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TERM TEST 1º ESO NAME: …………………………………………………………………….

1.Read the text. Then complete the sentences. 4p

Do you want a pet? What type of pet do you want? A cat? A dog? A hamster? How about … a teacup pig?
Teacup pigs are very small. Babies weigh about 250 grams and are the size of a teacup. Teacup pigs live for
about 18 years, but stop growing after two years. Adult teacup pigs weigh 15-25 kilograms and are 30-40
centimetres long. That’s about 1/5 of the size of a normal pig. Pigs usually live on farms, but teacup pigs are
quiet, clean animals and are happy in a house. They need exercise, so people often walk their teacup pigs – just
like people walk their dogs!
Jane Croft from England sells teacup pigs – for £700! According to Jane, pigs are great pets. Her pigs are
intelligent and they learn many things. People can play games with their pigs and teach them tricks. Teacup
pigs are also friendly and love attention. They love people – they even like sitting with people and watching
TV – and people love them!
So, do you want a pet? Jane gets about 60 e-mails and 40 phone calls a day from people all over the world
asking about her pigs. Maybe you want to call her too?

1. Teacups and baby teacup pigs are ………………………………………………………………. .

2. Teacup pigs can live in houses because they are ................................................................ .
3. People walk their teacup pigs because ................................................................................ .
4. Because teacup pigs are intelligent, they can ...................................................................... .

2. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F). Write sentences from the text to justify your answers. 6p
....... 1. Normal pigs usually weigh 60-100 kilos. ……………………………………………………………………………
....... 2. Pigs don’t normally live in houses…………………………………………………………………………………..
....... 3. You can buy teacup pigs in England…………………………………………………………………………………
....... 4. Teacup pigs are inexpensive………………………………………………………………………………………….
....... 5. People don’t usually do things with their teacup pigs……………………………………………………………….
....... 6. Teacup pigs like being with people……………………………………………………………………………………

1. Complete the sentences. 5p

1. Milk is usually …………………… . 6. I like tomato sauce on my …………………… .
2. I don’t like talking to her. She is ………………… 7. Sally’s hair is …………………… .
3. Horses haven’t got …………………… . 8. I like coffee with milk and …………………… .
4. I like writing with a …………………… . 9. I …………………… at 10.30 pm every night.
5. He’s got two brothers and three ………………… 10. …………………… are small animals.

2.Circle the animal that doesn’t belong 2p

1. mosquitoes • sheep • wolves • mice 3. horse • pig • fox • cow
2. monkey • chimpanzee • gorilla • eagle 4. mouse • snake • rabbit • hamster
3.Translate 3p
Simpatico feo Liso
Cola Ondulado Cuernos
4.Complete the dialogue between Harry and the new boy Tom with the words below. 5p
isn’t • Have • a • her • is • sister’s • What • this • your • That’s
Tom: Is 1………………… your house?
Harry: No, it 2………………… . We live in the blue house.
Tom: Is the boy near the house 3………………… brother?
Harry: No, he isn’t. 4………………… Bob. He’s my friend.
Tom: ………………… you got any brothers or sisters?
Harry: Yes, I have. I’ve got 6………………… sister.
Tom: What’s 7………………… name?
Harry: It’s Tammy.
Tom: Tammy? My sister has got a friend with that name. 8………………… is your family name?
Harry: My family name 9………………… Williams.
Tom: Yes, Tammy Williams. That’s my 10………………… friend.

5. Write true sentences with the words below. Use the Present Simple and add a time expression
or adverb of frequency to each sentence. 4p
1. I / sleep / in the afternoons …………………………………………………………………………………………………..
2. my parents / get up / at 6 am………………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. my friends / play / computer games ……………………………………………………………………………………….
4. my mum / study French ………………………………………………………………………………………………………

6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of there is or there are and the correct singular or plural form of
the noun in brackets. 6p
1. …………………………… some …………………… (fish) in the aquarium. I can see four or five!
2. …………………………… any …………………… (strawberry) on the birthday cake?
3. …………………………… two …………………… (man) in the room now?
4. …………………………… a …………………… (fox) in the park.
5. …………………………… some …………………… (sugar) in those pancakes.
6. …………………………… any …………………… (apple) on my tree.

7. Complete the dialogue about tigers according to the answers. Use question words and the Present Simple. 4p
(use where, what and how often in three of the sentences)
Dean: Tom, 1……………………………………….. ? Dean:3……………………………………………… ?
Tom: Yes, I do. Tigers are my favourite animals. Tom: They eat meat.
2 4
Dean: ……………………………………………… ? Dean: ……………………………………………… ?
Tom: Tigers live in Asia. Tom: They eat once a day

8. Complete the text with how much, how many, the correct form of to be or have got, or the correct Present
Simple form of the verbs in brackets. 10p
Sonya Thomas, from Alexandria, Virginia USA, 1………………… a small thin body. 2………………… she an
athlete? No, she 3…………………, but she 4………………… a very big appetite and she’s famous for it!
Sonya is the winner of many food competitions – eating pizzas, hamburgers and other foods. 5…………………
cheesecake do you usually eat? Sonya 6………………… (eat) five kilos in nine minutes! What about chicken
wings? 7………………… do you eat for dinner? Five or six? Sonya can eat 173 wings in 12 minutes! Sonya always
………………… (do) sport and she 9………………… (eat) one big meal every day. This 10………………… (help)
her before competitions.

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