FIBA Assist 23

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qxd 23-11-2006 11:44 Pagina 1


GREECE’s strategy in japan
tom barriSe
low post defense
pat riley and bob mcadoo
miami heat offensive plays
tony goodwin
2006 commonwealth games
basketball tournament
nacho coque
Strength and Conditioning
of the Spanish
National Team
22_003 23-11-2006 11:45 Pagina 3



31.03 - 02.04 NCAA Men’s Final Four in
Atlanta, USA Seasons of Shooting 4
by David Adkins
april 2007
01-03.04 NCAA Women’s Final Four
in Cleveland, USA OFFENSE
june 2007 Greece’s Strategy in Japan 8
03 - 10.06 FIBA Asia Championship for by Panagiotis Yannakis
Women in Incheon, Korea
29.06 - 08.07 FIBA U21 World Australia’s Offense 12
Championship for Women
in Moscow / Moscow by Jan Stirling
Region, Russia
FIBA ASSIST MAGAZINE july 2007 Miami Heat Offensive Plays 16
International Basketball Federation by Pat Riley and Bob McAdoo
51 – 53, Avenue Louis Casaï Championship for Men in
CH-1216 Cointrin/Geneva Switzerland Vancouver, Canada
Tel. +41-22-545.0000, Fax +41-22-545.0099 26.07 - 05.08 FIBA U19 World deFENSE / e-mail: [email protected] Championship for Women Low Post Defense 22
IN COLLABORATION WITH Giganti-BT&M, Cantelli in Bratislava, Slovakia
Editore, Italy 28.07 - 05.08 FIBA Asia Championship for by Tom Barrise
PARTNER WABC (World Association of Men in Tokushima, Japan
Basketball Coaches), Dusan Ivkovic President
august 2007 Building a Man-to-Man Defense
06 - 10.08 FIBA Africa Championship by Piero Bucchi and Maurizio Bartocci 24
Editor-in-Chief for Men in Angola
Giorgio Gandolfi 22.08 - 03.09 FIBA Americas HOOP MARKET
Championship for Men in
Las Vegas, USA On-line Basketball Clinic 28
Editorial Office: Cantelli Editore, by Raffaele Imbrogno
September 2007
V. Saliceto 22/E, 40013 Castel Maggiore 03 - 16.09 FIBA European
(BO), Italy, Tel. +39-051-6328811,
Fax +39-051 6328815
E-mail: [email protected]
Championship for Men in
Printed in Italy.
Copyright 2006 by FIBA.
20 - 30.09 FIBA Africa Championship
for Women in Senegal
The magazine is published 6 times per year. 23 - 27.09 FIBA Americas Concepts of Modern Officiating Part I 30
FIBA, Cantelli Editore and the Editor-in-Chief Championship for Women by Valentin Lazarov
are not responsible for the opinions expressed in Valdavia, Chile
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tbd FIBA Oceania
Championship for Men
tbd FIBA Oceania executives and marketing
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Championship for Women 2006 Commonwealth Games
Mirco Melloni, Corrado de Belvis, Lisa
Cavallini, Gastone Marchesi, Alessandro OCTOBER 2007 Basketball Tournament 35
Bollino, Gerald Couzens and Raffaele 11 - 16.10 FIBA World League for
Imbrogno; we thank Daniel Sainz for the arti- by Tony Goodwin
cle of Nacho Coque. Markos Michaelides for
Women Final Round in
the article of Australia women’s offense. Russia
Mirko Ocokoljic for the article of the Greek FIBA RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTRE
national team. Electronics and Basketball 40

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20_004_007 23-11-2006 12:33 Pagina 4


by Dave Adkins
Dave Adkins has worked at the Five-Star to refine their shooting mechanics or
Basketball Camp, Nike All American Camp expand their skill set.
and the Nike Hoop Jamboree. He was the
Associate Head Coach at Montrose Christian FORM SHOOTING
School in Rockville, MD, and now he is at De We begin each shooting workout with form
Matha in Hyattsville, MD, two of the best shooting. It is the foundation for good shot
high schools in the US. He has helped deve- mechanics. We go through a four step pro-
lop over 30 college players including Levi cess working on our shooting form. Proper
Watkins (2001, played at N.C. State), Linas shooting mechanics are essential for consi-
Kleiza (2003, played at Missouri, and now stent, accurate shooting. Players begin
with the Denver Nuggets), and Uche Echefu practicing the proper form of a shot without
(2005, playing at Florida State). a ball. On the command "Sit," the player sits
down into proper shooting form: knees bent,
Playing basketball is no longer confined to butt down and back straight, with proper
"the season." The calendar year can be balance, right foot slightly in front of left (for
divided into three distinct seasons where a right handed shooter), ten toes pointing to
a player develops. The pre-season is a the basket, shoulders squared to the basket
time to prepare players for the upcoming and head in the center of body. On the com-
season. A player is in-season when the mand "Present," the player extends his
ball goes up for his/her first official practi- hands, as if he is reaching for the ball, arms
ce and concludes when the buzzer sounds straight out, elbows locked and palms
at the end of the last game. Following a facing the passer. On the command "Shot
rest period, the player begins the post- Pocket," the player moves to the shooting
season, where s/he seeks to refine skills position: shooting thumb at eye, his elbow
and improve weaknesses. and knee and toe in a straight line, forearm
splitting the rim in half and focused on the
In any successful program, individual skill middle on the basket. On the command
development is a crucial element to team "Shot," the player shoots, the elbow extends
success. Shooting is a major skill that must above eye level, the follow through is high,
be addressed throughout the calendar year. the wrist breaks, the player finishes on his
At Montrose Christian School, we spend a toes and the player should imagine putting
lot of time working on the shot: stressing his shooting hand in the center of the rim.
proper shot mechanics, taking "game shots" We will repeat this process with a ball and
and expanding the skill set of players. then add a 1 - 2 step. When moving to the
Our workouts are designed to stress what 1 - 2 step, the action changes slightly with
we feel is most important for that time of the "Present" command. On the command
year. Drills are always performed at "game "Present," the player will give themselves a shoot the basketball. They call for the ball and
speed", while taking "game shots." Our self pass, step left, right (for a right handed are conditioned to have their hands ready to
guards and big men perform each of the shooter) through the ball and move throu- catch the ball from the passer. They step throu-
drills with this in mind. The different skills gh the "shot pocket" and "shot" command gh the pass and shoot the ball with a high, soft
emphasized and shot location depend upon as before. arc, holding thier follow through as they land.
the player who is performing the drill.
During the pre-season, our players are for- After concluding our form shooting process, PRE-SEASON
ced out of their comfort zone and encou- we move to shooting power jumpers: short During the pre-season we focus on proper
raged to stretch themselves. During the shots from each block and the middle of the shooting mechanics with an emphasis on con-
season our players work on the shots and lane. With these short shots our players ditioning. These drills are designed to increase
skills needed as they pertain to the offen- have a chance to work on their shooting players' endurance while simulating game
se: the things needed to help the team win. mechanics with actual shots at the basket. shots. Maintaining proper shooting mechanics
During the post-season, our players seek Our players are balanced as they prepare to are critical even when fatigue begins to affect
20_004_007 23-11-2006 12:33 Pagina 5

the player. This will serve to help a player and speed dribbles to half court on the oppo- mark and attacks the basket scoring a lay up.
during the season specifically when fatigue site side of the starting point. The series of The player then sets up for a curl at the oppo-
plays a factor during late game situations. moves can include, but are not limited to: site elbow. The player fades to the same side
stutter step, in & out, crossover, between legs baseline for a shot, then back peddles to the
After a warm-up including our form shooting dribble, behind back dribble and double same side hash mark as if transitioning back
process and some light running while drib- moves (exp. between legs/crossover, double on defense, and then returns to the same side
bling, we move into our attack the basket crossover). of the basket for a lay up. After scoring the lay
series (diagr. 1). Players begin at half court. up, the player sets up a curl at the opposite
They attack the basket at full speed keeping Another drill we use that emphasizes condi- elbow and then will fade to the same side
the ball below the waist. The player will make tioning and allows the player to take various baseline for a total of four shots. This drill
a series of moves at a chair placed on the 3 shots off several cuts is the 1/2 Court 4 Shot allows the player to work on changing his
point line. The player gets their own rebound Drill (diagr. 2). The player begins at the hash pace to set up shots off the various cuts and


20_004_007 23-11-2006 12:33 Pagina 6


pushes the player to run in transition to create

scoring opportunities. The drill can be repea-
ted for a total of 8 shots in the half court or
expanded to the full court (Diagr. 3) to increase
the level of conditioning. For more advanced
players, different dribble moves can be added
such as: 1) catch and explode into dribble jum-
per, 2) shot fake/shot, 3) shot fake/one dribble
pull up, and 4) being creative with other one
dribble or two dribble moves. D.1 D.2

We use another drill that we call the Nate

James Drill (diagr. 4). In this drill, the player te elbow where he will receive a pass for a
works on his conditioning and absorbing con- jump shot. Regardless of making or missing the
tact to finish plays around the basket. The shot, the player gets his rebound and finishes
player starts the drill with a power lay up and with a lay up without dribbling and then pro-
backpedals to simulate transitioning to defen- ceeds to backpedal continuing the drill. A
se. A chair is placed at the 3 point line. When coach with a blocking pad can be used provi-
the player sees the chair in his peripheral ding resistance as the player finishes each
vision he curls around it, attacking the opposi- power lay up. The drill ends when a certain

number of shots are taken or when a certain

number of shots are made.
In this drill, the player must focus on making
shots after a simulated transition element. The
player must also focus on finishing lay ups with
contact, despite fatigue. The chair can be
moved anywhere on the 3 point line to vary the
location of the shot or moved back to increase
the distance of the shot taken. Various dribble
moves can be implemented into this drill as
well, including: 1) catch and explode into drib-
ble jumper, 2) shot fake/shot, 3) shot fake/one
dribble pull up, and 4) being creative with other
one dribble or two dribble moves.

During the basketball season, a player must
practice multiple times a week and as
games begin a player's endurance and
focus will be tested further. In most practi-
ces, the needs of the team supersede an
individual player's need to maintain their
skill set. The needed repetition to maintain
proper shot mechanics throughout the sea-
son cannot be addressed with in the team's
practice time. Due to this, a player must find
time to work on their individual needs outsi-
de of scheduled team practices. The type of


20_004_007 23-11-2006 12:33 Pagina 7

drilling is less intensive than pre-season foot stationary, the player will catch the ball,
workouts and focuses on the repetition of step with his right foot and dribble the ball
shooting "game shots." moving into his jump shot.

At Montrose, we have set up a time each day When the player becomes comfortable shooting
where players can receive the needed repeti- the ball with a dribble, he would progress to the
tion to maintain proper shot mechanics. We call warrior drill (diagr. 7) to become comfortable
it the 7:30 club and the time has taken on its own catching the ball, dribbling and stepping 1 - 2
personality. The players who regularly come into his shot. The player starts at the 3 point line
each morning refresh themselves from the in the left corner with live feet. He is low, with his D.4
rigors of practice and get to shoot, something arms extended and palms facing the passer.
most players enjoy doing, but never get to do When the pass is made, the player jump stops,
enough during practice and games. For 45 dribbles and steps left/right into his shot to crea-
minutes each day before school, players are te separation from the defender. He should ele-
able to shoot multiple shots from various loca- vate into his jump shot, hold his follow through
tions. Each player records makes/attempts and watching the ball go into the hoop. He will take
his percentages are tracked throughout the two steps back to the 3 point line with live legs
week. This also allows for our coaching staff to and prepare himself for the next shot. He will
see who is most prepared to take critical shots travel in a counterclockwise direction around
in different game situations. We use a simple the 3 point line to the opposite corner. Working
form (diagr. 5) to easily track the shots each his way back to the starting point, the player will
player takes and from what spot the shots are jump stop, dribble and step right/left into his D.5
taken from. The 7:30 Club workouts are shooting shot. Distance can be adjusted for the player's
only workouts and our players will focus on shooting range.
shots they will most likely take during games.
Average shot totals range from 750 to 1,000 The next step is to create simulated game shots.
shots each week. The "Back Pedal DiPablo" drill (diagr. 8) is a great
drill in the pull up jump shot progression. The
POST-SEASON player starts underneath the basket with 5
At the conclusion of the season, our players are chairs spaced around the 3 point line (or
given an opportunity to rest nagging injuries and anywhere on the court). After scoring a power
take a much needed break from the stress of the lay up, the player back pedals up and around the
season. After relaxing and refocusing, we 1st chair. As he curls around the chair he calls
encourage our players to get back into the gym. for ball, with his arms extended, palms facing
The post-season provides a great opportunity to the passer and prepared to shoot. He will step
"fix" a player's shot, if his shot mechanics are through the pass and using the same footwork
"broken." At the beginning of each workout, we as described in the Warrior Drill, perform a pull
still stress our shooting form which allows our up jumper. The player will follow his shot and
players to get back to the basics and focus on score a power lay up, regardless to making or
their shot mechanics. As we analyze our missing the shot, and proceed to back pedal and
player's shooting mechanics we may also seek curl around the next chair. After the player has
to increase their skill set. become proficient in the pull up jumper, you may
progress to: 1) shot fake/shot, 2) shot fake/one
For example, a stationary, spot up shooter is dribble pull up, and 3) being creative with other
encouraged to develop a pull up jumper in order one dribble or two dribble moves. D.7
to be a more complete player; this will provide
him with more individual scoring opportunities Throughout the basketball year, we stress con-
that in turn provides more scoring opportunities sistency by always working on shooting form.
for the team. At Montrose, we will analyze each Without consistent shooting form and proper
player and determine what skill the player needs shot mechanics a player will never be a "great
to develop in order to improve as an individual, shooter." In working on different skills we try to
which in turn will benefit the team. be creative in addressing the developmental
needs of our players. Throughout the pre-sea-
To expand a player's skill set, repetition is son and post-season our players will go through
used with an emphasis on proper mechanics. a variety of drills. Again, the pre-season drills
We will look at a spot up shooter and the will focus on improving stamina and conditio-
process he will go through to add a pull up ning. Our post-season drills are designed to D.8
jumper to his game. First, we will use a drill improve a player's skill set. Within the season,
(diagr. 6) that allows the player to be comfor- we want our players to shoot as many shots as
table shooting off the dribble. The player will possible so they will have confidence with every
have a staggered stance, left foot in front of game shot they take. At Montrose, we know
right foot, sitting low with his arms extended when a player leaves he will have performed
and palms facing the passer. With his left proper shot mechanics thousands of times.


23_008_011.qxd 23-11-2006 12:34 Pagina 8


by Panagiotis Yannakis
in japan
Panagiotis Yannakis is one of the few people winning combination of experienced veterans and
who has won a European championship both as younger stars. We were capable of adjusting to
a player and as a coach. He started his coaching every style of play the opponents would try against
career with the Greek national team in 1997 on us, while often changing our own tactics and style
the bench at the FIBA European championship in of play, both defensively and offensively.
Barcelona and at the 1998 FIBA World Champi-
onship in Athens. He also worked for several do- THE PLAYERS
mestic clubs, Panionios and Marousi, where he We wisely used every individual skill of our players
completed last season. In 2004, Yannakis once as well as their ability to play multiple positions, so
again took the reigns of the national team and it wasn't uncommon to see us attacking the oppo-
took them to a fifth place finish in the 2004 nents' zone defense with four small shooters and
Athens Olympics. In 2005, the team beat Germany one big man. Our shooting guard, Dimitris Diaman-
in the FIBA Eurobasket final in Belgrade, the na- tidis, often scored at will in the low-post position.
tion's first gold medal in 18 years. With Yannakis We had a top defender in Diamantidis, a flamboy-
as head coach, Greece won the silver medal at ant point guard with Theo Papaloukas (FIBA Eu-
the 2006 FIBA World Championship in Japan. robasket 2005 Finals MVP, and 2006 Euroleague Fi-
nal Four MVP, a key player in CSKA Moscow's Eu-
A PREMISE roleague title), who is ready to change the rhythm
Greece came to the world championship in Japan and the momentum of the game at any given time.
as a European champion and one of the favorites We also had one of the surprising players of the
for advancing to the medal rounds. We started the tournament in Sofoklis Schortsianitis, who backed
tournament with group stage wins over Qatar, up the dominating starting center Lazaros Pa-
Lithuania, Australia, Brazil, and Turkey. In the first padopoulos. Also with the team was Nikos Zizis,
round of the knockout phase of the tournament, the 2005 FIBA Europe Young Player of the Year
the team routed China to get in shape for the big Award winner, who had the misfortune to aggra-
time opponents. vate a major injury in a round robin game versus
As the tournament went on, we were ever more Brazil and appeared in only four games. We also
confident, looking better in every game. In addi- counted on Vassilis Spanoulis, an excellent shoot-
tion, we saved our best performance for the er (87.7% from the free throw line), who can cover
biggest stage, the semifinal clash with the United both guard positions and had just come off a great
States. We played a magnificent game against season with Panathenaikos (he is now with the
U.S., beating them 101-95. Not only had the U.S. ad- Houston Rockets of the NBA). Savvy veterans An-
vanced to the semifinals with a perfect score, win- tonis Fotsis, Demos Dikoudis, Nikos Hatzivrettas,
ning all their games, but they also did it in an amaz- Kostas Tsartsaris, and Mihalis Kakiouzis were also
ing fashion, winning all their games by an average on the roster.
of 25.8 points.
Fatigued and emotionally discharged, our players THE STATISTICS
couldn't do too much damage against the unde- Statistically speaking, our team wasn't dominating
feated team from Spain in the finals, eventually los- in any category, a fact that only served for the story
ing the game 70-47. Until that game, we averaged about the team spirit and commitment these play-
80 points a game. However, we only managed 47 ers showed during the tournament in Japan. We
points in the most important title game, shooting a thrived in almost every category, finishing with a
lowly 32.8% from the field and committing 18 high shooting percentage (48.3%), and an impres-
turnovers (we had averaged 13.2 during the course sive number of steals (10.1 per game) with Diaman-
of the tournament). The Greek team was one of the tidis coming up big (3.33 per game) and finishing as
oldest in the competition, but it turned out to be a the steals leader of the competition.
23_008_011.qxd 23-11-2006 12:34 Pagina 9

The most common defensive system we used during
the tournament was half-court man-to-man. We of-
ten adjusted it, depending on the opponent. We start-
ed every game playing this defense, and as the first
quarter was coming to a close, with Spanoulis and
Papaloukas coming in from the bench, we went
stronger and kept changing the defensive plays. For
example, against China we played full-court pres-
sure defense, double teamed, faked double teams,
D.1 double teamed after the pick-and-roll, completely
changing the momentum, and therefore the result of
the game. Having three outstanding defensive play-
ers in Spanoulis, Papaloukas and Diamantidis proved
to be a winning combination for our team. Those
three players can do a great job pressuring the ball.
They did a lot of switching following the pick-and-roll,
as well as the help and recovery, and they easily
made the transition from defense to offense.
In the games against France and the U.S., Greece
showed another of our defensive characteristics.
We almost used every dead-ball situation, especially
late in the games, to change from man-to-man to a 2-
3 zone defense. We took advantage of having power-
ful and strong players such as Schortsianitis and Pa-
padopoulos at the low-post positions, denying the
passing lanes, trying to stay in front of the opposing
post player with strong help side. We changed the
way we were defending the pick-and-roll every
game, from sequence to sequence. In most situa-
tions, we aggressively jumped in front of the oppos-
ing players, often taking charging fouls.
Switching is what we usually did in the pick-and-roll
situations on the top of the key. For example, in the
game against France, after the French point guard
Aymeric Jeanneau checked in the game, we pres-
sured and aggressively double teamed him almost
everywhere on the court. Another thing that was
typical for Greece was the defense in the baseline
out-of-bounds situations, with the switches on the
player who gets the ball into play, as well as the
shooter (diagr. 1).

As the competition went on, our team improved on
defense, as well as on offense. The same starting five
was used every game:
1. Diamantidis
2. Hatzivrettas
3. Kakiouzis
4. Fotsis
5. Papadopoulos.
With Spanoulis, Papaloukas and Schortsianitis com-
ing off the bench, the game tempo would rise up, be-
coming more dangerous for the opponent. We used
at least two of our point guards (Spanoulis, Pa-
paloukas, Diamantidis) for large stretches of time.
This strategy paid off for us playing against pressure
defense (diagr. 2), which could be seen in the game
against France and in the game against U.S., too. The
U.S. team averaged 12.2 steals per game until the
clash with our team, when they managed to steal the
ball only four times. Our players were comfortable
moving the ball against the opposing team when un-


23_008_011.qxd 23-11-2006 12:34 Pagina 10


D.2 D.3 D.5

D.4 D.6

der pressure. The players were well positioned THE ZONE OFFENSE
with the player 4 positioned in the middle, allow- Playing against the zone defense wasn't much
ing us to move the ball up the court without of a problem for us since we had good long-dis-
committing turnovers. We used a lot of players tance shooters, especially Fotsis, or Vas-
during every game and this resulted in always silopoulos as the power forward in those se-
having a good game rhythm and a couple of go- quences. We would call a play with four play-
to players every game, except for the finals. In ers outside and a center at the low post. In
transition game situations, the most common these situations, we kept it simple. After a few
idea was to look for the big man, Papadopoulos, passes and some penetrations, with good play-
ers' movement and spacing, we would finish D.7
or to Schortsianitis when he was on the court.
These two players executed impressively. Our the play with a three-point shot (diagr. 3) or with
transition game was even better with Pa- a pass to a player in the low-post position. The
paloukas on the floor. He not only thrives in pres- other variation we used was the pick-and-roll:
sure situations, but he is also a great scorer. After a couple of passes, the center would set
a screen for the player with the ball, which
would be followed with a pass and, quite often,
with an easy score (diagr. 4).


One of the frequently applied plays against the
man-to-man defense was called "Horns," a D.8
play typically used when Diamantidis was the
point guard. After the screen was set (in most
situations by Papadopoulos), the screener
cuts to the three-second area, and the other
frontcourt player (usually Fotsis), positioned
himself at the top of the key, ready to take the
open shot (diagr. 5), during which time the
guards were heading to the corners. The play
that was very useful to beat the North Ameri-
cans was the "double" pick-and-roll at the top
of the key. The U.S. players managed to de-
fend the first one, but, after the second one,
either the screener was left open in the three-
second area, or the guard would have an
open shot (diagr. 6). Later in the game, the
Americans tried to deal with the problem us-
ing a smaller lineup and switching, but our
frontcourt players easily scored on the mis-
match underneath the basket.


23_008_011.qxd 23-11-2006 12:34 Pagina 11

The offensive play we called as "1" was executed after

the point guard (player 1) would dribble near the sideline,
opening the pass for the shooting guard (player 2) after
the screen. This was followed by a quick pick-and-roll
with the player 5, who was left open in the lane (diagr. 7),
leaving the team with a few options (penetration, shot,
pass to the low post, and pass for the outside shot).
The play we called "Head" would start with the point guard
dribbling to the sideline, which would be followed with the
hand-off and the pick-and-roll.
D.12 D.14
Simplicity is the word that describes our offensive sys-
tems: reading the
defensive plays of
the opponent, a lot
of one-on-one
plays, good spac-
ing, and a number
of open shots. With
a respectable in-
side game we had,
even these simple
plays were becom- D.10 D.13 D.15
ing rather danger-
ous and effective
(diagr. 8).
The players on the
low-post worked
with the backcourt
near to perfection.
Almost every play
called for the pass
to the big man
down low, followed
by an up-screen D.11
(diagr. 9), and a
good return pass.
The play we called "5" was used often, and consisted of
the isolation for the tall payers, Papadopoulos or Schor-
tianitis, followed by a screen from a guard for a forward,
and with the player 4 receiving the ball on the side during
which time the diagonal screen was set for the player 5
down at the low post (diagr. 10).


Baseline out-of-bounds had a couple of variations as
1. A back and horizontal screens were set at the same
time (diagr. 11).
2. Two screens were set for the shooter 2 and the other
guard 3 (diagr. 12).


Sideline out-of-bounds was almost similar to the already
mentioned "1" play. After a screen for the player 2, a pick-
and-roll is quickly set on the top of the key, followed by a
pass to the best positioned player (diagr. 13).

In special situations, player 4, Papaloukas, would pene-
trate immediately after receiving the ball, and look for an
open teammate (diagr. 14). However, during the game
versus the U.S., we changed that and set the screen for
one of our outstanding shooters, Hatzivrettas, who drilled
the three-pointers (diagr. 15).
23_012_015 23-11-2006 18:12 Pagina 12


by Jan Stirling

Jan Stirling is the coach of the Australian
national team that won the 2006 FIBA World
Championships played in Brazil. Leading the
Opals, she also won a bronze medal at the
2002 FIBA World Championship in China, a
silver medal at the 2004 Olympics in Athens,
and a gold at the 2006 Commonwealth
Games in Melbourne. At the end of the 2006
World Championships, she was re-appoint-
ed as the Opals head coach for the next two
years (she was named head coach of the
national team in 2001). In the past, she had
led Adelaide Lightning to 12 straight
Women's National Basketball League finals
appearances (between 1993 and 2004), win-
ning 4 championships.

The Australian Basketball Federation worked

extremely well in the past years to improve the
level of their men's and women's national
The Opals, which is the name of the Australian
women's team, won the bronze medal at 1996
and 2000 Olympic Games. In 2004, they
advanced to the final round and won the silver
medal at the Olympic Games in Athens. They
achieved their best result at the 2006 FIBA
World Championship, going undefeated (8-0) on
their way to the gold medal.
The team was very athletic and well balanced,
and played an exceptionally good transition
game, thanks to their defense and rebounding
that gave them many opportunities to fast break
and score easy baskets. This occurred with
both the starting five and the reserves. But, we
had also great shooting skills from the three- D.1
point range, and this included their forwards
and centers.
The team did had few weaknesses, and were
expertly guided by two outstanding players,
Penny Taylor, the tournament MVP, and Lauren
Jackson, the leading scorer of the 2006 FIBA
World Championship.
Half court play was mainly oriented for these
two best scorers, Taylor and Jackson, while
Kristi Harrower, the point guard, created
opportunities for the rest of the team. The
unselfish play of these three players proved to
be the important element in our gold-medal D.2
performance. Another plus was that in every


23_012_015 23-11-2006 18:12 Pagina 13







23_012_015 23-11-2006 18:12 Pagina 14




game, another teammate stepped up and pro-

vided necessary scoring at just the right


This play is run for Jackson, 5 on the dia- D.12
grams. 1 dribbles on the sideline, 3 is outside
of the three-point arc, 4 in the low-post posi-
tion, 2 in the corner, outside of the three-
point arc, while 5 is the second trailer on the
top of the key. 1 passes to 5, who then looks
for the pass inside to 4 for to play high-low
(diagr. 1).
If 5 cannot pass to 4, she reverses the ball to 3
on the other side of the court. At the same time,
4 cuts in the lane and posts up on the low-post
position (diagr. 2).
3 can try to pass to 4, while 2 comes high and
back screens for 5. 3 makes a lob pass to 5 near D.8 D.13
the basket (diagr. 3).

A Play for Lauren Jackson
Two wings, 2 and 3, are outside the three-point
arc. 4 remains on the high post and 5 on the
low-post position on the same side, while 1
dribbles along the sideline. 1 passes to 2 and
cuts, rubbing off the shoulder of 5 (diagr. 4).
4 sets a screen on the ball for 2, who dribbles in
the middle of the floor. 1 comes out on the wing
area, while 3 cuts in the three-second lane
(diagr. 5). D.9 D.14
2 passes to 1, while 3 makes a cross screen


23_012_015 23-11-2006 18:13 Pagina 15

the basket (diagr. 13).


1 has the ball in the middle of the floor, 2 and
3, Penny Taylor, are on the wings, with 4 on
the high post on the left side of the court. 5
sets up on the mid-post on the right side of the
court. 1 passes the ball to 2, receives a back
screen from 4, while 3 makes a screen for 5. 1
cuts and goes on the left corner of the court
(diagr. 14). D.17
2 reverses the ball quickly to 4 and 4 then
passes it to 5, while 1 cuts along the baseline
and goes on the right side of the court
5 can pass the ball to 3 for a one-on-one
(diagr. 15). If it's not possible to pass to 3, 5
passes to 4, who reverses the ball to 2. 3
makes a back screen for 5, who cuts in the
lane and receives the ball from 2 (diagr. 16).
If there is defensive help on the back screen,
3 pops out for a three-point shot (diagr. 17).


The set is one-four, with 2 and 3 on the wings, D.18
5 and 4 on the high-post areas at the corner of
the free-throw area, and 1 with the ball in the
middle of the court. 1 passes to 2, receives a
back screen from 5, and then cuts and goes
to the corner on the ball side. In the mean-
time, 5 pops out after the screen (diagr. 18).
2 reverses the ball to 5, and 5 passes to 3
(diagr. 19). 3 passes the ball to 5, and 5 pass-
es it to 2. 4 sets a back screen for 3, who cuts
in the lane and posts up on the low-post area
for 5 (diagr. 6). on the other side of the court (diagr. 20).
1 passes to 5 for a one-on-one on the low post 4 screens for 5, who cuts in the three-second
(diagr. 7). lane. 2 can pass to 3, to 5, or to 4, who pops D.19
out after the screen for 5 (diagr. 21).
Play one
2 and 3 set on the wings, outside of the three-
point arc, 5 on the low-post area on the left
side of the court, and 4 on the high-post area
on the right side, while 1 has the ball in the
middle of the court. 1 passes to 3, receives a
screen from 4, cuts in the three-second lane,
and quickly goes out in the corner, after rub-
bing off the shoulder of 5 (diagr. 8).
4 pops out and screens for 3, who can shoot,
make a penetration, or a pass to 4, who has D.15 D.20
rolled to the basket (diagr. 9).

Play two
2 and 3 are on the wings, with 4 and 5 on the
high post at the corner of the free-throw area.
1 sets up in the middle of the court with the
ball. 1 passes the ball to 4, cuts, and fakes to
receive a hand-off pass from 4, and goes out-
side of the three-point arc (diagr. 10).
5 screens for 3, while 4 passes to 3 for a
three-point shot (diagr. 11). An option is a
quick hand-off pass from 4 to 3, who can then
drive to the basket (diagr. 12). Another one D.16 D.21
option is a screen on the ball for 3, who drives
to the basket or else passes to 4, who rolls to
23_016_020 23-11-2006 12:35 Pagina 16


by Pat Riley by Bob McAdoo

Pat Riley started his coaching

career with the Los Angeles
Lakers, first as assistant coach
from 1979 to 1981, then as head
coach since 1981, winning four
NBA championship titles (1982,
1985, 1987, 1988). He went to the
New York Knicks in 1991 and guid-
ed the team to the NBA Final in
1994. Since 1995 he has worked for
the Miami Heat, eight seasons with
the double role of head coach and
president, and for two seasons just
as president. He came back to the
bench as head coach in 2005 and he
won the NBA title with the team in
2006. Riley has been awarded the
NBA Coach of the Year trophy three
times (1990, 1993, 1997). In 1996 he
was named among the Top 10
Coaches in the history of the NBA.

Bob McAdoo, who played in the

NBA for thirteen seasons and was
elected to the Basketball Hall of
Fame in 2000, has been part of the
Miami Heat coaching staff since
1995. He works as an assistant
coach and is in charge of individ-
ual player development.

Last season, the Miami Heat had

the sixth best offense in the NBA,
scoring 99.89 points per game.
Miami’s offense had its "bearing wall"
in Dwyane Wade, the fourth best
scorer in the NBA, with more than 28
points per game during the season
and more than 34 points per game
throughout the Final Series. Shaquille
O'Neal and Antoine Walker opened
up the opposing defenses with their
inside and outside games, and Jason
Williams gave even more support
with his penetrations to the basket
and outside shooting.

It was logical for the team to create

plays providing all the best shooting
options for Wade. Moreover, depend-
ing on the various defense reactions,
the plays provided different calls
within the same play.


23_016_020 23-11-2006 12:35 Pagina 17


23_016_020 23-11-2006 12:36 Pagina 18


The following players played the

most during the season:

▼ Jason Williams, point guard,
1.85 (6-1).
▼ Dwayne Wade, shooting guard,
1.93 (6-4).
▼ James Posey, small forward,
2.02 (6-8).
▼ Udonis Haslem, power forward, D.1 D.3
2.02 (6-8).
▼ Shaquille O'Neal, center, 2.15


▼ Gary Payton, point guard, 1.92
▼ Antoine Walker, forward, 2.07
▼ Alonzo Mourning, center, 2.08
D.2 D.4
The following are just some of the
plays used along the season and the
playoffs. The numbers in the dia-
grams correspond to the following
1) Jason Williams.
2) Dwayne Wade.
3) James Posey.
4) Udonis Haslem.
5) Shaquille O'Neal.

With the word "drag punch," we called
all the plays in which the ball had to go
to Shaquille O'Neal. Initial set-up is
with player 5 on the low post, 4 on the
high post on the elbow opposite to 5, 3
on the wing and 2 in guard position on
the same side of 5. 1 begins the play by
dribbling on the side where is 2. 4
comes out of the lane and screens for 1,
who dribbles to the opposite side and
then reverses the ball, passing to 2,
who is now open and has come out
over the three-point line (diagr. 1).

At this point, if 2 cannot pass the

ball to 5 or shoot, he gets a screen
from 4 and then 4 goes on the wing.
2 has now several possibilities:
▼ He can shoot.
▼ He can pass to 5, who ducks in
the lane to get free and receive
the ball.
▼ He can pass to 1, who has gone
to the corner after passing the
ball to 2.
▼ He can pass to 3, who has come
out to the three-point line.
▼ He can also pass to 4, who got


23_016_020 23-11-2006 12:36 Pagina 19

open on the wing after the screen has kept the position against his defend-
(diagr. 2). er and now can easily shoot near the
basket or dunk (diagr. 3).
We also had to prepare to play against The other option, if 1 cannot pass direct-
defenses put up against Shaquille ly to 5, there is a ball reversal to the
O'Neal by anticipating him with a other side: 4 goes toward 1, gets the ball
defender playing in front of him. 1 drib- from him and changes side, passing to 3,
bles toward 2, who has gone to the cor- who has moved lower in the corner. 3
ner, and then makes a lob pass to 5, who now passes to 5 (diagr. 4).




23_016_020 23-11-2006 12:36 Pagina 20


If it isn't possible to pass the ball to 5, ▼ Shoot.

either directly or with a ball reversal, 1 ▼ Play pick-and-roll with 4, passing
gets a screen by 4 and drives to the him the ball, as he rolls to the bas-
basket, opening the floor. If he can, he ket.
drives to the basket, or he passes to 2 ▼ Pass to 1 for a shot from outside.
in the left corner, to 3 in the right cor- ▼ Pass to 3 for a shot from outside.
ner, or to 5, who gets open under the ▼ Pass to 5, who is now open under
basket (diagr. 5). the basket (diagr. 8).


Initial set-up is with 4 on the high post, This is another play prepared for Wade. D.8
3 on the wing, 5 on the low post, 2, 4 and 5 play together on the low post,
who begins the play starting under the forming a stack, 2 starts under the bas-
basket, and 1, who dribbles to the ket, 3 is on the opposite corner, and 1
wing, on the left side. 2 cuts along the dribbles on the same side of 4 and 5. 2
lane, gets free off the screen by 4, cuts along the baseline off the screen
comes out to the three-point line and by 5, and receives the ball from 1.
receives the ball from 1 (diagr. 6). 2
can even go out to the corner, working If he can't shoot, 4 screens for him and
off the screen by 5. then rolls to the basket, while 5 has
gone up to the free-throw line. 2 can
If 2 cannot shoot, 5 goes to the top of pass to 4 or he can reverse the ball,
the key to screen for 2. In the mean- passing to 3 (diagr. 9).
time, 4 cuts through the lane and D.9
receives the ball from 2, or else goes to If 3 receives the ball, but cannot shoot,
the high post. 1, who drops down lower 5 cuts quickly to the low post on the ball
to the corner (diagr. 7). side and receives the ball from 3 to play
2 can also receive a screen by 4 and: one-on-one (diagr. 10).



23_022_023ok.qxd 23-11-2006 18:19 Pagina 22


by Tom Barrise

Tom Barrise has coached several NCAA teams, before going the same page. When fronting the post, the post defender
to the NBA's New Jersey Nets ten years ago. He started as must get low and sit on the post player’s legs and drive him
the advanced scout, and since two years ago he has become back while keeping his hands high. We want to force the
assistant coach, also helping the player personnel staff in offensive player to catch the ball outside the lane near the
settling the NBA Draft Day. logo, or outside the hashmark. If the offensive player steps off
the block by the hashmark/logo or pushes his defender up the
Defending the low post player is critical to our defensive suc- lane by the logo, we will “circle” on the top side to recover in
cess. We want to front the post to prevent opposing teams a 3/4 stance. We have done our job if we are able to get him
from getting the ball into the post, or, at the least force the post off the box. Any time the ball is passed over the top of the post
player to catch the ball off the lane. Our verbal for a post front front, we want the post defender tio spin middle to form a
is “green”. By fronting the post and defending the elbow area, baseline trap with the weakside bottom defender or jump for a
we are trying to take away first side scoring opportunities. steal or deflection (diagr. 5).
When the ball is up top, above the free throw line extended, we
want to make sure we are above our man in order to prevent THE ON BALL WING DEFENDER
duck-ins and to be in a position to help on penetration (diagr. 1, The on ball wing defender is critical to the success of our post
2, and 3). As the ball gets entered drive and kick to the wing at fronts. He forms a partnership with the ballside post defender.
the free-throw line extended, we want to compete for the paint He must pressure the ball and really get up into his man in a
against the low post player and “hip check” him to force off the no-middle stance as soon as he hears “green” being called by
block. When we hip check, we have to step across his top leg his teammate who is fronting the post. When the ball is on the
with our inside leg and swing our elbow over his arms. After we wing, the defender at the top should shade towards the elbow
hip check, we want to be in a butt front position (diagr. 4). and be ready to close-out if the ball is reversed from the wing
When we front the post, it is crucial that we have everyone on to the top. We must close-out with high, active hands and




23_022_023ok.qxd 23-11-2006 18:20 Pagina 23

pressure the ball,

ready to discoura-
ge the pass from
the point to the post
(diagr. 6).


When the ball is
passed from the
wing to the point,
we want to deny
any pass back to
the same side to
prevent the low
post player sealing
on the high side.
The post defender
must now get on
the inside of his man to prevent the point to post pass
(diagr. 7). We want to go on the top side unless we are D.8
really pushed up the lane. When we front the post, the
defenders on the weakside must be very active and
alert, anticipating the pass over the top (diagr. 8). We
want to try to invert as much as possible to keep our
big people in a position to be the bottom weakside
defender. As we are fronting the post, the bottom man
on the weakside should give a hard stunt (3 second
defensive rule) to give the appearance of help to
discourage the post feed. There may be times when
we “tag” the post player with the weakside bottom
man to discourage a post feed. When the ball is in the D.9
air, the defender fronting the post, will spin middle
and get on the offensive player’s inside shoulder as
the weakside bottom defender attacks the ball. We
want to either form a “wall” and trap the low post
player or when the opportunity presents itself go for a
steal or deflection. Thus, we use the terms “2 hands
to the ball” or “form a wall”. D.4


When we form the wall, the bottom weakside defen-
der must get body to body with the offensive player to
restrict his space (diagr. 9). We must squeeze the trap D.10
and prevent any splits. On the pass over the top, the
defender on the ballside wing will get to the elbow
area (diagr. 10). As we rotate to the ball with the bot-
tom weakside defender, we must V-back from the top
to the baseline ready to “hit first” and root out any
offensive player around the basket. On our V-back, D.5
we want to try to straddle the top leg of the defender
so we do not get sealed in the paint.

On our baseline wall we want to force the post player D.11
to throw a lob pass out of the double team. If the ball
is passed out of the low post trap, we want the top
defender in the weakside “I” to close-out to the first
pass out of the trap. The trapper must sprint out of the
double team to the weakside (diagr. 11). The bottom
man on the weakside must read the trapper and the
direction of the pass to determine whether he has to D.6
kick out and close-out on the perimeter.


23_024_026 23-11-2006 12:39 Pagina 24


by by Piero Bucchi
and Maurizio Bartocci

Piero Bucchi was an assistant coach with
Rimini in 1991, becoming head coach in
1995 and winning the championship that
same year. He coached Benetton Treviso
in 1999, where he won an Italia Cup and
reached the finals of the championship. He
has coached in Rome and is currently coa-
ching the team in Naples that recently
won the Italian Cup.

Maurizio Bartocci was assistant coach in

Caserta, A1 Italian League, and then head
coach. In 1998 he became head coach in
Avellino, in A1 and then he became assi-
stant coach in Naples, where he was also
interim head coach in 2005.

When you organize a team defense it is

very important to give clear and specific
rules to the players in order to avoid doubts
and take away any possible alibis. If a
player does not know exactly what he has
to do on the court, there is a tendency that
he will become lazy and won't assume any
responsibility. A strong defense entails
one-on-one play, and the necessity to keep
the offensive player from beating you. This
requires not only technical skills but also
mental toughness. I am convinced that
every player can be a good defender if he
puts his mind to it. He has to take pride in
his efforts. Good man-to-man defense is a
state of mind, not only a technical aspect of
the game.
To have a good man-to-man defense, you
need clear and simple rules that are under-
stood by all the players on the team.

Here the simple rules we give to our

▼ Push the offense to the baseline and
use at least three defensive slides.
▼ Deny the middle of the three-second
lane. This means preventing all pas-
ses and dribble penetration in the D.2
three-second lane.
▼ Break the passing lanes.
23_024_026 23-11-2006 12:39 Pagina 25

D.3 D.5 D.7

D.4 D.6 D.8

▼ Break the cutting lanes. tration, and on the kick-off pass to the
▼ Push the offensive player to one side receiver in the middle of the court and
of the floor, thereby defining a strong then a pass from him to 1, 1 has to play
side and a weak side for the defense. the one-on-one (diagr. 5).
▼ Understand that when you are guar-
ding a player that your four teammates The help from the defender on the weakside
are working for you and will help you has to go over the basket (not under the
when needed. You will also help your basket) to prevent an easy kick off. It's
teammates when they need help. always difficult to find players able to stop
and shoot (diagr. 6). On the rotation, 1's D.9
defender has to attack 4, trying to push him
DEFENSIVE DRILLS outside the three- second lane (diagr. 7).
The offense moves as shown in diagrams
Pushing to the Baseline 8 and 9; and the defenders have to work
X1 makes a handoff pass to 1, who drives on the passing lanes. Then we run the
to the baseline, forced by X1, who makes drill on give-and-go with four players.
three hard slides like "the attack of a fen- With the low-post defense, we want in to
cer." 1, once he has reached the baseline, stay within the rules and avoid a central
does not shoot, but makes a handoff pass penetration, trying to push the post player
to 2, and becomes the defender (diagr. 1). to the baseline, and taking advantage of
the board in closing passing lines.
Breaking the Passing Lanes For this reason, the defender has to main- D.10
The defender lets the offensive player tain a 3/4 stance, anticipating him in order
receive the ball a couple of feet outside to let him receive as possible as he can
the three-point line. Keeping a short near the baseline and then guarding the
distance from the offensive player, he clo- one-on-one. He's got to try to send him
sely watches the passing lanes. The towards the baseline where he can have
offensive player has a teammate (or the help (diagr. 10 and 11) by 3's defender,
coach) to pass the ball. As the drill pro- while 1's defender gets lower, ready to
gresses, we add another receiver on the cover the offensive player who could
weakside so the offensive player now has receive the kick-off pass.
two passing choices (diagr. 2 and 3).
Now we have 1 in the middle of the court, 2
On the ball reversal, we tell to the defender and 3 are the wings, 4 on the low post, and
to attack the outside shoulder (diagr. 4). the coach with the ball in the middle of the
court behind 1. The coach makes the first
We then add another player on the low- pass on one of the two sides of the court.
post position. He receives the ball, counts The defenders of players 2 and 3 start the
to two and starts the drill, driving to the drill from the elbow of the free-throw area.
lane. The defender has to stop the pene- The offensive players have an advantage on


23_024_026 23-11-2006 12:39 Pagina 26






them for driving to the baseline when they

receive the ball. The defender helps on
the penetrations (diagr. 12 and 13).

Otherwise, we can also tell the offense

to begin with a movement as shown in
diagr. 14.

Denying the Shot CONCLUSIONS team language.

4 offensive players against 3 defenders. These are some of the drills we use This is a very difficult job that we try to
The offensive players cannot dribble. The during our season, trying to create and achieve through daily work on the court
defenders must "fly" to deny any shot. It is give a defensive identity to a group of in our practice sessions. We provide
important that defenders talk to each players with different basketball skill clear and simple rules for every player
other throughout the play. Constant com- backgrounds. The idea is always to have and hope that they can abide by them.
munication is a must in order to maintain all the players looking to the same direc- When they do, the results are extremely
a strong defense. (diagr. 15). tion, the same goal, and talking the same satisfying.
Draft some real all stars At Adecco, we know the awesome power of teamwork. With many
individuals bound by a common goal, remarkable things are possible.
Providing employment to over 700,000 people every day is a fine
example. And it’s accomplished by our 30,000 employees in 6,000
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A formidable task, indeed. But at Adecco, while we know that what
an individual can accomplish is inspiring, what people can achieve
together is awe-inspiring.

Adecco_FIBA_ad_21.03.06.indd 1 21/3/06 17:56:56

22_028.qxd 23-11-2006 12:41 Pagina 28


ONLINE BASKETBALL CLINIC In this section, we introduce the latest books, videos, CDs, and
other tools that are primarily aimed at coaches, but certainly useful
for all of our readers. Please send your suggestions and comments
by Raffaele Imbrogno about our basketball-related media for review in this section.

Raffaele Imbrogno has been coaching since 1980. He is Thanks to ADSL (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line) tech-
an Instructor for the Italian National Coaches Committee nology, which allows content-web pages and video-to be
of the Federation and has been Director of the Italian downloaded at a higher speed from the Internet site to the
Basketball Federation Study Center. Imbrogno is also user, you can now sign up at for
the author of several technical basketball publications. as many as fifteen basketball clinics. This first set of inte-
ractive clinic is completely dedicated to NBA's coaches,
"Once upon a time..." We all know the opening line to fairy from a clinic held in Chicago in September, and organized
tales of our childhood. Well, it did happen once, and to a by the NBA Coaches Association, in memory of Cotton Fitz-
large number of lucky coaches who had been starved for simmons, coach of many NBA teams.
basketball information and technical knowledge. These The following is the complete list of clinics that are availa-
coaches were able to find some real pearls: The first te- ble to download from the web site:
chnical books in English about offense and defensive
strategies. Then, little by little, these same texts written ▼ Mike Fratello (Grizzlies):
by American coaches started to appear in Italian. What - Man-to-Man Defensive Philosophy with Drills - Part I
was once a fairy tale, soon became reality. - Man-to-Man Defensive Philosophy with Drills - Part II
Soon after, coaches who travelled to attend camps and - Utilizing the Three-Point Shot
clinics in the United States, began returning in Europe
with videotapes of conference presentations, and highly- ▼ Hubie Brown:
produced videos put out by leading thinkers of the game, - Special Situations - Part I
including Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina - Special Situations - Part II
and Rick Pitino, the former coach of many university
teams, the Boston Celtics, and now the University of Loui- ▼ Kevin Eastman (Celtics):
sville. The big problem came in decoding these tapes from - Skill Development for Inside and Perimeter Players
the system used in the U.S. to the PAL system used in Italy.
Luckily for us, the Internet came along, and written texts ▼ Flip Saunders (Pistons):
about real game situations appeared, with some even - Zone Defense and Special Drills - Part I
carrying video highlights. We are now in a newer realm, - Zone Defense and Special Drills - Part II
thanks to Championship Productions, which now offers
not only a complete array of videos, DVDs, and books, but ▼ Lawrence Frank(Nets):
also the ability to sit in the comfort of your favourite chair - Early Offense - Part I
and take part in a technical basketball clinic. - Early Offense - Part II

▼ Jeff Van Gundy (Rockets):

- Executing and Defending the Pick-and-
Roll - Part I
- Executing and Defending the Pick and
Roll - Part II

▼ Avery Johnson (Mavericks):

- Attacking Man-to-Man Defenses - Part I
- Attacking Man-to-Man Defenses - Part II

▼ Gregg Popovich (Spurs):

- My Favorite Individual and Team Drills
- Offensive Concepts and the Motion Offense

By registering on the web site and paying your fee (it is possible to
share the expenses with as many as four other
authorized coaches, who can also view the cli-
nics), you can then watch the on-court lessons
as many times you want, wherever you want, in
whichever order you prefer, and with whomever
you want to watch them with.

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23_030_033.qxd 23-11-2006 13:12 Pagina 30


Part I
by Valentin Lazarov

FIBA referee from 1958 to 1982 and an function of numerous direct or indirect
Honorary Member in 1976, Valentin factors. This could be illustrated with the
Lazarov became FIBA Commissioner in following pseudo-mathematical formula:
1983. A member of the FIBA Technical Q = (A + B + C + D + E + F + G + H)
Committee since 1976, he received the x X x Y x Z.
prestigious Radomir Shaper Award,
which is given for outstanding contribu- Where:
tion to basketball rules and the game of Q = Level or quality of performance of
basketball. the Official
A = Physical fitness
INTRODUCTION B = Correct criteria for physical
In the course of the last few years, we contacts
have witnessed an exceptional progres- C = Knowledge of the psychology of
sion and growing popularity of basket- players, coaches, fans
ball all over the world. D = Knowledge of the rules and
Contemporary modern basketball is a interpretations
spectacular and harmonious combina- E = Knowledge of offensive
tion of sheer speed, excellent athletic and defensive tactics
qualities, aggressive defenses, and bril- F = Teamwork
liant player techniques. G = Mechanics of Officiating
It is quite natural and logical to affirm H = Knowledge of the work of the table
that the development of the game is officials
closely connected with the development X = Coefficient for talent and
of officiating. Consequently, when one personality
speaks about "modern basketball," it is Y = Coefficient for ambition, strong
necessary to mention the term "modern will, and courage
officiating." Modern officiating means Z = Coefficient for personal chance
the birth of new and additional require-
ments for the officials. Of course, this formula is only an illus-
My intention in this article is to update tration and its aim is to show in which
and systematize the new demands and areas and on which elements the IMPORTANT REMARK
requirements for game officials, since efforts of young and ambitious referees In the following material, I am presenting
the referees are the people who are should be concentrated in order to only a brief summary for each factor,
actively involved in the application of the achieve perfection in their perform- underlining only the major points. The
latest tendencies in the development of ance on their way to becoming TOP reason for that is that each factor repre-
the game on the court. OFFICIALS. sents a separate lecture lasting between
1 and 4 hours, including diagrams and
FACTORS INFLUENCING THE PERFORMANCE The formula could also be very useful for examples from practice.
OF THE OFFICIALS highlighting the main topics in the agen-
In modern basketball, the level of the da for clinics for candidates for FIBA ref- A. PHYSICAL FITNESS
official's performance is a complex erees. The referee must follow the action on the
23_030_033.qxd 23-11-2006 13:12 Pagina 31

court as closely as possible and be in an official cannot observe directly when a action also has a psychological effect on
optimal position in order to make accurate foul is committed, but they presume that the reaction of players, coaches, and
judgements. There is a high correlation in similar situations fouls are nearly fans. A 100% correct decision that is
between accuracy of calls and optimal always committed, so they whistle the called far away from the place of the foul
position of the official. This means that a play as a foul. or the out-of-bounds situation almost
top official must be as fast as-and in some Or, with today's players having excellent always provokes undesirable reactions.
situations even faster-the players. He technique, a call by presumption
must be in top physical condition. deprives a talented player of a brilliant The dynamic action of the players and
Very often it's the insufficient mobility of maneuver and a legitimate play in the the speed at which the ball can change
the officials that is the reason for some last second. hands requires constant concentration
calls. Being far away from the action, the The position of the official far from the by the officials during the whole game.
23_030_033.qxd 23-11-2006 13:12 Pagina 32


On the other hand, the capacity for an past when the game was less dynamic one or more physical incidents of physi-
official to concentrate decreases sharply and aggressive. Nowadays, however, the cal contact between opponents.
once he becomes physically fatigued. officials' top physical condition has a However, only 10% to 15% of them are
The same is also valid for the speed of fundamental influence on their perform- sanctioned as personal fouls by the offi-
reaction of the referee, i.e. the speed of ance on the court. cials. That means that the referee's
his motor behaviour. approach to this selection must be rather
This process (showed in the diagram B. CORRECT CRITERIA FOR PHYSICAL Realistic than Literal.
below), however, could be considerably CONTACTS The art and the style of the official deal-
slowed down by some factors, of which The dynamic and attractive magnetism ing with the contact situations is gener-
the most important is physical fatigue. of modern basketball does not allow ally the most criticized area of the offici-
officials to interrupt the game too often, ating process (around 80%).
Finally, it would be useful to underline the since for both participants and fans an It is practically impossible to stop the
stimulating role of the pre-game warm- interesting game is an unbroken stream game at each personal contact since it
up (15 to 20 minutes), not only for main- of spectacular actions. The popularity will kill the attractive character of the
taining the consistent physiological con- of the game and its charm strongly game. Therefore, on the one hand we
dition of the official throughout the com- depends on the official's criteria for must try as much as possible not to dis-
petition, but also for reducing the fre- personal contact. turb the flow of the game and on the
quency and severity of muscle injuries. other we must follow strictly the rules
Statistics affirm that in contemporary and keep constant control of the game,
CONCLUSION basketball the number of physical con- as we do not want basketball game to
Top physical fitness is not theoretical in tacts have doubled and even tripled in become similar to a rugby game.
basketball officiating, but an absolute some instances. Almost every two to
necessity. It was not as important in the three seconds of the game, we witness All in all, a strict distinction should be
drawn between
incidental con-
INPUT OUTPUT tacts, which are a
game, and con-
DECISIONS tacts that degen-
erate into person-
23_030_033.qxd 23-11-2006 13:12 Pagina 33

al fouls. What we understand by control of the game. CONCLUSION

"Officiating in the spirit of the game" is to Trying to apply this principle on the court, Knowledge of the spirit of the advan-
apply this quite difficult distinction suc- the Officials must be aware it is fully legal- tage/disadvantage principle and the
cessfully on the court. ized by FIBA Rules which state: "The mature and competent judgment of the
A lot in this area depends on the individual Officials should not seek to interrupt the Official in each individual contact situa-
TALENT of the official and his correct flow of the game unnecessarily in order to tion should be the KEY factor in deciding
FEELING for realistic approach. This also penalize personal contact that is inciden- whether the physical contact should or
is the boundary between the TOP and tal and which does not give to the player should not be considered as a personal
theSTANDARD referee. responsible an advantage nor place his foul (see the chart).
opponent at a disadvantage..."
Principle of Advantage / Disadvantage The final decision: "Foul or no foul" should
On the basis of all above-mentioned facts, Areas of Application be based on the answers to four basic
the classic advantage / disadvantage ▼ Attractive combinations. questions:
principle was created. It advises the offi- ▼ Direct drive towards the opponent's
cials to consider as personal fouls all basket. 1. What happened?
physical contacts which: ▼ Fast breaks. 2. Who is involved?
▼ Give an advantage to the player who ▼ Act of shooting. 3. Why did it happen or who was respon-
committed them or to his team. ▼ Passing the ball. sible?
▼ Cause a disadvantage for the oppo- ▼ Dribbling the ball. 4. WILL THIS AFFECT THE GAME?
nent's player or team. ▼ Loss of balance near boundary or cen-
ter lines.
I always add this very important point: ▼ Fight for position on the floor. The second part of the article
▼ Become systematic and risk leading to ▼ Loose ball on the floor. will be published
an escalation of roughness or losing ▼ Screens. on the issue N. 24 - January/February 2007.







23_034.qxd 23-11-2006 12:41 Pagina 34


The following questions focus on the document,
“FIBA Official Basketball Rules: Official
Interpretations.” A free download is provided on the
FIBA website ( For additional clarifi-
cations, explanations or examples, please consult
this document.

1. Before the jump ball can be administered, the

scorer realizes that two of the players are wea-
ring numbers that are different from those on
the team list. Shall the referee direct the scorer
to correct the numbers on the scoresheet,
after which the game shall resume without
2. In the pre-game warm-up, team A and team B
practice at the correct baskets as prescribed
by rule. When the jump ball is administered to
start the game, however, both teams
mistakenly face in the wrong directions and
play begins. A5 scores two points, at which
time the error is discovered. Shall the two
points scored by A5 be awarded to team B and
credited to the team B captain?
3. During the 1st period, A5 attempts a shot for a
basket. While the ball is in the air on the shot, the
24-second signal sounds, after which the ball
enters the basket. Team A immediately reque-
sts a time-out. Shall the time-out be granted?
4. A3 is awarded two free-throws. After the first
free-throw but before the ball is at the disposal
of the player for the second free-throw, team
A requests a time-out. On the second free-
throw, A3 commits a violation. Shall the time-
out be granted immediately?
5. A3’s shot for a goal has touched the rim and
is rebounding above it when B5 reaches
through the basket from below and tips the
ball away from the basket. Shall two points
be awarded to A3? ly would following any last free-throw?
6. A5 is a player-coach. During an interval of 9. A3 is awarded two free-throws. Before the ball ANSWERS
play, A5 commits a technical foul. Shall this is placed at the disposal of A3 for the first free- 1. Yes; Art. 7
technical foul be penalized as a coach’s foul? throw, a time-out is granted to team B. After 2. No; Art. 9
7. After players from both teams have left the the time-out, the officials erroneously award
team bench areas during a fighting situation, the free-throws to A5. The error is discovered 3. No; Art. 18
the officials determine that play shall resume after the unsuccessful first free-throw. Shall 4. Yes; Art. 18
with a possession arrow throw-in for team A. the free-throws awarded to team A be cancel-
5. No; Art. 31
Shall this throw-in take place at the sideline or led and play resume with a team B throw-in at
baseline place nearest to where the ball last the free-throw line extended? 6. No; Art. 38
became dead? 10. Following a team A field goal during the final 7. No; Art. 39
8. A2 is awarded two free-throws. While the ball two minutes of play in the 4th period, the ball
8. Yes; Art.42
is dead following the first free-throw, coach A bounces far away from the in-bounds area. B8
and player B3 commit technical fouls. Shall A2 is waiting at the scorer’s table to enter the 9. Yes; Art. 44
be awarded a second free-throw, after which game as a substitute. Shall the official sound 10. No; Art. 46
the game be permitted to resume as it normal- the whistle and permit B8 to enter the game?


23_035_038 23-11-2006 13:06 Pagina 35


2006 Commonwealth
by Tony Goodwin Games Basketball
Tony Goodwin has been Competition Man-
ager for the Basketball Tournament of the
2006 Commonwealth Games in Australia.
He is currently Leading Teacher at Mel-
bourne High School, and School Sport
Australia National Secretary of Basket-
ball. He was also Chairman of Pacific
School Games Basketball Working Party.

The inclusion of basketball for the first time

in the Commonwealth Games provided an-
other major basketball tournament for FIBA
teams. Seventy one countries with a third
of the world’s population were involved in
this 16 sport, 24 discipline event. A celebra-
tion of sport and culture of this magnitude
not seen in Victoria for 50 years!

The Commonwealth Games Federation

(CGF), in conjunction with the Australian
Commonwealth Games Association (AC-
GA), the State Government and Federal
Government spent nearly $2 billion of Aus-
tralian dollars in staging this event. Some 4,
500 athletes along with 1,500 officials par-
ticipated in this event with the assistance
of 1,200 technical officials and nearly 15,000

Once the decision was made by ACGA to

include basketball, FIBA assisted the or-
ganising committee (M2006) in the process
to select the participating countries. FIBA
used a different process to the usual quali-
fying tournaments that exist for the estab-
lished championships, eg World Champi-
onships, as this was the first time for this
tournament. The process decided upon
was that FIBA set up a Commonwealth
Games sub committee, who then wrote to
all potential participating countries asking
them if they wanted to be part of the Com-
monwealth Games. Once the countries that
MEN 1st Australia WOMEN 1st Australia
were interested responded, the sub com-
2nd New Zealand 2nd New Zealand
mittee then chose the strongest 8 teams for
3rd England 3rd England
each of the men’s and women’s competi-
4th Nigeria 4th Nigeria
tion. M2006 then took responsibility for
5th Barbados 5th Mozambique
these nominated teams and went ahead
6th Scotland 6th India
with the organisation of the tournament.
7th South Africa 7th Malaysia
The teams that participated are listed along
8th India 8th Malta


23_035_038 23-11-2006 13:06 Pagina 36


with their final placing in the tournament:

The organisation of the tournament was
made interesting by the State Govern-
ment decision to take all the preliminary
round games to regional Victoria. As the
major funds contributor and with a state
political election looming the State Gov-
ernment directed the M2006 to take bas-
ketball to the regional centres. Once the
decision was mandated M2006 had the
responsibility of taking the 24 preliminary
games to 4 regional centres. Four bou-
tique stadiums at Ballarat, Bendigo, Gee-
long and Traralgon were chosen. The sta-
diums were between 1 hour and 2 hours
30 minutes from the games village in Mel-
bourne. Each stadium seated between
1,000 and 1,500 spectators and all re-
quired extensive upgrades to bring them
up to international standard.

The upgrades included a completely new

stadium at Traralgon. At Geelong a new
floor and a changed seating bowl along
with new floor mounted backboards,
rings, and scoreboards. Ballarat is a more
modern stadium and received a lighting
upgrade as well as structural upgrades.
Finally, Bendigo which was the live TV
venue received a lighting, a seating, a
scoreboard and some structural up-
grades. The finals were then shifted to
Melbourne where they used a modern
10,000 seat stadium in the sports precinct
in the middle of the Melbourne central
business district (CBD). These upgrades
are a fantastic legacy for regional basket-
ball in Victoria.

M2006’s responsibility was to make this

event one to remember and only 6 years
after Melbourne’s northern neighbour
Sydney hosted the Olympics. Interesting
that the organisational structure incorpo-
rated within M2006 to make this success-
ful was a venue based operation. The ma-
jor program areas that were included in
this venue based operation were:
All these program areas worked on two
floors of a major building in the CBD dur-
ing the planning phase (2004 - 2005) and
finally numbered around 1,000. Two to
three months prior to the games the
workforce was split up and sent to work
in each of the venues. 8 major venues and




23_035_038 23-11-2006 13:06 Pagina 37

7 smaller venues became unique teams ing each day and hence the need to have position is shown below.
with all the above program areas as part this number of people available to operate My role was that of the competition man-
of each team. These teams were able to all the games. The final 3 days of competi- ager (CM) and I was responsible for man-
provide the major organisational support tion were in the main venue (MPV) in Mel- aging all the personnel and the tourna-
for the sporting component of this event. bourne only. ment. The event administrator (EA) coordi-
Along with this M2006 incorporated a cul- The paid workforce was essential to the nated all the planning aspects of the tour-
tural program, run on the same basis that success of the basketball tournament. The nament. The two assistant competition
provided the non sporting entertainment. timeline for the commencement of each mangers (ACM) assisted in the planning

The next issue was to get spectators to Assistant Competition Technical Operations
embrace the games. Australia has 20 mil- Competition Manager Manager (1) Coordinator (1)
lion people and they enjoy their sport. The January 2005 October 2005 February 2006
state government changed the school 15 months prior 6 months prior 6 weeks prior
holidays for 2006 and brought them for-
ward to include the duration of the games.
All other major events in Victoria and Aus-
tralia were shifted, the Formula One
Grand Prix was put back a week, so that Event Administrator Assistant Competition Technical Operations
during this period of time the Common- August 2005 Manager (2) Coordinator (2)
wealth Games event was the focus of all 9 months prior January 2006 February 2006
Australians. 3 months prior 6 weeks prior

Twelve months prior to the games the

first of the ticketing ballots was com-
menced and throughout the lead up to
the games further ballots and ticket sales
were run with the consequence that
most of the competitions were sold out
prior to the games. This was the case
with all 20 sessions of basketball. Inter-
estingly M2006 only ran 5 afternoon ses-
sions and the other 15 sessions were
evening sessions, which helped to sell
the tickets. Thirteen of the sessions were
at the regional centres and seven were
run in Melbourne. All up somewhere
around 85,000 to 90,000 spectators at-
tended the basketball tournament.

More importantly all teams were playing

in front of a packed stadium. The atmos-
phere was always exciting and this helped
to produce better games. Our Technical
Delegate, Lubomir Kotleba could not be-
lieve the 10,000 strong crowd for the first
session at the Multi Purpose Venue (MVP)
when there was a women’s game being
played between Malta and India. Com-
ments from all teams were extremely posi-
tive about how the spectators embraced
all the different teams. To add interest and
balance, each session had a men’s and
women’s game and this helped the atmos-
phere of the session even if the games
were not close.

The actual running of the basketball tour-

nament on the field of play (FOP) came
down to a paid staff of 60-70 technical offi-
cials (TO) from overseas and from Aus-
tralia and 70 sport specific volunteers
(SSV) from across Australia. Across the
first 6 days 2 regional venues were operat-


23_035_038 23-11-2006 13:06 Pagina 38


had six days of competition in the other

three regional venues.

FIBA nominated the Referees. M2006

funded Basketball Australia money to
conduct a training program across Aus-
tralia to ensure Commissioners, Score
Bench officials and Statisticians were
trained up to International standard.
This funding has been well utilised as a
strong legacy has been left for the local
domestic basketball infrastructure and
for any future International competi-
tions that may consider Australia as an
International venue.

The logistics of organising the participat-

ing CGA’s along with all the volunteers
became the teams focus. All the trans-
port, regional accommodation, catering,
medical and any other requirement were
carefully organised and timetabled.
Along with the organisation of the ac-
commodation, uniforms and rostering of
TO’s and SSV’s this was made extremely
interesting by running this tournament
out of five venues.

To assist teams we accommodated them

near the regional venues on the day of
scheduled games at those venues. The
teams of 12 players and 5 officials were
transported on 45 seater buses and all
meals or catering requirements were or-
ganised around their requests. Teams
were allocated doctors and physiothera-
pists if they did not have these already

In the 6 months leading up to the tourna-

ment the teams planning involved direct
continual contact with team managers ei-
ther through handbook, bulletin or email
release. In the 3 months leading up to the
games telephone and email became the
main communication tool. This allowed for
proactive forward planning and provided
all teams with information about many dif-
ferent issues. Any requests were consid-
ered and where possible made available
to all teams.

M2006 was able to provide an event that

has left all who were involved with a very
positive life long experience and were
phase then managed the 2 teams of per- ensure the competition would be suc- able to leave a huge legacy for the domes-
sonnel that ran the tournament at the dif- cessful. The actual delivery phase saw tic basketball infrastructure in venue up-
ferent venues. They were assisted by the this team divided into 2 sub teams of three grades and technical official training. It al-
technical operations coordinators (TOC) operating each night. Team 1 consisted of so provided an event where all the partici-
who were charged with controlling the the CM, an ACM and a TOC. Team 2 con- pating athletes have had a chance to ex-
FOP. This operational team format worked sisted of an ACM, the EA and a TOC. Team perience another top class basketball
very well. This operational team worked 1 ran the preliminary rounds at Bendigo competition that fits well into the overall
very close with all other program areas to which was the live TV venue and team 2 FIBA program.


22_040_041.qxd 23-11-2006 13:05 Pagina 40


While the media, fans, players, and coaches are all focused on Obtrusive light (sometimes called "light pollution") is a growing
the action on the basketball court, most people are completely focus of attention in the lighting industry. Quite apart from di-
unaware of all that is going on behind the scenes to ensure sturbing local residents and nature, obtrusive light is also wa-
that the on-court action takes place seamlessly, and that there sted energy.
are no problems from the opening warm-ups to the final buz- For higher-level and televised sports, the Philips ArenaVision
zer. For this, we have the valuable partners of the FIBA Study lamps provide the ideal solution. It is particularly well adapted
Centre to thank. Here is a look at what some of them do to keep to a wide range of sports thanks to the choice of outputs and
the game going. optics for indoor and outdoor venues.
ArenaVision created a considerable industry shift, when the
PHILIPS LIDAC INT.: SYNERGY IN THE WORLD OF SPORTS LIGHTING first version was introduced in 1988. Since then, many at-
Royal Philips Electronics has been in business since 1891, tempts have been made to copy it, but it still remains the only
when it began manufacturing the first commercial incande- sports lights offering seven optics so the highest specifica-
scent lamps at their factory in Eindhoven in The Netherlands. tions can be met for international sports competitions.
Today the company has four main operating divisions: Consu- Experience. Besides the products, there is the simple fact that
mer Electronics, Medical Systems, Domestic Appliances and Philips has been involved in more sports venues and events
Personal Care, and Lighting. This Dutch multinational com- than any other manufacturer. Today, this experience is availa-
pany employs more than160, 000 people in more than 60 coun- ble either through a local Philips organization or from the de-
tries. The diversity of the business continues within lighting it- dicated international sports lighting design team based in Mi-
self and includes "Solid State Lighting", "Urban Architectural", ribel, near Lyon, France (Philips LiDAC International). Their
"Indoor", "Road and Tunnel" and "Sports and Arena". Increasin- work also involves close co-operation with the International
gly the boundaries between these business segments are Federations.
breaking down and the Company is taking a more 'holistic' ap- This year saw the launch of the new edition of the GAISF guide
proach. For the customer, this means that all aspects of a for artificial lighting of sports venues in front of all the Federa-
project can be integrated from the moment the venue is first tions in Seoul at Sport Accord. In addition, Philips has worked
seen, to the entrance/ticketing and merchandising, right th- with FIBA, FIFA, IAAF, FIH, UEFA and the ITF to produce specia-
rough to the sports arena itself. list lighting guides. All provide impartial advice on how to pro-
What is different about Philips' lighting? The answer to this vide the best solution for every type of venue, from an indivi-
can be divided into two parts: The company's products and its dual community sports arena to the highest-level televised
experience. events. Its partnership with FIBA is proof of this longstanding
Products. Philips manufactures lamps, making it the only ligh- commitment to quality.
ting manufacturer that can benefit from the synergy created
by this combined know-how.
For non-televised indoor or outdoor arenas, OptiFlood and Op-
tiVision are two examples of products that can provide light
evenly over the playing surface and at the same time ensure
the light is controlled for
spectators and local re-
sidents, thus preventing
"obtrusive" light.


22_040_041.qxd 23-11-2006 13:06 Pagina 41

PRECISION TIME SYSTEMS: NO TIME MISTAKE even the outcome of games.

Precision Time Systems began operations in 1993. The com- The Solution. With the Preci-
pany has created a unique timing system that synchronizes sion Time system, the offi-
the whistle of the sports official and the game clock. The reac- cial's whistle-stops the
tion time is instantaneous and it eliminates human error, parti- clock instantly, eliminating
cularly at the end of a competitive basketball game. "lag time" and end-of-game
This product has introduced the sports organizations to a who- errors. This unique system
le new world of accurate timekeeping with features that will protects the integrity of the
enhance the quality of athletic events. game as well as the reputa-
The Problem. Actual playing time is determined by the timer's tion of the home team. It eli-
ability to hear the official's whistle and the speed with which minates guesswork by the ti-
the timer can stop the clock. This "lag time" lost by the timer's mekeeper caused by not
reactions is often a full minute or more over the course of a ga- being able to hear the offi-
me. Excessive crowd noise in end of game situations has cau- cials' whistle, because of
sed time-keeping errors, which have affected strategies and crowd noises and other di-
How It
Works. The
Precision Time System works via a radio tran-
smitter in the belt pack worn by the officials.
Attached to the belt pack is an omni-directio-
nal microphone that docks in the microphone
adapter on the lanyard just below the whistle.
When an official blows the whistle, the belt
pack recognizes the frequency of the FOX 40
whistle and sends a radio signal to the base
station receiver that is connected to the sco-
reboard controller, stopping the clock instan-
tly. The Precision Time System not only stops
the clock, but it gives the official timer and ea-
ch referee the ability to restart the clock. Each
belt pack has a start button, so the clock can
be started from the floor if necessary.


New Deal has been a
long-standing official
FIBA supplier, providing
rotating advertising
boards for the playing court areas for all main competitions of
FIBA since 1996. The rotating advertising systems for sports
events, the company's core business, have obtained German
TUV certification and are currently undergoing approval and
homologation by FIFA as well.
What New Deal does best is help plan, create, and install
advertising systems that make the most of available space, fit
perfectly in the urban setting and, at the same time, serve as a
source of information for the public. Moreover, the company
can offer advice on sales strategies and how to approach the
market. The company both rents and sells rotating advertising
systems for sports events, rotating back-lit display boards (from
70 x 100 cm up to 3 x 2m) for indoor use and commercial cen-
ters, and also has rotating prisms available in all sizes, through
to LED (light emitting diode) systems.
Despite the high costs involved, the use of LED displays (which
can also be combined with other products) is growing at an
exponential rate for many different reasons: They are not only
practical, but they have an instant impact on the public when its
advertising messages are rapidly relayed. Combining motion
with a bright, clear image, they also convey innumerable mes-
sages in a single space.
22_042_043 23-11-2006 18:22 Pagina 42


by Nacho Coque
Nacho Coque Hernandez is the strength and conditioning oping anaerobic strength, which will allow him to make
coach of the Spanish National teams since 1994, as well as quick bursts of movement, and quick recovery from these
member of the Technical Committee of the Spanish Basket- power bursts.
ball Federation. He was part of technical staff of the Spanish
National Team winning the 2006 FIBA World Championship. 2. Quality of
He is also a first level basketball and track and field coach. Movement
The aim of strength
I'm going to use this article to explain some important con- training is to improve a
cepts that we kept in mind at the time of preparing for the 2006 player's explosiveness,
FIBA World Championship in Japan. I want to point out how an essential quality
we outlined our strength-training program and how we even- needed for jumping,
tually incorporated it into the training of the Spanish Men's making a first step on
National Basketball Team. offense, and for playing
good defense. Think
The training of strength is an important part in the develop- explosiveness in a fast-
ment of a basketball player because of the power necessary break, a final lay-up
for running, jumping, passing, and shooting. Many of the with maximum intensity
movements on the court are quick and explosive, and they to score a basket, and a
require high levels of explosiveness, especially in the lower one-on-one play in the
part of the body. The capacity to generate power in a short final seconds of a
period of time is one of the characteristics of basketball. game. Each movement
Strength represents the capacity of a subject in order to win is dependent on strong
or to bear a resistance. According to Grosser and Müller muscles.
(1989), it is the capacity of the neuromuscular system to over-
come resistance through muscular activity (concentric work),
to act against the same resistance (eccentric work), or also to
maintain this one (isometric work). In much simpler terms, this
means that there is a direct relationship between an athlete's
performance and his strength levels, and for this reason
increases in strength will improve individual performance and
team performance.


Two are the aims of a strength training:
1. Maintenance of Stamina
Over time, the player must develop a strength base that
will allow him to maintain high skill levels throughout the
course of a competition. At the same time, the player must
develop maximum aerobic power to allow him to play at
the highest levels throughout the game, while also devel-


22_042_043 23-11-2006 18:22 Pagina 43

METHODS USED IN STRENGTH TRAINING TO IMPROVE SPEED next request of the maximum strength with high loads and the
In the following analysis I will review the various forms of explosive strength. Players carry out general drills with loads
strength work we used with the Spanish Men's National Team between 60% and 80% of 1 MR (maximum repetition).
to enhance specific speed and explosiveness. Exercise routines To sum up, we can say that the strength work program follows
included the following: the scheme:

1. Training of Maximum Strength with High Loads A. BASAL-HYPERTROPHIC STRENGTH

This theory has its base in the majority hypertrophy of fibres FT, B. MAXIMUM STRENGTH
the improvement of the synchronization of motor units and the C. EXPLOSIVE STRENGTH (SPEED)
adaptation of the recruiting model, being careful as the authors
say, because the excessive hypertrophy modifies the fibres' dis- In addition to this training, team members also performed resist-
position in connection with their point of insertion, increasing ance exercises designed to prevent injuries. These included:
the angle of penetration of the same ones and compromising
the muscle speed contraction (Tesch and Larson, 1982). BASAL MUSCULAR STRENGTHENING TRAINING
This type of exercise is carried out during most sessions and con-
2. Strength Training with Low and Medium Loads and High sists of a series of individual muscular strengthening drills that
Intensity in Order to Improve Non-specific Speed help prevent back injuries while increasing overall physical con-
This type of work was used in the second and third week of pre- ditioning. Exercises focused on the abdominal muscles, which
season training. We look for a transition of the strength from a also translated to better jumping, sprinting, and rebounding.
generic base to the more explosive basketball strength, reduc-
ing the loads and generating greater speed in execution. This TRAINING WITH ELECTRO STIMULATION
helps develop QUALITY OF MOVEMENT. The possibility of carrying out training with electro stimulators
has given us the following advantages:
3. Strength Training with Low Loads and High Intensity in Order to
Improve Specific Speed ▼ Carrying out compensative and preventive training with the
We used this type of work as we approached the competition, players during the journeys.
trying to reproduce real game situations. We used elastic tubing ▼ Carrying out drills of maximum strength for the players with
of varying resistance that was looped around the player's waist. articular problems with no injury risks or a relapse of signifi-
The player would then use maximum effort against the resist- cant pathology.
ance of the tubing while going through a variety of typical bas- ▼ Strengthen small muscular groups difficult to localize with
ketball movements. general drills, but in some case decisive for the perform-
4. Reactive Training: Plyometrics
Developed from exercises used by coaches and athletes in the CONCLUSION
former Easter Bloc countries in the mid-1960s, plyometrics is a Incorporating basketball-specific heavy resistance training into
type of training designed to develop power characterized as their conditioning program helped to prevent injury, enhance
"explosive." In contrast to the slow, sustained muscle actions of endurance, and improve strength and explosive power.
typical resistance exercises, plyometric power concentrates a Developing a basketball-specific weight-training program can
large amount of force in a very short period of time, thereby strengthen muscles and connective tissue, which may well offset
mimicking an athlete's movement during competition. the intense pounding on the legs that weeks of on-court basket-
Plyometrics help in basketball since rapid acceleration of the ball training and competition can produce. Strengthening the
body and change of direction are requirements. muscle groups of the upper body can also contribute to improved
How plyometric exercise physiologically improves strength form when fatigued, and allow the athlete to maintain perform-
and power is still unclear. It's thought that since tendons and ance standards even at the end of a highly contested game.
muscle are elastic, plyometric drills convert the natural
stretch reflex that occurs during a muscular contraction into
an equal and opposite force.
Plyometric training involves exercises that produce a rapid
lengthening of a muscle quickly followed by a forceful short-
ening. This occurs, for example, when the athlete performs a
basic plyometric drill such as jumping over consecutive barri-
er of varying heights, or hopping, skipping, or bounding over
distances of up to 100 meters.

5. Current Proposal of Application

In the fusion of the last two types of strength workout
(strength with low loads of high intensity + plyometric) there
is a high percentage of the tapering phase used in the two
weeks before the World Championship, in which we realized
two three sessions-cycles where the alternation of the work
was organized in the following manner:
Before the pre-season practice began, players carried out
personal muscular work based on the development of basal-
hypertrophic strength. This type of work is the support for a
22_044-045 23-11-2006 13:09 Pagina 44


is at same level
as Jasikevicius”
JR Holden knows a thing or two about com- Cologne, they lost to the Philadelphia 76ers. through a 12-team qualification tournament.
peting at the highest level of basketball. The The Pittsburgh native recently spoke to Do you think that helps Russia's chances of
30-year-old playmaker has helped CSKA FIBA. making it to Beijing?"
Moscow to the past four Euroleague Final
Fours, including finally winning the title last FIBA: JR, first off congratulations on Russia's HOLDEN: "We're going to just try to qualify in
season. He also has won at the club level in successful qualification for EuroBasket 2007. Spain. We don't want to worry about that.
Latvia, Belgium and Greece. And this sum- You finished 5-1 in the group with a new We know it's going to be tough, and that
mer the naturalised Russian averaged 23 coach - David Blatt - and without Andrei Kir- there's a long road ahead of us. But the one
points a game in leading the Russian nation- ilenko. How satisfying is that? thing the world is learning is that the game
al team to the top spot in Group C of the has to be played. The teams are getting bet-
EuroBasket 2007 qualification tournament, HOLDEN: "I came over this year and we were ter and it's the best team at that time. If you're
securing a berth in next summer's show in just really focused on qualifying. We thought that team at that time, you're going to be
Spain. Now, Holden is busy trying to keep we were in a group where we could qualify. tough to beat. And hopefully, we can be that
CSKA Moscow at the top of European club We just had to play good, play hard and play team to beat over that two or three weeks
basketball. The team beat the Los Angeles together. Without Kirilenko, we knew it was where it's most important."
Clippers 94-75 in the Russian capital and going to be difficult. But I think we played
after winning against Maccabi Tel Aviv in pretty well. We had a new coach and a new FIBA: More recently, the Los Angeles Clip-
system. I think the system was a little better pers held their training camp in Moscow and
for me - a little more push the ball-type of sys- CSKA beat them. How do you see things now
tem with more quick shots and pressure de- between the level of the game in Europe
fence. And that's more to my strength. I feel I compared to that in America?
played very well and the team played very
well. We qualified and now we're just looking HOLDEN: "One thing the NBA is realising is
forward to this EuroBasket." that there's not a big drop-off once you get
past the elite players. You're talking about a
FIBA: How do you see Russia's chances in team game now, and it's not a one-on-one
Spain, where the EuroBasket will be staged? or two-on-two. Now it's five-on-five. And
that's what we're realising overall. Even my-
HOLDEN: "We know it's going to be tough, es- self. After playing here, I go over to the
pecially with Greece and Spain and Italy. All States and play in the gym against guys like
those teams are competing and getting bet- Travis Best, or Jalen Rose or Eric Snow. It's
ter. Italy competed at the 2006 World Cham- a totally different game. You come back here
pionship and they were very young. So I and you pass and cut, you screen, you help
know they're going to be tough. Germany's defense, stuff like that. What better way can
going to be tough. It's funny with the Ger- you show that than how the U.S. Olympic
man team, you look at the names on paper team is playing."
and it looks like a very average team. But
they're always there in the mix. They always FIBA: As an American who has played in Eu-
play together. And they seem like a family. rope since 1998 and has played international
I'm not sure how it really is. They all really ball for Russia, what do you think of Team
care about one another. They're all pushing USA's bronze medal performance in Japan?
and always in every game. I just think it will
be a good test for us getting in there and HOLDEN: "I think they played very well this
competing." summer. But a team like Greece has been to-
gether for a while. Still, are you telling me that
FIBA: Two European teams besides Spain will they have a player better than LeBron James
qualify directly for the 2008 Olympics from the or Dwyane Wade on their team? It's just a
EuroBasket. But three other nations have an team game now. If you do bring that to Eu-
additional chance for an Olympic spot rope with four or five teams, I think they'll be
22_044-045 23-11-2006 13:09 Pagina 45

but also to be able to look forward to going to

the NBA. It used to be Europeans looking to
go to the NBA. Now, it's Americans looking
to come to Europe and then say to them-
selves maybe in two or three years I can get
into the NBA. And I think a lot of these guys
coming over now are getting better deals be-
cause they're playing with some of the best
players in the world. And they're getting a
chance to see that. If Lynn Greer or Anthony
Parker can average 16 points in the Eu-
roleague, that's saying something."

FIBA: You've played with Theodoros Pa-

paloukas since 2002 and have shared loads of
success with him. What it's like having Pa-
paloukas as a team-mate?

HOLDEN: "Papaloukas is a great guy. It's funny

because we started competing against each
other. He was at Olympiacos and I was at
AEK, and we beat them for the championship
in Greece. And then we both came to CSKA
together. And I was like this was my competi-
tor now we're on the same team. So we were
fighting to see who would start. And then it
became I was the starter, and he was the
best sixth man in Europe who could start on
any other team. But he's just a player and a
great team-mate. There's not much he can't
do. He's 6ft 6in. He can dribble, can pass with
the best of them. He's not a great shooter but
he makes big shots. He can finish around the
basket because he's so tall. There's nothing
bad I could ever say about Papaloukas. Be-
very competitive." going to decide if i make it or not. So I'm not cause on and off the court he's a great guy
concerned about NBA teams looking at me. who will give you his last. If you're going out,
FIBA: And what about the European clubs' I'm focused on playing for CSKA and I'm try- he'll pick up the bill. He's that type of guy. He's
chances of winning an NBA title? ing to have fun. If somebody gave me a good been one of the best team-mates I've had.
deal like Anthony Parker (with the Toronto Hopefully we can stay together until I retire.
HOLDEN: "Of course you'd have to get elite Raptors), it would be great. But if not, it's no But if not, I guess we'll be competing against
players and superstars to come out here to concern to me. Every team is looking for each other somewhere.
win a championship. Let's be honest. I don't something different. I'm not really concerned.
think one team without a superstar has won. And I definitely wasn't banking my chances FIBA: He's almost reached cult-star status in
Dallas, if they had won, have Dirk (Nowitzki). on these (NBA Europe Live) games because Europe.
Miami have Shaquille O'Neal and Wade. So they've seen me in the past four Final Fours. If
you would have to have a superstar to win. they wanted me I would be there." HOLDEN: "He's a superstar. There are not
But we're showing in Europe that you can many people who have come through and
compete with NBA level teams if you're a FIBA: You mentioned Anthony Parker, who been superstars while I've been around. I
team. And I think the best level teams in Eu- signed with the Raptors after a number of ex- would say Sarunas Jasikevicius was a su-
rope could compete in the NBA. Win a cham- cellent seasons in Europe. He's just the latest perstar. Every time he stepped into the gym
pionship? Probably not. But compete? Yes." in a series of Americans who have received everybody was pretty much in awe of him.
NBA contracts after playing in Europe - Char- Papaloukas is on that level. He's won a Eu-
FIBA: You said you're going to finish off your lie Bell before last season and Lynn Greer and ropean Championship with Greece. He's
contract with CSKA Moscow and then look Maceo Baston for this season. What does won a Euroleague championship - and was
for a two- or three-year deal and then maybe that tell the world of basketball about hoops in MVP of both. The only other point guard
hang up the shoes. Any thoughts of playing in Europe? who has been on that level was Jasikevi-
the NBA? cius. So, in that respect, you have to give
HOLDEN: It tells the world that you can be an Papaloukas all the credit in the world. He's
HOLDEN: "Honestly, I don't even think about it. American and come over here and make a performed at the highest level on the
All these teams have seen me. I've been to good living. You can also be an American biggest stages and played his best games.
four Euroleague Final Fours. I'm sure every and come over here and get better and get So what can you say."
NBA team has seen me play at least once. It's back to the States. It also gives Europeans
not like the NBA Europe Live tournament was not only the chance to compete in Europe Find more stories on


22_046-049 23-11-2006 13:31 Pagina 46


the world
in brief
rebounds in the Opals' gold medal win JAN STIRLING AND BRIAN GOORJIAN
over Russia in Brazil, carried her good REAPPOINTED
form to Italy to play for Famila Basket Following the unanimous recommenda-
Schio, but got hurt during a training ses- tion of a five member review panel and
sion and had to undergo surgery. its endorsement by the Board of Direc-
Looking forward to showing off her tors, Basketball Australia has announced
gold-medal winning talent in Italy and the re-appointment of Jan Stirling as
the rest of Europe, instead Taylor must head coach of the national women's pro-
be content with a place on the bench. gram (the Opals) and Brian Goorjian as
"I underwent an operation last month head coach of the national men's pro-
and had two screws inserted in my right gram (the Australia Post Boomers) for
hand, so I will probably we out for at the next two years.
FUTURE BRIGHT AS BRAZIL CADETS Stirling led the Opals to a bronze medal at
WIN TITLE the 2002 FIBA World Championship in Chi-
Brazil have claimed the South American na, to silver at the 2004 Olympics in
Championship for Cadets Women title in Athens, to gold at the 2006 Commonwealth
Ecuador. Games in Melbourne and, most recently,
The squad, coached by Luiz Claudio to gold at the 2006 FIBA World Champi-
Tarallo, won a difficult duel on the last onship in Brazil.
game of the first round, as they edged "It must be understood quite clearly that
hosts Ecuador 69-66 to retain the crown the world championship gold medal in
without losing a match. 2006 was the end result of many years of
"We came from less to more, evolving hard work," Stir-
game-by-game and all the players of ling said.
the squad played on court," explained "Now there is a
Tarallo. great sense of
This is the 10th title for Brazil in 13 edi- belief in the
tions. They previously had triumphed in group that we
1990, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, can win a gold
2001 and 2005. medal at the
The other games during the week saw Olympics in
Brazil thrash Uruguay 101-41 with Patri- Beijing. We
cia netting 20 points, Paraguay 83-45 know what is
thanks to 22 points from Bruna, and needed to get
Chile 96-45 with Debora top-scoring to the gold
with 20 for the winners. medal game
Venezuela took the silver medal after and we know
losing just the game against Brazil, what is required
while the host nation took bronze. to win it."
Brian Goorjian
Australia's Penny Taylor was having least a month and a half. The team is coach of the
the time of her life until October 20, looking for a substitute for me and Boomers in
when the Most Valuable Player of the hopefully whoever comes can help the 2002. He has
FIBA World Championship for Women team." since won 49 of
broke a bone in her right hand. Taylor was unstoppable in Brazil, where the 80 games
The international superstar, who she led the Opals to their first world title played at the
poured in 29 points and grabbed eight with some incredible displays. senior national
22_046-049 23-11-2006 13:32 Pagina 47

level, or 61 per cent of all matches.

"I appreciate BA giving me the opportunity
to finish the job," Goorjian said.
"Upon my appointment the program was
struggling, we hadn't qualified for the
world championships in 2002 and every-
body knew it was going to be a lot of work
to bring the program back up. We've es-
tablished a code of behavior and we've
improved the guys physically and I think
we've improved defensively, but we need
to get those guys in this system on a con-
sistent basis over the next two years in
the lead up to the Olympic Games."

Spain coach Pepu Hernandez admits he
is worried about the plights of two of his
FIBA World Championship-winning
squad, Sergio Rodriguez and Pau Gasol.
Gasol has been out of action since break-
ing a bone in his foot during the FIBA

minutes," Hernandez said on Radio but he has a great coach by his side,"
Marca. said Hernandez.
"The physical state of Pau Gasol also
World Championship in Japan, while Ro- concerns me, though I can say he is RECORD NUMBER
driguez has been largely consigned to working hard to get over his injury." OF INTERNATIONALS IN NBA
the bench since joining NBA side the However, it is not all doom and gloom for A record number of internationals are
Portland Trail Blazers this summer. Hernandez, who admits Spain could taking to the court as the NBA season
With Spain looking to add the European have something special on their hands in tips off this week.
title to their world crown when they rising star Ricky Rubio. A total of 83 players from 37 countries are
host the EuroBasket next year, Hernan- Although still only 16-years-old, Rubio is on NBA rosters this season, with 28 of the
dez is understandably keen to follow the already a regular member of Aito Garcia 30 teams boasting at least one interna-
progress of two of his key players Reneses` DKV Joventut Badalona squad tional player.
closely. and is tipped to have a big future in the There have been several high profile ar-
But it does not make happy viewing for game. Hernandez is aware of Rubio`s rivals over the summer, with the Toronto
the coach, with Gasol not playing at all abilities, but has urged people not to ex- Raptors making the most high-profile
and 20-year-old Rodriguez making just a pect too much too soon of the teenager, moves.
two-minute cameo so far in Portland`s who led Spain to victory in the Under-16 They drafted Italy's Andrea Bargnani
four games this season. European Championship this summer. with the number one overall pick, and al-
"The situation with Sergio concerns me "Ricky Rubio is a phenomenon, but so added Spain forward Jorge Garbajosa
much, it is not straightforward as he is everybody needs their time to develop. and Slovenian Rasho Nesterovic to a ros-
living in Portland and not playing many Ricky has to take it slowly and carefully, ter which already included Jose Calderon


22_046-049 23-11-2006 13:32 Pagina 48


(Spain) and Uros Slokar (Slovenia). Europe for the benefit of the develop-
However, it is the Phoenix Suns who have ment of sport - and basketball in particu-
the most international players with sev- lar - in Europe and worldwide.
en, including France's Boris Diaw and
Brazil's Leandro Barbosa, both of whom LAS VEGAS TO HOST 2007 FIBA
featured at the FIBA World Championship AMERICAS CHAMPIONSHIP
this summer. FIBA Americas announced that USA
Among the other internationals who Basketball and Las Vegas, Nevada, have
moved to the NBA are Argentina's Walter been selected to host the FIBA Americas
Herrman (Charlotte Bobcats), Great Championship 2007. The tournament, one
Britain's Pops Mensah-Bonsu (Dallas of five FIBA Olympic qualifying zone tour-
Mavericks), and Thabo Sefolosha (Chica- naments, will determine the two men's
go Bulls), who is the first Swiss player to teams from the Americas zone who will
play in the NBA. earn qualifying berths for the 2008
Olympic men's basketball competition.
The 10 team
onship is
scheduled to
be played
Aug. 22
through Sept.
2, 2007, with
all games be-
ing held at
the Universi-
ty of Nevada-
Las Vegas'
Thomas &
Having reviewed the Independent Euro- Mack Center.
pean Sports Review (IESR), FIBA and FI- "We're excited and honored to have been
BA Europe express their common opinion selected to host this prestigious and im-
as follows: portant international basketball competi-
1. Sport is a social expression - not like tion. Holding it in Las Vegas will help make
any other business - and fulfills a this a memorable championship. This will
unique social, educational and cultur- be an incredible international event for
al role which benefits society as a basketball fans in Las Vegas and the sur-
whole. rounding areas," said Jerry Colangelo,
2. Sport must maintain its autonomy to Managing Director of USA Basketball
fully perform the roles described Men’s Senior National Team program.
above and maintain its self-regulated FIBA Americas Secretary General, Alberto
decision-making processes based on Garcia, said that the Executive Committee
the principle of subsidiarity. Selected USA Basketball over the Puerto
3. The need for legal certainty and Rican Federation, after evaluating the
FIBA EUROPE AND FIBA STRESS clearer definition of the borderline be- technical, marketing, television and other
VITAL IMPORTANCE OF SPORT tween governmental and sporting re- aspects that will guarantee the success of
AUTONOMY sponsibility is essential in order to the tournament in the sporting and eco-
FIBA Secretary General Patrick Bau- preserve and develop the sport's role. nomic aspect. This tournament will have
mann and FIBA Europe President George 4. FIBA and FIBA Europe understand teams from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay,
Vassilakopoulos met in Athens on 30th and accept that political institutions Venezuela, Panama US Virgin Islands,
October 2006 to discuss the recent de- expect proper governance in basket- Mexico, Puerto Rico, Canada and the Unit-
velopments in basketball and the re- ball's governing bodies. The basket- ed States of America.
newed efforts to improve the legal ball family will take upon itself this re- This is the second time that the United
framework on sports within the European sponsibility to ensure proper gover- States hosts this event. The first one was
Union. nance in a coordinated way and at all played in Portland in 1992, where the
In Europe and elsewhere around the levels. original "Dream Team" won the Gold un-
world, pressure on basketball's govern- As a result FIBA and FIBA Europe consid- defeated as they dominated Venezuela in
ing bodies - FIBA, FIBA Europe and Na- er that there is no need for the creation of the finals.
tional Federations - is increasing and a European Sports Agency as considered The top two teams qualify for the
many forces, including major clubs and in the IESR. FIBA and FIBA Europe will Olympics directly, but the teams that ar-
leagues, economical agents and, in some work jointly to ensure that the IESR inte- rive from third to fifth will play in the
cases, governments, are trying to inter- grates the views of basketball's govern- World Olympic Qualifying tournament for
vene in basketball governance at world, ing bodies to achieve a sound agreement the 2008 Olympics. The top three teams in
continental and national levels. between sport and political authorities in that tournament qualify for the Olympics.
22_046-049 23-11-2006 13:32 Pagina 49

Jones primarily at the controls, the

Celtics never averaged fewer than 112.7
points during their eight-year title run.
Elected to the Hall of Fame in 1968, Auer-
bach retired with a record of 938-479 in
the regular season and 99-69 in the play-
Auerbach won his only Coach of the Year
award in 1965, capturing the trophy that
now bears his name. He also won the Ex-
ecutive of the Year award in 1980, the
same year he also was selected as the
"Greatest Coach in the History of the
NBA" by the Pro Basketball Writers As-
sociation of America.


Austin Gompil, head coach of the Niger-
ian club champion Plateau Peaks, says
his lads are up to the challenge of the
21st FIBA Africa Champions Cup for Men,
which started in Lagos on 17th Novem-
DENG DETERMINED TO SEE BRITAIN ager in 1957 and an unprecedented eight ber.
SUCCEED straight titles from 1959-66, elevating The Peaks has
Britain's great basketball hope Luol Deng them above such sports dynasties as the impressed at
recently gained citizenship in the country New York Yankees and Montreal Canadi- home and abroad
and he is now setting his sights on mak- ens for consecutive championships. in the past 12
ing the national team a force in the inter- Known for lighting up a cigar on the months, culmi-
national game. bench after victories, Auerbach retired nating in its vic-
The Sudan-born basketball star, who led as coach after the eighth straight title tory in the 2006
Duke University to the NCAA Final Four as and appointed center Bill Russell as play- Vmobile Premier
a freshman before turning professional, er-coach, but remained the team's gen- Basketball
is preparing for his third NBA season eral manager through the 1983-84 season League and the
with the Chicago Bulls. and served as president from 1970-97 and qualifiers for the
However, he has one eye firmly on playing then again starting in 2001. Champions Cup
for Britain - especially with the London From 1957-69, the Celtics won 11 champi- in Abidjan.
Olympics less than six years away. onships in 13 seasons. “We’re here to
If Britain can win promotion to EuroBas- They added five more titles in 1974, 1976, win the Champi-
ket Division A next summer, and then 1981, 1984 and 1986 for an NBA-high total ons Cup,” Gompil said after his team’s ar-
reach the European Championships to be of 16. rival from its Jos base. “With the kind of
played in Poland in 2009, FIBA will be Among other innovations, Auerbach de- training we went through, I’m sure the ti-
convinced Deng and Co. are good enough veloped the notion of the sixth man, a tle is ours.”
to take part in the Olympics and thus allow player who came off the bench and con- Although Plateau, just like the second
them to take up the slot that is normally re- tributed just as much as a starter. From team from Nigeria, the Dodan Warriors,
served for host nations. Frank Ramsey to John Havlicek to Don is making its debut in Africa, Gompil says
"I see 2012 as a big opportunity, a blessing Nelson to Kevin McHale, the Celtics al- he has the players to do well.
event" Deng said in remarks published by ways seemed to have an extra player “We (the Peaks and the Warriors) will not
the Daily Mail newspaper. that other teams lacked. let Nigerians down,” he said. “The War-
"It will be great to show the world that Auerbach also was a huge proponent of riors are a good team too. We know it’s a
we're good enough to compete at that the fast break. With ``Houdini of the big task ahead of us but we’re deter-
level." Hardwood'' Bob Cousy and later K.C. mined to do well.”
Gompil said he expected the toughest
CELTICS PATRIARCH AUERBACH DIES opposition to come from the Angolan
Red Auerbach, the cigar-smoking godfa- teams who will be paraded some of the
ther of the NBA, who turned the Boston most tested players in the championship
Celtics into the most dominant dynasty in which ends on November 26.
pro sports history, died on 28th October at Famous African musicians like Tu Face,
the age of 89. Black Face and Sound Sultan performed
In 1950, Auerbach joined the Celtics as at the opening ceremony in the Indoor
the franchise's third coach and also Sports Hall of the National Stadium in Su-
served as General Manager, President rulere, Lagos.
and Vice Chairman of the Board.
Auerbach guided the Celtics to their first Find more stories on
championship as a coach-general man-
22_050 23-11-2006 13:11 Pagina 50



LONGORIA CHECK In case you thought a basketball could BALL GAME
OUT WAXWORK roll only in court, think again. K. Sud- Candace Parker spends most of her time on
TONY hakar, the Guinness World Record the hardwood dribbling basketballs and
There's nothing holder for making the largest tricycle making jump shots as a Tennessee Volun-
static about Tony has come up with another wacky inno- teer and a new superstar with Team USA.
Parker on the court. vation - a car in the shape of a basket- But when her mind's not on hoops, she of-
The all-action guard ball. ten turns her attention to Italy where some
has been in blister- India's national newspaper 'The Hin- of the best football in the world is played.
ing form during the du' reported on 13th November that it The Azzurri won the World Cup this summer
San Antonio Spurs' took Mr. Sudhakar ten months to make and Parker will have recognised many of
NBA Europe Live this car. Speaking to reporters at its those players as she is a big fan of AC Milan.
fixtures so far as he unveiling ceremony in Hyderabad in "I also like soccer a lot," the sister of for-
bids to prove he is India, he said, "It is a complete car mer Maccabi Tel Aviv hero Anthony Park-
over the broken fin- with suspension, headlights, taillights er said to FIBA. "Out of the European
ger which forced teams, I support AC Milan. "I like the way
him to miss they play."
France's FIBA The only side to take a point off Italy at the
World Champi- World Cup in Germany was the United
onship campaign. States, and Parker will have recognised
But there was a change of pace as well as quite a few of her compatriots in that
he took time out to meet another version of group game.
himself at the Grevin Museum in Paris. "I watch MLS games, too, and try and go to
His NBA opponents can only wish the real watch any games when I can but AC Mi-
Parker was as stationary as this one. lan are the team I support in Europe."
Parker was joined by actress girlfriend Eva
Longoria in Paris to witness the unveiling
of his waxwork, standing proudly along-
side the likes of Albert Einstein, Mahatma and indicators.
Gandhi, and Pope John Paul II. "The car weighs 450 kg and 70,000 RS
"It's weird to look at yourself," Parker told (2,000 US$) were spent in its making.
the San Antonio Express News. The car, made of metal, is painted in
"Especially when you look in the eyes, you brown and black. It is a single-seater
think he's going to move." with a 135cc engine and can touch 60
The waxwork Parker wears the Spurs kmph. It was unveiled by basketball
black road uniform with a French flag mo- players of Harlem Globetrotters from
tif. He looks ready to make a chest pass. the US.
"It looks pretty real from here," said team- They were in town to promote their
mate Brent Barry, among several Spurs three games against New York Nation-
players at the unveiling. als at Gachibowli Indoor Stadium. Mr.
Parker visited the museum earlier this Sudhakar will soon be launching a
summer and spent five hours posing for tennis ball car to cheer Sania Mirza
sculptor Claus Velte and having casts tak- before the Asian Hopman Cup in the
en of his arms and legs, and he was de- city.
lighted by the results. Mike St. Julien, a basketball player
"It's beautiful," Parker said. "It's a great ho- wants to take one home, "I think it's
nour. I think the only thing missing is Pop beautiful, I like it and I want to take it
standing there yelling at me. That would home with me," he told the 'Hindu'.
make the perfect picture." Find more stories on


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