Bachelor's in Science of Hospitality Management

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Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental
1st Semester, S.Y. 2021 – 2022

Bachelor’s in science of Hospitality Management



LEARNING HUB LOCATION: _________________________________

MULTIPLE CHOICE (2pts). Choose the correct answer and Write ONLY the letter of your answer on the space provided before the number.

A 1. The branch manager of IC hotel, best strategy in hiring a. Employee retraining

new employees was the most often effective way to assess b. Employee development
applicant’s qualifications on critical criteria. c. Organizational performance
a. Behavioral Interview d. Organizational development
b. Structure Interview
c. Interview B 9. This hiring strategy is usually uncompetitive and unattractive
d. Situational Interview for college graduates who have not acquired such experience
through co-op or intern programs.
B 2. Employees who have a direct interaction with guest, they a. Lower cost
are direct responsible in providing the value and quality service. b. Experience
a. Back of the house employees c. Industry knowledge
b. Front of the house d. Assessment centers
c. Ballet Man
d. Room attendant D 10. Rewards need to be attached to successful performance
also help reinforce the goals of the program and make it clear to
C 3. A training method in which they spend a set period learning employees that using their empowerment appropriately is
a craft or trade under the guidance of an experienced master. worthwhile.
a. Newly hired employee a. Reward system
b. Mentoring b. Empowering employees
c. Apprenticeship c. Making a job fun
d. On-the-Job training d. Incentives

D 4. A quote has a simple idea that is difficult to put into A 11. In-house training departments, every major company has
practice. an internal training unit that provides programs to its employees.
a. Rewarding an employee a. Internal training
b. Behavioral changer b. Cross-functional training
c. Coaching c. Training at home
d. Motivation d. External training

A 5. These reinforce behaviors that represent the company’s D 12. They are involved in strategy in which as they are excellent
cultural values and achievement of the service mission. marketers for neither good nor bad services.
a. Recognition reward a. Guests as Marketers
b. Financial reward b. Guests as Unpaid Consultant
c. Empowering employee c. Guest’s feedback
d. Motivating employees d. Guest’s satisfaction

C 6. These describes the fit between what the leader says and C 13. Guest’s participation in supervision can be highly
what the leader does. motivating to employees when guests tell them in both verbal and
a. Justice in workplace nonverbal ways what a good job they are doing.
b. Leading with integrity a. Motivational assessment
c. Behavioral integrity b. Guests tip for good service
d. Managing fairly c. Guests’ supervision
d. Guests as Motivators
C 7. Personality degree to which someone is talkative, sociable,
active, aggressive, and excitable. A 14. Key factors of providing service, can help us distinguish
a. Content mastery between situations when guests can beneficially be involved in co-
b. Physiological test production and when they should not.
c. Extroversion a. Cutting cost
d. Commitment to service b. Guest’s participation
c. Co-producing Value
B 8. Involves a combination of work experience, education, and d. Time and control
training and typically focuses on teaching people how to do the
new jobs.
B 15. All organizations know that the customer is sometimes b. Improve quality
wrong by any reasonable standard, in this cue the management c. Firing the guest
can do freely by; d. Refuse to serve
a. Maintaining the guest dignity

IDENTIFICATION: 2points each. Write your answer after each number. Use UPPERCASE letter in writing your answers.
STRICTLY NO ERASURE! Note that not following instruction, means wrong.

1. PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS Tests of mental ability measure logical reasoning, intelligence, conceptual foresight, ability to spot semantic
relationships, spatial organization, memory span, and several other cognitive factors.

2. ASSESSMENT CENTER a battery of tests that are used to measure. This can be used either for the purpose of selecting individuals
for higher level positions

3.EMPLOYEE TRAINING organizations face the special challenge of training not only in the required job or task skills, but they must
also teach the server how to solve inevitable problems creatively and how to interact positively with guests.

4. LOVING TO SERVE getting the guest involved in the guest experience is a positive way for the guest to feel ownership in that
experience and a loyalty to the organization that provides this opportunity.

5. THE ROLE OF THE MANAGER training the employees in both job skills and the management of guest co-production.

6.MANAGING FAIRLY organizations may have an internal standard of comparison and employees want to be treated fairly by their

7. SETTING GOALS a way in which managers can clarify their expectations for employees, and at the same time motivate better
performance is through;?

8. MANAGERIAL BUY-IN a management that must be willing to accept empowered employees, let them make their own decisions, and
not interfere.

9. TRAINING Empowerment requires an investment, such as employees must learn to understand their areas of responsibility
thoroughly. Then they must learn how to make sound decisions within their areas.

10. INTERNAL EQUITY a reason why many hospitality organizations employ people from varied backgrounds and with different levels of
training and education.

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