Load Flow Analysis

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Running a Load Flow Analysis

The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the Load Flow Analysis module, and provide
instructions on how to run a load flow study. In addition, an example of how to regulate bus
voltage using transformer LTCs and how ETAP flags overload conditions will be given.
Furthermore, there will be a brief look at the Load Flow Result Analyzer. For this tutorial you
should select “Example Project (ANSI)” option when starting ETAP Demo.

Example – ANSI after running load flow analysis

Running Load Flow Analysis

 Click the Load Flow Analysis button on the Mode toolbar to switch to Load Flow
Analysis mode.

Getting Started - ETAP Load Flow Analysis 1

© 2009 Operation Technology, Inc.
 Running a Load Flow Analysis will generate an output report. In the Study Case toolbar,
you can select the name of an existing output report to overwrite, or “Prompt.” If
“Prompt” is selected, then prior to running the Load Flow Analysis you will be prompted
to enter a new report name.

 You can customize your study by changing the options in the

Load Flow Study Case editor. For example, different methods
with maximum number of iterations and precision can be
specified; loading and generation categories can be individually
selected; load diversity factors can be applied; and finally
adjustments can be selected for different elements, e.g.
transformer, reactor, overload heater, cable, transmission line,
and more.

Viewing the Results

 To run the load flow study, click on the Run Load Flow button
located in the Load Flow toolbar. After running the Load Flow
Analysis, the results will be displayed on the one-line, as shown

☺Helpful Tips…
Load flow analysis is
carried out on all sub
networks as well.

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© 2009 Operation Technology, Inc.
 The results shown on the one-line, and the format
they are displayed in can be changed in the Display
Options, which can be accessed from the Load Flow

 To view any overload problems, simply click the Alert

View button in the Load Flow toolbar. This will open a
window containing a list of undersized equipment. Please
note that the alert view button is disabled in the ETAP

 Output reports provide a way to view a more detailed and organized representation of the
results. Click on Report Manager in the Load Flow toolbar, and go to the Result page and
select Load Flow Report. As you can see we offer different file formats for the output

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Using the results

 Looking at the results on the one-line, note that the operating voltage of Bus1 is 97.89%.
This caused the bus to be flagged as marginally under voltage in the Alert View window.
The criteria for which a condition is flagged can be changed in the Load Flow Study Case
editor. We will now use the bus voltage regulation feature of the Transformer Editor to
improve our Load Flow results.

 ETAP allows Auto LTC settings to be

applied to regulate buses that are directly
or indirectly connected to a transformer.
For example, we can use transformer T4
to regulate Bus1 at 100% of nominal
voltage. Open the editor of T4 by double
clicking on its graphic on the one-line.
On the Tap page, enable (check) the
Auto LTC box on the primary winding.

 Open the LTC settings window by

clicking on the LTC box and change the
Regulated Bus ID to Bus1. Click OK for
both the LTC window and the
Transformer Editor window.

 Run the Load Flow study again, with attention paid to the operating voltage of Bus1.
Notice that the operating voltage of Bus1 is now within a tap step of the desired 100%
regulation value. This is just one example of the many features of the ETAP Load Flow

Getting Started - ETAP Load Flow Analysis 4

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Analyzing the Results

Load Flow Result Analyzer

 After running the Load Flow study, you can analyze the output data for different
elements in a very compact and summarized way by using the Load Flow Results
Analyzer. To do so, click on the Load Flow Result Analyzer button in the Load Flow

 Select the different reports that you want to consider from the Study Reports field. If you
want to compare output reports from other projects along with the current project, you
can select All Project in Active Directory from the Project Report field. The other
projects must be in the same directory as your current project.

 Select the report type from the Report Type field. The example above shows results for
Loads. After selecting Loads, select the Load Types and Load Info to display. Select the
units to display the results in, and the different fields that you want to display. In
addition, you can create your own alerts and enable them from the Alert field.

 The commercial and nuclear versions of ETAP allow you to export the filtered results
from the Load Flow Result Analyzer to an Excel spreadsheet.

Getting Started - ETAP Load Flow Analysis 5

© 2009 Operation Technology, Inc.

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