UX Curve A Method For Evaluating Long-Term User Experience

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Interacting with Computers 23 (2011) 473–483

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UX Curve: A method for evaluating long-term user experience

Sari Kujala a,⇑, Virpi Roto b, Kaisa Väänänen-Vainio-Mattila a, Evangelos Karapanos c, Arto Sinnelä a
Tampere University of Technology, P.O. Box 589, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland
Nokia Research Center, P.O. Box 407, FI-00045 Nokia Group, Finland
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design, P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The goal of user experience design in industry is to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty through the
Received 10 September 2010 utility, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction with a product. So far, user experience studies
Received in revised form 30 June 2011 have mostly focused on short-term evaluations and consequently on aspects relating to the initial adop-
Accepted 30 June 2011
tion of new product designs. Nevertheless, the relationship between the user and the product evolves
Available online 12 July 2011
over long periods of time and the relevance of prolonged use for market success has been recently high-
lighted. In this paper, we argue for the cost-effective elicitation of longitudinal user experience data. We
propose a method called the ‘‘UX Curve’’ which aims at assisting users in retrospectively reporting how
User experience evaluation
Long-term user experience
and why their experience with a product has changed over time. The usefulness of the UX Curve method
Mobile phone was assessed in a qualitative study with 20 mobile phone users. In particular, we investigated how users’
User satisfaction specific memories of their experiences with their mobile phones guide their behavior and their willing-
Recommendation ness to recommend the product to others. The results suggest that the UX Curve method enables users
and researchers to determine the quality of long-term user experience and the influences that improve
user experience over time or cause it to deteriorate. The method provided rich qualitative data and we
found that an improving trend of perceived attractiveness of mobile phones was related to user satisfac-
tion and willingness to recommend their phone to friends. This highlights that sustaining perceived
attractiveness can be a differentiating factor in the user acceptance of personal interactive products such
as mobile phones. The study suggests that the proposed method can be used as a straightforward tool for
understanding the reasons why user experience improves or worsens in long-term product use and how
these reasons relate to customer loyalty.
Ó 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction 2004; Hartmann et al., 2008; Hassenzahl, 2004; Hassenzahl and

Tractinsky, 2006; Jordan, 2000). Mahlke and Thüring’s (2007) holis-
User experience is a multidimensional concept and a commonly tic model is one of the most recent and it is building on the previous
accepted definition is still lacking. As Hassenzahl and Tractinsky models and research findings. Mahlke and Thüring (2007) distin-
(2006) argue, the concept of user experience attempts to go be- guish three user experience components which together determine
yond the task-oriented approach of traditional HCI by bringing the user’s overall appraisal of a system and influence their future
out aspects such as beauty, fun, pleasure, and personal growth that decisions and behavior: perception of instrumental qualities,
satisfy general human needs but have little instrumental value. emotional reactions and perception of non-instrumental qualities.
Therefore, when compared to basic usability, enjoyability plays an Instrumental qualities are related to the usability and usefulness
essential role in user experience. The extent to which an interac- of a system, while non-instrumental qualities are related to its
tive product is enjoyable to use is referred to as the product’s he- appeal and attractiveness. Mahlke and Thüring (2007) also found
donic quality (Hassenzahl et al., 2000; Hassenzahl, 2001). The empirical evidence that both of these two aspects of quality
shift of emphasis from usability to experiential factors has forced influence emotional reactions and the appraisal of interactive
researchers to consider what user experience actually is and how systems.
to evaluate it (Vermeeren et al., 2010). It has been found that ‘perceived usefulness’ loses its dominant
A number of user experience models have been proposed during predictive power when applied to hedonic systems such as a movie
the past decade (Desmet and Hekkert, 2007; Forlizzi and Battarbee, website (Van der Heijden, 2004), and this is where perceived
enjoyment becomes useful as a factor for explaining user accep-
tance. Schrepp et al. (2006) show that hedonic quality has also
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +358 50 3862768; fax: +358 3 31155532. an important impact on the attractiveness of business manage-
E-mail address: sari.kujala@tut.fi (S. Kujala). ment software that is used for work purposes. Companies see good

0953-5438/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 British Informatics Society Limited. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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474 S. Kujala et al. / Interacting with Computers 23 (2011) 473–483

user experience as being vital for continuous commercial success, experiences. In addition, we analyzed the relationship of those
especially since positive long-term user experience is believed to experiences with user satisfaction. A questionnaire was also used
improve customer loyalty. For example, Garrett (2006) and Jordan to measure overall satisfaction, customer loyalty, willingness to
(1998) suggest that if people have delightful experiences with a recommend to others and actual recommending.
product, they are more willing to buy the next product from the
same company. Indeed, the results of Chitturi et al. (2008) show
that delighting customers with hedonic quality improves customer 2. Evaluating user experience over time
loyalty in car owners, as measured by word of mouth and repur-
chase intentions, more than utilitarian quality does. Because evaluating a momentary user experience is in most
If enjoyment of hedonic quality plays an essential role not only cases not very reliable for predicting user experience in real life
in user experience but also in creating customer loyalty, the ques- or for assessing the success of a product, we need information
tion then arises of what the appropriate timeframe for evaluating about long-term user experience – how the user’s experience and
user experience is. Traditional usability evaluation methods focus relationship with a product evolves over time from the early learn-
on ‘first-time’ experiences with products and learnability (Courage ing and enthusiasm to becoming a part of daily life. It is this long-
et al., 2009; Mendosa and Novick, 2005). Mendosa and Novick term user experience that makes people continue to use a product
(2005) followed middle-school teachers creating Web sites for and to recommend it to others – not each detail of their individual
8 weeks and found in their longitudinal study that the type of er- experiences.
rors and the causes of the users’ frustrations changed radically over Whilst measuring first impressions and momentary experiences
time. Thus, the errors found in usability testing may have little is important for getting feedback in the early development stages
consequence over longer periods of time. Similarly, learning has (Vermeeren et al., 2010), it is known that the relevance and sal-
an effect on the hedonic aspects of use, but not much has been ience of different user experience aspects changes over time
studied as to how user experience evolves over time (Karapanos (Fenko et al., 2010; Karapanos et al., 2009b). Creating customer
et al., 2009b; von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al., 2006). loyalty thus demands more sustained elicitation of feedback over
Karapanos et al. (2008) found that during the first experiences longer periods of time. Such feedback may inform the design of
of using a novel pointing device pragmatic aspects were the most subsequent generations of the same or similar products of a brand.
prominent determinant of goodness, but after 4 weeks of use iden- In addition, since user experience is highly dependent on the user’s
tification (i.e. what the product expresses about its owner) became internal state of mind and context of use (Hassenzahl and Tractin-
a more prominent aspect of the product. On the other hand, stim- sky, 2006), field studies provide a much more realistic context
ulation lost its power to make a novel pointing device beautiful within which to obtain reliable user experience data (Vermeeren
over the first 4 weeks of using and owning the product. Similarly, et al., 2010). However, field studies are very time-consuming and
Karapanos et al. (2009b) followed six participants for 1 month after cumbersome to carry out for longer time periods.
the purchase of an Apple iPhone and found that, while the impor- The Experience Sampling Method (ESM) was developed to col-
tance of its novelty and social meanings quickly faded away, over lect information on people’s reported feelings in real time in natu-
time different sources of hedonic quality emerged such as the par- ral settings during selected moments of the day (Kahneman et al.,
ticipation of the product in daily rituals and cherished activities 2004). ESM minimizes the bias caused by retrospection, but be-
that become habituated. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. cause it burdens participants by asking them to interrupt their cur-
(2006) found that the perceived stimulation and other hedonic as- rent activity, conducting ESM for longer periods of time is very
pects of user experience of mobile phones seem to fade away dur- difficult. This motivated Daniel Kahneman and his colleagues to
ing the first 20 months of use. In this regard too, Fenko et al. (2010) develop the Day Reconstruction Method (DRM) Kahneman et al.
asked users to describe their sensory experiences with different (2004). DRM imposes a chronological process in the reconstruction
consumer products and rate the importance of different sensory of daily experiences which has been found to increase respondents’
modalities during the first year of usage; they found that at the ability to reconstruct behaviors and emotions experienced in daily
moment of purchase, vision is the most important modality, but activities. Kahneman et al. (2004) reported results very close to
after 1 month touch and audition became more important. those elicited through the Experience Sampling Method. The ben-
Although, the time dimension of user experience has been efit of DRM over ESM is that takes less time, does not interrupt
repeatedly noted as being particularly important (Courage et al., respondents’ daily activities and imposes a smaller burden upon
2009; Hassenzahl and Tractinsky, 2006; Karapanos et al., 2009b), them (Karapanos et al., 2009b).
most of the current UX evaluation methods focus on single behav- Karapanos et al. (2009b) used the Day Reconstruction Method
ioral episodes and momentary evaluations and only 36% of meth- (DRM) to evaluate users’ experiences with iPhones for 5 weeks.
ods focus on long-term period of experience (Vermeeren et al., Their findings were that many different kinds of experiences may
2010). There are also few published research studies (Karapanos take place during the same day, but their distribution changes over
et al., 2009b; von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al., 2006). Even, in time, starting from an orienting learning phase to a final emotional
the existing longitudinal studies of user experience, the investi- attachment phase. However, as they reported, these kinds of longi-
gated time periods are relatively short, ranging from short test tudinal study are very rare because of their expense and laborious
tasks (Hassenzahl et al., 2000; Mahlke, 2006; Tractinsky and Zmiri, nature as participants have to sustain motivation in reporting for
2006) to 5 weeks of usage (Courage et al., 2009). Some studies, the full length of the study (Karapanos et al., 2009a).
such as von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. (2006) and Karapanos Furthermore, since the user’s overall evaluation of user experi-
et al. (2009a,b, 2010), focus on the evolving nature of user experi- ence is not a simple sum of the individual experiences (Tractinsky
ence over months or even the complete lifecycle of a product; such and Zmiri, 2006), we can question whether it is necessary to mea-
studies are very rare because of the expense, loss of time, and par- sure all the individual experiences over time. Users form their
ticipant fatigue involved (Karapanos et al., 2009a). overall evaluation of the product on the basis of memories of past
In this study, we present the first results of using a curve draw- experiences and psychological studies indicate that people cannot
ing method – called the UX Curve – that can be used to investigate remember all the details of their experiences (Norman, 2009). In
various dimensions of UX over time. We evaluated the usefulness addition to losing details, memory introduces systematic biases
of the UX Curve method by investigating whether it supports into evaluations (Hsee and Hastie, 2006). Fredrickson’s (2000) re-
mobile phone users in producing qualitative data about their view of the psychological literature showed that people base their

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overall evaluations on the peak and final intensity of the experi- 3. Developing and piloting the UX Curve method
ence. In addition, the chronological order of the component events
and the trend of the experience influence the overall evaluations Our aim was to develop an easy to apply method for evaluating
(Fredrickson, 2000). In particular, people like happy endings and long-term UX. We were particularly interested in identifying the
prefer experiences that improve rather than ones that get worse chronological order of experiences as this aspect has been shown
(Ross and Simonson, 1991). in psychological studies to not only affect users’ overall evaluations
Norman (2009) and Karapanos et al. (2010) argue that these (Fredrickson, 2000), but also to predict later behavior (Oishi and
memories of experiences will be reported to others and guide the fu- Sullivan, 2006). We developed a template (see Fig. 1) so that users
ture behavior of the individual. Thus, the reconstructed memories could draw themselves a curve describing how their experiences
are very relevant, in spite of the possible bias in recalling them. had evolved over time. The instruction given with the template
For example, Oishi and Sullivan (2006) show that retrospective was: ‘Please recall the moment when you began to use the product.
evaluations predict later human behavior better than daily ratings Draw a curve describing how your relationship towards the prod-
do. In addition, longitudinal real-time ratings are often expensive uct has changed from the first time you used it until today.’ Users
and impractical, especially in product development contexts. To were then asked to mark the reasons at their approximate loca-
this end, alternative and easier to apply long-term UX evaluation tions on the curve.
methods founded on retrospection are needed. The template includes an empty two-dimensional graph area
von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. (2006) developed a retro- and lines for writing on and briefly describing the reasons for the
spective interview technique named CORPUS to reconstruct changes in the curve. The horizontal axis represents the time
changes in UX over a period of more than 1 year. Users were also dimension from the beginning of use to the current moment and
asked to rank several UX quality dimensions with a 10-point scale the vertical axis represents the intensity of the users’ experience.
on a timeline. The technique was a simple way to identify the In the middle of the graph area there was a horizontal zero line
dynamics of UX dimensions and the researchers were able to iden- dividing the area into a positive upper part and a negative lower
tify two phenomena, i.e. familiarity and comparison with other part. The vertical axis was labeled accordingly with + and signs.
phones, which explained the changes over time. As user experience is a complex concept and not all of its as-
In addition, Karapanos et al. (2009a, 2010) developed iScale, a pects have been fully established, we decided to let users freely ex-
survey tool that aims to assist users to retrospectively recalling press their experiences with the first general UX Curve. Thus users
their longitudinal user experience with a product by ‘‘sketching’’ were able to report the kinds of experiences that they found mean-
a curve over time. In iScale users are asked to sketch how their opin- ingful. In order to complement the general view, we next asked
ion had changed from the moment of purchase up until the present. users to consider their experiences from four other viewpoints,
One study by Karapanos et al. (2009a) compared the effectiveness three of which were selected to correspond to the user experience
of two versions of iScale against free recall without any form of
sketching. Compared to its analog version, free-hand sketching, iS-
cale was found to have a number of limitations but also some ben- Ease of use: The product is easy and effortless to use
efits. Free-hand sketching was found to be more expressive than
iScale due to the increased degrees of freedom in sketching as well
as giving users the ability to easily annotate sketches. On the other
hand, iScale provides the ability to modify the sketch at a later point
and it is possible to use it as an online survey tool.
Methods like CORPUS and iScale provide two kinds of data: a re-
called pattern of change of user experience and self-reports of per-
sonal experiences that induced the changes in their perceptions.
These methods were designed to minimize the retrospection bias
and the results of Karapanos et al. (2009a) show that the retest reli-
ability of the recalled information is rather good. Neither von -
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. (2006) nor Karapanos et al.
(2009a) included the interpersonal analysis of the sketched graphs
however, so it remains unclear how the chronological order of Short description of the changes:
experiences affects the overall evaluation and customer loyalty.
With these influences in mind, the UX Curve was developed as
an easy to apply method for supporting users in recalling impor-
tant details of the product qualities that affect user experience.
The UX Curve and iScale (Karapanos et al., 2009a, 2010) were
developed independently from each other. While iScale was de-
signed mostly as online survey technique, UX Curve is intended
to be used in a face to face setting where the researcher is better
able to inquire into the participants’ reasoning and thoughts. In
addition, the dimensions of user experience investigated are differ-
ent: the iScale focuses on usefulness, ease-of-use and innovative-
ness, whereas the UX Curve investigates attractiveness, ease of
use, utility, and degree of usage. Furthermore, while Karapanos
et al. (2009a) aim at assessing the validity and reliability of recalled
information, we attempt to take a step forward by studying the
meaningfulness of the recalled information in relation to user sat-
isfaction and customer loyalty. Neither method is useful until it is
known what the resulting data means and what separates happy
and unhappy users. Fig. 1. An example of a UX Curve template.

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476 S. Kujala et al. / Interacting with Computers 23 (2011) 473–483

factors found in the literature (Hassenzahl, 2001; Hassenzahl et al., their trends. First, we tested 10 categories to classify all the curve
2000; Hsee and Hastie, 2006). For example, Mahlke (2008) and trends, for example a U-form curve, improving negative, improving
Mahlke and Thüring (2007) distinguishes the perception of both positive, and changeable. However, the curves were very change-
non-instrumental qualities and instrumental qualities (utility, able and for example, a pure U-form was not found. In a second
usability) as part of user experience. The non-instrumental quali- step, we simplified the categorization so as to diminish the diver-
ties such as stimulation, identification, innovativeness, esthetics, gence of the categories and focused on the curves’ three primary
symbolic and motivational aspects are abstract concepts and diffi- trends: improving, deteriorating, or stable. In addition, the partic-
cult to inquire about directly. Thus, we selected one point of view ipants described the reasons for the changes and large amount of
to be general attractiveness (appeal) of the product in the users’ qualitative data was gathered.
own eyes and those of their friends. This concept is close to appeal
in Hassenzahl’s terms (Hassenzahl, 2001). We expected that this
4. Validating the UX Curve method
curve would support users to think of more than simply their ra-
tional or practical experiences.
The results of the pilot study showed that users can describe
In addition, we selected ease of use and utility as two points of
their experiences with the UX Curve method. The common feature
view. Ease of use was selected as it is an easier concept for users to
of the selected products and services was that they were used on a
understand than usability is. In addition to these three viewpoints
daily-basis or repeatedly over time. Without repeated use, it would
of user experience, we wanted to obtain practical information
be difficult to draw a curve to describe user experience over time.
about degree of usage to check if there were long periods of non-
Next, our goal was to validate the results with a more formal study.
usage which might affect user experience trends over time. Degree
The aim was to investigate if the curve trends and their underlying
of usage could be related to quality of experience, at least with vol-
reasons are related to reported user satisfaction, users’ willingness
untarily used consumer products. Thus, if the user experience has
to recommend the product and their willingness to buy from the
an increasing trend, then degree of usage may also increase over
same manufacturer again, i.e. customer loyalty. We used a similar
procedure to that of our pilot study but, based on participants’
We developed five versions of the curve template for gathering
complaints, we attempted to reduce the need for handwritten in-
data. First, the participants were asked to freely describe their gen-
put by allowing users to think aloud and describe the reasons ver-
eral relationship and user experience by means of the product with
bally to the researcher instead of writing them all down. The
the general UX Curve template. The four consecutive curve tem-
results obtained from the UX Curve method were then compared
plates addressed the viewpoints specific to UX: the perceived
with two questionnaires giving information about user satisfaction
attractiveness, ease of use, utility, and degree of usage of the prod-
and customer loyalty.
uct. The first general UX Curve template presented did not have any
heading. The other curves were presented with the following head-
ings: Attractiveness: ‘‘The product is attractive and interesting in 4.1. Participants and products
your own eyes and those of your friends.’’ Ease of use: ‘‘The product
is easy and effortless to use’’ (as in Fig. 1). Utility: ‘‘The product In order to keep the curves comparable, we narrowed the selec-
serves an important function for you.’’ Degree of usage: ‘‘Degree tion of products down to just the most popular one in the pilot
of usage over time.’’ The degree of usage curve had a slightly differ- study: mobile phones that are frequently and consistently used
ent graph area compared to the others, since this aspect obviously over time. We also limited the usage period to 3–12 months.
cannot be negative: the zero level depicts zero usage. Karapanos et al. (2009a, 2010) found that 95% of all experiences re-
The method was piloted with 28 researchers and research assis- ported by the iScale related to the first 6 months of use while 75%
tants to determine, first, whether people are able to describe the of them were related to the first month of use, even though the
evolvement of their experiences with a product by drawing a median ownership time was 10 months. Thus, the early experi-
curve, and second, what kinds of curves they draw about the expe- ences seem to be most important, but we wanted to cover a long
riences. The participants were asked to select a product they enough time span to capture the majority of the users’ experiences
owned and which was important to them. Some of them selected with a mobile phone. The mean usage period was 8.8 months
services and one a work-related information system i.e. products (SD = 2.7). Our goal was to collect a variety of long-term experi-
that they did not own themselves. The UX Curve method is suitable ences that would allow us to analyze how the results differ for dif-
for these cases as well; we only require that the user has used the ferent users and what differentiates the happy and unhappy users.
product or service for a long time period and not stopped using it To this end, we selected participants with different backgrounds,
after the first negative experiences. Next, the participants were ages, genders, mobile phone models, product satisfaction levels,
asked to recall the moment when they started to use the product. and product usage periods for this exploratory study. All in all,
The first empty template for the general UX Curve was given to 20 mobile phone users participated in the study. They were re-
them and they were asked to draw a curve describing how their cruited through notices in a newspaper and the Nokia customer
relationship towards the product had changed from the first time database and they were all Finns. Their ages ranged from 21 to
they used it until the present. The participants were also asked 53 years (mean 34.7 years, SD = 10.1). The participants’ mobile
to describe the reasons for any changes in the area below the phone models varied, representing two brands; Nokia and LG. 13
graph. When they had drawn the curve and explained the reasons out of 20 phones were smartphones. Each participant was re-
for changes, they were given the next template. warded with two movie tickets.
The pilot provided us with confidence regarding the effective-
ness of the UX Curve method. The participants elected to describe 4.2. Procedure
the user experience of 13 different products and services: these
could be categorized as: Facebook (7), mobile phones (6), home The sessions with the participants consisted of an initial back-
and free-time electronics (6), laptops (4), www services (4), and ground questionnaire, the curve-drawing session, including the
a work related information system (1). All the participants were participants’ descriptions of the reasons for the changes in their
able to draw the curves and they reported that it was fun apart user experiences, and a final questionnaire that enquired into the
from writing all the reasons for so many curve types being user’s satisfaction and customer loyalty as measured by their
exhausting. The curve drawings were categorized according to willingness to recommend the product to their friends. As the

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participants were Finns, the Finnish language was used in materi- during the session and written down in the curve template were
als and discussion. The mobile phone users participated individu- picked out from the text document and content-analyzed. First,
ally in the sessions, which were of a maximum length of 1.5 h. open coding was used to identify themes in the data without ready
After the welcoming of the participant and the filling in the initial categories. Second, the identified set of phenomena was catego-
questionnaire, the curve-drawing session began. First, the re- rized using the user experience model by Hassenzahl (2001) and
searcher asked the participant to recall the moment when they Hassenzahl (2003). The model categorizes user experience issues
started to use the phone. The researcher handed out the first empty into pragmatic (utility and usability) and hedonic or non-instru-
template for the general UX Curve and advised the participant to mental. Utility means that the product provides relevant function-
draw a curve describing how their relationship towards the phone ality for performing tasks and manipulating environment and
had changed from the first time they had used it until the present. usability refers to the ways to access this functionality easily and
Participants were allowed to tell the reasons to the researcher, but efficiently (Hassenzahl, 2001). The hedonic categories adapted
they could also write them down if they wanted to. from Hassenzahl (2003) were stimulation, identification, beauty
After drawing the general curve, each participant was asked to and evocation. The analysis was performed by one of the authors
draw four other curves from different UX perspectives: attractive- and then checked by another author.
ness, ease of use, utility, and degree of usage. The presentation or- The first themes identified by open coding fit very well with
der of these curves was counterbalanced. We asked the Hassenzahl’s categories (Hassenzahl, 2001, 2003) and the two eval-
participants to mark the reasons at their approximate locations uators were agreeing with the categorization. Only a few reasons
on the curve. At the end of the evaluation session, the participants (5.7%) needed to be categorized to be ‘miscellaneous’ as they did
filled in a final questionnaire. Finally, the researcher asked partic- not fit the categories and seemed to describe more the change of
ipants for feedback on the curve drawing method. the user-product relationship over time. These were mostly com-
parisons with other phones (10 mentions), a user was proud to
4.3. Materials have better phone than someone else or he was unsatisfied that
the phone was not so good than his previous one. Eight users also
4.3.1. Initial questionnaire mentioned that they had become used to the defects. Other miscel-
The participants’ background information was collected laneous reasons were practical problems, expectations, cost issues,
through an initial questionnaire. In addition to basic demographic and feelings.
data, we asked questions about their mobile phone usage. For The curve forms were categorized according to their trends to
example, we asked about the initial motivation and expectations improving, deteriorating, or stable. The categorization was
for choosing and purchasing the phone model they used. We also
asked participants for an initial user experience rating for the
phone with the question ‘‘Is this a good product for you?’’ To probe
whether they had recommended the system to others, we asked
‘‘Have you told usage stories or given your opinion about the prod-
uct to other people? If so, what did you say?’’

4.3.2. Curve drawing templates

We collected five different curves with the five curve templates
from each participant. The first one was about the participants’
general relationship and user experience with the phone. The four
consecutive templates addressed specific dimensions of UX: the
attractiveness of the phone, its ease of use, its utility, and its degree
of usage.

4.3.3. Final questionnaires Fig. 2. An example of a general UX Curve drawn by a user, with annotated reasons
At the end of the session, the participants were asked to fill in a for changes.
questionnaire giving their overall evaluation of the phone, repur-
chase intentions, and willingness to recommend the phone model
to a friend. The first question was the same ‘‘Is this a good product
for you?’’ as in the initial questionnaire, since we wanted to see if
the curve drawing changed people’s overall evaluation of the prod-
uct. The questionnaire also included questions about meeting
expectations: ‘‘Did the product meet your expectations?’’ – repur-
chase intentions: ‘‘How likely it is that you will continue to pur-
chase products from the same manufacturer?’’ (Reichheld, 2003)
and ‘‘If your friends were planning to purchase a similar kind of
a product, how likely is it that you would recommend this product
to them?’’ (adapted from Reichheld (2003), used also in Chitturi
et al. (2008)) – and importance: ‘‘How important is this product
to you?’’ We also asked for reasons for their answers, and open-
ended questions about the best and worst and any surprising
things about the product.

4.4. Data analysis

The curve drawing sessions were audio recorded and tran-

scribed. The reasons explaining the curve trend changes mentioned Fig. 3. The improving general UX Curves with user IDs.

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478 S. Kujala et al. / Interacting with Computers 23 (2011) 473–483

performed simply on the basis of whether the starting point of the were freehand drawings, they were categorized as stable if there
curve was higher or lower compared to the end point. For example, was a very small deviation (less than one millimeter) between
the curve in Fig. 2 was categorized as being improving as its start- the vertical values of the starting and ending points of the curve.
ing point was lower than its ending point, even though the curve However, it can be seen from Figs. 3–10 that the categorization
deteriorates in the middle. If the starting and ending points were was rather straight-forward to do with the three trend type catego-
at the same level, the curve was categorized as stable. As the curves ries. The relationships between the curve types and the key

Fig. 7. The improving ease of use curves with user IDs.

Fig. 4. The deteriorating and stable general UX Curves with user IDs.

Fig. 5. The improving Attractiveness curves with user IDs. Fig. 8. The deteriorating and stable ease of use curves with user IDs.

Fig. 6. The deteriorating and stable Attractiveness curves with user IDs. Fig. 9. The improving utility curves with user IDs.

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their subjective experience when using their phone. For example,

it looks as if attractiveness tends to decrease over time, but for
some users, perceived attractiveness remained high for very long
time periods. Nor do the forms of the curves depend much on
the mobile phone model. For example, users U7, U3, U4, and U6
used Nokia E71 phones and their curves represent totally different
curve trends.
Even though the categorization into improving and deteriorat-
ing curves is a very rough analysis of the curve trends, there is a
visible difference between the trends. The difference is less dra-
matic in the Utility curves as users rarely felt that utility had dra-
matically decreased. On the other hand, the difference between the
improving and deteriorating/stable Attractiveness curves seems to
be strong. Both improving and deteriorating Attractiveness curves
displayed a sharp change right at the beginning of use.
The duration of the usage does not seem to explain the loss of
Fig. 10. The deteriorating and stable utility curves with user IDs. attractiveness. The mean usage time is 8.5 months for improving
curves and 8.2 months for deteriorating curves. In addition, the
six users who drew curves ending on the negative side of the scale
questionnaire results were investigated by statistical analysis. We had used their phone on average for 8.5 months. We split the users
used the non-parametric Mann–Whitney U test as the size of the into those who had been using their phone for 3–7 months (N = 7)
sample was small. and those who had been using it for 8–12 months (N = 13) and no
significant association was found between the groups and their
5. Results Attractiveness curve trends (Mann–Whitney U = 33.0, p < 0.31
A total of 100 curves were collected, including 20 general UX
Curves, and 20 for each of the four specific UX dimensions. Fig. 2 5.2. Reasons for the changing user experience
shows an example of a general UX Curve drawn by a user. The
curve shows a typical trend, improving through learning in the In addition to drawing the curves, the users described the fac-
beginning. It also shows experiences related to awkward features tors that improved their experience over time or caused it to dete-
that have a negative effect on the experience and handy features riorate. The reasons were also categorized into pragmatic (utility
or pleasurable aspects that improve the experience. The users sum- and usability) and hedonic issues based on Hassenzahl’s (Hassen-
marized the reasons that changed their relationship with the zahl, 2003) model of user experience. Table 2 shows the categories
phone and then they verbally elaborated upon these experiences. and number of reasons related to each category.
Qualitative content analysis was performed on the verbal data When drawing the General UX Curve, users gave an average of
and the trends (improving, deteriorating, or stable) of the curves 6.5 reasons (3.5 positive and 3.1 negative, N = 20). The pragmatic
were analyzed. Finally, statistical analysis was undertaken to utility reasons were related to functionality, durability, and practi-
determine the relationship between curve trends and overall judg- cality. For example, they describe how ‘‘the programs remain on
ments of satisfaction and willingness to recommend the phone to and that is a bad error as the battery runs down in a day’’, ‘‘the
friends. phone became better when I bought a bag for it, now I am not al-
ways losing the back cover’’, ‘‘the initial enthusiasm was reduced
5.1. Trends of the curves when I noticed that the quality of the camera was surprisingly
low’’. The hedonic reasons were mostly related to the stimulation,
Table 1 shows the number of primary trends of the different identification and beauty. Four mentions were related to the qual-
curve types. Most of the curves were improving, implying an ity of the phone compared to the user’s previous one, two men-
improving experience, but it depended on the particular type of tions were related to how the phone looks in the eyes of friends,
curve: the general UX and Attractiveness curves mostly indicated and one user mentioned personalization as a positive factor
a decrease and Ease of use, Utility, and Degree of usage mostly improving the curve. As Fig. 11 shows, the mean number of posi-
showed improvements. Figs. 3–10 show the curves related to Gen- tive reasons was higher for those users who drew an improving
eral UX, Attractiveness, Ease of use, and Utility to demonstrate how curve (N = 7) than for those users who drew the deteriorating
the users drew the curves and how they were categorized into the curves (N = 10; the stable curves are not included in the figure).
improving (Figs. 3, 5, 7 and 9) and deteriorating and stable (Figs. 4, Correspondingly, the mean number of negative reasons was lower
6, 8 and 10) categories. The deteriorating and stable curves were for those users who drew improving curves compared to those
shown in the same figures because there were very few stable who had deteriorating curves. The quality of reasons related to
curves. The curves, being the participant’s stories, seem to reflect the improving or deteriorating curves were rather similar, but
technical faults and bugs were mentioned more often related to
the deteriorating curves than the improving curves (eight vs. two
Table 1 users).
The number of trends of the different curve types. The Attractiveness curves elicited the highest number of rea-
Improving Deteriorating Stable sons, the mean being 7.0 (4.3 positive and 2.7 negative). The rea-
General UX 6 12 2
sons mentioned were very similar compared to the general
Attractiveness 6 13 1 curve, but the focus was more on hedonic reasons. All except one
Ease of use 17 3 0 of the users mentioned something related to the design, looks,
Utility 10 3 7 and esthetics of the phone. For example, they mentioned that
Usage volume 13 4 3
‘‘the surface of the phone is shiny and it is very nice looking’’,
Sum 52 35 13
‘‘the phone has not started to creak anywhere’’, and ‘‘the phone

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480 S. Kujala et al. / Interacting with Computers 23 (2011) 473–483

experiences related to difficulties caused by technical defects or

individual frustrating features.
The Utility curve elicited 4.5 reasons on average, 3.4 positive
and 1.1 negative. For example, the users described that ‘‘the cam-
era is bad, so I have not had any utility from it’’ and ‘‘Internet is
working very well and the phone has Wlan, at home, you do not
need to turn on the computer as you can check with the phone’’.
Similar to ease-of-use, most of the users experienced the useful-
ness as improving over time and they reported that they found
new functions and services and learned to utilize them fully over
time. The users with deteriorating curves reported more reasons
on average, both positive and negative, than the users with
improving curves. The deteriorating utility was seen as being
caused by technical faults or poor quality that made it impossible
to utilize all the functions and applications.
Degree of usage curves were most often increasing for the same
Fig. 11. The mean numbers of reported reasons for improving or deteriorating reasons as the Utility curves. Using a mobile phone is part of every-
general UX curves. day life and a necessity. Only four of the users reduced their use of
the phone, two because of changes in their lives, one because of
usage problems with the battery, and one because the earphones
feels nice in my hand’’. Four users mentioned that wear caused the
for the radio stopped working.
look of the phone to deteriorate over time. An oft-mentioned rea-
son for improvement was related to social status: 13 out of 20
users mentioned how good the phone looked in the eyes of others 5.3. Relation of the curve trends to user satisfaction and
or how their friend had the same model. The improving Attractive- recommendation
ness curves were again more related to positive reasons than were
the decreasing curves (Fig. 12). However, both types of curves had More positive pragmatic and hedonic reasons, as well as fewer
about the same number of negative reasons. negative pragmatic reasons, were associated with improving
As expected on the basis of von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. curves. This suggests that the improving curves are related to po-
(2006), the Attractiveness curves had a tendency to deteriorate as a sitive UX and user satisfaction. To test this hypothesis, we com-
result of the loss of novelty (eight mentions) and comparison with pared the results of the final questionnaire to curve trends. The
other phones (eight mentions). In addition, faults and bugs were improving trend of both the general and Attractiveness curves
mentioned five times in relation to the negative curves, but they seemed to be related to user satisfaction and the likelihood of users
were not mentioned in relation to the improving curves. recommending their phone to their friend. However, only the
The Ease of use curves elicited 5.6 reasons on average, 3.0 posi- trends of the Attractiveness curve had a statistically significant
tive and 2.6 negative. The users mentioned reasons such as easy- or relation with user satisfaction, met expectations, and recommen-
difficult-to-use features and general ease of use or familiarity. For dations as shown in Table 3.
example, one of the users stated that ‘‘there were confusing terms Thus, the results suggest that the satisfied users draw an
in the menu: what to expect to find under tools and applications?’’. improving trend in the Attractive curve and they report a higher
They also mentioned reasons for the phone being comfortable or
uncomfortable to use, such as the battery life not being long en- Table 2
ough, the camera being slow to use, or a good or a missing feature. The categories of the reasons for improving or deteriorating user experience.
All except three of the Ease of Use curves were improving and se-
Positive Negative
ven of the users mentioned learning as the reason for the ease of
Utility 114 36
use improving. This time, the users with deteriorating curves
Usability 78 108
reported more reasons on average, both positive and negative, than Stimulation 21 12
the users with improving curves. The deteriorating curve Identification 31 13
Beauty 21 12
Esthetics in interaction 10 7
Evocation 0 1
Miscellaneous 12 6
Sum 287 195

Table 3
The effect of the trend of the Attractiveness curve on user satisfaction and
recommendation (scales 1–7, 1 = highly unlikely, 7 = highly likely).

Question Trend Mean p

Is this a good product for you? Improving 6.2
Deteriorating 4.7
Do you think that the product has met your Improving 6.2
expectations? Deteriorating 4.1
If your friend was planning to purchase a Improving 6.3
similar kind of a product, how likely is it Deteriorating 4.3
that you would recommend this product to
Fig. 12. The mean numbers of reported reasons for improving or deteriorating him/her?
Attractiveness curves.

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likelihood of recommending the products to their friends. The like- period, and more users can be involved to improve the generiliz-
lihood of recommending was related to the users’ actual behavior. ability of the results. Compared to semantic differential question-
Users likely or very likely to recommend their phone had also told naires (Hassenzahl, 2001), which provide only numeric results of
positive stories and sometimes mentioned a single negative fea- how interesting, costly, exciting, exclusive etc. the product feels,
ture. The users who were not very likely to recommend their the UX Curve provides more qualitative data about the reasons that
phone had told others about the problems with their phone. As contribute to user experience. The analysis of qualitative data is
mentioned above, the length of the usage period did not explain more demanding than the quantitative data, but for product devel-
the differences in attractiveness. Neither did the participants opment purposes a concrete listing of findings and their frequencies
change their satisfaction much as a result of the UX Curve task. among users could be a sufficient level of analysis and most of the
In the initial questionnaire, the mean satisfaction was 5.5 and in findings are directly applicable in design work. The strength of the
the final questionnaire it was 5.1. The correlation between the UX Curve method is that users tell of experiences that are meaning-
questionnaires was .85, showing a strong level of consistency with ful and memorable and thus help designers identify issues that cre-
the satisfaction question. ate positive (or help avoid negative) experiences and affect
We found no statistically significant relationship between customer loyalty. On the other hand, as seen from the examples gi-
attractiveness and repurchase intentions, as many of the disap- ven, some user descriptions such as ‘‘the quality of camera was sur-
pointed users were still very loyal to the brand. As the users had prisingly low’’ are not detailed enough to be used in design work
already had several mobile phones, they based their loyalty on and further questioning or other methods such as usability testing
their experiences with previous models as well. For example, one may be needed to uncover the details that users are not able to tell.
user mentioned that he has had 15 phones, only one had been a
brand other than his current one and it would take considerable ef-
fort to make him to change brand. In addition, most of the phones 6. Discussion and conclusions
were produced by a local company and people are generally very
loyal to the brand. In this paper, we report our experiences of the UX Curve meth-
Furthermore, the temporal trend of degree of usage was not re- od in studying how user experience of mobile phones develops
lated to user satisfaction. Mobile phone use is necessary and its over the first 3–12 months of real use. In particular, the goal of
user experience has a smaller impact on degree of usage. (How- the study was to evaluate the usefulness of the method and its
ever, degree of usage did not differentiate between the amount relation to user satisfaction and users’ recommendation behavior.
of time and the intensity of the use.) The degree of usage curves The results suggest that the UX Curve method is useful for evaluat-
were used to check that the users really had used the product dur- ing the quality of long-term user experience as it provided rich
ing the ownership period. The degree of usage curves described qualitative data describing the quality of long-term user experi-
many changes related to contextual factors, such as the holiday ence and identifying the major individual experiences that chan-
season, but they did not show any long periods of not using the ged users’ attitude towards the product.
products. In addition to the qualitative data, the UX Curve also provided
quantitative data about the trends of user experience over time.
5.4. Lessons learned from using the UX Curve method The trend of the Attractiveness curve also seemed to be related
to user satisfaction and recommending behavior which is found
All in all, the UX Curve method was reasonably clear to a wide to relate to customer loyalty (Reichheld, 2003). The improving
range of users. All the participants were able to draw the curves, trend of the Attractiveness curve had a statistically significant
although two of them found drawing odd at first and needed association with user satisfaction, met expectations, and positive
encouragement and help at the beginning. Curve drawing seems stories and willingness to recommend the product to others.
to support users in remembering a greater number of details of The UX Curve method relies on users’ memories of their experi-
their use when compared to the CORPUS interviewing (von ences; as these are not exact representations of the real experi-
Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al., 2006). The number of individual ences and some of these memories are more like retrospective,
experiences described per user was 28.7 in a 1.5 h session (includ- summative judgments, the method does not uncover all the impor-
ing two questionnaires) compared to 3.4 experiences in a 45 min tant details of experiences for design purposes. However, as
session with the CORPUS. Norman (2009) and Karapanos et al. (2010) argue, we believe that
All in all, the users reported 287 positive and 195 negative rea- these memories are essential as they are most meaningful to users.
sons that affected their user experience. The curve drawing was The relation of the Attractiveness curve trend to user satisfaction
evaluated to be ‘‘slightly funny, but more creative than traditional and recommending behavior also confirmed that the recalled expe-
questionnaires’’, ‘‘interesting and challenging’’, ‘‘at first difficult’’ riences affect behavior and in this way, the UX Curve helps design-
and ‘‘nicely interactive’’. Some of the users mentioned that they ers to identify the most influential experiences.
could not describe the time frame of the events exactly: ‘‘it was dif- The Attractiveness curve seems to be the most powerful curve
ficult to split the events to the time line; I did not remember when type, although asking users to draw curves for several UX proper-
something happened’’. They also used different ways of annotating ties produced more data than one curve alone could. The Attrac-
the curves. For example, two of the users marked a positive reason tiveness curves provided the largest number of reasons for
which improved their user experience at the peak of the curve, explaining the changes in user experience. In addition, they seem
after which it actually started to deteriorate, while another user to provide the broadest view of the users’ experiences by revealing
marked a negative reason at a similar peak. That is, the exact plac- both pragmatic (goal-oriented) and hedonic (pleasure-producing)
ing of the experiences were not consistently marked by different quality perceptions. While drawing the other curves, users focused
users. However, this varied use of the annotating did not affect more on describing functions and the quality of functions. More-
the current study as the exact timings of the experiences were over, the improving trend of the Attractiveness curves increases
not analyzed Clearly, the UX Curve is not an exact representation the likelihood that the users will recommend the product to others.
of experiences in the usage period, but rather users’ approximate This result shows that good UX design can have financial effects, as
reconstructions of events that are meaningful to them. the relationship between customer recommendations and profit-
The resulting qualitative data is not as rich as in field studies, but able product growth has been shown in earlier research (Reich-
it demands fewer resources to analyze, can cover a longer time held, 2003).

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The importance of attractiveness and hedonic quality percep- findings of von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al. (2006). For exam-
tions is in line with previous research showing that both pragmatic ple, good design matches the user’s identity as it looks good in
and hedonic qualities contribute to the overall value of the product the eyes of others, bringing a lasting positive experience. The find-
(Hassenzahl et al., 2000; Hassenzahl, 2001) and that the relevance ing that the improvement in attractiveness in particular is related
of the hedonic aspects seems to increase over time (Fenko et al., to the users’ willingness to recommend the product to friends sup-
2010). In our study, the hedonic aspects such as pleasure, beauty, ports the idea that hedonism (or pleasurability), rather than prag-
and stimulation improved the attractiveness of the mobile phones matics, drives bonding to a product (Karapanos et al., 2010).
over time. In particular, as Karapanos et al. (2009b) suggest, sup- On the basis of the users’ most influential individual experi-
porting self-identity was important to the users. Many of the users ences, we can see that there are competing forces affecting the
mentioned how good the phone looked in the eyes of others and trend of user experience over time. Overall, we were able to iden-
some also described how pleasurable it was that the phone’s prop- tify the same phenomena as von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al.
erties matched their taste or they could personalize it to their taste. (2006) and Karapanos et al. (2009b). Ease of use improves over
As Karapanos et al. (2009b) point out, the focus of research work time as users become more familiar with a product and learn
has been on the product qualities that dominate in early use and how to use it. In addition, losing the initial novelty and interest
our results support their idea that we should study prolonged and comparison with other mobile phones are reasons for the dete-
experiences and understand how a product becomes meaningful rioration of UX. We also found that technical faults and bugs in
in a person’s life. The UX Curve is a practical tool for identifying particular were related to the deterioration of UX and repeated
these product qualities that has meaning to users in prolonged impracticalities and problems seem to increasingly irritate users
use and the reasons which change users’ perceptions. over time and cause their UX to deteriorate. For example, one of
The results suggest that the improving trend of user experience the users described how after she had made the same error five
has a relation to user satisfaction as the improving trend of the times while trying to write a text message, she was ready to throw
Attractiveness curves has a statistically significant relation to user the phone at the wall. She stated that the problem has started to
satisfaction, met expectations, and recommendations. This obser- increasingly bother her as time goes on.
vation closely aligns with psychological studies showing that in The UX Curve method seems to be a reasonably cost-efficient
retrospective evaluations of affective experience, peak and end method for studying UX over time. Compared to longitudinal stud-
points influence evaluation the most (Fredrickson, 2000). For ies, it is a straightforward method that supports users in recalling
example, when comparing pain experiences, people prefer more essential issues related to long-term user experience. Our pilot
overall pain if the end of the experience is better (Kahneman study suggests that the method is suitable for evaluating various
et al., 1993). Zauberman et al. (2006) found that hedonic evalua- products that are used on a daily basis or repeatedly over time.
tion tasks (rating the feelings generated by a given experience) The UX Curve is best suited for gathering feedback about a product
lead to stronger preferences for improving experiences than do ra- already in the market and supporting the long-term development
tional informational evaluation tasks. The ‘peak-end’ bias is as- of customer loyalty with subsequent products or product genera-
sumed to occur as peak and end experiences are well recalled at tions. However, the method may be less suitable for analyzing user
the time of evaluation (Hsee and Hastie, 2006). The improving experience of a product that is currently in development. Other
trend of a curve means that the highest peak is also often at the methods, such as usability tests, are also needed to provide data
end. Thus, design should consider the temporal evolution of user on more exact user interface details.
experience and pay more attention to means of improving product The resulting qualitative data are not as rich as in field studies,
attractiveness over time. Our results also resonate with the claims but it is not so demanding to analyze and can cover a longer time
by Norman (2009) and Karapanos et al. (2009a) that memories are period. In this study, the analysis required a moderate effort, as the
more important than single experiences in users’ overall evalua- qualitative data was content analyzed and categorized. For product
tions of products. Twelve out of 20 users reported that their phone development purposes, lighter analysis would probably be suffi-
was a good product for them. However, all the users reported both cient for listing the reasons that reduce or improve attractiveness,
pleasant and unpleasant experiences with their phones. As satis- finding out which reasons are reported most often, and then trying
fied users also reported negative experiences, the results suggest to fix the negative points and amplify the positive ones. This kind
that not even a memorable negative experience can ruin the over- of studies is less onerous to perform, more users can be involved
all UX. compared to field studies, and the generalizability of the results
The results show that user experience is personal – as suggested will be easier to confirm.
by many researchers. Different users had diverging reactions even Compared to semantic differential questionnaires (Hassenzahl,
to the same phone model. As user experience depends on the con- 2001), the UX Curve method efficiently reveals reasons for improv-
text, user characteristics also have a great role in forming user ing or deteriorating user experience, which is very useful informa-
experience. For example, a technically oriented user may not face tion when designing for a delightful user experience. Compared to
the same usability problems than others and this may give rise the CORPUS technique, where the researcher draws the curves
to different experiences. Thus, a good cross-selection of typical (von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff et al., 2006), our chronological
users is needed to give better evaluations of a particular product. curve drawing by the users themselves exposed more individual
In addition, the qualitative data can be analyzed to identify the experiences per user. The number of individual experiences de-
recurring reasons for improving or deteriorating user experience scribed per user was 28.7 in a 1.5 h session (including two ques-
over time. tionnaires) compared to 3.4 experiences in a 45 min session with
We expected perceived attractiveness to correlate with repur- the CORPUS. While CORPUS forces the participant to analytically
chase intentions. However, no statistically significant relationship identify changes starting from the present day and going back-
could be found. It thus seems that repurchase intentions are influ- wards, our method makes the participant think about their ongo-
enced by a broader set of brand-related aspects. The users sur- ing experiences. Thus, the recall of each experience may further
veyed had had several previous mobile phones and a single cue more experiences and contextual details and result in richer
model’s user experience does not necessarily eliminate a person’s memories (Karapanos et al., 2009a).
loyalty to a company. In this study, some users were increasingly In the current version of the method, a researcher explained to
attracted to their mobile phone over several months. This suggests the users what to do and let them explain the reasons for the
that UX can improve over long time periods, contrary to the changing UX verbally. We have also piloted curve drawing as a

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