Anaerobic Digestion Manuscript

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Analysis and Development of a Laboratory-Scale Anaerobic Biodigester

Joshua McGee1, Dalton Macres2, Matthew Larosee3, Hansen Tjo1

1. Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst

2. Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of Massachusetts Amherst

3. Department of Natural Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst

Anaerobic digestion has the potential to reduce the reliance of fossil fuels for tasks
including electricity generation, cooking, and heating. This process involves converting solid
waste into renewable biofuels. Due to its complexity, a large focus has been placed on studying
the theory behind anaerobic digestion and developing predictive models to evaluate its efficacy
on different time and length scales. In this paper, we describe the use of mathematical modeling
to develop and validate a simple and robust kinetic model for the process of anaerobic
digestion. This mathematical model builds off of existing models in the literature through
simplified consideration of both the system’s kinetics and thermodynamics. The results of our
kinetic model are promising, yielding similar results to two sets of published data with R2 values
of 0.94-0.95. In addition, we discuss the development of a low-cost and versatile laboratory-
scale process to evaluate anaerobic digestion. Combined with our robust mathematical model,
our work demonstrates promise for the use of anaerobic digestion technology as an effective
contributor to sustainable energy production and waste management.

The use of anaerobic digestion processes to convert solid food and animal waste into
renewable energy has tremendous potential to reduce fossil fuel consumption and improve
climate change trajectories. Anaerobic digestion involves the use of anaerobic micro-organisms
to convert solid wastes into renewable biofuel that largely consists of methane. Due to its high
energy content (~39.4 MJ/cm3),1 methane (CH4) can be repurposed for a variety of energy
saving tasks including heating, cooking, and electric production2. The effective conversion of
food waste into useful biofuels depends on a variety of conditional factors including feedstock
composition (C:N ratio), organic loading rate, temperature, pH, bioavailability, and hydraulic
retention time3. Controlling these factors and studying the process of anaerobic digestion via
experimentation is very complex and often involves mathematical modeling to allow for the
interpretation of obtained results. To evaluate the feasibility of anaerobic digestion, we
simultaneously designed a mathematical model and proposed development of a laboratory
scale anaerobic biodigester.

Due to the complex relationships between biological processes and chemical processing
conditions, describing the efficiency of anaerobic digestion through theory is non-trivial. On a
biological level, the process largely depends on a complex synergistic relationship of different
anaerobic bacteria to process different reactive feedstocks. The organic matter feedstock used
in anaerobic digestion is largely composed of complex species like proteins, fats, and soluble
lipids and, therefore, must be biologically broken down into amino acid monomers, fatty acids,
and simple sugars3. The resulting products of this chemical hydrolysis feed into subprocesses
termed acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis. Additionally, there are a variety of
chemical processing factors that affect the outcome of biogas production including the
accumulation of ammonia and volatile fatty acids in addition to changes in pH3. All of these
complex factors combine to result in the disconnect between anaerobic digestion process
conditions with theoretical predictions.

The ability to predict the performance and output quality of an anaerobic digestion
process is largely dependent on the development of tools to study the process on a laboratory
scale. Additionally, to correlate the efficiency of a process on the laboratory scale with that of an
industrial scale reactor, for instance, robust mathematical modeling tools must be utilized. While
the efficiency of the process is largely dependent on the feedstock conditions, the scale of the
process can have an effect on the thermodynamic3 and mass transport2,3 properties -- all factors
that must be accounted for when designing an anaerobic digestion process. A variety of
approaches have been used to predict the kinetics of anaerobic digestion. This includes the
development of sophisticated models in ASPEN that take many different factors into
consideration. Such ASPEN simulations rely on advanced fluid mechanics, thermodynamics,
and mass transfer computation that are not readily accessible by a wide range of researchers.
Additional approaches include the application of more simplistic kinetic models like describing
the process as a first order reaction that is assumed to occur in one step. In this work, we
describe the use of MATLAB in the development of a simplified yet robust kinetic model that
takes a variety of assumptions into consideration to report simple and meaningful results from
laboratory scale to industrial scale reactor setups. Additionally, we propose a simple design for
a laboratory-scale anaerobic digester. Although not yet experimentally validated, our design is
low-cost and easy to construct.
Lab-Scale Anaerobic Digester Design
To study anaerobic digestion on the laboratory scale, a small 3.784 L system was
designed and constructed (Figure 1A). The design of the system maintains a small footprint but
also allows for versatile data collection of parameters including temperature, pH, and pressure
via different Ardunio based sensors. The system was largely constructed using a 3.784 glass
fermentation system obtained from Home Brew Ohio (Figure 1B). Additionally, a smaller mason
jar was utilized as a gas collection container. The two containers were connected via ¼” PTFE
tubing. In order to allow for purging of the air from the anaerobic digester, the plastic lid was
modified in order to contain two ports, one serving as a purge port and the other as a
connection to the biogas collection container. The purge port was connected to a 2-foot-long
piece of ¼” tubing that is connected to a valve to allow for actuation of the purge stream. The
purge tubing can be connected to a source of nitrogen to remove all the air present in the
container upon charging with substrate. The lids of the apparatus were also modified to allow for
accommodation of the pH, temperature, and pressure sensors as described in the next section.

Figure 1: A.) Schematic of the laboratory-scale anaerobic digestion process. The anaerobic
digestion process occurs in a large (>3L) container that is connected to a smaller gas-collection
container. The entire system is on top of a hot plate to maintain desired temperature conditions.
Sensors to monitor, pressure, temperature, and pH are mounted inside of the container so that
response conditions are observed. B.) Components of the pilot digester pre modification of the
lids. This depicts the 3.784 L fermentation container alongside the mason jar used as the
collection container.

During operation, it is important that the gas collection container is charged with ½
volume of water to allow the gas to dissolve and prevent dangerous pressure build up. The
reactor is wrapped in aluminum foil to prevent contamination of the reactor by phototrophic
organisms. For insulation we use a Styrofoam container that would further block photosynthetic
organisms while increasing insulation and maintaining a tighter temperature distribution. Since
the goal of the process being considered was to produce methane, it is important that the
optimal conditions of methanogenesis be realized. Beneath the reactor is a hot plate set to
roughly 40 degrees Celsius to maintain necessary temperature to allow for maximum
efficiency3. Multiple sensors are placed atop the digester lid including a temperature, and
barometric pressure sensor. A pH sensor is suspended inside of the digester to record

Arduino Data Collection

An Arduino Uno R3 development board was obtained along with the following
sensors/attachments: BME280 Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity Sensor (Adafruit), Analog
PH Sensor/Meter Kit V2 (DFRobot), and Adafruit Assembled Data Logging shield for Arduino
(Adafruit). The BME280 sensor measures pressure in hectopascals (1 hPa = 100 Pa),
temperature in Celsius, humidity in percentage, and is able to measure altitude in meters. The
two sensors were interfaced with the Arduino Uno using the I2C format (Figure 3) found at each
respective sensor website4, 5. The sensor and attachment libraries for the Arduino IDE were
obtained on GitHub (see links below). For each respective sensor, the example scripts
(bme280test and DFRobot_PH_Test), found in each library, were run to ensure the sensors
were working properly.

Calibration of the pH sensor was done using MATLAB (Arduino Hardware Package), as
the readability of MATLAB is greater than that of the Arduino IDE6. First, the output voltages of
known pH’s (4, 7, and 10) were measured five times each. Then, the MATLAB polyfit(x, y, N)
function was applied to the voltage reading (x) and known pH values (y) using N values of 1 – 3.
R values were calculated for each respective N value to determine the best fit; in this case it
was linear. The linear pH equation based on voltage output was calculated and applied to the
Arduino IDE example script. A new Arduino setup and script (ReadBMEpH) was generated to
include both sensors (combining Figure 3 A and B) to ensure measurements could occur
Figure 2: A. BME 280 wiring diagram (3.3V input was used instead of 5V). Figure obtained from
[7]. B. pH sensor wiring diagram. (*Note: only one Arduino was used, and the two wirings were
combined) Figure obtained from [8].

The Data Logger, which came with a 2 GB SD card, was then attached to the Arduino
(Figure 3 A) through solderless pins. The CardInfo script of the SD package (included with
Arduino) was run to determine if the formatted SD card was supported (FAT16 or FAT32).
Additionally, the real time clock (RTC) library was downloaded from GitHub so that
measurements could be mapped back to a day and time. The RTC chip was located on the
Data Logger (Figure 3 B) and the respective example script was deployed (pcf8523 of the RTC
package) to ensure accurate timing10. The BME280 and pH sensors were attached to the Data
Logger with respective pins. The sensor Data Logger code, LogBMEpH, was written by
following the Data Logger example script lighttemplogger (see link below). This example script
was used as skeleton code, and the BME280 and pH sensors replaced their light and
temperature sensors.
Figure 3: A. Adafruit Assembled Data Logging shield for Arduino (top) attached to Arduino
(bottom). B. RTC chip location (varies in different models of Data Logger). Figures obtained
from [9].

The software was written such that measurements would be logged every 10 minutes
and saved to the SD card in CSV format. A new CSV file is written every two days containing
with following columns: Millis, Datetime, Temperature (C), Pressure (hPa), Altitude (m),
Humidity (%), pH; where Millis is milliseconds since the Arduino started, Datetime is the date
and time of the recording, and the rest are measurements from the sensors. After each
measurement is taken and written to the CSV file, the current CSV file is saved to ensure that
large amounts of data are not lost. Data will be collected by an SD card reader every 5-7 days
for analysis.

NOTE: GitHub Repositories Referenced in the Appendix

Mathematical Modeling
To predict the efficiency of the anaerobic digestion process that we are designing, we
have developed a kinetic model that was adapted from Gebremedhin et. al11. The kinetic model
was developed using MATLAB to create a code that allows for robust simulation of anaerobic
digestion under different operating conditions. Some variables that can be analyzed through this
program include feed stock composition, biodigester reactor volume, kinetic rate constant,
feedstock mass and solid percentage etc.
The kinetic model utilizes some assumptions made by Gebremedhin et. al 11 to create
effective approximations of biogas production under the simplified conditions. The primary
assumption involved in the model is that digestion of solid waste into renewable biofuel occurs
via a one step process:
𝑎 𝑏 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏
𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 + (𝑛 − − ) 𝐻2 𝑂 → ( − + ) 𝐶𝐻4 + ( + − ) 𝐶𝑂2 (1)
4 2 2 8 4 2 8 4
where CnHaOb represents the complex organic matter in the feedstock and n, a, and b are
dimensionless coefficients representing the atomic makeup of the organic feedstock. Additional
assumptions in the development of this kinetic model include the following:
● Batch operation, no flow of material in or out of the anaerobic digester
● Fluid velocity is very low (negligible)
● Reactor is assumed to be adiabatic (well-insulated)
● Sludge is considered to be a Newtonian Fluid
● Temperature is considered as a constant variable
● pH is in mesophilic range
● Reaction is a one-step process
● Ignoring effect of vapor-liquid equilibrium (assuming single phase transport)
● Solution and vapor phase are assumed to be under ideal conditions

The kinetics of this expression can then be represented by the Arrhenius rate equation:
𝑅𝑖 = 𝑘𝑓 𝐶𝑖 ∑[𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑡𝑠]𝐶𝑖 (2)
where kf represents the kinetic rate constant of the forward reaction and Ci represents the
numerical coefficient of the species of interest and Cj represents the numerical coefficient of the
reactant in the rate expression. The quantity Ri is the molar rate of change of a particular
species and for this anaerobic digestion model can be expressed by the following system of
𝑎 𝑏
𝑑[𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ]
= −𝑘𝑓 [𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ][𝐻2 𝑂](𝑛−4 −2) (3)
𝑎 𝑏
𝑑[𝐻2 𝑂] 𝑎 𝑏
= − (𝑛 − 4 − 2) 𝑘𝑓 [𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ][𝐻2 𝑂](𝑛−4 −2) (4)
𝑎 𝑏
𝑑[𝐶𝐻4 ] 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏
= (2 − 8 + 4) 𝑘𝑓 [𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ][𝐻2 𝑂](𝑛−4 −2) (5)
𝑎 𝑏
𝑑[𝐶𝑂2 ] 𝑛 𝑎 𝑏
= (2 + 8 − 4) 𝑘𝑓 [𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ][𝐻2 𝑂](𝑛−4 −2) (6)

Combining these expressions with the concentration of each species at a given time point,
yields the solution for the concentration of each species as a function of time:
𝑑[𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ]
[𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ]𝑡 = + [𝐶𝑛 𝐻𝑎 𝑂𝑏 ]𝑡−1 (7)
𝑑𝑡 𝑡
𝑑[𝐻2 𝑂]
[𝐻2 𝑂]𝑡 = + [𝐻2 𝑂]𝑡−1 (8)
𝑑𝑡 𝑡
𝑑[𝐶𝐻4 ]
[𝐶𝐻4 ]𝑡 = + [𝐶𝐻4 ]𝑡−1 (9)
𝑑𝑡 𝑡
𝑑[𝐶𝑂2 ]
[𝐶𝑂2 ]𝑡 = + [𝐶𝑂2 ]𝑡−1 (10)
𝑑𝑡 𝑡
Once the specifications of the anaerobic digester are inputted, the simulation can be run for a
determined time scale. For the purpose of this project, simulations were run for a period of 14
days at increments of 1 second. This resulted in the generation of 1209600 data points for each
simulation. Each data point represented the concentration of each species. Using the inputted
reactor conditions, the concentrations can be converted into mass units using the ideal gas law:
𝑔 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝐻4 = [𝐶𝐻4 ] 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑢𝑚𝑒 ÷ 16.04
The obtained amounts represent the theoretical quantities of biogas produced under
ideal conditions for the anaerobic digestion process. As mentioned previously, one of the
underlying assumptions is that the reaction proceeds to completion. However, this is almost
never realized in actual anaerobic digestion processes. For this model to yield useful results, it
must be correlated to actual data obtained for different anaerobic processes. To do this, data
was obtained from multiple sources and then fitted using a nonlinear least squares regression
analysis. This allowed for the computation of a fitting factor, a scalar multiplier used to
approximate the kinetics of a process under actual conditions in relation to the proposed
conditions. This fitting factor can be used to describe the “yield” of the process in relationship to
the predicted theoretical conditions:
𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 = = 𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑜𝑟
𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑏𝑖𝑜𝑔𝑎𝑠 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛
NOTE: The Github repository for the MATLAB code for the mathematical model can be found in
the appendix.

Results and Discussion

Laboratory-Scale Anaerobic Digester Design
Although validation of the design remains unrealized, a laboratory scale anaerobic
digester was designed and constructed for a cost of <$300 and in a period of roughly 3 weeks.
The setup was evaluated using simple tests like performing a seal test and pressure sensitivity
tests using the Arduino module. The design has proven to be simple and elegant, occupying a
very small footprint. We hope to be able to evaluate the efficacy of the anaerobic digester setup
in the fall of 2020.

Mathematical Modeling
To test and validate the mathematical model that we have developed, pressure data was
obtained from two different sources, representing a small12- and large13-scale anaerobic
digestion process. The pressure data was converted into mass values via equations of state
and then fitted to the model prediction to obtain the yield of the process and validate the kinetic
assumptions. Multiple plots were generated including the overall conversion of each species
(Figure 4) and the comparison between the experimental and theoretical production of biogas
consisting of methane and carbon dioxide (Figure 5). It was observed that the data was in
strong agreement with the kinetic model, corresponding to an R2 range of 0.94 - 0.95.
For the first dataset, a study conducted by Rea 201412, evaluated the efficiency of
anaerobic digestion on food waste in 1L steel reaction vessels. Pressure data was recorded in
response to charging the digester with 100g of food waste and 100g of water. Prior to operation,
analysis of the food waste found the atomic composition of the waste to be 27.2% C, 3.7% H,
and 23.1% O. Pressure data was then recorded for a series of days. The first analysis done was
on the predicted overall change in mass of each species in the proposed kinetic models.

Table 1: Summary of Simulation Conditions (Data Set 1):

Reactor Volume 1L
Food Waste 100 g
Water 100 g
Food Waste Composition 27.2% C, 3.7% H, 23.1% O
Simulation Time 14 days

Table 1: Conditions specified for the simulation results depicted in Figure 4. The inputted
simulation conditions match the experimental conditions used to obtain the data set presented
by Rea 201412.
Inputting the reaction conditions described in Table 1 yielded the results show in Figure 4.

Figure 4: Results of the simulation obtained for analysis of the conditions described by
Rea12. The yellow curve depicts the depletion of the mass of the food waste over a period of 14
days, the blue curve depicts the accumulation of CO2 over the period of 14 days, and the red
curve depicts the accumulation of CH4 over the period of 14 days. From the plot it appears that
most of the biogas production is in the first 5 days, as typically observed in actual anaerobic
digestion processes. Additionally, it is observed that under these ideal conditions almost all of
the food waste is converted into biogas in a period of 14 days.

Next, the pressure data obtained by Rea12 was fitted to the model and the yield (fitting
factor) was determined. To convert the pressure data into mass values, the ideal gas law was
used with the assumption that the biogas produced is 70% CH4 and 30% CO2. The overall
results of the fitting of the data can be found in Figure 5.
Figure 5: Results of fitting the pressure data from Rea 201412 to the kinetic model. The
data agrees quite well with the kinetic model and an R2 of 0.945 was realized. The fitting factor
was found to be 3.91 x 10-3, representing the disparity between the actual and theoretical
anaerobic digestion processes.

Table 2: Summary of Results (Data Set 1):

Predicted Actual
Biogas Production 117.9 g 0.522 g
Percent Yield 100% 0.44%
R2 1.0 0.945

Table 2: Comparative summary of the results obtained by the simulation versus the
actual experimental data. It can be observed that the yield of the simulation is much higher than
the experimentally obtained value. Additionally, it appears that the trend of the simulation and
experimentally obtained data agree quite well with an R2 of 0.945.

The same analysis was conducted using another data set obtained from Riggio et. al13.
For this study, a larger scale anaerobic digestion process was analyzed by converting cow
manure and whey mix into biogas. The reactor used in this process was a 128 L steel reactor.
The waste that was charged into the reactor had an atomic composition of 66% nitrogen, 25%
carbon, and 9% hydrogen. For this study, pressure data was measured over a period of 21 days
after charging the reactor with 6 kg of waste and 16L of water. The analysis of this data set
yielded very similar results to that of the first. It was observed that the data was in strong
agreement with the kinetic model, corresponding to an R2 of 0.951, and a fitting factor of 6.95 x
10-3.The first step of the analysis was to analyze the predicted conversion of the solid waste into
biogas. The results of the simulation with the conditions can be seen in figure 6.

Figure 6: Results of the simulation obtained for analysis of the conditions described in
Riggio et. al13. The yellow curve depicts the depletion of the mass of the food waste over a
period of 14 days, the blue curve depicts the accumulation of CO2 over the period of 14 days,
and the red curve depicts the accumulation of CH4 over the period of 14 days. From the plot it
appears that most of the biogas production is in the first 4 days, as typically observed in actual
anaerobic digestion processes. Additionally, it is observed that under these ideal conditions
almost all the food waste is converted into biogas in a period of 14 days.

Next, the pressure data obtained by Riggio et. al13 was fitted to the model and the yield
(fitting factor) was determined. To convert the pressure data into mass values, the ideal gas law
used with the assumption that the biogas produced is 70% CH4 and 30% CO2. The overall
results of the fitting of the data using the experimental conditions found in table 3 can be found
in Figure 8.
Table 3: Summary of Simulation Conditions (Data Set 2):
Reactor Volume 128L
Food Waste 6 kg
Water 16 kg
Food Waste Composition 66% N, 25% C, 9% H
Simulation Time 14 days

Table 3: Conditions specified for the simulation results depicted in Figure 7. The inputted
simulation conditions match the experimental conditions used to obtain the data set presented
by Riggio et. al13.

Figure 7: Results of fitting the pressure data from Riggio et. al13 to the kinetic model. The
data agrees quite well with the kinetic model and an R2 of 0.951 was realized. The fitting factor
was found to be 6.92 x 10-3, representing the disparity between the actual and theoretical
anaerobic digestion processes.

Table 4: Summary of Results (Data Set 2):

Predicted Actual
Biogas Production 7292.8 g 55.44 g
Percent Yield 100% 0.76%
R 1.0 0.951
Table 4: Comparative summary of the results obtained by the simulation versus the
actual experimental data. It can be observed that the yield of the simulation is much higher than
the experimentally obtained value. Additionally, it appears that the trend of the simulation and
experimentally obtained data agree quite well with an R2 of 0.951.

Analysis of both data sets yielded quite similar results. It was observed that the pressure
data for various anaerobic digestion processes accurately followed that of the proposed kinetic
model. Additionally, the yield was quite similar in magnitude for both processes. Using this
information, additional data sets could be analyzed to determine the estimated yields for
different anaerobic digestion feedstocks. This would allow for robust prediction of the yield of
biogas produced under varying conditions. Future work for this model includes applying it to a
larger range of materials and to increase the complexity to decrease the disparity between the
actual and predicted biogas amounts. This would be accomplished by reducing the simplicity of
the assumptions made and including complex mathematics into the framework from disciplines
like heat and mass transfer, thermodynamics etc.

To develop tools to study anaerobic digestion on the laboratory scale, we developed a
simple mathematical modeling using MATLAB that can be used to fit data to simulation results.
This allows for the ability to determine the yield of a process in relationship to other processes
and theoretical conditions. Additionally, we proposed the design of a small laboratory scale
anaerobic digester that can be constructed for <$300 and in a period of less than 3 weeks. This
laboratory scale anaerobic digester can be coupled with the simple mathematical model that we
have developed in order to study the mechanisms underlying anaerobic digestion.
Improvements in the fundamental understanding of the theory behind anaerobic digestion can
result in improved reactor designs and the identification of conditions that improve the feasibility
and efficiency of anaerobic digestion.
Additional Notes

Our work for the summer and fall periods of 2020 will be supported by a Sustainability
Innovation Engagement Fund (SIEF) Grant valued at $2100. These funds will be used to
purchase a pre-approved list of materials and hardware needed to construct the pilot-scale
biodigester. Tentatively, if current circumstances with the COVID-19 situation make construction
impossible, we will build off our math modeling work with advanced Aspen simulations
accounting for fluid thermodynamics and reaction engineering in our anaerobic digestion

Arduino GitHub Library Links:
● BME280 Library:
● Analog pH Sensor Library:
● Adafruit Unified Sensor Library:
▪ Needed for any Adafruit sensor
● RTC library:
● Data Logger Example (lighttemplogger):

Mathematical Modeling MATLAB Codes:

● anaerobicdigester.m:
[1]. British Standards Institution. 2005a. Natural gas – calculation of calorific values,
density, relative density & Wobbe index from composition. BS EN ISO
[2]. Rajendran, K., Aslanzadeh, S., Johansson, F., & Taherzadeh, M. J. (2013). Experimental and
economical evaluation of a novel biogas digester. Energy conversion and management, 74, 183-
[3]. Anukam, A., Mohammadi, A., Naqvi, M., & Granström, K. (2019). A Review of the
Chemistry of Anaerobic Digestion: Methods of Accelerating and Optimizing Process Efficiency.
Processes, 7(8), 504.
[4]. Ada, Lady. “Adafruit BME280 Humidity + Barometric Pressure + Temperature Sensor
Breakout.” Adafruit Learning System, 24 July 2015,
[5]. “Gravity: Analog PH Sensor/Meter Kit V2.” DFRobot,
[6]. “ReadVoltage.” Read Voltage from Analog Pin on Arduino Hardware - MATLAB,
[7]. “BME280 Pressure Sensor”.
[8]. “Ardunio Data Logger”. Dfrobot.
[9]. “Arduino pH Sensor”. Adafruit.
[10] Ada, Lady. “Adafruit Data Logger Shield.” Adafruit Learning System, 12 Apr. 2013,
[11]. Wu, B., Bibeau, E. L., & Gebremedhin, K. G. (2006). Three-dimensional numerical
simulation model of biogas production for anaerobic digesters. In 2006 ASAE Annual
Meeting (p. 1). American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
[12]. Rea, J. (2014). Kinetic Modeling and experimentation of anaerobic digestion (Doctoral
dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
[13]. Comino, E., Rosso, M., & Riggio, V. (2009). Development of a pilot scale anaerobic
digester for biogas production from cow manure and whey mix. Bioresource technology,
100(21), 5072-5078.

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