United States Patent

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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 4,798,473

Rauwendaal (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 17, 1989

(54) EXTRUDER SCREW 3,949,973 4/1976 Bishop et al. ... ... 425/208 X
4,129,386 2/1978 Rauwendaal ..... ... 366/89 X
(76) Inventor: Christiaan J. Rauwendaal, 12693 4,240,755 12/1980 Frankland, Jr. .......... - -- -- -- - 366/88

Roble Veneno La., Los Altos, Calif. 4,321,229 3/1982 Blakeslee, III et al. .......... 366/79 X
94022 4,329,313 5/1982 Miller et al. ...................... 366/89 X
(21) Appl. No.: 701,670 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
(22) Filed: Feb. 15, 1985 137940 10/1980 Japan ................................... 425/208
Related U.S. Application Data Primary Examiner-Philip R. Coe
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Thomas E. Schatzel
(63) Continuation of Ser. No. 489,759, Apr. 29, 1983.
(51) Int. Cl." ................................................ B29B 1/06
(52) U.S. C. ......................................... 366/89; 366/79 An extruder screw designed to operate in a continuous
(58) Field of Search ....................... 366/79, 81, 83, 84, diameter barrel-type housing having a variable flight
366/87, 88, 89,90, 318, 328; 425/208; 159/2 E width, helix angle and radical clearance along the
(56) References Cited length of the extruder screw to reduce extruder screw
induced power consumption and stock temperature
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS generation in the manufacture of linear low density
3,388,196 6/1968 Farrell .............................. 366/84 X polyethylene plastics.
3,635,445 l/1972 Schwab et al. ....................... 366/79
3,905,588 9/1975 Reinhart ................................ 366/88 4 Claims, 2 Drawing Sheets
U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 1989 Sheet 1 of 2 4.798.473


U.S. Patent Jan. 17, 1989 Sheet 2 of 2 4,798.473
Briefly, a preferred embodiment of the present inven
EXTRUDER SCREW tion includes an extruder screw having a variable screw
flight geometry over the length of the screw. The screw
This is a continuation of co-pending applicaiton Ser. flight varies with regard to its width, helix angle, and
No. 06/489,759 filed on Apr. 29, 1983, and now aban radial clearance. The extruder screw, according to the
doned. present invention, has a continuous linear taper along
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION the length of the core of the screw. The smallest diame
ter end of the core of the screw is the feed section and
1. Field of the Invention the largest diameter end of the core of the screw serves
The invention relates generally to extruder screws 10 as the metering section. The screw flight width in the
and more particularly to extruder screws used in the feed section is one ninth of the diameter of the screw
production of linear low density polyethylenes. while such width in the metering section is only five
2. Description of the Prior Art percent of the diameter of the screw. The optimal me
Use of extruder screws is known in the prior art. The 15 tering flight width is dependent on the exact dimensions
process of extruding utilizing a screw extruder is the of the screw and its mechanical properties. In the pre
most common means by which to process raw plastics ferred embodiment of the present invention the helix
into finished products. Conventional screw designs for angle in the feed section is 20' while the helix angle in
processing plastics, such as low density (LDPE) and the metering section is greater than 20". The optimal
high density (HDPE) polyethylenes and polyvinylchlo 20 helix angle is dependent on the specific characteristics
rides (PVC), have generally used square pitch flight of the plastic to be extruded. The radial clearance in the
geometries. Square pitch designs maintain a constant feed section is one thousandth of an inch per one inch of
screw flight width, helix angle, and radial clearance, screw diameter while the metering section it is five
(the distance between the tip of the screw flight and the thousandth of an inch per one inch of screw diameter.
screw housing) along the length of the screw. Specifi 25 Exact dimensions for the radial clearance are, as with
cally, the conventional screw design provides a con the helix angle, dependent on the specific characteris
stant flight width of approximately one tenth the diame tics of the plastic being extruded.
ter of the screw, a constant helix angle of approximately An advantage of the present invention is that it
17.66 degrees and a constant radial clearance of approx greatly reduces the amount of extruder screw induced
imately one thousandth of an inch per inch of screw power consumption in high viscosity plastic extrusion
diameter. 30 thereby increasing the efficiency and output of the pro
Recently, a new type of polyethylene plastic has been Another advantage of the present invention is that it
developed. The new plastic is a linear low density poly greatly reduces extruder screw induced stock tempera
ethylene (LLDPE). The LLDPE is less expensive to ture generation in high viscosity plastic extrusion
produce and exhibits improved mechanical properties thereby further increasing the overall efficiency of the
compared to conventional polyethylene plastics. The 35 extrusion process.
improved mechanical properties include enhanced These and other objects and advantages of the pres
puncture and stress crazing resistance along with in ent invention will no doubt become apparent to those
proved tensile and tear strengths. In addition, the new skilled in the art after having read the following detailed
LLDPE plastic exhibits more newtonian-like shear description of the preferred embodiment which is illus
characteristics than the conventional polyethylenes trated in the drawings.
resulting in high levels of the polymer melt viscosity at
high rates of shearing. IN THE DRAWING
The processing of high viscosity plastics especially FIG. 1 illustrates an elevated side view of an extruder
the new LLDPE plastic with the conventional extruder 45 screw according to the present invention;
screw design has serious drawbacks. One disadvantage FIG. 2 graphically illustrates the extrusion yield of
resulting from the application of conventional extruder HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE plastics as a function of
screws to high viscosity plastic extrusion is high screw power consumption;
induced power consumption in the extrusion process. FIG. 3 graphically illustrates the extrusion power
Such high power consumption results in low yields of 50 consumption and yield of LLDPE as a function of the
plastic and high production costs. width of the extruder screw flight;
Another disadvantage resulting from the application FIG. 4 graphically illustrates the extrusion power
of conventional screw design to high viscosity plastic consumption and yield of LLDPE as a function of the
extrusion is the generation of high screw induced stock extruder screw helix angle; and
temperatures within the plastic, reducing overall effi 55 FIG. 5 graphically illustrates the extrusion power
ciency of the extruder and increasing the manufacturing consumption and yield for LLDPE extrusion compar
costs associated with the production of the plastics. ing conventional extruder screw geometry with the
Severe problems can occur if the plastic has limited present invention screw design.
thermal stability, as for instance in polyvinylchloride
It is therefore an object of the present invention to PREFERRED EMBODIMENT
provide an improved extruder screw design which re Referring to FIG. 1 there is shown an extruder screw
duces screw induced power consumption in the extru referred to by general reference character 10. The ex
sion of high viscosity plastics. truder screw 10 has a left side 12, a right side 14, a
It is also an object of the present invention to provide 65 linearly tapered conical core 16, a screw flight 18 posi
an improved screw design which reduces the high stock tioned in a spiral fashion about and along shaft 16, and
temperatures generated by use of a conventional ex a plurality of channels 20 located between flights 18 on
truder screw in high viscosity plastic extrusion. shaft 16. The extruder screw 10 is subdivided into at
3 4.
least one feed section 22 (designed to physically accept consumption as a function of extruder screw flight
said particles of plastic and place such in contact with width 28 referred to by a general reference character
the extruder screw 10), at least one transition section 24 120. In graph 120 the horizontal and vertical axes 102
and at least one metering section 26 (designed to physi and 104 are identical to FIG. 2. Also, in graph 120, the
cally propagate molten plastic from the transition sec solid lines 126 represent different flight widths 28, mea
tion of the screw 10 to a mold or die, not shown). sured in inches and the broken lines 128 correspond to
The geometry of screw flight 18 is varied along the the speed of the extruder screw 10 measured in revolu
length of the extruder screw 10. Flight width 28 de tions per minute (RPM). It is evident from graph 120
creases as the diameter of core 16 increases. The helix that power consumption per unit product yield at any
angle 30 increases as the diameter of the core 16 in 10 RPM is substantially reduced by a reduction in flight
creases and the radial clearance 32, defined as the dis width 28. Experimentation has also determined that as
tance between the tip of the flight 18 and the screw much as fifty percent of the conventional screw induced
housing barrel (described hereinafter), increases as the power consumption can be eliminated if optimal screw
diameter of core 16 increases and the channel depth 34, flight widths 28 are utilized in the metering section 26.
defined as the distance between the tip of the screw 15 Determination of the optimal flight width in metering
flight 18 and the core 16, decreases. The screw flight section 26 is governed by the general relationship be
width 28 in the feed section 22 is equal to one ninth of tween said flight width 28 and the dimensions and me
the diameter of the extruder screw 10, while, in the chanical characteristics of extruder screw 10. This rela
metering section 26 screw flight width 28 is only five tionship is approximately defined in the equation,
percent of the diameter of the extruder screw 10. The 20
helix angle 30 of screw flight 18 is 20' in the feed section
22 and is greater than 20 in the metering section 26. metering section flight width = - 10 (channel
Screw diameter
The radial clearance 32 in the feed section 22 is equiva depth ratio)
lent to one thousandth of an inch per one inch of screw
diameter and increases to five thousandth of an inch per 25 where the screw diameter equals the planar cross sec
inch of screw diameter in metering section 26. tional distance between opposing tips of the screw flight
The extruder screw 10 is housed in a constant diame 18 in the metering section 26 and the channel depth
ter cylindrical barrel housing 33 and during operation ratio is the numerical result of the division of the feed
rotates in a clockwise direction. In operation a predeter section 22 channel depth measurement 34 by the meter
mined amount of solid plastic (not shown) is introduced 30 ing section 26 channel depth 34 measurement.
into the feed section 22 where the plastic is placed in Under the aforementioned criteria it has been found
contact with extruder screw 10. The solid plastic is then that a screw flight width 28 in metering section 26 of
conveyed along extruder screw 10 to metering section five percent or less of the screw diameter is optimal for
26 via screw flight 18. During its process along extruder most plastic extrusion. When the mechanical strength of
screw 10 the solid plastic is melted and thoroughly 35 the screw flight 18 is considered, truly optimal flight
mixed such that all or almost all of the plastic entering widths 28 of extremely thin narrow dimensions may not
the metering section 26 is in a liquid state. be possible. Experimentation has also shown that power
Referring to FIG. 2 there is shown a graph illustrat consumption and heat generation have been reduced in
ing the relationship between the product yield and plastic extrusions with any flight widths less than ten
power consumption for conventional screw design ex 40 percent of the diameter of the screw. Such flight width
trusion of HDPE, LDPE and LLDPE plastic referred 28 in the metering section 26 is significantly narrower
to by a general reference character 100. In graph 100 than the industrial standard, often percent or more of
the horizontal axis 102 represents the extrusion product the screw diameter, in use today for plastic extrusion.
yield measured in pounds per hour (lbs/hr) and the Furthermore, testing has determined that use of a vari
vertical axis 104 represents the power consumption of 45 able flight width 28 over the length of extruder screw
the process measured in horsepower (HP). In graph 100 10 also improves extrusion performance by maintaining
the LLDPE extrusion process is represented by broken a relatively thick screw flight width 28, in the feed
line 106, the HDPE extrusion process is represented by section 22, for maximum mechanical strength to moti
solid line 108 and the LDPE extrusion process is repre vate the solid plastic, while, allowing use of a thinner
sented by the series of lines and dots 110. FIG.2 graphi 50
screw flight width 28 in the metering section 26, to
cally illustrates that for the same amount of yield motivate the molten LLDPE and reduce screw induced
LLDPE consumes substantially more power than either power consumption in the metering section 26.
HDPE or LDPE. Experimentation has determined that
the large amount of power consumption in LLDPE Referring to FIG. 4 there is shown a graph illustrat
extrusion can be significantly reduced if an extruder 55 ing the relationship between the power consumption
screw incorporating an optimal variable screw flight and product yield in an LLDPE extrusion as a function
geometry is utilized. Experimentation has further deter of the helix angle 30 referred to by a general reference
mined that screw induced power consumption and heat character 130. In graph 130 the horizontal and vertical
generation in almost all plastics or fluid extrusions can axex 102 and 104 correspond to those in FIG. 2. The
also be reduced by use of the present inventions optimal solid lines 136 in graph 130 represent helix angles 30
screw flight geometry. measured in degrees and the broken lines 138 represent
The exact geometry of the screw flight 18, i.e. the the speed of the extruder screw 10 measured in RPM's.
flight width 28, the helix angle 30 and the radial clear It is evident from graph 130 that as the helix angle 30
ance 32, is dependent on the characteristics of the plas increases, the amount of power consumed per unit
tic or fluid being processed and the dimensions and 65 product yield is reduced. However, it should be noted
mechanical characteristics of the extruder screw 10. that at some point, the helix angle reaches an optimum
Referring to FIG. 3 there is shown a graph illustrat value beyond which power consumption and heat gen
ing the relationship between product yield and power eration increases with increases in the helix angle 30.
5 6
Testing has determined that the optimal helix angle section 26, to reduce screw induced power consump
30 for the screw flight 18 is generally related to the tion and heat generation, thus insuring that greater plas
particular characteristics of the plastic being extruded. tic extrusion efficiencies are realized.
This general relationship is defined in the equation, As discussed above, reduction of the extruder screw
induced power consumption and heat generation is
g = d2 possible by employing any single improvement in the
deb2. e extruder screw design in the metering section 26 such as
reducing the flight width 28 or increasing the radial
where clearance 32 according to the present invention. It
V= the volumetric flow rate of the plastic; 10 should be noted that the most significant improvements
Z= the power consumption; in reduction of screw induced power consumption and
cbs the helix angle 30; heat generation results from use of all three of these
dV=differential of the volumetric flow rate of the improvements as shown in FIG. 5.
plastic; Furthermore, it should be understood that the use of
ddb = the differential of the helix angle 30; and 15
the present invention is applicable to all fluid extrusions
dZ= the differential of the power consumption. and should not be limited to high viscosity plastic extru
In the aforementioned equation both Z and V are de sion. Additionally, the present invention can be utilized
pendent variables and are differentiated with respect to in multi-screw extruders as well as in single screw ex
the b independent variable d.
Further experimentation has shown that use of the 20 truders. The invention can be utilized in all extruder
optimal helix angle 30 in the metering section 26 of the screws including multi-flighted extruder screws, multi
extruder screw 10 results in a reduction of screw in stage extruder screws, barrier flight extruder screws,
duced power consumption and heat generation. Specifi and extruder screws incorporating mixing sections.
cally, a metering section helix angle 30 between 20' to Referring to FIG. 5 there is shown a graph illustrat
40' has been determined to be optimal for most plastic 25 ing the relationship between power consumption and
extrusion applications. Such helix angles 30 are substan product yield for conventional screw LLDPE extru
tially greater than the industrial standard of 17.66 used sion and LLDPE extrusion utilizing the present inven
in the common square pitched extruder screw designs tion referred to by general reference character 140. In
presently utilized for plastic extrusion. In the embodi graph 140 the horizontal and vertical axes 102 and 104
ment 10 the helix angle is varied over the length of the 30 correspond to those in FIG. 2. Also, in graph 140 the
screw 10 providing for greater extrusion efficiencies. broken line 142 represents the LLDPE extrusion using
Such efficiencies are a result of the use of a larger helix a conventional extruder screw with the solid line 144
angle 30 in the metering section 26, to specifically re representing the LLDPE extrusion utilizing the present
duce the screw induced power consumption and heat invention. It is evident from graph 140 that under simi
generation caused by the screw 10 interaction with the 35 lar circumstances and conditions use of the present
molten plastic. invention's optimal screw flight geometry in LLDPE
Lastly, it was determined that increasing the radial extrusion results in up to a sixty percent reduction in
clearance 32 beyond that of the industrial standard of power consumption over conventional LLDPE extru
one thousandth of an inch per inch screw diameter SO
resulted in further favorable reduction in extruder 40 All for the sake of clearness and in order to disclose
screw induced power consumption and heat generation. the invention so that the same can be readily under
Specifically, a radial clearance 32 of between one thou stood, a specific embodiment has been described and
sandth of an inch and eight thousandths of an inch per illustrated. It is to be understood that the present inven
inch screw diameter was found to be best suited for the
extrusion of most plastics. The general relationship 45
tion is not limited to the specific means disclosed. It may
between said plastic and the optimal radial clearance 32 be embodied in other ways that will suggest themselves
is expressed in a formula as: to a person skilled in the art. It is believed that this
invention is new and that all such changes that come
within the scope of the following claims are to be con
a z --dzis 50 sidered as part of the invention.
I claim:
where V, Z, dV and dZ are the same values as previ 1. A single extruder screw apparatus comprising:
ously discussed and 8 represents radial clearance 32 and a screw shaft to operate within a housing barrel and
d8 represents the differential of the radial clearance 32. having a feed section for accepting particles of
Both V and Z are dependent variables that are differen 55 plastic material for placing said particles in contact
tiated with regard to independent variable 6. with the screw shaft and one metering section for
As with the flight width 28 and the helix angle 30 the propagating molten high viscosity plastic material,
radial clearance 32 is varied over the length of the the screw shaft having a diameter which progres
screw 10. In the feed section 22 the radial clearance 32 sively increases from said feed section through said
is approximately one thousandth of an inch per inch of 60 metering section so that the distance from the pe
screw diameter while such clearance 32 is between one riphery of the screw shaft to the inner wall of said
to eight thousandth of an inch per inch screw diameter housing barrel progressively decreases from said
in the metering section 26. These tolerances for radial feed section to said metering section; and
clearance 32 have been determined to be optimal for a screw flight spirally positioned about the screw
most plastic extrusions. Such a variance in radial clear shaft, the screw flight having a screw flight width
ance 32 provides a tight clearance in the feed section 22, that is narrower at its periphery in said metering
so that total conveyance of plastic LLDPE along the section than in said feed section and having a helix
screw 10 is assured and a wide clearance in the metering angle which is greater, relative to a perpendicular
to the axial centerline of the screw shaft, in said truder screw flight along the length of the extruder
metering section than in said feed section. screw so that radial clearance in the metering sec
2. A single extruder screw structure comprising: tion of the extruder screw is greater than the radial
screw shaft designed to operate within an extruder clearance in the feed section of the extruder screw,
screw housing having a metering section for propa 5 the radial clearance in the metering section being
gating molten linear low density polyethylene ma greater than one thousandths of an inch per inch of
terial and a feed section for accepting particles of total screw diameter and less than eight thou
said material and placing them in contact with said sandths of an inch per inch of total screw diameter.
shaft located at opposite ends of the screw shaft; 4. A single extruder screw apparatus comprising:
and 10
a screw flight spirally located about a screw shaft to a screw shaft dimensioned to operate within a hous
create a helical screw having a flight width in said ing having at least one feed section for placing
metering section less than ten percent of the total particles of plastic in contact with the screw shaft
diameter of the screw, the screw flight having a and one metering section for propagating high
helix angle in said metering section being within 15 viscosity plastic material;
the range of twenty to forty degrees, the screw a screw flight which is spirally fixed about the screw
flight having a radial clearance between the tip of shaft, which screw flight has a screw flight width
the flight and the inside surfaces of said housing that is narrower in said metering section than in
which is greater than one thousandths and less than said feed section, and which screw flight has a
eight thousandths of an inch per inch of the total 20 variable helix angle over the length of the screw
diameter of the screw in the metering section and shaft that is greater in said metering section than in
greater than the radial clearance in the feed section. said feed section, the helix angle in said metering
3. A single extruder screw apparatus for processing section being greater than twenty degrees normal
linear low density polyethylene material and having a to the longitudinal axis of the screw shaft, and the
screw shaft about which a screw flight is spirally lo 25 screw flight has a variable radial clearance between
cated to create a helical screw designed to operate the tip of the flight and said housing along the
within an extruder screw housing having at least one length of the screw shaft, the radial clearance in
metering section for propagating molten linear low said metering section being greater than the radial
density polyethylene material and one feed section for clearance in the feed section, and the radial clear
accepting particles of said material and placing them in 30 ance in said metering section is between about
contact with said screw, the apparatus comprising: 0.001 and 0.008 inches per inch of total screw diam
a variable radial clearance between the inside surface eter.
of the extruder screw housing and a tip of the ex it six it is





Patent No. 4, 798, 473 Dated Jan. 17, 1989

Inventor(s) Christiaan J. Rauwendaal

It is certified that error appears in the above-identified patent

and that said Letters Patent is hereby corrected as shown below:

Col. 5, line 6, change "dv Z. = d2"

to -- dV = dz ,
dic) d() d(b dic)

Col. 5, line 50, change "dv dz " to -- dv- Z.

d6' d' d

Signed and Sealed this

Fifteenth Day of August, 1989


Attesting Officer Commissioner of Patents and Trademarks

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