Learning-Feedback-Diary - Bughao

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The key takeaways from the orientation are learning about the rules and regulations of online classes, how to effectively use online platforms for learning, and meeting the clinical instructors. Technical issues like poor internet connection were mentioned as potential hindrances.

Some of the rules and regulations mentioned regarding online classes are proper management and effective use of the online platform to gain knowledge. Announcements, talks and plans may be difficult to follow due to poor internet connection.

Hindrances mentioned in learning through online classes include not being able to catch up due to poor internet connection and technical issues interrupting the implementation of rules. Lack of materials due to the pandemic was also a concern.




Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 1 Date of Exposure: July 06, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this orientation, I have learned about the rules and regulations regarding
online classes in CHN laboratory and also the things I needed in this online class.
In addition, I have also learned the proper ways on how to manage and to
effectively use online classes as my platform in gaining knowledge and ideas.
Lastly, with the help of this orientation, it gave me an opportunity to be able to
meet and know our clinical instructors, and to be able to know their plans
regarding how they will successfully share the knowledge to us through online
2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?
As a nursing student, one of my hindrances about this orientation is that I
can’t be able to catch up with the announcements, talks and plans because of my
signal connection. In addition, rules and regulations will not be successfully
implemented since we all based from online and technology, a lot of technical and
electrical problems might happen without our consent. We might experience
blackout, low signal and Wifi interruptions. Lastly, another hindrance that I am
worried for is the materials and paraphernalia that I need in this laboratory since
we are in the pandemic period, I am worried that I can’t be able to catch up with
the lessons because of lack of materials.

3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?

In regards with this orientation, my strengths are: I am determined to
gain a lot of knowledge in this subject, I am active and disciplined enough in terms of
following the rules and regulations and lastly I am a responsible person in terms of
doing assessments. However, despite of my strengths I still do have some weaknesses
that I need to overcome or fix and these are the following: I am shy and I am not good
in explaining procedures and answering questions, also it is hard for me to memorize
all the procedures and terms because I am a slow learner. In addition, I have a weak
and soft heart and I can be easily hurt and I am too emotional and I can be easily feel
down, stress and pressure. Lastly, I am too nervous in terms of talking and explaining
to other people.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
In regards with this orientation, I can be able to apply my knowledge in the
future practice by means of sharing it to other people and applying all the assessments
that I learn to further help and care to other people. Also, by expanding my
knowledge through reading books and experiencing new ideas and cases that can help
to gain my knowledge. Lastly, I can be able to apply this knowledge in the future
practice, if I am assured enough about my capabilities, If I know for a fact that I am
well prepared already to help and care for other people.

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

As a nursing student who have a problem and struggles in regards with
data connection, I suggest that clinical instructors should make some
consideration and do not pressure students to submit things on time, since not all
all student are blessed to have internet connections and gadgets to perform some
skill development. Too much pressure can also affect their mental health and it
might get worse if those things continue and also sometimes too much pressure
can lead to a bad negative actions to the students, just to submit all the
requirements needed. Believe me, those pressure and stress can trigger a lot of
negative energies and can affect the daily lifestyle of the students.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 2 Date of Exposure: July 07, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure, I have learned a lot of key terms that I can used to
properly assessed the patient or the mother, and for me to be able to understand and
communicate well with my co-nurse especially with the doctors. Moreover, in this
clinical exposure, a lot of cases regarding pregnancy had gave a lot of knowledge and
ideas for me and it made me realized that pregnancy is not an easy process and as a
nurse I need to be more caring, gentle and understanding in regards with the mother.
Also, with this new knowledge that I got, I can now be able to compute the due date
of the mother using Naegele’s rule and also if the mother doesn’t know her age of
gestation I can now be able to help her by means of computing it using Mc Donald’s
rule. Lastly, in this clinical exposure I have learned to properly palpate the abdomen
of the mother using Leopold’s maneuver. I can now be able to feel the baby inside the
womb and be able to know the fetal size, locate fetal back and parts and determine
fetal position and presentation.

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

In today’s situation wherein nobody is allowed to go outside because of
the pandemic virus that continuously affect and killed a lot of people. This
became a challenge to all nursing students who needs to gain skills in regards in
assessing a lot of patients. Online class became the source of knowledge of all
nursing students and it became the platform to better reach the clinical instructors
and professors, however online classes became also my barrier to better
understand the lessons and to gain knowledge since I am not that capable enough
to have my own wifi and my home doesn’t have signal at all and I need to raise
my hand to have or to better get some signal. This made me felt the struggle to
understand the lessons and pressured me to catch up to the lessons that I missed.
Also, too much exposure to mobile phones for the last three months made my
eyes weak. Therefore, for me online classes are not well effective in terms of
delivering skill enhancement.

3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure, my strengths and weaknesses are both important,
as it determines my capability to serve the patients and on how I can be able to
face different kinds of cases or scenarios. My strengths in this clinical exposure is
that, I am flexible to do all the task given to me , I am versatile to face different
kinds of scenarios and cases and most especially I am active and hyper to make
my patient more positive and happy in regards of there situation or problems.
However, despite of my strengths I cannot deny the fact that I have also my
weaknesses and honestly I have more weaknesses than strengths and these are the
following: I am not that confident enough to talk to other people or in other words
I am not good in communicating and explaining things to other people, as my
nervousness continue to rise up and cover my whole whenever I talk to people or
presenting and explaining things to them. In addition, I am slow learner, I have
trust issues regarding myself and I cannot memorize things well. I am not good in
performing different kinds of assessment, because I cannot explain well and
memorize the procedures. Lastly, I am too emotional on things and I cannot bare
to handle too much pressure and handle some hurtful things, though I am trying
my best to be strong in this field that I take.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
I can be able to apply my knowledge in future practice through sharing it to
those incoming mothers, so that they will be more aware of their health and their baby
and for them to be able to understand more about pregnancy. I can also do some free
seminars to better advocate and teach mothers and other people regarding the proper
way of caring the baby and hazardous that they can get while they are pregnant.
Lastly, by doing free check- ups I can be able to enhance my skills and along with
that help the mothers to take care of their baby.

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

In this clinical exposure, I highly suggest that as a nursing student we need to
have a better equipments to further enhance our skills. Also, I suggest that meetings
and open forums are needed to expand some ideas and to further know some
hindrances and problems of the students.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 3 Date of Exposure: July 08, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure I have learned that proper bag technique will
surely help the nurse to readily access the things needed to provide nursing care to
the patient. Along with its usage, it can also benefit the contents as it protects it
from getting contaminated and assured the patients that the things that they will
receive are fully sanitize or clean. In addition, bag technique provided me a
realization that I should never underestimate this kind of skills, as this will also
help me to provide a better nursing care to the patients and protect them from
getting infections. Lastly, I have learned that being organized and aware through
things will lead to a better healthy life.

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

Though we have this online classes and skill development, we cannot hide the
fact that it is hard for a nursing student to perform this kind of skills if the materials
and equipment are incomplete or lacking. As a nursing student that is my hindrance in
performing the skill that I need to develop. In addition, my barrier in performing this
skill right is that, it is hard for me to better understand the process as my data is not
that fast and I needed to find a strong signal to better communicate and to see the
procedures right.
3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?
Strengths and weaknesses are needed to better check if the person is
capable or not. As a nursing student I also have my own strength and weaknesses,
however in my case I have more weaknesses than strengths and this made me
more anxious and tested my trust to myself. My strengths in terms of this
assessment are the following: I am flexible enough in terms of doing my duties
and task given to me, I am active or participative in doing the procedures and I am
ready to learn and accept new knowledge and ideas that can help me to grow
more and benefit my own skills. However, despite of my strengths, I still do have
my weaknesses and this bothered me a lot since it control me more and overtake
my strengths. My weaknesses are the following: I do overthink everything in
regards to those things that I do, also I have trust issues regarding my capabilities
in doing the task given to me or anything that has a connection with my skills. In
addition despite of my lively, active and happy physical outlook, it hides the fact
that I am a lonely, anxious, emotional and negative person.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
Applying my knowledge to future practice are somewhat easy, however the
right question that you need to be assured for, is that in what level of degree of
knowledge does I have to really help and benefit to the society. It is really important
to assess and examine first my capabilities since this might possibly affect every
persons life. However, if I am going to really apply my knowledge in the future
practice, I will do it in such a way that everyone can participate and can really
understand every processes that we will do. I will level and put myself to their own
shoes, so that I can better understand their situation and I will never force everyone to
join since we all have our own rights to disagree or to refuse.

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

In this clinical exposure, I suggest that we should first disregard the right
materials needed in regards of the pandemic that continuously destroying our
normal life and our country. Also, we should first assure the safeness of the
students and let them to tell their hindrances in this assessment or procedures.
Assure first if they really understand the procedures and if they can really perform
it. Never pressure and push them to do things in a little time and without enough
knowledge at all. Put yourself to the situations that they are into.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 4 Date of Exposure: July 13, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure, I have learned that you cannot just inject things
in your own way or style, there is a rule and right procedures that is needed to
follow before doing that assessment. In addition, I have also learned that the the
patient’s size or weight can also be one of the basis to further analyzed whether in
what degree the nurse should inject the patient. Along with that, it made me
realized that it is not that easy to perform a parenteral procedure, especially when
you have a trembling hand and also if you have too strong hand that might give a
lot of pressure when you inject a patient. Lastly, I have learned that practice can
help to better perform the procedure well and to reduce the nervousness of the

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

As a nursing student, one of my hindrances in getting this procedure
right is that I am not really sure if I am getting the right degree in injecting the said
material to be use, since we are all learning through virtual or online classes. Along
with that, I cannot do this procedure in a real person, since it is my first time to inject
and everybody in my neighborhood doesn’t trust me that much. Lastly, though we
have online classes and we all based from online platform, guided demos are too hard
for me to understand. Videos are not that effective enough even though it will guide
us, however, this will not correct us if we try to follow the video and we do it in a
wrong way.
3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?
Regarding in doing this procedure or clinical exposure, I can say that I have
more weaknesses than strengths. However, I believed that I can be able to overcome
those weaknesses, If I work hard and practice more. Thus, this lead me to list my
strengths in regards of doing this procedure and these are the following: I am a person
with determination and perseverance though I am a slow learner, I can put up myself
and show people that I am full of strengths. Also, I am an active and lively person.
Lastly, I am a hardworking person and I am ready to learn from my mistakes.
However, despite my strengths I still do have my weaknesses and these are the
following: I can easily be stress, emotional and down, I do panic easily whenever
things get wrong, I can’t handle too much pressure and problems. Also, in regards to
performing this procedure, it will be hard for me to perform it since my hands are
shaky and this might affect the whole performance and procedure Lastly, I am a
negative person. Even though you see my outer look as happy and positive, deep
inside of it is a dark and emotional outlook of me.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
As a nursing student, I can be able to apply my knowledge by means of
getting myself first ready, with this I can be assured that I can really be able to
apply my learning in the future practice. Letting myself to gain more knowledge
and ideas and for that I can also be able to share it to other people, by means of
seminars or being a health educator to my community. In addition, I believe that
practice can help a nursing student like me to become a better and professional
nurse in future. Therefore, I can say that practice can be able to help me to apply
my knowledge for the future practice.

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

In this procedure and clinical exposure, we know for a fact that this procedure
needed more guidance and focus demonstrations, since this procedure is hazardous
not only for the nurse but especially to the patient himself as this will might affect his
health and trigger some vital organs. Therefore, I suggest that since we are in the
pandemic period, we should let this procedure off for a moment but then the ideas and
knowledge about it should continue, however the skill in regards with this procedure
will be stop for a moment and wait for the pandemic problem to stop.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 5 Date of Exposure: July 14, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this return demonstration that I have done, I have learned that in every
procedures that a nurse is performing, there is always an enclosed responsibility that rest
on their shoulders. Also, there is always at risk of failure especially when you are not that
professional yet. However, despite of failure, you must remember that there is always a
room for improvements. Honestly, according to my father, “failure is just a one way of
testing your strength and capabilities on how you will hold on to your dreams in life”. He
always tell me that statement whenever I feel down and hopeless in life. In addition, I
have also learned that every procedures are all very important and has its own usefulness
in regards with the assessment that a nurse is performing. Lastly, I have realized that
aside from memorizing every procedures, you must also have enough energy to do the
procedures and assessment well, and be attentive and focus all the time, since the work
that you entered deals with life of every person.

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

In performing the return demonstration, honestly this became a struggle for me
since I don’t have enough materials to do the procedures. In addition, when it comes to
filming the video and editing it to make it pleasant to the eyes of the viewer, it also
became my barrier and weakness, since I am not that good in technology and editing.
Lastly, when it comes to uploading the video, internet also became my hindrance in
passing the video on time, since I am just using a data load that is insufficient for me to
upload a large file of video.
3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?
In doing the return demonstration, it is important for a nurse to determine her
strengths and weaknesses and at this point in time, I can say that I have more weaknesses
than strengths in doing the return demonstration. However, this will not make me as a
less of a person and this will not stop me to pursue my dreams in life, though sometimes I
feel that everyone is against my dreams. Thus, this lead me to list my strengths in regards
of doing the assessments and procedures and these are the following: I am active and
hyper whenever I am in front of other people or whenever I am talking with them. I am a
person with determination and perseverance though I am a slow learner, I can put up
myself and show people that I am full of strengths. Lastly, I am a hardworking person
and I am ready to learn from my mistakes. However, despite of my strengths there are
still weaknesses that hinders my dream in life and these are the following: I am negative,
emotional and weak person. I have trust issues regarding my capabilities, I am a slow
learner, I can’t memorize things easily. I am easily irritable when things do not go and
agree with what I want. Lastly, I can be easily scared of and feel down whenever
someone shouted me or whenever I didn’t answer the questions right.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
Honestly, applying the knowledge is an easy task. However, the right question
that you should ask is that, Am I capable and confident enough to apply my knowledge?
And lastly, is my knowledge enough to help other people? But then, in the future
practices the things that I will do to apply the knowledge that I got is that by performing
it to help other people who are really in need. Also, aside from that I will do my best to
improve more my knowledge for the benefit not only for myself, but most especially for
other people. Lastly, I will join groups or parties that aids to help other people in free

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

In this return demonstration, since the procedures and assessment both needed
an actual and focus demonstration. However, because of the pandemic that is still
happening. I suggest that skill laboratories should stop for moment and wait for the
pandemic problem to stop. Also, since even though we have online classes and video
presentation it doesn’t remove the fact that not everyone is privileged and blessed
enough to do online presentation. But then again, the ideas and knowledge about
those procedures and assessment should continue and well maintained.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 6 Date of Exposure: July 15, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure, I have learned that being a nurse and doing its task is not
an easy job, since it doesn’t only concern about the procedures itself but also the welfare
that the patient will receive. Being a nurse do not only challenge your mental capabilities
in knowing and memorizing the procedures and terms, but it will also challenge your
capabilities on how you will handle the patients, the problems and stress of workloads in
hospitals and clinic and most especially it will challenge your temper and patience.
Lastly, I have realized that memorizing or knowing the procedures well are useless, if
you don’t have an idea at all on how you will perform it. However, in this return
demonstration that I have done, I have realized that being hardworking is better than
being smart alone. Moreover, I believe that failure in life will help a person to gain more
encouragement and perseverance to do better in future.

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

In this clinical exposure, the hindrances that I encountered to gain knowledge is
the internet connection, since we are in pandemic crisis most of our classes will now be
perform through online. However, not every students are blessed enough to have their
own wi-fi at home, though I am doing my very best just to keep up with the class and do
not missed any of its lessons and task, I cannot assure that my data load can also keep up
with the class. Lastly, in this clinical exposure there is always a need for equipment, and
this time since we are encountering pandemic crisis not all students especially myself can
afford to buy those needed materials and it is also hard to learn if we lack equipment and
material to be use.

3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?

In this clinical exposure, I must say that I have more weaknesses than strengths
that causes to hinders my trust issues to myself and my capabilities. The strengths that I
only got in this clinical exposure are the following: I have full of determination and
perseverance towards my goals in life, even though I am a slows learner. I am ready to
learn and ready for more improvements. I am active and jolly person that can help to
boost the energy of my patients. I am also an understanding person. Lastly, I am a
hardworking person and I am ready to learn from my mistakes. However, despite my
strengths there are still weaknesses that I need to overcome and fix and these are the
following: I am too emotional, negative and down person. I cannot face problems
confidently and strong, I have trust issues to myself and to my abilities, my temper and
confident are not good. Lastly, I am not good in memorizing terms and procedures and
whenever someone ask me a question, I easily felt pressured and stressed.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
Applying my knowledge will be quite challenging for me, since the focus in this
area is the knowledge that I got. Honestly, I am not that confident enough whether the
knowledge that I got will surely be helpful or not to other people. However, I will do my
best to share my knowledge and ideas to them, so that they can also apply it to
themselves and to other people. I will try my best to be a good health educator to my
community and to provide them an idea on how they will be able to take care of their
health. Also, I will apply my knowledge by means of joining groups or parties that
involves in serving the people in regards with their health. Lastly, I will do my very best
to gain more knowledge, so that I can be able to apply those knowledge to help other
people. Serving them and giving the best care for them.
5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:
In regards with this clinical exposure, I suggest that since we are in the pandemic
period, we must reconsider all the nursing students in regards with the deadlines of the
task given, since not all are blessed to have good internet access and the struggles of the
students are for real and I can prove or justify that, because I am also one of the students
who are struggling and stressed just to submit all the requirements needed and honestly, it
now affects my mental and psychological health and it is not a joke for me. Too
pressured can lead to mental and psychological disease or disorder. Therefore, I suggest
that allowing students to have more time to pass the requirements will surely help them to
ease their struggles and pressure and give them the chance to improve their works.


Area of Rotation: ________________________________________________________
Week No.: 7 Date of Exposure: July 21, 2020 Shift: _________________
Clinical Instructor: SIR. CHRISTIAN S.TU

1. What are your learnings on this clinical exposure?

In this Virtual Learning Experience (VLE), I have learned that it is relevant for a
nurse to assess first the educational level of the patient before performing the procedures,
as this will help to ensure that the patient do understand the things that the nurse will say
or explain. Moreover, this VLE made me realized that despite the theoretical knowledge
that I have learned in my nursing class. This will not change the fact that this knowledge
that I have got might possibly change, as I soon start my actual duty as a student nurse.
Soon, I will see the difference between the theoretical knowledge, versus the actual
exposure to the field or area. This VLE made me also realized that despite the failures in
doing the procedures, there will always a room and chance for improvement. Do not
rush things seriously, take these challenges step-by-step. Always remember that the life
of every person lye on you. Therefore, be focus and patience in achieving your goal.
Lastly, in this VLE I have learned about the proper procedures in performing the
parenteral medication that could help to gain my knowledge and perform the procedures
well and right.

2. What are the hindrances to your learnings?

In terms of my hindrances towards gaining the knowledge, I must say that due to
technical problems some of the procedures are not clear enough for me, though I really
appreciated the efforts the our clinical instructors do just to give us the ideas and to let us
see how the assessments should be properly perform. In addition, due to pandemic crisis
we cannot be able to try and experience the actual scenarios in clinics and perform it with
the actual patients. Sadly, though we are well knowledgeable, however we lack in some
skill development and this lessens my confidence and capability in performing the

3. What is your STRENGTH and WEAKNESSES on this clinical exposure?

In this Virtual Learning Experience, it is important for a nurse to determine her
strengths and weaknesses and at this point in time, I can say that I have more weaknesses
than strengths that hinders my capability in performing the procedures. The strengths that
I got are the following: I flexible in doing the task given to me, I can assist the patient
well, I am active and hyper that could give joy to those patients that are still waiting to be
treated. Lastly, I am ready to learn new things and experience new situations that could
benefit and gain my knowledge for my future practices. However, despite my strengths
there are still weaknesses that causes barriers in achieving my goal and this are the
following: I am scared of poking needles, I can’t handle to see deep wounds, I am a slow
learner and cant compute things in more fastest way, I am not good in communicating
with patients, I can’t easily memorize things. Lastly, I am short tempered and I am too
paranoid towards things or towards facing some difficult situations.

4. How are you going to apply your learning in the future practice?
In applying the knowledge that I got in the future practices, I should first assure
that my knowledges are enough to help other people. However, aside from assuring
myself I should also do some research regarding the situations and issues that are
relevant to this present time. Moreover, if I am capable enough now to apply my
knowledges to future practice. The first thing that I will do is to join groups that focused
on serving the people’s health for free, as this will also enhance my skills as a nurse and
through that experiences I can be able to get some ideas and learnings that are unfamiliar
or new to my field of area. Lastly, is to continue to serve the people in the best that I can
and be a health educator that will teach them about the proper healthcare needs, how they
will be able to take care of themselves, and to be able to lighten up their mind towards
giving concern and priority to their health.

5. My comments, suggestions and recommendations:

In this VLE, due to some technical problems that we had experienced earlier and
low internet connection, I want to suggest that if whether the demonstrations can be
possibly done in a video presentation style or way, and then send it to the students to be
able to watch it on their own. Because, aside from technical problems, waiting for the
connection to come back causes the data load of other students to decrease and this
might possibly affect the attendance of the students and we might also cannot be able to
learn well in the demonstration because of the data load and technical problems.

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