Madagascar - When To Go: Reading

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გრიგოლ რობაქიძის სახელობის უნივერსიტეტის

ბათუმის წარმომადგენლობა

დისციპლინის დასახელება:
სემესტრი: 2021 საგაზაფხულო
ლექტორი: მზევინარ გოხიძე
ლექტორის ელ-ფოსტა:[email protected]
თარიღი: 10/07/2021 შეფასება ......................

სტუდენტი: .Ramaz Sikharulidze.........................................................................

შენიშვნა: მიმდინარეობს ონლაინ მონიტორინგი. დასკვნით გამოცდაზე შესრულებულ ნაშრომს

სტუდენტი დასრულებისთანავე ელექტრონულად აწვდის ლექტორს ელ-ფოსტაზე. ლექტორს
უფლება აქვს დაგვიანებით (განსაზღვრული ვადის ამოწურვის შემდეგ) მიწოდებული მასალა არ

დასკვნითი გამოცდა - 100 ქ. ( __40___ %)

საკითხების ველი:

1. Read a text and answer True/False questions.
Read about the climate in Madagascar on a travel website. Then choose true or false.

Madagascar – When to go
Madagascar has two seasons, a warm, wet season from November
to April, and a cooler dry season between May and October.
However, different parts of the country have very different weather.
The east coast is hotter and wetter, with up to 4000mm of rainfall per
year. In the rainy season, there are strong winds, and these can
cause a lot of damage.  Avoid visiting eastern Madagascar between
January and March because the weather can make road travel very
difficult.  The dry season is cooler and more pleasant.
The high, central part of the country is much drier and cooler. About
1,400 mm of rain falls in the rainy season, with some thunderstorms,
but the summer is usually sunny and dry, but it can be cold,
especially in the mornings, with freezing showers, and it may snow
in mountain areas above 2,400m, and even stay there for several days.
The west coast is the driest part of the island. Here, the winter months are pleasant with
little rain, cooler temperatures and blue skies.  The summers can be extremely hot,
especially in the southwest.  This part of the country is semi-desert, and only gets
around 300mm of rain per year.
1  Madagascar has four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.



2  There is more rain in January than in June.



3  The wet season is colder than the dry season.



4  It hardly ever rains in central Madagascar.



5  The wettest part of the island is the east.



6  January-March is a good time to visit eastern Madagascar.



7  The centre of Madagascar is the coldest part.



8  Snow sometimes falls in Madagascar.



2.Choose the correct word.

1 Be careful! Don’t go near the desert / (cliff). It’s dangerous.

2 I can’t talk to you now. I’m( preparing) / entering for my part in the film.
3 She had a small role in the school play / (competition).
4 Have you ever run a (marathon) / charity?
5 What are we going to do to raise /( pick) money for charity? Any ideas?
6 We met a year / (decade) ago – ten years is a long time to be friends with someone.
7 My mobile phone has lots of (apps) / licences.
8. Almost (half) / most of the people who read this magazine are teenagers. 9
9. I’ve (never) / ever done a parachute jump – I’m too scared!
10. He easy / (easily) won the race – he’s the fastest runner in our school.

11. Have you ever eaten / (ate) Chinese food?

12. I think I will buy me /( myself) something nice because I’ve worked so hard


3 Write a word from the box in each gap.

bestseller dream capital online kitten leather

parachute village mystery pupils comfortable

1 My 5-star hotel room was really _comfortable________ .

2 Mum – can we get a _kitten________ ?

3 If you jump out of an aeroplane, make sure you’re wearing a _parachute________ !

4 What is the _capital________ of Australia? Do you know?

5 All the _pupils________ have to take the end of year exams.

6 You’re always chatting _online________ . Why don’t you go outside and play?

7 One day, I hope I’ll write an international __bestseller_______ .

8 She was born in a little _village________ , but she moved to the city when she was sixteen.

9 We’ll never know what happened to Dick. It’s a __mystery_______ .

10 Last night, I had a terrible _dream________ about school.

4.Choose the correct word or phrase.

0 My sister has short / fat black hair.

1 Mike and his friend (had a competition) / gave up to see who was the fastest.

2 The little kittens were very tall / (weak) and couldn’t walk.

3 Yes, I think (you’re right) / you’re certain. I agree with you.

4 Who is the (tallest) / longest? You or your brother?

5 Lots of bad things happen in the story, but at first /( eventually), it has a happy ending!

6 I’m sorry, but I don’t give up / (agree). You’re wrong.

7 Come on! You mustn’t be right / (give up) now! We’re almost at the end of the race!

8 Which is the correct answer? I’m not (certain) / right.

9 I saw the scary/(scariest) creature last week.

10 There were (more interesting)/interesting places to see.


5 Read the text and decide which answer (a, b or c) best fits each gap.


Travelling can be a great fun. (1) _____ is your favourite way to travel? I like the train, because it’s (2)
_____ comfortable than the aeroplane. Trains are (3) _____ than they were in the past, and they
aren’t as expensive (4) _____ aeroplanes.

Some people like travelling by car, but sometimes there’s a lot of (5) _____ , so it’s slower (6) _____
the train. When you sit in a car and it doesn’t move, it’s very (7) _____ , isn’t it?

But guess what? Yesterday, I was (8) _____ along the road near my house, in the sunshine and the
fresh air, and I thought, ‘This is (9) _____ nice. (10) _____ don’t I walk more often?’

1 a Who b (What) c When

2 (a more) b most c much

3 a fast b( faster) c fastest

4 a than b (as) c with

5( a traffic) b passengers c noise

6 a as b more c( than)

7 a confused b (boring ) c lazy

8 a walk b( walking) c walked

9 a( too) b most c very

10 (a Why) b Who c When


6. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition.

1 Please don’t stand next ___to______ the camera. It’s dangerous.

2 What time are you going __to_______ the cinema?

3 Hurry up! The film is starting __in_______ half an hour.

4 My birthday is ___on______ the 24th of July.

5 Why did you stay __at_______ home last night?

6 The mobile phone is in front of the TV.


7. Read the article and match each part of the article with a statement.

1 This paragraph says how the writer’s life will change. _B________

2 This paragraph says exactly what the writer will do to help others. _D________
3 This paragraph asks readers what they’ll do if they become rich and famous. _A________

4 This paragraph starts with a question to the readers. ____E_____

5 This paragraph says what the writer thinks he must do with his money. ___C______

If I Become Rich

A Do you dream of being rich and famous? I think everybody does at some point in their
lives! Well, I definitely do! I keep dreaming of what I’ll do if I ever become rich and famous.

B If I become famous, my life will change a lot. People will know me and say hello to me
when I go out and ask for my autograph, and they’ll want to have a photograph with me!
And if I become rich, I’ll have lots of nice clothes and a big house and a fast car, too!

C But I think that if I become rich and famous, it’s also important to help people who aren’t
so lucky. So I’ll use some of my money to help others.

D I’ll build a school for poor children in Africa, like my favourite athlete, Roger Federer.
There, poor children will learn to read and write and maybe become good athletes too. If
they become famous athletes, then they can also help others!

E I don’t know how I’ll become rich and famous, but I’m going to try anyway. I’m good at
sports and I work hard to become better and better. And if I eventually become rich and
famous, then I’ll really try to help others. What about you? What will you do if you become
rich and famous?



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