Department of Education: Republic of The Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

The learner demonstrates understanding of concepts, underlying principles, and
A. Content Standards
processes of starting and operating a simple business.
The learner independently or with his/her classmates starts and operates a business
B. Performance Standards
according to the business plan and presents a terminal report of its operation.
At the end of the session, students are expected to:
 Identify essential factors in forecasting revenues;
 Appreciate the significance of identifying essential factors in forecasting
C. Learning Competencies/ revenue
 Calculate mark-up and selling price of a product or merchandise;
 Compute projected revenues;


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Manual pages
3. Textbook pages Superforecasting The Art and Science of Prediction Philip E. Tetlock, Dan Gardner
4. Additional Materials Self Learning Module (Entrepreneurship Module 7)
from Learning Resource
(LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources
Before we proceed to our new lesson, let us have some recap of our previous

Can you name the four M’s of Operation? Write your answers in the comment section
A. Reviewing previous lesson below.
or presenting new lesson
(REVIEW) The Four M’s of operations include.
 Man
 Money
 Materials
 Method
Have you tried estimating the time that it takes you to travel from home to school?
Try to fill in the necessary information in the table below. Write your estimate in
Estimated Time column, after arriving to school fill in the Actual Time in the blank
B. Establishing a purpose of
How close were your estimates compared to the actual time? Did your estimate fell
the lesson
short compared to the actual time? What do you think were the factors that might
have contributed in getting you early to school? List the reasons in the blank.
On the other hand, does your actual time exceed your estimates? What do you think
were the factors that might have contributed in arriving later than your estimated
time? List the reasons in the blank.
C. Presenting The entrepreneur would want his/her forecasting for his/her small business as
examples/instances of the credible and as accurate as possible to avoid complications in the future. In
new lesson estimating potential revenue for the business, factors such as external and internal
(PRE-ACTIVITY) factors that can affect the business must be considered. These factors should serve as
basis in forecasting revenues of the business. These factors are:
1. The economic condition of the country. When the economy grows, its growth is
experienced by the consumers. Consumers are more likely to buy products and
services. The entrepreneur must be able to identify the overall health of the economy
in order to make informed estimates. A healthy economy makes good business.

Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Anao, Tarlac

Telephone No.: (045) 606-3715 / (045) 606-0482
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

2. The competing businesses or competitors. Observe how your competitors are

doing business. Since you share the same market with them, information about the
number of products sold daily or the number of items they are carrying will give you
idea as to how much your competitors are selling. This will give you a benchmark on
how much products you need to stock your business in order to cope up with the
customer demand. This will also give you a better estimate as to how much market
share is available for you to exploit.
3. Changes happening in the community. Changes’ happening in the environment
such as customer demographic, lifestyle and buying behaviour gives the
entrepreneur a better perspective about the market. The entrepreneur should always
be keen in adapting to these changes in order to sustain the business. For example,
teens usually follow popular celebrities especially in their fashion trend. Being able to
anticipate these changes allows the entrepreneur to maximize sales potential.
4. The internal aspect of the business. Another factor that affects forecasting
revenues in the business itself. Plant capacity often plays a very important role in
forecasting. For example, a “Puto” maker can only make 250 pieces
of puto every day; therefore he/she can only sell as much as 250 pieces of puto every
day. The number of products manufactured and made depends on the capacity of the
plant, availability of raw materials and labour and also the number of salespersons
determines the amount of revenues earned by an entrepreneur.
Now that all factors affecting forecasting revenues are identified, you can now
calculate and project potential revenues of your chosen business. The table below
shows an example of revenues forecasted in a Ready to Wear Online Selling Business.
Example: Ms. Fashion Nista recently opened her dream business and named Fit Mo’to
Ready to Wear Online Selling Business, an online selling business which specializes in
ready to wear clothes for teens and young adults. Based on her initial interview
among several online selling businesses, the average number of t-shirts sold every
day is 10 and the average pair of fashion jeans sold every day is 6. From the
information gathered, Ms. Nista projected the revenue of her it Fit Mo’to Ready to
Wear Online Selling Business.
D. Discussing new concepts
She gets her supplies at a local RTW dealer in the city. The cost per piece of t-shirt is
and practicing new skills 1
90 pesos, while a pair of fashion jeans costs 230 pesos per piece. She then adds a 50
percent mark up to every piece of RTW sold.
Mark up refers to the amount added to the cost to come up with the selling price. The
formula for getting the mark up price is as follows:
Mark Up Price = ( Cost x desired mark up percentage)
Mark Up for T-shirt = ( 90.00 x .50)
Mark Up for T-shirt = 45.00
In calculating for the selling price, the formula is as follows:
Selling Price = Cost + Mark Up
Selling Price = 90.00 + 45.00
Selling Price for T-shirt = 135.00
E. Discussing new concepts Table 1 shows the projected daily revenue of Ms. Nista’s online selling business.
and practicing new skills 2 Computations regarding the projected revenue is presented in letters in upper case A,
(DEEPENING) B, C, D, and E.

Table 2 shows the projected monthly and yearly revenue of Ms. Nista’s online selling
business. Computations about the monthly revenue is calculated by multipying daily

Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Anao, Tarlac

Telephone No.: (045) 606-3715 / (045) 606-0482
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

revenues by 30 days ( 1 month).

Example, in table 1 the daily revenue is 3,420.00. To get the monthly projected
revenue it is multiplied by 30 days. Therefore,
Projected Monthly Revenue = Projected daily revenue x 30 days
Projected Monthly Revenue = 3,420.00 x 30
Projected Monthly Revenue = 102,600.00
On the other hand, the projected yearly revenue is computed by multiplying the
monthly revenue by 12 months. The calculation for projected yearly revenue is as
Projected Yearly Revenue = Projected daily revenue x 365 days
Projected Yearly Revenue = 3,420.00 x 365
Projected Yearly Revenue = 1,248,300.00

Table 3 shows the projected monthly revenues covering one year of operation. The
table shows an average increase of revenue every month by 5 percent except June,
July to October and December. While the month of June has twice the increase from
previous month, 10 percent. Let us consider that months covering July to October are
considered to be Off-Peak months, therefore sales from July to October are expected
to decrease. It is assumed that there is no increase in revenue from July to August
while from August to October the decrease in revenues is 5 percent from previous
month. Since revenues from sales of RTW’s are considered to be seasonal, it assumed
that there is 10 percent increase in revenue from November to December.
Computation for assumed increase of revenue on specific months is as follows:
Projected Monthly Revenue (Increase) = Revenue (January) x 5 % increase
Projected Monthly Revenue (Increase) = 102,600.00 x .05
Projected Monthly Revenue (Increase) = 5,130.00
Projected Revenue for February = Revenue (January) + Amount of increase
Projected Revenue for February = 102,600.00 + 5,130.00
Projected Revenue for February = 107,730.00
On the other hand, decrease in revenue is computed as follows:
Projected Monthly Revenue (Decrease) = Revenue (August) x 5 % increase
Projected Monthly Revenue (Increase) = 144,041.14 x .05
Projected Monthly Revenue (Increase) = 7,202.06
Projected Revenue for September = Revenue (August) - Amount of decrease
Projected Revenue for September = 144,041.14 – 7,202.06
Projected Revenue for September = 136,839.08

F. Developing mastery What are the important assumptions of shown in the tables shown earlier?
(POST-ACTIVITY)  February to May Increase of 5% from previous revenue
 June Increase of 10% from previous revenue
 July to August The Same Revenue
 September to October Loss 5% from previous revenue

Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Anao, Tarlac

Telephone No.: (045) 606-3715 / (045) 606-0482
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

 November Increase 5% from previous revenue

 December Increase 10% from previous revenue

What are the Significance of Considering the factors affecting Revenue?

Considering these factors are essential in making informed estimates by the
entrepreneur. Since the business he/she is venturing hasn’t started yet, it is
important that these factors affecting forecasting will be determined to better help
him/her in making the best decisions for the business.
The entrepreneur after realizing the potential for profit of his/her business concept,
the next step is to estimate how much the revenue is on daily, monthly and annual
G. Finding practical
basis. Before going to forecasting and projecting the revenues of the business, let us
applications of concepts
determine first what revenue is.
and skills in daily living

Entrepreneurs use ______________ techniques to determine events that might affect the
operation of the business. Factors such as __________ and _________ much be considered
to avoid possible complications in the future. To forecast revenues, it is best that the
entrepreneur must be acquainted with the _________, and __________ to determine the
H. Making generalizations and
selling price of a product. This way, the selling price is then multiplied to the
abstractions about the
projected volume to arrive with the ______________.
The entrepreneur should always present the assumptions to consider in projecting
revenues, may it be seasonality, economic slowdown or changes in customer
preferences and the like. This will help achieve the best educated estimate of your
After learning the calculations presented, you can now compute the projected
revenue by day, month and year based on your business concept.
Aling Minda is operating a buy and sell business, she sells broomsticks (walis
tingting) in her stall at a local market. She gets her broomsticks from a local supplier
I. Evaluating learning
for 25 pesos each. She then adds 50 percent mark-up on each broomstick. Every day,
aling Minda can sell 30 broomsticks a day.
Use the template below and fill in the necessary figures based on the scenario.
Remember to use the factors to consider in projecting revenues and refer to tables 1,
2 and 3 as your guide. (Flashed in the Video)
It is understood that you now know how to calculate mark-up and selling price of an
item or merchandise. Let us try the following situation to see if you have understood
the concepts.
J. Additional activities for
Kyle, a local entrepreneur is planning to sell 10 liter bottled water in his sari-sari
application or remediation
store. A local water purifying business in the city sells their 10 liter bottled water for
20 pesos each. Kyle wants to add 25 per cent mark up from the original cost of 10
liter bottled water. Calculate how much mark-up Kyle should add. Determine how
much should be the selling price for 10 liter bottled water.

Prepared by:

Teacher II


Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Anao, Tarlac

Telephone No.: (045) 606-3715 / (045) 606-0482
Email Address: [email protected]
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education


Master Teacher I Master Teacher II


Principal I

Address: Brgy. Poblacion, Anao, Tarlac

Telephone No.: (045) 606-3715 / (045) 606-0482
Email Address: [email protected]

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