Avenue April 2011 Final

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The Avenue

April 2011
Volume 1, Issue 3

Spring’s Sprung – Jim Wolfe

Special Interest
Articles: “To everything there is a way to take part. Our time receive you unto myself;
season, and a time to and opportunities are that where I am, there ye
every purpose under the drawing to a close, for I may be also” (John 14:2-
• Random Acts of heaven,” (Ecclesiastes believe Jesus is on the 3). Jesus is coming again
Kindness 3:15). verge of returning. – and very soon – let’s tell
as many as we can, for
• Callie Sullivan’s
It is great to have the April finds us celebrating Jesus loves them, too!!!
winter months behind us. Easter and as we reflect Hebrews 10:23
The Lord has richly admonishes “Let us hold
blessed these past few fast the profession of our
months and it is a real joy faith without wavering.” I
to see His Hand at work in wish to challenge all of us
our midst. However, we to focus on what really
do not live in the past, but matters in the Christian
in the present and for the Life; that is, the
future. Let us remain furtherance of the Gospel
faithful. As the weather of Christ. Let’s spring into
gets nice, daylight hours action and share the good
upon the sacrifice Jesus
last longer, and news of Jesus’ love and
made for us and the
opportunities abound, let grace – Jesus Saves!
victory He has won for us,
us plan to intentionally The fields are truly white
Individual let us remember His
reach out to our unto harvest.
Highlights: words of encouragement:
community for the
“In my Father’s house are
advancement of Christ’s God has placed the
Outreach 2 many mansions; if it were
Kingdom. There are responsibility of searching
not so, I would have told
Life Happens 3 some plans in the making for a new Shepherd for
you. I go to prepare a
for an organized visitation Galloway Avenue Baptist
Corner Kitchen 4 place for you. And if I go
strategy and I what to Church in the hands of
and prepare a place for
Inspiration Point 5 encourage all to find some your “Search Committee.”
you, I will come again, and
Continue to pray for them
Written Words 6 as they seek God’s
guidance and grace. I
look forward to the days
Last issue we participants for their
ahead praying that God
challenged you to entries. will richly bless us as He
create an Acrostic for Please congratulate embraces His church in
the word “Trust”. our winner Lela Love and Grace!
Submissions were
sent to our judges, T - Thoroughly
Lenny & Debbie R - Resting
Howell and Jeremy & U - Upon
Rebecca Hogg. We S - Scriptural
want to thank our T - Truths
judges and all the
The Avenue Page 2 of 6

REFUGE OF HOPE by Sylvia Leathers

I made a public profession of sisters, did this ministry begin. But we also share testimonies
The 10 Commandments faith and belief in my Lord Jesus With blessings from family and of how God helped us through
Christ almost 60 years ago. I church leadership began this these valleys; we search Gods
Texting style was excited and nervous as I much needed ministry. It Holy Word for answers and
stood with my mother (yes, she reaches out to ladies here and wisdom. We pray for each
1. No1 b4 me. Srsly. was saved that day also) in front in our community. Sorry, guys other and we know that we are
of the congregation of the due to the personal nature of only a phone call away from
2. Dnt wrshp pix/idols Wynton Baptist Church in the gatherings it is strictly someone’s listening ear or help.
3. No omg’s Columbus, Georgia. The “ladies time”. I’ve hungered to I have seen how this ministry
4. No wrk on w/end (sat 4 pastor, Rev. Morton, baptized tell about Refuge of Hope, has helped to heal brokenness
us a week later. As seasons because in my heart I feel there and give strength and direction.
now; sun l18r) change the years, years change are other sisters that can Within the privacy of this
5. Pos ok – ur m&d r cool our lives. Some changes are benefit. I started attending the ministry, ladies can feel secure
6. Dt kill ppl good and some are just so-so group sessions when I realized and safe. They can find out
and then there are the changes that even though I know that how love for one another and
7. -X only w/m8 that spin us like tornadoes in only by God’s grace have I been understanding without
8. Dnt steal summer. I thank my Heavenly able to overcome, there were judgment can be nurturing to
9. Dnt lie re: bf Father for the many, many times I needed to share my their hearts and souls. Bible
times that His grace, mercy, problems and hurts with study is a must because God’s
10. Dnt ogle ur bf’s m8, love, forgiveness and guidance someone who understood and Word is essential and necessary
or ox, or dnke, .myob pulled me out or through those perhaps had dealt with similar in our lives. Deuteronomy
terrible tornadoes in my life. things. Loss of those you love, 33:27 says, “The eternal God is
Thinking about the events and illnesses, everyday situations your refuge, and underneath
trials I’ve experience over my one has to deal with can zap are the everlasting arms.”
life thus far, brings more to the our lives and spirits. We may Psalm 46:1 says, “God is our
topic I would like to bring forth. even ask “what happened to refuge and strength an ever
That is the ministry of “Refuge our joy”? In Refuge of Hope I present help in trouble.” Psalm
of Hope” here at GABC. Most found caring loving sisters that 91:2 says, “I will say of the Lord,
members just see the meeting want to help each other, to He is my refuge and my
time of 6:30pm on Thursday share their hearts their fears fortress.”
See Deuteronomy 5 for the real evenings in Room 1, in our and anything that seems Ladies do you see yourselves in
thing. Sunday bulletin, the Focus. insurmountable. any picture here? If so I would
Most think Refuge of Hope is like to recommend time with
just for people who are The ladies find out they are not this loving group. God changes
depressed or grieving. That is alone in their situations. We lives when we seek him.
only a bit of what that ministry have all had to go through hurt, My desire for Refuge of Hope is
entails. Thanks to two grief, depression, insecurities, that GABC would pray and ask
wonderful loving Christian illnesses and a myriad of things. blessings for the ministry and
support God’s work through it.

English as a Second Language (ESL) by Joe Vargas.

ESL Ministry was started at GABC over a year ago. Effie Kenley leads the ESL ministry with Sherry Dennis and
Joe Vargas as team members. ESL ministry provides a neutral setting to share the gospel while building
relationships and providing basic human needs and physically demonstrating Christian love.
ESL class is open to everyone needing to learn English. All languages are accepted. All levels needing to learn
English are taught. Each class member is given a Bible. Class members with children have the opportunity for
their children to attend our children’s ministry classes provided on Wednesday evening. ESL classes are
Wednesday evening 7:00 to 8:30pm. Team members are greatly needed. Spanish is not required. Focus for the
ESL class is ‘one on one’ teaching. As a team member you will receive joy as you see people learn a new
language and are able to share the Gospel with them. Each class ends with a Bible reading in Spanish and
English and a prayer. For information on ESL ministry please contact the church office or any ESL team member.
Page 3 of 6 The Avenue

I’m thankful for lots of things in our church. But the things that
help me the most in my walk with Christ are VBS and Music. I
like VBS because it’s a fun way to tell kids about Christ. Each
year we have a different theme. We do music, sometimes
crafts, games and Bible stories that we get to act out. A really
neat thing we do in VBS is Missions. And that’s the part that
makes me want to go and tell everybody about Jesus. And I
like music because it keeps my mind focused on the Lord, and
I find myself singing songs from Sunday during the week. I
also like music because I really get into the songs on Sunday
Train a child in the way he morning and I also get convicted of my sins. I’m glad my
should go and when he is family is part of this church.
old he will not turn from it Callie Sullivan
Proverbs 22:6

LIFE HAPPENS a Bible Life Class spotlight

Encounter Class by other questions for the Encounter class is to help its
Lenny Howell members establish a network
Christian. There is no
of friends. Good friends.
difference in the truths of the
Friends they can call at two
Why Have a Bible Life Class Bible and what God expects
in the morning and say “can
for Single Adults? of those who serve Him. we talk”. The kind of friends
God expects all believers to who are willing to share the “There is no difference
About twenty years ago I study his word, to worship in the truths of the Bible
good times with their
was asked by a lawyer why Him in truth and spirit, to
children as well as the hard and what God expects
we separated Single and honestly and earnestly pray
times with parents in bad of those who serve
Married Adults for our Bible in Jesus name for leadership
health. The bonds that are
study groups. Though for our lives and intercession established by the various Him”.
Debbie and I had worked for others, to minister to activities of the class
with Single Adults about five those in need and to share
promotes the ministry to
years, no one had ever asked with everyone what Jesus
each other and to those
the question and I caught my has done in our lives.
outside the fellowship of the
breath as I considered how to However, because life
church. The love and
answer. God gave me a situations of married and acceptance found in such a
simple and basic answer: unmarried Christians are so group is a powerful
“Because of social different, the application of
evangelistic tool that will
differences.” those truths needs to speak
ultimately draw Single
directly to where they live.
Adults to a relationship with
While that satisfied the Jesus Christ.
unbelieving lawyer, it raises Another function of the
The Avenue Page 4 of 6


1. Pick up small florist vases at thrift stores or yard sales for about 10 cents and then buy flowers and arrange them
in the vases yourself. Open up the local phone book, pick a few names and deliver them to their doorstep, early
in the morning before everyone is awake.
2. Bake goodies and take them to your local police station, fire station or emergency room
3. Pay a local teenager to mow someone’s yard, who is elderly, sick or their spouse is away.
4. Knit or crochet a baby’s blanket and take it to the nurses’ station at your local hospital, for the next baby that is
5. Buy a bouquet of flowers or balloons at the florist and have it delivered to your local hospital. The nurses will
know who needs it the most.
6. Send a nice card to people you picked from the phone book
7. If you know of someone that is pregnant but has no one to give her a shower. Get your friends together and
throw her a shower. You have done something wonderful for a stranger, and possibly made a new friend.
8. Leave your change in the soda machine for the next person. It's a nice surprise.
9. Drop coins in some ones garden, so when they are weeding they get a surprise.
10. Host a Saturday night weekly party for the kids in your neighborhood. Eat popcorn and watch a movie. Give
other adults in the neighborhood a couple of precious hours of time alone together.
11. The next time you have someone beg money offer to buy them a meal or cup of soup instead...and sit with them.
You'd be surprised at how like us they once were.
12. Leave a balloon/or poster or just a silly note on a friends door or locker when they are having a hard day...it
works wonders!
13. Volunteer at a local shelter.
14. Clean up your neighbor's yard for free.
15. Read to a child at your local library
16. Listen to friend, a co-worker or best yet a total stranger with concern for what they are saying.
17. Leave that parking space up front, for someone else.
18. Leave quarters on the public laundry machine for the next person.
19. Pay for a small child's candy at a convenient store.
20. Pay for someone's gas.
21. Pay for someone's lunch.
22. Offer someone behind you in the grocery check-out line to go in front of you.
23. Give your pocket change to someone who needs it.
24. If you see your neighbor hasn't set his trash can out for that mornings pick-up, wheel it out to the curb yourself.
25. Pay for the persons order behind you when in a drive through at a fast food place.

The Corner Kitchen

Taste and see that the Lord is good…Psalm 34:8

Tater Tot Casserole submitted by Jan Dollgener

Use a pizza cutter to cut Ingredients
waffles or pancakes. 1 cup chopped onion 1 lb. ground chuck
1 can cream of celery soup 4 cups frozen tater tots
1 can cream of chicken soup salt & pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Grease a shallow 2 quart casserole dish. Cook ground
chuck and onion over medium heat until meat is done. Drain off fat. Spread meat mixture
in casserole dish. Combine undiluted soup and spread evenly over meat mixture. Top with
single layer of frozen Tater Tots. Bake for 45 minutes, until hot and bubbly.
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We all know that Jesus complicated than it should through the years – be very
Christ is and will always be be. How do we live the aware that our focus
the only person who was perfect life? We don’t. Do determines our successes
perfect - without sin but we completely give up? Not and our happiness.
does that mean – according a chance. Instead of focusing on trying
to the world’s standards - Look at scripture and tell me to have the Perfect Life – we
that he had the perfect one of the godly saints – the must focus on the person
life. I think in this day and men and women listed in who was perfect in their life
age we are all looking for the the “Faith Chapter” who had – Jesus Christ.
perfect life forgetting that a perfect life. Found one In every article I write I go
the perfect person Himself yet? No? Then if the godly back to the basics. It’s
did not experience what we saints in Holy Scripture that where our focus is and
are seeking. Discouraged God Himself chose to share should be that is the basis
yet? You shouldn’t be – I with us did not have perfect for everything. It’s the basis
think we are all guilty of lives then what makes us of how we live, love, laugh,
wanting perfection. It’s think that we should. cry, mourn, celebrate,
become our guilty pleasure I don’t think we should go worship, work, etc., yet how
– our golden calf – our around with a defeatist often do we fail at living
besetting sin – you name it – attitude – I don’t think we because we have stopped
it’s become it. should stop trying – but I focusing on the Perfect
We want to make life and think we should – as we all Person.
faith much more know and have learned

Peanut Butter Cookies

1 cup shortening 1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup white sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder
1 cup brown sugar ½ teaspoon baking soda
1 cup Peanut Butter 2 eggs
3 cups flour 1 tablespoon cold water

Mix and combine ingredients. Roll into balls and place

evenly on cookie sheet. Flatten crosswise with a fork.
Bake at 400 degrees for 8 minutes.

Gulliver’s Corn
2 packages (20oz) Frozen Kernal Corn
8 oz Whipping Cream 6 teaspoons sugar
8oz (1/2 pint) Milk pinch of white pepper
1 teaspoon salt 2 tablespoon melted butter
2 tablespoon flour ¼ teaspoon MSG (accent)

Combine all ingredients except butter and flour in a pot and bring to a boil.
Simmer 5 minutes. Blend butter with flour, add to the corn and mix well. Remove from
Written Words by Debbie Loyd
AVENUE Take Time - - returning. Instead of the people around us. If
BAPTIST CHURCH following the world and God has given us that
How often do you ask,
going at top speed we sense of urgency we
“Where does the time go?”
should take time to seek should be spreading his
1930 Galloway Avenue Everything in society is fast
God’s word. Read your word as fast as we can.
Mesquite, TX 75149 and instant. Fast food,
Bible. Pray. Volunteer at a Because he will come and
instant communication, and
PHONE: homeless shelter. Spend we want to answer “yes”
fast travel are just a few
972-285-6317 time at a nursing home. when he ask if we took
examples. Personally I think
Help out at a food bank. time to spread his saving
GABC STAFF God has instilled a sense of
The rest of the world will grace. So take time for
urgency in us. That time is
fall away when we what counts.
Dr. Jim Wolfe drawing close to Jesus
– Interim Pastor worship our God and help

Stephen Sullivan
- Minister of Worship WORD SEARCH
Bethany Sullivan .
-Church Pianist
Tina Pierce
- Director of Children
Jeremy Hogg
-Director of Student Ministries L P U T Y X T N K P M O R B
Janeen Adams
-Office Administrator T E K S A B N S V O E C I B

We’re on the Web!
See us at: W O L L A M H S R A M L A T
click on media P K D C E E D I H G K A Y H


How many words can you
make from the phrase? U C M L M Z L S Z S X D W T
1. _______________
Basket Bunny Hide Hunt Marshmallow
2. _______________ Eggs Friday Chocolate Rabbit Sunday
3. _______________
4. _______________

5. _______________
We were therefore buried with
6. _______________ him through baptism into death in
7. _______________ order that, just as Christ was
8. _______________ raised from the dead through the
glory of the Father, we too may
9. _______________
live a new life. Romans 6:4
10. _______________

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