IDP Basic First Aid - How To Treat Shock
IDP Basic First Aid - How To Treat Shock
IDP Basic First Aid - How To Treat Shock
Dr. Fredie Robinson
Faculty of Medicine
Universiti Malaysia Sabah
Definition of Shock
Types of Shock
Symptoms/Signs of Shock
Definition of Shock
Medically, shock is defined as a condition
where tissues in the body don't receive
enough oxygen and nutrients to allow the
cells to function.
Untreated shock will lead to cell death,
organ failure, whole body failure and
ultimately death.
Types of Shock
Hypovolaemic and Haemorrhagic Shock
◦ Normally caused by severe bleeding, loss of
water in the body as in severe vommitting &
diarrhoea, dehydration
Types of Shock
Cardiogenic Shock
◦ Associated with Heart problems such as
heart attack
Types of Shock
◦ Damage nervous system such as brain & spine
Types of Shock
Hypoglycemic Shock
◦ Low sugar in blood associated with Diabetes
Anaphylactic Shock
◦ Severe Allergic reaction
Symptoms/Signs of Shock
A person in shock has extremely low blood pressure.
Symptoms will include one or more of the following:
Anxiety or agitation/restlessness
Bluish lips and fingernails
Chest pain
Dizziness, lightheadedness, or faintness
Pale, cool, clammy skin
Low or no urine output
Profuse sweating, moist skin
Rapid but weak pulse
Shallow breathing
Shock Treatment
Care at home
Medical treatment
Shock Treatment
Call 999 for immediate medical help.
Check the person's Airway, Breathing, and
Circulation. If necessary, begin rescue
breathing and CPR.
Assessment of whether the patient is
awake enough to try to take their own
breaths and/or if there is there anything
blocking the mouth or nose.