The Law Reviews - The Executive Remuneration Review
The Law Reviews - The Executive Remuneration Review
The Law Reviews - The Executive Remuneration Review
India revamped its law regulating companies in 2013 and the terms with
respect to executive remuneration were also closely reviewed as part of this
exercise. The objectives of ensuring transparency and parity in executive
remuneration, however, have always been discussed while keeping in mind
the need to pay senior executives as per market standards to attract the
right talent. In this regard, Dr Jamshed J Irani's Report on Company Law
dated 31 May 2005 highlighted the need for companies to adopt
remuneration policies to attract, retain and motivate executives to enhance
the performance of the company and that the decision on how to
remunerate executives should be left up to the company. This report
further stated that this decision should be transparent and based on
principles that ensure fairness, reasonableness and accountability.
Taxation 1/23
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This chapter seeks to highlight certain key issues that companies should i
Income tax in India is levied by the Income Tax Act, 1961 (ITA), which follows i
a scheduler approach to taxation of income. Residents are taxed on global i
income while non-residents are taxed on Indian source income. Residency
is based on a day count test. An intermediate category of Resident but not
Ordinarily Resident (RNoR) is available for transitory persons, who are
taxable only on Indian source income in spite of satisfying the residency
test in a given year. Further, a globally resident Indian citizen may be
deemed to be resident in India and taxable on Indian source income if such
person is not liable to be taxed in any other country. Citizenship, with some
exceptions, is generally not relevant to the determination of tax liability.
The maximum marginal tax rate applicable to the 'total income' (including
salary income) of individuals is 30 per cent. Individuals may be subject to a
surcharge ranging from 10 per cent–37 per cent, which would result in an
effective maximum rate of 42.74 per cent in the highest band. All taxpayers
including individuals are subject to a 'cess' (tax or levy) of 4 per cent over tax
and surcharge. Capital gains are not subject to ordinary or progressive slab
rates of income tax. Capital gains tax is levied at a flat rate, which may vary
from zero per cent to 40 per cent, depending on the residence and type of
the taxpayer, type of capital asset, mode of transfer and the holding period
of the asset.
accounting adopted. Capital gains, on the other hand, are taxable in the
year of transfer of shares, irrespective of when the consideration is received.
This may create characterisation difficulties in relation to deferred income
such as earn-out payments, which are paid over a period of time.
In this regard, courts have held that the term 'basic wages' would include
all components of wages that are universally paid, across the board to all
employees. Therefore, any ad hoc payments that may be specifically paid to
certain employees would be exempt for the purposes of contributions to
the provident fund.
Additionally, the EPF Act was amended in 2008 to bring within its purview
'international workers'. An international worker, for the purpose of the
statute, means (1) an Indian employee having worked or going to work in a
foreign country with which India has entered into a social security
agreement and being eligible to avail the benefits under a social security
programme of that country, by virtue of the eligibility gained or going to
gain under the said agreement; or (2) an employee other than an Indian
employee, holding other than an Indian passport, working for an 3/23
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establishment in India to which the EPF Act applies. Note that the wage
ceiling of 15,000 rupees mentioned above for computing contributions
under the EPF Act is not applicable to international workers.
In addition to the EPF Act, various states in India have enacted state-
specific labour welfare fund statutes that require employers and employees
to make periodic contributions to a state labour welfare fund. Further, India
also provides for a statutory end of service entitlement under the Payment
of Gratuity Act, 1972 (the Gratuity Act). This statute prescribes compulsory
gratuity payable by establishments where 10 or more persons are employed
or were employed on any day of the preceding 12 months. The Gratuity Act
entitles every employee who has completed five years of continuous service
(taken as four years and 240 days for those with a six-day work week and
four years and 190 days for those with a five-day working week), upon
termination of employment, to gratuity calculated at the rate of 15 days'
wages, based on the rate of wages last drawn, for each year of completed
service or part thereof in excess of six months, currently subject to a
maximum of 2 million rupees).
Tax deductibility for employers 4/23
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Employment law
Section 27 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 (Contract Act) provides that any i
agreement that restrains a person from exercising a lawful profession, tradei
or business is void to the extent of such restriction. The only exception
under Section 27 of the Contract Act is with respect to restrictions on
carrying on business of which goodwill is sold. This exception is, however,
subject to the restriction being reasonable with respect to (1) the nature of
business that the individual is restrained from engaging in; (2) territorial
restrictions; and (3) the period of restriction. Since contracts in restraint of
trade are prima facie void, the onus is on the party supporting the contract
to show that the restraint falls within the exception and is reasonable.
Garden leave 6/23
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S&E Acts typically require that employment of employees who have been in
employment for a certain period are terminated for 'reasonable cause' and
with prior notice of one month or pay in lieu. However, these requirements
could vary based on the state in which the establishment is located.
Requirements per the terms of employment
Change of control
c. the transferee, under the terms of transfer or otherwise, is legally liable to pay the workmen, in the event of
termination of his or her service, compensation on the basis that their service had been continuous and not
affected by the transfer; and
If all of the conditions mentioned above are not met, then the workmen
who have been in continuous service for one year (240 days) or more shall
be deemed to have been retrenched and be entitled to the following from
the transferor entity: (1) one month's notice or wages in lieu thereof; and (2)
retrenchment compensation calculated at the rate of 15 days' 'average pay'
for every year of continuous service or part thereof in excess of six months. 8/23
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Securities law
With respect to unlisted companies, the Companies Act and the SCD Rules
prescribe, inter alia, the following conditionalities in respect of the issuance
of ESOPs.
b. a director of the company, whether a whole-time director or not but excluding an independent director; or
c. an employee as under clauses (a) or (b) above of a subsidiary, in India or outside India, or of a holding company
of the company. 9/23
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There must be a minimum period of one year between the grant of the
ESOPs and the vesting of such ESOPs.
For listed companies, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Share
Based Employee Benefits) Regulations, 2014 (SBEB Regulations) govern
employee stock option schemes, employee stock purchase schemes, stock
appreciation rights schemes, general employee benefits schemes, and
retirement benefit schemes. The SBEB Regulations prescribe, inter alia, the
following conditionalities in respect of the issuance of ESOPs.
Approvals 10/23
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In case of a new issuance of shares under any scheme, such newly issued i
shares are to be listed immediately in any recognised stock exchange
where the existing shares are listed, subject to:
a. compliance with the other stipulations of the SBEB Regulations;
b. filing of a statement with SEBI in such regard, and receipt of an in-principle approval from the stock
exchanges; and
c. notification to the stock exchanges as per the statement specified by SEBI as and when an exercise is made.
Sweat equity
For companies other than listed companies, the SCD Rules govern the
grant of sweat equity by the company to its executives. 'Sweat equity'
means equity shares issued by a company to its directors or employees at a
discount or for consideration other than cash, for providing their know-how
or making available rights in the nature of intellectual property rights or
value additions. The SCD Rules, inter alia, prescribe the following
conditionalities for issuance of sweat equity shares.
a. Subject to exemption afforded to start-ups, a company may not issue sweat equity shares for more than 15 per i
cent of its existing paid-up equity share capital in a year or shares of the issue value of 50 million rupees, i
whichever is higher. i
b. The issuance of sweat equity shares in a company may not exceed 25 per cent of the paid-up equity capital of
the company at any time.
c. The sweat equity issued to directors or employees is locked in and non-transferable for a period of three years
from the date of allotment. 11/23
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d. The sweat equity shares are to be issued at a price determined by a registered valuer and justified under a
valuation report addressed to the board of directors, with the gist and critical elements of the valuation report
required to be shared with the shareholders at the general meeting convened for obtaining their approval.
For a listed company, the SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002
(the Sweat Equity Regulations) govern the granting of sweat equity to
employees, directors and promoters.
The sale of a company's stock by its executives must adhere to the trading i
norms under the concerned SEBI regulations, as applicable. These trading v
norms may be further supplemented by a company via its articles of
association to include further stipulations in relation to the sale of company
stock by executives.
While short-swing trading rules are not formally crystallised under the
Insider Trading Regulations, an insider is permitted to formulate a trading
plan and present it to the compliance officer for approval and public
disclosure, pursuant to which trades may be carried out on his or her behalf
in accordance with this plan. Such trading plan may establish the
mechanics of permitted trades, a violation of which would be addressed as
a violation of the Insider Trading Regulations and is punishable as such. 12/23
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Trading under the trading plan cannot commence on behalf of the insider
earlier than six months from the public disclosure of the plan. Further, the
trading plan must:
a. not entail trading for the period between the 20th trading day prior to the last day of any financial period for
which results are required to be announced by the issuer of the securities and the second trading day after the
disclosure of such financial results;
c. not entail overlap of any period for which another trading plan is already in existence;
d. set out either the value of trades to be effected or the number of securities to be traded along with the nature
of the trade and the intervals at, or dates on which, such trades shall be effected; and
Anti-hedging rules
Per the RBI Regulations, banks are not to permit employees to insure or
hedge their compensation structure to offset the risk alignment effects
embedded in their compensation arrangement. The RBI Guidelines call
upon the banks to enforce the same by establishing appropriate
compliance arrangements.
The Companies Act requires every company to file an annual return with i
the Registrar of Companies, disclosing details of the remuneration of its
directors and key managerial personnel, including gross salary,
commission, and stock option and sweat equity.
b. the percentage increase in remuneration of each director, chief financial officer, chief executive officer,
company secretary or manager, if any, in the financial year;
c. the percentage increase in the median remuneration of employees in the financial year;
e. affirmation that the remuneration is as per the remuneration policy of the company.
Perquisites 13/23
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Perquisites are defined to include the following under the Companies Act i
as read with the Income-tax Act, 1961 (the Income Tax Act) subject to
prescribed thresholds (materiality or otherwise), qualifications, and
a. the value of rent-free accommodation provided by an employer and the value of any concession in the matter
of rent respecting any accommodation provided by an employer;
b. the value of any benefit or amenity granted or provided free of cost or at concessional rate in specified cases
including by a company to an employee who is a director thereof, and by a company to an employee being a
person who has substantial interest in the company;
c. any sum paid by an employer in respect of any obligation which, but for such payment, would have been
payable by the concerned person;
d. any sum payable by an employer to effect an assurance on the life of the assessee or to effect a contract for an
e. the value of any specified security or sweat equity shares allotted or transferred, directly or indirectly, by the
employer, or a former employer, free of cost or at concessional rate;
f. the amount of any contribution and accretions to specified superannuation fund or provident fun by the
employer in respect of the assessee; and
b. when held by an individual other than a director, any office or place, by virtue of which such individual receives
from the company anything by way of remuneration, salary, fee, commission, perquisites, any rent-free
accommodation or otherwise.
Corporate governance 14/23
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given or passed to any person for services rendered by him or her and
includes perquisites. All companies (whether private, public or listed) are
subject to corporate governance norms applicable to executive
remuneration as explored below.
Nomination and remuneration committee
Every listed public company, and every company fulfilling the following- i
listed criteria, is required to constitute a nomination and remuneration
committee (NRC):
a. public companies with paid-up share capital of 100 million rupees;
c. public companies that have, in aggregate, outstanding loans, debentures and deposits exceeding 500 million
b. the relationship of remuneration to performance is clear and meets appropriate performance benchmarks;
c. the remuneration to directors, key managerial personnel and senior management involves a balance between
fixed and incentive pay reflecting short- and long-term performance objectives appropriate to the working of
the company and its goals.
Ceiling on remuneration 15/23
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b. the remuneration or commission drawn by the individual concerned in any other capacity or from any other
c. securities held by the director, including options and details of the shares pledged as at the end of the
preceding financial year;
Further, the Companies Act also prescribes remuneration limits for the
non-executive directors and independent directors, in situations of no
profits or inadequate profits.
The above-stated limits are exclusive of sitting fees paid to the directors
that are separately capped at 100,000 rupees per meeting of the board of
directors or committee thereof.
Clawback/recoupment of remuneration 16/23
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Where not less than 50 per cent of the paid-up share capital of a foreign
company is held by one or more citizens of India or by one or more
companies or bodies corporate incorporated in India, whether singly or in
the aggregate, such company is to comply with the provisions of the
Companies Act made applicable to it in India as if it were a company
incorporated in India.
b. constitute a nomination and remuneration committee of the board to oversee the framing, review and
implementation of compensation policy of the bank on behalf of the board. This committee should work in
close coordination with the risk management committee of the bank, to achieve effective alignment between
compensation and risks;
c. ensure that for the whole-time directors, chief executive officers and material risk-takers:
compensation is adjusted for all types of risks;
compensation payouts are sensitive to the time horizon of the risks; and
the mix of cash, equity and other forms of compensation is consistent with risk alignment;
d. ensure that the fixed portion of compensation is reasonable, taking into account all relevant factors including
adherence to statutory requirements and industry practice;
e. ensure a proper balance between the cash and share-linked components in the variable pay and ensure that
the limits on variable pay as prescribed under the guidelines are adhered to;
f. have deferred compensation subject to malus and clawback arrangements in the event of subdued or
negative financial performance;
g. not permit employees to insure or hedge their compensation structure to offset the risk alignment effects
embedded in their compensation arrangement;
h. members of staff engaged in financial and risk control, including internal audit, should be compensated in a
manner that is independent of the business areas they oversee; and
i. make disclosure on remuneration of whole-time directors, chief executive officers and material risk-takers on
an annual basis, at the minimum, in their annual financial statements.
The RBI issued instructions with regard to, inter alia, the remuneration of
non-executive directors with an objective to attract qualified competent
individuals to the position. Pursuant to the notification, the RBI has
permitted banks to provide for payment of compensation to non-executive
directors in the form of a fixed remuneration, in addition to sitting fees and
expenses related to attending the meetings, provided that this
remuneration for a non-executive director, other than the chair of the
board, cannot exceed 2 million rupees per annum. This fixed remuneration
is expected to be commensurate with an individual director's
responsibilities and demands on time.
Footnotes 19/23
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Nohid Nooreyezdan
[email protected] 20/23