Function and Structure of The Cell

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Cell Wall: the cell wall helps keep the cell structure and keep thwe cell strong

Cell Membrane: the cell membrane controls what enters and leaves the cell

Nucleus:the nucleus controls all the activities occuring in the cell

Ribosomes: produces protiens

Cytoplasm: the cytoplasm is the site at which chemical reaction occurs

Mitochondrion: the mitochondrin is the site of energy production

Vaccuole:the vacuole stores various substances includingg waste products and is important in the
exchange of water and minerals

Chloroplast: the chloroplast is the site of photosynthesis

Shayann David March 1, 2018

The cell wall gives the cell its shape.

The cell membrane allows sbstances to pass in and out of the cell

The nucleus controls all activities of the cell

The ribosome is where proteins are produced

The mitochondrion is the site of energy production.

The cytoplasm is where all the parts of the cell are found.

Vacuoles store what is known as 'cell sap'

Chloroplasts store chlorophyll which is necessary for photosynthesis.

Tishanna Pitt March 5, 2018

Cell wall: supports and protects cell.

Cell membrane: controls what enters and leaves cell.

Nucleus: essential for cell division.

Ribosomes: make proteins in cell

Cytoplasm: supports organelles and inclusions.

Mitochondria: contains respiratory enzymes. site of respiration

Vacuoles: contains cell sap

Chloroplasts: contains chlorophyll and photosynthetic enzymes. site of photosynthesis.

Endoplasmic reticulum: folding protein molecules.

tijahni sandy March 27, 2018

the cell wall: maintains the shape of the cell and protect the cell.

the cell membrane: controls what enters and leaves the cell.

the nucleus: controls all the activities taking place in the cell.

ribosomes: forms proteins in the cell.

cytoplasm: where chemical reactions take place

mitochondria:the site of energy in the cell.

vacuole: where substances is stored in the cell

chloroplasts: where photosynthesis occurs in the cell

endoplasmic reticulum: allows the passage of substances in the cell

tre tre April 23, 2018

cell wall: protects the cell and keeps it in shape

cell membrane: responsible for anyhting that leaves and enters the cell (partially permeable)
cytoplasm: houses all the organelles and stores molecules used for cellular processes

mitochondria: site of energy production in the cell (respiration)

vacuole: storage of waste substances in the cell

chloroplast: contains chlorophyll and works during the process of photosynthesis.

endoplasmic reticulum: transport synthesized proteins to the Golgi apparatus.

nucleus: houses genetics materials and controls all the activities in the cell.

Monique Lynch April 30, 2018

Cell walls helps to main the shape of the cell

denisha williams May 3, 2018

The cell wall is to protect the cell, The cell membrane is to let substances into and out of the cell, The
ribosomes are particles of starch,

Benjamin Jean May 9, 2018

Cell wall gives the cell its shape.mitochondria is responsible for energy release an respiration in the
cell.cell membrane is responsible for the movement of particles in and out of the cells through diffusion
or osmosis

maleka hardley June 17, 2018

The cell wall maintain the shape of the cell and protects it while the cell membrane controls what enters
and leaves the cell. The nucleus controls all the activities taking place in the cell while the vacuole is
where substances are stored in the cell. Ribosomes are way protein is formed, the mitochondria is the
site of energy, the cytoplasm is where chemical reactions taje place and the chloroplast is where
photosynthesis occurs in cells. The ndoplasmic reticulum allows the passage of substances in cells.

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