Bhs. Inggris 2 - Uas 2020 - S o R e

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Mata Uji: Reading Bahasa Inggris II Nama Semester N.I.M.

SemesterII Tanda Tn .:
Tanggal.: 5 Agustus 2020 Waktu: 75 menit

• Nos. 1 - 15 Choose the best option to complete sentences.
• Nos. 16 - 40 Choose the best option based on the passages. \

1. Ms. Franklin directed a very ...... project

a. success b. successfully c.successive d. successful
2. You should register for the seminar .................. you attend.
a. while b. before c. nor d. and
3. The speaker has ........... his speech by two minutes.
a. short b. shortening c. shortened d. shortage
4. The vice president will be seated ........ the chairman at the banquet.
a. as b. by c. to d. from
5. Mr. Cluz needs someone to ........... him.
a. assure b. assign c. ascent d. assist
6. Budget meeting are held ......... in the conference room.
a. always b. every week c.rarely d. sometimes
7. At midnight, the second shift security guards ........ on duty.
a. coming b. to come c. come d. comes
8. The final purchase price was higher than the investors ......
a. had expectedb. expect c. are expecting d. will expect
9. The finance committee will meet again ......... the eight of May.
a. for b. to c. from d. on
10. The airline will refund the money ........ you cancel the reservation.
a. during b. soon c. when d. until
11. My broker advised me to invest in secured bonds before the stock market.
a. invested b. investing c. investment d. I will invest
12. The businessmen discussed the contract at length but never actually signed ......
a. anything b. anyone c. another d. anyway
13. The worldwide low inflation rate is expected to continue ...... a fast pace b. for a long time c. in a decline d. throughout
14. The patient .....examined by the doctor.
a. were b. is being c. has d. have been
15. Travel agents advise early ....., in order to avoid disappointment.
a. buying b. Postponing c. booking d. canceling
ng our manufacturing plants and research facilities in a manner that protects the environment and safeguards the health and

,½67 What is the pwpose of this 111 facilities?

L:J announcement?
Wha will the company do with exis..ini

(A) To announce an expansion (A) Make them safer.

(B) To report on a merger (B) Tear them down.
(C) To reassure the public about IC) Have them ins pected .
safety issues {D) Renovate them.
(D) To explain a new company policy

magazine for as little as $1.00 per copy. That's less than half of the $2.25 newsstand price! Just fall in your name and address below to get grea
Name Mr. Ms. _

City-State-Zip _

Check one:
Check enciosed _
Bill me in full _
Bill me in instanments _

r;;7 What is this form for?

Which is NOT listed as an acceptable
LJ (A) Subscribing to a magazine method of payment?
(B) Buying a newspaper (A) A bill
(C} Entering a contest (B) Bills for installments
(D) Registering for class

0 ·
(C) A check
(D) Cash
How much does NewsEvents cost at a
(A) S.50
(B) Sl.00
(C) $2.00
(D) $2.25

- - - - - -- - ·······-·-- ··
The profi fo·rtheWu Company more than doubled in the fourth quarter
over profit 1evels of a year ago. This is due in part to lower operating and
administrative expenses. The electronics store chain earned $42.6 miUion,
compared with $21.1 mtllion in the fourth quarter of last year. Total profits for
the year are $122.8 million, compared with $48.5 mil i_on last year.
------------ ·· - ·· ·· ···-·------- - -·-
- How do f urth quarter profit-. for this year r:;;i What kind of business is the Wu
_:::_J compare 10 those or lac;t year'! L::_·J Company'!
(A) Stayed the same fA) Business supplies
(8) lncreascJ by twice as much f B > Manufacturing
(C) Increased by more than twice a." (C) Stotage and shipping
mu h (D) ) Retail electronics
(D) Decreased by half

r;;l What contributed to the change?

L::J (A) Reduction of operating co:.1s
(BJ Higher number of customers
(C) New and better products
(D) More cxpcnsiw products

oriented person for operations division. Responsibilities include data entry, fili ng. and word processing. Good salary and ben

What i one responsibility Clfthis job"!

r:;;1 What is one benefit of the position'!
LJ (A) Answering 1hc phon\!
(B) Data entry L.::J (A I Th..-y'II [!iVC you your own office later.
(C) Selling insurance ( 8) You can work to rd promot io ns.
t C' I Bendit apply to dependents.
(D) Operating a dh·ision
fl) I You can earn commii.sions.

'.WJhen you are looking

tor a new job, you must talk to as·
- - - - - - - - - - -,
panies may need someone with
many peopte as you can who work
your skiffs. Networking is a fun and
in your field or in related fields.
easy way to find out about new
This is called netwoddng.
Networking affows you to learn opportunities. And when your new
about new areas to pursue and to job comes along, you will already
find out which com- know some of your coleagues.

Wruu is networking'! r:;:;l What is Nm mentioned as somcth:ing you

L.::J (A) Leaming your job welJ L.J can learn from networking?
(B) Meeting pcopll· in related fields (A) New career areas
(Cl Studying lots of companies (8) Your colleagues and what they do
CD) Getting along with your colleagues (C) Which companies may_need you
(D) What the companies pay

r·- - --- - - -- - --··- - - - - - - - - - --.

To: All employees
Fm: Donetta Muscillo
Safety Coordinator

Date: .iune 5. 200_

Sub: Fire doors

Employees are reminded that doors

designated a.s fire doors must stay
closed at all times. The purpose of iire
doors is to help direct s1n0ke away
from areas where people are working in
case of a fire in the building. Even
though the weather is hot and the
repairs to
are not
company· s air
the fire doors open·:; I
strictly prohibited. _J
What kind of memo is this?
Why were employees probably keeping the •
. (A) A notice about new policy
(B) A safety warning
L.::J fire doors open?
(A) To get to a higher floor
(C) A personnel memo
(B) To look at the view
(D) ) A reception invitation
(C} To go from office to office
(D) To let "in cool air
r:;;-i What is the purpose of the companys fire
(A) To keep smoke away from people
(B) To provide escape routes
{C) To keep fire from spreading
(D) To contain heat
February4- March 11-April 15 . April 1 April 24 May 27""'une 12
February24 Budapest.Hungary Hannover, Germany Bath, England
Bonn, Germany International Fumltunt Art and Antiques Fair International Computer
International Jeweky Fair Exhibit
Trade Fair April 14-April 21
M arch 12--March 20 Basel, Switzerland
Milan, Italy European Watch Fair
AutomobHe Show

March 15-March 1_8

Guangzhou, China
International Shoe

March 20--March 25
Moscow. Russia
International Textile

- '317 What does this calendar li t? I 33 1 1manufacturer.

f youw ere a buyer for a dress
where should you go in
(A) Trade shows
(B} Musical events March?
(C} Sport competitions (A) Budapest
(D) A tour itinerary (8) Bonn
(C) Moscow
r:;:;-1_ Which event does NOT take plact! in tD) Hannover
L.::J Europe?
(A) Automobile Show
(B) International Shoe Fair
(C} Art and Antiques Fair

, ---
(D) International Jewelry Trade Fair

An auction for the estate of i
· Raul Diega I

will be held on i
Saturday, October 3, at 11:00 A.M.
(preview starts at 10:00 A.M.)
Loc·ation: 5667 North Hedge Lane
Some of the items to be
• 2004 Mercedes
. • China and crystal
Questions? Please can Estate Planners at
• Oriental rugs
778-0099 between noon and 5 P.M.
I • Jewelry

1- • · _s1a mpco_11e_ c1i__o-n_ -- - - - - - ·- - - ---- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

What event is being announced?

LJ (A) Ashow
(B) A sale
(C) A store opening
(D} A fund-raiser

Which of the following ite s will be

L.::J auctioned?
(A) Chinese antiques
(B) Rare books
(C) Bracelets
(D) Wall-to-wall carpeting
Job trends for the future cessful marketers must find new
emphasize careers in sales and avenues to in<:r ase consumer
marketing. Most of the growth will awareness of Uwir products. As
come In international sales. high some clients become inundated by
technology. and electronic Information on the Internet. and as
market- Ing. Research shows that others are still just lt'arning to
overseas sales of high tech navigate the Web. the marketers of
equipment· and technology will the future will hm•e to be
increase 20% in the next decade. inventive. More traditional
The Internet is the prtmary sales skills. such as
source for advertising and bilingualism and an
market ing to these overseas agreeable character. are still use
customers. At the same time. ful. Willingnt>ss to tra\'<·I is also a
however. sue- plus.

Whal kinds of careers show promise for
The. autbor believes tbal the successful
L.::J the future·! must be
(A) Research and development
(A) bilingual.
(B) Sales and marketing
(B) overseas.
(C) High technology
(C) abreast of research.
(D) Travel agents
(D) creative:.

Why are careers increasing in

LJ Aa:onliog .to die article. why isn't lalcnet

(A) Companies are trying to focus on
L_J advertising always effective?
(A) Some users sec too much of it;
(B) They address a neglected
some see too little.
(B) Many users have limited English
markel segment.
{C) HiglHech sates arc growing. skills.
(D) Most marketing will occur on the (C) Access to the Web may be limited.
Internet. (D) Consumers are unaware of
products advertised on the Internet.
According to the anicfc. how will new
LJ consumers most likely learn about
(A) Door-to-door sales
(B) TheWeb •
(C) Inventive new methods
(D) International trade shows

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