KHF 1050 Feature Comparison
KHF 1050 Feature Comparison
KHF 1050 Feature Comparison
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HF Technical Description
Honeywell’s new 28Vdc HF radio advances the performance and capability of our HF
systems to meet the emerging needs of the HF market place, while still providing the best
value of performance to cost.
The new Primus HF 1050 System is superior to other HF systems in many ways. Among
many other features, it allows for the separation of the Power Amplifier and Antenna
Coupler. This feature allows the antenna coupler to be located closer to the antenna,
improving the effective radiated power of this 200-watt PEP high frequency system.
Radio Features
y HF1050 system is hard mounted; no shock mounts required eliminating 1.5 inches
installation height and up to 5 inches in sway space restriction
y Stored coupler tuning in non-volatile memory...once tuned always tuned.
y High fidelity audio data input and data output for interface to external modems.
246 International Telecommunications Union (ITU) maritime radiotelephone network
channels stored in permanent, non-volatile memory.
y 280,000 discrete operating frequencies covering the 2.0000 to 29.9999 MHz frequency
y SELCAL® compatible audio output to an external SELCAL® decoder alerting the pilot of
an incoming voice call
y PA/Coupler can be separated; coupler can be mounted next to antenna and tailored to
specific aircraft/antenna configurations, maximizing the effective radiated HF power
y RS 232 serial link maintenance ports to PC for test and monitoring control, BIT, and
software update on the bench.
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y ARINC429 tuning
y Controller Compatibility: PS-440 Stand Alone controller, RM-855 Radio Management
Unit, and the MCDU Multi-function controller and display unit. Collins RTU 4210 / 4220.
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Length Width Height Weight
Model Part Number Description
in. * in. * in. * lbs.*
KAC 1052 050-03658-0000
Antenna Coupler 13.6 4.7 0.25 0.5
Install Kits Vertical Install Kit
(Weight for Rack
050-03660-0000 Antenna Coupler 13.6 7.2 0.25 0.7
Horizontal Install Kit
(Weight for Rack
050-03661-0000 Antenna Coupler Dual 13.6 10 0.25 1.1
Vertical Install Kit
(Weight for Rack
PS 440 071-01605-1101 Primus II Select HF 5.375 2.375 2.625 1.1
Control Head,
Connectors and mounting hardware are not included in unit dimensions and weight.
2. HF 1050 System
The KAC 1052 Antenna Coupler is mounted near the HF antenna to maximize transmission
efficiency. The KAC 1052 can be mounted in either the vertical or horizontal position,
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outside the aircraft pressure vessel for operation at any altitude up to 55,000 feet, and
shock mounts are not required. The antenna coupler matches the impedance of the antenna
to the 50 ohm output of the transmitter. A microprocessor in the KAC 1052 controls the
antenna coupling function and exchanges information with the controller via the KRX 1053.
A bridging amplifier is included in the design of the KAC 1052 allowing elimination of
external bridging amplifier for dual HF installations. The KAC 1052 also keeps data in on-
board non-volatile memory of all previously successful tuning solutions and uses this tuning
data on subsequent tunes within the same frequency range.
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3.2 Growth Path
The HF 1050 provides high-fidelity data audio performance to support the error detecting
modems needed for data link communications. In addition, the KRX 1053 is designed to
accommodate a card that will contain the needed modem and frequency management
functionality. The circuitry will be adapted into a single card that can be integrated into the
KRX 1053. This upgrade will be available to support future CNS/ATM requirements. The
space for that card is already allocated.
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Appendix A – KHF 950 / KHF 1050 Feature Comparison
Shock Mounting All LRUs require shock mounting No shock mounting reqd; saves 1.5"
for vibration vertical and up to 5" sway space
PA/Coupler tray mounting PA and Coupler must be mounted PA and Coupler can be mounted
together separately
Squelch Selection and Signal strength squelch with Syllabic squelch high and low, signal
Control continuous squelch control strength squelch, Signal to Noise
External Adapter Several required for antenna All external adapters eliminated
Requirements selections
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Appendix B: Volumetric Comparison with KHF 950
The HF 1050 system volume as measured by LRU volume alone is greater than the KHF 950
system. However, the real impact of volume is measured as it’s installed in the aircraft. Due to
higher levels of integration and ruggedization, the total installed volume required of the HF 1050
is actually far less than that of the KHF 950 as shown in the following analysis.
LRU Volume 490.4 611.8
Shock Mount height addition 101.6 0
Required sway space 183.3 0
Total: 775.3 611.8
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