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Effects of Romantic Relationship towards the Academic Performance of Senior High

School Students in STI College Meycauayan S.Y. 2018-2019

Cheinard R. Aquino

Jerr Xedrick P. Berongoy

Peter Jose P. Cuba

Ivy Louise Y. Gonzales

Erica Luz B. Ignacio

Janz Glenn A. Lanozo

Jamaica L. Magkilat

Angelo P. Piadozo

Lauren Grace S. Tabieros

Carl Denver I. Turtoga

March 2019


The Problem and Its Background


Nowadays adolescents are more desired in committing relationship which includes

romantic one. The teens who say they are either recently participated with a romantic partner or

have ever dated, hooked up with or had a romantic relationship are 35% over 100% [ CITATION

Ama15 \l 13321 ]. Based on the survey almost half of 100%, students are involved in relationship.

Some of the students are engaged in a romantic relationship.

The effects of having a romantic relationship while studying have a positive outcome.

Romantic relationship provides a positive outlook of adolescents’ life which motivates them to

achieve goals such as performing well in the studies. Most of the students have a strong interest

in terms of committing into romantic relationship. They naturally maintain their grades and they

are satisfied to have a romantic relationship as their inspiration to study hard [ CITATION Mar10 \l

1033 ].. In addition, having a partner in a students’ life motivate them to go school every day and

make them strong ones to face whatever obstacles may go through in their lives [ CITATION

Mio11 \l 1033 ]. In addition, there’s no negative effect on the students’ academic achievements

even though they are in a romantic relationship. Moreover, everything might have a negative or

positive effect, in the other hand, being in neutral can help to happen it in reality [ CITATION

Gab15 \l 1033 ]. It can also affect the school works of a learner because of lack in time

management. The result of this study may turn to either positive or negative outcomes. This

study tells about the effects of having romantic relationship with the opposite sex while the

students are studying.

Meanwhile, there are disadvantages that we can see in this matter as it includes the

students’ experiences of being in a romantic relationship while studying. There are more

negative effects when a student is involved in a romantic relationship in terms of their academic

matters. Nowadays teen romance is considered as the pioneer source of stress [CITATION Man09 \l

13321 ]. In the same manner, students who are participating in a romantic relationship usually

experience struggles in maintaining their grades high while they are also trying to keep their

relationship working out for good [ CITATION Mis15 \l 1033 ]. In short, instead of making sure

one’s grades are up to part and preparing for the real world most of their attention is focused on

love and relations [ CITATION Sni12 \l 13321 ] . Every decisions and choices they made influence

their academic performance. Doing the responsibilities as a partner and as a student is difficult.

In addition to this there are some point where in a student experience break down, caused by

break-up from the romantic relationship. This can lead to divided attention and less

determination in fulfilling the desired academic performance. With this thought of

disappointment and loosened motivation, create delays and unsatisfied accomplishment of school

works. As a result, students are prone in having poor grades as an outcome.

As an aid, students should learn to manage their time in accomplishing school works and to

their partner. They should take the relationship as a motivation and inspiration to study hard

because it may help them improve their academic performance. In order to answer this problem,

this study will determine the effects of romantic relationship of students towards the academic

performance of Senior High School students who are involve in a relationship. This study also

aims to the students who are involved come up into a certain realization as well.

Statement of the Problem

The primary aim of this study is to know the effects of romantic relationships towards the

academic performance of selected Senior High School students in STI College Meycauayan

(S.Y.2018-2019, Second Semester) who are involved in a romantic relationship.

It specifically seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the effect romantic relationship in terms of;

1.1 Anxiety;and

1.2 Motivation?

2. What is the academic performance of Senior High School students who are

involved in a romantic relationship?

3. Is there a significant relationship between romantic relationship and academic


4. Is there a significant effect between romantic relationship and academic



Ho: There is no significant effect between having Romantic Relationship and Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students.


H1: There is significant relationship between having Romantic Relationship and Academic

Performance of Senior High School Students.

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variables Dependent Variables

Romantic Relationship in Academic Performance of

terms of: Senior High School Students

1.1 Anxiety; and

1.2 Motivation?


Figure 1

This indicates the effects of Romantic Relationship as an independent variable

in terms of anxiety and motivation towards the Academic Performance of Senior

High School Student as the dependent variable. The respondents will be coming

from these who got involved in a romantic relationship since November 5, 2018

up to January 31, 2019

Significance of the Study

The purpose of this study is to know the possible outcomes of a students engaged into
romantic relationship and its effects to their academic performance. The researchers are
expecting that this study will benefit the following audiences;

Senior High School students – the study will give them information which may enhance their
perceptions and insights about this matter. The study will also help them gain more
understanding with the effects of romantic relationship. Aside from that, this will assist them to
identify the possible effects of having romantic relationship to their academic performance as
well as expand their idea about it.

Teachers - They are not just there to teach lessons, they also serve as the second parents of every
students. This research will help them know about teen romance which may take an affect
academic performance of their students. They will become more knowledgeable to the academic
status of their students and apply some strategies for their students to achieve excellence in their

Parents - this study will also give awareness to every parent towards the need and circumstances
of their children. This study will cater them to support and give guidance to their children
regarding teen romance. As a result, they can give proper counsel to their children regarding on
their children’s desire for a relationship. Gaining enough knowledge about nowadays teen
romance will help them to make better decisions about this topic.

Researchers - will gain new information that may contribute to their prior knowledge.

Researchers' quest will stir up and may further their ideas in the days to come.

Future researchers - will also benefit in this study. They will get better ideas about the
significance of determining the preference of students between studying in getting involved in
romantic relationship. This research sure as a credible source of information when they conduct a
study related on the effects of having romantic relationship in academic performance of the

Definition of Terms

To clearly understand the study, here are the definitions:


Academic Performance - this is the basis if it is effective to have romantic relationship. It is the

grade level of the students who are involved in the romantic relationship

Adolescence - is the process of growth from a child to young adult. A stage where in there are

experiences of physical attributes and tend to explore new things to gain maturity.

Romantic Relationship - is a connection between two (2) people; boy and girl who are mutually

in love with each other.

Stress – relates to distress which defines in bad effect of engaging into romantic relationships

while keeping good grades at the same time in the academic performance.

Senior High School Students – students who are currently into the higher ladder of education

who are selected to be the respondents who’ll supply answer to the quests of their study


Review of Related Literature

Foreign Study

The generation nowadays (known as “Millenial Generation”) are so carefree and prefers to

do things in response to their curiosity. Teenagers are in the point where they want to experience

new things and they stand on their own [ CITATION Cui11 \l 1033 ]. Due to puberty stage, they are

more engaged in socialization which leads to greater tendencies of committing into different

kinds of relationships which includes romantic one, especially in their high school days. This

phenomenon could barely bring the students who are in a romantic kind of relationship into

either a positive or negative chapter in their academic performance. If you are participating in

romantic relationship, it can affect your attendance in school, but not in points of your

grade[ CITATION Loc17 \l 1033 ]. Having a romantic relationship may affect the academic

performance of the students. Attendance in school may affect it since it can also make an impact

in school works but not with the average grade of a student. Having a relationship will not affect

the grade, thus, it only affects the attendance of the student. Class absences are included in

grading but in computing grades, performance task and periodical exams are the things that have

a bigger count. The effects of the attendance in grade point average is not that huge to modify

someone’s grade. It helps to have a better grade but does not really results into a poor status. One

more thing, absences of a student in the high school level due to their curiosity and/or desire to

experience different and new things, tend to do not attend a day of class just for a date or certain

activity. In result, such actions will affect because written works including quarterly

examinations and projects will give them a chance to haul and get more than a passing final

grade. Moreover, being involved in a romantic relationship can be an inspiration to the students.

They can be active in performing on the field of their education. Responsibility of a person who

are committed in a romantic relationship is to be connected and affectionate to their loved ones.

They help, motivate and enjoy each other’s company then contribute to the dedication of

completing their school works before the given time of submission (Ullah, Ahmad, Khan &

Alam, 2016). This set up will make the students more motivated to strengthen their relationship.

Those couples who has their goals and achieving it in their own ways will make them proud for

each other because they did their best to reach it. And as the time flies, these types of students

will be more mature and understand each other because of the bond that has been made. In order

for them to be a happy and healthy couple, they should lift each other towards the shimmering

goal they want to achieve. Students who are engaged in a romantic relationship are more

tenacious in improving their academic performance because they have a more complex target to


On the other hand, students tend to concentrate more on what's happening in their own life

with their relationship and cannot focus on their school works [ CITATION Mau12 \l 1033 ]. Some

of the students nowadays forget their responsibilities. They put more attention to their partner

more than their school related activities and because of it, they tend to neglect their studies.

Usually students who are in love tend to feel happier when they are with their partners. There are

some point that they choose to give more than enough time on their loved ones, disregarding

academic matters because they love to be with and to talk with their partner. Obviously, when a

person is in a relationship, his or her time will be divided but unfortunately, some of the students

unluckily tend to unbalance their time for education and for their loved ones. Handling both

romantic relationship and maintaining your grades are quite difficult most especially for the

students because they really don’t know yet how to concur it without hesitation and stress. Time

management is the key for a student to stupendously fulfil his or her responsibilities as a student

and a lover at the same time.

On the contrary, there’s no negative effect on the students’ academic achievements even

though they are in a romantic relationship [ CITATION Gab15 \l 1033 ]. Everything might have a

negative or positive effect, in the other hand, being in neutral can help to happen it in reality.

Time management is the best answer in balancing the academic and romantic aspects in life for

every student who are involved in romantic relationship for them to do not experience any kinds

of struggles in their academic matters. Practices to surpass in maintaining the grades in school

and having a quality time of the youth to each other will serve as a bridge towards their aims and


Foreign Literature

Those learners who are involved in a romantic relationship has experienced more stress

when facing deadlines for school[ CITATION Qua171 \l 1033 ].When you are in a relationship, there

is always a problem which is inevitable. In academic, when there is a school work that has the

same deadline, you might get pressured. School works together with the problem they have with

their partner will give stress to that student who is in a romantic relationship. Little arguments of

a couple might lead to stress specially for those students who are facing near specific target time

of their performance task such as quarterly projects. Immaturity due to their young age also adds

on the complications of their situation as students who are engage in a romantic relationship as

they tend to seek for attention to their partner which they usually disregard for the sake of

academic matter of their loved ones. In result, student with a childish or immature partner are

experiencing dis-stress when the arguments and deadlines are coincided.

In addition, there are more negative effects when a student is involved in a romantic

relationship in terms of their academic matters. Nowadays teen romance is considered as the

pioneer source of stress [CITATION Man09 \l 13321 ]. One of the negative factors that can affect

academic performance is stress. Being in a romantic relationship can give you stress as a student

because it will serve as a source of problems in your academic life. Students are more distracted

in maintaining their grades, instead of reviewing, the students commonly have a sweet or little

argument with their partners. Stress will eat them up sooner or later because they tend to think

from time to time regarding what's the going on between the relationships with they loved ones,

then the students will forget that there are more significant stuffs that they should prioritize first.

In result, students might get failing grades while they’re busy arguing with their special

someone. In the same manner, it is an outcome from the break-ups or arguments between the

couple. Even those people who shows more attention on academics, giving time with one’s

partner may also serve as a distraction [ CITATION Ver10 \l 1033 ]. Even when we give an

importance in our academic matters, if our time is divided into so called love life and academic

life, it can still affect the other. Hence, the more time which a student gives in his or her

education, the other aspect of that student will suffer which is her romantic relationship, then,

vice versa. In addition, break-ups could barely drown a student unto failing grades because of the

sadness brought by that happening. Simply, a student will not have enough time consider that he

or she will make a little bit more effort in his or her studies. In contrast, romantic relationship

provides positive outlook of adolescents’ life which motivates the adolescents in achieving goals

such as performing well in the studies [ CITATION Jor19 \l 1033 ]. Being in a relationship while in

a high school level lead some students to a more active in accomplishment different tasks given

by their teachers. Their lover serves as one of their motivation to go and study in school, and a

little bit harder than they usually doing. With more sources of inspiration, students gain higher

grades because they are more motivated to complete their school works and that is one of the

results of thinking that it could help to feel more appraisal and compliments by someone they

love. In addition, they are more dedicated in achieving every goals running in their minds,

simply because they think that it would be for their self, family and partner. However, it affects

the school works of a learner because of the lack in time management [ CITATION Goi08 \l 1033 ].

Every hour is important, you should handle it wisely for you to be effective in finishing every

task that you have especially if you’re a student. Managing time is difficult because there are

many kinds of distractions in any place you go. Maintaining good grades will be more

complicated when a student is in a romantic relationship. When a student is engaged on a

romantic relationship, he or she will experience different struggles with his/her academic

matters. Simply, struggles in academic matters includes gaining failing scores in quizzes and

exam, not properly accomplishing the given task in a group activity, and poorly performing in

school. Unbalanced handling of the two aspects might lead to a suffering of poor grades as a

student or your relationship with your partner which might unfortunately result to break-up.

Local Literature

Having a partner in a students’ life motivate them to go school every day and make them

strong ones to face whatever obstacles may go through in their lives[ CITATION Mio11 \l 1033 ].

Inspiration can be in many ways; it can be your family, friends, dreams and also your special

someone. Students are happier and livelier to attend classes when he or she is involved in a

romantic relationship. That kind of affection could barely help the student to enhance and

improve his or her academic performance. They tend to be inspired to try things they often think

that they wouldn’t do it with a great outcome. Also, read books they never thought they’d like, to

go to a place they never wanted to visit, to eat a food that they always swore off. Although self-

motivation is essential, sometimes students’ esteem just runs out. There are some points that they

need a person running alongside them, telling that they can keep going that they can cross that

finish line. Their partners with that romantic relationship can give them strength to face problem

and inspire them to fulfill their responsibilities and priorities. Furthermore, being in a romantic

relationship is a very important part of the process of growing up. It adds to the development of

the ability to maintain in committed relationships later on in life and can be just plain fun.

[ CITATION Kat17 \l 1033 ]. Through this, it is more likely that the students will improve in their

education. This time, teenagers are excessively attracted to be in a romantic relationship and

there is nothing wrong with that unless a person is gracefully doing the balance of both subject

which is the so-called love life and academic performance. At some certain point, students may

also be more inspired and dedicated to do every school activities because of the contribution of

his or her partner. Young couples tend to be more flexible in many things because they can do

two things in at the same time, thinking of their loved ones while doing their projects or else,

replying to the lover’s message while reviewing for exam. Those practices can improve the skill

of a person to manage his or her time, which will help them to live a little bit happier and easier.

Besides, for teachers, professors and instructors – to identify what can help the students in

maintaining an excellent academic performance while having relationship so that they can

correctly educate them and isolate those effects that can lead to distractions in academic learning

[ CITATION Mas14 \l 1033 ]. Performing two things at the same time can affect the result of what

you do. Undeniably, your attention will be separated into two if you’ll be committed in a

romantic relationship. This could barely lead a student to a situation wherein he or she will be

unfocused in accomplishing the given task at house and most specially at school. Excellent

performance in the education field can be affected if a student chooses to be in a relationship,

simply, conflicts inside that affair contributes to the factor of students’ distractions.

Considerations are important in giving information to the students; the educators should also

think the sake or situation of that person. If more than half of the students are in relationship,

style in educating should also be improved but it is not quite easy also. The gain of learning

inside the campus can be affected if a student is committed in a romantic relationship as he or

she can be inspired to study harder, so that the school should do more activities and educational

programs for them to learn new things when it comes to that point wherein mostly the students

are more inspired to participate in class because of their engagement in a romantic relationship.

Likewise, relationships in high school are very distracting. Instead of making sure one’s grades

are up to part and preparing for the real world most of their attention is focused on love and

relations [ CITATION Sni12 \l 13321 ]. It tells the bad effects of the relationship during the study.

Relationships are not good at learning because it will cause distraction in students’ academic

performance. Nowadays, people easily get distracted by many kinds of distractions including the

romantic stuff. Relationships in young people, are tend to be a negative thing to the students,

simply because they pour more strenuous effort for their partner. The only thing that could

contradict that statement is, if the student is obviously good in managing his or her own time for

aspect, love and education.  On the brighter side, positive outcome may be in a form of serving

as an inspiration and boost students’ determination to focus on their students to get high marks in

school [ CITATION Met17 \l 1033 ]. Students can inspire their partners to become a better person.

To push his-self/herself — in terms of career, beliefs, culture, values and education. In order for

them to accomplish every school related activities, students’ who are in a romantic relationship

should practice the ability of managing his or her time. Romantic relationship can also serve as a

useful and helpful one for a person because instead of facing problems only by thyself, the force

of solving that hindrance will be multiplied, in result, performance in school can also be affected

in a positive way.

Local Study

Students who are participating in a romantic relationship usually experience struggles in

maintaining their grades high while they are also trying to keep their relationship working out for

good [ CITATION Mis15 \l 1033 ]. In life, the best feeling is being in love. Meanwhile there’s

always a boundary between managing your time for romantic and academic aspects. Getting

more than a passing grade while a student is just being busy talking and dating with his or her

partner will be an obstacle. It will obviously be a hindrance in smooth journey towards the goals

and dreams of the students. If only if, student didn’t practice time management, it will lead to

gaining a failing grade. In addition, study would knock the students and elevate their awareness

on the effects of romantic relationship on the academic performance especially on its counter

part of positive effect. These concluded data would also make the students who are involved in

romantic relationship estimate the style in handling it considering the consumption of time

between academic and romantic aspects [ CITATION Alm11 \l 1033 ]. Nowadays, awareness is a

must especially to the youth. Teenagers who are in a relationship should realize how those

happenings in their lives affect their academic performance. Another thing, effects might be

good or positive, if being in a relationship is helpful that’s good, but if that kind of connection

does a negative effect in his or her grades in school, maybe that student should practice proper

management of the time of both aspects. Nevertheless, doing other responsibilities including

maintaining good grades, surpassing stress each day, and studying are some reasons why

students are busy while they are spending time with their future lifelong lover [ CITATION Aqu12 \l

1033 ]. Some of the students are already spending time to their assumed future partner, while

other students are not that much ready to have a romantic relationship. Academic achievers are

the people who prioritize their dreams first to achieve it. Everyone knows that being a student

and a lover is difficult to handle, but the good thing is, some of the students who are in a

romantic relationship have time management for them to live their lives according to what they

want to. Furthermore, giving more importance in the relationship with their love ones makes

them spend less effort and time in their school works and other school responsibilities that

affects their academic performance [ CITATION Joh14 \l 1033 ]. In other words partners who spend

more time and give more attention in their relationship without thinking other things they should

do like maintaining good grades, it can affect to their academic performance because they don’t

have time for school works and most of all, for other school responsibilities that affects their

academic performances such as getting more than just passing scores in their seat works, quizzes,

and quarterly examinations. When the students will give more time in working out the romantic

relationship he or she will become less active in participating with the school activities.

Moreover, youths are mostly satisfied with their romantic relationships. Respondents are already

confident in building romantic relationship. There is a positive relationship between the length of

the romantic relationship and the level of satisfaction. Most of the students have a strong interest

in terms of committing into romantic relationship. They naturally maintain their grades and they

are satisfied to have a romantic relationship as their inspiration to study hard. Teenagers

nowadays usually want to experience being in a relationship while studying and it will also serve

as their lever to attain their short-term goals. In order to achieve a change among teens sexual

behavior, an important step is to improve our knowledge about their opinions concerning

relationship, love and sexuality. [ CITATION Mar10 \l 1033 ]. For us to alter the attitude of

adolescents, we must make ways to enhance their insights and perceptions regarding in

relationship, love and sexuality. Just few of the adolescents these days know about the real

meaning of love. Several students nowadays are in a serious relationship because they have

enough knowledge about that. Mostly of the teenagers in this generation are digital natives,

which mean if they want to get in a relationship they can just use a dating app even though they

don’t really know the person they want to be with. The essence of improving their point of view

about this matter is for them to be aware about the decisions they make and the consequences of

their actions. There are couples out there who are unconscious yet clueless about love, sexuality

and some kind of romantic relationship or lack of awareness in these situations. These couples

are naturally prone to wrong path.


Chapter 3

Research Methodology

This chapter contains the design to be used, includes how the respondents were selected,

what research instrument was used, and the statistical treatment to be used for this study.

Research Design

The researchers used descriptive type of research because this study seeks for the effects

of romantic relationship in the academic performance of the students. Through this, the

researchers would know how romantic relationships can affect the respondents’ academic status

as well as the advantages and disadvantages of being involved in romantic relationship.

Correlational design is used to make it happen. It is a non-experimental research of a

quantitative method of a study in which the researchers measures two or more variables and

assesses the statistical relationship between correlation to control extraneous variables [ CITATION

Kan09 \l 1033 ]

Locale of the Study

This research was conducted at the STI College Meycauayan wherein located at JPH Bldg.
Banga, City of Meycauayan Bulacan during the School Year 2018-2019.


The survey questionnaire of this study was adopted from the study of Alma Jay Bernales

and Fretzy Colonia entitled “Effects of Romantic Relationship in The Academic Performance of

University of the Philippines- Cebu College students in the Academics Year 2011-2012”.

The research instrument used in this study helped the researchers to find answers in the

specific problems. Through survey questionnaire, distinguishing the effects of romantic

relationship in selected respondents’ academic performance isn’t difficult to do. The survey

questionnaires were distributed to the Senior High School students who are in a relationship

since October 2018 to January 30, 2019 who which in terms took part in this research. Each of

the questionnaires is composed of questions to be answered. The questionnaire has two (3) parts

which the first part will be about the identity or profile of the respondents (name and the general

weighted average). Then the second and third part will most likely a Likert Scale form. This will

specify if they Strongly Agree (SA), Agree (A), Strongly Disagree (SD), Disagree (D) or

Undecided (U) in the given statements. These parts of the questionnaire which is the concern of

their level in terms of motivation and anxiety as a student.

Table 1.0: Weight of Response of Students

Scale Assigned Weight Respondents/Description
5 4.21 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.41 – 4.20 Agree
3 2.61 – 3.40 Undecided
2 1.81 – 2.60 Disagree
1 1.0 – 1.80 Strongly Disagree

In (Table 1) shows the weight of response of students which has a scale, assigned weight,

and description. The scale starts at 5 that have 4.21-5.00 assigned weight which is Strongly

Agree. Then 3.41-4.20, Agree, 2.61-3.40, Undecided, 1.81-2.60 Disagree. Lastly 1 is 1.0-1.80 is

strongly disagree.

Table 2.0: Scale for Students Grade

Percentage Equivalent
95 and above Excellent
90 – 94 Outstanding
85 – 89 Above Average
80 – 84 Average
75 – 79 Below Average
74 and below Failed

In (Table 2) scale for the students grade shows the percentage and equivalent of grading

system which 95 and above is excellent that means clearly Excellent, student’s work has a

highest quality. The 90-94 is Outstanding which shows a strong grasp of all subject matter and

work has a high quality. The 85-89 is Above Average which means an active listener and

participant in class discussions and work performance. The 80-84 is average which means shows

a satisfactory comprehension of all subjects and general understanding of all basic concepts.

While 75-79 is below average which means written and oral communication skills are in

consistent with those expected of a student. Lastly, 74 and below is failed that means, it did not

meet the expectation and quantity or quality of work are not acceptable.

Table 3.0: Strength of Correlation

Value of r Strength of Correlation
+1 Perfect Positive Correlation
+0.71 to +0.99 Strong Positive Correlation
+0.51 to +0.70 Moderately Positive Correlation
+.31 to +0.50 Weak Positive Correlation
+0.01 to +0.30 Negligible Positive Correlation
0 No Correlation

-0.01 to -0.30 Negligible Negative Correlation

-.31 to -0.50 Weak Negative Correlation
-0.51 to -0.70 Moderately Negative Correlation
-0.71 to -0.99 Strong Negative Correlation
-1 Perfect Negative Correlation

This table simply explain the relation of two variables which is the Romantic

Relationship and Academic Performance. The research method correlation coefficient, denoted

by r, measures of the strength of straight-line or a linear relationship between the two variables

taken on the values ranging between +1 and -1, and 0 which indicates no linear relationship.

Sample of the study

The respondents of this study are the Senior High School Students of STI College

Meycauayan who are involved in a romantic relationship. We used purposive sampling

technique to get the number of respondents which is sixty-five (65) Senior High School students.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that has been collected will be presented using non-textual forms: in tabular and

graphical form to show simple interpretation for the collected data.

In order to get the effects of romantic relationship in academic performance of the Senior

High School students, the following formula was used:

1. To get the percentage we used formula for percentage:

is/ part %
of /whole 100

2. To describe the romantic relationship and academic performance, weighted mean

formulas was used.


∑ ( ¿ x 1∗w1 )
x= i=1 n
∑ w1


Σ = the sum.

w= the weights.

x = the value.

3. To determine the relationship between Romantic Relationship and Academic

Performance, Correlation formula was used.

N ∑ xy−( ∑ x)( ∑ y)


N = number of pairs of scores

Σxy =sum of the products of paired scores

Σx =sum of x scores

Σy = sum of y scores

Σx2 = sum of squared x scores

Σy2 = sum of squared y scores


4. To find the effects of romantic relationship to academic performance, regression

formula was used.

a=¿ ¿

b=n ¿ ¿

Sampling Technique

Purposive Sampling Technique was the method that the researchers used for getting the

desired respondents. One of the non-probability sampling is purposive sampling technique. It is

most effective when one is necessary to study a specific cultural domain with knowledgeable

experts within. This sampling technique can be used both in qualitative and quantitative research.

[ CITATION MaD08 \l 1033 ]

In this study the respondents should be in a romantic relationship. The researchers ask every

section of Senior High School, if they are in a romantic relationship since the second semester

started upon January 31, 2019.

Table 4.0: Population with percentage of each section and the sample with percentage of each

Strand Population % Sample %

ICT12A 43 11.26% 4 06.15%
ICT12B 30 7.85% 0 0%
ABM12A 40 10.47% 6 09.23%
ABM12B 44 11.52% 4 06.15%
GAS22A 31 8.125 10 15.38%
TO22A 33 8.64% 13 20.00%
CA22A 36 9.42% 8 12.31%
ABM22A 43 11.26% 13 20.00%
ICT22A 43 11.26% 0 0%
ICT22B 39 10.21% 7 10.77%

TOTAL 382 100% 65 100%

The Table 4 shows the population and the sample with percentage of the senior high

school strands. The total population of the Senior High School students of STI College

Meycauayan are 382 students and the total sample of this study are 65.

Scope and Delimitation

This study focuses only in the effects of romantic relationship towards the academic

performance of the Senior High School Students of STI Meycauayan.


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter concentrates on the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

information from (63) sixty-three Senior High School students who are involved in a romantic

relationship according to the problems formulated in this study.

The data that has been gathered by the researchers were tallied, tabulated and transfer

into textual form. Statistical formula was used to analyze information which delineated in the

previous chapter of this research.


Problem 1: Romantic Relationship in terms of:

1.1 Motivation

Table no. 1: Population, Mean, Standard Deviation and Interpretation of motivational scale.

N Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

1. I feel motivated to study when
my partner shows affection to 63 4.02 .89 Agree
2. I want to get good grades to
ensure a brighter future with my 63 4.14 1.31 Agree
3. I expect my partner to help me Agree
63 3.65 1.08
in my studies.

4. I feel motivated to do my Agree

projects because my partner 63 3.68 1.15
encouraged me to do so.
5. I feel motivated to study when Agree
63 3.65 1.19
I’m with my partner.
6. I’m inspired to finish my course Agree
63 3.73 1.11
when I have a romantic partner.
7. I get more comfortable when I
discuss my problems and Agree
63 4.37 .90
concerns in my studies to my
8. I enjoy studying when I’m in a Agree
63 3.70 .87
9. I think I can get a higher grade
when I’m in a romantic 63 3.50 1.04 Agree
10. I feel motivated to study
because my parents allow me to Agree
63 3.73 .85
get involved in a romantic
Total 63 3.82 1.04 Agree

Table 01 shows the motivational scale of the students who responded in following

statements. Most of the interpretation in the said questions had agree. The statement no.2, I want

to get good grades to ensure a brighter future with my partner has a highest mean which is 4.14

with a standard deviation of 1.31. Meanwhile, statement no. 9, I think I can get a higher grade

when I’m in a romantic relationship has the lowest mean which is 3.50 with its standard

deviation 1.03. The total mean is 3.82 with a standard deviation which total of 1.04 and

interpreted as Agree.

In the second statement, I want to get good grades to ensure a brighter future with my

partner which has the highest mean that serves as the statement wherein most of the respondents

agree on, simply shows that the students who are involved in a romantic relationship believes

that it is a way for them to be inspired in making their academic performance be developed to

have a brighter future not only for themselves but also for their future partner. Having a partner

in a students’ life motivate them to go to school every day and make them strong ones to face

whatever obstacles may go through in their lives[ CITATION Mio11 \l 1033 ]. Students are happier

and livelier to attend classes when he or she is involved in a romantic relationship. That kind of

affection could barely help the student to enhance and improve his or her academic performance.

1.2 Anxiety

Table no. 2: Population, Mean, Standard Deviation and Interpretation of anxiety scale.

N Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

1. I can’t concentrate on my
studies whenever my partner 63 2.98 1.21 Undecided
and I have misunderstandings.
2. I can’t fix my attention in my
studies because I feel worried Disagree
63 2.43 1.15
that this romantic relationship
won’t work out.
3. I often miss my classes
because of hanging out with 63 1.75 1.08 Disagree
my partner.

4. I can’t concentrate on my
studies because my parents 63 1.83 .99 Disagree
don’t like my partner.
5. I can’t catch up with my
lessons because I often 63 1.73 .99 Disagree
hangout with my partner.
6. I hardly give attention on my
studies because I feel worried 63 2.25 1.31 Disagree
about being left by my partner.
7. I can still pass my subjects and
homework on time even if I’m 63 4.05 1.18 Agree
in a relationship.
8. I can’t focus on my studies
because I think that my partner 63 1.76 1.00 Disagree
doesn’t really love me.
9. I think I can’t get higher
grades when I’m involved in a 63 2.11 1.18 Disagree
romantic relationship.
10. I feel worried about my studies
because my parents might Disagree
63 1.89 1.06
know that I’m involved in a
romantic relationship.
Total: 63 2.28 1.01 Undecided

Table 2 shows the population mean standard deviation of anxiety scale. This table states

that statement no.7, I can still pass my subjects and homework on time even if I’m in a

relationship has the highest mean which is 4.05 and a standard deviation of 1.18 and an

interpretation of agree. Meanwhile the statement no. 5, I can’t catch up with my lessons because

I often hangout with my partner has the lowest mean which is 1.73 and a standard deviation of .

99 and an interpretation of disagree. The total mean got 2..28 while the standard deviation has

1.01 with an interpretation of undecided.

In the seventh statement, I can still pass my subjects and homework on time even if I’m

in a relationship has the highest mean that serves as the statement wherein most of the

respondents disagree on, simply represents that the students who are involved in romantic

relationship are giving more attention to hang out with their partners than to their academic

performance. Students tend to concentrate more on what's happening in their own life with their

relationship and cannot focus on their school works [ CITATION Mau12 \l 1033 ]

Problem 2: Academic Performance who are involved in a Romantic Relationship

Table no. 3: Frequency, Percentage and Interpretation of Grades in Academic Performance

Weighted Mean Frequency (f) Percentage (%) Interpretation

95 and above 2 0.03% Excellent
90 – 94 27 0.43% Outstanding
85 – 89 21 0.33% Above Average
80 – 84 12 0.19% Average
75 – 79 1 0.02% Below Average
74 and below 0 0% Failed
Total 63 100
Mean=89.74 Above Average

Table no 3. shows the frequency, percentage and interpretation of the Senior High School

students who are involved in a romantic relationship. Wherein there’s 2 respondents who got 95

and above weighted mean average in their 3rd quarter of second semester with the percentage of

0.03 and an interpretation if Excellent. Next is the 90-94 weighted mean average that has a

frequency of 27 with a percentage of 0.43 and an interpretation of Outstanding. Meanwhile,

there’s 21 respondents who got an average of 85-89 with a percentage of 0.33 and an

interpretation of Above Average. The interpretation of Average is a weighted mean average of

80-84 has a percentage of 0.19 wherein there’s 12 respondents included. Next is the 75-79 which

there’s a respondent who got an interpretation of Below Average that has a 0.02 percentage.

Lastly is the weighted mean average 74 and Below, no one from the respondents got a failing

weighted mean average. The total mean of the respondents that we have gathered is 89.74 with

an interpretation of Above Average.

Problem 3: Significant Relationship between Romantic Relationship and Academic Performance

Table no. 4: Significant relationship between romantic relationship and academic performance

Pearson r Interpretation Decision Remarks

Motivation 0.65 Moderately Reject HO Significantly
Positive Related

Anxiety 1 Perfect Positive Reject HO Significantly

Correlation Related

Table 4 represents the significant relationship between romantic relationship and

academic performance in terms of Motivation and Anxiety. The Pearson r in terms of Motivation

is 0.65 with an interpretation of moderately positive correlation. The null hypothesis is rejected,

and the remark is significantly related. Meanwhile, the Pearson r in terms of Anxiety is 1 and

interpreted as Perfect Positive Correlation. The null hypothesis is rejected, and the remark is

significantly related.

Being involved in a romantic relationship can be an inspiration to the students. They can

be active in performing on the field of their education. Responsibility of a person who are

committed in a romantic relationship is to be connected and affectionate to their loved ones.

They help, motivate and enjoy each other’s company then contribute to the dedication of

completing their school works before the given time of submission (Ullah, Ahmad, Khan &

Alam, 2016). Anxiety is fear or nervousness about what might happen. Anxiety is connected in

romantic relationship because there are times that the students getting lazy to go to school

because they are with their partner. Every time they do it they can realize that if they didn’t

attend their class there’s a possibility that they will fail, and it may become the reason why

romantic relationship gives an anxiety that really affects in the students who are involved in

romantic relationship.

Problem 4: Significant Relationship between Romantic Relationship and Academic Performance

4.1 Motivation

Table no. 5: Significant effect between romantic relationship and academic performance in
motivation scale

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 83.36 2.92

1.I feel motivated to study when my
.37 .95 .086
partner shows affection to me.
2.I want to get good grades to ensure -.18 .52 -.06
a brighter future with my partner.

3.I expect my partner to help me in

-.98 .70 -.27
my studies.
4.I feel motivated to do my projects
because my partner encouraged me to .87 .65 .26
do so.
5.I feel motivated to study when I’m
.19 .71 .06
with my partner.
6.I’m inspired to finish my course
.95 .71 .28
when I have a romantic partner.
7.I get more comfortable when I
discuss my problems and concerns in .86 .89 .20
my studies to my partner.
8.I enjoy studying when I’m in a
-1.02 .97 -.23
9.I think I can get a higher grade
.14 .81 .04
when I’m in a romantic relationship.
10.I feel motivated to study because
my parents allow me to get involved -.08 .81 -.02
in a romantic relationship.
a. Dependent Variable: Grades

Table no. 5 shows the significant effect between romantic relationship and academic

performance in terms of motivation. I enjoy studying when im in a relationship which is the eight

statement has the highest factor that affects to the students that has the 1.02=B. Then for the least

that affects to the students is the tenth question, I feel motivated to study because my parents

allow me to get involved in a romantic relationship that has .08=B

The result above illustrates that the highest factor that affect to the students is they enjoy

studying when they’re involved in a romantic relationship. According to the study of Phelps that

has the same results, romantic relationship provides positive outlook of adolescence life which

motivates the adolescents in achieving goals such as performing well in the studies [ CITATION

Jor19 \l 1033 ]. It only tells that having a romantic relationship can affect academic performance

in a positive way. In addition, another study stated the same result. They help motivate and enjoy

each other company then contribute to the dedication of completing their schoolworks before the

given time of submission. (Ullah, Ahmad, Khan & Alam, 2016).

4.2 Anxiety

Table no. 6: Significant effect between romantic relationship and academic performance in
anxiety scale

Model Unstandardized Standardized

Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) 91.82 2.11

1. I can’t fix my attention in my studies
because I feel worried that this romantic -1.18 .51 -.35
relationship won’t work out.
2. I can’t concentrate on my studies .41 .42 .13
whenever my partner and I have

3. I often miss my classes because of

.06 .62 .02
hanging out with my partner.
4. I can’t concentrate on my studies
.05 .58 .01
because my parents don’t like my partner.
5. I can’t catch up with my lessons because
-1.73 1.06 -.45
I often hangout with my partner.
6. I hardly give attention on my studies
because I feel worried about being left by -.10 .41 -.04
my partner.
7. I can still pass my subjects and
homework on time even if I’m in a .29 .40 .09
8. I can’t focus on my studies because I
think that my partner doesn’t really love 1.28 1.01 .34
9. I think I can’t get higher grades when
-.17 .44 -.05
I’m involved in a romantic relationship.
10. I feel worried about my studies because
my parents might know that I’m involved -1.06 .86 -.29
in a romantic relationship.
a. Dependent Variable: Grades

Table no. 6 shows the significant effect between romantic relationship and academic

performance in terms of anxiety. I can’t catch up with my lessons because I often hangout with

my partner which is the fifth statement has the highest factor that affects to the students in

anxiety scale. That has -1.73=B. Then for the least that affects to our respondents is the four

question which is I can’t concentrate on my studies because my parents don’t like my partner

that has .05=B.

In the table above, the result illustrates that got the highest factor that affects to the

students is they can’t catch up their lessons because I often hangout with my partner. According

to the study of Peterson that has the same result, students tend to concentrate more on what's

happening in their own life with their relationship and cannot focus on their school works

[ CITATION Mau12 \l 1033 ]. It tells that there is also a negative effect to the students when they

were involved in a romantic relationship. Another study stated the same result, those learners

who are involved in a romantic relationship has experienced more stress when facing deadlines

for school[ CITATION Qua171 \l 1033 ]

Chapter 5

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendations

This chapter covered the entirely of the study with emphasis on the summary of findings,

conclusions and recommendations, base on the gathered data were analyzed and interpreted.

Summary of Findings

After analyzing ang interpreting the gathered data, the answers to the certain questions

raised by the researchers were drawn and, recommendations for future researchers are included.

1. Romantic Relationship in terms of:


1.1 In Motivation, the mean is 3.82 and the standard deviation is 1.04 with an

interpretation of Agree

1.2 In Anxiety, the mean is 2.28 and the standard deviation is 1.01 with an interpretation

of Undecided.

2. What is the level of the academic performance of the students who are involved in a

romantic relationship?

The level of academic performance of senior high school students who are involved in a

romantic relationship has a total weighted mean average of 89.74 according to the data that the

researchers have gathered, with an interpretation of Above Average.

3. Is there a Significant Relationship between Romantic Relationship and Academic


According to the data that the researchers have gathered, the Pearson r in terms of

motivation is 0.65 interpreted as Moderately Positive Correlation while in anxiety is 1 interpreted

as Perfect Positive Correlation. The null hypothesis is rejected so the result states that there is a

significant relationship between romantic relationship and academic performance.

4.Is there a significant effect between romantic relationship and academic


4.1 In Motivation,

4.2 In Anxiety,


This study focus to the students who are involve in romantic relationship. This study aim

to determine the effects romantic relationship to the academic performance in terms of

motivation and anxiety of the students. The variables such as the motivation, and anxiety which

are part of a romantic relationship are significantly related to the academic performance. Based

on the results of our study, it was found out that there is significant effect of having a romantic

relationship on the academic performance of students in STI College of Meycauayan

In conclusion, students who are involve in romantic relationship, feel motivated and

inspired by thier partner in the academic performance of the student. Moreover students that in a

relationship do not experience anxiety while they are studying. It has a possitive effect to their

academic performance.


 Don't open to your parents about your relationship just to guide you how to handle and at

the same time to monitor you in your study.

 You and your partner talk about your relationship. Just to give some time and to talk

about that you both don't need to rush because true love waits.

 You need to encourage talking the painful experience out so that destructive acting out

does not occur, and to make sure they are moving through the loss in a healing way as

they contemplate some grown up lessons sadly learned when broken love occurs.

 Stay connected with each other and be faithful to your partner, until they reach they goals

in life.

 Your partner be your inspiration to have you motivation in school and to avoid anxiety.

 Don't always focus your mind on romantic relationship, because if he/she willing to wait

for you. Willing to give a time to reach your own achievement and goals in life.

 As a student we should know how to balance our time management in order not to affect

our academic performance

 You should know your priorities

 Be responsible and monitor the progress of your study

References List
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Quampman, S. (2017, November 29). Mercurial Essay. Retrieved November 22, 2018, from

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Dear Respondent,

Good day! We are students from GAS22a, conducting a study about the effects of
Romantic Relationship towards the Academic Performance of Senior High School Students. We
would like to ask a little of your time to answer this survey questionnaire. Please answer it with
all honesty. Rest assured, this will be kept confidential. We are hoping for your cooperative

Thank you!

Sincerely Yours,

The Researchers

Part I. Personal Information

Name: ______________________________

Indicate your general weighted average: ___________

S.Y. 2018, First Semester: __________

Part II & III. General Instruction: Please check (√) the answers that correspond to your choice
based on the following statements:

1: Strongly Disagree 2: Disagree 3: Undecided

4: Agree 5: Strongly Agree

Part II.

Motivation Scale: 5 4 3 2 1
I feel motivated to study when my partner shows affection to
I want to get good grades to ensure a brighter future with my
I expect my partner to help me in my studies.
I feel motivated to do my projects because my partner
encouraged me to do so.
I feel motivated to study when I’m with my partner.
I’m inspired to finish my course when I have a romantic

I get more comfortable when I discuss my problems and

concerns in my studies to my partner.
I enjoy studying when I’m in a relationship.
I think I can get a higher grade when I’m in a romantic
I feel motivated to study because my parents allow me to get
involved in a romantic relationship.

Part III.

Anxiety Scale: 5 4 3 2 1
I can’t concentrate on my studies whenever my partner and I
have misunderstandings.
I can’t fix my attention in my studies because I feel worried that
this romantic relationship won’t work out.
I often miss my classes because of hanging out with my partner.
I can’t concentrate on my studies because my parents don’t like
my partner.
I can’t catch up with my lessons because I often hangout with
my partner.
I hardly give attention on my studies because I feel worried
about being left by my partner.
I can still pass my subjects and homework on time even if I’m
in a relationship.
I can’t focus on my studies because I think that my partner
doesn’t really love me.
I think I can’t get higher grades when I’m involved in a
romantic relationship.
I feel worried about my studies because my parents might know
that I’m involved in a romantic relationship.

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