Knox County Board of Education Demands Jury Trial Over Mask Mandate

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M.B., et al., )
Plaintiff, )
v. ) No. 3:21-CV-317
) Jury Trial Demanded.
Defendant. )


Comes Now Defendant Knox County Board of Education (“KCBOE”), by and through

counsel, and hereby moves answers Plaintiffs’ First Amended Verified Complaint (“Complaint”)

for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief as follows:


1. Plaintiffs’ Complaint should be dismissed for failure to state a claim upon which

relief can be granted.

2. At all times material hereto, KCBOE and their agents, employees, and officers

acted properly, prudently, correctly, in good faith, and in accordance with both state and federal


3. KCBOE are immune by virtue of the doctrines of common law immunity, qualified

immunity, qualified good faith immunity, sovereign immunity, and governmental immunity, as

the same may apply to the facts and circumstances herein.

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4. Plaintiffs have failed to join one or more (or a class or classes of) necessary parties

to this litigation: those disabled students, staff, and visitors whose disability prevent them from

wearing a mask or face coverings while in school; and those students, staff, and visitors who

genuinely believe and argue that they have a constitutionally protected liberty interest in not

wearing a mask or face covering.1

5. Neither KCBOE nor any Knox County agents, employees, or officers violated any

of Plaintiffs’ rights pursuant to the Constitution of the United States, the Americans with

Disabilities Act (“ADA”) or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation act of 1973 (“Sec. 504” or “§ 504”).

6. No policy, custom or practice of Knox County was the moving force behind the

alleged violation of Plaintiffs’ rights referred to in the Complaint.

7. One or more Plaintiffs lack standing to bring this action. S.B. attends school

virtually only, and therefore lacks standing to bring this suit. M.S. is homeschooled, and therefore

lacks standing to bring this suit. T.W. and M.K. are full-time students at their respective schools,

have not been denied services, and therefore lack standing to pursue claims under the ADA or Sec.


8. KCBOE would adopt the defenses raised by Governor Lee that Plaintiffs’ claims

necessarily arise under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (“IDEA”), and because

Plaintiffs have not pursued administrative remedies, their claims are not ripe and not justiciable.

9. Plaintiffs fail to establish the elements necessary to establish a class for certification

pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23.

KCBOE does not take the position that such individuals have the claimed liberty interest; however, KCBOE
acknowledges that many people assert such interest, and that they may be necessary parties to this litigation.

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10. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. § 1988, if KCBOE prevail on any federal claims under 42

U.S.C. § 1983, this Court should allow Knox County to recover from Plaintiffs its reasonable

attorney fees and costs to defend this action.

11. Pursuant to City of Los Angeles v. Heller, 475 U.S. 796 (1986), Knox County may

not be held liable under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 without a finding of an underlying civil rights violation

by one of its employees, which violation does not exist.

12. Plaintiffs are not entitled to recover any damages against KCBOE for any amounts,

or for attorney’s fees, expert fees, or other costs in this action.


In answer to the specific factual allegations of the Complaint, as set forth in numbered

paragraphs, KCBOE respond as follows:

1. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 1 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

2. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 2 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

3. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 3 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted. However, S.B. only attends school virtually, and not in person.

4. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 4 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

5. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 5 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

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6. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 6 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted. However, M.S. is currently homeschooled, and does not attend any Knox

County school in person.

7. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 7 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

8. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 8 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

9. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 9 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

10. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 10 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

11. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 11 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

12. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 12 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

13. The allegations of Paragraph No. 13 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are admitted.

14. To the extent that an answer to Paragraph No. 14 of the Complaint is required of

this Defendant, the allegations of Paragraph No. 14 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are admitted.

15. To the extent that an answer to Paragraph No. 15 of the Complaint is required of

this Defendant, the allegations of Paragraph No. 15 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are admitted.

16. The allegations of Paragraph No. 16 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are admitted as of the

time Plaintiffs’ Complaint was filed. The physical location of the office of the Director of Schools

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(“Superintendent”) for Knox County Schools has subsequently moved. KCBOE does not contest

service of process in this action.

17. The allegations of Paragraph No. 17 are denied as written. Such allegations are

admitted, however, with the presumption that “28 U.S.C. §2022” is a typographical error for


18. It is admitted that venue is proper in the Eastern District of Tennessee.

19. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 19 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

20. It is admitted that S.B. is zoned for Cedar Bluff Elementary School, and that he

currently attends school virtually. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form

a belief regarding the truthfulness of the remaining allegations of Paragraph No. 20 of Plaintiffs’


21. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 21 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

22. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 22 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

23. It is admitted that M.S. is zoned for West Valley Middle School, and that she is

currently homeschooled. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

regarding the truthfulness of the remaining allegations of Paragraph No. 23 of Plaintiffs’


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24. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 24 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

25. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 25 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

26. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 26 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

27. Upon information and belief, the allegations of Paragraph No. 27 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

28. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 28 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

29. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 29 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

30. The allegations of Paragraph No. 30 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

31. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 31 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

32. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 32 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

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33. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 33 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

34. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding

the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 34 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof

thereof is demanded.

35. The allegations of Paragraph No. 35 regarding the availability of vaccines for

children under the age of 12 are denied. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient

to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of the remaining allegations of Paragraph No. 35 of

Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof thereof is demanded.

36. It is admitted that the Knox County school system (“Knox County Schools,” or

“KCS”) enrolls students with a variety of health conditions. The Plaintiffs, with the exception of

M.S., are enrolled as KCS students. It is denied that M.S. is enrolled as a KCS student.

37. The allegations of Paragraph No. 37 regarding the availability of vaccines for S.B.,

T.W., and M.K. are denied. It is admitted upon information and belief that a variety of mitigation

strategies can be used to reduce the risk of individuals’ contracting COVID-19. These mitigation

strategies include, but aren’t limited to masking and social distancing. Furthermore, KCBOE

would aver that masking and social distancing do not provide a completely risk-free environment

to the contraction of COVID-19. Such strategies merely reduce the risk of contraction of the

disease. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the

truthfulness of the remaining allegations of Paragraph No. 37 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict

proof thereof is demanded.

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38. It is admitted that current research shows that masks are effective at reducing the

transmission rate of COVID-19. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form

a belief regarding the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 38 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint,

and strict proof thereof is demanded.

39. It is admitted that current research shows that masks are effective at reducing the

transmission rate of COVID-19. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form

a belief regarding the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 39 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint,

and strict proof thereof is demanded.

40. It is denied that the masking of others is a “reasonable modification” under the

ADA or a “reasonable accommodation” under Sec. 504 for, inter alia, the reasons set forth in

KCBOE’s Response in Opposition to a Preliminary Injunction, Doc. 14; Memorandum Regarding

Supplemental Authority, Doc. 28; Motion to Alter or Amend, Doc. 36; Amended and Restated

Motion to Alter or Amend, Doc. 40; and Motion to Stay Injunction Pending Appeal, Doc. 43.

KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness

of the remaining allegations of Paragraph No. 40 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint, and strict proof thereof

is demanded.

41. It is admitted that current research shows that masks are effective at reducing the

transmission rate of COVID-19. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form

a belief regarding the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 41 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint,

and strict proof thereof is demanded.

42. It is admitted that current research shows that masks are effective at reducing the

transmission rate of COVID-19. KCBOE is without knowledge or information sufficient to form

a belief regarding the truthfulness of the allegations of Paragraph No. 42 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint,

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and strict proof thereof is demanded. KCBOE would aver that “universal masking in the schools”

is neither a “reasonable accommodation” nor a “reasonable modification” as set forth above.

Furthermore, a universal mask mandate is impossible to enact without violating the rights of other

individuals—students, staff, and visitors—under the ADA and Sec. 504.

43. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 43 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint accurately reflects

language from the cited opinion of the Tennessee Attorney General. However, KCBOE would

aver that since the issuance of such opinion, the authority of the six metropolitan health

departments has been curtailed by action of the Tennessee state legislature.

44. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 44 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint accurately reflects

language from the cited opinion of the Tennessee Attorney General. KCBOE is without

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of the assertions

contained therein regarding COVID-19; therefore, strict proof thereof is demanded.

45. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 45 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint accurately reflects

language from the cited opinion of the Tennessee Attorney General. KCBOE is without

knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of the assertions

contained therein regarding COVID-19; therefore, strict proof thereof is demanded.

46. The allegations of Paragraph No. 46 are denied as written. It is admitted that

Paragraph No. 46 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint contains accurate quotations of the cited materials and

information. However, as of the date of this Answer, the substantive allegations of such paragraph

are denied. As of November 8, 2021, fewer than ten (10) new cases of COVID-19 had been

reported per day in the previous week among 5- to 17-year-olds in Knox County.2 Furthermore,

for the period of November 3 – 8, 2021, the KCS Covid Dashboard reports approximately 50 active

2, last accessed 11/8/2021.

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student cases, 12 staff cases, for a total of 62 active cases in Knox County Schools.3 The trend of

new cases per day in Knox County has been steadily declining since mid-September of 2021.4

47. It is admitted that Governor Lee issued Executive Order (“EO”) 84 on or about

August 16, 2021, which permitted parents to “opt out” of a mask mandate imposed by a Local

Education Agency (“LEA”—KCBOE is the LEA for Knox County, Tennessee). KCBOE is

without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of the

remaining allegations of such paragraph, and strict proof thereof is demanded.

48. The allegations of Paragraph No. 48 appear to consist entirely of argument and are

furthermore directed at Codefendant Lee. To the extent an answer is required of KCBOE, KCBOE

would state that is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the

truthfulness of such allegations of and would demand strict proof thereof.

49. The allegations of Paragraph No. 49 appear to consist entirely of argument and are

furthermore directed at Codefendant Lee. To the extent an answer is required of KCBOE, KCBOE

would state that is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief regarding the

truthfulness of such allegations of and would demand strict proof thereof.

50. The substantive, non-argumentative allegations of Paragraph No. 50 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

51. The allegations of Paragraph No. 51 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

52. The substantive, non-argumentative allegations of Paragraph No. 52 of Plaintiffs’

Complaint are admitted.

53. The allegations of Paragraph No. 53 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied as written

for the date on which the Complaint was filed.

3, last accessed 11/8/2021.
4, last accessed 11/8/2021.


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54. The allegations of Paragraph No. 54 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

55. The allegations of Paragraph No. 55 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

56. The allegations of Paragraph No. 56 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

57. It is denied that Plaintiffs are entitled to establish a class for certification pursuant

to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23.

58. It is denied that Plaintiffs are entitled to establish a class for certification pursuant

to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23.

59. The allegations of Paragraph No. 59 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

60. The allegations of Paragraph No. 60 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

61. The allegations of Paragraph No. 61 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

62. The allegations of Paragraph No. 59 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

63. The allegations of Paragraph No. 59 of Plaintiffs’ Complaint are denied.

64. When and as necessary, commensurate paragraphs of KCBOE’s Answer are

likewise adopted.

65. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 65 contains an accurate quotation of the law. It is

denied that KCBOE has violated such law.

66. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 66 contains an accurate summary of the law. It is

denied that KCBOE has violated such law.

67. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 67 contains an accurate quotation of the law. It is

denied that KCBOE has violated such law.

68. The allegations of Paragraph No. 68 appear to be directed at Codefendant Lee. To

the extent an answer is required of KCBOE, KCBOE would state that is without knowledge or


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information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of such allegations of and would

demand strict proof thereof.

69. It is admitted that Paragraph No. 69 contains an accurate summary of the law. It is

denied that KCBOE has violated such law.

70. (Second ¶42 in Complaint) When and as necessary, commensurate paragraphs of

KCBOE’s Answer are likewise adopted.

71. The allegations of the Second ¶43 are admitted as to Plaintiffs. KCBOE would

deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to establish a class for certification pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23.

72. The allegations of the Second ¶44 are admitted as to Plaintiffs. KCBOE would

deny that Plaintiffs are entitled to establish a class for certification pursuant to Fed. R. Civ. P. 23.

73. The allegations of the Second ¶45 appear to be directed at Codefendant Lee. To

the extent an answer is required of KCBOE, KCBOE would state that is without knowledge or

information sufficient to form a belief regarding the truthfulness of such allegations of and would

demand strict proof thereof.

74. The allegations of the Second ¶46, including its sub-parts, are denied.

75. It is denied that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Second ¶47.

76. It is denied that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Second ¶48.

77. It is denied that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Second ¶49.

78. It is denied that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Second ¶50.

79. It is denied that the Plaintiffs are entitled to the relief requested in the Second ¶51.

WHEREFORE, having fully answered, KCBOE asks the Court for dismissal of this lawsuit

with prejudice, for attorney fees as provided by law, and for costs. KCBOE demands a jury trial

in this action.


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s/David M. Sanders
David M. Sanders (BPR # 016885)
Amanda Lynn Morse (BPR # 032274)
Deputy Law Director
Suite 612, City-County Building
400 Main Street
Knoxville, TN 37902
(865) 215-2327


I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing was filed electronically on the date recorded
by the Court’s electronic filing system. Notice of this filing will be sent by operation of the Court’s
electronic filing system to all parties indicated on the electronic filing receipt. All other parties
will be served by regular United States Mail, postage prepaid. Parties may access this filing
through the Court’s electronic filing system.

s/David M. Sanders
David M. Sanders


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