Module 4 NSTP Environmental Protection

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Pre – Activity:
Watch BBC: Planet Earth.
This is a documentary film that advocates protecting the mother earth. After watching
documentary, go to your respective groups and answer the following questions:

1. What does the documentary promote?

- It is clearly that the documentary promotes about Environmental Environment
Saving Mother Earth together with its effect on living things here on earth. As
superior being here on earth we must protect our mother earth.

2. Enumerate specific details that justify your answer in item number one?
- According to my answer in item number 1. The documentary said that we
need to save our mother earth because it is sick and slowly dying. the
number one reason is it because of human actions. It is due to illegal human
activities that brought us to this unfavorable condition. In order to save our
mother earth, let us take small steps to make a bigger difference. Conserve
all our resources and use them efficiently. Waste management is one of the
effective ways of protecting the environment, having the trashcan labelled it
on public places or even apply the reuse, reduce and recycle and let’s
promote the clean and green community.
3. Based on the documentary, how important are the water, air, and land to human
- The earth is the only planet that is suitable for life in this universe. Life exists
because of its interaction with the resources the earth provides. It is this
interaction that creates a balance between the living and the nonliving
resources and sustains both of them. The three most important nonliving
resources for us is the air we breathe, the water we drink and the land we live
on. Without these three resources, we cannot exist. The oxygen in the air is
essential for animals to survive because we use this oxygen to produce
energy from the food we eat. The carbon dioxide we breathe out is in turn
required for plants to trap energy from the sun and turn it into food. Water is
called the medium of life. Land is not regarded simply in terms of soils and
surface topography, but encompasses such features as underlying superficial
deposits, climate and water resources, and also the plant and animal
communities which have developed as a result of the interaction of these
physical conditions. We must save our planet from the air, water and soil
pollution, we must control the production of pollutants. We must act fast or
else there will be a time when mother nature decides to act and in such a
scenario life will not be as simple as it seems today.

4. What is your realization after having watched the documentary? Now, what is the
status of the earth’s ecology? Why do we need to preserve our environment?
- I realized that Our mother earth needs to be saved as our survival depends
completely on this planet. It is our responsibility to raise awareness about
saving our mother earth. By taking care of this planet, we can improve our
well-being as healthy environment will help in improving the quality of our life.
It is our collective responsibility to raise public responsibility regarding the
well-being of our mother earth.
- The status of today’s earth ecology the Earth suffers from land degradation,
biodiversity loss, air, land and water pollution, and the effects of climate
change and must prevent and manage further risks and disasters.
- We need to preserve and protect our environment because Our environment
is what houses and helps our ecosystem grow and thrive. Without protecting
and taking care of our environment we're putting so many lives at danger
such as animals, plants and crops, and even our own.
After the discussion, answer the following questions. Write your answers on the spaces
each item.

1. What is solid waste management?

- Solid waste management is reducing and eliminating adverse impacts of
waste materials on human health and the environment to support economic
development and superior quality of life. This is to be done in the most
efficient manner possible, to keep costs low and prevent waste buildup.

2. What is climate change?

- It is defined as a change of climate which is attributed directly or indirectly to
human activity that alters the composition of the global atmosphere and which
is in addition to natural climate variability over comparable time periods.

3. What are the legal bases in the Philippines concerning environmental

OF 2000 the law aims to adopt a systematic, comprehensive and ecological
solid waste management program that shall ensure the protection of public
health and environment. The law ensures proper segregation, collection,
storage, treatment and disposal of solid waste through the formulation and
adaptation of best eco-waste products.

4. What are the types of small-scale composting?

- Twin Pits, Tower Tires
- Bottomless Composters
- Clay Flower Pots Compost
- Plastic Bags Composters
- Compost Bins

5. Illustrate and discuss the paradigm shift of solid waste management?

- The diagrams show the transition of paradigm from conventional
perspective to alternative or new perspective. Conventional perspective shows
the solid management starts from raw materials and ends with the dumpsite.
Proper garbage disposal is significant in the environment to help avoid
environmental challenges and its effects. Waste disposal is an activity that is
directly responsible for much environmental damage, and locating waste disposal
sites, determining what waste materials were disposed of through time and
exactly where, and determining ownership and whether disposal methods were
proper or improper are important issues in environmental litigation.

6. As a member of your community, what could your contribution be in protecting

conserving the environment?
- I will volunteer for a cleanup in our community. Re-use and Recycle,
Reducing the amount of stuff you consume has the greatest benefits for the
planet. It’s best to avoid waste in the first place, so think more carefully about
your purchases. Re-using items saves the natural resources and energy
needed to manufacture new ones - as well as saving money. plant a tree,
save electricity and water and practice proper waste disposal to save our
mother earth. And also conserve energy and water.


General  Objective support sustainable development by promoting the rational use of natural
resources, and preventing and combating the hazard and harm to health and the
environment arising from wastes.
Specific Objective To inform the people in the community what is waste management and why do
we need to have a proper disposal.

Problems Activities Strategies Key Player/s Time Measure and
Frame Expected
Poor waste Evaluat Waste People in the Within - Cleans the
management e the reuse prevention, community or 2 landscape
and recycling Recycling and the waste months - Promotes
program and Reuse, management health and sanitation
Consid Inc. - Protects you
er waste from biohazards
collection - Improves
strategies. community health
-Protects the
- Ensures
physical safety.
Pollution - The -Stop Project board Within Ensure healthy lives
Burning of smoking or at members or 2 and promote well-
Fossil Fuels least follow the SK months being for all at all
- Indoor “No Smoking” members in ages and
Air Pollution regulations at the community substantially reduce
Transportation public places. the number of
-Do not deaths and illnesses
use open fires from hazardous
for waste chemicals and air,
disposal. water and soil
Instead pollution from
of plastic, use contamination.
eco-friendly or
products are
highly toxic in


Our objectives are to encourage the people in the community to

have a discipline when it comes to proper disposal in order to not
experience the pollution. As of now as what I can observe in our community
our goal has been done and achieved because all the people here in our
barangay help each other to achieved our goal which is the proper waste
management and to avoid pollution for the safety of everyone.

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