SPE028448 Core Scale Permeability & Geology

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SPE 28448. Scaiaty of Petroleum Engineers | The Use of Geology in the Interpretation of Core-Scale Relative Permeability Data P.S. Ringrose, J.L. Jensen, and K.S. Sorbie, Heriot Watt U, SPE Membere | Sento 18, cy ot Patton Enon, : Q "no mae in rah don a oh LUA 8 pt (Epinaedsfoe pon tao ‘Byori ae ep a ga lnm stgneek Paras aco trmtadions andes ee esa ean Noreen ea se ‘oe cu oye pp ae Abstract 4 A number of factors, such as wettability, pore size distribution and core-scale heterogeneity, are known to affect the, measured relative permeability in core plug samples. - This paper focuses on the influence ‘of geological structure at the laminaset scale on waler-oil imbibition relative. permeability curves. ‘The endpoint positions and curve shapes vary as @. function of the type of intemal heterogeneity, the flow rate, and the assumptions on the pore-scale petrophysics (c.g. wettability). Interaction between the capillary forces and heterogeneity can occur at the cm-dm scale which results in widely varying two-phase flow behaviour for rocks with the same single-phase permeability. The geometry of heterogeneity as expressed in standard geological descriptions (e.g. ctoss-laminated, ripple-laminated, plane-laminated) can be translated into features of the expected relative permeability behaviour for each rock type, thus aiding the interpretation of relative permeability data. We illustrate how our findings can help to interpret sets of relative permeability data from the field, using some examples from the Admire sand, El Dorado Field, Kansas, Introduction Reservoir engineering studies rely heavily on measurements from a few smail samples from reservoir rock formations. Core plug relative permeability is a key measurement, since it gives one of the few insights into multiphase flow behaviour. ' The estimation of reserves and est References and ilustations at end of papee oe aren ci wow no ol arn cox ie ac ray aor er he, “rain fete Sue at eit le ialonriny Seer Sato seay ania negen cna to rain, SPE Po Box ate, tase eos, USA Vea SOUT recoverable hydrocarbons for a whole field may depend quite strongly on the values determined for endpoint saturations and relative permeability curves from this limited core dataset. The correct interpretation of such data is therefore vital, In this paper, we address this issue by considering. the interpretation of relative permeability measurements in the context of the geological framework of the core-plug samples. “There are three important questions which must be considered if appropriate use of measured values is tobe made at the field scale: 1, What is the nature of internal heterogeneity within the core plug sample? What is the geological context of the sample in terms of the larger-scale (bedform) reservoir architecture? Does the laboratory experiment use appropriate boundary conditions and flow rates? 2. ‘The role of these factors is evaluated using numerical models to test the sensitivity of relative permeability to the controlling factors, including heterogeneity, flow rate, and wettability assumptions. As an illustration, we examine some previously reported relative permeability data from the El Dorado Field? We then draw general conclusions on the procedures for correctly assessing and using relative permeability measurements. Our main argument is that the Measurement must be property considered within the context of geological architecture and multiphase flow behaviour. ‘THE USE OF GEOLOGY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF ‘CORE-SCALE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY DATA 2 Theoretical Framework : In pievious work, we have predicted mimerically that small scale structure at the lamina to laminaset scale can affect multiphase flow in porous media.* In particular, it was suggested that an interaction between the laminaset structure and the capillary forces could lead to oil trapping in capillary controlled displacements. This has recently been demonstrated experimentally in cross-laminar flow in a water-wet heterogeneous eolian system. also showed how pseudo relative permeability curves calculated for these models are able to capture the effective multiphase flow behaviour at this scale. In particular, the position of “residual” oil endpoint saturation reflects the amount of oil trapping which has occurred in the model. The endpoint saturation for the pseudofunction was found to be strongly dependent on the spatial architecture of the model, the flow rate (or viscous- capillary ratio) and the input petrophysical functions, which reflect pore-scale phenomena including pore-size distribution and wettability. Here, we’ consider the wider problem of. how geological structure at this scale might affect relative permeability and how results may be interpreted. We approach this problem by considering the effect of: (@ the balance of forces in the displacements; and (ii) {the small scale geological architecture (or ‘geometry). Balance of Forces: The viscous/capillary ratio of forees is a critical measure for assessing the influence of capillary trapping in heterogeneous systeins.” This can be defined as: viscous forces Ux AX ip capillary forces ~ kx @P/dS) where ux = darey velocity in the flow direction, x ‘Ax = System lengthscale in the x direction Ho= Viscosity of oil Effective permeability in the x direction (dPo/dS) = Capillary pressure gradient with respect to saturation. tw A precise evaluation of this scaling group depends on the details of the system, but the main sensitivities are clear from Eq. [1]. Laboratory measurements must be carried out under "apptopriate” conditions (i.e. at the correct 882 SPE 28448 viscous/capillary ratio). Thus, if measurements are made at flow rates well in excess of those likely to be experienced in the reservoir, then the determination of key parameters, such as the residual oil, may be determined for an inappropriate ratio of forces. Another factor, lengthscale, impinges on this ratio of forces. Small-scale heterogeneity will influence capillary forces more than viscous forces, whereas large-scale heterogeneity will affect viscous forces more than capillary forces. These effects of lengthscale can be illustrated by a simplified enumeration of the sealing group as shown in Figure 1. By assuming typical fluid properties and reservoir pressure gradients, we have plotted the viscous/capillary ratio as a function of the ‘heterogeneity lengthscale’ (the distance between layers of contrasting petmeability). If the layering in a reservoir occurs at the metre to 10-metre scale then viscous forces dominate. However, if layers are in the mm to cm range, then capillary forces may dominate, The actual permeabilitics and permeability contrast between the layers also has an effect. Clearly, at the core plug seal, is vital to assess the interaction of small-scale heterogeneity with capillary forces. Small Scale Geological Architecture: Heterogeneity within clastic sediments is best classified in terms of | the types of depositional processes which resulted in their formation, Figure 2 shows a simplified classification of the main ‘genetic units’ which occur within sandstones (this is not an exhaustive list). For many purposes, including facies correlation and fluid flow scaleup, genetic sediment ~ units are best defined at the bedform scale (e.g. eolian or fluvial crossbeds, ripple lamination, or hummocky cross-stratification). At this scale, the depositional processes can be classified in term of a series of universal (or genetic) architectures which can be recognised in a wide variety of geological settings. Universallity at this scale can be related to particular physical processes, such as the cascade of sand grains down a slope of repose under a limited range of flowing current velocities. At larger scales the arrangements of sediment architecture. depend on details of depositional and tectonic environment prevailing at the time of deposition, and at this scale every system is virtually unique, although general classes of depositional environment can be defined. Ata smaller scale, we find a single nearly universal phenomenon: lamination (mm-cm alternations of finer and coarser grained sands). Virtually all sands posses some degree of lamination. These sedimentological phenomena ate desoribed widely in the Iiterature8., but provide a vital framework for understanding reservoir behaviour. With this —— SPE 28448 framework in mind, one arrives at some particular issues when interpreting relative pecmeability data: 1. How is lamination within the core plug going to affect the parameters being measured? 2. Given that we understand what we have ‘measuied in a particular core ‘plug, how does that measurement relate to the flow behaviour of the genetic segiment unit from which that core plug was extracted? Some examples of realistic sedimentotogical settings from which a core plag may be taken are shown in Figure 3. The facies shown in this figure are cross:bedded, ripple-laminated and_planar- Iaminated units, all of which are common in clastic sediments, Also, unless some care is taken, the lamination structure may not be recognised by the core analyst who carries out the plug selection for relative permeability measurements, iis 3s Because of the universality of lamination, we consider two phase flow along and across a simple model of a laminated, sysiem. Under conditions of capillary ‘equilibriuin, the imbibition process is determined by the capillary pressure curves as shown in Figure 4 where the expression for the along-layer effective water phase permeability function is presented. Clearly, this quamtity is the laminar thickness weighted arithmetic average of the steady-state effective phase permeabilities, Although it is not presented here, it is also obvious that the across- laminar effective phase permeability is the thickness weighted harmonic average of the laminar effective phase permeabilities, Thus, because of the non-linear coupling through the form of the imbibition capillary pressure curves, there is considerable anisotropy introduced into the form of the effective phase permeability curves by lamination. In addition, since the water saturation in the lower permeability laminae rises more rapidly by spontancous imbibition (in a water wet system; see Figure 4), it may effectively prevent the flow of oil across the low permeability laminae. This then leads to oil trapping in the higher permeability laminae .as discussed previously35 and demonstrated expetimentally.§ Phase permeability anisotropy of the type described here for a simple laminated’ system is not usually captured in experimental relative permeability measurements. However, this phenomenon was originally noted by Corey and Rathjens! and has been confirmed recently in a very comprehensive series of experiments by Homapour ét al.!! The vertical component of this phase permeability would certainly not be captured correctly if we took the single phase harmonic average of the contrasting ~"P, 8. RINGROSE, 1, JENSEN & KS, SORDIE 3 Jaminae and then used a relative permeability appropriate to the lower effective permeability for 2 ~ homogeneous system. In the discussions below, we first consider some calculations in a more realistic model sediment architecture, This is followed by an examination of some field relative permeability curves in terms of the sedimentary structure of the geological facies involved. - Numerical Simulations of Relative Permeability Sensitivities Numerical Model: For the purposes of this discussion, we consider one genetic sediment type only: ripple lamination (strictly current ripples). This is a common sedimentary feature, and occurs at the centimetre scale, and so represents the type of, heterogeneity that could occur within a core plug sample. It is most commonly found in deltaic + sediment settings (see Figures 2 and 3), Figure 5 shows a simplified geometrical model of this bedform. ‘The reference ripple model has 100md sandy lamina alternating with 20md micaceous lamina, and a 20md bottomset between each ripple set, The reference case is flooded at a typical reservoir flow rate of 0.2m/day, and uses petcophysical functions based on a “weakly water wet” model (see Appendix). We have performed a series of waterflood calculations using this model, varying some of the input parameters to determine the sensitivities of relative permeability in a manner in which they might be measured in the laboratory. Our findings are discussed below under a number of tivities. 2. The oil relative permeability, kro, for the reference ripple model and the averaged ‘tock’ curve'are shown in Figure 6. The latter curve is a weighted average of the all the gridcell input functions; using the Eclipse Kyte and Berry method, Although the shapes of these curves are quite similar, the residual oil endpoint for the ripple model occurs at a much lower water saturation, Sw, than for the uniform model, ‘The ripple kro also significantly differs from a uniform model with the same average permeability as the ripple model. There is a clear implication here for core analysis that presumes that the sample is internally homogeneous, when it is not. ‘The reference ripple model (with low permeability, 20md, bottomsets) is contrasted with a similar model with higher permeability (100md) bottomsets in Figure 7, The former case is more likely from 2 sedimentological viewpoint, but the two cases 883 ‘THE USE OF GEOLOGY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF ‘CORE-SCALE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY DATA. 4 examine the issue of the connectivity of higher permeability layers. ‘The main difference in the relative permeability functions for these two models is in terms of the residual oil, The residual oil endpoint occurs at a much lower water saturation (Sw=0.76) for the low permeability “‘bottmset ‘model than for the high permeability bottomset model (Sw=0.83). This occurs because of oil retention, due to capillary forces, in the isolated high permeability lamina, This trapping docs not occur’ when there is connectivity of high: jermeability lamina through the high permeability tomset. , The reference model with a darcy velocity of 0.2m/day is compared with the samé inodel with a velocity of 10m/day in Figure 8. ‘The capillary trapping of oil is largely absent in the high flow rate model, as reflected by the higher kro and residual oil endpoint, This is essentially because the viscous/capillary force ratio has been increased. This significant difference in relative permeability behaviour represents the kind of error that would be introduced by using the cesults from a high flow rate laboratory experiment to infer low flow rhte field behaviour. i fons; There are a number of aspects of the petrophysical parameters that. could be varied in the definition of the flow model, Here, we have tested the sensitivity to the value’ of the water relative permeability, Kew. endpoint (see Appendix and Figure 11). This could represent a change in the system wettability, and we have teferred to the two sets of input relative permeabilities as ‘moderately water wet” and ‘strongly water wet’. This change in wettability affects the magnitude of the kyo curve, but does not significantly alter the endpoint saturation. ‘That is, the capillary wapping behaviour is not significantly affected, but the relative phase mobilities are influenced as shown in Figures 9 and 10. More significant effects could be introduced by makin; the system oil wet or mixed wet, However, a fu study of intermediate wet systems is beyond the scope of this paper. : eee The sensitivities performed on the simple ripple mode! are by no means comprehensive. However, these example illustrations show how significant the effects of small-scale heterogeneity may be on the resulting relative permeability function, Cleatly, in laboratory core plug studies, the internal heterogeneity, the balance of forces, and the petrophysical ‘assumptions need 10 be’ carefully + evaluaied before implications for field behaviour can be drawn with confidence. 84 * SPE 28448 Evaluation of an Example Field Dataset ‘As an illustration, we have selected some relative permeability measurements from the El Dorado Field, Kansas.!_ The formation is the (Pennsylvanian) Admire 650-foot Sand, which is a deltaic sandstone consisting primarily of distributary channel, crevasse splay, interdistribuiary bay, and’ thin beach facies. The measurements discussed here are steady-state relative permeabilities on 2-inch diameter core plugs taken from core material held in native state Conditions. The plugs are from two wells; well MP- 124 in the Chesney Lease, and well MP-217, in the Hegberg Lease.- Three plugs were tested in MP-124 and two were tested in MP-217. As neither of the two wells with relative permeability data had core which was released for geological analysis, inferences had to be made about the type of geological material from which the plugs were taken. Neighbouring wells (e.g. Figure 12) were used to assist in the interpretation?, ‘Well MP-124 appears to be mostly composed of disteibutary channel facies, although it probably has some interdistributary facies (e.g. splays, thin Beach material). The absolute permeabilities of the three MP-124 rel perm samples (average 404 md) are in line with those of the same facies in MP-132 (average 398 md). Hence, we conclude that the three MP-124 rel perms ate very likely to have come from the distributary channel facies. In well MP-132, the distributary channel facies is described as having large scale trough cross-bedding. If so, the two-inch cores are likely to have been cut bed- parallel. Core plugs from tat feces show perms of 12 to $72 md, i.e. about 3 to I variation. Well MP-217 appears to be exclusively interdistributary bay, splay, and thin beach facies. The thin beach facies appears to have very high permeability, over 1000 md, so the MP-217 samples (183 and 232 md) are unlikely to represent this facies, ‘They are more probably from the splay deposits. Neighbouring well sediment logs for these’ facies indicate ripple-lamination with ‘occasional trough cross-bedding, Core plugs show permeabilities ranging from around 10 to 1000 md or more, suggesting permeability contrasts of around 16 or 20to 1. We have thus inferred, from the reports of this study, that the MP-124’ relative permeability data robably represent the distributary channel facies (having large-scale trough cross-bedding, and a permeability variation of about 3 to 1), and that the MP-217 data probably come from the spla ‘material, having ripple lamination with some trou SPE 28448 cross-bedding, and a permeability variation of about 10 to 1. ‘The measured relative permeability curves for these two wells (Figures 13 and 14), show close similarities between samples from the same well, but significant differences between the two wells, ‘supporting our inference that the wells relate to different faces. ‘We have then performed a ‘blind test to see if the geological data, gleaned from the reports, cain lead us to a compatible set of simulated relative permeabilities for these two data sets. Our ‘two models had the following specification 4 Distributary channel model; Laminated along the Score plug” (Le. parallel to flow), with alternating 450md/150md layers (average 300ind). The model is 5 by 5 cm ina 2D vertical arrangement, with ‘Imm gridcells and 2 or 3 cells per lamina, 2.Splay thodel: Laminated across the “coré plug” (Ge. transverse to flow) to represent ripp lamination’ within the saniple, with alternating 300md/30md layers (average 165md). The model is 5 by Semin a 2D vertical arrangement, with Imm Bridcells and 2 or 3 cells per lamina, ‘The petrophysical input parameters are as described in the Appendix, with the exception that the residual oil saturation was fixed at 0.2 and the porosity at 0.27 in all model layers, to match the measured data, Various flow tates were modelled, but the curves shown are for a fairly high rate of iOm/day, jn accordance with likely core analysis practice, The simulated pseudo relative permeabilities for our tind” guess models Figure 15) show a reasonable match to the measured data. We, have successfully reproduced the lower kro in the MP-217 splay lithology, and the general shape of both functions. ‘The main differences are: * The residual oil endpoint, Sor, for the splay model is too low (representing the expected oil trapping for cross-lamina flow), + The krw for the distributary channel model is too low (reflecting our assumption of a water wet system) ‘The actual samples were believed io be ‘mixed wet'l, and this could explain some of the differences. However, there is insufficient information to evaluate’ the effects of wetting behaviour. ‘The point of our ‘blind test’ simulations is not to precisely match the observations (which could easily be ‘achieved by arbitrary adjustment of parameters), but to show how a knowledge and appreciation of geological architecture can elucidate P. S, RINGROSE, J. L. JENSEN & K, 8, SORBIB . 5 the interpretation of multiphase flow data, A complete evaluation of such data would require reproducing the actual core plug heterogeneity, assessing the laboratory viscous/capillary ratios and boundary conditions, and accounting for wetting behaviour, Nevertheless, we have shown that the difference in relative permeability for two datasets in the same formation can be substantially explained by the difference in geological lithofacies sampled, Conclusions In this paper, we have discussed the importance of properly accounting for capillary -neterogencity interactions within core plug measurements of relative permeability, Recent experimental evidence tends to support our views on this matter. 61 Core scale relative permeability is sensitive to: 1. The type of lamina-scale heterogeneity within the sample. : 2. The flow rate, and hence viscous-capillary ratio. 3, The pore-scale petrophysical assumptions (especially relating to wettability), If careful evaluation of these factors is made when performing the measurement, then the result can be used informatively in field-scale modelling (provided appropriate upscaling methods are used). Commonly, however, the effects of intemal core- plug heterogeneity are ignored, the flow rates used are too high, and the upscating of the measurement is neglected. These errors of petrophysical practice may be responsible for some of the reservoir engineering problems that are encountered in field development. Acknowledgements We thank colleagues in the Edinburgh Reservoir Description Group for their support, especially Gillian Pickup, Jon Lewis and Patrick Corbett, . Heriot-Watt University), and John Underhill (Edinburgh University). “This study is part of the Reservoir Heterogeneity Project funded by Amerada Hess, Bow Valley, British Gas, Chevron, Conoco, Demjnex, Elf, Exxon, Mobil, Shell, and the UK Department of Trade and Industry, & 10, ‘THE USE OF GEOLOGY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF “ SPE 28448 ‘CORE-SCALE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY DATA. i Boke * Rosenwald, G. W., Miller, R. J., Vairogs, J. “El Dorado, Micellar-Polymer “Demonstration Project (2nd Annual Report) OakRidge, ‘Tennesse: US Bnergy Research & Development ‘Administration., Report No. BERC/TPR-76/4. Nov 1976. El|Dorado Micellar-Polymet_ Demonstration Project (7th Annual Report) US Department of Eazgy, Report No, DOE/ET/13070-79, June Ringrose, P. S., Sorbie, K. S., Corbett, P. W. M., and’ Jensen, IL. “tmmiscible Flow Behaviour in Laminated and Crossbedded Sandstones.” Journal Petroleum Science and Engineering , 9, pp. 103-124, 1993. Corbett, P. M. W., Ringrose, P. S., Jensen, J. 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C., Mitchum, R, M., Campion, K'M.,, and Rahmanian, V. D.: Siliciclastic Sequence Stratigraphy in Well Logs, Cores and Outcrops: ‘Concepts for High-Resolution Cérrelation of Time and Facies. ‘ AAPG Methods in Exploration Series, No. 7, 1990. Corey, A. T. and Rathjens, C. H., “Bffect of Stiatification on Relative Permeability”, J. Pet. Tech., pp.69-71, December 1956. ul, 12, 1B. Horarpour, M. M,, Cullick, A. $. and Saad, N., “Influence of Small-Scale Rock Laminations on Core Plug Oil-Water Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure”, SPE 27968, SPE Annual ‘Technical Conference, New Orleans, LA, 25-28 Sepiember, 1994, Kortekaas, T, F. M., 1985, — Water/oil displacement characteristics in cross-bedded reservoir zones. Society of Petroleum Engineers’ Journal, 25(6): 917-926. Kocberber, $. and Collins, R. E.: "Impact of Reservoir Heterogeneity on Initial distributions of Hydrocarbons", SPE 20547, 65th SPE ‘Annual Tech, Conf, and Exhib., New Orleans, LA, Sept. 19% APPENDIX: Petrophysical Parameters We have used the following set of empirical petrophysical relationships for modelling ‘waterflood in the heterogeneous rock models: ro = 085(-8)3 ® Kw = 0.3(82)3 @ p Po= a.0s.29(2)" @) ok relative permeabilities for oil and water, effective wetting phase saturation, connate water saturation, wetting phase saturation at residual oi, = porosity and permeability. Equations 1 and 2 were based on those used by Kortekaas!2 in a study on waterflooding crossbedded formations. The Pe relation (Equation 3) uses the Leverett J-function with the constant and exponent chosen on the basis of other studies at Heriot-Watt University. For saturation endpoint scaling we have used the functions, published by water seni Kocberber and Collins!3: So = et. 35KU8 @ Swo = O'S | o The Kortekaas!? endpoints reflect a “moderately jet” system. A simple assessment of the ity to this assumption is made by altering the water endpoint to 0.15 to make the system “more strongly water wet”, as shown in Figure 11. SPE 28448 .S, RINGROSE, J. JENSEN & K. 8, SORBIE . i 100001 al 1000 Eke 1 Figure 1. eh Ei rpetan oe get Sept oem Behe 0 forces far reservoir prodaetion GEEE under waterfood in layered gS systems. guar ' 28a Bn He Hal» ¢ CFE on Des 001 ; : ‘okt 101001000 5 Heterogeneity Iengthscale (m) : (Ge, Stants het coast of inte) Bedform scale [Reservoir scale Bodin — Reser geoneuy” [Sexi pate SEs Tessa Bis a, |g aan ay Ee intexdoredopess | (ypicaly 1t02 ered | nets of ifcent miata’ | GBerefaopaidey : Secieniens anny eon Puss inte yes “as ee GRD eo ‘ebsisfows, "laminated thicknesses vary Ssndstees) | Penmeates re Eyes RAT | CratoirGmagh [Nees sa Chana ai able ues) | Cnt (ypely rare Gael, Lowengieacas | ib Renate cos Ripa Sde su | Dathasgenal and Telairlipet | Convoluted-beds ‘nonmal grading ‘channels to ed cg [ee Sree Son) | Bewtsng ie Sepa Banke) a aay Nea aaa ‘Bars (mouth, swash) Soa (typically aonb chet. {Low amin conrats Morphology of bars Ripfres oa) {OD tees Ee suidtucscoat | Bedgchea manne, ‘theots, soils, ete | Dut K conteasis Gis | eens ey Sialow — | imiay cos | Meo ayaa fi’ [amin laS [Menlrcoaeae weyatey alta Foose SSL erties, Bistutton Bapwa | Tubider ay bar Tay eae Bek Re bate Gory Sips sro enamels ont Bigue 2 General classification of the main types and scales heterogeneity in sandstone reservoirs, 887 ‘THE USE OF GEOLOGY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF + SPE 28448 .CORE-SCALE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY DATA Reservoir —Wellbore Core plug Implications tor ret. Formation {— heterogeneity perm. measurement Hoterogensity lengthscale ‘greater than core-plug scale. Lamination may be inclined with respect to flow cell Grossbedded Hoterogonelty longthscale ‘smaller than core-plug scala. No lamina are continuous across sample. Flood front ‘must cross tipple lamina. Rippled ‘Sovoral lamina within the ‘core-plug, which is usually cut along the lamination, ‘Alongylayer flow is expected. Planar-lamina Figure 3. Implications of diffétent types of formation heterogeneity on the type of core plug heterogenetiy. [The meen saturation Is At capillary equilitrium: Vi8u+ VaSv vy + fix P—>-) ea ‘The along layer effective phase perneability is: Sa bow High perm, EBB Low porm. ‘ Figure 4. |... Relative permeability and phase permeability for a simple laminar model, i peste eee 7 : eet ti 5 SPE 28448 P, S. RINGROSE, J. L. JENSEN & K. $, SORBIE 9 marcia i outro : a i its rs 03 04 O5 06 O07. 08 09 * neni - ie WSecpiemia aratiywersurmeon Enema iy tam (SWAT) after injection of one pore volume (fiom the left). average "rock" eurve and pseudo for uniform model (SOmd) ‘Higher water saturations (darker tone) occu in lower ‘permeability lamina. 109" 08 Ripple model at higher al: Slow rate of 10 may High perm bottomset 06 ioe ripple model & Soa “ Reference rile model {Low piri botomset 2} Clow iste =02 mites) 02] pple meet 00* 00" 03 04 05° 06 07 08° 09 “os” ea es ge 07 08 Figue7 Figure 8 af Oil relative permecbiity for the two different ripple models. fect of flow rate on ripple model ol relative permeability 08) e . 03 ay eee ‘Averaged input curves 06 (or roek' curves) "Moderately water wet" 02 bow 5 oa 027) veraged input curve (or"rock" carve) “03 04 0S 96 07 08 09 00%, a i Sw 03° 94°" 95, 06 07 08 09° Figure 10 ae Sw fect of wettability oa the water relative permeability [Btfoct of wetability assumption on the the oi! relative permeability Soe a9 ‘THE USE OF GEOLOGY IN THE INTERPRETATION OF SPE 28448 10 CORE-SCALE RELATIVE PERMEABILITY DATA 10’ : 1.0" 100md biel 100m i 03 os E os 3 i i : 06 Eos \ meccany || 5] 8 i \ tered 3] Bot 02 Jie) 2 ne 0.97—— DD 02 OF 0688S gg Figure 1 is 2% 30 4 50 60 70 8 % Relative permeability curves used in models, with endpoints Figure 13, sw Else fo ge sySens with eighty dfret wetaoiity Ih ray nemo isubutary channel facies Core WELL MP-108, i depths El Dorado Field, (foot) Butler County, = ~ Kansas » 640.0" 3 2,01 i 08 : |) 5 5 & 04 : dé: 3 Sg i oa 650 0 a 007 20 30 4 SO 0 0 8 9 | /BE Figure 14 Lad Relavepomesbiltymessarement fo the 684.0" Be EL Dorado Spy lithologies (MP-217) , a3g ah eg, : og” NEE OG 06 ze OE BOE : S Dine oa OE ae i oa chanel ser.2 = 22 Hi ~ a 7 00" 02 03 G4 03 06 07 08 09 : sw poe 12 gir i3 Example of a wel log frozh the E1 Dorado Field used in the lithofacies interpretation Pseuclo relative permesbilities for “blind guess" models of El Dorado lithoioges..

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