The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and
[email protected]
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan
John Enrico Peòaroya
Crisalyn Rubio of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk
MSU-Iligan Institute of Technology
Reduction and Management
Framework of the Philippines
ABSTRACT city’s resiliency against the occurrence of natural disasters and to achieve
This is a descriptive study of the disaster mitigation sustainable development.
efforts of Iligan focused on its 1995-2000 and 2013- KEY WORDS: Comprehensive Land Use Plan, danger zone, natural
2022 Comprehensive Land Use Plans (CLUP) and hazards, resiliency, vulnerability, zoning ordinance
their congruence with the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Framework of the Phil- INTRODUCTION
ippines. The key informants engaged are the offi-
The Philippines being a locus of typhoons, tsunamis,
cials of the City Planning and Development Office
who are directly involved in the formulation of the
earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, is a hotbed of natural
2013-2022 CLUP. Findings reveal that the 1995- disasters. Natural disasters inflict loss of lives and costly
2000 CLUP did not provide for the incorporation of damage to property. In 2011, the devastating impacts of
the 4 pillars of Disaster Risk Reduction and Man-
Typhoons Pedring, Quiel and Sendong resulted in a high
agement (DRRM). Nevertheless, it provided for set-
backs in coastal areas, river banks and creeks.
number of fatalities with economic losses amounting to
However, these setbacks wereviolated by residential billions of pesos” (, Dec. 3, 2012).
settlements making them vulnerable to hazards and Based upon this characterization of the Philippines and the
contributed to many deaths during the flooding
disaster brought about by Pablo in December 2012, it is but
caused by Tropical Storm Sendong in 2011.
Prompted by its disaster experiences and as required
timely that the issue on climate change alongside disaster
by the Philippine DRRM Framework, Iligan took steps risk reduction be given ample attention. One study posited
in revising its 1995-2000 CLUP by drafting the 2013- that: “Land use planning can influence mitigation of
2022 CLUP. The 2013-2022 CLUP have incorpo- disasters through the development of strategic land use
rated principles of DRRM as prescribed by R.A
plan as well as assessment of development applications on
10121. These are manifested in new features inte-
grated in the provisions of the plan which include: the basis of the adopted plan,” (Bajracharya, 2011). The
(1) Analysis matrices with its corresponding foregoing proposition was the inspiration in conducting
strategized programs, projects and activities; (2) this study in order to assess how land use planning and
Geo-hazard maps assessed by the Mines and Geo-
management be able to support disaster risk reduction and
sciences Bureau (MGB); (3) Vulnerability Assessment
Matrix Environment Sector; and (4) Updated and management efforts in Iligan City. The impact of Tropical
improved version of the Comprehensive Zoning Storm Sendong delivered a clear message to the local
Ordinance of Iligan City. It is highly recommended government of Iligan to review and reconsider its policies
that Iligan City should strictly implement the provi-
and policy initiatives toward the mitigation and
sions of 2013-2022 CLUP in order to increase the
preventionof natural disasters.
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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Various studiesclaimed the feasibility and pos- most of the ensuing debates are mainly for refine-
sible success of implementing land use manage- ments and clarifications.
ment and planning policies in helping in the The hazard map of Iligan was prepared by the
mitigation and reduction of disaster risks such as Mines and Geo-science Bureau of the Department
loss of lives, destruction of infrastructure and loss of Environment and Natural Resources in 2010.
of livelihood. According to one source: “Land use Likewise, the DRRM Framework of the Philip-
management is a method used mainly by municipal pines was passed in the same year. Since the
governments in using land for sustainable commu- formulation of the 2013-2022 CLUP started in
nity development by controlling where, what, and 2011, it must conform to the hazard map of Iligan
how to construct facilities or buildings,” (EqTAP, and the DRRM Framework of the Philippines.
In ensuring sustainable development for future THEORITICAL FRAMEWORK
generations, taking into consideration their safety
and welfare, the local government of today should
take into consideration growth and risk reduction
alongside sustainable development in order to
improve human security and ensure environmen-
tal protection. Thus, land use planning and man-
agement is a part of the entire effort.
Land use planning is not only a technical pro-
cess but a political exercise that involves multiple
participants. This makes it a lengthy process that
requires compromises and strong policy leadership.
In the case of Iligan, the formulation of the 2013- Schematic Diagram Showing the Relationship
2022 CLUP started in 2011 and at the time that between CLUP, Hazard Map, Disaster Risk Reduc-
this paper is being written, the process is still tion and Management Framework and Sustainable
ongoing. It is not only the local politics in the city Development
that contributed into the extended timeline of the As shown in the figure, the “Disaster Risk
process but also the participation of at least five Reduction and Management (DRRM) Framework”
agencies such as the City Development Council of the Philippine Government and the “Hazard
(CDC), Sangguniang Panlungsod (SP), Regional Map” of Iligan are the inputs in the formulation of
Land Use Committee (RLUC), Housing and Land the “Comprehensive Land Use Plan (CLUP)” of
Use Regulatory Board (HLURB) and Housing and the city.
Urban Development Coordinating Council The “DRRM Framework” prescribes guidelines
(HUDCC). Moreover, series of public consultations and criteria that must be observed in the formula-
are also required. Nevertheless, the main features tion of the CLUP to ensure coherence between the
of the 2013-2022 CLUP are already established and policies of the local government of Iligan City and
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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the DRRM framework of the Philippines. This extent amended the 1995-2000 CLUP.
framework provides the basis for mainstreaming Taken altogether, CLUP, is a means in achiev-
DRRM strategies into the CLUP. ing sustainable development. Its effectiveness for
The “Hazard map” identifies specific vulnerabili- this purpose is determined largely by its congruence
ties of the barangays of Iligan City to various with the Philippine DRRM Framework and the
natural hazards. It recommends precautionary Hazard Map of Iligan.
measures that must be incorporated into the
CLUP in order to address natural hazards faced by RESULT AND ANALYSIS
Iligan. This study evaluated the provisions of both the
The CLUP on the other hand is a roadmap for old(1995-2000) and new (2013-2022) CLUPs of
the attainment of sustainable development of Iligan City to find out if they have integrated the
Iligan City. It provides for the plans and strategies four pillars of Disaster Risk Reduction and Man-
in implementing land use policies by the local agement: disaster prevention and mitigation,
government. disaster preparedness, disaster response, and
In order to achieve sustainable development, disaster rehabilitation and recovery. Inclusion of
the CLUP should conform with the DRRM these into the CLUP would increase the level of
Framework of the national government and the resilience of the city against various hazards that
hazard map of Iligan. Thus, the purpose of having put both humans and environment at risk.
a CLUP aligned with the Hazard Map and the A. FEATURES OF THE OLD CLUPRELEVANT TO
DRRM Framework is to achieve sustainable DISASTER RISK REDUCTION AND MANAGE-
development. The local government of Iligan MENT
should develop resilience against natural disasters The features of the old CLUP (1995-2000) that
by promoting disaster mitigation, prevention, and are relevant to DRRM are the provisions for
preparedness through land use planning. “Easements, Floodway and Waterway Require-
Land use planning in Iligan started in 1974 with ments (Sec. 37) of the Zoning Ordinance of 2001
the adoption of a town plan. By 1975, the first (No. 01-3949). Though insufficient in terms of its
zoning ordinance (Ordinance No. 1313, series of prescriptions and coverage, these features provided
1975) was adopted and lasted until 2001 when it a minimal safety net to residents and their proper-
was amended by Ordinance No. 01-3949 known as ties against the threat posed by natural hazards,
the Zoning Ordinance of 2001. In 1997, land use particularly floods and storm surges that threat-
planning took the form of Comprehensive Master ened people living near rivers, creeks and shore-
Development Plan. A year later (1998), it finally lines.
became the 1995-2000 Comprehensive Land Use Though some provisions of the Zoning Ordi-
Plan which continued to be in effect even beyond nance of 2001 relate to DRRM, most of its provi-
2000. However, in 2003, Iligan adopted the City sions did not provide for the incorporation of
Development Strategies that touched on some disaster prevention and mitigation, disaster pre-
aspects of land use planning which to a limited paredness, disaster response, and disaster rehabili-
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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Ordinance of 2001 as well as its predeces-
sor, the Zoning Ordinance of 1975, “disas-
ters”, “hazards” and “danger zones” were
not included. While they mentioned
categorization of zones, there was no
mention of “danger zones.” Apparently,
these terminologies have not yet come into
the chronology of land use planning in
Iligan in 1975 and 2001.
These shortcomings were shown by
observations made across areas identified as
zones for easements. As observed in some
areas of the city, such requirements on
easements, floodways and waterways have
not been properly implemented by the
LGU as evidenced by many instances where
many houses encroached into spaces suppos-
edly to be reserved as easements, obviously
neglecting the provisions set forth by said
Zoning Ordinance.
This lack of congruence between this
CLUP (1995-2000) along with the Zoning
Legend: Flood C=Common; R=Rare; R&L=Rare and Low; S=Seasonal; N=None Ordinances of 1975 and 2001 to the
Landslide:H=High; M=Moderate; L=Low; N-L=None to Low; L-M= Low to
DRRM Framework is due mainly to the
X- barangay where hazard is likely to happen and may affect the community fact that these local legislations were passed
before the enactment of Republic Act
Note:Barangay is the basic political subdivision in the Philippines. Each city and
(R.A.) No. 10121 in 2010. R.A. No. 10121,
municipality is subdivided into barangays. For administrative supervision each
barangay is also subdivided into puroks. the DRRM Code of the Philippines was
passed by the Philippine legislature in
tation and recovery. An example of this is the lack of cognizance with the intensifying pattern of
specific provisions for “Danger Zones” and the insuffi- natural disasters of hydro-meteorological
ciency in the provision about “Buffer zones” in relation origins. The non-congruence was costly for
to hazards and disasters. Generally, danger zones and Iligan, since all Sendong related deaths in
buffer zones should not be inhabited. In the case of 2011 happened in danger zones which the
danger zones, structures may only be allowed with proper Mines and Geo-science Bureau (MGB) had
mitigation features to be incorporated in their designs. identified in 2010.Nevertheless, even if only
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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– Region X are categorized into six, namely:
(1) Floods; (2) Landslides; (3) Storm surge;
(4) Earthquakes; (5) Liquefaction; and (6)
Storm/Typhoon. Each of these hazards has
been identified through a “Rapid
Geohazard Assessment” of all the barangays
of Iligan City in March 2010. The MGB –
Region X has also provided the City Plan-
ning and Development Office
(CPDO)geohazard maps showing Iligan City
in relation to potential hazards it may
encounter.These natural hazards have been
identified to pose a major threat to human
lives, properties, livelihoods and sustainable
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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the new CLUP’s Volume 3: Sectoral Studies; through the different programs, projects and
revision on Chapter 3.1.1: Housing Sector; Chap- activities designed by the CPDO and to be imple-
ter 4: Environmental Protection, Climate Change mented by various agencies in the city
Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Sector; The second feature is the Geohazard Maps
and Volume 2: Zoning Ordinance. These features generated by the MGB-Region X which were
contain tables of (1) Analysis matrices with their considered as inputs in the formulation of the new
corresponding strategized Programs/Projects/ CLUP. These Geohazard Maps show the different
Activities; (2) Geo-hazard Maps by the Mines and barangays and communities affected by various
Geosciences Bureau (MGB) – Region X; (3) Vulner- natural hazards. These Maps include (1) Slope Map
ability Assessment Matrix Environment Sector; of Iligan City, (2) Flood Susceptibility Map of Iligan
and (4) an Updated and improved version of the City, (3) Landslide Susceptibility Map of Iligan City
Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance of Iligan City (4) Storm Surge Susceptibility Map of Iligan City
in which strategies and mechanisms of DRRM and and (5) Map of Location of Clusters of Informal
CCA were incorporated. Settlers. These maps serve as a helpful guide in the
The first feature is the Analysis Matrices with its formulation and implementation of the Zoning
corresponding strategized Programs/Projects/ Ordinance.
Activities. It was the product of series of workshops The third feature is the Vulnerability Assess-
facilitated by the CPDO and participated by vari- ment Matrices which evaluate the level of vulner-
ous stakeholders and agencies. In the series of ability against three (3) hazards: flood, landslide,
workshops they sorted out and discussed the and storm surge, specifically in the natural environ-
pressing concerns and issues about the susceptibility ments of Iligan City which includes Mt. Gabunan
of the city to various hazards. These matrices in Barangay Rogongon; Mangrove areas in
include (1) Protection and Conservation Analysis Barangays Hinaplanon, Santiago and Sta.
Matrix, (2) Land Quality Analysis Matrix, (3) Felomina; Marine Sanctuary in Barangay
Development Constraints and (4) Housing Analysis Dalipuga; and the major rivers in the city that
Matrix. include Iligan River, Agus River and Mandulog
On the other hand, aside from the identified River. Every matrix includes each narrated impact
concerns and issues they also came up with poten- or exposure, the rate of likelihood or probability
tial solutions which conform to the provisions of that it may happen, the corresponding conse-
DRRM and CCA in addressing the identified quences and risk score and description of the risk
concerns and issues. The solutions were categorized which is categorized respectively as Low Risk,
into two parts: “Mitigation” and “Adaptation Medium Risk or High Risk.
Measures” which aim to lessen or alleviate the The last feature is the updated and improved
vulnerabilities of the city to hazards. These solu- version of the Zoning Ordinance (Volume 2 of the
tions are in a form of policy interventions and CLUP). The Zoning Ordinance is designed to suit
options and building of infrastructures. Moreover, with the current conditions on both natural and
the solutions would be further strengthened human environments of the city and to integrate a
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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hazard profile and mainstream DRRM and Cli- the banks of Mandulog River were swept away by
mate Change Adaptation (CCA) principles. Provi- strong current.
sions in the proposed zoning ordinance include As identified by the MGB – Region X, the
conformity to R.A. 10121 and R.A. 9729; and the natural hazards faced by Iligan City are categorized
new definition of a Buffer Zone which now con- into six, namely: (1) Floods; (2) Landslides; (3)
form to the current conditions and needs of the Storm surge; (4) Earthquakes; (5) Liquefaction; and
city’s natural and human environments. There is (6) Storm/Typhoon.With the pressing concerns to
also an inclusion of an overlay zone where more incorporate DRRM and the prescriptions of R.A.
than one land use is allowed in order to optimize 10121, Iligan through the CPDO has taken the
the usage of a land. Moreover, selective permits initiative of revising the 1995-2000CLUP to incor-
for building houses in danger zones maybe allowed porate the pillars of DRRM. This revision has
provided that mitigation measures are integrated been initiated as a response to the national
into infrastructures’ design. government’s call for coping up with natural
hazards and the disasters brought by unprepared-
CONCLUSION ness and disregard.
The provisions under Iligan City’s old CLUP The new features integrated into the 2013-2022
(1995-2000) did not explicitly mention ideas related CLUP are: (1) Analysis matrices with its corre-
to the DRRM Framework or principles stipulated sponding strategized Programs/Projects/Activities;
in R.A. 10121 as it was adopted as a local ordinance (2) Geohazard Maps generated by the Mines and
in 1998,twelve years before R.A. 10121 was en- Geosciences Bureau (MGB)-Region X; (3) Vulner-
acted. The operation of the 1995-2000 CLUP was ability Assessment Matrix Environment Sector;
extended for more than a decade due to the failure and (4) an Updated version of the Comprehensive
to amend it. Prior to 2011, land use planning in Zoning Ordinance of Iligan City where the strate-
Iligan City did not place much consideration on gies and mechanisms of DRRM and CCA have
issues arising from climate change. been incorporated into the new CLUP of Iligan
Being not grounded on the concept of DRRM City.
as elucidated in RA 10121, the old Zoning Ordi- These efforts indicate that the city is gradually
nance (Ordinance No. 01-3949) is short of provi- assimilating the importance of DRRM and CCA
sions that ensures resiliency against natural haz- in the city’s development planning efforts. It also
ards. Consequently,buildings for residential, shows that the new CLUP hadincorporated the
commercial and industrial purposes were not made pertinent provisions required by R.A 10121. This
to withstand the effects of natural disasters like the would make the new CLUP serve as an effective
flood that was brought by Tropical Storm Sendong guideline to improve and increase the level of
in 2011. The vulnerability of city infrastructures to resiliency of the city and secure the sustainable
hazards was shown by the extent of destructions development of Iligan against the threats brought
wrought by Tropical Storm Sendong in 2011 where about by various hazards.
many houses along the coast of Iligan Bay and near This paper is focusedmainly on the analysis of
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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the content of both the old and new CLUPs and the city.
not to include monitoring and evaluatingthe 5. The Local Disaster Risk Reduction Manage-
outcome of their implementation. Nevertheless, it ment Office of Iligan should go into community
is hereby posited that the success of CLUP of organizing and regular response drills to up-
Iliganlies mainly on its effective implementation. grade community preparedness in dealing with
With local politics putting its weight on the policy natural disasters.
making process in Iligan which is causing the delay 6. The City Environment and Natural Resources
of the completion of the formulation of the new Office (CENRO) should strictly regulate the
CLUP, great challenges awaits its approval and release of environmental certificates for devel-
implementation opment projects or activities that may bedone in
buffer and danger zones.
RECOMMENDATIONS 7. The City Zoning Administrator should impose
1. The MGB should provide Geohazard Maps for more strict guidelines on the release of location
each barangay in Iligan City. These maps certificates and building permits in consider-
focused in each barangay should reflect the ation with the geohazard map of the city and
identified hazard/s in each barangay concerned. with the pertinent provisions of R.A. 10121.
These maps are important in formulating 8. As front-liners, chairmen of barangays should
DRRM actions plans in every barangay espe- exercise leadership at the grassroots level for the
cially in mitigation, preparedness and response. education of their constituents on the contents
2. In partnership with the academe, the MGB of CLUP in order to foster well-informed
should also conduct further researcheson the compliance.
history and pattern of the occurrence of hazards 9. Finally, Iligan City should develop the culture of
in Iligan City. The outputs of these researches safety and the value of ecological balance. This
shall provide vital information needed in is done through the partnership between the
enhancing the resiliency of the vulnerable city government, barangays, religious leaders,
communities in Iligan. NGOs, POs, and the academe.
3. The CLUP of the city should be reviewedat least
every three years in order incorporate new REFERENCES
updates resulting from current researches on GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS
Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City 1995-
DRRM. 2000. (1998). City Planning and Development
4. The local government of Iligan should conduct Office. Retrieved April 18, 2013.
thorough information drive regarding the Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City 2013-
zoning ordinance of the city through the tri- 2022. City Planning and Development Office.
media. It should also strictly implement the Retrieved April 18, 2013.
provisions of the Zoning Ordinance and incor- Iligan City Zoning Ordinance of 1975. City Plan-
porate them into all development programs of ning and Development Office. Retrieved March
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
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The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO
Journal of Government and Politics Vol.6 No.1 February 2015
○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
The Comprehensive Land Use Plan of Iligan City and the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Framework of the Philippines / DAVID ALMAREZ; JOHN ENRICO PEÒAROYA; CRISALYN RUBIO