The Coffee Academics - Chiu Ka Hung - 19084319A

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BHMH2110 – Consumer Behaviour

Semester One, 2020/21

Group Assignment - Cover Sheet and Template

DUE DATE: 20 November, by 5pm
(soft copy submission to Turnitin Link on your CLASS MOODLE)

(All students are required to use this provided TEMPLATE for submission)

Team Leader’s Name: Name (Surname FIRST): Chiu Ka Hung, Kelvin

(e.g. Chan Ying, Mary) Mobile: 63065319
Tutorial Time: (e.g. 9:00am Fri) 15:00pm Tue

Tutorial Group: (e.g. Group A) Group C

Company Name: The Coffee Academics

Word Count (including Template 1): Word count: ___861___ (max. 900 words) including
Template 1. Additional words will not be graded.
“Turnitin” is done and % page is Yes/No (Delete ONE) __11___ % (via Turnitin)

We declare that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this assignment is our own work, all sources
have been properly acknowledged, and the assignment contains NO plagiarism. We further declare that
we have not previously submitted this work or any version of it for assessment in any other subject
offered by The Hong Kong Community College. The content of BOTH written work (PPTs and report)
and submission electronically are identical, otherwise, ZERO mark. In addition, we also note that we
would have ZERO mark if there is any plagiarism in our work.

Responsibility and Student Name in FULL Student I.D. Student’s Signature

tasks contributed by (Surname FIRST) (Pls Tick () or (X) for
EACH member e.g. Chan Mei (May) indicating agree or disagree of
group grade for the group
Fong Kei Ting 19002830A (  )
1. Q2, Reference (Christine)
CHIU Ka Hung 19084319A (  )
2. Q1-Q5, (Kelvin) Signature:
TONG Chun Hay 19084737A (  )
3. Q2-Q3, Q5, (Dennis) Signature:
YUNG Wai Kei 19082744A (  )
4. Q2, Q4, (Okina) Signature:

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Content Page

1. Introduction – one paragraph (Briefly describe the company profile such as target customer,
current positioning, product ranges, and direct competitors etc.)
(suggest 100 words)

The Coffee Academic, which is a world-renowned leading purveyor and roaster of specialty
coffee in Asia, is established in 2012 (About Us, n.d.). Most of the target customers are the low-
price sensitive customers because the selling price is relatively high in the market, like selling a
salad at $128. Currently, it positions itself as an origin of premium upscale coffee beverages.
Also, its product ranges are large, (Menus for our Hong Kong & Singapore shops, n.d.) it sells
different kinds of food like breakfast, salad, dinner set, snack food as burger and chips, and
desserts, to satisfy different customer’s needs. Lastly, Coffee Academic have many direct
competitors such as BOP Café and Gabee Café.

2. Primary data collection from each individual member relating to consumer internal information
search (i.e. completing Template (1))

Internal Information Search (see the below Template 1) - Names of Members with Assigned code:
(e.g. Names of Members: Mary Chan(code: a), Peter Wong(code: b), June Lee(code: c), May
Cheung (code: d))

Template 1 - Internal Information Search:

1. List out 2-3 the brands that EACH Food and Beverage
member will come up instantly from 4 Group members indicated their preferred brands:
their mind (i.e. their mostly preferred (a) Kelvin: (Starbucks, Pacific coffee)
brands) (b) Christine: Paper & Coffee, Pacific coffee
(c) Dennis: (Rest Coffee Gin, Knockbox Coffee Company)
(d) Okina (McCafé, 18 GRAMS)
2. Indicate clearly whether each member (a) will not consider McCafé
will consider other members’ indicated (b) will not consider Coffee Company
brand(s) or not (c) will not consider other brands
(d) will not consider Starbucks
3. What are the evaluation of EACH (a) Starbucks (95), Pacific coffee (85)
brand (if 100 are full marks) (b) Pacific coffee (80), Paper & Coffee (70)
(c) Rest Coffee Gin (80), Knockbox Coffee Company (55)
(d) McCafé (80), 18 GRAMS (75)
4. Any prior experiences with these (a) Yes & Yes
individual brands (Yes or No) (b) Yes, Yes & Yes
(c) Yes & No
(d) Yes & Yes

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5. What is the final choice for EACH All 4 members still prefer their 1st indicated brands and
member? would not consider other brands
6. Indicate whether EACH member (a) Yes: quality and location
would like to collect additional (b) Yes: price and location
information before making decision? (c) Yes: price and quality
(Yes or No) (d) Yes: price and food source
**If yes, what information?

7. Make a brief conclusion about To conclude, all members base on their evoked set to choose
members’ preferences in terms of (a) familiar coffee brands with prior experience. All members
preferred brand recall, (b) prior prefer doing external information search making decision.
experiences and (c) external information
search needs.
Word Count: (suggest 150 words) Word count: __165___ words (for the above shaped areas
(additional words will not be graded) only)

3. Factors Influencing Consumer Attitudes (either high (Ch5) or low (Ch6) consumer effort)
(Suggest 200 words)

There are three factors influencing high-effort consumer attitudes, including company reputation,
emotional appeals, and attractiveness.

Firstly, the company reputation is possible to affect cognitive based attitudes. For example, in 2019,
The Coffee Academic (Grand Opening at Standard Chartered, n.d.) has collaborated with Standard
Chartered by their good company image. Also, The Coffee Academic has been nominated as one of
the top coffee houses around the world and feathered in countless local and international publications,
so it is famous in specialty coffee chains (Franchise, n.d.). Thus, when the company's reputation is
credible, people are more likely to visit the brand. Also, The Coffee Academic has won the Hong
Kong Dining Awards of Editor’s Pick, the best coffee delivery, and takeaway awards in 2020 (Lee,
2020). Therefore, the honor of winning awards can bring positive consequences in changing
consumer cognition, The Coffee Academic guaranteed their coffee beans are selected carefully. Thus,
consumers believe that the coffee quality must be good.

Secondly, emotional appeals can influence the affective based attitude. The Coffee Academics have
posted some photos on Instagram which show the people who enjoy the coffee. For example, the girl
who smells the coffee aroma with a bright smile. This photo can elicit happily, enjoyable, joyful
emotions that attract consumers. Therefore, the consumers would focus more on the positive
outcomes of acquiring the product or how he/she can feel on the coffee. (Appendix 1)

Lastly, attractiveness evokes favorable attitudes if a source is likable to the consumer. The Coffee
Academics strongly focus on the consumer experience which has curated unique sensory playgrounds
with a music playlist, reading materials, homely yet electrically stylish decor, and state-of-the-art
coffee machines for coffee aficionados. Consumers do not need to think too much when they see the
beautiful decoration. At that moment, a consumer would get like into an attractive environment, and
imagine themselves who feel enjoy, relax, and chill when they are tasting coffee in the coffee shop.
(Appendix 2)
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4. Potential Sources of External Information may be used by potential or new customers. (Ch7)
(Suggest 200 words)

There are two potential sources of external information that may be used by potential customers,
experiential search and social media sources.

To begin with, in experiential search, it is effective to attract potential customers when their
involvement is high, but product knowledge is low. For example, in 2017, to celebrate Hong Kong
sevens, The Coffee Academic has promoted its coffee product on a food truck in Causeway Bay (U
Lifestyle, 2017). Customers can easily reach the food truck and try the goods such as coffee in
Causeway Bay. The potential consumers would know whether the product is good for them or not.
By trying a trial sample, they can earn experience after they tried the coffee. Therefore, the potential
consumer may go further to purchase their products in the future. (Appendix 3)

Also, social media such as Facebook and Instagram can help brand exposure to potential customers.
For example, Shelley Tai, who is a KOL, has shared her selfie with a cup of coffee in The Coffee
Academic. KOLs are powerful to influence people thinking because they have many followers, so
people may believe that what they say are trustworthy. Thus, by WOM, the potential customers can
be easily affected via a quick search of hashtags and posting in café, to increase their likelihood to try
the coffee. (Appendix 4)

5. Recommendations of ONE type of most suitable advertising appeal with TWO reasons.
(Suggest 50 words)
(Online reference: )

We recommend Music appeal (23 Types of Advertising Appeals Most Commonly Used by Brands,
2018) which is the most suitable advertising appeal to the company.

First reason: People attention can be grabbed by living sounds, such as the knife syncs with the beat
by chopping coffee beans, the sound of pouring and grinding the coffee. That sound effect looks

Second reason: When the coffee shop playing some relaxing and chilling music, people can imagine
themselves in the same joyful situation.

- End -
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6. References (APA) (Start with a new page for references)

About Us. (n.d.). The Coffee Academics.

Menus for our Hong Kong & Singapore shops. (n.d.). The Coffee Academics. Retrieved November
19, 2020, from

Grand Opening at Standard Chartered. (n.d.). The Coffee Academics. Retrieved November 19, 2020,

Franchise. (n.d.). The Coffee Academics. Retrieved November 19, 2020, from https://www.the-

Lee, A. (2020, November 3). Hong Kong Dining Awards 2020: Editors’ Pick. Hong Kong Living.

U Lifestyle. (2017, April 6). The mobile coffee station appears! Free ice cream cone coffee on the
street. Hong Kong Life.

23 Types of Advertising Appeals Most Commonly Used by Brands. (2018). Visual Learning Center
by Visme.

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7. Appendices – e.g. company reports, print ads, articles, and pictures
(Start with a new page for Appendix section)

Appendix 1:

Appendix 2:

Appendix 3:

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Appendix 4:

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