National Nutrition Council
National Nutrition Council
National Nutrition Council
The NNC, as mandated by law, is the country's highest policy-making and coordinating
body on nutrition.
The Council is composed of a Governing Board (GB) and a Secretariat. The
Governing Board is the policy-making body of the NNC and is composed of the:
1. Secretary of Health, Chairperson
2. Secretary of Agriculture, Vice-Chair
3. Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, Vice-Chair
4. Secretary of Budget and Management
5. Secretary of Education
6. Secretary of Labor and Employment
7. Secretary of Science and Technology
8. Secretary of Social Welfare and Development
9. Secretary of Trade and Industry
10. Director-General, National Economic and Development Authority
Three representatives from the private sector are appointed by the President of the
Republic of the Philippines for a two-year term.
Structure for Nutrition Policy and Program
The functions and multisectoral composition of the NNC are replicated at subnational
levels. Regional, provincial, city, municipal and barangay nutrition committees are
organized to manage and coordinate the planning, implementation, monitoring and
evaluation of local hunger-mitigation and nutrition action plan as a component of the
local development plan.
Local chief executives serve as chairpersons. Nutrition action officers are designated or
appointed to attend to the day-to-day operations of the local nutrition progam.
NNC Secretariat
The NNC Secretariat serves as the executive arm of the NNC Governing Board. It is
headed by an executive director, assisted by two deputy executive directors. It has
three technical divisions (nutrition policy and planning, nutrition surveillance, and
nutrition information and education), and two support divisions (administrative and
finance). Its regional offices are headed by nutrition program coordinators. Its functions
1. Advise the Board on nutrition policy and program matters;
2. Recommend a comprehensive food and nutrition policy;
3. Coordinate with GOs and NGOs for nutrition program management and resource
4. Initiate the formulation and develop measure to improve implementation of the
Philippine Plan of Action for Nutrition (PPAN);
5. Monitor and analyze nutrition and related socio-economic data for a periodic
statement on the country’s nutrition situation;
6. Monitor and evaluate the PPAN;
7. Develop and implement a comprehensive advocacy, information and education
strategy for the PPAN; and
8. Provide technical, financial, and logistics support to local government units and
agencies for the development and implementation of nutrition programs and