Csharpsimplemodule - Writing Omnet++ Modules With C# and Mono

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CsharpSimpleModule – writing OMNeT++ Modules with C#

and Mono∗

Andreas Lagemann Jörg Nolte

BTU Cottbus BTU Cottbus
Distributed Systems Distributed Systems
[email protected] [email protected]

ABSTRACT pensive and time consuming. Therefore the need for sim-
Simulation normally serves one of two purposes. The first ulation arises. One common approach is to implement the
one is evaluation of certain algorithms. The second one is algorithms in question in a way specific to the simulator
development and test of applications with infrastructural used and then reimplement these algorithms for field tests
requirements which exceed those commonly available (e.g. on real hardware. This approach has two essential draw-
distributed applications for wireless networks). In the latter backs. The first one is clearly the amount of time which is
case it is highly desirable that the code used for simulation wasted in doing the same thing twice. The second drawback
can be easily adopted to real hardware with minor modi- is that reimplementation always contains the risk of intro-
fications. The .NET framework is – like Java – platform ducing errors or inconsistencies into the code. This is highly
independent insofar as it only depends on a virtual machine undesirable especially since debugging on non standard end
implementation for each device it is meant to run on. There- devices can become a very tedious task.
fore for some application fields it is attractive to be able to OMNeT++ [11] is an object oriented discrete event sim-
write plain C# code which can then be run with a simulator ulator with a strong focus on network simulation. It has
like OMNeT++. become quite popular in the last years and the user commu-
This paper introduces CsharpSimpleModule, an extension nity is still growing. OMNeT++ can be roughly compared
to OMNeT++, which – like its companion JSimpleModule with NS2 [3] and OPNET [2].
does for Java – allows you to write OMNeT++ simula- This paper introduces CsharpSimpleModule, an extension
tion modules in C# and mix them freely with plain OM- to OMNeT++, which allows you to write simulation mod-
NeT++ modules, thus allowing you to build upon existing ules in C#. With .NET [10] being available on a lot of
OMNeT++ frameworks (e.g INET or MobilityFramework). devices1 it is besides Java a good choice for developing
Besides giving a short introduction to the usage of Csharp- distributed applications that shall be widely deployed to
SimpleModule its general architecture will be illustrated and a great number of different devices. For applications like
selected implementation issues will be discussed. that CsharpSimpleModule can be used to greatly ease de-
velopment by enabling OMNeT++ as a tool for testing and
debugging. The authors unfold how you can enable an ex-
Categories and Subject Descriptors isting .NET application written in C# to run in OMNeT++
I.6.5 [Computing Methodologies]: Simulation and Mod- with only minor changes to the code. Additionally some de-
elling—Model Development; D.1.5 [Software]: Program- sign issues on how you can make your application code in-
ming Techniques—Object Oriented Programming dependent from the actual platform (i.e. OMNeT++ vs.
real hardware) will be addressed. After that the overall
software architecture of CsharpSimpleModule will be pre-
1. INTRODUCTION sented. Then some basic techniques which were necessary
Developing applications for wireless distributed systems is to create CsharpSimpleModule are briefly introduced be-
a tedious error prone process. Testing applications in real fore discussing some implementation issues that might help
networks with hundreds of nodes is often prohibitively ex- those who want to extend CsharpSimpleModule or accom-
∗This work was partly supported by the DFG (german plish something similar for another language than C# or
Java. Finally related work will be presented and options for
research foundation) within the project “Basissoftware für
selbstorganisierende Infrastrukturen für vernetzte mobile the future of CsharpSimpleModule will be discussed.
Systeme” (SPP1140).
The main objective of CsharpSimpleModule’s design is
the integration of a C++ framework and runtime envi-
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prior specific 1
permission2008, March
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a fee. A stripped version of the full .NET framework (the .NET
OMNeT++ © 2008
3, 2008, Marseille, France Compact Framework) supports running .NET applications
DOI 10.4108/ICST.SIMUTOOLS2008.3045
Copyright 2008 ACM 978-963-9799-20-2 ...$5.00. on devices with sparse resources (e.g. PDAs)
implementation of the .NET framework specified by Mi-
crosoft and uses the Simplified Wrapper Interface Generator
(SWIG) (see section 4.1.1) to generate C# wrapper classes
that present the OMNeT++ API to the .NET developer.
Before describing the usage of CsharpSimpleModule in de-
tail, we will first recall the elements of a OMNeT++ model:
Every model consists of modules. There are two types
of modules. The simple modules are basic building blocks.
They are the active components of the model, programmed
in C++ and represented by the cSimpleModule class, which
serves as a base for the implementing class. Simple modules
can be combined into compound modules. Every module
(simple as well as compound) can define gates. Modules in-
side a compound module can be connected via those gates.
Connections between gates are simplex. Therefore there are
Figure 1: Software architecture of CsharpSimple- input and output gates. Every input gate of the compound
Module module as well as every output gate of a submodule can serve
as an input. Similarly an output gate of the compound mod-
ule and an input gate of a simple module can serve as an
and the runtime has means of controlling certain .NET ob- output. Note that every gate can only be used as endpoint
jects. Thus there are two main tasks to be solved. The first of one connection. Direct connections between submodules
task is to make the framework’s API accessible from within contained in different compound modules are not allowed.
C# code. For that purpose wrapper code was generated Events are represented as messages in OMNeT++. A sepa-
using SWIG (see section 4.1.1). The wrapper code is two rate event class is not provided. A message is an instance of
tiered. All framework functionality (including the public cMessage or any derived type. They are sent from one mod-
methods of all classes which shall be accessible from within ule to another; therefore the module where the event will oc-
C# programs) is wrapped with corresponding C-style func- cur is called the message destination. Parameters add more
tions which are compiled into a library, that can then be flexibility to the usage of modules and facilitate the reusabil-
used by special C# functions that access the correspond- ity of modules. Each module can define an arbitrary number
ing native functions. The second layer consists of wrapper of parameters.
classes which mainly map method calls to a corresponding Basically the package provides an OMNeT++ module
function, which in turn call the C-style functions of the first called CsharpSimpleModule (which is a cSimpleModule). A
layer. The mechanism allowing for this call is denoted P/IN- simulation is run by instances of CsharpSimpleModule which
VOKE (platform invoke). It uses metadata to locate the work as a proxy module for the C# modules. It has parame-
exported unmanaged functions and marshal its parameters ters allowing the definition of the class name, the namespace
at runtime (see [5], [6] and [9]). The application code only of the module and the assembly2 where it resides. To set up
needs to access the wrapper classes without bothering with a run with C# code you simply need to insert CsharpSim-
P/INVOKE. Figure 1 illustrates the layered approach with pleModules into a topology description where appropriate.
the P/INVOKE mechanism as a tie between them. To illustrate the usage of CsharpSimpleModule consider
The second task, i.e. providing means of control of some the following simple example application. The model con-
C# objects for the OMNeT++ runtime, is solved by intro- sists of two modules, named “tic” and “toc”. The modules
ducing a special cSimpleModule called CsharpSimpleMod- will send one message back and forth between them where
ule. This module is responsible to start the mono runtime ”tic“ will be responsible for creating the message and send-
and load the appropriate assemblies which were defined via ing it the first time. Since both modules do essentially the
the module’s parameters. Using the reflective mechanisms of same thing, it is sufficient to implement one single Csharp-
the mono API it creates an object of the corresponding ap- SimpleModule. We will call it Txc. Listing 1 shows the C#
plication module which must be derived from the C# coun- code implementing the Txc module. In the initialize()
terpart to CsharpSimpleModule which is a C# class with method the module with the name “tic” creates a HelloMes-
the same name. This class is not a proper wrapper class sage which will be sent back and forth between the two
for its C++ counterpart, because that would lead to infi- modules. The handleMessage() method receives the Hel-
nite recursion, but there are certain methods on the C++ loMessage (see below for an explanation why the cast has
side, which can be accessed from the C# side and the other to be done this way), reads and prints the counter of the
way round. Note that for every CsharpSimpleModule cre- message and sends it back. The finish() method merely
ated there exists exactly one instance of the C++ and one prints a message to the environment stating that it has been
instance of the C# class. These two objects must be linked called.
very closely to avoid inconsistent behaviour. How this close HelloMessage is implemented in C#. It is not derived
linkage is technically achieved will be described in detail in from cMessage directly, because cMessage on the C# side
section 4.2. is a wrapper class. Wrapper objects for a cMessage are only
valid until the message is sent to another module. When the
Assembly is the .NET term for a partially compiled code
CsharpSimpleModule allows you to write simulation mod- library consisting of byte code. An assembly can either rep-
ules for OMNeT++ with C#. It is based on the mono resent an executable or a sole library (which is what we need
runtime environment (see section 4.1.2) which is an open for our purpose)
1 class Txc : CsharpSimpleModule { 1 module Net1
2 2 submodules :
3 p r o t e c t e d o v e r r i d e void i n i t i a l i z e ( ) { 3 t i c : CsharpSimpleModule ;
4 ev . p r i n t l n ( ” i n i t i a l i z e o f ” 4 parameters :
5 +g e t F u l l P a t h ( ) ) ; 5 assemblyName = ”CsharpOmnetDemo ” ,
6 i f ( getFullName ( ) . Equals ( ” t i c ” ) ) { 6 moduleNamespace = ”OmnetDemo ” ,
7 c M e s s a g e msg = 7 moduleName = ”Txc ” ;
8 new H e l l o M e s s a g e ( ”msg ” ) ; 8 d i s p l a y : ” i =m i s c / node , b l u e ” ;
9 s e n d ( msg , ” o u t ” ) ; 9 t o c : CsharpSimpleModule ;
10 } 10 parameters :
11 } 11 assemblyName = ”CsharpOmnetDemo ” ,
12 12 moduleNamespace = ”OmnetDemo ” ,
13 p r o t e c t e d o v e r r i d e void h a n d l e M e s s a g e ( 13 moduleName = ”Txc ” ;
14 c M e s s a g e msg ) { 14 d i s p l a y : ” i =m i s c / node , y e l l o w ” ;
15 e v . p r i n t l n ( msg . getName ( ) 15 connections :
16 +” a r r i v e d ” ) ; 16 t i c . o u t++ −−> t o c . i n ++;
17 17 t i c . i n++ <−− t o c . o u t ++;
18 HelloMessage helloMsg = 18 endmodule
19 H e l l o M e s s a g e . c a s t ( msg ) ; 19
20 ev . p r i n t l n ( ” c o u n t e r r e a d ” 20 network n e t 1 : Net1
21 + h e l l o M s g . getTimesRead ( ) 21 endnetwork
22 + ” times ” ) ;
24 s e n d ( msg , ”out ” ) ;
25 } Listing 2: A small example NED file
27 p r o t e c t e d o v e r r i d e void finish () {
28 ev . p r i n t l n ( ” f i n i s h o f ”
29 +g e t F u l l P a t h ( ) ) ;
30 }
31 }; bly named CsharpOmnetDemo. To add some flexibility to
CsharpSimpleModule, it has two gate vectors for incoming
Listing 1: A small example CsharpSimpleModule and outgoing connections respectively. With this gate vec-
tors you can add new gates as you desire by using the post in-
crement operator like in lines 16 and 17 in listing 2. Because
inheriting from simple modules is not being supported cur-
send() method is called on the C# side, the corresponding rently3 , you cannot add your own parameters or additional
C++ message object is retrieved from the wrapper object gates. If you need your own parameters, you can declare
and passed to the send() method on the C++ side. When them in the parent module of CsharpSimpleModule and ac-
the message arrives at the other module, it is re-wrapped cess them via that parent module from your code. The re-
with a newly created instance of the C# wrapper class. One striction that no additional gates can be defined should also
design principle has been to allow CsharpSimpleModule to not pose any greater problem, because the use of gate vec-
be used with an unaltered version of OMNeT++. Therefore tors allows for dynamic gate creation.
the C++ side object contains no reference to its C# coun- There are some specialties to be considered when imple-
terpart. In order to allow for messages fully implemented in menting simple modules in C#. Virtually the whole sim-
C# a class named CsharpMessage was introduced, which is ulation API can be used. However all C# side classes are
the base class of our example HelloMessage. A detailed de- just wrapper classes containing no state information other
scription of the implementation of CsharpMessage is given than a pointer to the underlying C++ peer object. When a
in section 4.2. wrapper object is newly created from within a C# program
OMNeT++ introduces a special language called NED to the corresponding C++-object is created via a call of the
describe the topology of a simulation model. NED facilitates appropriate constructor on the C++ side. Every invocation
the modular description of a network. That is, a network de- of a method from the wrapper object is redirected to a call
scription can consist of simple modules, compound modules to the C++ object. Also if you send a cMessage via send(),
and channels. Channels serve as an abstraction for commu- the wrapper function retrieves the pointer to the cMessage
nication paths, and allow definition of delay, data rate and stored in the wrapper object and passes it to the method
the error rate of that path. The purpose of simple and com- call of the underlying C++ object. After sending a cMes-
pound modules was explained in above. Their corresponding sage the corresponding wrapper object should be considered
NED representatives are denoted by the terms SimpleMod- invalid and must not be used anymore, since the underly-
ule and Module respectively. As stated in section 2 every ing cMessage (on the C++ side) has then been deleted by
module can define parameters and gates. Parameters are de- the OMNeT++ simulation kernel or other modules. Simi-
fined after the keyword parameters: gates go after gates:. lar, if methods return a reference to an object, the return
The type of a gate (input or output) is identified by pre- value of the C++ method call is wrapped in the appropri-
ceding in: or out: respectively. Gates can either by spec- ate C# wrapper object which is returned as a result of the
ified individually or as vectors. The latter is denoted by method call.
appending [] to the gate identifier. Compound modules ad- As a direct consequence you cannot compare two objects
ditionally allow the definition of submodules (each submod- directly with the equals() method of the object class, be-
ule must be preceded by submodule:) and the connections cause the identity of the wrapper object does not correspond
(preceded by connections: between them. Connections are to the wrapped object’s identity, i.e. the same object can
denoted by gate1 -> gate2 meaning that there exists a con- (and will most probably) be wrapped by different wrap-
nection between gate1 and gate2 where gate1 is the start per objects. To solve this, each wrapper object provides a
point and gate2 is the endpoint. method named sameAs() which compares the pointers to the
Listing 2 shows the NED file corresponding to our exam- C++ object for equality rather than comparing the wrapper
ple. The CsharpSimpleModule module provides three pa- objects themselves.
rameters to control which C# class will be loaded. Here Another implication is that a returned object reference
the class Txc in the namespace OmnetDemo is used. The
mono runtime can find the precompiled code in the assem- this is promoted to be a new feature in OMNeT++ 4.0
will always be wrapped by an object of the declared return
type rather than an object of the actual type of the original
object. This is an issue if the return type of the given method
is more general than the actual type. To access methods of
the actual type the object has to be re-wrapped. This can
be done by the cast() method, which every wrapper object
provides. The method behaves like a dynamic_cast(); it re-
turns null if the conversion could not be performed4 . Again
the originally returned object should be considered invalid
after casting and not be touched again.
Last but not least due to the highly dynamic nature of
simulations the standard memory management approach of
SWIG (see 4.1.1) is not used. The C# wrapper classes never
delete the underlying C++ object. They have to be explic-
itly deleted by using the Dispose() method. Messages no
longer needed should be disposed of, for example. After call- Figure 2: Class diagram for distributed application
ing Dispose() the wrapper object naturally should be con- in .NET CF framework
sidered invalid. This is underlined by the Dispose() method
setting the reference pointer to null.

3.1 Bringing the Real World to OMNeT++ munication frameworks (e.g. the UDP implementation of
the .NET framework) the default behaviour of send and re-
The following example serves the purpose of illustrating ceive operations is synchronous, meaning that they block
how appropriate application design can lead to code which the calling entity until the operation was carried out suc-
can be easily adapted to the use with OMNeT++ as well as cessfully or a non maskable error has occurred. With OM-
concrete devices. Thus the OMNeT++ simulator (in con- NeT++ such a behaviour can only be achieved by using
junction with CsharpSimpleModule if applications are writ- the activity() mechanism which leads to modules being
ten with C#) can serve as a valuable development tool bring- implemented as coroutines [8] each with its own stack and
ing great ease to debugging and testing distributed applica- thread of control. Besides being strongly discouraged by
tions5 . the author of OMNeT++, since it leads to poorly scalable
In distributed applications the participating nodes need simulation models, this feature is not supported by Csharp-
some means of communication usually described as “the net- SimpleModule. So if you want to write applications which
work”. Access to this network is customarily provided via shall run with OMNeT++ as well as with real devices you
a well defined interface which offers some abstractions for are strongly encouraged to apply an event driven program-
data sent between nodes (often called messages) and some ming style. Otherwise it will become very difficult to avoid
addressing scheme to distinguish nodes. This interface is in- the use of synchronous primitives, which will make it hard
troduced to decouple the application logic from the technical if not impossible to port your code to OMNeT++.
details of communication. So by regarding OMNeT++ as a Another problem lies in providing timeout facilities. Most
certain kind of network one can easily hide all OMNeT++ real distributed applications need some means of measuring
dependent code behind that interface. Applications which how long a certain operation takes and to specify a maxi-
are built upon that interface can then be run on any plat- mum time for that operation in order to detect communi-
form which provides a network implementation. cation failures. In real systems this is usually accomplished
To illustrate this point further, consider the (simplified) using some clock device, which generates interrupts in a cer-
application design shown in figure 2. The application (repre- tain time interval. An interrupt handler can inform reg-
sented by the class Application) uses the interface Network istered entities about timer expiration. Another not very
to communicate with applications on other nodes being to- precise method, which additionally is somewhat prodigal of
tally indifferent to the way the interface functionality is im- resources, is to setup an extra thread which sleeps some
plemented. The class UDPNetForDotNetCF implements the amount of time and informs registered entities each time it
Network interface for the .NET compact framework using awakens. Neither threads (see discussion above) nor inter-
UDP/IP to transmit messages over the network. To simu- rupts as such are available for CsharpSimpleModule. But
late the same application with OMNeT++, you only have to OMNeT++ does provide a mechanism which is quite sim-
provide an OMNeT++ module which implements the Net- ilar to a timer interrupt but more flexible and more easy
work interface and replace the UDPNetForDotNetCF with that to use: the self message. A self message is a plain cMes-
module (which besides implementing the interface also has sage which is sent via the scheduleSelfMessage method of
to inherit from CsharpSimpleModule as described above). cModule. With the help of self messages it is possible to add
The resulting design should look similar to that in figure 3. functionality similar to a timer to your module. Note that
This seems to be simple enough; however there are some with OMNeT++ it is possible to define a separate module
pitfalls which should be noticed. at which other modules can register to receive notifications
The most significant problem lies in the semantic of net- of a timeout event. Such a module would probably be very
work service primitives (like send or receive). In many com- similar to the NotificationBoard from the INET frame-
actually it is implemented using dynamic_cast() work [12]. With CsharpSimpleModule such a solution is cur-
although the focus of this paper lies on distributed appli- rently not possible, because the support for direct method
cations, the principles shown can be easily adapted to other calls to CsharpSimpleModules is not implemented yet. It
kinds of applications suitable for OMNeT++ as well will probably be supported in a future release, however, since
1 c M e s s a g e pk = c M e s s a g e . c a s t (
2 Simkernel . createOne (
3 ”IPHeader ” ) ) ;
4 pk . s e t F i e l d ( ” s o u r c e ” , ”1 ” ) ;
5 pk . s e t F i e l d ( ” d e s t i n a t i o n ” , ”2 ” ) ;

Listing 4: Usage of createOne and access methods

1 c l a s s Foo {
2 public :
3 int bar ( int i );
4 int i ;
5 };

Listing 5: A small example C++ class

number of C++ objects you need to access becomes quite

large. How wrapping with SWIG generally works is detailed
in section 4.1.1.
Figure 3: Class diagram for distributed application
with OMNeT++
1 message IPHeader {
This section introduces certain aspects of the implementa-
parameter :
IPAddress s o u r c e ;
tion which are regarded crucial to successfully meet Csharp-
4 IPAddress d e s t ; SimpleModules requirements. After presenting two basic
5 }
techniques used to implement CsharpSimpleModule, po-
tential problems concerning memory management are pre-
Listing 3: Example IP header sented. After that the solution for providing a kind of cross-
language-polymorphism is explained.

the authors regard it as a crucial element for developing well 4.1 Basic Techniques
designed component based simulation models. The implementation of CsharpSimpleModule is mainly
based on two basic techniques. The wrapper generator
3.2 Integration with non C# modules SWIG greatly eases the implementation of C# wrapper code
Since there are numerous frameworks out there for OM- for C++ libraries. The mono runtime provides means to
NeT++ you certainly want to use some of them for projects control the execution of C# programs from within an arbi-
with CsharpSimpleModule as well. There are several ways to trary C++ program.
use your CsharpSimpleModule models together with existing
OMNeT++ modules implemented in C++. In the most sim- 4.1.1 Generating Wrapper Code with SWIG
ple case the model you want to use does not specify special SWIG is an interface compiler which was basically de-
messages but simply operates with cMessages. In that case signed to integrate the power of (existing) C/C++ libraries
you simply connect your CsharpSimpleModule’s output gate with the flexibility offered by scripting languages. From 1996
with that module’s input gate and call the send method of it steadily evolved to offer support for a huge amount of
your module passing a respective cMessage. However, many scripting languages and has also supported Java and C#
modules expect a certain message type to be passed to their for some years. It works by parsing the declarations from a
input gates. To create an instance of such a message with- C/C++ header file and generating appropriate wrappers for
out the need to wrap the corresponding C++ classes you can the given target language. The original C++ code, which
use a generic interface for the manipulation of C++ classes is accessed through the wrapper code, need not be touched,
provided by OMNeT++. If for instance you want to use the which is one of the most important aspects of SWIG gener-
message defined in listing 3, you can retrieve an instance of ated code.
it and access it like shown in listing 4. Basically you need to create an interface file. In the most
The Simkernel.createOne() method is a generic factory simple case this file consists of import statements for some
method which can create an instance of any object which C++ header files containing the interfaces that shall be
has been registered with Register_Class(). You can ac- wrapped. This simple method will suffice for small appli-
cess members of that object with the getField() and set- cations with rather trivial usage patterns. However SWIG
Field() resp. the getArrayField() and setArrayField() allows for more complex mechanisms to solve more demand-
methods. The set and get methods are using the reflection ing tasks. For a deeper introduction to SWIG see [4].
information which is generated by OMNeT++. Since they Given a simple class like shown in listing 5, SWIG will gen-
rely on string comparison their use has some performance erate a proxy class in the target language (C# in our case).
penalties; but wrapping the needed classes with SWIG is This class is solely a wrapper class of low level functions,
more laborious by far. which in turn call the methods of the C++ class through
Sometimes, however, it will be most appropriate to wrap some means supported by the target language (P/INVOKE
the respective classes yourself. That is the case for example, (see section 2) in the case of C#). The resulting proxy class
if you want to avoid the usage of reflective mechanisms or the will roughly look like depicted in listing 6.
1 p u b l i c c l a s s Foo : I D i s p o s a b l e { 1 p u b l i c c l a s s Base {
2 p u b l i c Foo ( ) : 2 p u b l i c void myOwnMethod ( ) ;
3 t h i s ( examplePINVOKE . new Foo ( ) , true ) { 3 p u b l i c v i r t u a l void o v e r r i d a b l e M e t h o d ( ) ;
4 } 4 }
5 5
6 ˜ Foo ( ) { 6 p u b l i c c l a s s D e r i v e d : Base {
7 Dispose ( ) ; 7 p u b l i c new void myOwnMethod ( ) ;
8 } 8 p u b l i c o v e r r i d e void o v e r r i d a b l e M e t h o d ( ) ;
9 9 }
10 public int bar ( int i ) {
11 i n t r e t = examplePINVOKE . F o o b a r ( swigCPtr , i );
12 return r e t ;
13 } Listing 7: A simple C# object hierarchy
15 public int i {
16 set {
17 examplePINVOKE . F o o i s e t ( swigC Ptr , v a l u e ) ;
18 } 1 MonoDomain∗ domain =
19 get { 2 m o n o j i t i n i t v e r s i o n ( ”Example ” , ” 0 . 1 . 0 ” ) ;
20 i n t r e t = examplePINVOKE . F o o i g e t ( s w i g C P t r ) ; 3 MonoAssembly ∗ a s s e m b l y =
21 return r e t ; 4 m o n o a s s e m b l y l o a d w i t h p a r t i a l n a m e ( ”example
22 } . d l l ”) ;
23 } 5
24 6 MonoImage∗ i m a g e = m o n o a s s e m b l y g e t i m a g e (
25 } assembly ) ;
7 MonoKlass ∗ b a s e c l a s s =
8 m o n o c l a s s f r o m n a m e ( image , ” Base ” ) ;
9 MonoKlass ∗ d e r i v e d c l a s s =
Listing 6: C# proxy generated by SWIG 10 m o n o c l a s s f r o m n a m e ( image , ” D e r i v e d ” ) ;
11 MonoObject ∗ d e r i v e d o b j =
12 m o n o o b j e c t n e w ( domain , d e r i v e d c l a s s ) ;
13 mono runtime object init ( derivedobj ) ;
15 MonoMethod∗ m = NULL ;
The concept of proxy objects keeping references to na- 16 g p o i n t e r i t e r = NULL ;
tive objects raises many memory management issues, which 18 MonoMethod∗ myOwnMethod Base = NULL ;
19 w hi l e ( (m = m o n o c l a s s g e t m e t h o d s ( b a s e c l a s s , &
are addressed by SWIG by adding some API for ownership iter ))) {
control to the generated proxy classes. Each proxy object 20
c o n s t char ∗ name = m o n o m e t h o d g e t n a m e (m) ;
i f ( s t r c m p ( name , ”myOwnMethod ” ) == 0 ) {
contains a reference to the corresponding native object as 22 myOwnMethod Base = m;
23 }
well as a flag indicating whether it is currently the owner 24 }
of the object, i.e. if it is responsible for deleting it. Thus 26 MonoMethod∗ myOwnMethod Derived = NULL ;
the native object is only deleted if at the time when the 27 w hi l e ( (m = m o n o c l a s s g e t m e t h o d s ( d e r i v e d c l a s s ,
&i t e r ) ) ) {
proxy object is destroyed, the ownership flag is set. We will 28 c o n s t char ∗ name = m o n o m e t h o d g e t n a m e (m) ;
29 i f ( s t r c m p ( name , ”myOwnMethod ” ) == 0 ) {
discuss memory management issues related to OMNeT++ 30 myOwnMethod Derived = m;
31 }
wrapping in more detail in section 4.3. Code for memory 32 }
management and ownership tracking has been omitted in 33
34 MonoMethod∗ o v e r r i d a b l e M e t h o d = NULL ;
listing 6 for clarity and simplicity. The Dispose() method 35 w hi l e ( (m = m o n o c l a s s g e t m e t h o d s ( b a s e c l a s s , &
iter ))) {
(also omitted) is called by the destructor. It is responsi- 36 c o n s t char ∗ name = m o n o m e t h o d g e t n a m e (m) ;
37 i f ( s t r c m p ( name , ” o v e r r i d a b l e M e t h o d ” ) == 0 ) {
ble for calling the native destructor and releasing .NET side 38 overridableMethod =
references. 39 m o n o o b j e c t g e t v i r t u a l m e t h o d ( d e r i v e d o b j ,m
Most importantly you can configure almost everything of 40 }
41 }
the wrapper code generated to your specific needs. While 42
43 MonoObject ∗ e x c e p t i o n = NULL ;
for simple tasks the procedure described above is fully suf- 44 void ∗∗ a r g s = NULL ;
ficient and easily applied, it is possible to adjust SWIGs 45
MonoObject ∗ r e s u l t =
mono runtime invoke ( overridableMethod ,
generated code in such a way that you are able to accom- 47 d e r i v e d o b j , a r g s ,& e x c e p t i o n ) ;

plish more complex tasks, while leveraging the automatic

code generation done by SWIG, which saves a lot of time Listing 8: Using the embedding API of mono
when implementing interfaces for native libraries.

4.1.2 Embedding the Mono Runtime with C++ • A compiler suite for C# which will be supplemented
The mono project is an open development initiative spon- by compilers for other CLI languages in the future.
sored by Novell to develop an open source UNIX version of
the Microsoft .NET development platform. It implements The runtime comes with a set of API methods, which al-
various technologies which were developed by Microsoft and low the developer to start the runtime from within a C/C++
have then been submitted to the ECMA6 for standardiza- program and to access the full functionality like loading as-
tion. Currently it provides three main components: semblies, instantiating classes, calling methods on classes
and instrumenting the garbage collector. This API allows
• A common language interface (CLI) [1] virtual ma- instantiation of the runtime from within OMNeT++. To il-
chine that contains a class loader, just in time compiler lustrate the use of the mono embedding API consider the
and a garbage collecting runtime. following example:
In listing 7 two classes are defined: the class Base and the
• An API implementation of the standard .NET API as class Derived where Derived is derived from Base. Let us
well as most of Microsoft’s API and a mono specific assume that the two classes are compiled into an assembly
API. named “example.dll”. Listing 8 shows C/C++ code which
Ecma International is an industry association founded in accomplishes the following tasks in the given order.
1961 and dedicated to the standardization of Information Initializing the runtime and loading an assembly is each
and Communication Technology (ICT) and Consumer Elec- easily achieved with a single function call (lines 1-4). Re-
tronics (CE). trieving the type information (MonoClass) is also easily at-
tained (6-10). Creating an object involves two steps. First on the C++ side. It accepts a pointer to a cPolymorphic
the space for the given object has to be allocated, and then object. Using dynamic_cast() it determines if the object
the object has to be initialized by calling the standard con- is of the correct type. If so it calls the method swigC-
structor7 (11-12). To get a handle for a certain method, sharpPeer() which returns a pointer to the peer object.
one has to iterate through all methods of the given ob- Otherwise null is returned. For convenience CsharpMessage
ject and compare them to the name of the desired method. provides a method named cast(). This method accepts a
If the name is ambiguous, you can also query the num- reference to a cPolymorphic wrapper object. That object
ber of arguments. If that is still not sufficient for dis- is passed to swigCsharpPeerOf(). The formal return type
ambiguation, the argument types have to be considered. of swigCsharpPeerOf() is MonoObject* on the C++ side
The example shows only the case where the method name which resolves to object on the C# side. This object is
is sufficient to distinguish it from other methods (17-41). transferred into a CsharpMessage via a static cast.
Note that the first method retrieved will always call the In order to retrieve the peer object as described above, it
method defined in class Base and the second one always must somehow be stored in the C++ side peer first. Pro-
the method defined in Derived when invoked on an object viding a method on the C++ side, which stores the refer-
of type Derived. If you have virtual methods and want ence passed as a MonoObject* and accessing it via a wrapper
to achieve the usual semantics for calling a virtual method method, is the first solution that comes to mind. However,
(i.e the most specialized version of the method in a given it does not work. This approach uses P/INVOKE (see sec-
object hierarchy is called) you have to use the function tion 2) and therefore involves parameter marshalling. Cur-
mono_object_get_virtual_method() (see line 39). The ac- rently there is no support for marshalling C# objects as
tual invocation of the method is performed via a single func- MonoObject pointers. To implement a routine, which per-
tion call (43-47). forms that task would rely on implementation details of a
It expects the method handle, the object on which the particular mono version. Since that details are most likely
method call shall take place as well as a list of parameters subject to change with later mono versions, depending on
and a pointer to a MonoObject pointer which will hold an them should be avoided.
exception object if an exception has been triggered by the In the .NET framework a delegate denotes a type-safe
call. function pointer. When bound to a managed method, it
The mono embedding API provides a lot of more func- can be resolved to a C-style function pointer. The auto-
tions, which let you control almost every aspect regarding matic P/INVOKE marshalling does exactly that. The func-
the execution of .NET programs. Listing all of them here tion pointer can be used to call that method from within
would lead too far and is out of the focus of this paper. The unmanaged code. If the return type of the method is ob-
reader should have gotten a general picture of how embed- ject it is resolved to a MonoObject* when called via the
ding the mono runtime can be achieved and should now be function pointer.
able to comprehend the more detailed description of some Knowing this, the given problem can be solved as follows:
implementation aspects given below. For more information A method getReference() is introduced to the C# side
see [7]. CsharpMessage. This method is then bound to a delegate.
At object creation time the delegate is passed to the C++
4.2 Cross-Language Polymorphism object by calling the method setCsharpPeerCallback().
A logical object, which consists of two objects each written After storing the function pointer it is directly called to
in a different programming language, is denoted by the term retrieve and store the reference to the peer object. Addi-
bilingual object in the context of this paper. CsharpSimple- tionally a handle of the peer object for the garbage collector
Module and CsharpMessage (see section 3) are two examples is added to avoid the collection of the peer object when there
for such an object. The object implemented in one language are no more references on the managed side.
will be designated the peer of the other object. The term
cross-language polymorphism denotes a property of bilingual 4.3 Memory Management
objects. This property holds if the object can be extended in The tight coupling of the two corresponding objects of
one programming language and the correct type – according type CsharpMessage and CsharpSimpleModule has some im-
to the well-known rules of polymorphism – can be retrieved plications on how object duplication must be implemented.
from a reference to the peer object. Another issue regarding memory management is that of au-
To illustrate the implementation of bilingual objects which tomatically freeing memory allocated in unmanaged mem-
provide the property of cross-language polymorphism we ory. Although such mechanisms can add some convenience
picked CsharpMessage as an example; the implementation of for the user when implemented correctly, the dynamics
CsharpSimpleModule is analogous in this respect. To fulfill present in discrete simulations strongly prohibit such tech-
the requirements of cross-language polymorphism, the C++ niques. Tracking ownership (which essentially includes the
side object must hold a reference to its C# peer object. right to delete the objects owned) becomes cumbersome and
This reference must be retrievable from the C# side, when error prone, at least if there are two objects to be tracked
for instance a HelloMessage is retrieved via handleMes- simultaneously, one being subject to garbage collection.
sage(). As described in section 3, when the message is Therefore the deletion of no longer needed objects of type
passed to the C# side method, a wrapper object of type CsharpMessage is left to the user. The class CsharpMessage
cMessage is created. At this point the original C# peer has implements the IDisposable interface which provides the
to be retrieved. For this purpose CsharpMessage provides a Dispose() method. A call to this method checks if it has a
method named swigCsharpPeerOf(), which is implemented valid (non null) reference to a C++ object and if so deletes
7 it. To indicate that the object is not valid any longer it sets
One can call non standard constructors as well. It has been
omitted for brevity the pointer to the unmanaged object to null.
When copying CsharpMessages, a new C++ object of 6. CONCLUSION
type CsharpMessage has to be created (a copy is not needed, This paper presented CsharpSimpleModule. It has been
because all data is kept in the C# object) and the C# shown how to use it in existing projects and how to adapt
side object must be cloned. This can be achieved with real world applications to CsharpSimpleModule in order to
mono_object_clone(), which basically does a memcopy() of simulate them with OMNeT++. Basic techniques used for
the given object. After that the object has to be registered the implementation of CsharpSimpleModule were presented.
with the garbage collector. The registration yields a handle. The overall software design was explained. Implementation
That handle represents a reference to the object. As long details have been discussed. On the one hand this can serve
as the handle exists, the object will not be fetched by the as kind of tutorial introduction to CsharpSimpleModule for
garbage collector. Note that until now the pointer to the developers, on the other hand it provides enough conceptual
unmanaged peer object points to the same C++ object as and general discussion to serve as a guideline to implement-
the original object, since we did a simple memcopy(). There- ing something similar for languages other than Java or C#.
fore that pointer has to be updated to point to the newly
created object. This procedure is implemented in the copy
constructor of CsharpMessage naturally. This way the im-
plementation of the dup() function for the C++ side only The author would like to thank Andras Varga for support-
has to create a new object using the copy constructor. ing the deployment and development of CsharpSimpleMod-
ule and for providing JSimpleModule [13] in the first place.
Special thanks go out to Grzegorz Sobanski and Lukasz Pi-
5. RELATED AND FUTURE WORK atkowski being the first external users of CsharpSimpleMod-
The implementation of CsharpSimpleModule is greatly in- ule and providing some essential bug fixes and new features
spired by JSimpleModule [13]. The SWIG interface files of like the opportunity of using a debugger and profiler tools
JSimpleModule could be reused with only some minor adap- with CsharpSimpleModule. A very special thank you to
tations, mostly at those sections, where Java code was ex- Sören Höckner and Tobias Senner who had to use Csharp-
plicitly stated in the interface file. Since the Java and the SimpleModule in very early development stages and pro-
.NET platform are very similar, especially in terms of their vided valuable feedback to improve it.
interface to native libraries, most concepts could be adopted
in a straight forward fashion. Although already being in de-
velopment when JSimpleModule was released, the design of 8. REFERENCES
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