Human Resource Management Functions - Materi Training "Fundamental HUM

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Jun. 29, 2019



Human Resource Management

Functions_ Materi Training
Jun. 29, 2019

Contact (Pemateri): Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP

e-mail : [email protected] atau [email protected]
HP. 0812 2353 284, WA:0878 2330 6608

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Kanaidi ken
Consultant and Advisory, Trainer, Lecturer, Author, Speaker


(2021) Silabus Training "Effective MARKETING

COMMUNICATION" (Pemasaran & Prom...
Kanaidi ken

Link-Link MATERI Training "Penyusunan Studi

Kelayakan (FEASIBILITY STUDY) Bis...
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Link-Link MATERI Training "Effective PR (Kehumasan)

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Komunikasi Bisnis yang Efektif di Era Digital 4.0

_Training "Effective PR & ...
Kanaidi ken

Tools of Digital Media di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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Role of Public Relation Management _Training Effective

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Protokoler dan Teknik Penyusunan Acara, Tempat, dll
_Training Effective PR &...
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Keterampilan Public Speaking & Body Language seorang

Master of Ceremonial (MC)
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(2021) Silabus Training "Effective PUBLIC RELATION

(Kehumasan) dan PROTOKOLER"
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Human Resource Management Functions_ Materi
Training "Fundamental HUMAN RESOURCES

1. 1. 10th Edition © 2008 by Prentice Hall Human Resource

Management Functions Fundamentals Human Resources
Management TRAINING By : Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP
[email protected] HP. 08122353284
2. 2. 10th Edition © 2008 by Prentice Hall HR Branding •
Firm’s corporate image or culture • Embodies values and
standards that guide peoples’ behavior • People know
what company stands for, people it hires, fit between jobs
and people, and results it recognizes and rewards
Important in getting highest quality applicants to join firm
3. 3. 10th Edition © 2008 by Prentice Hall Basic Functions
of HRM • The process of HRM consists of 4 basic
functions: 1. Acquisition of human resources 2.
Development of human resources 3. Motivation of human
resources 4. Maintenance of human resources
4. 4. • Process of identifying and employing people
possessing required level of skills – Job Analysis – HRP
(Human Resources Planning) – Recruitment – Selection •
Proses mengidentifikasi dan mempekerjakan orang yang
memiliki tingkat keterampilan yang diperlukan, antara
lain: Acquisition Function
5. 5. Development Function • Process of improving,
moulding and changing the skills, knowledge and ability
of an employee – Employee Training – Management
Development – Career Development • Proses
meningkatkan, mencetak, dan mengubah keterampilan,
pengetahuan, dan kemampuan seorang karyawan
6. 6. Motivation Function • Process of integrating people
into a work situation in a way that it encourages them to
perform / deliver to the best of their ability –
Understanding needs – Designing motivators –
Monitoring • Proses mengintegrasikan orang ke dalam
situasi kerja dengan cara yang mendorong mereka untuk
melakukan / memberikan yang terbaik dari kemampuan
7. 7. Maintenance Function • Process of providing
employees the working conditions that help maintain their
motivation and commitment to the organisation –
Satisfaction Levels – Retention • Proses memberikan
karyawan kondisi kerja yang membantu menjaga motivasi
dan komitmen mereka kepada organisasi, yaitu:
8. 8. Human Resource Management • Utilization of
individuals to achieve organizational objectives • All
managers at every level must concern themselves with
human resource management • Five functions
9. 9. 5 Functions of Human Resource Management 1 Hum
an Resource Developm ent Human Resource
Management Compensation Staffing Employeeand
LaborRelations Safety and Health
10. 10. Staffing • Job Analysis • Human Resource Planning •
Recruitment • Selection 1 Hum an Resource Developm
ent Human Resource Management Compensation Staffing
Employeeand LaborRelations Safety and Health
11. 11. Staffing (Cont.) • Staffing - Process through which
organization ensures it always has proper number of
employees with appropriate skills in right jobs at right
time to achieve organizational objectives • Job analysis -
Systematic process of determining skills, duties, and
knowledge required for performing jobs in organization •
Staffing - Proses melalui mana organisasi memastikan
selalu memiliki jumlah karyawan yang tepat dengan
keterampilan yang tepat dalam pekerjaan yang tepat pada
waktu yang tepat untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi • Job
analysis - Proses sistematis untuk menentukan
keterampilan, tugas, dan pengetahuan yang diperlukan
untuk melakukan pekerjaan dalam organisasi
12. 12. Staffing (Cont.) • Human resource planning -
Systematic process of matching the internal and external
supply of people with job openings anticipated in the
organization over a specified period of time . •
Recruitment - Process of attracting individuals on a
timely basis, in sufficient numbers, and with appropriate
qualifications, to apply for jobs with an organization •
Human resource planning - Proses sistematis pencocokan
pasokan SDM internal dan eksternal dengan lowongan
pekerjaan yang diantisipasi dalam organisasi selama
periode waktu tertentu. • Recruitment - Proses menarik
individu secara tepat waktu, dalam jumlah yang cukup,
dan dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai, untuk melamar
pekerjaan dengan organisasi
13. 13. Staffing (Cont.) • Selection - Process of choosing
from a group of applicants the individual best suited for a
particular position and the organization
14. 14. Human Resource Development • Training •
Development • Career Planning • Career Development •
Organizational Development • Performance Management
• Performance Appraisal 1 Hum an Resource Developm
ent Human Resource Managem ent Compensation
Staffing Employeeand LaborRelations Safety and Health
15. 15. Human Resource Development (Cont.) • Training -
Designed to provide learners with knowledge and skills
needed for their present jobs • Development - Involves
learning that goes beyond today's job; it has more long-
term focus • Career planning - Ongoing process whereby
individual sets career goals and identifies means to
achieve them • Training - Dirancang untuk memberi
kepada para karyawan pengetahuan dan keterampilan
yang dibutuhkan untuk pekerjaan mereka saat ini •
Development - Melibatkan pembelajaran yang melampaui
pekerjaan saat ini; ini memiliki fokus jangka panjang •
Career planning - Proses yang sedang berlangsung
dimana individu menetapkan tujuan karir dan
mengidentifikasi cara untuk mencapainya
16. 16. Human Resource Development (Cont.) • Career
development - Formal approach used by organization to
ensure that people with proper qualifications and
experiences are available when needed • Organization
development - Planned process of improving organization
by developing its structures, systems, and processes to
improve effectiveness and achieving desired goals •
Career development - Pendekatan formal yang digunakan
oleh organisasi untuk memastikan bahwa orang-orang
dengan kualifikasi dan pengalaman yang tepat tersedia
saat dibutuhkan • Organization development - Proses
yang direncanakan untuk meningkatkan organisasi
dengan mengembangkan struktur, sistem, dan prosesnya
untuk meningkatkan efektivitas dan mencapai tujuan yang
17. 17. Human Resource Development (Cont.) • Performance
management - Goal-oriented process directed toward
ensuring organizational processes are in place to
maximize productivity of employees, teams, and
ultimately, the organization • Performance appraisal -
Formal system of review and evaluation of individual or
team task performance • Performance management
(Manajemen kinerja) - Proses yang berorientasi pada
tujuan diarahkan untuk memastikan proses organisasi
tersedia untuk memaksimalkan produktivitas karyawan,
tim, dan pada akhirnya, organisasi • Performance
appraisal (Penilaian kinerja) - Sistem formal peninjauan
dan evaluasi kinerja tugas individu atau tim
18. 18. Compensation Compensation - All rewards that
individuals receive as a result of their employment 1 Hum
an Resource Developm ent Human Resource Managem
ent Compensation Staffing Employeeand LaborRelations
Safety and Health
19. 19. Compensation … • Direct Financial Compensation -
Pay that person receives in form of wages, salaries,
bonuses, and commissions. • Indirect Financial
Compensation (Benefits) - All financial rewards not
included in direct compensation such as paid vacations,
sick leave, holidays, and medical insurance. •
Nonfinancial Compensation - Satisfaction that person
receives from job itself or from psychological and/or
physical environment in which person works. • Direct
Financial Compensation - Bayaran yang diterima
karyawan dalam bentuk upah, gaji, bonus, dan komisi. •
Indirect Financial Compensation (Manfaat) - Semua
imbalan finansial tidak termasuk dalam kompensasi
langsung seperti liburan berbayar, cuti sakit, liburan, dan
asuransi kesehatan. • Nonfinancial Compensation -
Kepuasan yang diterima seseorang karyawan dari
pekerjaannya atau dari lingkungan psikologis dan / atau
fisik di mana orang itu bekerja.
20. 20. Safety and Health Employees who work in safe
environment and enjoy good health are more likely to be
productive and yield long-term benefits to organization. 1
Hum an Resource Developm ent Human Resource
Managem ent Compensation Staffing Employeeand
LaborRelations Safety and Health Perlindungan dan
jaminan karyawan yang bekerja di lingkungan yang aman
dan menikmati kesehatan yang baik lebih cenderung
produktif dan memberikan manfaat jangka panjang bagi
21. 21. Safety and Health … • Safety - Involves protecting
employees from injuries caused by work-related accidents
• Health - Refers to employees' freedom from illness and
their general physical and mental well being • Safety -
Melibatkan melindungi karyawan dari cedera yang
disebabkan oleh kecelakaan terkait pekerjaan • Health -
Mengacu pada kebebasan karyawan dari penyakit dan
kesejahteraan fisik dan mental mereka secara umum
22. 22. Employee and Labor Relations • Private-sector union
membership has fallen from 39 percent in 1958 to 7.8
percent in 2005. • Business is required by law to
recognize a union and bargain with it in good faith if the
firm’s employees want the union to represent them •
Human resource activity is often referred to as industrial
relations • Most firms today would rather have a union-
free environment 1 Hum an Resource Developm ent
Human Resource Managem ent Compensation Staffing
Employeeand LaborRelations Safety and Health
23. 23. Human Resource Research • Human resource research
is not separate function. • It pervades all HR functional
24. 24. Interrelationships of HRM Functions • All HRM
functions are interrelated • Each function affects other
25. 25. Dynamic Human Resource Management Environment
26. 26. 10th Edition © 2008 by Prentice Hall 26 Environment
of Human Resource Management EXTERNAL
Human Resource Management Other Functional Areas
OperationsMarketing Finance
LegalConsiderationsEconomy Technology Society
Shareholders Unions Customers Competition Labor
Market Hum an Resource Developm ent Compensation
Staffing Employeeand LaborRelations Safety and Health
27. 27. Labor Market • Potential employees located within
geographic area from which employees are recruited •
Always changing • Karyawan potensial yang berada
dalam area geografis tempat karyawan direkrut • Selalu
28. 28. Legal Considerations • Federal, state and local
legislation • Court decisions • Presidential executive
29. 29. Society • No longer content to accept, without
question, the actions of business • Ethics - Discipline
dealing with what is good and bad, or right and wrong, or
with moral duty and obligation • Social responsibility -
Implied, enforced or felt obligation of managers to serve
or protect interests of groups other than themselves •
Tidak lagi puas dan menerima begitu saja tanpa
pertanyaan, atas tindakan bisnis. • Ethics (Etika) -
Disiplin berurusan dengan apa yang baik dan buruk, atau
benar dan salah, atau dengan tugas dan kewajiban moral •
Social responsibility (Tanggung jawab sosial) - Tersirat,
ditegakkan atau dirasakan kewajiban manajer untuk
melayani atau melindungi kepentingan kelompok selain
diri mereka sendiri
30. 30. Unions • Group of employees who have joined
together for purpose of dealing collectively with their
employer • Become a third party when dealing with the
31. 31. Shareholders • Owners of corporation • Because they
have invested money in firm, they may at times challenge
programs considered by management to be beneficial to
32. 32. Competition • Firms may face intense competition in
both their product or service and labor markets • Must
maintain a supply of competent employees • Bidding war
often results • Perusahaan menghadapi persaingan yang
ketat baik dalam hal produk atau layanan dan pasar tenaga
kerja • Harus menjaga ketersediaan karyawan yang
kompeten • Perang penawaran sering terjadi
33. 33. Customers • People who actually use firm’s goods and
services • Management has task of ensuring its
employment practices do not antagonize members of
market it serves • Workforce should be capable of
providing top-quality goods and services • Orang yang
memanfatkan/konsumsi/ menggunakan produk dan
layanan perusahaan • Manajemen memiliki tugas untuk
memastikan praktik ketenagakerjaan tidak memusuhi
konsumen yang dilayaninya • Tenaga kerja harus mampu
menyediakan produk dan layanan berkualitas tinggi
34. 34. Technology • The world has never before seen
technological changes occur as rapidly as they are today. •
Created new roles for HR professionals • Additional
pressures on them to keep abreast of technology • Saat ini,
perubahan teknologi terjadi begitu cepat. • Menciptakan
peran baru untuk profesional SDM • Tekanan tambahan
bagi SDM untuk mengikuti perkembangan teknologi
35. 35. Economy • In general, when economy is booming, it
is often more difficult to recruit qualified workers. •
When a downturn is experienced, more applicants are
typically available. • Secara umum, ketika ekonomi
sedang booming, seringkali lebih sulit untuk merekrut
pekerja yang berkualitas. • Ketika penurunan terjadi,
biasanya lebih banyak pelamar tersedia.
36. 36. Unanticipated Events • Occurrences in the external
environment that could not be foreseen • Every disaster,
whether manmade or by nature, requires a tremendous
amount of adjustment with regard to human resource
management • Kejadian di lingkungan eksternal yang
tidak bisa diramalkan • Setiap bencana, baik buatan
manusia atau alam, membutuhkan sejumlah besar
penyesuaian terkait dengan MSDM
37. 37. Cyberwork • Possibility of never-ending workday •
BlackBerrys, cell phones, text messaging, and e-mail
create endless possibilities for communication • Some
workers believe their employer wants them available 24/7
• Memungkinkan hari kerja yang tidak pernah berakhir •
Wa, BlackBerry, ponsel, pesan teks, dan email
menciptakan kemungkinan komunikasi tanpa akhir •
Beberapa pekerja percaya bahwa majikan mereka
menginginkan mereka tersedia 24/7
38. 38. HR’s Changing Role: Questions That Are Being
Asked • Can some HR tasks be performed more
efficiently by line managers or outside vendors? • Can
some HR tasks be centralized or eliminated altogether? •
Can technology perform tasks that were previously done
by HR personnel? • Many HR departments continue to get
smaller • Bisakah beberapa tugas SDM dilakukan lebih
efisien oleh manajer lini atau vendor luar? • Bisakah
beberapa tugas SDM dipusatkan atau dihilangkan sama
sekali? • Bisakah teknologi melakukan tugas2 yang
sebelumnya dilakukan oleh personel SDM? • Banyak
departemen SDM yang terus mengecil
39. 39. HR’s Changing Role: Who Performs Human
Resource Management Tasks? • Human Resource
Managers • HR Outsourcing • HR Shared Service Centers
• Professional Employer Organization (Employee
Leasing) • Line Managers
40. 40. Human Resource Manager • Acts in advisory or staff
capacity • Works with other managers to help them deal
with human resource matters • Today HR departments
continue to get smaller because others are accomplishing
certain functions • Bertindak dalam kapasitas penasihat
atau staf • Bekerja dengan manajer lain untuk membantu
mereka menangani masalah SDM • Saat ini departemen
SDM terus menjadi lebih kecil karena yang lain juga
melakukan fungsi-fungsi tertentu
41. 41. HR Outsourcing • Transfers responsibility to an
external provider • Market for HR outsourcing is growing
42. 42. Ways HR Outsourcing is Done • Discrete services •
Multi-process services • Total HR outsourcing
43. 43. Discrete Services • One element of business process
or single set of high-volume repetitive functions is
outsourced to a third- party • Large majority of companies
outsource transactional HR activities, such as 401(k)
administration • Satu elemen dari proses bisnis atau satu
set fungsi berulang volume tinggi di-outsourcing-kan
kepada pihak ketiga • Sebagian besar perusahaan
melakukan outsourcing bagi aktivitas SDM transaksional.
44. 44. Multi-process Services • Complete outsourcing of one
or more human resource processes • Example: Procter &
Gamble outsourced entire training operations
45. 45. Total HR Outsourcing • Transfer majority of HR
services to third party • Example: Whirlpool Corporation
signed 10-year deal to outsource HR business processes
for 68,000 employees to Convergys Corporation
46. 46. HR Shared Service Centers (SSCS) Takes routine,
transaction-based activities that are dispersed and
consolidates them in one location Terhadap aktivitas rutin,
berbasis transaksi yang tersebar dan mengkonsolidasikann
ya dalam satu lokasi
47. 47. Professional Employer Organization (Employee
Leasing) Company that leases employees to other
48. 48. Professional Employer Organization (Cont.) •
Company releases its employees who are then hired by
PEO • PEO pays the employees • PEO is the employees’
legal employer and has the rights to hire, fire, discipline,
and reassign an employee • Charges a fee of from 1 to 4
percent of the customer’s gross wages • Perusahaan
melepaskan karyawannya yang kemudian dipekerjakan
oleh PEO • PEO membayar karyawan • PEO adalah
pemberi kerja resmi karyawan dan memiliki hak untuk
merekrut, memecat, mendisiplinkan, dan menugaskan
kembali seorang karyawan • Mengenakan biaya mulai
dari 1 hingga 4% dari upah kotor pelanggan
49. 49. Line Managers Performing HR Tasks • Involved with
human resources by nature of their jobs • Line managers
are now performing some duties typically done by HR
50. 50. HR as a Strategic Partner • HR executives must
understand complex organizational design • Sharp
deviation from what has traditionally been an
administrative type role for HR
51. 51. Strategic Activities CEOs Want from HR • Make
workforce strategies integral to company strategies and
goals • Leverage HR’s role in major change initiatives •
Earn the right to a seat at the corporate table • Understand
finance and profits • Help line managers achieve their
goals • Jadikan strategi tenaga kerja sebagai bagian
integral dari strategi dan tujuan perusahaan • Manfaatkan
peran SDM dalam inisiatif perubahan besar • Memahami
keuangan dan keuntungan • Bantu manajer lini mencapai
tujuan mereka
52. 52. Contact Us : Ω Problem Statement Ω Strategic
Direction Ω Mapping ►►► Conclusion


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(2021) Silabus Training "Effective PUBLIC RELATION

(Kehumasan) dan PROTOKOLER"
Kanaidi ken


Apr. 9, 2021


Nov. 2, 2020

Contact (Pemateri): Kanaidi, SE., M.Si., cSAP e-mail :

[email protected] atau [email protected] HP. 0812
2353 284, WA:0878 2330 6608 ---------------------------------------


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