Smart Stick For The Blind and Visually Impaired People: Mukesh Prasad Agrawal Atma Ram Gupta
Smart Stick For The Blind and Visually Impaired People: Mukesh Prasad Agrawal Atma Ram Gupta
Smart Stick For The Blind and Visually Impaired People: Mukesh Prasad Agrawal Atma Ram Gupta
Abstract—There are many issues over which humans have no According to a survey conducted by an NGO, 98% blind
control blindness is one of such issues. It snatches the vivid visual people have met with accidents while traveling. Also, there are
beauty of the world from an individual’s life. But missing the no special facilities provided to blind people in local transports
beauty of nature becomes one of the last worries of such people as resulting in the high number of accidents involving blind
they have to face numerous difficulties in order to perform even people.
the most basics of tasks in their day to day life. One of their most
dominant problems is of transport, such as crossing roads, We found that the main aids that blind people use are
traveling in trains, or other public places. They always require trained dogs, but such dogs are very expensive and not very
human assistance to do so. But sometimes they are rendered reliable. Some other products available in the market are the
helpless when no such assistance is offered. Their dependencies smart belt, smart ring, smart cane etc. But these devices have
deteriorate their confidence. Traditionally they have been using very limited usability and lack approach due to more cost. So
the conventional cane stick to guide themselves by blind people are not interested in buying such products. Some
touching/poking obstacles in their way. This causes a lot of innovators also tried to assist the blind people [6] using IR
accidents and hence is dangerous for them and others. As this is a sensor, but our research found that IR sensor cannot work in
technologically driven era we decided to aid these differently sunlight because it also contains some amount of infrared rays
abled people by coming up with a technology utilizing solution. which can be detected by photodiode present in IR sensor, our
We call it the “Smart Stick”. It is a device which guides the user device overcomes this limitation as well.
by sensing obstacles in the range of stick. It will identify all
obstacles in the path with the help of various sensors installed in In order to address all above-defined problems and to
it. The microcontroller will retrieve data and pass it on as empower 36 million blind people worldwide, we are
vibrations which will notify the user about hurdles on the way. It introducing a solution of what is christened as “Smart Stick”.
is an efficient device and will prove to be a big boon for blind The stick is integrated with various sensors like ultrasonic
people. sensor, water sensor with GPS-GSM module and RF module
Keywords—Smart Stick; Sensors; GPS-GSM module; RF and with microcontroller etc. Sensors serve as its eyes and the
module; Microcontroller; User Notification Setup. microcontroller as its brain, which will retrieve data from the
surroundings and pass on commands to the user notification
I. INTRODUCTION setup. GPS keeps on monitoring the location of the blind
Our main aim to work on this project is to focus the blind person. RF module will help the blind person to locate the stick
population of the world and to assist them in every walk of life easily.
through the aid of technology. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows: Section Ⅱ
According to the procured data from World Health describes the component of innovation followed by the block
Organization (WHO) [1] and National Federation of the Blind diagram in section Ⅲ; features and working of the smart stick
[2], there are around 253 million people who are visually are covered in section Ⅳ and section Ⅴ respectively; Section Ⅵ
impaired out of which 36 million people are blind worldwide shows Innovation in the proposed work; Section Ⅶ shows the
[3]. impact of smart stick; finally Section Ⅷ wraps up the paper
with brief conclusion.
According to the report by Times of India, India is now
home to the world’s largest number of blind people. Of the 36 II. COMPONENT OF THE INNOVATION
million people across the globe who are blind, over 15 million
are from India [4]. On the other hand, while India needs 2.5 The various components involved in our innovation are as
lakh donated eye every year, the country’s 109 eye banks (five follows:
in Delhi) [5] manage to collect a maximum of just 25,000 eyes, 1. Water sensor: A water sensor in an electronic sensor that is
30% of which cannot be used.
designed to detect the presence of water in the path of blind
people and provide an alert in time to avoid chances of
slipping and drenching of the blind people [7]. Fig. 1. Shows applications. The current drowns in idle mode can be less than
the water sensor used in our smart stick. 1µA. The top CPU speed is 25 MHz [12]. Fig. 6. Shows the
MSP430 microcontroller used in stick.
2. Ultrasonic sensor: An ultrasonic sensor is a device that can
measure the distance to an object by using sound waves. It
measures distance by sending out a sound wave at a specific
frequency and listing for that sound wave to bounce back. By
recording the elapsed time between the sound wave being
generated and the sound wave bouncing back, it is possible to
calculate the distance between the ultrasonic sensor and the
object [8]. We are using this sensor in our stick to detect the
obstacles like pits, pebbles, and cars etc. Fig. 2. and Fig. 3.
shows the ultrasonic sensor used and its working respectively. Fig. 5. SIM808 Module Fig. 6. MSP430 Microcontroller
We are hoping to greatly impact the lives of blind people
GSM and console the general differently-abled population that even
MODULE KEYPAD if we cannot medically heal them, we still can vastly improve
their daily lives by utilizing advanced technology. This shows
a new start in developing devices which can aid not only
people with disabilities but even normal people in their day to
day lives. Allowing humans to become much more efficient in
Fig. 8. Block Diagram of smart stick their work.