Cholelithiasis: A Brief Review On Diagnostic Approach and Management in Clinical Practice
Cholelithiasis: A Brief Review On Diagnostic Approach and Management in Clinical Practice
Cholelithiasis: A Brief Review On Diagnostic Approach and Management in Clinical Practice
Received May 09, 2020; Accepted June 08, 2020; Online Published September 07, 2020
Cholelithiasis is one of the most prevalent diseases in gastroenterology. There are many factors in cholelithiasis, such as genetic, lack of physical
activity, obesity, dietary, age, and other comorbidities. Commonly, cholelithiasis occurs asymptomatically; however, Murphy’s sign is one of the
most frequent pathognomonic findings in abdominal examination. Ultrasonography is known as the gold standard imaging examination in
diagnosing cholelithiasis. The management of cholelithiasis can be divided into two categories, such as medical treatment and surgical treatment,
which depends on the patient’s condition.
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Cholelithiasis: Diagnostic & Management in Clinical Practice
*step wisely
Figure 2. Flowchart for Diagnosis of Cholelithiasis [20]
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