Engg - Drawing - II Question Bank

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Lines, Lettering, Angle of Projection & Types of Sectioning


1. A3 sheet size is _____

2. When an object is cut by straight cutting plane and divided into equal parts
then it is called_____
3. Section views revels ____
4. In half sectional view ___ of the object is imagined to be removed
5. Hatching lines are Drawn at an angle of ____
6. Projection and dimension lines are drawn ____ lines.
7. 1:1 is known as ___ scale
8. Inclined letters are written in ___ degree
9. Standard title block size is ____X____mm
10. In isometric view Circle is assumed as ___
11. 1:2 referred as…………….. scale
12. Two types of dimensioning are used on a drawing are …….. & …....
13. Dimensioning line thickness is ____
14. Diameter symbol is indicated as _____
15. Angle of a Hatching line is ______
16. Octagon have the ………. sides
17. Two axis are essentially need to construct the Ellipse
18. Isometric view construction angle is____
19. visible outlines are drawn as _______
20. In unidirectional system the dimensions are placed____

1. The line given below is used for ____

a. long brake lines b.Cutting plane line c. cantorial line d.Out lines of
adjacent parts

2. Which of the following line is used to show that the object is cut and then
a. Section line b. Centre line c. Hidden line d. Hatch line

3. To find the true shape of the section it must be projected an a plane parallel to
the ___
a. Profile plane b. Vertical plane c. Auxiliary plane d. Section plane

4. In first angle projection left side view is drawn on ___

a. Top of front view b. Left pf front view c. Bottom of front view d. Right of
front view

5. Only ___ method of projection is recommended by BIS.

a. Second angle b. First angle c. Thread angle d. None of these.

6. A radius of 20mm is indicated on the drawing as

a. R20 b. 20R c.D20 d.20mm

7. To draw a side view an auxiliary view vertical plane is imagined to be placed

a. Perpendicular to both H.P & V.P
b. Perpendicular to H.P & parallel to V.P
c. Perpendicular to V.P & parallel to H.P
d. None of these

8. In first angle projection the object is imaged to be placed

a. Below H.P & beside V.P
b. Above H.P& in front of V.P
c. Above H.P & Behind V.P
d. None of these
9. To obtain full section ____ of the object is imagined to be removed
a. One fourth b. One third c. One half d. Full

10. In first angle projection the object is placed at ___ quadrant

a. First quadrant b. Second quadrant c.Third quadrant d. Forth quadrant

11. In which system of dimensioning the figures can read from the bottom as well
as right hand side of the drawing?
a) Aligned system b) Unidirectional system
c) Nonaligned multidirectional system d) Parallel system

12. The length of the drawing is 50 mm, the scale is given as 1:5. Find the actual
a) 50 cm b) 10 cm c) 25 cm d) 10 mm

13. What is the minimum spacing between words in type A standard of lettering
a. 1/14 H c) 2/14 H
b. 6/14 H d) 20/14 H

14. A line terminated with arrow heads at both ends is called ………
a. Leader line c. Dimension line
b. Chain line d.Ditto line

15. If a 30 cm straight line is drawn to a length of 15 cm in drawing, then what is the

scale ratio followed in the drawing?
a. 1 : 5 c) 2 : 1
b. 10 : 1 d) 1 : 2

16. A cube is a ……….

a. 3 D object c) 2 Dobject
b. 4 D object d) All of the above

17. 1st angle projection is recommended by _____________

a) USA b) ISI c) Bureau of Indian Standards d) ASME

18. In 1st angle projection the _________ lies between ___________ and
a) object, projection plane, observer
b) projection plane, object, observer
c) reference line, side view, front view
d) reference line, left side view, right side view

19. Where is the position of back view in 1st angle projection?

a) left side of right hand side view
b) right side of right hand side view
c) above the front view
d) below the top view

20. The positions of reference line and top view in 3rd angle projection are?
a) reference line lies above the top view
b) reference line lies below the top view
c) reference line lie left side to top view
d) reference line lie right side to top view


1. Full scale a. Sphere radius
2. Reduced scale b. 1 : 2
3. Two types of dimensioning c. 1 : 1
4. Dimension line thickness d. Unidirectional dimensioning
5. 1:3 e. Aligned dimensioning
6. Ø f. Protractor
7. Angle g. Diameter
8. Above h. Arrow head
9. Centre i. 0.2 mm
10. SR J. Aligned & unidirectional
11. Title block size k. Type of dimensioning
12. Continuous thick line thickness l. Hatching line
13. 30° m. Partial section
14. More than 90° but less than 180° n. 0.5 mm
15. Thick letter o. ISOMETRIC view
16. Slant letter p. 185 mm x 65 mm
17. Ellipse construction q. obtuse angle
18. 75° r. Bold
19. Broken section s. Italic
20. Progressive dimensioning t. major & minor Axis
Match the following Answers
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

B c b j i h g f e d a p n o q n s t l m k

1. Unidirectional System a) Two Dimensional
2. Continuous Thin b) 2:1
3. Reduced Scale c) Three Dimensional Object
4. Ellipse d) 0.5mm
5. Full Scale e) Parallel Line Method
6. Roughness Value f) 1:3
7. Continuous Thick g) 450
8. Arrow Head h) Ra value in μm
9. Solid i) System of Dimensions
10. Developing Prism j) Indication of dimensions
11. Lead Pencil k) Concentric circle method
12. Enlarged Scale l) Visible Outlines
13. Plain Figure m) 1:2
14. Hatching Line n) Surface finishing

15. o) 1:1
Match the following Answers
A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

B i j m k o h i f c e d b a g n
Auxillary Views
1. The lines used to create the auxiliary view should appear as Object lines
in the finished view.
2. When adding dimensions to an auxiliary view it will be necessary to use
the Aligned dimension tool.
3. In Primary auxiliary view is projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to
on of the principal planes of projection.
4. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the Projected inclined plane
in the auxiliary view
5. Auxiliary planes are of Two. types.
6. A.V.P stands for Auxiliary vertical plane & & A.I.P stands for Auxiliary
inclined plane

7. Auxiliary views are necessary to show the True size of the slant surfaces
8. The views projected on the auxiliary planes are called Auxiliary Views.
9. The lines used to create the auxiliary view should appear as Object lines
in the finished
10. When adding dimensions to an auxiliary view it will be necessary to use
the aligned
dimension tool.
11. In Primary auxiliary view is projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to
on of the
principal planes of projection.
12. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the projected inclined plane
in the auxillary view.
13. A.V.P stands for Auxillary vertical plane & A.I.P stands for Auxillary
inclined plane
14. Auxiliary views are also called special views.
15. The true length of a slant edge of a pyramid can be measured from
Auxiliary view.
16. A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the Primary auxiliary
17. The angle between two planes is called a dihedral angle.
18. The lines used to create the auxiliary view should appear as Object lines
in the finished
19. Auxiliary views cannot be used for the determining the apparent size of
the object.
20. While adding dimensions to an auxiliary view it will be necessary to use
the Aligned dimension tool.
21. An auxiliary view is an orthographic view that is not a standard
22. Auxiliary section is used to show a sectional view of an object.
23. Generally, hidden lines should be omitted in auxiliary views.


1. A secondary auxiliary view is a projected off of the :
a. Front view b. Top view c.Primary auxiliary view d. None of the


2. Plane appears as for shortened surface in all the projection planes is

known as Section line are inclined at
a. The parallel plane b. The vertical plane c. The slant plane d. The horizontal

3. Auxiliary view is also called______.

a. Front view b. Side view c. Special view d. None of these

4. The lines used to creat the auxiliary view should appear as ___ in the
finished view
a. Object lines b. Construction lines c. Reference lines d. hidden lines

5. The principle reason for using an auxiliary view is ____

a. To eliminate hidden lines b. To create a true orojection plane from
an inclined plane in one of the primary view
c. TO show cylinder as ellipse d. To locate centre marks
6. When adding dimensions to an auxiliary view it will be necessary to use
the ___
a. Linear Dimension b. Aligned dimension c. Baseline dimension
d. Angle dimension

7. In auxiliary view , a break line is used to indicate the imaginary break in

a. Primary b. Secondary c. Revolved d. Partial

8. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the ___ in the auxiliary view
a. Projected inclined plane b. Projected top view
c. projected side view d. None of these

9.The principle views associated with orthographic projection are__

a. Front view b. Right side view c. Top view d. All of these

10. A secondary auxiliary view is a projection of the ___

a. Front view b. Top view c. Primary auxiliary view d. None of these

11.The true length of a slant edge of a pyramid can be measured from,

(a) Auxiliary view (b) Front view

(c) Top View (d) Side view

12. Auxiliary views cannot be used for the determining,

a) the true length of a line
b) the point-view of a line
c) the edge-view of a line
d) the apparent size

13. Auxiliary views are useful for,

a. Design b. Documentation c. Visualizing slanted surfaces
d. All of the above
14.A secondary auxiliary view is a projected off of the:

(a) Front view (b) Top view

(c) Primary auxiliary view (d) None of the above.

15. Plane appears as for shortened surface in all the projection planes is
known as section line are inclined at
(a) The parallel plane (b) The vertical plane
(c) The slant plane (d) The horizontal

16. The lines used to create the auxiliary view should appear as ___ in the
finished view.

(a) Object lines (b) Construction lines

(c) Reference lines (d) Construction lines

17. The principle reason for using an auxiliary view is ________.

(a) to eliminate hidden lines

(b) to create a true projection plane from an inclined plane in one of the
primary views
(c) to show cylinders as ellipses
(d) to locate center marks

18. When adding dimensions to an auxiliary view it will be necessary to use the
________ tool.
(a) Linear dimension (b) Aligned dimension
(c) Baseline dimension (d) Angle dimension

19. In this type of auxiliary view, a break line is used to indicate the imaginary
break in the views,

(a) Primary (b) Secondary

(c) Revolved (d) Partial

20. A partial auxiliary view is used to show only the ______ in the auxiliary view.

(a) projected inclined plane (b) the projected top view

(c) the projected side view (d) none of the above

21. In this type of view, the cutting plane line indicates both the location of the
cutting plane and the direction of sight:

(a) Removed section

(b) Revolved section
(c) Auxiliary section
(d) Partial section

21. The principle views associated with orthographic projection are ________.
a. Front view b. Right side view c. Top view d. All of the

23 . A secondary auxiliary view is a projection off of the ________.

(a) Front view (b) Top view

(c) Primary auxiliary view (d) None of the above

24. This type of auxiliary view is projected onto a plane that is perpendicular to
one of the principal planes of projection
(a) Primary (b) Secondary
(c) Revolved (d) Successive

25. In this type of view, the cutting plane line indicates both the location of the
cutting plane and the direction of sight:
(a) Removed section (b) Revolved section

(c) Auxiliary section (d) Partial section


1. How are the Primary auxiliary views classified?

Auxiliary views are classified according to the principle dimension of the
object shown in the view.
1. Depth Auxiliary view (Front View)
2. Height Auxiliary view (Top View)
3. Width Auxiliary view (Side View)

2. What are Auxiliary sections?

Sometimes it is useful to show a sectional view of an object. When the
cutting plane is not parallel to any of the normal views, the section is
known as an auxiliary section.

3. Draw a Auxiliary view for the following object.

4. What is Dihedral Angles?
The angle between two planes is called a dihedral angle. Auxiliary views
often need to be drawn to show the true size of dihedral angles.

5. What is a Auxiliary view ?

The view obtained on the auxiliary plane (or on inclined plane) of an object
is called auxiliary view. It will be used while sectioning of solids is carried
out to know the internal details which are not otherwise visible.

6. What is an auxiliary plane?

An auxiliary plane is inclined to the horizontal plane or to the vertical
plane. Plane inclined to HP is called Auxiliary Inclined Plane (AIP) and plane
inclined to VP is called Auxiliary Vertical plane (AVP).

7. What is half sectioning ?

Symmetrical objects can be represented as a half auxiliary view, that is,
only half of the object is drawn. This method is called Half sectioning.

8. What is reverse construction ?

For some objects, an auxiliary view must be created before a principal vie
w can be drawn, using a technique called reverse construction.

9. Define Successive Auxiliary view.

Views are multiple auxiliary views of an object created by projecting from p
revious auxiliary views. Successive auxiliary views can be used to draw an
oblique surface in true size and shape.

10. What is the need of Secondary Auxiliary view ?

In some cases the shape of an object will be such that neither the normal
orthographic view nor the auxiliary views will show the true size and shape
of a surface. When this occurs, a SECONDARY AUXILIARY VIEW is
needed to describe the surface.


1. Write down the steps of constructing Auxiliary Views.
Step 1: Create two principal adjacent views.

Step 2: Draw projection lines for auxiliary view.

Step 3: Draw the outline of inclined face

Step 4: Draw the feature on inclined face

2. When should we use Auxiliary views?

When an object has a slanted or inclined surface, it usually is not possible to
show the inclined surface in an orthographic drawing without distortion. To
present a more accurate description of any inclined surface, an additional view,
known as an auxiliary view, is usually required.
An auxiliary view is simply a “helper” view, which shows the slanted part of the
object as it actually is. It turns, or projects, the. object so that the true size and
shape of the surf ace (or surfaces) are seen as they actually are.

3. What is Dihedral Angles?

A dihedral angle is the angle between two planes. Determining the true
measurement of a dihedral angle is a common application for auxiliary views.
Auxiliary views often need to be drawn to show the true size of dihedral angles

4. What is successive Auxiliary view ? Explain with Sketch.

Successive auxiliary
views are multiple auxiliary views of an object created by projecting from prev
auxiliary views.
Successive auxiliary views can be used to draw an oblique surface in true siz
e and shape.

5. Draw the section view for below given component with section line AA’.

6. What are the basic requirements of auxiliary view ?
When an object has a slanted or inclined surface, it usually is not possible to
show the inclined surface in an orthographic drawing without distortion. To
present a more accurate description of any inclined surface, an additional
view, known as an auxiliary view, is usually required.

7. What are three basic type of auxiliary views? Explain.

The 3 basic types of Auxiliary views are,
Front View Auxiliaries: the auxiliary view is projected from the front view of a
three view (orthographic) drawing.
Top View Auxiliaries: In this types of drawings, the auxiliary views are
projected from the top views.
Side View Auxiliary: In Side Auxiliary View, the auxiliary views are projected
from the side views.
8. Draw Partial left, partial bottom and auxiliary views of the clip as shown in
following figure.


a) Partial left View:

b) Partial bottom:
9. Draw Partial bottom view for the connector plate as shown in following figure.

a) Partial bottom View

10. Draw Partial auxiliary view of the supporting plate as shown in following
a) Partial view:

11. Draw Partial bottom view of the fixer plate as shown in following figure.
12. Draw Partial left view of the clip as shown in following figure.

b) Partial left View:

13. Draw Partial auxiliary view of the supporting bracket as shown in following


a) Auxiliary view:

1. Define Auxiliary Views? Why is it used?

An orthographic view which is projected onto any plane other than the frontal,
horizontal, or profile plane, is called as auxiliary view.
2 views of an object are sometimes not sufficient to to convey all the information
regarding the object. So these additional views (Auxiliary views) are required to
convey all the information regarding the object.

Generally, auxiliary views are used to show the true shape or true angle of
features that appear distorted in the regular views.
Auxiliary views are often used to produce views that show the following:
1. True length of line
2. Point view of line
3. Edge view of plane
4. True size of plane
5. True size of angle between a line and a plane or a plane and a plane.

2. What are the types of Auxiliary views? Explain.

primary auxiliary view

is a view projected to a plane perpendicular to one of the three principal

planes(top, front, or side) and inclined to the other two planes.
secondary auxiliary view:
A view projected from a primary auxiliary view on a plane inclined to all three
principal planes of projection is referred to as a secondary auxiliary view.

3. Explain the difference between a partial auxiliary view and a full auxiliary view.
In a partial auxiliary view, only the features on an inclined or oblique face are
represented on the auxiliary view. In a full auxiliary view, all elements and
features on the object as seen from the view direction are represented on the
auxiliary view.
4. Draw the Auxiliary view for the following object.

5. What are the applications of Auxiliary views?

Auxiliary views are used to determine the true size and shape of features t
hat would appear foreshortened in any of the principal views.
The applications for auxiliary views can be grouped into the following five a
a) Reverse construction
b) True length of a line
c) Point view of a line
d) Edge view of a plane
e) True size of a plane

6. What are Auxiliary sections? Explain with sketch.

Sometimes it is useful to show a sectional view of an object. When the
cutting plane is not parallel to any of the normal views, the section is
known as an auxiliary section.
7. Explain Partial auxiliary view
In Auxiliary views , Its normal practice not to project hidden features or
other features that are part of the inclined surfaces or other features that
are not part of the inclined surface. When only the details for the inclined
surface are projected and drawn in the auxiliary view, the view is called a
partial auxiliary view.

A Auxiliary view saves time and produces a drawing that is much more

8. Draw a partial auxiliary view to show the distance between 2 holes which are
on inclined surface.

9. Explain Half sectioning.
If an auxiliary view is symmetrical, and if it is necessary to save space on the
drawing or to save time, only half of the auxiliary view may be drawn, as
shown below. In this case, half of a regular view is also shown since the
bottom flange is also symmetrical.
10. Draw a half auxiliary view for the below drawing.

1) Draw Auxiliary view for the given figure.

2) Draw Auxiliary view for the given figure.

3) Draw Auxiliary view for the given figure.

4. Draw Auxiliary view for the given object.

5. Draw Auxiliary view for the given object

6. Briefly explain about Auxiliary plane, Auxiliary views and its types.

While drawing orthographic projection, such lines of the object which are
parallel to principal or vertical plane are represented better.Those lines
which are inclined to the principal plane do not show the actual length. In
this case, the drawing is prepared by placing the plane parallel to the
inclined surface.
Such a plane is called Auxiliary Plane.
The drawing made on this plane is called Auxiliary View.

Mainly there are 5 types of Auxiliary views as follows,

Primary Auxiliary Views
Secondary Auxiliary Views
Symmetrical Auxiliary Views
Unilateral Auxiliary Views
Bilateral Auxiliary Views

Primary Auxiliary Views:

If this plane is perpendicular to some principal plane, then the drawing on such
drawing is called Primary Auxiliary Views.

Secondary Auxiliary Views:

If the auxiliary plane is not perpendicular to any principal plane, then the shape
formed on such plane is called Secondary Auxiliary Views.
Auxiliary views are prepared with respect to some Reference Line.
Symmetrical Auxiliary Views:
If the auxiliary view lies uniformly on both sides of the reference line, then it is
called Symmetrical Auxiliary Views.
Unilateral Auxiliary Views:
While, if it lies on one side only of the reference line, then it is called Unilateral
Auxiliary Views.
Bilateral Auxiliary Views:
If the auxiliary view does not uniformly lie on both sides of the reference line, then
it is called Bilateral Auxiliary Views.

7. Define full and partial auxiliary views.

It is normal not to project hidden features or other features that are not part of the
inclined surfaces. A partial auxiliary view saves time and produces a drawing that
Is much more readable.
Half auxiliary views are used for symmetrical objects.

In a full auxiliary view, all elements and features on the

object as seen from the view direction are represented on the auxiliary view.
In a partial auxiliary view, only the features on an inclined or oblique face are
represented on the auxiliary view.
8. Draw Auxiliary view for the below given object

9. Draw the below mentioned auxiliary views for the component.

a) Draw the top partial view to show the slot details.

b) Draw the partial right side view to show the hole details.
c) Draw the partial bottom view to show the big hole details.


Front view
Top partial view

a) Partial right side view

b) Partial bottom view

10. Draw Front, Partial bottom, left and right auxiliary views for the connector
plate as shown in following figure.


b) Front View

c) Left view
d) Right side Auxiliary view

e) Partial bottom View

11. Draw Front, Partial left, partial top and auxiliary views of the supporting
plate as shown in following figure.
a) Auxiliary View

b) Partial Top View

c) Partial left side View

d) Front view

12. Draw Front, Partial left, partial top and auxiliary views of the supporting
plate as shown in following figure.

c) Partial view:
d) Auxiliary View:

e) Partial Left Side View:

f) Front view:
14. Draw Front, Partial left, partial bottom and auxiliary views of the fixer plate as
shown in following figure.

Front view:

Auxiliary View Partial bottom View

15. Draw Front, Partial left, partial bottom and auxiliary views of the clip as
shown in following figure.

c) Front view:
d) Partial left View:

e) Partial bottom:

f) Auxiliary View
16. Draw Front, Partial bottom and auxiliary views of the supporting bracket as
shown in following figure.


b) Auxiliary view:

c) Front view:
d) Partial bottom:

Development of Cubes,


1. The developments of surface of a cube consist of equal squares.
2. The developed length of cube having 20mm each side is _____
3. The developments of surface of a cube consist of___equal squares.
4. The lateral development of surface of cube consists of __ equal squares
5. In 19 mm side cube that the total surface area is . mm2
6. Cube having . number of surfaces.
7. . number of surfaces are generating in cube development.
8. . formula use to determine the volume of solid cube.
9. In 13 mm side cube that the total surface area is . mm2
10. . having six number of equal faces.
11. . formula is used to determine one surface area of cube.
12. πD given the development of .
13. Cube contains . number of external diagonals.
14. . contains four number of equal internal diagonals.
15. . contains twelve number of equal external diagonals.
16. cube contains . number of internal diagonals.
17. In isometric view, how many faces of cube is appearing .
18. If a cube is having 3X3 mm face dimension than the total surface area is
19. If a cube is having 3X3 mm face dimension with 3mm having that the total
volume of cube is .
1. 6 2. 80mm 3. 6 4. 4 5. 2166 6. Six 7. Six
24. Length X Width X Height 9. 1014 mm2 10. Solid cube
11.LxB 12. Circumference of circle 13.12 numbers 14. Cube
15. Cube 16. Four 17. Three 18. 54mm2 19. 27 mm3


1. How many corners are existing in cube?
a) 4 b) 6 c) 8 d) 10
2. How many diagonals can be generated in solid cube?
a) 2 b) 1 c) 3 d) 4
3. In 10 mm side cube that total surface area is equal to .
a) 600mm2 b) 500mm2 c) 100mm2 d) 200mm2
4. In 25 mm side cube that total surface area is equal to .
a) 3700mm2 b) 3800mm2 c) 3750mm2 d) 3600mm2
5. In 15 mm side cube that the one surface area is equal to .
a) 175mm2 b) 225mm2 c) 220mm2 d) 230mm2

6. . . contains twelve number of equal external diagonals.

a. Cube b. square c. prism d. trapezium
7. If a cube is having 4X4 mm face dimension with 4mm having that the
total volume of cube is .
a. 60 mm3 b. 64mm3 c. 68mm3 d. 62mm3
8. πD given the development of .
a. cylinder b. circle c. circumference of circle d. area of circle
9. In isometric view, how many faces of cube is appearing
a. Four b. five c. three d. six
10. . . contains twelve number of equal external diagonals.

a.Triangle b. parallelogram c. Cube d.Square

11. . In 25 mm side cube that the total surface area is . mm2
a. 3700mm2 b. 3750mm2 c. 3725mm2 d. 3775mm2
12. If a cube is having 6X6 mm face dimension than the total surface area
is .
a. 216mm2 b. 214mm2 c. 212mm2 d. 220mm2

13. . . formula is used to determine one surface area of cube.

a. LxWxH b. HxLxW c. LxW d. WxLxH
14. If a cube is having 12X12 mm face dimension than the total surface
area is .
a. 864mm2 b. 866mm2 c. 868mm2 d. 869mm2

15. In 8 mm side cube that total surface area is equal to .

a. 385mm2 b. 384mm2 c. 386mm2 d. 383mm2


1. c 8 2.a 2 3. a 600mm2 4.c 3750mm2 5. b 225mm2 6. a. Cube

7. b. 64mm3 8. c. circumference of circle 9. c. three 10. c. Cube
11. b. 3750mm2 12. 216mm2 13. c. LxW 14. 864mm2 15. b. 384mm2


1. Draw the development of the surface of 50mm cube.

2. Draw the development of the surface of 20mm cube.

3. Draw the development of the surface of 30mm cube.


4. Draw the development of the surface of 40mm cube.

5. Draw the development of the surface of 60mm cube.

Development of Prisms


1. The developed length of triangle prism of base 30 mm and height 70 mm
is ____
2. 17.The developed length of square prism of base 40 mm side and height
is 60 mm is _____
3. A layout of the complete Surface of an object IS called at ______
4. every line on the development Should Show the _____of the
corresponding line on the surface which is developed.
5. Generally knowledge of development is very useful in _____work.

1. 90mm 2. 160mm 3. Development 4. True length 5. Sheet metal


1. The development length of a square prism of 45mm side is:
a. 3X45mm b. 5X45mm
c. 4X45mm d. 6X45mm
2. Which method of development is employed in case of prisms?
a. Parallel-line development
b. Approximation method
c. Triangulation development
d. Radial-line development

3. The developed length of the hexagonal prism of 40mm side is:

a. 6 X 40 mm b. 5 X 40 mm
c. 3 X 40 mm d. 4 X 40 mm

4. Prisms are developed by using

a.Parallel line method b) Radial line method
b. Triangular line method d) approximate method
5. A layout of the complete Surface of an object is called
Sectioning b) Development
c) Projection d) Intersections.
6. All lateral faces of any prism are having shape of,
a) Triangle b) Hexagonal
c) Equal rectangle d) Circular
7. Generally knowledge of development of surfaces is very useful in
a) Machining work b) Casting work
c) Measurement work d) Sheet metal work.


1. c. 4X45mm 2. a Parallel-line development 3. a. 6 X 40 mm 4. Parallel

line method 5. Development 6. Equal rectangle 7. Sheet metal work


1. Draw the development of a square prism of side 30 mm & height of 50mm.
2. Draw the development for the lateral surface of a hexagonal based prism
with side of base 25mm and height 60mm. it is cut by a sectional plane
perpendicular to VP and inclined at an angle of 45 0 to HP which bisects the

3. Develop the complete surface of a hexagonal prism of a side of base 30 mm

and height 80 mm consider seaming allowance 5mm per side.

4. . A pentagonal prism , 20 mm base side & 40 mm axis, is standing on Hp on it’s
base with one edge of the base parallel to VP. It is cut by a section plane
perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45ºto the HP and bisecting the axis. Draw the

Development of Cylinders


1. The development length for 50 mm diameter cylinder is ____ mm
2. The development of cylinder is done by ___ method of developing.
3. The development length for 70 mm diameter cylinder is ____ mm

1. 157.07 mm 2. Parallel line 3. 219.19 mm


1. The developed length of cylinder of diameter 40 mm is
(a)125.66 mm (b)103.49 mm (c)125.02 mm (d) 124.35mm
2. The developed length for 80mm diameter cylinder is ____
(a)225.66 mm (b)200.49 mm (c)251.2 mm (d) 253.23mm
3. A cylinder placed on H.P on its base and section plane is parallel to V.P
cutting the solid, the section gives ________.
a) Parabola b) Circle c) Rectangle d) Ellipse
4.A cylinder placed on H.P on its base and section plane is parallel to H.P cutting
the solid, the section gives ________.
a) Parabola b) Circle c) Rectangle d) Ellipse
5.The development of the lateral surface of a cylinder is a rectangle having one
side equal to the ________ of its base-circle and the other equal to its length
a) Circumference b) Area c) Diameter d) Radius
6.Which method of development is employed in case of sphere.
a) Parallel-line Development b) Triangulation Development
c) Approximation Method d) Radial-line Development
7.In a regular circle the total angle is ____________
a) 3600 b) 900 c) 2700 d) 1800
8. The development length of a cylinder of 45mm diameter is:
a) πX45mm b) πX45mm c) πX45mm d) πX45mm

9. The formula to find the development length of a cylinder is:

a) πXDmm b) πXLmm
c) πXVmm d) πXHmm
10. Which method of development is employed in case of Cylinder.
a) Parallel-line Development b) Triangulation Development
c) Approximation Method d) Radial-line Development
11. The development of a cylinder is a ________.
a) Parabola b) Circle
c) Rectangle d) Ellipse

12. The isometric projection of a circle is a A cylinder placed on H.P on its base and
section plane is parallel to V.P cutting the solid, the section gives ________.
a) Parabola b) Circle
c) Rectangle d) Ellipse

1. Draw the development of the complete surface of a cylindrical drum.

Diameter is40mmAnd height is 60mm.

2. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the lower portion of a cylinder
of diameter 50 mm and axis 70 mm when sectioned by a plane inclined at 40° to
HP and perpendicular to VP and bisecting axis.

3. A vertical cylinder of 80mm diameter and 100 mm high is cut by a sectional
plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45 0 to the axis so as to pass
through the top end of one of the extreme generators in the front view
Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of the truncated cylinder.

4. A right cylinder of diameter 40mm and height 50mm is cut by a section plane
inclined at 450 to HP and passes from the centre of the axis. Draw the
development of the truncated cylinder.
5. A vertical cylinder of base diameter 40mm and axis length of 50mm is cut
by a section plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 45 0 to HP. Vertical
trace of the section plane passes through the top end of one of the
extreme generators. Develop the lower portion of the lateral surface of the

6. A right circular cylinder of diameter 40 mm and axis 60mm long resting on

one of its circular faces on HP is cut by a section plane which is normal to
VP and inclined to HP passing through the diagonally opposite ends of the
top and bottom faces of cylinder. Draw the development of the lateral
surface of lower part of cylinder.
7. A right circular cylinder of diameter 50 mm and axis 60mm long resting on
one of its circular faces on HP is cut by a section plane which is normal to
VP an inclined 55° to HP passing through the midpoint of the axis of
cylinder. Draw the development of the lateral surface of lower part of

8. A cylinder of base diameter 50mm and axis 70mm is cut by a sectional

plane perpendicular to VP inclined at 20 0 to HP and bisects the axis of the
cylinder. Draw the development of the lateral surface of the lower portion
of the cylinder.
Development of Pyramids


1. Symbol “SR” represents_____

2. Pyramids are developed by ____ method of developing

3. cutting plane lines are shown by ___

4. A surface of an object appears in its true shape when it is___ to the plane
of projection
5. 20.The lateral development of surface of cube consists of __ equal

1. Sphere Radius 2. Radial development 3. 450 4. Parallel 5. 4


1. The solid having a polygon for a base & triangular lateral faces inter
sectioning at a vertex is:
a) Pyramid b) Prism
c) Cone d) None of the above
2. Which one is having same Elevation, Plan, and side view in orthographic
a) Cylinder c) Sphere
b) cone d) Cuboids
3. Compare to actual diameter isometric diameter of sphere is
a) Greater b) smaller c) equal d) lesser
4. The angle between isometric axis
a) 90 b) 120 c) 60 d) 45

5. . Which among these is not the method of surface development?

a) Parallel-line development b) Radial-line development
c) Triangulation development d) Geometric development

1. a Pyramid 2. c) Sphere 3. d) lesser 4. b) 120 5. d) Geometric


1. A square pyramid of 30mm side of base and height of 50mm rest with
its base on HP. With one of the edges of the base parallel to VP. Draw the
development of the pyramid.

2. Draw the development of the lateral surfaces of a square pyramid, side of

base 25mm and height50mm ,resting with its base on HP and an edge of
the base parallel to VP.
Development of Cones


1. ______method of development is employed in case of cones.

2. The included angle of sector is given by _____
3. The line which direct the movement of the generatrix is called as the ____
4. A cone has one ____ face and one _____ face.
5. The development of the curved surface of a cone is a __________ of a
6. The development of the surface of a cube consists of ____ equal squares, the
length of the side of the squares being equal to the length of the edge of the
7. The development is employed for a method ________________ in case of

1. Radial line method 2. 360°XRadius of base circle/slant height 3. Directrix
4. Curved and Circular 5. sector, circle 6. Six 7. Radial-line development


1. The development of the curved surface of a cone is a of a

a) Sector, circle
b) Segment, circle
c) Segment, ellipse
d) Arc, parabola

2. In a regular hexagon the exterior is ____________

a) 600 b) 900
c) 720 d) 800

3. A solid with a vertex and a base that is formed by a simple closed curve is a
a) Triangle b) Cone c) Pyramid d) Dice
4. 1-A right circular cylinder resting on HP on its base is cut by a section plane
inclined to HP, bisecting its axis. The true shape of the section is

a. Parabola
b. Hyperbola
c. Ellipse
d. Circle

5.The following is the method for development of a sphere.

a. Parallel line method

b. Radial line method
c. Triangulation method
d. Approximate method

6.Development of surfaces is used in the development of

a. Piping
b. Air conditioning duct
c. Buckets
d. All of the above

7. The development of cylinder is a

a. Rectangle
b. Circle
c. Ellipse
d. None of the above

8. The isometric length is ____ percent of actual length.

a. 61.5
b. 71.5
c. 81.5
d. 91.5

9. The following is (are) the method(s) of projecting the pictorial views.

a. Axonometric projection
b. Oblique projection
c. Perspective projection
d. All of the above

10. The isometric axis are inclined at ___ degree to each other.

a. 60
b. 90
c. 120
d. 150

12. When the line is parallel to both Horizontal Plane (HP) and Vertical Plane
(VP), we can get its true length in
a. Front view
b. Top view
c. Both ‘a’ and ‘b’
d. Side view


1.a) Sector, circle 2. a) 60° 3. b) Cone 4.c) Ellipse

5.d. Approximate method 6. d)All of the above 7.a. Rectangle

8. c. 81.5 9. d) All of the above 10. 120 12. c) Both ‘a’ and ‘b’


1. Draw the development of the lateral surface of a cone of base diameter 48mm
and altitude 55mm.


2. Draw the isometric drawing of a cone of base diameter 30mm and axis 50mm

3. A cone of diameter of base 45 mm and height 60 mm is cut by horizontal
cutting plane at 20 mm from the apex. Draw the development of the truncated

4. A vertical cone of 40mm diameter 40mm and height 50mm is cut by a section
plane perpendicular to VP and inclined at 300 to HP so as to bisect the axis of the
cone. Draw the development of lateral surface of the cone.
Ans: Solution: θ = 𝑅 X 360 Where, r = Radius of cone

R = True Length of the Slant Generator

θ =54 X 360

θ = 133.330
5. A cone of base 50mm diameter and height 60mm rests with its base on H.P.
and bisects the axis of the cone. Draw the deveopment of the lateral surface of
the truncated cone.
1. Draw the two views of the given cone and indicate the cutting plane.
2. Draw the lateral surface of the complete cone.
3. Divide the base into 8 equal parts.
4. Draw the generators in the front view corresponding to the above divisions.
5. Mark the points of intersection 1,2,3 etc. between the cutting plane and the
6. Transfer the points 1,2,3 etc. to the development after finding the true
distances of 1,2,3 etc from the apex 0 of the cone in the front view.
Surface Roughness

1. The surface roughness value is 50 µ,the grade number is ____

2. The roughness value for super finishing is__to__
3. The roughness value for forging is to .
4. The roughness value for grade N2 is______
5. The Ra value for turning is to
6. Roughness value Ra is given in units.
7. Rz stands for ___
8. The symbol for indicating fine smooth finish is _____

9. The symbol for showing Surface roughness obtained by manufacturing

10. The symbol for showing Surface texture obtained by without removal
of material _____

1. N12 , 2. 0.016 to 0.32, 3. 1.6 to 2.8, 4. 0.05mm, 5. 0.32 to 25, 6.Micron
7. Roughness height 8. V V V 9. 10.


1. Surface roughness is indicated by .

a) Rt b) Ra c) ra
2. Surface flatness is measured by .
a) Micrometer b) Feeler gauge c) Optical flat

3. The Ra value for honing is .

a) 0.025 b) 0.4 c)0.015 d) None of these
4. The roughness value for lapping is .
a) 0.012 b) 0.06 c) 0.04 d) None of these
5. Two triangles indicate .
a) Fine finish b) Rough finish c) Finish d) None of these
6. The given symbol represents
a) Flatness b) Parallel c) Triangle d) Threads
7. Which of the following symbol represents the circularity
a) b) c) d) all of the above

8. The given symbol represents

a) Flatness b) Parallel c) Concentricity d) symmetry

9. The Grade number which denotes surface roughness value is 1.6micron

a) N10 b)N9 c)N4 d)N7
10. Roughness value for N10 grade is ___
a) 12.5 µm b) 6.3 µm c) 0.1 µm d) 0.025 µm

11. Roughness grade symbol shows the roughness value ___to __

a) 12.5 to 25µm b) 1.6 to 6.3µm c) 0.2 to 0.8µm d) 0.025 to 0.1µm

1. b) Ra 2. c) Optical flat 3. a) 0.025 µm 4. a) 0.012 µm 5. a) Fine finish
6 a) Flatness 7.a) 8. c) Concentricity 9. d)N7 10. a )12.5 µm
11. a) 12.5 to 25µm
Sl. no Side Side
Crossed in two slant direction relative
1 M a
to the plane of projection
2 X b Parallel to plane of projection
3 = c Roughness value 12.5 µm
4 N10 d Hexagon
5 N5 e Multi - Directional
6 Solid having 6 equal faces f Roughness value 0.4 µm
7 Solid having 5 equal faces g Used in vehicle transmission system
8 Screw jack h Pentagon
9 Pipe vice i To lift loads
10 Universal Coupling j Used in plumbing works
11 Unidirectional System k 1:3
12 Reduced Scale l 45°
13 Parallel dimensions
m System of dimension
14 n Indication of dimensions

15 o Ra value in µm < 0.025

16 Hatching line p 1:2

17 Arrow Head q 0.2 mm
18 Surface roughness without removal of
Continuous thin r

Match the following Answers

A 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

B e a b c f d h i j g m p n o r l k q


1. The surface finish on milled surface is not exceed 5 µm roughness value with
a sampling length 2mm , machining allowance 0.5mm and direction of lay
parallel. How will you represent it on a drawing?

2. The surface finish on Grinded surface is not exceed 2 µm roughness value

with a sampling length 1mm , machining allowance 0.02mm and direction of lay
Perpendicular . How will you represent it on a drawing?

1. Figure shows the details of “Universal Coupling” .Assemble all the

parts and draw the following views of the vice to 1 : 1 scale
a. Front view in section 30Marks
b. Top view 15Marks
c. Right view 10Marks
d. Neatness 05Marks

2. Figure shows the details of “Screw jack” .Assemble all the parts
and draw the following views of the vice to 1 : 1 scale

a. Front view in section 30Marks

b. Top view 15Marks
c. Dimensioning per Each view 5marks 10Marks
d Neatness 05Marks

3. Figure shows the details of “Pipe vice” .Assemble all the parts and
draw the following views of the vice to 1 : 1 scale
a. Front view in section 30Marks
b. Top view 15Marks
c. Dimensioning per Each view 5 marks 10Marks
d. Neatness 05Mraks
01 NO Alloy steel
6 Handle bar cap
01 NO Alloy steel
5 Handle bar
Alloy steel
4 02 No’s Set screw
01 NO Alloy steel
3 Movable jaw
01 NO
2 Screw rod Alloy steel

1 01 NO Vice base Grey cast iron


4. The details of TOOL MAKERS CLAMP are given below. Assemble all the
parts and draw the following views of the clamp to 1:1 scale
a. Front view in section 30Marks
b. Top view 15Marks
c. Dimensioning per each view 5 marks 10Marks
d. Neatness 05Marks
3 2 JAW
5. Figure shows the details of “Mini Vice” .Assemble all the parts and
draw the following views of the vice to 1 : 1 scale
a. Front view in section 30Marks
b. Top view 15Marks
c. Dimensioning per Each view 5marks 10Marks

d. Neatness
Description Material No Off
01 Draw Bolt OHNS 1
02 Fixed Jaw OHNS 1
03 Knob Mild Steel 1
04 Lock Nut Mild Steel 1
05 Movable Jaw OHNS 1
06 Rail 1 OHNS 1
07 Rails 2 OHNS 1
08 Rest Plate OHNS 1
09 Split Washer OHNS 1
10 Square Plate Mild Steel 1
11 T - Clamp 1 Mild Steel 1
12 T-Clamp 2 Mild Steel 1
6. Figure shows the details of “Tenon & Fork” .Assemble all the parts
and draw the following views of the vice to 1 : 1 scale
a. Front view in section 30Marks
b. Top view 15Marks
c. Dimensioning per Each view 5marks 10Marks
d. Neatness

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