NTIF General Guidelines

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National Technology Innovation Fund

Guidelines & Details for Project Award

1. Background:

Innovation is basically the introduction of new technologies, products, business processes, and ideas in
the market. Most of the economic prosperity attain by the developed countries today, is because of the
radiation of innovative ideas, products and technology. Nevertheless, the vast potential returns to
innovation, developing countries invest far less than technologically advanced countries. In the
developing countries, private and public mainly focus on forgone productivity growth and hence lost
competitiveness. Therefore, thought to be more productive misses the crucial point of innovativeness,
developing countries are unable to introduce innovation in their industries.

Research collaborations has an important and crucial role in the advancement of ideas and knowledge.
Research centres/university-industry collaborations have been recognized as the main factor to promote
outcome based scientific culture. Over the past few decades, there has been increasing trend in the
commercialization of innovative scientific research outcomes both in developed and developing counties.
Research centres and industries are encouraged by the government to collaborate, share data, to adopt an
open science model, and disseminate new knowledge. Both stakeholders are also motivated to foster
scientific progress, meet philanthropic goals, and also to maximize the impact of their research on

Thus, ultimate aim of this grant is to boost innovation culture in existing R&D institutions, effective
collaboration between Research centre /academia and industry ultimately lead to economic development
of the country. Therefore, keeping in view the constraints that lies in the way of prosperous economy,
the concept of the National Technology Innovation Fund is being introduced to enhance the effectiveness
of the public money by supporting applied research leading to fostering innovation environment in R&D
organizations/institutions as well as the technological developments for the benefit of the economy.

PSF is going to fund joint projects between industry-research centres and other stakeholder’s through
National Technology Innovation Fund (NTIF). The proposals which are related to product(s)
development and their commercialization, utilize one or more of the following thematic area (4 th
industrial revolution technologies) to solve local community problems and targets to reach global
standards of innovation. Under NTIF, the research proposals will be granted up to Rs. 25.00 Million
depending upon the nature and scope of the project. The funding limits will vary according to nature of
the project i.e. laboratory, pilot or commercial scale. Each year 10-15 research projects will be financed.
The project life cycle will be up to 2 years. Framework agreement will be signed with the project

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Principal Investigators/Awardee Organization/industry/other stakeholders. Proposal(s), which are based
on basic research will not be entertained/funded by the NTIF.

The funding under this Programme is based on the following main objectives:

1. Establishment of research centre-university-industry linkages for problem resolution through


2. Enhancement of capacity and capability through innovation in R&D institutions

3. Strengthening of institutions and individual researcher networks

4. Provide platform for innovation, productivity, and creativity

5. Innovation leading to product development and commercialization

2. Who can apply:

Individual researchers or group of researchers from research centers, academia and/or industry, who have
innovative proposals and energetically involved in the research and development. These proposals should
base on 4th industrial revolution technologies or proposing developed of new technology by the applicant
to achieve economically viable products, systems, or processes.

3. Application Procedure

Initially, the researchers are expected to submit a concept paper. These concept papers will be evaluated
a technical committee. The researcher whose concept papers are shortlisted will be requested to submit
full length proposal.

4. Nature of the Projects:

Duration for the execution / completion of the project will be maximum upto 2 years with the maximum
funding limit up to Rs. 25.00 Million. NTIF will be provided for:
1. Innovation and development of the new processes/ products/ applications in 4 th
industrial revolution technologies
2. Improvements in the existing products/ processes according to the need of economy.
3. Value addition & Commercialization of the developed /established technologies.
4. Innovations and development resulting in patent filing.

5. Criteria for proposal selection:

1. Individual researchers should be from the public sector R&D, university and S&T
2. Private sector researchers can submit proposals where proper financial management
system is in place and the organization is involved in R&D with proper track record
and/or management hierarchy to prudently manage R&D funds and deliver results.
3. PSF may consider “lone” inventors to be eligible for an individual grant if he/she has an
established track record of successful R&D. These will be consulted with the Steering
Committee for approval of grant and formulation of SOPs.
4. The limit under individual research grants will not exceed Rs. 25.00 million or above
depending on the nature project.
5. Industry Letter of Intent / Consent with clearly defined commercial value and private
sector cost-share during or after (for commercialization) shall be mandatory.
6. Project must clearly elaborate a meaningful participation of the private sector during and
commercialization mechanism or handover to private sector as the ultimate end-user
after the culmination of the project.
7. A separate proforma of Business Plan should be accompanied with the projects under
this category. The mechanism of commercialization will be part of this project.
8. The project should be applied nature and resulting new processes/ products/ applications
in 4th industrial revolution technologies

6. Priority Areas:

Under the scheme, R&D in the following priority areas having profound effects on the economy will be

1. Education
2. Internet of Things (IoT)
3. Industrial Biotechnology
4. Energy

In addition to priority fields, the funding proposals of following emerging technological areas will also be
considered subject to availability of funds/allocation.

1. Information and Communication Technologies

2. Artificial Intelligence
3. Mobile internet,
4. Cloud technology
5. Autonomous vehicles
6. Advance robotics
7. Automation of knowledge-intensive work
8. Biological sciences
9. Next generation genomics
10. Regenerative medicine
11. Material science
12. Advance materials
13. Nanotechnology

7. Project Evaluation Process

7.1 Technical Committee

A technical Committee consist of relevant subject experts (10-12 in number) and will be headed by the
Chairman, PSF. The composition of the committee will change subject to nature of the projects being
considered. The approval of the members of the Technical Committee will be sought by the Project
Manager from the Chairman, PSF. The working paper of each project will be shared with each subject
expert prior to the conduct of the meeting. Technical committee will provide sufficient
justification/reasons for each decision. The decision of the Technical Committee, along with reasons to
recommend/ reject a proposal, shall be carefully documented and endorsed by Members of the Technical
ToRs of the Technical Committee:
 Final recommendation of the projects for approval by the Steering committee.
 Detailed discussion on budgetary details if the project is technically recommended to the
Steering Committee. The budgetary details will be duly verified by the F&A wing of PSF before
presenting to the Steering committee.
 Evaluation of technical, fiscal and annual reports of the projects during and after completion of
the project for the satisfactory achievements made according to the objectives of the project.
 Duplication of the projects with the database of HEC.
Criteria for the evaluation of the projects by the Technical committees will be:
1. Background understanding of critical issues, soundness of proposed scientific (or technological)
approach, and validity and attractiveness of the likely outcome of the project.
2. Overall scientific and technological merit of the project
3. Capability and track record of the submitting entity.
4. Likelihood of meeting societal need, industrial/economic potential, or presenting a solution of a
specific challenge.
5. Identification and commitment of potential end-users.

7.2 Steering Committee

The Steering Committee will give final approval of the projects and their budget. It will have the final
and binding authority for the project and can have its verdict over the scope of project and budget.
The role of the committee will be to advise PSF in preparing a vision which meet the needs of local
industry and streamline research and development programs catering the needs of local industries.
Identify and update knowledge gaps in the research conducted at national level in the domain of the
science and technology and prioritize needs through active stakeholder engagement, including
government, private sector, industry, entrepreneurs, and academia.
ToRs of the Steering Committee:

Quarterly in a year Steering Committee meeting will be held under this program (i.e., 4 meetings
per year). In the absence of the Chairman Steering Committee, Co-Chair i.e. Chairman PSF will
preside the meeting in order to avoid procedural delays. ToRs of the Steering committee include,

i. Final approval and award of the projects with all technical and budgetary details.

ii. Review of project’s performance against the KPIs/RBMs outlined in the PC-I as well as
potential “pipeline” of expected outcomes/impacts on an ongoing basis.

iii. Review of compliance of the PC-I as well as identification and remediation of any
discrepancies in the letter and spirit of the PC-I.

iv. Approval of the Consultants / experts hired for NTIF, National Technology Innovation
Strategy and National Strategies for verticals and Horizontals.

v. Advise PSF to make any changes/improvements in the eligibility criteria, approval

processes, application forms, and evaluation criteria, etc. where necessary to enhance
quality of process and outcomes.

vi. At least 50% quorum will be required to hold the meeting.

vii. Addressing any other issues in or arising from the execution and implementation of the

8. Monitoring and Evaluation

PSF always give importance to monitor and evaluate the quality of research projects funded.
PSF have a structured process for this purpose. As per rules of PSF, once the project funding is
started under this PC-I, biannual Technical and Fiscal reports will need to be submitted by the
P.I. The next due installment will be released only after the evaluation of above said reports.
Technical Committees will evaluate these reports. Additionally, the project progress will also be
inspected by the PSF team and relevant subject experts occasionally by visiting the project site.

9. Application submission

Application proforma (downloaded from http://www.psf.gov.pk/downloads.aspx) must clearly

mention name of the product/technology/process to be developed. Industry/private sector partner share
should be highlighted in application. They should also provide letter of intent along with business plan
on separate proforma specified by Pakistan Science Foundation. The Project Proposals complete in all
respects along-with C.Vs of the P.I., Co-P.I. and the details of the private sector industrial partners
should be sent at following address

Dr. Khalid Mahmood

Project Manager
National Technology Innovation Fund
Pakistan Science Foundation
1-Constitution Avenue, G-5/2

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