Lesson 4 Constructing Good Sentences

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Idiomatic Expressions

1. If you are careful with your money, it can___________.
Go a long way

2. Wherever you go, Bear

in mind your mother loves you
3. If we have the determination to help our country, we must
______________ corruption.
Set one’s face against

4. The speakerTake
a breath between sessions.

5. To have a good future, one must___________.

Lay up for a rainy day

Go a long way Set one’s face against Touched bottom

Bear in mind Take a breath Lay up for a rainy day

6. The kidnappers left in town when the police __________
Got wind off of their

7. She felt like sheTouched
bottomwhen she found out her husbands
had AIDS.
8. She is ____________,
Penny-pincher which is why she does not spend all her
9. The company lawyer was quick to Turn
the tables on the laborers.
10. The family members must Put
their heads together they want to keep
their property.

Put their heads together Set one’s face against Touched bottom
Penny-pincher Got wind of Turn the tables

Constructing Good
What is a good sentence?

There are two requirements:

1. A good sentence must follow the rules of
grammar and state an idea clearly.
2. A good sentence should have a distinct
function in a paragraph where it is

The world within us and around
us is made up of persons, place,
animals, things, ideas, etc. We call
this things Nouns.

But something happen to this
things--- movement, action, or
change--- which is conveyed
by means of Verbs.

Look at these word groups:
day teacher experiment/ asked class taste biscuit
samples unlabeled boxes/ requested students
comments biscuits/ majority tasty/ day brought
kind class/ students eating showed label/ dog
biscuits stopped eating commented unpleasant/
experiment important point/ people words.

Look at these word groups:
One day our teacher carried out an experiment.
He asked the class to taste some biscuit samples from
unlabeled boxes. He requested his students for comments
on the biscuits. The majority found the biscuits tasty.
The next day, the teacher brought the same kind of
biscuits to class. While the students were eating, he
showed the label, Dog Biscuits. Immediately the students
stop eating and commented that the taste was
A sentence must have a subject
and a predicate.
A subject can be simple– a single
noun or a pronoun– or complex,
which includes modifiers that
provide more details about the
simple subject.

A sentence begins with a capital
letter and ends with a punctuation
mark. Many students forget to put
the period at the end of a sentence.
The period, the question mark, and
the exclamation point are very

Divide the following into sentences. Capitalize the
first word of each sentence and put the proper end
What a cozy little room this is the moment I opened
the door I fell in love with the place through the
window I could catch a glimpse of the garden and a
view of the mountains beyond lining one wall are
shelves filled with all kind of books what treasures
there are for rainy day who know what delightful
comrades are shut between those covers where shall I
begin where is the easiest of easy chairs I will pull it
near the window and snuggle in luxury with the Arabian
nights from the top shelf in the corner my letter to you
just wait.

Divide the following into sentences. Capitalize the
first word of each sentence and put the proper end

What a cozy little room this is! The moment I

opened the door, I fell in love with the place.
Through the window I could catch a glimpse of the
garden and a view of the mountains beyond. Lining
one wall are shelves filled with all kind of books.
What treasures there are for rainy day! Who know
what delightful comrades are shut between those
covers? Where shall I begin? Where is the easiest
of easy chairs? I will pull it near the window and
snuggle in luxury with the Arabian nights from the
top shelf in the corner. My letter to you just wait.

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