Angry Express It
Angry Express It
Angry Express It
Think about remarkably successful people. They’re logical. Foster, emotional intelligence experts and authors of Step Up:
They’re rational. In the face of crisis or danger or even gross Lead in Six Moments That Matter, the highest performing people
incompetence, they remain steely-eyed, focused, and on point. -- and highest performing teams -- tap into and express their
They don’t get angry -- or at the very least they don’t show their entire spectrum of emotions.
anger. Which, when you think about it, makes sense: We all get angry
Unless they happen to be Steve Jobs. Or Jeff Bezos. Or Bill (even this guy must get angry once in a while) so why not take
Gates. Or Larry Ellison. Or.. Most of us were taught that the advantage of that emotion?
only way to lead effectively is to eliminate, or at the very least Evans and Foster say anger is actually useful when harnessed and
swallow and hide, emotions like anger and frustration. Go pro- controlled because it fosters two useful behavioral capabilities.
fessional or go home, right? Anger creates focus. Get mad and you tend to focus on one
Wrong. thing -- the source of your anger. You don’t get distracted. You’re
According to research conducted by Henry Evans and Colm not tempted to multitask. All you can see is what’s in front of
you. That degree of focus can be extremely powerful. Then you can move up to the next level, expressing frustration.
Anger generates confidence. Get mad and the automatic rush As you do, stay focused on how you feel. Ask yourself whether
of adrenaline heightens your senses and reduces your inhibitions. you’re using your frustration as a weapon or as a tool.
Anger -- in small, controlled doses -- can be the spark that gets Then move up to the final level, expressing anger. Again, step
you started. outside yourself as you do. Are you in charge of your anger and
But there’s still one major problem with getting mad: It’s easy to actions, or is anger in charge of you?
say and do things you later regret. That’s why the key to harness- In time, as you learn to control and harness your feelings,
ing anger is to find a way to stay smart and in control while you you will be able to get well and truly pissed off and still handle
are angry. yourself in an appropriate and productive way.
Anger is Authentic -- and So Are Great Leaders
Great leaders are genuine and authentic. That’s why we follow