of processes and
information in the supply chain.
 Other identified benefits of DSC include reduced
product or service costs, creating competitive
advantage and barriers to competition, reduced supply
chain lead times and increased flexibility in supply
chain design
 . Effectiveness of information sharing refers to how
information brings new value to customers and supply
chain actors in terms of services, decision making,
visibility and prediction.
 The key capability is to deliver the right information to
the right people at the right time for decision-making
There are four transformation requirements for digital business
ecosystems, which constitute a foundation for business and
innovation development, and for the present research.

 1) Business model development: Companies must develop

strategies and business models that maximize innovation and
effectiveness in leveraging digitalization and supply chain integration
services in their business offerings.
 2) Information model platforms: Appropriate information models
are needed to collect, store and deliver information in supply
 3) Business process standards for supply chain connectivity: New
competencies and solutions are needed for the development of
business process connectivity and standards. This relates to how
trading partners in the supply chain can be digitally connected to
business process transactions.
 4) Operator services for data transfer between actors: Integration
channel intermediaries (e.g., operators) are needed to transfer and
integrate information across actors and systems.
The level of B2B integration and investment can be
estimated by means of different models. The
concept of investment cost is based on three
 a) integration volume
 b) total amount of process integration
 c) volume of transactions. In terms of technology,
standardization and service development,
B2B integration models are:

 Manual transaction integration

 EDI B2B integration model (Point-to-point)
 Hub B2B integration model (one-to-many)
 Cloud B2B integration model (Many-to-Many)
 The promoters of blockchain technology suggest that
the underlying reason for security breaches is that the
identities of parties to the transactions (and especially
of trusted third parties or banks) are known. It is
argued that because these data (including the bank
account and security data of seller and buyer) form
part of electronic transactions, it makes sense to cyber
criminals to break in and steal such data, no matter
how secure information systems are or how securely
transactions are transmitted.
 One of the key features of blockchain technology is
that it maintains an open distributed ledger of
transactions without identifying parties to the
transaction. In addition, the ledger is copied to all
nodes of the network .
 If a transaction is changed, a new block is created and
chained to previous blocks. Ledger data between
nodes of the blockchain network are matched at
random intervals (every ten minutes on average).
 Although some advocates of blockchain technology
strongly commend the ability to avoid trusted third
party intermediaries, this is not entirely necessary.
Using a smart contract, the seller and buyer can
mandate a trusted intermediary to “supervise” the
execution of a transaction as in trade finance services.
As part of a smart contract, the parties may even agree
that the trusted third party receives necessary security
key(s) to perform its role. Clearly, this is unnecessary
in the context of direct exchange of documents
between two organizations, whether at physical or IoT
document level.
 Blockchain technology appears capable of providing
security and flexibility at lower cost than traditional
transactions. On the other hand, blockchain
technology cannot meet the need for standardization
of electronic supply chain documents; international
document standards must be relied on for that
purpose, probably requiring their further development
to ensure fully automated transfer of documents
between organizations. It should then be possible to
use blockchain to execute transactions and document
exchange quickly, reliably and at low cost.
 31 business managers created 85 ideas related to digital
supply chain integration. Focus group activities are
summarized in Table 1.

Data collection during focus groups (2014–2016)

 Based on the interviews with blockchain technology
experts and on the literature review, functionalities
could be summarized as four vertical activities within
the DBE framework:

 1) transaction data
 2) processing ledger or smart contract
 3) storing blocks to peer-to-peer networks
 4) managing blocks by mining experts.

Blockchain design principles and functionalities are

illustrated in Figure 1.
Blockchain design principles and functionalities in the DBE framework
 In the first phase, to understand the current stage of
supply chain integration, we arranged a focus group
meeting with 18 highly experienced business
managers. During the session, we first asked the
participants to list their ideas about the requirements
for supply chain integration, which yielded 41 specific
 These requirements were then prioritized by
participants on a 7-point Likert scale. In the second
phase, participants generated ideas about how these
supply chain requirements should inform the design
of system functionalities. These functionalities were
also prioritized by participants as illustrated in Table 2.
Examples of metrics of sc-importance, sc- readiness and QFD valuation of blockchain
 Analyzing and combining the results of supply chain
and blockchain functionalities into the same scale, we
were able to illustrate the current gap between
perceived importance of supply chain integration and
supply chain and blockchain readiness, as illustrated
in Figure 2 by the 20 most important functionalities.
Perceived importance of DSC integration and current supply chain and blockchain readiness.
 Utilizing the QFD method for analysis of the total effect of
blockchain functionalities produced interesting results as shown
in Figure 3.

Blockchain functionality results from QFD analysis

 These were linked to blockchain functionalities, and QFD was then
used to identify which BC functionalities related to each idea. The
prioritized illustration is shown in Figure 4.
 In general, blockchain system security and privacy by digital
signature was a high priority. Contracting was also seen as an
important new functionality. From a business perspective by the
focus group, the blockchain is seen as a service for delivering
both business transactions and IoT transactions. However, the
fundamental issue of a supply chain data model for integration
needs to be adjusted in common ground.
 The views of DSC stakeholders can be summarized as follows.
Big organizations often use ERP systems as a private cloud.
Suppliers are often SMEs, and they are now beginning to use
cost-effective cloud services. For intermediates, blockchain
technology offers a public cloud model that can improve current
business but also enables new agile start-ups to enter the market.
Combining the long-term results of the study, if a data model
could be agreed and adjusted for both B2B transactions and
M2M IoT transactions, the above combination of cloud
integrations can build this disruptive technology into a DSC.
 For a number of industry sectors (retail, auto, electronic, aviation,
chemical), digitalization of supply networks has been an important
issue for more than two decades, but this concern is not shared across
other industries.

 By analysing the business requirements and the current readiness of

integration there seemed to be a significant gap in many
functionalities. This was an interesting finding, as intermediates (EDI
operators) including banks (SWIFT operators) have been operating
and collaborating in this area over two decades, but services still lack
some fundamental functionalities (e.g., standards, timestamping of
transactions, monitoring and tracking of information flows and secure
end-to-end delivery of information). An analysis showed many of these
missing functionalities to be embedded in blockchain technology.

 intermediate services, seems a very promising blockchain functionality

for integrating (B2B) business and (M2M) IoT transactions. Data-
encrypting private and public keys enable secure data transfer and
digital signatures for smart contracting. However, DSC integration
requires standards for system interoperability, which blockchain
technology itself does not offer.

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