Calculation of Wind Peak Velocity Pressure - Eurocode 1

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The document discusses the calculation of peak wind velocity pressure according to Eurocode 1. It provides the formulas and steps to determine the basic wind velocity, terrain category, and peak velocity pressure based on given parameters.

The basic wind velocity v is defined as a function of wind direction, time of year, and terrain category. It is calculated using factors for the fundamental wind velocity, direction, and season. The value provided in the National Annex is 27 m/s in this example.

The terrain category depends on surface roughness and sheltering of the area. Category I represents open flat terrain with no obstacles. It affects the terrain factor k used to adjust the basic wind velocity.

31.08.2021 г.

Calculation of wind peak velocity pressure - Eurocode 1


Applied .com
Project: Wienerberger

Free online calculation tools for structural
design according to Eurocodes
Designer: Dipl. -Ing. P. Vasilev

Date: 2021

Eurocode 1
Wind peak velocity pressure
Calculation of peak velocity pressure qp depending on the basic wind velocity and the terrain category at
the location of the structure. The wind action on the structure (forces and pressures) can be derived from
the peak velocity pressure.
According to:
EN 1991-1-4:2005+A1:2010 Section 4
Supported National
In addition to countries that adopt the CEN recommended values for NDPs, the following National
Annexes are also supported automatically: Finland, Portugal. The National Annexes of Germamy, Norway,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland are NOT supported.

Basic wind velocity vb
=  27 m/s

Terrain category =  I

Illustration of Terrain categories reproduced from EN1991-1-4 Annex A

Reference height from ground of the ze

=  3.5 m
examined part of the structure

Orography factor at reference height ze c0(ze)

=  1

Nationally Defined Parameters 1/5
31.08.2021 г. Calculation of wind peak velocity pressure - Eurocode 1

Air density ρ
=  1.25 kg/m3

Wind peak velocity pressure qp(ze)
= 0.989 kN/m2

1. The calculated peak velocity pressure qp(ze) is the wind pressure corresponding to the peak wind
velocity. In order to calculate the final wind actions on the structure (wind force or wind pressure)
the appropriate force coefficient or pressure coefficient depending on the type of structure must
be applied, as specified in EN1991-1-4 §5.2 and §5.3
2. The calculated wind action effects are characteristic values (unfactored). Appropriate load factors
should be applied for the relevant design situation. For ULS verifications the partial load factor γQ
= 1.50 is applicable for variable actions.

Input Data
Basic wind velocity:
vb =
Terrain category:
Reference height from ground of the examined part of the structure:
ze =
Orography factor at reference height ze:
c0(ze) =

Nationally Defined Parameters

Air density:
ρ =

Calculation of peak velocity pressure

Basic wind velocity

The basic wind velocity vb is defined in EN1991-1-4 §4.2(2)P as a function of the wind direction and time
of year at 10 m above ground of terrain category II.
It is calculated as:

vb = cdir⋅cseason⋅vb,0

where vb,0 is the fundamental value of the basic wind velocity which is defined in EN1991-1-4 §4.2(1)P as
the characteristic 10 minutes mean wind velocity at 10 m above ground level for terrain category II.
value of vb,0 is provided in the National Annex based on the climatic conditions of the region where the
structure is located.
The influence of altitude on the basic wind velocity vb may also be specified in the
National Annex.

The directional factor cdir and the seasonal factor cseason are defined in EN1991-1-4 §4.2(2)P and they take
into account the effects of wind direction and time of the year.
Their values are generally equal to cdir =
1.0 and cseason = 1.0.
The National Annex may specify values of cdir and cseason different than 1.0.

In the following calculations the basic wind velocity is considered as vb = 27.00 m/s.

Terrain roughness 2/5
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The roughness length z0 and the minimum height zmin are specified in EN1991-1-4 Table 4.1 as a function
of the terrain category.
For terrain category I the corresponding values are z0 = 0.010 m and zmin = 1.0

The terrain factor kr depending on the roughness length z0 = 0.010 m is calculated in accordance with
EN1991-1-4 equation (4.5):

kr = 0.19 ⋅ (z0 / z0,II)0.07 = 0.19 ⋅ (0.010 m / 0.050 m)0.07 = 0.1698

The roughness factor cr(ze) at the reference height ze accounts for the variability of the mean wind
velocity at the site of the structure due to the height above ground level and the ground roughness of
the terrain upwind of the structure.
It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation 4.4.

For the case where ze ≥ zmin:

cr(ze) = kr ⋅ ln(ze / z0) = 0.1698 ⋅ ln(3.500 m / 0.010 m) = 0.9944

Orography factor
Where orography (e.g. hills, cliffs etc.) increases wind velocities by more than 5% the effects should be
taken into account using an orography factor c0(ze) different than 1.0, as specified in EN1994-1-1 §4.3.3.
In general the effects of orography may be neglected when the average slope of the upwind terrain is
less than 3° up to a distance of 10 times the height of the isolated orographic feature.
recommended procedure in EN1994-1-1 §4.3.3 for calculation of the orography factor c0(ze) is described
in EN1994-1-1 §A.3.

In the following calculations the orography factor is considered as c0(ze) = 1.000.

Mean wind velocity

The mean wind velocity vm(ze) at reference height ze depends on the terrain roughness, terrain
orography and the basic wind velocity vb.
It is determined using EN1991-1-4 equation (4.3):

vm(ze) = cr(ze) ⋅ c0(ze) ⋅ vb = 0.9944 ⋅ 1.000 ⋅ 27.00 m/s = 26.85 m/s

Wind turbulence
The turbulence intensity Iv(ze) at reference height ze is defined as the standard deviation of the
turbulence divided by the mean wind velocity.
It is calculated in accordance with EN1991-1-4 equation

For the case where ze ≥ zmin:

Iv(ze) = kI / [ c0(ze) ⋅ ln(ze / z0) ] = 1.000 / [ 1.000 ⋅ ln(3.500 m / 0.010 m) ] = 0.1707

where the turbulence factor is considered as kI = 1.000 in accordance with EN1991-1-4 §4.4(1).

Basic velocity pressure

The basic velocity pressure qb is the pressure corresponding to the wind momentum determined at the
basic wind velocity vb.
The basic velocity pressure is calculated according to the following fundamental
relation, as specified in EN1991-14 §4.5(1):

qb = (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vb2 = (1/2) ⋅ 1.25 kg/m3 ⋅ (27.00 m/s)2 = 0.456 kN/m2

where ρ is the density of the air in accordance with EN1991-1-4 §4.5(1).

In this calculation the following
value is considered: ρ = 1.25 kg/m3.

Peak velocity pressure 3/5
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The peak velocity pressure qp(ze) at reference height ze includes mean and short-term velocity
It is determined according to EN1991-1-4 equation 4.8:

qp(ze) = (1 + 7⋅Iv(ze)) ⋅ (1/2) ⋅ ρ ⋅ vm(ze)2 = (1 + 7⋅0.1707) ⋅ (1/2) ⋅ 1.25 kg/m3 ⋅ (26.85 m/s)2

⇒ qp(ze) = 0.989 kN/m2

where the density of the air is considered as ρ = 1.25 kg/m3 in accordance with EN1991-1-4 §4.5(1).

The calculated value of qp(ze) corresponds to an exposure factor ce(ze):

ce(ze) = qp(ze) / qb = 0.989 kN/m2 / 0.456 kN/m2 = 2.1705

Therefore the peak velocity pressure is calculated as qp(ze) = 0.989 kN/m2.

Calculation of wind forces and pressures on the structure

The wind actions on the structure (forces and pressures) depend on qp(ze) as follows.

Wind pressures on surfaces

The wind pressure on surfaces are derived from the calculated value of qp(ze) = 0.989 kN/m2 by
application of the appropriate pressure coefficient, as specified in EN1991-1-4 §5.2.

For external surfaces the applicable wind pressure we is calculated as:

we = qp(ze) ⋅ cpe

where cpe is the appropriate pressure coefficient for external pressure that is given in EN1991-1-4 Section
7 depending on the type of structure. The appropriate reference height ze for the external surface is
given in EN1991-1-4 Section 7 depending on the type of structure.

For internal surfaces the applicable wind pressure wi is calculated as:

wi = qp(zi) ⋅ cpi

where cpi is the appropriate pressure coefficient for internal pressure that is given in EN1991-1-4 Section
7 depending on the type of structure. The appropriate reference height zi for the internal surface is
given in EN1991-1-4 Section 7 depending on the type of structure.

Total wind force on structure or structural element

The overall wind effect on the total structure or a particular structural element is expressed by the total
wind force Fw that is estimated by application of the appropriate force coefficient, as specified in
EN1991-1-4 §5.3.

Fw = cscd ⋅ cf ⋅ qp(ze) ⋅ Aref


The structural factor cscd takes into account the structure size effects from the non-simultaneous
occurrence of peak wind pressures on the surface and the dynamic effects from the effect of
structural vibrations due to turbulence.
The structural factor cscd is determined in accordance with
EN1991-1-4 Section 6.
A value of cscd = 1.0 is generally conservative for small structures not-
susceptible to wind turbulence effects such as buildings with height less than 15 m.

The force coefficient cf is given in EN1991-1-4 Sections 7 and 8 depending on the type of structure
or structural element.

The wind reference area Aref is given in EN1991-1-4 Sections 7 and 8 depending on the type of
structure or structural element. It is generally the projected area of the structure exposed to wind
loading. 4/5
31.08.2021 г. Calculation of wind peak velocity pressure - Eurocode 1


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